Hooked on Your Eyes

Published on Feb 23, 2000


This is a a work of fiction, and the usual disclaimer applied.

This is my first story ever I wrote in English. I would like to encourage all the readers to respond what you think of my story. Thank you.

Hooked On Your Blue Gray Eyes Chapter 2

My flight, UA19, was leaving JFK at 12:15pm for L.A. connecting to UA39 for Maui. I should be in Maui after 8:30pm tonight. I checked in one hour prior to the departure time. The terminal was crowded with the holiday travelers. I found an empty seat in the waiting lounge at my departure gate. I needed this vacation. It would be exciting to see Rob again after all these years, but it would be just nice to be on the beautiful beach for one week. Casey called me several times. We went out for lunch, dinner, movies, or bars. He never kissed me after our first lunch at Ritz Carlton. He was a good listener as always. I didn't know where we headed, but I didn't want another complicated relationship right now. Maybe he sensed it and kept a certain distance from me. Peter always protected me with his fine physique, and sometimes I didn't have any choice. Casey also had the same features, but I felt he wanted to protect me in the way he looked at me and in the way he talked to me. But unlike Peter, he always gave me choices and freedom.

"Excuse me, is this seat taken?" a woman asked me.

"Ah, I don't think so," I looked at her. She had a beautiful red hair and green eyes.

"Thanks. Are you going to L.A., too?"

"Well, yeah, but I'm connecting to Maui from there," I answered.

"Maui. Sounds nice. Oh, my name is Terri," she introduced herself.

"Yeah, that's what everyone tells me. I'm Alex. Are you visiting L.A.?"

"Sort of. My boyfriend's parents live there, and he wants to introduce me."

"Counting down for the big day, huh?"

"Oh, I gotta go to the bathroom. I'm so nervous already. Can you watch my bags?"

"Sure, no problem."

The boarding started when she came back. I settled myself in a window seat. I didn't know where Terri's was. I looked at some planes taking off and landing through the window. The purser made the routine onboard announcement, and we were scheduled to arrive in L.A. on time.

"Hey, stranger," Terri's voice got my attention and she was sitting right next to me

where an old lady was minutes ago.

"Hey, Terri. Are you sitting here?"

"Yeah, I asked the old lady if she could switch the seat. I told her you are my


"Ah, huh. We really don't have to prove it, do we?" I laughed, "Where is she now?"

"Five rows behind, opposite side." We both stood up and looked for the old lady. She waved at us.

"Thank you," I told her at loud.

I was reading a paper back novel when Terri tapped my shoulder to get my attention. I looked at her, but she was not looking at me. She was looking at the opposite direction.

"What is it, Terri?" I asked.

"Can you see the guy over there?" she pointed out.

"Which one?"

"The same row, the opposite window seat. Don't make it obvious," she warned me. I pretended to keep reading the book and tried to look at the guy she was talking about. He was so handsome that anyone would turn around for the second look. I then looked at Terri. She was staring at him. She turned around to face me.

"What do you think?"

"What do I think? I think he is gorgeous. Terri, you are going to see your boyfriend in L.A."

"Just looking doesn't mean cheating. Besides, I think he is looking at me."

"You are beautiful. Any guys would look at you."

"What am I gonna do if he asks me out?"

I took a deep sigh, shaking my head a little.

"If you want to find out, why don't you go to the lavatory?" I suggested.

"Why?" she asked.

"See over there in the back? Some people are waiting. When he sees you going there, he might as well if he is interested. Wait until he looks at you."

"Good idea!" I went back to read the book. I didn't know when she left, but she came back and sat next to me after 15 minutes or so. She was not as excited as before.

"How did it go?"

"He was looking at you, not me."

"Wait a minute. You said that he was looking at you."

"Well, I thought he was, but he didn't follow me. He just kept looking at you instead."

"He might be looking at someone else, not me."

"Do you really think anyone else in this row would attract his attention?" she lowered her voice. I looked over the aisle and said no.

"Why don't you go back there, Alex?"

"But I don't want to go to lavatory."

"Just like you said, when he sees you doing there, he might as well."

"You are crazy, Terri. You know that?"

"I know. Besides, you might get lucky. Now! Go, go!"

"I'll be right back," I told her reluctantly.

There were still three people waiting for the lavatory. I leaned down on the Exit

window to look outside. The sky was as blue as it could be. When I got up and turned around, I bumped someone. I didn't know that someone was standing there. He grabbed my arms to keep me from falling.

"Thank you, and I'm sorry. I didn't realize you were standing there," I apologized and was surprised to see the guy Terri was talking about was right there, still holding my arms.

"No harm is done. Are you all right?" his voice was so sexy.

"Same here. No harm done."

He was gorgeous. He was probably as tall as Peter. He had tanned skin, dark hair and pale blue eyes, almost gray. He probably didn't shave this morning, so the shadow accelerated his sexiness. Now I was nervous. I looked at around my seat, and Terri was looking at me with disbelief, her mouth open. I just wanted to get out there.

"You staying in L.A.?" the guy asked. I tried to be as casual as possible.

"Only for two hours. I'm going to Maui."

"That sounds great," he grinned and showed his perfect white teeth. His smile was a killer.

"And you?"


"What a drag. You'll have to work over Easter?"

"Yeah, my project is behind schedule, and I need to catch up." I was next in line.

"I hope that you will be able to enjoy the holiday a little. Good luck."


I went inside the lavatory. I listened the lavatory next door carefully. When the door opened, closed and opened again, I got out there and returned to my seat. Terri moved to the window side, and I sat next to her.

"Well, how did it go?" she sounded a little upset.

"Terri, it was just a coincident. What are you upset about?"

"You flirted nicely. He seemed to like you, Alex."

"Terri, it really doesn't matter if he likes me or not! We will be in L.A. in the next couple of hours, you and the guy will be in L.A. and another couple of hours later I'll be taking off to Maui. End of story. How do you like that?" She didn't answer me and kept looking outside.

"Ladies and gentlemen," the captain made an announcement and it's always a bad sign, "due to the rapid weather changes in L.A. we will be landing in San Francisco. I'm sorry for any inconvenience. All flights out of Los Angeles International Airport have been cancelled today."

At customer service desk at San Francisco Airport, many customer services agents were scrambling around everywhere to accommodate many unhappy passengers, and I was one of them. It was my turn at last, and I didn't get any luck at all. Two flights to Maui from San Francisco were fully booked. The agent re-booked my flight from San Francisco to Maui on the following day.

"Would you like me to make a hotel reservation for you, sir? It's double occupancy, but we can provide 50% discount on our designated hotels," the female agent asked me nicely.

"Oh, that's nice, but I am traveling alone, so it really doesn't matter, I guess."

"I'll double up with you if you don't mind," the guy behind me said stepping forward to the counter. The guy Terri was talking about now stood right next to me.

"Ahhh. Hi. I didn't know you were behind me," I started to sweat.

"Sir? Would you like me make the reservation for you?" she waited patiently. The guy raised his eyebrow for approval.

"Sure. Thank you," I asked her.

"All right, sir. The hotel is Airport Regent Hotel. Your baggage claim is #3, the hotel shuttle bus departs from Exit F."

"Thank you."

We both left the counter after she finished his flight schedule on the following day. We were both silent until we got on the hotel shuttle bus.

"Ah, maybe we should introduce ourselves since we gonna share the room," the guy broke the silence.

"I'm Alex. Alex Micheas," I said taking his hand. He shook hands firmly, not overpowering.

"Mitch Sanders. I hope you really don't mind sharing the room with me," he said with serious tone of voice.

"If I do, I would have said that at the counter. Besides, you really saved me. I'm tight on budget," I told him honestly and smiled at him.

"Nice meeting you, Alex," he held my hand with his both hands for a moment and let it go, leaving me his warmth on my hand. This really broke the ice between us. We checked in the hotel and went up to the room. I was really glad that it was twin bedroom. I would not be able to sleep even for one minute if I would have to share a bed with him. That would be a torture. Since it was a little after 4:00pm, we decided to go out to the city. But we both needed to take a shower after the long flight. I told Mitch that he could shower first. I lay on bed flipping channels on TV while he was taking shower. I was dozing off when I heard the shower was turned off. Mitch came out of the bathroom with a white towel around his waist. It was a sight to remember. He was tanned all over. His chest was covered with short silky black fur, still matted from shower. His washboard stomach showed clear six-packs, no trace of fat anywhere on his body. He came over to my bed and took the remote control from me.

"It's my turn to have a sole control of the remote and your turn to take shower," he took my hand and pulled me off from the bed. I stripped down to my underwear and went to the bathroom. It was so difficult not to show him my hard on. I took cold shower to cool down. I dried off myself and wrapped a white towel around my waist just like he did and put another towel over my head to dry off my hair when I got out. I had pretty thick shoulder-length hair. I was expecting him to be dressed up and ready to go, but I was wrong. He was still naked only with the white towel around his waist.

"You are not ready yet?" I smiled, but he didn't smile me back. He stood up and walked slowly toward me. My heart started to beat faster. He took off the towel over my head and cupped my face with his hands. "I've wanted to do this ever since I saw you at the airport," he said tenderly. Before I could speak, he sealed my lips with his. He pushed me against the wall and pressed his hard body against mine. His tongue was hesitantly seeking the way inside. When I opened my mouth and kissed him back, he showed no hesitation anymore. He kissed me with so much passion like no one else did before in my life. We continued to kiss wanting more of each other for a while, and he finally broke the kiss. He easily carried me to the bed and lay on top of me. He caressed the side of my body down to my waist and pulled my towel away so that I could open my legs for his easier access. I explored his fur-coated chest and teased his erected nipples with my fingers. He finally broke his kiss for air and low moan came out from his mouth as I continued to tease his nipples. He got up on his knees in between my legs, but didn't take his eyes off from me. I sat up, looking up his eyes and caressing his strong chest, I kissed his belly button. I could feel his huge bulge underneath the towel against my chest wanting to be released. I continued exploring his muscled body with my hands and my lips while he caressed my hair. I grabbed his hips over the towel and pushed his lower body toward me. I, with one motion, took the towel away. There was nothing else between us. I didn't see his cock yet, but could feel his hot man meat against my chest. I looked him up again, and he put his face up looking at the ceiling. I could hear his low moan and heavy breath. I dropped my hands to his thighs and faced his cock. He had an impressive 9-inch cock with huge head. It stood straight along his washboard stomach. His giant balls hung low. As I caressed his legs, not touching his cock or his balls, I noticed that his lower body was not as hairy as his upper body. It didn't look like he shaved, but it was almost as smooth as my body. I had no hair. His breathing got heavier, and I knew that he wanted me to touch and to suck his cock. But I didn't. I wanted him to say it. I wanted him to beg me to suck his cock. My hands moved up along his inner thighs, but again I didn't touch his balls. A lot of his pre-cum was leaking out from his cock. "Oh, Alex. Please suck my cock. You're driving me crazy. Please," Mitch finally said it. I spread his pre-cum over his cock head with my fingertips while I gently licked his giant balls. I ran my tongue from his balls all the way up to his pre-cum fountain top and teased his piss slip with my tongue while his balls were teased with my fingers. I only took his cock head in my mouth. He grabbed my head with his hands. "Oh, my god," he said between his heavy breathe. I was not totally prepared, but within a minute his balls curled up to the base of his cock and his shaft expanded tremendously. He shot his load in my mouth. I managed to swallow most of it, but some slipped out of my mouth. He didn't move for some time while I was licking his still hard cock. He gently pushed me down on my back, lay on top of me again and licked his own cum on my chin. He kissed me like he was trying to get some left over honey nectar from my mouth.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to cum so early, but you are so hot, Alex."

"That's all right. I enjoyed as much as you did," I smiled and kissed him again. Mitch rolled down on his side and started to tease my ass with his fingers while kissing. When he slid his first finger into my hole, I took a quick breath and moaned slightly. He started to finger fuck me after my sphincter got a little loose, and I started to breathe heavily. He put his second finger in and his third. I then realized that he was playing the same game I was playing. I wanted him to fuck him, but he wanted me to say it. His finger fuck was getting intense, getting faster and deeper. My moans leaked between our heavy passionate kisses. "Fuck me, Mitch. I wanna feel you inside of me. Please," I was lost in lust. He took his fingers out of my hole and grabbed some lube and a condom out of his toiletry bag on the side table. He put lube on and in my hole and rolled a condom on his huge cock. He put some more lube on his shaft and was ready. He took my legs to spread wide open and placed on his shoulders. He leaned forward to kiss me on the lips, and his giant cock head met my hole. He increased the pressure, and it finally popped in. I'd never taken a cock this big before and screamed a little, but it was sealed with his kisses. He didn't move at all so that my ass muscle could accustomed to his massive cock, while he continued kissing me and teased my erected nipples with his fingers. When the pain subsided, I started to caress his back, and then he gradually increased the pressure again to dig deeper in my hole. It took good 5 minutes to have his whole in my ass. When I felt his giant balls on my ass cheeks and his pubic hair on my balls, he let go of my legs. I wrapped them around his waist.

"I'm not hurting you, am I?" he asked.

"No. I feel so full, and it feels great."

"I'd never thought this could happen when I saw you at the airport."

"Where did you see me?" we exchanged light kisses between our conversation.

"At the gate. I was going to sit next to you, but the red hair girl took it before I did," he smiled.

"She was fallen for you. She was disappointed that you did not follow her to the lavatory during the flight," I smiled, remembering her disappointed look.

"Was it your idea?"

"Yeah, she never stopped talking about you. I just needed a moment of peace," I laughed causing my sphincter to tighten up.

"Oh god! That feels great. Are you ready for a ride, Alex?" he gave me a devilish grin.

"Can't wait, Mitch."

His lips covered mine. No more conversation. He slid his cock out half way and pushed it right back slowly. His huge cock head scraped every inch of my ass tunnel. Soon we found mutual rhythm, and he was fucking me like nobody else did before. Suddenly, he pulled out his rod out completely and turned me over on my stomach. I lay flat, except my ass in the air, wanting to be filled up quick. This time he didn't take time to bury his mammoth cock into my hole. He thrust his shaft all the way in with one motion and soon he was fucking me in high gear. I felt his chest on my back, and he nibbled my ears and bit my neck. He tugged his arms under mine to hold my shoulders to deep fuck me. I could not hold it any longer. I groaned loudly as I came on the bed sheet. My orgasm caused my ass muscle to contract. I felt his rod became bigger, and his thrust became faster. With one deep thrust, he screamed and shot another heavy load of cum deep into my ass. We both breathed heavily and could not move for a while. He rolled slightly on his side to spoon me with his cock still hard and buried deeply into my ass.

"I can't have enough of you, Alex," Mitch finally broke the silence.

"I've never felt like this before. No one ever fucked me like that."

" No. I made love to you, Alex. I wasn't just fucking you."

I turned around a little to see him and kissed him.

"Thank you, Mitch."

Mitch scooped my cum off the sheet and stroke my cock.

"You made an awful mess, Alex, and you're still hard."

"You've not lost your stiffness, either, Mitch."

"Want more of this?" he pulled his cock out a little and pushed back quickly, causing me to moan.

"Well, as much as I want that, I want to eat. I'm hungry."

"Me, too. Do you wanna go out?"

"Sure. I've never been to San Francisco before."

"Kidding? I have to take you around then. What are you hungry for?"

"What? Besides this?" I squeezed my sphincter, causing him to moan this time.

"Yeah, besides that."

"Do you like Chinese?" I suggested.

"Sounds good, but I can let you go only if you promise me I can have this desert afterwards, right here," he whispered into my ear thrusting his cock a few times.

"I promise, Mitch."

We got up and hopped into shower together. It was chilly out, so we took our jackets and went out to the city.

The food was great. Mitch took me to one restaurant in China Town. I guessed we were hungrier than we thought after that exercise. We ordered five dishes and ate them all. We talked a lot about our jobs, friends, and childhood. He worked as an advertising executive.

"Where do you live, Alex?" he asked.

"King Street," I answered looking at his blue eyes.

"We live close. I'm on Grove Street," he paused a little, "So, Alex, do you have a boyfriend?" he asked caressing my hand on the table.

"No," I answered with a weak grin.

"Can we see each other again when we are back in New York?"

"Sure, we can," I pulled my hand off the table. He took a deep breath.

"I guess the answer is no.... I thought there was something between us, Alex."

"I'm sorry. I just broke up with my boyfriend a few weeks ago, and I am just not ready for another."

"I'm sorry."

"I like you, Mitch," his face was lightened up, "But there are so many things going on in my life right now. I just don't know what I'm gonna do."

"That's a start. Let's take things slow. I like you, Alex. I like you a lot. Your boyfriend must have regretted that he lost you."

"Thanks, Mitch."

"Come on. Let's have fun out there." He took my hand, and we went out to the street hand in hand. I hadn't had so much fun in a long time. We cruised Castro Street, went in a couple of bars and danced together. We came back to the hotel around 3:00 in the morning. I thought he was so tired to have sex, but I guessed wrong. He fucked me non-stop until dawn. We finally drifted to sleep. He never let me go while we slept. I woke up around 11:00. He was still asleep. I got up, without waking him up, and went to the bathroom. When I emptied my bladder, Mitch held me behind kissing my neck and shoulders.

"Come on back to bed."

"It's 11:00. We need to check out by 12:00."

"Your flight is at six and mine at seven this evening. I've already asked the front desk for late check out. We don't have to leave until three."

"When did you do that?"

"When you waited the elevator after check in. I went back to the clerk and asked for late check out."

"Smart ass."

"Come on. You need to take care of me," he pressed his hard on into my ass crack.

"I've never seen anyone so horny," I was surprised that he was already recovered from early morning action.

"It's not me. It's you making me horny."

We made love three more times before we finally took shower and got ready. My ass was sore. He never took his cock out of my ass during breaks. We were a little late for check out. We decided to go to the airport for check in and to have something to eat there. We were early for his flight, so I checked in first and went to a cafe near my departure gate. We shared a pizza. I didn't realize time flew so fast until the boarding announcement was made for my flight.

"I guess it's time," I said.

"Yeah. I should get myself checked in."

He walked to my gate. I decided to wait for boarding until the last minute since I was flying first class on this segment.

"Hey, you got my number and everything, right?" he asked looking into my eyes.

"Yap, and you have mine, right?" I asked him back.

"I'll call you after Easter," he sighed, "I wish I could go and enjoy the Easter with you in Maui, Alex."

"I wish you could come along, too. I really enjoyed spending the last night with you. I've not had such fun for a long time."

"I'm glad you did. I think I'm in love with you."

"Oh, Mitch...," I took my eyes off from him and looked down, "I, I ...."

"You don't have to say anything, Alex. I just want you to know how I feel. It might sound a bit selfish, but I want you to know that I love you. If you don't, I still want us to be friends," he pushed my chin up with his hand, "So, I might not be able to do this anymore. This might be our last kiss. Don't close your eyes. I wanna see your eyes." We kissed until the final call announcement was made. I looked into his blue-gray eyes and saw his everything.

"Enjoy your vacation, Alex."

"Yeah, thanks. Don't work too hard, Mitch."

He was there until I disappeared into the plane.

To be Continued

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