Hooked on My Housemate

By Devon Guy

Published on Nov 27, 2023


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Hooked on me Housemate Part Three

The atmosphere of the evening relaxed a little after we'd all shot a load, funnily enough, and the three of us spent the next few hours drinking and talking together as something more like friends. Of course I stayed on the floor, I fetched the drinks, and Adam had forbidden me from washing my face, so I was reminded that this change of pace did not alter my position, I was still their bitch even if they were in a friendly mood. To be honest this boded well for the coming year, as I wasn't sure I could keep up like we had been for that long, so knowing that James and Adam could be relaxed with me was reassuring.

I was still glad of their dominance, though. Throughout my life, in any social situation, I had tended to take the role of the follower. It's where I'd always felt most at ease, so while James and Adam were introducing me to a more extreme form of that dynamic, it still felt familiar to me. I found myself wanting to ingratiate myself with them, so I laughed along with their jokes even though quite a few were aimed at me. It was fun.

Eventually the night wound down and we each went to bed, though I took time at the end to tidy up, hoping to impress James in the morning. After that I brushed my teeth and headed to my room and was asleep within a few minutes.

It was light when I was awoken by the buzz and chirp of my phone ringing. Blearly eyed I groped on the floor for the jeans I'd been wearing and wrestled the thing out. I checked the screen. It was a number I didn't recognize, but I'd been giving it out a fair bit recently for one thing or another so I thought it best to answer.

"Hello?" I said, hesitantly.

"Get your arse out of bed and get me a bacon sandwich. Coffee too. Latte, extra shot." I recognized the voice to be James', and besides I could hear it's double coming through the wall my room shared with his.

"Er, yes sir." I said, almost automatically. "I'll, er, I'll just have to go to the shop."

"I don't give a shit." Came the reply. "I'm hungry. Sort it." And he hung up.

As annoyed as I was at having to get up I found my morning wood throbbed hard at the sound of James' commanding voice, and at the thought that I had the opportunity to please him. Man, I was already infatuated with this guy. Breakfast in bed was the sort of thing you did for your significant other, and in return you'd get, well, you'd get something that you want. Maybe that's a too transactional way of looking at it. Something told me it was more than that, though I still couldn't quite name it, but it was something that I wanted.

I pulled my jeans on, grabbed a clean t-shirt, some socks and my beat up but comfortable old trainers. I looked like what I was, a hungover student, but then it was only the corner shop and I'm sure they'd be used to it. Stopping by the bathroom to wash my face (finally), and brush my teeth I felt a little more presentable, so grabbing my wallet and keys I headed out.

I managed to get what I needed, including coffee from a Starbucks I was pleased but not surprised to find nearby. Twenty minutes later I was back in the kitchen of the house, getting out the frying pan and setting about preparing what James had ordered. Before cooking, though, I delivered James his coffee.

I gently knocked on the door a few times and waited, then I spoke through the door.

"James, I mean Sir, I have your coffee here." I waited, then heard a grunt.

"Come in." Came James' gruff voice, and so turning the handle I entered the room. It was semi dark inside, the drawn curtains keeping most of the morning at bay. Despite doing his laundry the day before his room was already littered with dirty clothes. It seems James was used to having someone pick up after him, and I guess he'd decided that I was now that person.

James was laying stretched out on his bed, his huge frame swamping the double mattress, arms and legs sprawled. The duvet covered him to his waist, revealing his broad chest and chiseled stomach. His hair was messy from the night's sleep and there was a shadow of coarse, dark stubble on his square jaw. Damn, I thought, how can he look even sexier when hungover first thing in the morning? After a moment or two he seemed at last to notice me fully and wordlessly held his hand out for the coffee. I handed it to him and waited a moment, partly in case he had a further need for me and partly just to remain in his presence, in his room, with his smell all around me, that smell I was already getting hooked on. James sipped his coffee while absent mindedly reaching under the duvet to play with his junk.

"Where's my sandwich, bitch?" He asked, looking at me frowning, and I quickly looked away from him.

"I'm sorry, Sir, I, er, I'll do it now. Sorry Sir." I said, quickly making my way to the door.

"Chop chop, bitch" was all James said as I left his room and headed back to the kitchen. My heart was pounding. Why was this so exciting? All I was about to do is make a simple bacon sandwich but it had my pulse racing and my dick hardening.

I bustled about getting things together and soon had the pan sizzling away merrily, filling the kitchen with a friendly sound and that unavoidably alluring smell of bacon being fried. I was so distracted that I didn't hear someone enter the kitchen, I just heard his voice.

"Is this mine, faggot?" I spun around to see Adam stood by the kitchen table, already drinking from the Starbucks I'd bought for myself, but hadn't had a chance to drink yet. He must have read my expression because he smirked at me and said "Well it is now."

I just stood there dumbstruck. Not by his behavior, though I should have been more annoyed about that than I was, but by what I saw. Adam was dressed just in a pair of jockey shorts, showing me for the first time his incredible body. If James was bigger then Adam made up for it by being fucking sculpted. Truly, it was as if Michaelangelo himself had made Adam, not David, from the marble. His skin was smooth and flawless, all except for a trail of dark blond hairs that ran from his navel and down the valley that ran between the rounded hills of his abs. His nipples were small and pink on his strong, defined chest, and above that were broad, rounded shoulders and thick, muscular arms. He knew I was looking, he knew what effect it was having, and that smirk that never seemed to leave his boyish face beamed as he took another swig of my coffee. He was doing it this purpose. He lazily groped his crotch as he stood there, watching me react.

"Bacon sarnies too, eh, bitch? Looks like you already know how to be useful. I'll have mine in there." And with that Adam turned and headed to the sitting room, and I watched his hard, round ass move as he went.

Taking a few deep breaths and readjusting my underwear I pulled myself together as best I could. Luckily I'd put in enough bacon to make myself a sandwich, so I just used that for Adam and decided I'd just have some toast. Once everything was ready I went first up to James to deliver his food. Again I knocked and waited to be invited in, and again James simply held out his hand and grunted an acknowledgement. I lingered for just a moment for another look at his huge, hairy body, and then quietly left him to eat.

Back downstairs I picked up Adam's sandwich and brought it to him. He sat on the sofa, leaning back with his arms behind his head while watching TV. He turned his head to me as I entered the room, seeing the sandwich and smirking.

"Good work, faggot. Give it here then get on you hands and knees. I think I deserve to put my feet up, don't you?" He maintained that shit eating grin as he said it, and I was struck again by the difference between him and James. Where James usually seemed content just to make use of me, Adam seemed to enjoy belittling me in the process, of exerting the power we both knew he had over me.

Obediently, but not without embarrassment, I handed Adam his sandwich before kneeling down and getting into position in front of him. I soon felt the heavy weight of his feet landing on my back, digging his heels around to get the most comfortable position.

"Aah," he sighed extravagantly, "that's better." He then proceeded to ignore me as he continued to watch TV. The minutes passed and I continued to kneel there, acting as my hot, straight housemate's foot stool. Why was I so turned on? I couldn't see him and he wasn't interacting with me, but just being on my knees in front of this arrogant jock, feeling his big feet and muscular calves on my back had my dick hard and dripping in my pants. Adam seemed to read my mind because after about five minutes he asked.

"Enjoying yourself down there, gay boy? If you feel the need to cream you panties just do it quietly." He laughed, making me blush but making my dick throb at the humiliation, making me want more. Impulsively I let out a groan. Adam burst out laughing. "For fuck sake, faggot, you're pathetic. Who the fuck gets their jollies being another bloke's foot stool. Mate, you're too fucking funny."

Adam made me feel so low, like such a pathetic, desperate faggot and I found that I loved it. It was at that moment that I heard James' voice, and presumed that he'd just come down from his room.

"What's so funny?" James asked, and then saw me and laughed. "Ah, right. Bit early for that ain't it mate?" He said to Adam.

"Nah, I'm just rewarding the cunt for being a good little wifey with the breakfast." Adam replied then, grabbing my hair and jerking my head up to look at James he said. "Go on, fag boy. Tell him how much you luuurve being my footstool."

"I love being Master Adam's foot stool." I said, looking up at James as he failed to contain a smirk. I felt a slap on my head from Adam, which I was learning was his favourite way to correct me.

"No, faggot. You luuuuurrrrvvvve it. Say it." He told me, giggling like a child.

I cleared my throat. "I luuuurrrrvvveee being Master Adam's foot stool.

Both of them bent over laughing and I flushed bright red, but part of me was thrilled to have amused them, thrilled that they involved me in their game, and turned on as hell.

"See?" Said Adam. "He's as happy as a pig in shit."

"Fair enough." Said James, moving on from the subject. "So what's the plan for today, buddy?" He was obviously talking to Adam.

"Dunno man. I was gonna check out the Uni gym later, see if it's any good. Wanna come?" Adam said.

"Yeah, could do. Just been doing weights in my room so far since I got here so a proper workout would be good." Said James, idly flexing his bicep and inspecting it, and I was reminded, if it was needed, of just how strong the guy was.

"Nice one." Said Adam. "Shall we bring the faggot? I fucking hate having to wipe down the equipment after I use it."

James laughed and shook his head. "Haha, I guess. Why not. He could come in handy."

They were discussing this as if I was not there, as if it wasn't my plans for the day that they were making for me, but I stayed silent, obediently kneeling under Adam's feet and looking up at James. For some reason, though, it felt natural that they should decide, and that if I can be of use to them then I should dutifully comply. It felt good, and I found myself getting excited at the prospect of seeing these two studs getting sweaty at the gym.

"Ok cool." Said Adam. "I'm gonna grab a shower then head out. About half an hour?"

"Sounds good mate." Replied James. Adam rose from his seat, releasing me from foot rest duty. He turned and looked down at me, still on my hands and knees and grinned that evil grin of his. "Get up and follow me, fag boy." He said, and began to leave the room. I quickly stood and, with a last embarrassed glance at James I followed, wondering what new humiliation Adam had planned for me.

Adam led me up to the bathroom and we both entered. I closed the door behind me and turned to Adam, who was leaning casually against the sink, still in just his boxers, still smirking. Damn, he looked so hot. Literally irresistible, in that he had me completely at his beck and call.

"Turn the shower on, then. Get it ready for me." He said, gesturing at the shower stall. I approached it, leaned in and started the shower up, adjusting the controls and testing the waters with the back of my hand until I was confident that it was at a comfortable temperature and pressure. I then turned to the jock god next to me.

"It's ready Sir." I said, and stepped aside. Adam quickly and unselfconsciously dropped and then stepped out of his boxers, revealing that thick, straight dick that I'd gotten to know the night before. I licked my lips. Adam must have seen this.

"Haha, I can see you're still thirsty then, homo." He said, then waved his soft cock at me, winking. "Do a good job washing me and maybe I'll give you a taste."

I had to do a double take on what I'd heard. Was he really going to let me wash him? The thought of getting my hands on Adam's perfect, muscular body thrilled me, and even more precum leaked into my no doubt already pretty messy pants.

Adam stepped into the shower, letting the warm water cascade over his head, wetting his blond hair into brown, the fringe clinging to his forehead. The water found its path through the valleys between his muscles, small silver rivers running across pale terracotta, tributaries meeting at the v in his torso and washing down to his thick meat and heavy balls. He picked out a bottle of shower gel from the rack on the wall and handed it to me.

"Start at my feet and work up." He said. I knelt down in the open door to the shower stall, right at Adam's feet. Water soaked into the knees of my jeans but I didn't care, in fact I barely noticed as I squeezed the thick blue gel into my hand, then lathering it up. Adam lifted his left foot for me, a signal to start, and so I did.

My slippery hands found his foot and I began to lather and soap it, across the top with its sparse blond hairs, and over the smooth sole, rubbing at the ball, the heal, and that deep arch.

"Between the toes too," Adam ordered, looking down at me. I didn't reply, but immediately began working my wet fingers between each toe. I repeated the process with the other foot before being instructed to move up to his legs. I added more gel to my hands and began to worshipfully glide them over his rounded calves, relishing ever moment of contact with him. Then as I moved further up to his huge thighs, and was struck my how small my arms looked in comparison. In fact the entire situation made me feel small, but in a truly wonderful way.

As I got closer to Adam's crotch I could see his dick begin to rise. I looked up at him, asking the question with my eyes.

"Get to that last, boy." He said.

I nodded, then with his instructions I washed the rest of his body, his chest, his armpits, and best of all his perfect, muscled arse. Last of all, and certainly not least I turned again to his crotch.

Adam's cock was now rock hard, all right inches standing proudly. He looked down at me and winked.

"Ok homo, you've earned it." He said, and smiled as I quickly grabbed more gel and claimed my reward. I rubbed the lather all around his huge dick and balls, feeling their weight in my hand.

"Just wank it." He told me, and so I took his fat meat in my soapy hand and began working it up and down, the piss slit pointed at my face, just inches away. It mesmerized me somewhat as I jerked it, looking at where I knew, or hoped, my reward was coming. Adam grunted as I worked, and started to slowly buck his hips against my hand on the downstrokes. His breathing got fast and I knew he was close. I licked my lips in anticipation, then opened mouth to catch what was coming. Adam had other ideas, though, which I should have expected, because just as he was about to nut he shifted position and, instead of getting the mouthful of cum I was expecting, he shot it high, spunking all over my hair, before using his dick to rub it in. Even in the throws of orgasm he found time to humiliate me.

Adam then pushed me aside, causing me to fall back onto my arse on the bathroom floor, and he stepped out of the shower. He glanced at the clock on the wall.

"Shit, is that the time? Sorry faggot, looks like you've got not time to shower. You'll have to come as you are." Adam smirked again as he said that, clearly enjoying the look of shock and trepidation on my face at the prospect of going out in public with my hair coated in another guy's cum, but what choice did I have? Adam and I both knew that when it came to him and James, I no longer had a choice.

The journey to the gym was, thankfully, pretty uneventful. Adam's cum had dried somewhat by the time we left the house, so that it just looked as if I'd been a bit haphazard in applying the hair gel that morning. I knew, though, and so did Adam and James, and Adam at least found it hysterically amusing, stopping at one point in front of a group of other students and asking loudly where the smell of cum was coming from, while sniffing the air around me. I have no idea what the strange students thought of that, most looked embarrassed though I saw a couple of lads sniggering. It probably didn't help that I was carrying both Adam and James' gym bags as well as my own, which was a puzzling sight in itself.

There were of course compensations for the embarrassment awaiting me, and the sight of the two hot, straight studs in their gym gear made it all worth it. They both looked so natural and confident in their attire and in the environs of the gym, as if this was their natural habitat, something I had never felt in such places. James and Adam were exactly the kind of guys that made gyms seem intimidating to me, as if I were trespassing into a place I didn't really fit or belong. In their company, though, even in the role they had made for me, I felt some part of that belonging. Hell, I almost forgot about the lovely hair style Adam had given me, at least until I saw myself in one of the many mirrors that lined the walls of the gym.

At first I made a pretense at working out, selecting a machine near one that either James or Adam was working at, but as their demands for me to fetch water or wipe down the equipment after them grew I dropped this pretense and simply did what I was really there to do, which was to follow these men around and take care of whatever boring shit they needed but didn't want to do themselves, so that they could focus on what they were there to do, which was to further improve what were, to my eyes at least, near perfect examples of masculine physicality.

Calling me over to him Adam directed me to wipe down the shoulder press he'd been using. Towel in hand I went to take care of the seat when he stopped me and leaned in close, his mouth at my ear. He was so close that I could feel the heat pouring from his pumped up body and I could smell his sweat.

"Kiss it first. Kiss it right where my arse was sat, homo." He said, his hot breath in my ear. I turned my head to catch his eye, to confirm that he was serious. One look told me that he was. Heart racing and with my dick stiffening I knelt by the seat, trying to make it seem as if I was tying my shoe lace, and leant my head forward, allowing my lips to touch the faux leather surface, right in the middle where Adam's arse crack was sweating away a minute ago. It was still warm and I found myself wanting to linger there, but caution prevailed in me for once and I pulled away a second later, looking up to see Adam smiling smugly down at me.

"Man, you're such a fucking wimp." He said, shaking his head and laughing before moving away to the next exercise. I was left there kneeling, a position I had to maintain for another thirty seconds or so as I willed my dick to go down.

James was less, shall we say, interactive. He would get my attention when he needed something, knowing that my attention was never far away from him, and I would fulfill whatever the need was in an efficient way. This seemed to please James much more than any suffering or humiliation he had seen me endure over the past couple of days, and certainly since Adam had arrived. This man knew that he deserved to be worshipped and waited on, I could see that in every inch of him, his physicality, his posture, his poise, and I was simply one of the willing and available people he must meet every day. I felt honoured when I thought of this, as I caught sly glimpses at his handsome, youthful face, set in determination as he worked through his exercises.

After two hours Adam and James finally stepped down from the running machines, sweat pouring from them both, soaking into their thin gym clothes causing them to cling to their bodies.

"Fuck, I need a shower." Exclaimed Adam, and was about to head in the direction of the locker rooms when James caught him by the shoulder.

"Hang on buddy." James said, a rare, mischievous grin appearing at the corners of his mouth. "The towel boy here needs rewarding. How about we, er, skip the showers and give the fag a treat when we get back?"

I was surprised at this suggestion from James, but if he meant what I hoped he meant I was fully on board. To my delight Adam was too, as he immediately smiled and ran with the idea. He came close to me, bathing me in his aura of alpha musk and heat.

"Would you like that, homo? You wanna head home and huff my ball sweat?" He knew he was right, and he knew what it was doing to me, and he laughed as I quickly put my hands on front of my crotch to hide the growing tent that he was making me pitch. Man, I thought, he could control me so easily, they both could.

"Yes." I replied meekly.

"Yes what?" He said, with a little more menace.

"Yes Sir, I want to huff your ball sweat." I said, as loudly as I dared. Adam smiled, and I could see that James did too.

'Well, since you asked so nicely, homo, let's go." Adam said, patting my arse and turning towards the locker room so that I could collect their bags before we went back to the house.

As ever please feel free to email me on devonguy12345@gmail.com with comments or suggestions or just to say hi.


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