Horny in the Dorms

By Hitch Bolen

Published on Jan 1, 2015


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Chapter 14

I walked naked to the stairwell. No one was up yet, being a Saturday morning, so it was very quiet. I still had some cum on my cock and a little drizzle on my inner thigh, but I was enjoying being so exposed. I almost wanted someone to open their dorm room door and see me. My shaft was still hanging down 6 inches below my balls, and a little blob of cum still clung to the tip of my dick. As I walked, it slapped my thighs and left cum stickiness on both legs. I was grinning ear to ear by the time I got the stairwell at the end of the hall.

I went to the landing where the door led to the outdoors, and I saw through the little window that there was still a scattering of underwear and shorts left by the guys who went streaking last night in the thunderstorm. I saw no one in the small yard, but I looked up at the rows of windows from the dorm wing that faced the yard. Most of the windows were open still providing a little air movement against the heat and humidity with the air conditioning still out.

I stepped bravely out and stepped over to the place where I thought I'd find my boxers. I saw them and picked them up, and walked as nonchalantly as I could back to the doorway. I could see from the little concrete pad in front of the doors down into the basement-level bedroom windows. The two closest windows were both open. The one on the left was empty, with just an empty bed, but the one to the right was positioned in such a way I could see the lower half of a naked male form. The legs were stretched wide apart, one knee bent, and a massive morning erection at the junction of those two long legs. The owner of the legs couldn't be seen, but one arm laid across his side and the hand was at rest on his inner thigh, just inches from a loose, lightly hairy ball sack. Around his wrist was a thin red braided cord.

I saw all of this in a flash, and it felt like I had only hesitated a half-second before opening the outer door and taking the half-flight of stairs down to retrieve my laundry. When I arrived at the bottom of the stairs and opened the door to the basement floor, a naked male was standing there waiting for me. He had a red cord on his wrist, his hands both firmly engaged on his cock. I looked back at his face, and remembered this was Rob, the guy I had started to fuck last night in the laundry room. We had been interrupted by the fire drill.

"Morning, Rob." I greeted him. His eyes told me he was very horny, and needed to get off badly. He took me by the hand and pulled me into his room, just a few feet from the door. The door closed behind us. His roommate wasn't there.

"Yeah, it is now," he replied. "But you left me rather suddenly and very unsatisfied last night. I dreamed about you and felt you massive cock in my ass all night, and I think you owe me a few moments more of your time."

"Oh?" I began, but his face softened, and before I could argue, he continued. "I mean, would you finish what you started last night, please?"

What could I say? There I was in a semi-dark dorm room, still naked, and only holding a pair of muddy boxer shorts, which I promptly dropped, revealing my cock which was getting excited again, only a few minutes after jerking off on my roommate in my dorm room.

"I don't know if I can right now, Rob. I just came minutes ago." I explained sympathetically.

"Shit, I'm so horny... I can't stop thinking about how good it felt to have that horse cock in my ass last night. I've been edging all night hoping you'd stop by."

"Well, I could try to help you out..." I suggested as I reached over and took his cock into my hands. He gasped and closed his eyes, as I took his shaft in one hand and his low-hangers in the other. I forced his to back up until he was falling back onto his bed, the late morning light falling on his upper body. A light dusting of golden hairs glistened on his chest, his nipples now fully erect. I stroked his cock a few more times, then with my hand on his balls, I started teasing his hole. He quivered and spread his legs to provide easier access to his anus. He was moaning now and breathing in short husky bursts, followed by another little groan.

His cock started to feel sticky, so I looked around for some lube. I didn't see any, so I spit a huge gob of my spit directly onto his knob, and at the same time pushed two fingers into his hole, stretching him a little. He gasped and held his breath, and then pulled his knees to his chest inviting me deeper.

I was on my knees, facing his now hungry hole, where no three fingers were tickling his prostate, and I looked down to see my own cock was at full attention now. I started at the hole and thought to myself, that looks really interesting... so I positioned myself so my cock was aimed directly at his hole. I pulled out my fingers, and shoved myself into his ass. All the way until our abs were touching, and his face was contorted in ecstacy.

"Oh, that's it." he whispered, "now fuck me real hard." So, I pulled almost the whole way out of his tight warm hole, then right back in, pushing his body back a few inches on the bed. Again, and again, and the sensations hit me anew. I penetrated his warm body again and again, the waves of pleasure began to rise. Rob's legs were now over my shoulders, and I was pounding him. His gaze was fixed on the ceiling, and I looked out the window above us, suddenly aware that this would be easily visible from the vantage point of anyone entering the back door fo the dorm, as I had done just moments before.

I could see a bright blue cloudless sky, and the tops of a few trees, but nothing more, so I retrained my focus on Rob and his fit body.

In hindsight, I think because I had just cum earlier, it took a little longer than normal to climax. I must have fucked his ass ten minutes straight, stopping only once to catch my breath and rest my arms, holding my weight above him. When I rested on him, the now sweaty skin of our chests touching, my chin nestled in the side of his neck, I inhaled deeply, and licked behind his ear, tasting his man scent. I gave me a second wind, and I started thrusting again, more forcefully now into his hole.

I hadn't been holding his cock at all, using my hands to hold myself in a good fucking position, but Rob was stroking himself now. and it looked like he was entering a state of utter nirvana. His eyes flickered from closed to open wide, His breathing and motions indicated he was close, and with one tremendous jerking motion his hips rose off the bed, my cock flopped out of his hole, and he began to unload huge spurts of cum onto his chest and face. One of the first shots hit his forehead.

I grabbed his cock and balls with both hands and made a tube for him to thrust into for a few more moments, and I could feel the heat and the energy of his climax pulsing from his balls through the shaft and out onto his sweaty abs.

My hands were now covered in his cum, so I grabbed my own now throbbing shaft and began the same motion on myself. I surprised myself by feeling his cum on my cock, smelling his scent and still tasting him on my tongue. Oh, it felt so amazing... I fell partially forward, my arms spread on either side of Rob's now spent, limp form, our groins grinding together, with the sweat and cum to lubricate things, and I just pressed myself against his body and continued grinding until I felt the start of an amazing ejaculation coming. I was kneeling on his bed now, humping him and rubbing our chests and groins together when my climax came and only got better as our cum mixed on our skin.

We both rested in that pose for a few minutes before I rolled off him, landing on his side, and panting heavily. I could see the window again, but it was upside down, and I couldn't be sure, but it looked like a shape moved quickly out of view as soon as I opened my eyes.

I laid there a few more minutes, the wet sticky air not really cooling my wet skin, now smeared with cum, when I realized Rob was fast asleep. He really must have been edging all night! His breathing was quiet and regular, eyes closed, with tiny beads of sweat on his upper lip, neck and chest.

Quietly I rose from the bed, picked up the muddy boxers I'd arrived with, and moved to the hallway. It was only slightly cooler moving down the hall towards the laundry room. There didn't seem to be anyone here. I imagined most of these guys elected to sleep in an air conditioned dorm last night.

Just as I turned the corner and entered the laundry room, someone plowed into me coming the other way. I felt the crash against the guy's clammy sweaty body before it registered that I still had a lot of cum on my body, and I wasn't wearing any clothes.

"Ugh... gross! I mean, sorry..." the guy blurted out. "I wasn't looking where I was going..." he stammered. Then he looked up at me. "Why are you so sticky?" He asked, completely flustered. "And naked?" He was shirtless, due to the heat, of course, but wearing loose pajama shorts.

"Sorry, dude," I apologized, "I need to move some things to the dryer." I acted like being naked in the laundry room was totally normal, and walked across the room to the washer my clothes had been in.

The guy could only see my backside, which I was hoping was less obvious that I had just come from an awesome fuck and was still a bit covered in cum. When I looked behind me, he was gone.

I quickly moved the wet things into the dryer. I wiped my chest and groin as best I could with the dirty clothes and then added the muddy boxers to the next wash load. Just as I turned to leave, John walked in, wearing a towel and a sly grin. His hair was wet, and water droplets were still evident on his back and shoulders.

"I waited a looong time in the shower upstairs..." he began, while giving me a complete examination with his eyes. His expression changed from one of mock indignation to surprise as he revealed, "then I went down the stairs and checked out the back doors, where I saw you plugging that dungeon-rat's ass."

"Hey, I saw you lurking there -- for your information -- and the rat's name is Rob," I retorted. "But yeah, he begged me to finish what we started last night...and it was awesome." I looked to my groin and my cock was deflated but a little red still. "I think I may need to rest my willie a bit," I joked, laughing with John. "Besides, now I'm famished!"

We went back to our dorm room. I took a quick cold shower, dressed quickly, and we walked to the cafeteria for something to eat. It was shaping up to be a very hot early autumn day. The sun was already broiling, and it was a relief to arrive in the air conditioned building.

"What do you think we should do do today?" John asked as we were scarfing down our eggs and bagels. "Do you know the area at all?"

"Not really. Maybe we should ask a local. Do you know anyone who lives near here?" And, as if answering the question, in walked two guys I had met last night in the laundry room, Joe and Jack.

"Did I hear you say you needed to ask a local something?" Jack asked. "Cuz Joe here grew up in town. His Dad teaches here at the school, so he knows as much about the area as anyone, I guess."

"Well," I mused. "â

We were kind of wondering what to do today, like on a hot summer day is there a pool or lake or something to swim in?"

Joe and Jack sat down at our table and Joe began to think about how to respond. He stared at his plate a few seconds, and then, as if coming to some sort of decision, looked up at me and said, "Well, there is a great little stream nearby, with a couple of good swimming holes and rope swings we used to go to a lot in the summer." He then told us about how he and his high school buds would collect huge inner tubes, and float down the stream, and play in the water for hours. It was within walking distance of campus, and the stream looped bck round the back side of campus so that after tubing for a few hours you'd still be really close to school.

"Sounds amazing!" both John and I said at the same time, smiling from ear to ear. "Can you take us?"

"I'll call my folks and see if we still have the tubes," Joe answered. "Meet me back at the dorm in a half hour and I'll see what I can rustle up."

Next: Chapter 15

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