Horny Cravings of a Teen Wolf

By Wolfy Bainey

Published on Aug 20, 2011


Teen Wolf: TV Series (2011) This story is a complete work of fiction and is in no way based on true events or the true sexuality of the actors mentioned. Copyright of MTV and MTV Networks.

Chapter 12: Finale

Last time on Teen wolf:

There was a loud crash. Scott and Stiles jumped up. It was Derek. He had been thrown through Scott's window. He was basically naked and beaten up pretty bad. He was screaming and thrashing in pain.

"Stiles! Go to the basement and grab the gun and ammo. Its in the back corner in the wooden cabinet. Go now!"

Scott said; instantly turning into a werewolf. Stiles wanted to stay so bad and protect the love of his life and his good friend but he knew he would be no good without weapons. He leaned in and gave Scott a quick kiss and then ran out of the room. Scott jumped out of his bed over to Derek. Derek was in bad shape.

"Scotty... Get... Get outta here while you can... It's the alpha... He is going to kill you."

With that Derek lost consciousness. Scott was now enraged. He turned around to see the massive Alpha standing in front of him breathing heavy and ready to attack. This was it Scott thought.

Scott wasted no time. He dove at the alpha knocking him to the ground. He stabbed his claws deep into the Alpha's chest wounding him. Scott continued to dig into his chest with his claws sending blood flying everywhere. He was enraged and was going to kill anything and anyone to protect his friends. Scott had now fully embraced his inner werewolf. All of Derek's training finally paid off in this moment. Scott felt like a pure animal and yet he knew how to turn it on and off at will. He jumped off the Alpha and grabbed Derek. He threw Derek over his shoulder and headed for the stairs. He was stopped dead in his tracks by a gun pointing him in the face. The man holding the gun was none other than Mr. Argent.

"Hello Scott."

Mr. Argent said in a low and shaky voice.

"How... How do you know my name? And how did you find me? What are you doing in my house?"

Scott was still in full werewolf and was enraged. The Alpha was healing quickly and getting back up.

"Never mind that... DUCK."

Mr. Argent shouted as Scott hit the floor with Derek. Mr. Argent filled the Alpha full of bullets. He literally blew its face right off. The Alpha hit the floor hard and loud. It was dead finally. Scott looked up and breathed a sigh of relief. He then saw Mr. Argent point his gun at him and an unconscious Derek.

"Now to tie up a few loose ends."

He loaded his gun and Scott spoke up in desperation.

"Wait... Please wait. Please I am begging you. What can I do to make you change your mind?"

Scott said standing up and morphing back to his naked teen self. Mr. Argent looked Scott up and down with lust in his eyes.

"I know a few things you could do for me..."

Mr. Argent said trailing off. He reached out and touched Scott's cock. Scott jumped at the cold touch. Scott was ready to give himself over to save Derek when out of no where just as Mr. Argent leaned in to take him for his own sick pleasures there was a loud shot. Scott jumped and watched Mr. Argent hit the floor with a thud. The shot had gone straight into Mr. Argent's back and pierced his heart from behind. The bullet stopped and remained in him. Scott looked over and saw Stiles shaking as he held the pistol.

"Holy fuck Stiles! You just... You just killed Mr. Argent!"

Scott screamed as he fell to the ground in shock. Stiles put the safety on the gun and ran over to Scott and embraced him.

"I am so glad your okay. It looks like this is all finally over."

Stiles said with a smile as he kissed Scott passionately. Scott pulled away and spoke.

"Take Derek to your mom in the ER and have Jackson meet ya there. I will take care of the bodies. I know how to dispose of them without leaving any evidence. The perks of being the son of a police man. As soon as I am done I will meet ya guys in the ER."

Stiles said kissing Scott on his forehead as he headed to the basement for the supplies he needed. Scott picked Derek back up and took him to Stiles Jeep. Stiles had given him the keys. He picked up his phone and called Jackson as he drove. They got the ER and Scott's mom took Derek in right away. She was very worried and questioned Scott for almost an hour. He had convinced her that Derek had another run in with some old enemies.

Jackson arrived and ran over to Derek's bedside. He had tears in his eyes and he was only half dressed. He embraced a wounded Derek and began to weep openly. Scott and Scott's mom both leaned in a comforted Jackson. They assured him that Derek would be just fine. Scott went out of the room with his mom and hung out in the nurses station for awhile giving Jackson and Derek some privacy.

Hours later Derek woke up in pain. Jackson was a sleep on his bare chest. Derek ran his hand through Jackson's messy hair and called his name. Jackson woke up with a smile. He leaned in a kissed Derek passionately.

"It's all over Derek. Scott and Stiles took care of everything. The alpha and Mr. Argent the hunter are dead. Scott called me while he was on the way here with you. He came out to me and I told him I already knew everything. He then filled me in on what happened tonight. No more secrets now babe its all over."

Jackson said in a huff. Derek breathed a sigh of relief but then looked Jackson in the eyes and spoke.

"It will never be over. Hunters will always be there and I am sure there are more enemies out there just waiting to attack. This is my life Jackson. This is why I didn't want anyone close to me. Are you sure you wanna stay with me?"

Derek said with a tear welling up in his eye. Jackson just gripped Derek's hands tightly and then he spoke.

"No matter what happens and who comes against us I will always love you. Nothing or no one can or will keep me from you my love."

Jackson and Derek just stared at each other for a minute and then they kissed deeply once again.

"Then I guess it's settled. Mr. Hale"

Derek said to Jackson with a big grin. Jackson's face lit up.

"I would be honored to be your husband someday soon Derek Hale."

Jackson said cuddling up to Derek. Derek was already healing up. Stiles arrived at the ER and went over to the nurses station.

"There you are hunny! Where have you been?"

Scott's mom said to Stiles. Stiles was still getting used to her calling him that. She truly treats him as her own now.

"Sorry I was with my dad. I left my phone at your place by accident so no one was able to get a hold of me. I am so sorry momma McCall."

Stiles said with a red face. Stiles was a pretty good liar but he hated lying to Scott's mom. It was like lying to his own family.

"It's no big deal. Derek is fine and Scott and Jackson are out in the atrium. Derek is resting. His injuries don't seem to be anywhere near as bad as I first thought. You all should be outta here soon."

Scott's mom said with a smile. Stiles hugged her and then headed to the atrium. Scott and Jackson were sitting there talking with smiles on there faces.

"Hey guys."

Stiles said.

"Hey Stiles... Sit down we gotta fill ya in on everything."

Scott said with a smile.

"Oh? Like what?"

Stiles said with a confused look.

"Well for one I know Scott and Derek are werewolves and for two I know what really happened tonight."

Jackson blurted out.

"You told Jackson! Scott I thought we weren't gonna tell him in order to protect him."

Stiles stammered.

"Chill bro. Jackson figured most of it out on his own. Derek told him some and then I filled him in on the rest. Oh and Jackson and Derek are getting married."

Scott said with a huge grin.

"What? Oh my fuck this is crazy. In one night I bury two dead bodies, the old school bully finds out my best friends are werewolves and then he plans to marry one. This is to much to take in at once." Stiles said sitting down looking dazed. Scott and Jackson came on both sides of Stiles and put their arms around him. They leaned in and whispered to him.

"Just relax buddy okay? I know it's a lot to take in but look at this way, no more secrets right?"

Stiles cracked a half of a smile and just nodded. Then he looked over at Scott.

"So when are we telling your mom about you and Derek?"

Stiles said in a shaky voice.

"I don't know babe... Maybe after high school? She has enough to worry about right now. We will tell her together before we get married okay?"

Scott said smiling at Stiles. Stiles eyes lit up with the thought of a future marriage to Scott. The three of them continued to talk about the future for the next hour or so. Derek had healed up mostly and got discharged and they all headed back to Scott's.

Back at Scott's house

They four of them all headed up to Scott's bedroom. Scott stopped in his tracks when he saw that his window had been repaired and the room and carpet were totally clean.

"How in the hell did you..."

Scott said trailing off. Stiles just smiled and then spoke proudly.

"As I said... One of the many perks of having a cop for a dad and knowing people. Since you and Derek are wild animals your gonna need me to clean your messes up every once in a while."

Stiles said laughing. Derek shot Stiles a glare and spoke in a low tone.

"You never seemed to mind my animal side before and I am pretty sure you loved it when Scott marked you as his. After all your mouth was open wider then Britney Spears gaping vagina just waiting for his piss."

Stiles face went beet red and he looked at the floor.

"Yea well I mean... I was just sayin and yea... I like the animal side of both of you guys a lot..."

Stiles was blushing like crazy and Jackson just chuckled and punched him playfully in the arm as Derek and Scott laughed as well.

"So anyway... I have something to ask you Scotty..."

Derek said looking Scott in the eyes with a smile.

"Would you be my best man?"

Scott looked like he just won a million bucks.

"Hell yea dude! I would be honored!"

Scott said hugging Derek tight. Stiles looked disappointed.

"So uh... Who I am I gonna be?"

Stiles asked in a low tone. Jackson interrupted Derek and chimed in sarcastically.

"How about the flower boy? You would adorable!"

Jackson said in a laugh. Stiles looked pissed but he quickly smiled.

"You know I never could be mad at you Jackson you are just way to cute even when you are being a dick."

Stiles said punching Jackson in the chest playfully.

"Yea Stiles? You think I am cute? Am I cute enough to get in your pants right here right now in front of your boyfriend and my soon to be husband?"

Jackson said in low and sexual voice. Derek and Scott looked at Stiles with lust. Stiles was horny as well.

"I am pretty easy. After all I have had you all in every hole imaginable on my body. I am more than okay with that."

Stiles said rubbing his crotch. The other boys took the hint and started to strip. Soon the were all naked and hard.

"So you ready for this Stiles baby?"

Jackson said winking at Stiles.

"I am always ready for some cock and ass. Bring it on big boy." Stiles said putting his fingers up to Jackson's mouth and pushing at his lips for entrance.

"Suck em... Get em real wet."

Stiles said as he pushed his fingers deep into Jackson's throat. It was to much to fast for Jackson and he started to cough and gag.

"Woah... Slow down there tiger. You are choking me dude."

Jackson mumbled out. Stiles just smiled and continued fingering Jackson's mouth and throat. Jackson soon pulled Stiles dripping wet hand out and Stiles spread his legs. He then started to finger his eager hole with Jackson's spit. He pushed two fingers all the way in his hole and started finger fucking himself. He moaned as he pushed all the way and then pulled them out. He repeated this for a few minutes and Jackson started making out with Stiles as Stiles continued to fuck his own ass.

Derek took this opportunity to grab Scott from behind and pull him in tightly to his chest. Derek's raging boner was pressed right up against Scott's ass. Scott spread his legs so Derek's cock slipped in between his ass cheeks and rubbed up against his tight boy hole. Derek started thrusting his hips and he was rubbing his cock all over Scott's sensitive pucker. Scott was already sweating down there and Derek had already started pre-cumming. There was plenty of lube at this point and Scott wanted Derek bad. It had been awhile since Derek slammed his hole and he needed his animal lover bad.

"Derek... Screw me now... Please don't tease me anymore. I need to feel you inside me."

Scott breathed out while panting.

"Yea? You want this cock in your Scotty? How fuckin bad do you want it? Tell me Scotty... Tell me you want me to screw your fuckin brains out. Tell me you wanna be my little werewolf slut."

Derek hissed. He was dirty talking as always and Scott was getting hornier and hornier.

"I want it fuckin bad. I have never wanted anything or anyone as bad as I want your cock in me right now Derek. Please Derek... Please screw me hard. Make me scream you name. I love being your little slut."

Scott yelled out and Derek gave in and gave Scott his wish. Without warning he thrusted deep up into Scott's anus. Scott let out a scream that turned into a howl. Jackson and Stiles looked over at the two werewolves going at it. Both Derek and Scott had now transformed into animals and were moving there hips like there was no tomorrow.

"Shit Stiles they are turning me the fuck on. I need to do you now please."

Jackson pleaded.

"Hold on..."

Stiles said removing his fingers from his ass and shoving them back into Jackson's hot, wet mouth. Jackson gagged at the pungent taste. He loved it though. He could taste Stiles taint. It was making him crave Stiles boy pussy even more.

"C'mon Stiles please... Please give it up to me. I am dripping pre-cum everywhere bro."

Jackson whined.

"Okay sexy..."

Stiles moaned out as he turned around and got down on all fours.

"Do me hard in the rear doggy style. I bet ya never heard that one before."

Stiles joked as Jackson just smiled and started to finger Stiles. His ass was already so wet and open. He had prepped it pretty good. Jackson mounted Stiles and sheathed his cock in Stiles hot hole. Jackson let out a low growl as he entered Stiles. Stiles bucked back at Jackson as Jackson picked up the pace.

Derek continued to pound Scott's rump hard and fast. He was slamming him and Scott was begging for more. Derek would shove his veiny cock all the way in and then pull it all the way out. He loved to watch his cock go in and out of Scott's ass. Derek couldn't take much more. He grabbed Scott's hips and pounded up hard into Scott's awaiting hole. He then spit on his hand and reached around and started jerking Scott off. He bit down on Scott's neck and started to tear into his neck. Derek loved the taste of hair, sweat, and blood. Scott was moaning and quivering in pain and pleasure. Derek groaned loudly and thrusted hard one more time as he unloaded his spunk into Scott's awaiting hungry little hole. Even after Derek's orgasm he kept slamming into Scott's hot hole.

Stiles was facing Scott watching him getting plowed. Scott and Stiles looked each other in the eyes. Stiles knew Scott was about to shoot. He had that look on his face. Stiles knew what Scott wanted. Stiles nodded as he was being slammed from behind by Jackson still at full speed. Scott pulled off of Derek's deflating cock and shoved his cock into Stiles awaiting mouth. Jackson saw this and started fucking Stiles harder. Scott fucked Stiles mouth and throat hard and fast. He then grabbed his head and held it down on his cock as he lost his load deep down Stiles throat. Stiles struggled to get away and breath but all he was breathing in was Scott's thick long cock shooting his juices down Stiles throat. Stiles was coughing and gagging. Spit and cum were leaking out of his mouth all of the floor.

Scott finally pulled out of Stiles mouth as Jackson screamed and came hard into Stiles rear end. Stiles ass milked Jackson's cock of all it's cum and then he pulled off. All four boys laid on the ground with cum, sweat, spit, and ass juices dripping every where. They looked at each other and smiled. They knew this was going to go on for a long time to come. They loved each other so much. Friends forever and fuck buddies forever. Derek and Jackson cuddled up with each other on the floor as Scott and Stiles did the same. They all said in unison "I love you".


3 Years later.

In the past 3 years a lot had changed for the boys of Teen Wolf. Jackson and Derek were married and Scott and Stiles were making preparations to do just that. Just like they planned they explained to Scott's mom all about the werewolf thing right after graduation. She took awhile to come around to it but in the end she was nothing but supportive. Stiles also told his dad everything as well. His response was at least Stiles wasn't doing drugs. His dad suggested Stiles move in with Scott after graduation. That way it would help them get used to each other before they got married and such. Also it was better to not have a werewolf living in the chief of polices house. He just really wanted to make sure those two worked out. All four boys still messed around on a weekly basis.

Danny from school also joined the fun just months after the time period when my last chapter ended. He became the new bitch boy. So him and Stiles shared that responsibility. Stiles always had a boy crush on him so he was so excited he made a move on Danny and Danny made one back. Danny stayed single through high school. He did mange to fuck almost every jock there though. He still met up with the boys on many occasions. Derek and Jackson are currently looking into adopting a child and they just bought a doggy. How is that for irony =)

As for Stiles and Scott? Well they now live together at Scott's while they get ready for the wedding and moving out. All 5 boys are going to attend the local community college in the fall. They planned on staking out some fresh meat and having a whole load of new adventures. This wasn't then end of these wolves and there husbands... No not even close! They weren't into monogamy and never would be. The more ass and dick they got they better!

  • END

P.S. Teen Wolf was just renewed for 12 new episodes (Season 2) in 2012! When I get back I cannot wait to buy em all on DVD. Here's hoping for at least 5 seasons =)

  • AC

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