Horny in the Dorms

By Hitch Bolen

Published on Dec 9, 2014


Chapter Twelve

I tossed the boxers into the trash can as I left, and walked back to the dorm. It was one of those hot end-of-summer days where the humidity felt like a wet blanket. I was feeling pretty sticky as I crossed campus, hoping to get to the air conditioned dorm before I was completely sweated out.

I reached my dorm, and there were lots of guys in the front yards playing frisbee, tossing footballs, and other outdoor games, almost everyone was shirtless. A few were sitting around talking to girls, goofing off, trying to look impressive.

As I opened the door to the dorm I immediately knew something was wrong. It was even hotter inside than outside! Clearly the a/c was off, and had been for some time.

Every room I passed had doors open, small fans blasting at top speed trying to move the hot air a little, and room after room of guys wearing as little as possible.

I found Danny stretched out on my bed, dozing with earbuds in his ears, the tiny white cord draped across his bare chest to his hand, where his iPod was half-tucked into the waistband of his nylon gym shorts. His other hand was completely in his shorts, relaxed with his grip on his man parts. A fan was blasting the hot air across his body, and I could see the hair on his forehead moving gently in the breeze.

My roommate John was facing the wall, studying quietly at his desk, a book open alongside his laptop, also with earbuds firmly in place, so he hadn't heard me come in. Some of the breeze was reaching him as well, but there was a light sheen of sweat on his neck, a small trickle running down the middle of his back.

It was stifling hot, but I just stood there a minute, drinking it all in. My roommate turned and saluted me silently, then returned to his book. I stripped off my shirt, sat on John's bed, and kicked off my sneakers. Danny's hand was moving more actively in his shorts now, his eyes still closed. I was curious about what music he was listening to, so I went over and as quiet as possible, leaned down towards his earbuds to see what I could hear. It was loud hip-hop music, with a lot of shouting and deep bass notes pounding to a good beat. I could smell his scent from that position. His sweaty musky odor was intoxicating. I could see the individual drops of sweat that were forming on his cheeks, nose and brow. His long eyelashes flickered gently. I must have blocked the air flow for a second, which woke him. Suddenly his eyes were wide open, looking right into my face.

He smiled sweetly, then closed his eyes again, licked his lips and began fondle himself more vigorously. Soon he was stroking an obvious boner to the beat of his music, which I could only just barely hear.

I looked over at John, who was still deeply engrossed in his reading, and then decided to do something really bold. I laid my hand on Danny's busy forearm, slid a finger under the waistband, pulled, and with my other hand brought his cock out of his shorts and into my mouth.

I was just a few moments into practicing my newly-acquired blowjob skills on Danny's salty cock when John yanked his earbuds out, stood up and shouted, "It's so fucking hot!" He turned and what he saw was me stretched over Danny's prone body, his shorts pulled down below his balls, one hand grasping the bottom of his cock, holding it like a lollipop, his cockhead between my lips. I looked up at John, not sure what to do. Danny was also looking at him, but the awkward silence only lasted a second.

"I'm gonna take a cold shower," John announced, grabbing his towel and leaving the room. He smiled and winked as he passed.

Now fully awake, Danny grabbed my head with both hands, and pumped me up and down on his swollen rod. He fucked my face a full minute, thrusting up into my mouth over and over, grinning wickedly. I pulled his dick out, so I could breath a second, and ran my thumb up along the thick veiny side of his penis, stopping to focus some attention on that magic spot right between the head and shaft. I then licked that spot with the top of my tongue, where the precum was leaking fast now. It was sweet, and tried to suck his cockhead like a straw, but he thrust past my tongue down my throat, then back out, and as his eyes fluttered and rolled back, I knew he was really close.

I took the whole length of his cock into my mouth and tried not to move at all, but just sucked really hard. I felt his whole body begin to quiver, and then he pulled out and grabbed his wet saliva-slicked cock and jerked twice before erupting in a massive cum explosion that sprayed across his chest, shoulder and onto my pillow.

I held his cock, and he put his hands over mine, stroking and cumming some more, groaning, writhing into and out of my hands. Then gradually, he quieted and his breathing slowed. He looked up at me, smiled again, and glanced over his shoulder at the cum on my pillow. Danny began to scoop his cum into his hand. Then he raised his fingers to his mouth, and licked his hand clean.

"Mmmm. Yum," he moaned. Then he reached over and with his sticky hands pulled me to his face, and we began to kiss, exchanging his saliva and cum with our tongues. I almost collapsed onto his chest, where our sweat and cum lubricated some really hot chest-to-chest contact. As we made out, I felt his strong hands grab my tits. His teasing action on my nipples was getting me excited. My already well-exercised genitals stirred again.

After a few minutes, I laid down at this side, and I nuzzled my nose into his cheek and neck, feeling the refreshing breeze from the nearby fan begin to move the hot air across our skin.

The door swung open, and John was back. "That felt good. You horn-dogs should go shower too, you know? Wash off the cum?" He stood there inside the door drying off, his towel, which I realized was really MY towel. His dick was swinging free, and the semi he was sporting looked red and swollen. Seeing my gaze, John explained, "Yeah, I jerked off in the shower just now. Watching you guys getting it on put me over the edge."

"I thought you were studying, " I stated.

"I was, but I could see you pretty clearly in the reflection on my laptop screen."

So Danny and I set off for the showers. I wore my boxers, and Danny wore his shorts. We both had sticky cum stains across our chests, and even some on our chins from the kissing session. I don't know if anyone noticed, but I felt like we wore a huge neon sign over our heads as we walked the short hallway to the bathroom.

In the showers, which we had to ourselves for once, I said, "I need my towel back! How am I going to dry off?"

"You can use mine," Danny said.

"Thanks. But I've only been here two days and I need to do some laundry done real bad." I walked back to my room, dripping wet. The hot air moved so slightly that it was only moderately cooler being wet.

I was feeling a lot less self-conscious of my body, after being told a number of times that I had a huge cock. Walking down the hall with my now 6" soft cock flopping against my thigh and balls prompted some cat calls and whistling from the other guys on the floor.

"John, I need my towel back," as I entered our room.

"Sorry, dude, it's already pretty wet. I took three showers today. It was so damn hot this afternoon."

"What happened to the a/c?" I asked.

"Not sure, but earlier tonight the RA stopped by and said they hope to have the system repaired tomorrow, so its going to be hot tonight." "Great. Well, can I have the towel? I'm off to do some laundry."

I took my sheets and pillow case, the towels and the few clothes that were on the bottom of my closet and set off for the basement laundry room in the basement. It seemed every step down the stairs, the temperature rose a degree. I had never been in the basement before, but I knew the laundry was down there somewhere.

I carried my load tucked into my pillow case over my shoulder with one hand, the other hand had the detergent bottle. I was still wearing just boxers, and the fly was pretty worn out, so there was a large gap in the front, and as I stepped down and down, my cock flopped completely out the fly opening and I couldn't do anything about it other than hold the bottle there.

I started down the basement hallway looking for the laundry room, I noticed that there was a half of the basement devoted to furnaces, laundry and other mechanical rooms, but there were some guys living down here too.

It was hotter than Hades down there, and every room had only one tiny little window to the outside, so there was no relief. There were only a few guys on the floor, and they were stripped to the base essentials. I saw one guys standing in his doorway, leaning against the doorframe.

"Can you tell me where the laundry is?" I asked. "I live upstairs," I said, pointing to the stairwell door I had come through with he hand that held the detergent, which left my dick hanging loose from my boxers.

"Sure, I'll show you," he replied, glancing down and back up. "It's hard the first time." He explained as he led the way down the hall. Then he stopped in his tracks, looked over his shoulder at me and smirked,"it's hard to find the laundry room, I mean."

We turned down a short hallway with bathrooms and showers off to the right, and a laundry room on the left. We entered the empty room, and the kid said, " You're Hitch, aren't you?" "Yes, but how did you know?" I asked as I put the bottle down on a washing machine and smoothly tucked my cock back into my shorts.

"Let's just say your reputation preceeds you," he said, smiling, his eyes fixed firmly on my groin. Looking back up at my face he continued, "And I'm pleased to say it was no exaggeration."

I began loading the machine, and wondered why he was still there. Then it clicked. He had heard about my cock! He was hoping maybe to get another glimpse, maybe? I turned to face him, and once again my cock flopped through the fly. "Thanks, I guess," I said a little embarrassed. His thin, pale and almost bony frame reminded me of the nerds I knew in high school. The kind who rarely went outside, never played sports, and probably never talked to anyone. "And you are..."

"Jack." he stated matter-of-factly. "Sophomore. Pre-Med. So, how have your first few days been here?"

"Pretty good, I think." I answered. I turned on the machine, added the soap, closed the lid, and hopped up to sit on the top of the machine. My legs spread open so that the fly still gapped enough to display most of my cock's impressive length. His gaze was clearly now on my cock. I played along and pretended I didn't notice.

Then a few guys came from the showers across the hall, one had a towel tucked around his waist, the other had it over his shoulders. "Hey guys, come here and meet Hitch!" Jack called. They changed course instantly, looking with great interest into the laundry room.

"Meet Joe and Rob," Jack introduced. They both said hello and shook hands, but never looked up from my crotch. Due to the attention, my cock had started to swell slightly.

"Then it's true," Rob said, his voice quiet, like they were standing at some holy shrine. They both reached slowly at the same time to my now almost hard cock poking through the wide open fly of my boxers. It was standing at attention, throbbing slightly with my every heartbeat, a tiny drop of precum glistening at the tip. Rob's hand reached me first, touching the tip, and the droplet of wetness slipped to his fingertip. Joe's fingers encircled the base of my shaft, his other hand measuring my length from his grip at the bottom to the tip, a full two inches past his longest finger. The slightest touch of his skin sent jolts of excitement through my body. I gasped.

His glance moved to my face. "I thought they were fucking with me," he whispered, like a prayer. Then he suddenly grabbed his crotch through his towel and fled the room.

"Sorry about that. Joe's a little shy." Rob explained, his attention focused entirely on my cock. "I bet you can you suck your own cock," he said aloud, but as if he was speaking to himself. He seemed to be in genuine awe.

"Actually," I admitted, "I've never been able to get past the top inch or so. Just not flexible enough, I guess." At that moment the washing machine started into a spin cycle that rocked it gently back and forth. I could feel the hot machine thumping through my ass, my cock started to sway side to side with the rhythm.

"Let's see," said Jack. "I'll bet you can get more than two inches."

So, I bent as far in half as I was able, took the head of my dick between my lips, and Jack held his finger agains the sie of my cock to show me how far down I was. I sat back up, and saw I was about right. "Maybe an inch and a half?"

Rob said, "try it again." So I did, and when I was at the point I couldn't go down anymore, he gently pushed down on the back of my neck, and I easily slid down another two inches before I felt the strain. but it felt great, so I stayed down there and sucked really hard and long before unfolding and looking back up.

"You are one lucky fucker," Jack pronounced. He nodded politely in my direction and left the room.

"What's up with him?" I asked Rob. "I don't know. Probably going to jack off. Like Joe."

He stood there, licking his lips and eyeing my cock worshipfully for another full minute. Then, as if finally reaching a difficult decision, he looked straight into my eyes, and said, "will you fuck me?"

"Ahh, I've never fucked a guy before..." I stammered

"Not a problem, I'll do all the work" he assured me, with a gentle begging tone. "I just have been dreaming of being stuffed by a cock this big all my life, and I'd never forgive myself if I didn't at least ask." He launched into a long recital of all the tiny dicks he'd been fucked by, plus an assortment of fruits and vegetables.

In order to stop him talking more, I said, "Okay! Okay, but do you have a condom?" He fled the room and was back in a flash with a shiny plastic pouch and a tube in his hand.

Expertly he opened the condom pack, stretched the top over my cock head and unrolled it down the shaft. It felt tight and funny, but interesting. I'd never dared to buy condoms before, so this was my first. He then dropped the towel from his waist to the floor. He guided me to a position on the floor. He then lubed the condom and his ass, and without any fuss, calmly sat own on my cock. He guided my cock head firmly to his puckered hole. His ass hole was pretty loose already, but my cock filled the hole, and stretched him in a way I could only imagine must hurt like hell.

I was laying on a hot cement basement floor. It must have been 95 degrees in there with dryers running and the a/c broken, but the heat of his insides surprised me. My cock moved slowly into his lower intestinal tract and the tight wet hot hole closed over my shaft until his bare buttocks were sitting squarely on my hips. He was moaning quietly, eyes closed. He then almost stood back up, rising higher until my cock popped out from his anus with a loud slurpy popping sound. He repeated the entry and exit motion each time, getting more and more pleasure.

It felt amazing to me too, but I was watching his facial expressions. He was facing me, his creamy white skin contrasted with his dark curly hair. His facial hair, whisps of hair on his chest and nipples, thicker patch growing from his navel to his pubes, and his cock was completely covered in hair, at least halfway up his dick, and his balls hidden by the thick dark hair. His cock was erect, but only 4 inches long, and bouncing around a lot with his enjoying the ass action he was giving himself sitting on me.

He rotated somewhat, using my hard cock to massage his prostate, occasionally he'd open his eyes wide and stare at me while adapting the motion up and down or side to side.

Then he stood up and bent over like a dog, aiming his ass at me. "Put it in, please, Hitch, I want to feel you inside me like this."

I repositioned myself, pushed my dick head into his hole, and it opened and swallowed my whole cock in one gulp. I could see his hairy hole, and the way even his ass and legs were coated in the dark curly hair, and began to thrust in and out, the feeling taking over. It seemed I knew what to do after all. I pushed in as far as I could, feeling his straining to take it all without screaming out. I couldn't see his face now, but his neck and shoulder muscles tensed in a way that signaled this was pushing him to the limits.

I heard thunder strike close by. The lights flickered briefly.

He started to pant and moan with each breath, moving against my movement to make each thrust faster and more forceful. My balls were slapping up against his ass each time, and I was starting to get close. In spite of the condom, the way his ass clenched the whole length and girth of my cock hit all the pleasure points at the same time.

He reached down and started stroking his own cock, while continuing to back onto my cock.

Then a loud shrill alarm sounded off down the hall. "Fire drill? really, now?" exclaimed Rob. He got to his feet, wrapped his towel back around his waist. "Better go out and see what's up," he told me. "Punishment for ignoring a drill can be pretty crap."

I tucked my cock back into my boxers, and followed him down the hall. The condom was still tightly bound to me, and it felt odd to have a barrier to dampen the normal feeling of cock-on-cotton.

When we got to the yard behind the dorm, a hundred other hot sweaty guys were standing around in their underwear, since it was so hot inside. It was dark enough that no one seemed to notice my boxers were barely containing my condom-covered boner.

I walked over to where John and Danny were standing. "Hey guys," I said.

"No one seems to know whether this is a real fire drill or what, so we're out here looking like dumbasses!" complained John.

"Yeah, but it's sure fun to see who's a boxers and who's a briefs guy, eh?" Danny said out of the corner of his mouth. Then he glanced down at my middle, and my sheathed cock had escaped the fly again and was sticking straight out, nine inches parallel to the ground. I hadn't felt it, since I couldn't feel the air moving under the silicone.

"Oh, shit!" I exclaimed, pushing it back unsuccessfully into my boxers, where it still made a huge bulge.

"Who have you been poking with that thing?" Danny inquired.

I stood closer and said, "some upperclassman from the basement met me in the laundry and practically begged me to fuck him. So I did." I replied matter-of-factly, and smiled up at them. "Then this happened," I gestured to the crowd of scantily clad students.

A little gust of humid air began to move through the yard, and we could see lightning in the clouds high above.

In about five minutes before our RD came outside and made the announcement that we could go back inside. "Only three guys failed to vacate the building in time, and they will be punished accordingly." As he was speaking, the wind began to pick up and I felt a few large wet drops hit my bare neck and back. "Also, since the a/c is out tonight, the university is going to allow students to bunk up with friends in other dorms on campus. If you want to sleep in another air conditioned dorm tonight come see me, and we'll match you up."

Just as he finished talking, there was another flash of lightning, a loud clap of thunder directly overhead and the rain began to fall. It was like someone had turned on a rain machine. It felt great, the water rushing down our almost naked sweaty young bodies. Most of the guys ran for the doors, but a lot of us stood there and just let the water fall.

We were drenched in seconds, guys began to run around in the rain and splash in the puddles forming alongside the sidewalks and parking spaces. With the distraction, my cock deflated somewhat and the condom fell off. Someone hollered, "Let's streak across campus!" And in seconds about thirty of us dropped our wet underwear where we stood, and took off, running the four or five block circuit through the dormitory section of campus.

At first, almost no one was on the street due to the rain to see us. But word spread fast, and before long groups of curious students were cheering us on and taking photos of the line of bold freshmen, bring their asses and having a good time enjoying the rain.

Whoever was in the lead decided to take a shortcut through a huge grassy lawn area, and so we all followed, since with the rain running into our faces I could only see clearly the person's buttocks in front of us. I think it was Danny, but it was hard to be sure in the dim light. The grassy field was quickly becoming a muddy wet mess, and before long we were slipping and falling and splashing with pure joy in the warm wet grassy puddles formed by the torrential downpour.

It was hilarious and exhilarating. Eventually we were chilled enough that it started to feel cold, so we ran back to our dorm. We all headed into the stairwells, and about eight of the guys ended their run on our floor. We all crammed into the shower to wash off the grass and mud. We were laughing and shouting and singing silly songs, and generally making a lot of noise. Someone had dumped most of a bottle of shampoo or body wash on the shower floor, and everyone took turns rolling in the suds, sliding bare-assed around the shower, bumping into the other bodies, a tangle of legs, arms, chests, dicks and balls.

In a few minutes, we were warmed back up, and I realized I needed to piss. So I left the shower area and went to the urinals around the corner. I was standing there wet and soapy, dripping everywhere. I held my dick and aimed for the back of the urinal, pissing long and satisfying stream or a long time.

I remembered my laundry was still in the basement, my towel wasn't any use to me, and my underwear were in the back yard behind the dorm. I chuckled to myself and I finished shaking the last drops from my dick. I couldn't believe college could be this much fun!

I jumped back into the shower to finish rinsing off the grass, mud and soap, and then returned to my room, exhausted, wet, and badly in need of some sleep.

I remembered I had brought along a beach towel, so I stretched that across my now bare mattress, and laid on it. The fan blowing across my damp naked body felt great. I was staring at the ceiling, listening to the thunder and rain falling against the window panes, and took a deep breath. I think I was asleep in seconds, with a silly grin on my face.

Next: Chapter 13

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