Horny in the Dorms

By Hitch Bolen

Published on Jan 13, 2015


Horny in the Dorms: Chapter 16

We squeezed four guys into the cab of the truck, my cock still tenting badly -- it wanted out so bad. Joe drove, his hands finding the stick shift in Jack's crotch, where he was sitting in the middle. Danny jumped up into my lap, his thin cotton boxers just barely covering his boner. When he sat on me, my hands went around his waist, and he placed both hands firmly in his lap, so when his boxer fly opened again, as it had been doing most of the afternoon, my hands were right there to catch his warm cock head poking out of the cold wet boxers.

I played with his knob while we drove the short distance to Joe's house. Since we were so tightly packed in, Jack could see my hands playing with Danny's junk. He chuckled lightly, and leaned back to let Joe grab the stick shift. He laughed louder when Joe grabbed his cock "accidentally" several times.

It was warm in the cab, with the day's hot humid breeze pouring through the open windows, plus Danny's body so close to mine. I closed my eyes and rested my face on his back. I could feel my prick poking him in the ass, his only response was to grind his ass closer down into my lap.

We pulled into a driveway in a neighborhood just a few blocks from our dorm on campus, on a tree-lined street. We took the tubes to the shed out back, passing through a shady back yard. We passed a fenced-in pool, and Joe said, "If you guys like, we could hang out here at the pool a while. The house is empty, and my folks are gone until late tonight. You just need to hose off the creek mud before you get in the pool." He pointed to the hose behind the garage, and said, "I'll bring the food out to the patio, since you're all probably starving."

"Sounds great!" said Danny, winking at me. "Free food, a private back yard with a pool, and a chance to play with your tool!"

We took turns holding the hose up so each boy could wash off the scum and residue from the creek, which had left us a little muddy and sweaty. At first the water was warm, since the hose had been lying across the yard in the sun, but before long, the water became really cold and my hardon started to soften a little. I watched with interest as the guys each took a turn washing their skin and the muddy gray color washed off to remove their regular pink skin. I had to scrub a few backs and asses to make sure they were all thoroughly clean. We hung our shorts on the fence to dry in the sun.

We found the platters of sandwiches, veggies, fruit, and chips with salsa out to the picnic table on the shady patio near the pool. "Here's some drinks," Joe said as he returned from the house through some sliding glass doors. "And I see I don't need to tell you horny toads to make yourselves comfortable!" he said as he saw we were all naked. He stripped off his pants and went for the hose across the grass, his bare ass cheeks jiggling as he ran.

We all found our appetites, and before long we had consumed almost every shred of evidence of the leftovers.

It was mid afternoon, the sun was still high in the sky, and it was really hot, so we were all sweaty again. Jack and Joe started teasing each other about who had the best rope swing jump, and before long they were all laughing about how I had lost my shorts. I laughed along with them, saying, "and thanks to Danny, who saved the day."

"I thought skinny dipping was really fun," John said. "I'd never done it before!"

Joe said, "Well, we DO have the house to ourselves until after midnight." Before long, we were all stripped bare, splashing in the pool, and playing chicken. Danny was by far the most aggressive, and he did best when on top of my shoulders, but he never let go, so it was a hard battle to win the game. I enjoyed feeling his bare skin against mine, the wrestling, the physical exertion, and his junk squeezed between him and the back of my neck.

It was fun but exhausting, so after a bit I slid out of the water and laid down on my back in a chaise recliner in the shade. I grabbed a towel Joe had left there, and draped it loosely across my groin. I could still hear the guys horsing around in the pool, yelling, splashing and laughing... but then I must have fallen asleep.

What I remember next is how quiet the yard was. I could hear a distant fire siren, the sound of cars passing in the streets, insects buzzing high in the trees overhead. Then a whispered "shh" and some more giggling. But the sound came from the wrong direction. It was coming from the high wooden fence on the side of the yard away from the pool.

I cracked an eye open, and saw just the green leaves overhead, with the late afternoon sun filtering down. I could feel a light breeze across my now dry warm skin, and where I thought should be a towel, the air moved gently across my cock and balls too!

I sat up suddenly, and realized that my cock was not only exposed, but fully erect and pointing straight at me. I glanced around, and saw the yard was empty. The other guys were gone, but another quick gasp came from the other side of the fence. A different voice, maybe a female, moaned and spoke quietly.

I looked around for the towel, but that too was gone. I decided I was probably completely visible from the neighbor's yard. I thought about making a quick dash for the pool. I examined the fence again, checking for where a person might be peeping at me... and I saw a knot-hole in the wood that had fallen out at about three feet from the ground just to the side of an ornamental maple.

Feeling suddenly outraged and brave, I jumped to my feet and dashed over to the knot-hole. I kneeled and looked through, expecting to see who was watching me sleep. Instead, I got an front-row seat to the neighbor's "afternoon delight."

A fairly fit bald man, probably about 35, was fucking doggy style a younger woman. They were both facing the other way, so I was glad to know they hadn't been watching me after all. He was just inserting himself into her after changing positions, then began frantically pumping himself in and out as fast as he could. I could only see his backside, his legs spread enough to see his low-hanging balls bouncing to and fro as he plowed into her.

Without thinking, I began to stroke myself. My cock was already really ready, and it was leaking precum freely from the tip. I spread out the glistening droplets, feeling the slippery sweetness of the movement of my fingers on my cock head.

The man pulled his cock out, and speaking quietly, ordered her to flip over. She did, and he took her legs, spread them wide and began penetrating from the top.

Just then, I heard Joe calling, "Hitch! Where didya go? Come in and watch a movie with us!" I looked over toward the house and, since I wasn't in the lounge chair anymore, Joe didn't know where I'd gone. Joe then saw me at the fence. He smiled knowingly, and tip-toed over to me. Without saying a thing, he peeked briefly through the hole, stood back up and motioned for me to follow him. He was wearing a clean dry pair of jean cut-offs and a tight red tanktop.

I followed him to the shed in the back of the yard where we'd put the tubes. From the inside of the shed, there was one small window that faced the neighbor's yard. When it was safe, Joe whispered, "That neighbor is such a perv. He's in his yard naked all the time! I've watched him going at it like this tons of times, but this is a better spot to watch without being seen." He pointed to the window "I've unloaded here dozens of times." He looked through the window and started stroking himself through his shorts.

"You know," he continued, "when we first saw you in the laundry room, we had already heard there was a guy upstairs with a huge dick. I thought this neighbor had a big cock, but then you showed up. I had to admit, his doesn't even compare." He glanced curiously over and down at my bone, and licked his lips suggestively.

I took a peek at the neighbors still going at it hard, then back at Joe. I appraised him as about 6 feet 4 inches tall, basketball player physique, with a blonde buzz cut. He was cute. The doors to the shed were wide open, but we were behind a big pile of black inner tubes.

There was something sly about his stance, as if he knew he was out of his league and would have to trick me... so I assured him, "Go ahead and touch it. It won't burn you."

He reached over and took my shaft into both hands, forming a two-palm pussy. He spit a little into his hands, adding some lube, and started pumping his hands up and down on my cock.

"I've been horny all day, Joe. Thanks taking us tubing."

"You're welcome, dude. And for the record, I'm glad your shorts got swept away. More time to feast my eyes on your magnificent meat." He got on his knees and started to suck me. He tried to deep throat me, but gagged several times. He gave up trying to stuff the whole length into his mouth, but he did his best to slide as far as he could in and then I withdrew, so I was getting the maximum effect of his tongue and mouth.

After a few minutes of slurping on my rod, knowing his jaw would be needing a break, I pulled his face to my own, gave him a little kiss on the cheek, and I went down on him. The inflated rubber tubes made a great place to mess around.

I pulled his shorts down part way, grabbed his boner and lustily started returning the favor. His cock was about 6 inches hard, and not very thick, so it was relatively easy to suck. I tried to remember what had felt good to me, and mimic those movements, both with my lips and tongue. I looked up and his face revealed he was enjoying this, a slow moan escaped from his lips.

"That's so good... Hitch..." his eyes closed, and he began to thrust his hips into my face. "I want to suck you more," he insisted, so we laid down against the tubes and began to 69. We were able to pleasure eachother simultaneously, and in fact we came at almost the same time. I pulled his cock out of my mouth and jerked it to climax, his cum pumping all over my chest and shoulders. But he pushed himself deeper on my pole so that my final thrusts and pulses of orgasm plunged my cock deeper down his throat. He was so quiet, I thought I might be choking him, so I withdrew gingerly, my cum dripping across his face. He laid there gasping and stroking himself for a few minutes, regaining his breath.

When we finally caught our breath, and got to our feet, he had clothes to put back on, but I still did not. We were both covered with a layer of sweat. He motioned for me to follow him back to the pool, where we jumped in, rinsing the sweat and cum from our bodies.

"Hey, guys," Jack's voice rang out from the house. "Quit messing around out there and come in here. The movie's already started!"

We climbed out of the pool, grabbed towels from the fence, tucked them around our waists and went into the house. We stepped over the cool ceramic tile into the air conditioned room.

The back of the house consisted of a huge room with a wall of windows and sliding glass doors to the pool and the patio. A huge TV and a sectional sofa separate the family room side from the kitchen side of the house.

"Where's the bathroom?" I asked.

"Just across there. The first door near the stairs," answered Jack. When I came back from the bathroom, where I needed to take a much-needed piss, I saw the guys were all wearing towels around their waists too. I looked back outside, and I could see all our shorts were still hanging out there.

"You look chilled, dude," Danny said. "Come here." He opened the soft blanket he had wrapped around himself, revealing his naked muscled body. I WAS a little chilly, water still dripping from my skin and the a/c, so I took the towel from my waist and dried myself completely. Then I dove into the warmth of his embrace under the throw blanket.

The movie had already begun, but it was one I'd seen before, so I snuggled into Danny's grasp, and was soon asleep again.

Next: Chapter 17

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