Horny Cravings of a Teen Wolf

By Wolfy Bainey

Published on Jul 12, 2011


Teen Wolf: TV Series (2011) This story is a complete work of fiction and is in no way based on true events or the true sexuality of the actors mentioned. Copyright of MTV and MTV Networks.

Chapter 6: The full moon, the game, and dinner with Jackson?

Scott was revved up. The full moon was now at its peak and Scott was feeling all the effects of it. He felt like he could take on the entire opposing team, Jackson, and Mr. Argent all at once. Scott knew he needed to keep himself in check. It seemed every full moon the effects got stronger. Even though he was a beta he really started to wonder if he was turning into an animal and losing his human side. All he kept thinking of was his boyfriend Stiles pleading with him to keep his human side.

"I won't lose my self in the wolf and I won't lose you babe."

Scott mumbled out loud.

"What was that bro?"

Stiles said looking over from the drivers seat.

"Nothing baby, I was just giving myself a pep talk."

Scott said unassumingly from the passengers seat.

"Whatever works dude."

Stiles said with a snicker.

"Fuck you Stiles. I am not the only one who talks to himself. I hear you all the time doing it. Hell you have conversations with yourself in your sleep man."

Scott said with a big smirk and a slight chuckle.

"I do not! I mean I don't do I?"

Stiles said embarrassed and trying to keep his focus on the road ahead.

"Oh you do for sure babe. It's okay though I think its adorable."

Scott said leaning over and nibbling on Stiles ear lobe.

"Chill there Were-boy! We are almost to the field and you need to stay focused on the game not my cock."

Stiles said shifting the way he was sitting to hide his emerging boner.

"That was your ear not your cock Stiles. Unless you are trying to tell me something?"

Scott said with a longing look in his eyes.

"Oh no! Absolutely not Scott McCall! We don't have time and that's dangerous and..."

Stiles trailed off as Scott was no longer sitting upright but had managed to pull Stiles gym shorts down and was giving him some serious road head.

"Sweet mother Mary or Buddha or whoever is not busy please help me keep this Jeep on the road."

Stiles groaned in ecstasy. Scott was really going to town on Stiles hard cock. He was bobbing up and down and sucking hard. Stiles had never felt Scott this intense and he was loving it. In fact Scott had him close to shooting already. That was gonna be the tricky part. Stiles didn't wanna lose the road so right before he lost his load of spunk he pulled over and just as he pulled off the road he screamed and jerked forward and shot his spunk hard down Scott's awaiting throat.

"Jesus Scott. Where the hell did you learn to give head like that? Maybe I was wrong for being mad at you for fucking with Derek. He obviously taught you a thing or two."

Stiles said this with a huff. He was literally gasping for breath and he didn't care because he still felt like he was floating.

"Yea well Derek has taught me a lot. After all he is my 'Mentor'."

Scott said this with a wink and a jacking motion towards his crotch.

"Your a sick fuck Scott baby and I wouldn't have it any other way." Stiles said now pulling back onto the road.

"Your welcome dear."

Scott said with a wink. After awhile they pulled up to the filed. The full moon was shining down bright. When the moonlight hit Scott's skin his eyes lit up bright gold. Stiles jumped back in shock.

"Hey uh Scott... I said keep your wolfy shit in check dude. You can't be flashing that shit around here. Not with all these people."

Stiles said in a concerned voice.

"I'm good bro..."

Scott mumbled out in a deep raspy voice.

"Lets go get suited up. I texted Jackson and told him he could change with us from now on. He really is not all that bad dude."

Stiles said in a shaky voice. He knew how Scott would react to what he just said.

"Are you high bro? Jackson is the..."

Scott stopped before he finished his sentence because he smelled Jackson's musty scent. He must already be in the locker room. Jackson does a pretty serious pre-game warm up so he is already sweating. Scott and Jackson's eyes met and Scott felt a jolt of energy surge through him. He wasn't sure if he was horny or angry. Maybe it was somewhere in between. Him and Jackson had made up but he still didn't really like the guy. Something about him still bothered Scott.

"Hey there Stiles... Hey Scott. Look Stiles said you said it was cool if I change over here next to you guys now."

Jackson said nervously. Scott still bothered Jackson but he really was trying really hard.

"He told you that did he?"

Scott said in a deep and rough voice. "Yea I mean if you don't want me around dude just say it. I'll fucking leave."

Jackson said in a flustered and hurt way.

"Nah it's cool buddy. I was just messin with ya."

Scott said with a half smile.

"Oh okay sorry I can never tell with you. I mean one minute you seem to be cool with me and the next its like you look at me like I am something to eat."

Jackson said in a shaky voice.

"Yea well as I said. I have some anger issues and I am not good at showing the proper emotions. You know how much angst us teens get."

Scott was trying his best to lie to Jackson and wasn't doing a good job. Jackson was a lot of things but he wasn't dumb.

"Oh yea I understand what ya mean bro..."

Jackson said trailing off as he began to get changed. Scott and Stiles were currently getting undressed and in to their uniforms.

"So uh speaking of something to eat... Do you wanna get outta here after the game? Like just me and you? Maybe we could go to that new Sushi place that just opened across town. Win or lose my treat bro. Whattya say pally wally?"

Jackson said with a sincere smile and puppy dog eyes. Scott didn't know what to say. He looked over at Stiles and Stiles nodded his head yes. It was like Scott was asking permission. Scott thought before he answered. He then spoke.

"Uh yea... I mean sure why not? As long as your okay with how I eat. I am kind of a pig."

Scott said with a sheepish look on his face, His cheeks began to flush.

"Are you kidding me bud? I am a monster. I love shoving as much of it in my mouth at a time as I can handle without gagging."

Scott cleared his throat. God that was so sexual Scott thought. What was Jackson up to? Scott was more then slightly concerned but a little bit intrigued as well. This could be fun he thought. And hey my boy gave me the go ahead so why not? Scott just chuckled to Jackson after that last statement and Jackson leaned in and jabbed Scott in the arm and spoke.

"Great its a date then."

He then winked at Scott. Scott then responded.

"But wait I thought you wanted me to buy ya dinner Jackson? I mean we already kissed so that's all I owe you now right?"

Scott said with a smile.

"Well why don't we split it 50/50 and call it even?"

Jackson said with a smile as he walked out of the locker room.


Scott yelped.

"Babe are you sure you are okay with this? I mean you sure ya don't wanna tag along?"

Scott said looking at Stiles.

"Nah. This will be good for you and Jackson. I mean you guys are first line. If we are gonna go anywhere this season we need a first line that is close and plays well together."

Stiles said with a grin.

"Your right as always bro. I love you and I am so glad you are mine."

Scott said leaning in to give his boyfriend a kiss. They then headed off to the field. Behind the bleachers Derek sulked in the shadows. He was concerned for Scott. He wanted to be sure Jackson didn't piss him off and send him into full on werewolf. He knew Scott was not himself right now due to the full moon so he felt its best to keep watch. As soon as Scott got on the field he was overcome with smells and sensations. This full moon had amplified everything. He was finding it hard to concentrate. Then he smelled Derek's scent and looked over and smiled at him in the shadows. Derek smiled back.

Most the game went better then Scott expected. It was awesome to have Jackson playing right for once. When they played as a team they were unstoppable. There was mere minutes left in the game and he noticed something had changed. He couldn't smell Stiles or Derek's scent any more. He checked the bench and Stiles was gone. He glanced over in the shadows and no longer saw Derek. That's odd he thought to himself. Oh well I will text them both after the game he thought and kept playing.

Meanwhile in the locker room showers

"Are you sure you wanna do this Derek?"

Stiles said in a low voice.

"You don't have to if you don't want."

Stiles said with a sincere face.

"Yea I am sure. I wouldn't have texted you and asked you here if I was unsure. I want this and I want you. I need sex and honestly its more then that. You taste amazing. I need you again. The way you let me dominate you is unbelievable. Its so hot I just can't get enough of it and enough of your hot hole."

Derek said in a low and dry voice. He was almost begging Stiles at this point.

"I am gonna be extra rough tonight buddy. It's a full moon and you know what that means. So are you sure you can handle me?"

Derek said in a shaky voice.

"Oh yea I can handle you Derek. I want all of you. I don't care if I limp out of here I wanna see what you can do. Now enough talk. Get to it sexy."

Stiles said in a pushy way.

"We don't have much time so make it quick. We can do more later."

Stiles said with a huge grin. Derek wasted no time in removing Stiles lower half of his uniform. Derek undid his jeans and got on his knees. He rimmed Stiles real good to get him ready. Then without skipping a beat he was inside Stiles. He began thrusting like the horny dog he was. He had to control himself and not bite or scratch Stiles. Derek was trying his hardest not to morph for fear of losing it and killing Stiles. Stiles had other plans he started bucking back towards Derek's assaulting cock. He then spoke.

"Talk dirty to me Derek make me your bitch boy. C'mon you can do better... Is that all you got?"

Stiles was egging Derek on and Derek knew it. Derek started to pound harder. Stiles had taken his jockstrap off and was now biting down on his sweaty jock to try to stifle his screams and moans as Derek penetrated him over and over again.

"Yea you like that bitch? You like my thick doggy dick in your dirty hole? I bet you do bitch. I bet you like the taste of you own taint on that jock. Your such a dirty boy and you need punished don't you? Answer me slut fucking tell me to punish you more."

Derek was going to town on the dirty talk and Stiles fuckin loved it.

"Yes... Yes sir. I love it. I love it all. I need punished, Punish my dirty slut hole. Punish it and punish me. Make me bleed. Scratch my thighs Derek please. I wanna feel your claws dig into me. Morph and scratch me like i know you want to."

Stiles was really getting Derek off. He morphed into full werewolf and started slamming Stiles. Stiles was tearing up and he fuckin loved it. Derek's claws came out. He was moments away from scratching the shit outta Stiles when he lost it. He screamed out and then howled as he dumped his load deep inside Stiles. Stiles smiled and let out a deep breath. Derek pulled out of Stiles beaten hole and looked at Stiles.

"Your a sick fucker. I love it."

Derek said with a huge grin. Him and Stiles both leaned in and began to suck face. Stiles hadn't forgotten how amazing Derek tasted. Derek and Stiles were moaning as they made out.

"Stiles buddy... Stop. I gotta go. Scott and the rest of the team will be coming this way soon."

Derek said in a longing and defeated tone.

"Derek. Text me later tonight okay? I'll come over to your place for the night."

Stiles said with a big grin.

"Will do bud."

Derek said in a low voice. He winked and then disappeared into the shadows. Stiles put his uniform pants back on and went back out to the bench. The game ended moments after Stiles sat back down. Scott and Jackson came over to the bench.

"I was wondering when Derek was gonna cum. That was long for him."

Scott said with a smirk.

"Wait what? How did you... Ugh."

Stiles said with a sad face.

"Babe chill. It's fine. I am not clingy or jealous. Besides I could tell you wanted it since the CPR incident. I don't blame you he tastes AMAZING. I just hope you'll be able to walk tomorrow."

Scott said with a big grin.

"You are the best boyfriend in the whole world you know that Scott?"

Stiles said as his face lit up.

"Yea I know but I just like hearing you say it."

Scott said as he jokingly jabbed Stiles in the arm.

"You guys are fucking weird."

Jackson said chuckling.

"Fuck you Jackson." Scott said slapping Jackson's ass. Jackson's eyes got real big.

"Calm down there killer."

Jackson said with an unsteady voice.

After that the boys went and showered and headed to the parking lot.

"Well you two have fun. Don't stay out to late!"

Stiles said in a joking tone.

"Okay mom!"

Scott and Jackson both said in unison and then bust out laughing. Stiles half smiled and drove away. Scott got in Jackson's car and they headed off to dinner. It was quiet on the car ride and Jackson cleared his throat awkwardly a few times. He finally spoke.

"Do you wanna make out?"

Jackson said looking over at Scott. Scott was shocked but not turned off.

"Lets do dinner first okay? One miracle at a time there buddy boy."

Scott said smiling he then leaned over and felt up Jackson.

"Spoilers for later..."

Scott said with a grin. Jackson was surprised a bit but smiled and sped up. Dinner ended up being amazing. Scott and Jackson were talking like they were old friends. They laughed and playfully punched and tickled each other a few times during the meal. They both were having a really good time. Then the unthinkable happened. Mr. Argent walked in to pick up a take out order.

"Hey there Scott."

Mr. Argent said with a crooked smile.

"Allison talks about you all the time. And Jackson too. I didn't know you both hung out. You should all come over on Friday night. We have movie nights."

Mr. Argent said while patting Scott on the shoulder.

"Whoa you must be a killer on the field with muscles like those Scott and Jackson you are ripped for your age. Looks like we may have a winning team this year."

Mr. Argent was looking at them both and smiling.

"Uh... Thanks Mr. Argent."

Scott said nervously.

"Friday sounds fun Mr. Argent. But we have practice late that night. How does Wednesday sound?"

Jackson asked innocently. Scott's jaw dropped. Wednesday was the day Scott was dreading. He still wasn't sure what he was gonna do to save his and Derek's ass.

"You know I am very busy that day Jackson. I will be hunting that day."

Mr. Argent said in a cold tone looking right at Scott.

"We'll have to plan a party or something sometime for you all."

Mr. Argent said picking up his meal and turning to leave.

"Don't be a stranger now."

Mr. Argent said leaving and chuckling.

"Dude what is your deal with him?"

Jackson asked Scott in a puzzled tone.

"What do ya mean Jackson?"

Scott tried to play it off but once again Jackson saw right through Scott.

"You know what I am talking about. You were super tense around him dude. The tension was so thick between you too. And then he touches you and talks about your body... OMFG are you fucking Mr. Argent?"

Jackson said with a shocked and disgusted look on his face.

"What the fuck? Hell no! That's fucking gross. Jackson you are reading into something that is not there."

Scott had a serious look on his face. It was slightly angry looking so Jackson backed off.

"That's what attracts me to you Scott... You are mysterious. You got crazy shit goin on. You intrigue me. I will figure you and your secrets on someday."

Jackson said with a proud smile on.

"If you do I'll have to kill you..."

Scott said in a low rough tone.

"Whoa Scott I was kidding I mean..."

Scott cut Jackson off with a big fat kiss.

"Please shut up and open you mouth."

Scott managed to get out. Jackson was taken of guard but he kissed Scott for a bit and then pulled back.

"Dude we are in public. We can't be doin homo shit here. You know I like you and I am willing to do you but c'mon I have a reputation as do you."

Jackson said in a concerned face.

"Your right. The place is empty but you never who is watching. Besides you mouth tasted like fish... YUCK."

Scott said laughing.

"So does yours fuck face."

Jackson said with a red flushing face.

"So you wanna get outta here and go back to my place? My mom is working late."

Scott said in a sexual tone.

"I thought you would never ask."

Jackson said grinning. Both boys headed back to Scott's house. Scott reached to open his front door and it was unlocked.

"Oh God."

Scott gasped.

"What's wrong?"

Jackson asked now on edge.

"The last time my door was unlocked I found Derek naked in my bed."

Scott said in a matter of fact way.

"WTF? Okay... so that's a problem why? Threesome's are fun."

Jackson said winking.

"It wasn't like that well not at first I mean its complicated."

Scott studderd.

"Your complicated McCall."

Jackson said grabbing Scott's ass. Both boys crept up the stairs and entered Scott's room.

"No random naked men in you bed. Can we fuck now?"

Jackson said so matter of fact.

"What makes you think we are fucking?"

Scott said in a cute tone while smiling and taking his shirt off.

"That does."

Jackson said pointing to Scott's raging boner in his jeans.

"Oh well I guess I gave the surprise away lol."

Scott laughed and then tackled Jackson to the bed. The two boys wrestled and started striping each other. Scott removed Jackson's jockstrap and froze.

"Uh... This is my jockstrap."

Scott said with a surprised look on his face.

"Yea you caught me. Remember when I took your clothes that one day in the locker room you know back when I was still an asshole to you. Well I kept your jock."

Jackson said with a red face.

"If you needed an extra one I would have loaned ya one bud even back then." Scott said innocently.

"Yea I didn't need one that's the thing..."

Jackson trailed off.

"So uh why did ya take mine then?"

Scott said puzzled.

"I took it from you dirty to sniff it and lick it while I jerked off to you."

Jackson said in an embarrassed tone.

"Holy shit your a sick fucker... God that turns me on. In fact had you told me I would've stayed in my dirty jock tonight and not showered. I would have let you lick it and sniff it before you got the real sweaty thing."

Scott said in a lusty voice.

"Fuck your the best Scott. I'll have to remember that from now on. Your not mad at me?"

Jackson asked with a worried look.

"Not one bit. Now blow me."

Scott said in a matter of fact way. Jackson and Scott started kissing and sucking each others cocks. They got in 69 position for awhile and then ended up sucking each others assholes before moving on. Jackson moved his mouth off of Scott's sweaty hole and looked at Scott and spoke.

"Can I fuck you this time? I promise to be easier on you then you were on me."

Jackson said in a sweet and caring voice.

"Fuck that. Plow me hard or go home."

Scott said with a big grin.

"I now understand why Stiles is in love with you."

Jackson said smiling. Scott instantly thought of Stiles. I wonder what Stiles is doing right now? He thought. We always spend games night over at each other's house. Scott focused back on Jackson entering his ass. Scott didn't realize how big and thick Jackson was compared to Stiles.

"Fuck yea Jackson."

Scott shouted.

"Do me until I beg you for mercy."

Scott said with a painful look on his face.

"You don't have to tell me twice."

Jackson said. He then grabbed Scott's hair and yanked it hard. He started pounding him doggy style.

Meanwhile at Derek's house

"Dude your place is creepy as fuck. How do you ever get laid with a place like this?" Stiles said to Derek.

"I don't know Stiles you and Scotty tell me."

Derek said with a smile.

"Touche Derek Touche."

Stiles said with a defeated look.

"Whats wrong bud? I was only kidding around you know that. I mean you know how I am. I ain't exactly the most sensitive guy ya know."

Derek said putting his arms around Stiles from the back and holding him tight.

"You miss Scotty don't ya?"

Derek said.

"No... I mean sorta kinda... YEA."

Stiles sighed and gripped onto Derek's arms that were wrapped around him.

"Your in love with him Stiles."

Derek shifted his body around front of Stiles still holding him tight. He looked down at Stiles and smiled.

"And he is love with you. So cheer up. It's only one night. Hell you can even mount me if ya want. What are friends for right?"

Derek said in a soft and caring voice.

"Thanks but I'll pass. I'm not in the mood. I hope your not mad. You can pound me real quick before bed if ya want Derek. I know this a special night and you are like in heat. You can even go full wolf on my ass if you want."

Stiles said looking exhausted. Derek picked Stiles up and brought him over to the bed. He undressed Stiles and then got naked himself he laid down next to Stiles. Stiles was ready to mount Derek's cock when Derek stopped him.

"No Stiles. Your tired and you miss your boyfriend. I'll survive without ass dude. Just relax and go to sleep okay? We will get up early and bring Scotty breakfast okay?"

Derek said snuggling up close with Stiles. Stiles snuggled back and smiled and spoke.


Stiles leaned in and kissed Derek softly.

"Thank you Derek. I was wrong about you. You are a great guy. You aren't turning Scott evil or into more of animal. You are making him a better man."

Stiles smiled and kissed Derek's neck lightly.

"I told you I would never let anything happen to Scotty. Relax and sleep now okay? But one more thing..."

Derek said with a worried look.

"Yea Derek?"

Promise me you will let me do what I must to save Scotty if it comes to that. Promise me right here right now you will help me save Scotty and not interfere or question me."

Derek had never been more serious in his life. Stiles knew what Derek was hinting at and he hated. He started to tear up and spoke.

"I promise Der."

With that Stiles kissed Derek on the lips one more time and then fell asleep in his arms. Derek stayed awake for awhile. Contemplating what was about to go down. He frowned and a tear came to his eye as he quietly spoke.

"I love you Scotty..."

Derek drifted off thinking of Scott.

That was chapter 6 everyone! Please review the story! Holy shit talk about emotion! Gah sorry for the Emo undertones but I promise I won't do anything stupid with the characters... Or will I? =) STAY TUNED.

Next: Chapter 7

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