Horny in the Dorms

By Hitch Bolen

Published on Jan 7, 2015


Chapter 15

At the appointed hour, we were waiting out in front of the dorm. We had shorts on, and Joe had told us to wear sneakers to protect our feet, so we sat on the cement curb in the hot sun, our feet stretched out, the sun's rays beating down on our bare skin. The group consisted of John and me, Danny and his roommate Timmy, plus Jack.

Just when the heat began to feel oppressive, an old pickup truck piled with black tubes pulled up, and Joe called out, "I got enough tubes for the whole group, so hop on in!"

Jack and I squeezed in the front, the other three guys jumped on the flatbed in back. Joe announced to the group through the little sliding window behind us, "Hang on back there! Only a short drive to the creek."

He was right. Less than a mile down the short road we came to a spot on the edge of the town itself where the wooded area surrounding the little creek wound close to the road. He pulled off the road into the grassy area, and we all jumped out.

The tall grass reached to our waists, and it was much more humid and sticky here than the open road with the breeze we enjoyed for a moment, but Joe told us that the creek's water always felt that much more refreshing when it was over 90 degrees. We each grabbed a tube and carried it down the faint footpath after Joe showed us where it was.

I could hear the cicadas, and the hum of a million other insects living in the grass. The sun was directly over head, and we were all sweating profusely, but it felt great to be out in the clean fresh air, the heat pressing in on our young bare flesh.

I was carrying my tube overhead, following Jack down the path, admiring the view of his strong muscled back, his arms raised high to keep the tube aloft. A trickle of sweat ran down his neck and the channel formed by his back muscles running down to his tight firm ass. The top of his waistband, where the visible elastic of his underwear clearly spelled out Calvin, was damp from his sweat, and I was just starting to daydream about it when I felt hands on the waistband of my gym shorts, and a quick yank brought them down far enough for my ass and cock to be fully exposed. I wasn't wearing underwear again, so they slid down really easily. I heard a chuckle behind me, but realized that fussing would only encourage him, so I acted like it was nothing, and kept my hands up and let my balls swing free the rest of the way down the path. I looked back at Danny, and he was laughing, his six-pack abdomen flexing with every movement.

When we arrived at the edge of the lazy creek, I dropped my tube on the gravel, pulled my shorts back up, and ran into the water. I splashed out a few yards until it was deep enough to really get under it, and dove. It felt great to feel the water washing the sweat and heat from my skin. It was cold, but not bone-chilling.

When I surfaced, just a short few swim strokes from the other guys near the shore, I saw the other guys were hesitantly wading into the stream. Jack had dropped his tube as well, and was knee-deep in the water splashing huge handsful of water onto the other guys. Before long, everyone was wet and adjusted to the water temperature. I stepped up on the gravely shore to get my tube, and my gym shorts, a light gray mesh, were completely plastered to my wet body, and almost transparent. My six-inch soft cock was clearly snaked down my inner thigh.

A few of the other guys took notice, laughed loudly, and not-so-discretely adjusted their own junk, making crude jokes about hoses and the irony of what cold water usually does to man's penis size.

Before long, we were all drifting lazily down the stream, and I was very glad I'd heeded Joe's advise to wear sneakers, as the bottom of the creek bed was littered with sharp shale and slippery kelp. After a half hour we reached a place where the creek banks rose high enough for the trees along the edges to be just right for a rope swing. One bank was almost a cliff, rising to over fifty feet above the water level, the opposite shore was flat and sandy, a perfect spot to beach the tubes and rest from paddling.

When we swam from the beach side to the cliff side, we could see the water was pretty deep here too, well over our heads. Joe led the way to the tree roots that served as hand-holds to limb up the steep bank to the huge tree trunk that grew at an angle over the creek and had a long rope tied high on one of the branches. Some brave soul had climbed to the top, and attached the sturdy nylons rope to a junk-yard rusty pair of bicycle handlebars.

Joe climbed up the the spot where it was clear the best launching spot was. He pulled the rope tight and wound the extra length up round his grip, explaining, "if you leave this hanging loose it will wrap round your arm and when you drop off, giving you a wicked rope burn."

So, with a confident leap, he sailed across the creek, and at the height of the swing, dropped off into the deep waters with a mighty whoop.

Danny was next in line, so he climbed to the spot where Joe jumped, and looked a little nervously down at the drop to the water. It took some coaxing, but he finally jumped too, and landed in the creek below with a huge splash.

I was next. I wasn't worried about the height, but what was distracting me was the fact that my shorts, now wet and very see-through were almost too heavy to stay on my hips. I was constantly pulling them back up, and the movement was making my cock a little excited. I did my first jump, and landed on my behind. The current caught me in a funny way so that as I was coming back to the surface, my shorts were washed away!

"I lost my shorts, guys, can anyone see them floating away?" I shouted as I swam back to the steep bank. They were all howling with laughter so long that by the time they were able to adequately answer me, the shorts were so far down the creek I'd probably never see them again.

Jack was jumping next, but he was still laughing so hard he almost fell off the tree trunk. I stayed down below, with my waist under water while the rest of the guys took their first jumps. Danny swam over to me and said, "Sorry about your shorts. Now I guess the rest of the guys are going to get a good look at your junk, eh?" Then, a little louder, he suggested, "Since Hitch has started skinny-dipping, I think we all should!"

With a loud laugh of agreement, the other guys all gladly stripped of their shorts, left them in a wet pile at the base of the tree, and continued rope jumping. I soon joined in as well, and while it was pretty exciting to see all those butts, balls and all, we were just a bunch of red-blooded young guys enjoying an good old-fashioned time in the swimming hole!

The guys started to take more risks on their jumps, doing flips and spinning extra long on the swing before landing in the water, and just as I was about to jump, someone down below shouted, "Tubes coming!"

I wasn't sure what that meant, so I took my leap, and swung. That's when I saw that just upstream another group of tubers was coming slowly down around the closest bend, and since I could see them, they could obviously see me, swinging out over the water with my bare ass and half-mast cock flopping wildly in the air. I let go of the handlebars and went into the water.

When I came up for air, the other tubers were much closer, and the rest of the guys had disappeared. All our tubes were still on the far bank, but it was as if they had evaporated. Even the pile of wet shorts was gone.

I heard a snicker from above me, realizing that the other guys were taking cover in the shrubs and small bushes just above the jumping tree trunk's location on the steep bank. I was caught off-guard, and was torn between staying under water and waiting for the group to pass by, or clamber up the steep bank to hide with my friends, regardless of the fact that my naked backside would be quite exposed.

The answer came when the rest of the guys reappeared wearing their shorts and they all jumped into the water, swimming over to the pile of tubes. Danny motioned to me to stay low in the water, and he pulled my tube over to me, allowing me to pop it over my head, providing some cover.

We were already drifting away and continuing our journey down the creek when the other group arrived. The group of guys and girls clearly had the same idea for a little rope-swing-jumping fun, so they left their tubes where ours had just been, and began a process of loud bravado and yelling and splashing. One of them hollered, "Bye-bye naked dude!" as we turned the next bend and lost sight of them.

Now we were back on the creek, drifting with the current, but I was butt-naked in my tube. And everybody knew it. But no one said a thing. I was lying there with my butt in the water, my legs splayed out over the edge of the tube, and my head and shoulders were visible, but my middle was hidden from view.

"Hey!" Jack shouted, " I just noticed I'm not wearing the shorts I left the dorm with!" The other guys all laughed and agreed that they too were wearing someone else's shorts. Jack was laughing about how the red gym shorts he had on now felt really nice on his ass. "They aren't as scratchy as my other shorts." Then he called out," who's got my black swim trunks on now?"

"I do!" Joe answered. In their haste to pull on shorts, they had just grabbed from the pile, and everyone was now wearing someone else's pants! "These shorts have a really scratchy mesh liner. I think we should switch back." He started to pull off the shorts, but Jack didn't want to switch back, so he paddled quickly to distance himself from Joe.

Joe was now naked, and swinging the unwanted black suit around his head like a sling, attempting to toss it to Jack. Jack swam away as fast as he could. "Hey, you little pussy, I want my shorts back!" Joe splashed after Jack, laughing and yelling, "stop, thief!"

Meanwhile the rest of us were laughing at Joe's antics, his bare ass visible above the water line. John said, "so, then who is wearing my shorts?"

"I guess I am," Timmy replied, looking down and seeing John's baggy athletic shorts. "Wanna swap back, John?"

"Nah, we can swap later I guess, I'm good for now."

"Hey, Joe, don't throw those away! I could use some shorts." I called. Joe ended up wearing Jack's shorts after all.

Danny drifted closer to me, grabbing my arms to bring his tube alongside mine. His smile was friendly and warm. "I know you've got a little problem, but don't worry, I think I have a solution." He was lying face down on his tube, paddling out front with his burly muscled wrestler arms. When he had his face pressed up to my forearm, he peeked over the edge of the tube. His gaze went to my crotch, which meant my now almost fully erect penis was poking out of the water up towards my navel. His smile grew, and I felt his other hand stroking my bare ass underwater.

He then waved his own wet gym shorts up into view and tossed them over to me. "You can wear these. I've got boxers on, and they pretty much look like shorts, so no worries!" He lifted his hips and butt up in the center of his tube to show me his light blue plaid boxers, glued to his wet, tightly-clenched ass. He then flipped onto his back, dropped his middle back into the tube and resumed paddling with the others down the creek. I held onto the shorts while paddling, not wanting to lag behind the rest of the guys.

I pulled the shorts on as discretely as possible. They were a little more snug than my own lost shorts had been, but it was still pretty obvious if you were close by that I was freeballing, and my long dick was enjoying the freedom of movement a little too much.

The next section of the creek wound quietly through a section of farmland with very few trees, so the sun was warming our cool skin, and we just drifted with the current for a while. I could see John and Timmy were paddling their tubes very close together. It appeared that Timmy's arm was in draped over into John's tube, and his arm and shoulder muscles were moving in rhythm. John was lying back, apparently enjoying a handjob.

Then we came to a section where we needed to stand up and wade. We guided our tubes over the shallow water -- only three inches deep. When I was just out of the water the shorts were clinging to every contour of my crotch, so I pulled the wet cloth out a little, which just made my semi-hard cock flop even more. The rest of the guys were still giggling and making stupid jokes about it. I was a little miffed, but decided not to make a scene, since I'd learned that just encourages people to keep it up.

When we got to water deep enough to ride again, we all got back into our tubes, and enjoyed the relaxing slow current pulling us downstream. Danny was still keeping close to me. We were chatting about our hometowns, how we'd spent our free time in high school over the summers, etc. He was at this point lying across the top of his tube, on his chest, so his arms were stretched out front, and his legs out back, his light blue boxers up top. When his tube would spin in a circle, there was a point where you could see his boxers' fly was gapping open and his soft, thick cock was dangling between his legs above the water. I steered my tube over so our tubes were touching, and reached one arm into the center of his tube to keep them joined. I was able to brush his dick gently with my arm. He looked over and smiled at me. "Ahhh, this is the life," he murmured. He was clearly enjoying the cool water, the hot sun, and the attention his hardon was getting down below.

At one point, the creek took another sharp turn and we entered a shady, forested stretch. The trees grew out over the water and their leaves reached over to the tops of the trees on the other bank, creating a tunnel-like feel. We could see a small bridge crossing the creek ahead. The water became very deep and moved more slowly here.

Joe, who was in front, dared us to jump from the bridge. "We do it all the time," he explained as he paddled his tube to the side where there was a little spot for beaching a few tubes. Jack, Timmy, John, Danny and I joined him up on the bank, and followed him up a small narrow trail. It felt nice to get out of the water and warm up a little, so we stood there a few minutes.

Water was draining from our bodies, dripping out of our shorts into our sneakers and making a puddle on the deck of the bridge. Joe snuck up behind Jack and suddenly pulled Jack's shorts down to his ankles, yelling, "I want those back!" Jack instinctively leaned over to grab the shorts back up, but Joe had him off-balance, and losing his balance, Jack fell over. Joe triumphantly yanked the shorts free from Jack's feet, regaining his shorts. He then jumped up to the rail of the bridge and lept into the water fifteen or twenty feet below.

Jack stood back up, "I'm going to get you!" he yelled, flashing his bare ass toward the roadway, followed Joe by leaping from the same spot.

When Joe swam to the bank where our tubes were stacked, he stripped off Jack's shorts, left them on the ground, and pulled his own shorts on, and began to climb back up to the bridge.

Joe and Jack had demonstrated how this section of the creek really was deep enough to jump into from this height. "I wouldn't recommend diving, but jumping feet-first is safe," he explained as he returned from the water. Jack had stopped only long enough to pull on his own shorts, and was chasing and threatening to get his revenge on Joe.

Joe jumped over the edge again quickly to avoid Jack's grasp, but rather than jump again so quickly, Jack pulled out his dick and started pissing over the edge of the bridge, so that when Joe surfaced, he felt a warm stream hitting his head and face. We all howled and laughed and before long, we were all jumping from the bridge. It was a blast! After a while, we started to hear the other group of tubers coming down the creek, so we decided to move along.

As we drifted downstream again, Jack and Joe had come to a tentative peace. Jack started to make up a song about crapping. Apparently he needed to take a shit, but had to hold it.

"How far does this creek take us from campus?" I asked after a while. Joe told us about how the creek wound around in a big loop, coming back to a place not far from town.

When we came to the spot, we climbed out of the water, and up the small bank to where we could hear traffic on a road not far away.

"Wait here, guys. It'll take a few minutes to walk to a high school friend's house just across the street, and I'll call my house for a ride." Before Joe walked away, he instructed, "When you hear three blast from my truck's horn, come up to the road with the tubes, ok?" He turned and I could see his bare back above the field's waist-high grasses. From my perspective, it looked like he was naked, and I felt a twitch beginning in my damp shorts.

The rest of the guys sat and lounged in the shade on the banks of the creek, or in the sun just above that. After more than two hours of paddling, jumping, swimming, and horsing around, we were all pretty tired. Danny's hot wrestler's physique, his thin wet boxers and his almost always wide-open fly were turning me on again, so in an attempt to divert attention from my excited groin, I laid on my back in the warm grass and closed my eyes.

Timmy and John were stretched out on their tubes in the shade of a nearby tree, chatting quietly. Jack had moved over behind a bush to take a shit. He was still humming his song about crapping.

I realized how tired I was! My hands went to my stomach, feeling my smooth skin, now dry and warming in the sun. My fingers drifted up to my chest and grazed my nipples, which were instantly tight and erect. I felt another lurch in my shorts as my cock stiffened and moved from horizontal to more vertical orientation.

With my head in the clouds, I could only imagine how visible this might have been to the other guys, but a little gasp gave Danny away. He was standing right below me, sitting on his tube at my feet. Knowing he was looking only made me hornier. My cock came to a full-on boner, pushing the too-small shorts way up in front. I jiggled my hips side to side to make it wave like a flagpole, signaling clearly to Danny that he was exciting me.

I felt Danny's hand slide up under the shorts, brushing my inner thigh and taking a firm grip of my ball sack. I was the one gasping now. "Your nuts feel cold, dude, "he said. "Should probably get some sun shine on them and warm them up, eh?" Then, with my eyes still closed, I felt the warm sunshine on my balls as he pushed the shorts up over my boner. Another form grip took hold of my shaft, and held on real tight, sliding up and down a few times to create some more heat. I felt a gob of Danny's spit hit the head of my dick and a surge of pleasure as a slippery hand spread the lubricant down to my root.

"I think I hear those other people coming down the creek, guys!" shouted Jack, who had returned from shitting, and was walking over to where we were sitting from the bushes. He had gone down to the water's edge to wash his hands.

Just then we all heard the three horn blasts coming from the roadside where Joe was waiting in his truck. I sat up and Danny was clearly disappointed by the double interruptions. "I'll finish with you later, young man," he informed me grimly. He stood, put his fat cock back in the fly of his boxers, and grabbed his tube.

I adjusted my shorts to cover myself. My hardon made a very obvious upward tent in the shorts, popping out, but I followed the rest of the guys across the edge of the field to the road. Timmy and John were out front, with Jack close behind, and Danny right in front of me. I kept my eyes firmly focused on Danny's tight ass. As we walked, my cock waved prominently side to side the whole way to the truck.

Next: Chapter 16

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