Hordak's Ticklish Play Date

By VaKuya Zeth

Published on Oct 8, 2020



I hope you like this story. It's called Hordak's Ticklish Play Date.

Today is May, 18th, 2019. And I'm glad that I get a weekend off from all the hard work of the last two weeks. I deserve the time off to relax and unwind. So I wasn't expecting much from the unexpected hours that'll follow, besides doing laundry and cleaning my room. Most of my friends are busy with their jobs, so I'm the only one who has nothing to do today. But when dusk has fallen, that's all about to change. On a quiet night, I was just binge watching something on Netflix; a old 80s show called "She-Ra: Princess of Power". As I was watching all the episodes from back to back, I can't help but develop a strange fixation with the main antagonist of the show. He is the leader of the evil Horde. A tyrant who runs all of Etheria with brutality and somewhat unnecessarily witty antics. His name is Hordak. Every time he appears on screen, I can't stop staring at his body, even for a minute. Just look at his arms and legs! So well sculpted, so meaty, so tender. I wonder what would he look like without his Horde attire, especially without his boots? Ah who knows!? He's just a cartoon character, they all say. He is not real, they all say. Or so we thought. I pause the episode, so I can get a glass of water to drink. As I was about to head back upstairs, I stopped for a split second when I spot a mysterious figure approaching the house. I became startled and frightened, not knowing what is that unknown person is going to do. Is that figure trying to break into my house? What am I going to do? I back away from the window and panicked silently. Then suddenly, the figure stood still on my porch. My heart pounded out of sheer terror as I noticed glowing red eyes from the shadowy figure. Then the figure cracks a grin, complete with fangs that are as red as his eyes. I would've call the cops on the spot but somehow, I found myself unable to do so. Besides, as if they would believe a word I say about the unknown figure. Then suddenly, I got an email through my phone. When I check the email, went to my inbox, I immediately recognize the Horde symbol from the message. Then I turn to realize that the figure is long gone. How strange! But I proceed to read the message without hesitation. It starts off like this.

"Greetings, my friend! Forgive me if this is straightforward and so sudden, but I just wanted to say that I want to meet you. As far as I can recall, I happened to stumble upon your profile from a fetish app. Meaningless to say, I'm mildly intrigued by your introduction. I have read your list carefully and I believe that I have met your expectations. I am tall, dark and utterly handsome lol. I have a body that you so desired. Of course what kind of a general I am if I'm not in the best shape of my life? So if you're interested, I might be nice enough to let you have your way with me. No! On second thought, we can do this right now! So don't even bother asking questions! Especially where and when! Because I'm already here! Don't believe me!? Well come look upstairs and look into your room. Your surprise is waiting.

I honestly don't know what to feel about this. But something is not right. So I grab a metal crowbar nearby and slowly crept upstairs. I silently approach my room and peek my head halfway through the door. With my heart pounding rapidly, I was not prepared for this kind of encounter. The same figure I saw outside of my porch is now in my room, sitting on my bed. It is the same figure with the same red eyes and teeth. And he is now glaring at me. Despite of my fear, I quickly turn the lights on. The minute I got a good glimpse of him, my heart sank harder like before. That masculine figure is the same antagonist from the She Ra franchise. With the Horde symbol on his chest, it has to be him. That man is Hordak himself. But he is surprisingly different from his original counterparts as if he got a dose of an Hollywood reboot treatment. He still has the same white face but slightly different because of his strong jawline and cheekbones. His red eyes have bright orange irises with pupils. Not to mention, his grin is kinda cute although supposedly terrifying. From the neck down, his body design is slightly different and altered. He doesn't look like the vintage Hordak from the 80s cartoon, not the 2002 cartoon either or even from the Netflix She Ra reboot. This Hordak is an entirely complete revamped version of himself. He is more muscular than any gym freak, he's toweringly taller than me and his attire is a combination of both extraterrestrial and machinery. He got up from my bed and he proceeds to approach me. The Horde tyrant cornered me with my back on the closed door. I swing at him out of self defense, but he countered my crowbar with his hand. And he crushed it with little effort. His face came closer to mine. Before I could do anything, he calms me down by running his fingers onto my cheek. Then he said his peace.

"Don't be alarmed, cute human." Hordak whispered softly in a hypnotizing voice. "I am not here to hurt you. Hell! If I wanted to do so, I would. But I choose not to. I will let you live."

"Well, what do you want to do with me???" I hesitantly questioned him.

"Actually, it's more like this." said Hordak. "What are you going to do to me?"

He turn to my Netflix on my television. On the paused screen, he recognize his original counterpart and the heroine She Ra. Yes, he has history with her, as we all have known. But there's more to their story than meets the eye. She Ra and Hordak are eternal enemies and they absolutely despise each other. Everyone knew that as well. But enough about that. Hordak is fascinated by his counterpart and how campy the show really is. Then his eyes met my sketchbook. I could've stop him for sticking his nose into my personal sketches, but I didn't because out of fear of what he'll do. Hordak scroll through my sketchbook and found the sketch that captures his eyes. It is a picture I drew from six years ago. A picture of him, sitting on his throne. All tied up to his seat and he has nowhere to go. His boots were taken off and he was completely barefoot. There I was, sitting right next to his legs. My hands were touching his feet as if I was tickling them. And he laughs away. Intrigued by this image, Hordak turns to me. I can feel my heart racing inside my chest for I don't know what will happen to me when he saw my sketch. The tyrannical man crept up in my personal space as I stumbled onto my bed.

"This is not a bad liking of me." says Hordak as he admires his likeness. "Tell me, human. Did you draw this?"

I was hesitant to answer him out of fear, but I did it anyway.

"Y....y..... yes, sir..." I responded in a shaky voice. "I drew that."

"Do tell me why you drew me like this?" asked Hordak, although in a threatening manner.

I took a deep breath and there I go. I shared my reasons why I decided to do that six years ago. I explained to him that I have a foot fetish for men's feet. And tickling them too. Whenever I watched He Man or She Ra, I get horny when I see Hordak or any other masculine villains on screen. Even Skeletor and his henchmen. They're next on my list of foot tickling. My fetish grew up with me throughout my whole life. And He Man's villains will always have a place in my heart. So I have told him everything, although I shouldn't have. Hordak doesn't need to know about my deep dark secrets. But now he knows. So I'm completely screwed over, or so I thought. But I was completely caught off my guard. Instead of using my unusual desires against me, Hordak sat right next to me. He grinned as he puts his arm on my shoulder.

"Well why didn't you say so?" says Hordak in a sexy manner. "I'll be more than happy to oblige with your fantasies."

"What? You're not going to do something evil to me?" I asked in shock.

"No I won't." said Hordak. "If I want to do something evil, I'd do it on Etheria. But tonight, right here and now, it's just you and me. And if this is something you want, I will entertain your fantasies with the best of my ability. No questions asked."

"Oh you would do that just for me?" I wondered.

"Like I said, no questions asked." snorted Hordak.

"Oh! Sorry about that." I said as I stop asking questions.

"Don't apologize." said Hordak. "We are wasting time talking. Just tell me what you want me to do and it shall be done."

I took a minute to glance at his physique. Just goddamn! For a villain that is supposed to be evil, Hordak is deliciously sexy from head to toe. And speaking of said body part, it's not long before my eyes are glued to his boots. It looked like a three toed dinosaur feet. However, I'm going to find out that it is not the case. Before I can make my request, Hordak already knew about it. Mainly because of my sketch of him earlier. So without further ado, I waste no time slipping down to his right leg. Hordak just lie there in a relaxing position and allows me to touch his boot. I try to remove his boot from his foot but it was tightly fastened to his suit. After my short struggle, Hordak felt compelled to help make it easier for me.

"Here! Allow me to take them off for you." said Hordak as he reaches for his boot.

The tall tyrant loosen the boots' particles just to make it easier for him to slip his foot out. One at a time. Now I can't seem to take my eyes off of his socked feet. Those jet black socks looks perfectly comfortable. Not too tight nor even too loose. Just the right size to fit his whole feet. When I touch his right foot, his sock feels so soft and warm. Not to mention that the cushioned bottoms are to support his feet. It's like stepping onto cloud nine. That way he'll be on his feet twenty four seven without pain and aches. But as for now, I'm going to start it off with a nice long foot massage. Hordak moans comfortably as I hit the right spots on his socked sole. Good thing I know my anatomy from health class when I was in school. One minute of massaging his right foot, the next I worked on the left foot. This made him even more relaxed, long enough to go for the kill, the kinkiest way possible. As he got too comfortable, I ankle-locked his leg and begin to tickle his right foot. The reaction to my fingers is priceless. His foot is twitching all over the place. And Hordak starts to laugh. Although he is severely ticklish by his feet, he didn't bother to escape nor retaliate. The man just sat there and took the sexy torture. Hordak knows that I want to tickle him and he is surprisingly fine with that. I tickled his socked foot for half an hour. Then I went over to his left foot and tickle away. His laughter is not too loud but mildly tamed and deeply masculine. Sounds like he's enjoying every minute of this foot tickling fun. And so am I. After a good long hour of laughter, I have him take a good thirty minute break just for him to catch his breath.

"Let's take a break, Hordak." I remarked.

"If you say so." says Hordak, panting heavily. "I'm just the man of the hour."

"Hmm. I love it." I said with a smile. "Man of the hour. Who knew? So, Hordak, what size are your feet?"

"Well my feet are size thirteen and a half." Hordak says in a deep villainous voice.

"Oh! Size thirteen and a half, huh?" I replied.

"Yes, man. That is correct." said Hordak as he shifts his comfort.

"Well that's good to know." I said to him.

"Yes it is." said Hordak, grinning. "Just don't tell anyone about this. Ok? It'll ruin my reputation."

"Oh don't worry, Hordak. Your secret is safe with me." I reassured him with a smile. "Besides, who am I to tell?"

"Good! Because this is between you and me." said Hordak. "Do you understand that?"

"Yes, sir. I understand perfectly." I complied.

"Excellent! Now whenever you are ready to resume tickling me, feel free to take off my socks." says Hordak as he teased me with his foot in my face.

And I did just that. I remove his fitted socks, revealing his big masculine bare feet. Just one sight of them, makes my dick harden. The veins on his grayish tops are visible, his black soles are wider than my hands, his black toes are arousingly long and his blue toenails are well groomed. And these are size thirteens and a half, according to Hordak himself. If that isn't deliciously sexy for a villain, I cannot tell anyone what is. Without a minute of complacency, I resume the tickling of his now right bare foot. Hordak buries his face in the palms of his hands while he laughs. Man I'm precumming like crazy inside my pants, with every stroke of my fingertips onto his wide black sole. His long toes twitched sporadically when I tickle underneath them. The more his foot squirms, the more he laughs, the harder I get from this hot moment.

"It tickles!" laughed Hordak, burying his pale white face. "IT TICKLES!!!"

I grinned at him as I playfully strum his sole like a guitar. After a long hour of his right foot tickling, I gave him another break. Hordak breathes harder than he ever has before. As if he just had an extreme workout earlier. It wouldn't surprise me if that were to be the case, despite that he has real muscles. So I scoot over to his left foot and tickle his sole away. Hordak resume laughing as his left foot reacts to the touch of my fingers. I love the way his long toes twitch when his foot is tickled. From the looks of the tyrant's body language, Hordak is having so much fun with the tickling just as I am. I enjoy seeing his big foot squirming around in my hands as I stroke every inch of his sole. Then it was not long before I ankle-lock both of his feet and tickling them in the same time. Hordak's laughter increases volume from a mild and masculine, to a monstrous distorted sound. Which is frightening but yet, still sexy. He grips onto my bed for it tickles so much, he can't even think about what will happen next. When he at least expects it, I grab a few brushes and go all out on his bare feet with them. The feeling of being tickled with brushes, makes Hordak ultimately lose his mind. His laughter became uncontrollable, he almost sounds like a psychotic maniac. The man fell off of my bed and onto the floor. He could've gotten away, but yet he has chosen not to do so. I stop tickling his feet with my brushes so I can help him up back on my bed. Then I slowly tickle his tenderizing legs. Hordak can't stand it however. His thighs are just as ticklish as his feet. But there are more spots that I haven't explored yet. So I asked him to take his armored suit off and he did just that. Mmmmm! Just look at his body. So sweaty, so very ripped and awaiting for my hands to touch all of them. His six pack abs are mesmerizing and well sculpted by design. With the touch of my hand, Hordak giggles a tad bit. His smile is so damn cute. I also blushed by the way he looks at me with his red eyes. I stroke my fingers up and down his six pack abs. From the reactions of his giggling, it turns out that his torso is slightly ticklish. But I continue to explore his body, until I found his sweeter spot; his armpits. That'll got Hordak howling like a wolf. I tickle his underarms for a couple of minutes. Then I stroke my fingers down his sides. Hordak continues to giggle when I did just that. Then not a moment too soon, I tickle his crotch area through his sheer spandex tights. Hordak screams with laughter for he absolutely cannot stand this at all. I realize that his crotch is the sweetest spot on his body. The tyrannical Horde man loses control of himself for it is the most ticklish part of his body, especially as equally sensitive as his armpits and feet. After a long hour of that, I noticed that Hordak is shedding tears. He's crying because his crotch area tickles so badly. Since I felt so bad for him, I immediately stopped. I wonder if he's going to be okay. He looks back at me with tears running from his eyes.

"Why did you stop?" Hordak asked me. "You got me right where you want me."

"I just saw that you're crying." I said in discernment. "Are you okay?"

"Oh you silly cute fool!" teased Hordak, although weeping a little. "I'm not crying because I'm sad. I'm crying because it tickles so much on my crotch."

"Oh I see." I remarked.

"But don't let that stop you." said Hordak with a tiny smirk. "Keep going! I'm enjoying this!"

"Are you sure?" I asked, wondering.

"Keep going!" He commanded.

"Ok! If you insist." I responded as I continue to tickle his crotch.

Hordak resumes his loud monstrous laughter as he spreads his legs wide open and allows his crotch to be tickled. The a few minutes later, I lean over to put my mouth onto his thick neck. It tickles him a little. But then, he like this feeling. I think it's time to move on to the next phase of this fantasy encounter. I pleasured him from his neck to his grayish blue nipples. He has sensitive nipples. So to him, it both tickles and makes him horny in the same time. As I lick both of his nipples, Hordak chuckled softly from this ticklish feeling. Not only that, he starts to precum from this, visibly staining his spandex tights. Then I start to realize that wet stained spot on his crotch area. Now will be the perfect time for Hordak to have his finishing pleasure that he will deserve. I lickled his nipples for a minute. After that, I lick my way downward to his abs, to midway of his waistline. Hordak lifted himself just for me to pull off his tights. Without his Horde attire, he is completely nude. I took my time licking his dark blue balls. Surprisingly, I didn't get a bad taste in my mouth from this. He must've took a nice long shower earlier back in the Fright Zone, long before he stopped by my house unannounced. I lick his balls for a nice long minute. Hordak tilts his head back, facing the ceiling with his back on my bed. I start to lick the top of his dark blue cock. Then I took it inside my mouth. His cock instantly swells up within ten seconds, with the exception of my tongue slurping underneath the shaft. Hordak moans gruffly for it feels so good. The warmth of my mouth makes him relax. The moisture inside makes him even more hornier as I pressed my lips up and down his thick dick. Hordak just lies there and lets me pleasure him anyway I want. As the hours passes by, I tickled his blue nipples while I pleasured his cock. Due to his sensitive nipples, Hordak is getting closer to busting his nut. His moans became louder and louder, the minute he about to reach his limit.

"Agh!!! Here it comes!" screamed Hordak as his body shutters. "Oh for the love of Horde Prime, here it comes! I'M ABOUT TO CUM!!! IM GOING TO CUM!!!!!"

He roared like a monster as he shoots his massive load all over his lower body part. Good thing I decided to finish him off with my hand. Then he laid back down onto my bed. But I am not done with him just yet. While he uttered his last loud roaring moan, he is not prepared for this. I continue to touch his cock, until it unknowingly starts to tickle due to being sensitive now. Hordak begins to laugh again, very weakly for his energy is nearly depleted.

"Hey!!! What are you doing!?" cried Hordak.

"I'm tickling your dick." I said with a grin. "Is that not what you were expecting as well?"

"No! Not really!" cried Hordak as he tries to pull my hands away from his cock.

But I didn't want to stop right now. So I brush his hands away from my own.

"Oh come on, Hordak!" I teased him. "Just let me tickle your cock for a few minutes please."

Hordak grunts in frustration but then continues to laugh. With each stroke from his shaft to the head, I have him completely at my mercy. I have one hand tickling his dick and my other hand tickling his balls. It is too much for Hordak that his strong legs were twitching, stomping his foot on the floor. His pale white face became just as red as his eyes and teeth, for he has been laughing his lungs out for nearly seven hours straight. Especially from all of the erotic tickling. He was drooling on my pillows, due to his laughter. I'm not worried about that anyways. I can always throw it in the washer later today. After a nice long minutes of his cock and balls tickling, I finally stopped. I got up to fetch some towels, soaked with warm water. I gave a few to Hordak so he can clean his genitalia. During that, I kneel down to kiss the grayish tops of his feet, as a sign that we are finished. I was merely captivated by the way Hordak is smiling so softly at me. Just goddamn it all! He is supposed to be an evil man and yet it's so hard to ignore his charms. He just so damn cute. So masculine and yet with sweet content. He got off my bed. The Horde man stood tall, all nude and is towering over me. Then he caught me off my guard yet again.

"Hehe! My turn." snickered Hordak, snorting.

I don't know what to expect from the man. He push me onto my bed. Then he forcibly took off all of my clothes from my body. Now I am embarrassed that I allowed someone like him to do that to me. I'm not going to lie! I am completely self conscience about my body. But before I can do something, Hordak knelt to my level and runs his fingers down my face. It made me blush a little. Thence he runs bare hands all over my body. Starting from my back. He strokes his fingers from my shoulders to my back, whilst my chest is touching his chest. My heart is pounding out of rhythm for I wasn't really expecting this at all. Ohh this felt so good! And he also smells good too. Whatever he used in his shower, it smells like fresh machinery. Like at my old job where I used to work at a warehouse. I laid my head on his bare chest. Hordak smiles in sweet content for he is happy to return the same feeling for me. Then he puts me on my back. He starts to place his mouth on my neck. Oh man! It feels so damn good. During that, he playfully tickles my sides, causing me to giggle. He stops to gaze into my eyes.

"What???" Hordak wondered.

"Nothing!" I uttered, although giggling. "It's just that you're tickling me."

"Oh am I?" teased Hordak with a sinister grin. "Well good! So we're even now."

Hordak continues to tickle me with his hands on my sides. He puts his mouth on my neck again, only to gently nibble upon in which made me chuckle. Then he went up from my neck to my left ear. He uses his red tongue to tickle my ear. It tickles so much right there. I tried to pull away, but Hordak is so strong that he held my head in place. So I couldn't move an inch, not that it'll matter anyways.

"Tickle, tickle, tickle!!!" teased Hordak triumphantly as he continues to tickle me.

I chuckled from his revenge tickling. This time, Hordak has me right where he wants me. The tyrannical man took his precious time handling me from every angle, every chance he can get. Thus I am too powerless to stop him, but I don't want to. He ultimately turned me on by tickling my nipples with his tongue and fingers. He then eyeballed my dick, noticing that I'm precumming from the way he's tickling my nipples. He grinned for the opportunity is fresh. Before I knew it, Hordak crept down with his tongue slurping across my torso, until his wet tip touched my dick's head. And just like I did with him, Hordak inserted my dick inside his mouth. Now he is working on me with a pleasure like this. It feels so good when he glides his tongue underneath my shaft. He even tickled my balls with his bare hand while he's at it. I spread my legs wide open as Hordak continues to work his mouth on my cock like a boss. I stared at the ceiling with my eyes watering like my mouth. The way that Hordak is sucking me off, makes my mind wander. I like the way he tease my little head with his teeth, but he is careful not to bite me. Oh my god! His mouth is like a wet vacuum, tugging on my dick from the inside. Then he took his time licking my balls before getting right back to it. As for me, I just sat back and having a blast. This is the best night of my life so far. Hordak worked on my cock for almost an hour or two. Thus I am this close to busting a nut.

"Here it comes...." I whispered to Hordak.

"Are you about to shoot?" he asked me.

"Yes, sir." I answered.

Hordak continues to firmly suck my dick, until I suddenly shot a load. He grinned as I sighed in relief. It felt so good, I wish I could go another round. My cock became very sensitive after I came. Then suddenly, I felt a tingling sensation as Hordak continues to stroke my cock in a similar way as I did to him. He is tickling my dick and balls. I began laughing away. It seems that Hordak is having way too much fun with his revenge.

"So now you know how that feels!" snickered Hordak.

I squirmed all over my bed while he is tickling my genitalia. I could've closed my legs but Hordak's ripped body prevents me from doing just that. There's nothing much I can do but to allow the man to have his sweet revenge on my body. As the saying goes, if I can dish it, I can take it. I begged him to stop for I took so much punishment that I could ever have handled. Alas Hordak has stopped.

"Here's a nice wet warm towel for ya." says Hordak, handing me the towel. "Now clean yourself up."

I wipe my seamen off my genitalia and I'm all cleaned up. Now we both have to get dressed. As Hordak gets his Horde attire back on his body, I turn to look at the clock. It's 6am already? Damn! We were having so much fun that time has past us by. I can't believe that time flies so quickly. All because Hordak and I were having fun tickling each other all night. And now it is time for Hordak to return to his world, back to the Fright Zone on Etheria. So I watch him equip himself into his gear. He turns to me with a charming grin.

"Well that was fun." said Hordak as he puts his socks on.

"It sure was." I added agreeably.

"Do you enjoyed it?" asked Hordak.

"Yes, I enjoy this very much." I nodded. "I can't stress it enough, but I like this new version of you. Especially your feet."

"Oh really?" says Hordak as he tease me by rubbing his socked foot on my leg. "Well I'm glad you like them. I went to have a pedicure earlier today. Long before I took a shower and came to Earth and visit you."

"That's good to know." I said, smiling back at him. "Thank you for making my foot fetish fantasy a reality."

"You're welcome, you cute human." says Hordak, smirking. "I did it for you. All just only for you."

"I appreciate that you did." I remarked.

Hordak turns to the window. Before he can leap out of my room, he turn to me one last time.

"Welp! I should be getting back to doing some evil stuff." says Hordak. "You know, Horde stuff."

"I know what you mean, Hordak." I said in a reassuring manner. "I really want to do this again with you sometime. If that's even possible?"

"Sure! We can!" said Hordak as he folds his muscular arms. "I'd be more than happy to play with you again. But just so you know, don't come to Etheria! You don't want to be around me when I'm at my evil worst. It's part of my reputation. You understand that, don't you?"

"I completely understand." I said with a nod.

"Good." says Hordak as he went over to hug me. "Then we will be seeing each other again very soon."

"I hope so." I uttered softly.

"I know so." said Hordak, kissing my forehead. "Goodbye for now, cute human!"

"Goodbye." I responded.

Hordak leaps out from my window. I only caught a glimpse of him disappearing into the portal. I guess he went back to Etheria, to continue his evil ways and battling his arch nemesis She Ra and her twin brother He Man. As for me, I'm heading for bed. My energy is completely depleted, especially from playing with Hordak and tickling him until he came. That man really made my dream come true. Although he is an evil tyrant, deep down inside, he can be good when he wants to be. All the reasons why I love him. No doubt that his 80s counterpart could've been hot, but the new revamped version of Hordak is even more hotter. And that's really saying something right there. That's not because he has the same pale white face like the original, only realistically revisioned. Especially that he's a tall muscular sexy bald guy. I'm not saying that bald isn't sexy on a man or a woman because in my opinion, bald is justice. Nevertheless, I know that I would be seeing Hordak again. Until then, I will end this story for now. I have a feeling that Skeletor would want to have a take at Hordak by coming to me for his session. And I'm looking forward to making him howl with laughter. So stay tune, stay imaginative, stay sexy and stay golden.

The End.... For Now

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