Horny in the Dorms

By Hitch Bolen

Published on Nov 12, 2014


Horny in the Dorms

I was a new freshman at a small private college in the middle of nowhere. I knew nobody at all from home here, so I was a little nervous about what life might be like for me as I adjusted to living in the dorm. But a little about myself first.

At home I had my own room for ten years, so I was experimenting with all the ways of pleasuring myself in the privacy of my own space. I knew I liked guys and their sexy bodies since I was pretty young. I remember one time sharing a bed in a motel with an older cousin, who had started lifting weights, and looked like a bodybuilder. We were under the sheets, and he decided to sleep naked, and like all 16 year olds, he was horny. He asked me to stroke his throbbing hard-on for him. Little did he know I loved it. The way my heart was pounding, and the excitement was so intense.

In high school I played on the soccer team, and always checked out the guys as they were changing into their gear, jock straps and cups. Of course, on every team it seems there's at least one guy who seems to feel comfortable prancing around naked and swinging his cock. After the practice a few brave guys, upperclassmen, I assume, took showers in the tiny lockerroom, where there was one small space with three shower spigots. It was in that locker room I learned about the wide variety of dicks, from the size of a pencil to thick fat sausages. Some were long and floppy, others were short and poked straight out. Some balls were huge hairy and hung low, others were tight, hairless and didnt move at all. I found this fascinating, and wondered how I compared, but at that age I was too shy to walk around with my privates exposed to all these athletic young men. I was not very self confident. I was not very muscular, 5'10" 160 pounds, and average build. I spent a lot of time with my cock in my hand, measuring it often, and wanking it at least once a day. I was routinely 5-6 inches soft, and 9 inches when fully hard.

One time I got to the lockerroom really late after practice, and I walked into the shower/lockerroom area as my best friend was just getting in the shower. His delicious bubble butt jiggling as he walked the few yards to the spigot I thought my heart would stop. We struck up a conversation about the hard practice, and he was saying how he didn't usually shower afterwards, but today he was really sweaty... and I was trying not to stare as I changed quickly into sweatpants and a clean t-shirt. I caught a glimpse of his naked body, getting wet and soapy, his thick little cockhead and his blonde pubes getting all soaped up and rinsed off. I got so horny, I was hard almost instantly, and on the way home from school that day I think I creamed my shorts rubbing my crotch with my hand discretely in the back seat of the car with my backpack on my lap. I still remember that image seared into my brain after all these years.

So, as I got to college I was looking forward to what I might see in the showers, but at the same time a little terrified that I'd need to be IN those same showers myself.

The first morning, I started for the bathroom with my towel around my waist, carrying my soap and shampoo bottle to the group showers down the hall. There was room for three at a time in one open shower room, and a short line of guys waiting their turns. Some were practically asleep leaning against the wall outside the shower room, others were chatting or shaving at the row of sinks. Some had their towels wrapped round them, some were wearing boxers and a few were standing there totally naked. It was quite an eye full. I got to see an amazing array of different styles of equipment.

Some guys were, like me, almost hairless, a few had some chest hair and a dark patch running from their belly button to their crotch, and one or two were completely covered with hair, arms, legs back and chest. It seemed like the really skinny guys seemed to have the hugest cocks. Another freshman on the floor seemed to be in the showers at the same time every day and he was very short, skinny, and had the longest dick I'd ever seen, with a sharp turn in it. First time I'd every seen one with such a pronounced bend. I guess I always assumed my straight cock was normal. I couldn't help wonder what it looked like erect.

I took my place in line, making small talk when anyone talked to me, but feeling like I just wanted to LOOK. As a guy finished with his shower, he would step away from his spigot and walk to the towel on the hooks on the opposite wall. The next guy in line would strip or hang their towel up, and jump into the spray of hot water, and start their shower.

I noticed some guys stood there under the hot water a long time, looking at the floor, while others got right to work, shampooing and washing and then they were on their way. Some seemed to spend no time at all washing much, and others spent a long time on their asses and balls. Most cocks changed shape somewhat in the hot water with all the attention, a few got semi-hard, and one guy who had arrived in the bathroom completely naked with a full boner remained almost hard all the way to the end of his shower! It seemed that the unspoken rule was "no talking in the showers," since others were waiting, and also "no obvious gawking" at another guy's cock. So, while I was in line, there was nothing to do except watch, wait and try to learn how to fit in. But three young guys showering side by side, soaping up their bodies was pretty stimulating. My cock was at full attention under my towel.

When it was my turn, I took my spot at the last spigot in the shower. The room was very hot, steamy and misty at this point. I think my cock decided to spring to attention almost the instant I touched it, trying to stand in such a way that I was facing away from the other guys. I was mortified, but a little excited too, since it looked like my boner was larger than the ones I'd seen so far. There was no way to take a shower without turning around and facing the other guys at least a little bit, so I'm sure they all saw my excited raging hard-on. I managed to get through it and although I'm sure I was blushing, I made it back to my room. I had seen that my roommate was still in the shower line back in the bathroom, so I knew he wouldn't be back for a few more minutes. I grabbed my dick and in two or three strokes reached climax and shot all over the linoleum floor. It happened so fast I hadn't thought it through very well. I collapsed onto my bed and stared at the ceiling a few moments while my heart rate slowed a bit. I quickly realized I needed to wipe up the floor, but didn't want to soil my towel, which I had hoped to use for at least a week before I'd need to do laundry. So, I grabbed a sock from the small pile of dirty clothes on the floor of my closet to wipe the cum off the floor.

There I was, still naked, on my hands and knees when my roommate walked in. He said something snarky like "you missed a bit over here," pointing to the far side of the room. I thought I'd die of embarrassment, but then I found myself laughing, and he was laughing too, and he said, "you didn't shower with other guys much in high school, did you?" He was standing there toweling off his chest and nuts, completely at ease with his nudity. His cock was soft, but hanging above two ping-pong sized lightly hairy balls. "In my school," he continued, "I ran cross country, and we had to shower after workouts, so I guess I kinda got used to the whole group shower thing a while ago."

I said, " Yeah, ... I guess I got turned on, and when I came back here ... I came," I mumbled as I finished wiping the cum off the floor and threw the now wet sock into the hamper. He laughed again, which made me relax a little, and he said, "there was this game the team would play in the shower after a match. If we had won, the whole team, maybe 12-13 guys, we'd all crowd into the shower at the same time, which usually was only meant to hold 5-6 guys. Someone would empty their bottle of shampoo on the floor and we'd all slip and slide across the floor of the shower, this mass of wet soapy naked guys, bouncing off eachother and getting all horny together, and usually someone would get a boner, so that person got a blowjob from the rest of the team." I was still standing there naked, trying to imagine this scene, some cum still oozing from my hard dick when he continued. "If more than one guy got hard, it turned into a circle-jerk, or circle-blow. It seems a little gay, but it was good for team unity."

He put his towel up on the hook behind the door, and turned to face me. His cock was now fully hard to match mine. He was standing just a few feet from me, and before I knew it, he had reached over and grabbed my cock, pulling me over to him. I gasped, feeling his firm grip on my cock, and saw he was holding his own cock up to mine, and I was pleased to see mine stuck up an inch higher than his, but his was thicker and a lot redder. "See, it feels great, right?" he asked. "Uh-huh," I grunted, almost in shock this was really happening. His cock slipped against mine, my cum acting as lube, and his pre-cum starting to help too. He spat a gob of spit to make it wetter, and kept stroking our cocks together.

He whispered, "since we're going to be roommies for the year, we might as well get to know each other's sexual rhythms, so we can relax and take care of our needs without all the shame and stress of hiding and sneaking around, right?" "Uh-huh," I grunted again, totally lost in the pleasure signals being received from down below.

"Mind if I suck your cock? It's bigger than anything I've tasted before, and I'm really curious," he asked. "Uh-huh," was all I could got out. And he got down on his knees and took the first 6" of my cock into his warm wet mouth. This was much more than I had ever dreamed of, and felt SO good.

I moaned a lot louder than I meant to. "Sorry." "It's ok, maybe we should get farther from the door," he suggested. So we moved to my bed, and I sat down on the edge. He knelt down and this time he sucked hard on my shaft, then took it out of his mouth and ran his tongue up and down from the bottom of my balls to the tip of my dick. Then, smiling up at me briefly, without warning, he put the whole 9" down his throat and kept it there for what seemed like 10 seconds. The hot, wet, tight sensation was so much more than my hands could ever have accomplished, and I let out another long low moan as I felt the juices stirring in my loins again. He bobbed up and down a few more times, with short intervals down his throat, balanced with sucking hard on the mushroom head of my meat, until, in just a few moments I was coming again, this time with such intensity like I had never felt.

My first blow job had happened on my first day of college, and it was my roommate! "Thanks," I whispered as I laid back on my bed watching the stars swim before my eyes. Then, assuming he'd want me to reciprocate, I sat up and said, "I've never sucked a cock before, not sure what to do... but I'm willing to learn." He stood, licking his cum-covered lips, his cock still hard and dripping and answered, "No time to teach you now, or we'll both be late for class. But I do need to cum." So, gingerly I took his fat dick in my hands, and stroked him to orgasm in just a few strokes. His jism caught me by surprise, hitting me in the face, neck and in my still damp hair.

"Woah!" I gasped, realizing that I couldn't dress and rush off to class like this, covered in his spunk. "Sorry, let me help with that,' he said, reaching for his towel and wiping me down. We both quickly dressed, and ran off to our first classes, agreeing to start the "lesson" sometime later.

P.S. I ended up combing most of the sperm into my hair since I didn't have time for a second shower. It seemed fine at first, but halfway through my 8:00 class I was running my fingers through my hair and felt a rusty gob on top. After class, I ran to the men's room and tried to rub it out with a wet paper towel, just hoping it wasn't too obvious to all the people I'd passed on the way to class. I felt like I had been wearing a huge sign above my head that said, "I have cum in my hair!"

More to come ...

Next: Chapter 2

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