Hooked on My Housemate

By Devon Guy

Published on Nov 18, 2023


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Hooked on my Housemate Part Two.

It was late by the time I got to bed, what with having to tidy up after mine and James' evening together and then unpack my bedding and make my bed. Still, as tired as I was from the long day and the alcohol, the fresh memory of serving James left me lying awake feeling strangely energized.

As I lay there I closed my eyes and brought back to mind all of the sensations of the evening, the smell of James' feet, his crotch, the softness and faint saltiness of his skin, and the marble hard muscles beneath. I stroked my dick as I remembered the feel of his thick member as it swelled to fullness in my mouth, the pull of his fingers on my hair as he guided me in both depth and tempo to those he preferred. In retrospect I could see that he was teaching me, that the whole evening he had been teaching me. Fuck, that thought drove me even wilder, that James had planned what had happened, and that Adam, this guy I still only had the vaguest knowledge of, knew about it too. I should have felt manipulated and used, hell I did feel manipulated and used, and that's the part that drove me wild.

"I bet him I'd break you the first night", James had said. I remembered the gleam in his eye as he had said it, and with a last, sharp surge my body began to spasm as my balls spewed their contents over my clenching belly and up to my chest. I didn't bother to wipe, I just lay back and allowed the cum to dry as I wound down from the biggest orgasm I'd had in a long time, and little by little I eventually slept.

What seemed like a minute later, but a one eyed glance at my clock said five hours, I was woken by my bedroom door opening. It was James. He didn't speak at first, he just approached and stood by my bed. I opened the other eye and looked up at him. He seemed only half awake too, stood wearing the pants he wore last night but now shirtless. His hairy chest looked huge from this angle, and I admired it for a moment before he snapped me to attention by fishing his dick from his pants and pushing it at my lips.

"Open up." He said gruffly, and I obliged, letting the head of his semi hard dick into my mouth. "Hope you're thirsty." Then, with no further ceremony he began pissing.

It was awkward to swallow at the angle I was lying and inevitably some of James' piss spilled out of my mouth and onto my bed. I'd have to deal with that later. For that moment my job was to swallow better, so I maneuvred myself as best I could into a more amenable position. Good job too as James's morning piss was long and heavy, and tasted more acrid than it had last night. That's to be expected, I guessed, and something it seems I'll have to get used to.

After about thirty seconds James squirted the last of his piss into my mouth before withdrawing, wiping the few drops from. the end of his cock onto my face. I felt the trails of piss go from warm to cold in a couple of moments as it dried, and by the time it was cold James had put his dick away and turned to leave the room.

I was disappointed at first that I hadn't gotten to suck James' beautiful cock as I had the night before, but just getting to taste it was enough to get my dick rock hard. I began stroking, and as I did I turned my face to the wet patch on the bed that James' piss had left and, mouth open, I pressed my face into it, reliving the experience that had just gone by. I felt so dirty, and I remembered how James had called me a pig. Yeah, fuck, I'm a pig, I'm your pig, I thought as I tongued the moist sheet. I came in seconds, adding another load to my belly. Yeah, I needed a shower.

I got up to a quiet house. James must have left in a hurry this morning. Outside of his bedroom door was a full basket of dirty laundry and I remembered my instructions from last night. I glanced at my watch and saw that it was 10am already. Shit, I'd have to get moving if I wanted to get this done before the evening. I decided to put my shower off until after I'd gotten started on James' laundry, so heaving the basket into my arms I headed to the utility room downstairs.

I could smell the sweat rising from James' clothes. It brought me right back to the night before, when I'd been on my knees with my nose in his crotch. Damn, now I was getting horny again, just a few minutes after blowing a load. It seemed that James could affect me even when he wasn't there in person. Strangely that realisation turned me on even more.

I got the utility room and, after scrutinizing the washing machine for a minute or two I figured out how to do a standard load and started sorting through James' clothes.

It's was exactly the kind of stuff you'd expect from a guy like James. There were several pairs of trendy boxer shorts, athletic socks, gym shorts, a few t-shirts and polo shirts, some jeans and joggers. Despite being pushed for time I couldn't resist putting each item to my nose before placing it into the machine. Fuck, I was getting hooked on how this man smelt.

Luckily everything could be put in together, which was a relief as I didn't think I'd have time to run the machine twice. I set the program, added the detergent and started the machine, happy to hear the first purrs and gurgles as it woke to life.

I'd made an effort to clean up the place last night, but not wanting to face the chore of properly unpacking I decided to give the kitchen and sitting room a better going over. As I entered the kitchen I saw a note on the counter. I picked it up.

"Morning piss pot.

Make sure you're here from 4pm on.

We'll need beers. Lots of beers. Get on it.


That's gave me six hours to get everything done. It sounded like more than enough but as 3.45pm neared I was still finishing ironing and folding James' stuff. Of course, it didn't help that I'd decided, after some debate, to iron the boxers and socks too. Still, I just had five minutes to spare once I'd deposited the clean clothes back where I'd found them outside of James' bedroom door, so I grabbed one of the beers I'd bought and sat down on the sofa to chill for a minute before James arrived back.

Four came and went. So did five and six. A few more beers came and went too as I sat there, unable to find distraction in the TV or the Xbox I'd brought with me and set up that afternoon. Part of me felt like I was being stood up, but that was ridiculous. It's not like it was a date. I wasn't sure exactly what this was that had started between James and me but it wasn't that. Still, my heart leapt like a puppy when when I heard the gruff laughter of male voices approaching the front door, followed by a key in the latch.

The volume of the laughter leapt up a notch as the door opened and James spilled into the hallway, clearly a little drunk, followed by another lad who I dimly recognized as Adam.

Adam was shorter than James by a few inches, and not quite as built, but I could still see the lines of a well defined musculature beneath his old t-shirt and cargo shorts. He had blond hair that he'd had cut into a short, fashionable crop that faded into the tanned skin of his face and neck. He wore a single golden stud in his left ear and I thought for a moment how appropriate that was as I took him in properly for the first time. While James projected a calm, masculine confidence Adam seemed more arrogant and cocksure in his demeanor. It's strange how you can sometimes tell that about a person without even having heard a word from them. When he did speak I found the impression proven right.

"This him then?" He said, as he swaggered into the sitting room after James and saw me sat there on the sofa. He looked me over, seeming to appraise me. I suddenly felt self conscious. It was strange to be looked at and refered to like that, like an object.

"Yeah that's the fag." Said James, coming to stand beside Adam and crossing his arms. "Hey, fag." James said, addressing me. "You get your jobs done today?"

"Yes sir. Your laundry is ready where you left it sir and there are beers in the fridge." I replied.

James smiled that smile that melts me. "Good boy. I'll be checking, but for now why don't you run and get us men something to drink. Chop chop."

Jumping to attention I hurried to the kitchen. I had no sooner left my seat when James and Adam dropped themselves on the sofa behind me. It would be another evening on the floor for me, I thought, but that was fine by me. Just the prospect of getting to be in the presence of those two was enough for me to swallow most discomforts.

I brought the beers into the sitting room and handed them to the guys before taking a seat on the floor a little distance away with my own drink.

I admit I was a little apprehensive, especially about Adam, who while still something of an unknown quantity had a vague aura of menace about him. Perhaps it was James' words the night before. "He's not as nice as me." Well, I'll find out sooner or later, I thought to myself.

At first James and Adam ignored me, seemingly content to shoot the shit with each other. From what I could gather they had been friends for a while, from before university, judging by the references and in-jokes they made as they continued to catch up. It was only once they'd finished their first beers that they acknowledged me.

"Hey, homo." Said Adam, looking at me. "Come over here a sec. I wanna show you something." He had a wicked grin on his face which only heightened my anxiety. Nonetheless I obediently shuffled over. James was watching and something impelled me to want to impress him. I got close to where Adam sat, on my knees now with my arse on my heels.

"Bit closer, fag. Lean in." He said, still smiling. His blue eyes sparkled playfully as he inspected my face. I leaned in and as I did he leaned in too, until our faces were inches apart. Then I felt a hand at my jawline, gentle finger cradling and guiding me closer. "Close your eyes." He said. Was he about to kiss me? I thought. Had I read him completely wrong? I closed my eyes and waited, mouth slightly open. Then, just at the moment I expected to feel Adam's lips, I heard the gutteral belch of a beer burp point blank in my face.

Adam burst out laughing, quickly followed by James. I felt utterly stupid. How could I possibly have thought that Adam would want to kiss me.

"Say thank you, faggot." Said Adam between fits of laughter. I wanted to crawl away, to run to my room, but something kept me glued to the spot. The best I could do was look down at the floor.

"Thank you sir." I said, and felt a slap across my face. It wasn't hard but it still stung. I tried to pull back but Adam grabbed my hair and hit me again.

"Say it properly, dickhead." He said, anger in his voice now. It frightened me and so not wanting to receive a third slap I blurted out "Thank you sir for your delicious burp."

This brought another wave of laughter from the two of them.

"You sure you only been training him a day? The boy's a natural." Said Adam to James, still holding my hair.

"Knew it as saw as I saw him, mate. Had him sucking the piss from my dick in no time. He was practically begging for it" James replied.

"Is that right, fag boy?" Adam said, addressing me. "You're a good little toilet?"

I knew I must be blushing, but something about this scrutiny, humiliating as it was, flipped a switch in me that I had first felt the night before and I found myself replying with honesty.

"Yes sir. I'm a toilet." God, with every word I said I was reinforcing this new role that I had chosen, or had been chosen for me. I wasn't sure which. Perhaps it was both. It was clear to me now that this submission touched something deep in me, but it was also becoming clear that James and Adam were intent on actively shaping me.

Adam smiled. "We'll see." He said, looking sterner now but still with a slight, wry smile to his lips. "Beer us, bitch."

Returning from the kitchen I found that Adam had pulled out his flaccid dick. Even soft it looked a decent size. Not quite on James' level but still big compared to mine.

Without looking at me Adam clicked his fingers before pointing at the floor in front of him. I knew what to do. After delivering the beers I knelt before Adam. He didn't even look at me, he just took hold of his cock and waved it in front of my face a few times before holding it still. I got the message and leaned forward, putting my lips around the end of Adam's dick. His crotch smelled of sweat and his uncut dick was salty on my tongue. Before I knew it he was releasing a thick stream of piss into my mouth. He had none of the consideration James had shown and made no attempt to control the flow. I was thankful for the little practice I'd had as I was just about able to swallow it down fast enough to prevent making a mess. Something told me I'd regret making a mess. All the while Adam continued to talk to James as if I wasn't there, as if these were just two lads chatting at the pub urinal. In a way that was right, I thought, and something about that realisation appealed to me deeply.

The evening progressed in much the same fashion. For the most part James and Adam continued to ignore me as they drank and chatted, played games or watched TV. I'd be called on to bring drinks and snacks or to relieve their bladders, and would receive the occasional humiliation for my efforts. As sick as it sounds I began to enjoy those moments, and found they made the uncomfortable hours sat on the floor endurable. Despite the sporadic interactions I was able to get a better understanding of who these two lads were.

As I said they had been friends for years, and seemed to have an almost brotherly bond. I say almost because as the beers came and went and the two of them reminisced about good times they'd shared I found that some of those times were of the sort that brothers don't often share.

"What about that slag Angela Dixon? She let us spitroast her for an E. Wonder what happened to her?" James said, in one tangent of their ramble.

"Last I heard she got knocked up by some black cunt. Got kicked out of her parents. Serves her right." Said Adam. That was another thing I'd noticed during the evening. While James seemed over all to be a decent guy, Adam was the sort of casually bigotted bully I'd normally abhorre. When James called me a faggot, or whatever, it hadn't felt like an insult but with Adam it did. There seemed to be a shadow of malice or sadism in his eyes in the moments he took to degrade me. "He's no as nice as me." James had said, but that seemed to be only half the truth.

I also had time to further contemplate my new situation. It was strange referring to it as such, as a situation. At first I might have been able to shrug it off as just a game, and experiment, but with every moment, every act of submission I showed, it became more and more real. Through the company of James and Adam, as peripheral as I was to it, I felt a connection with something unnameably fundamental to my character.

Adam burped loudly, interrupting my thoughts.

"Fuck me, you missed out there fag. That was a beast." He said, before wafting the air in front of him in my direction and laughing. "Don't worry though, I got something brewing the other end. Get your nose in here, dickhead." He said, then he spread his legs and pointed at his taint. "Hurry up, cunt. It ain't gonna wait all night.'

I gulped. I knew what was coming. Adam leant back with a smug look on his face, while James watched on smiling. I crawled the short distance to Adam and, as instructed, I put my face against his taint so that my nose was just above where I knew his arse hole must be. I could feel his balls resting against my closed eyes, warm and heavy, and I smelt the musk of that most private part of a man. Then, after a pregnant pause, Adam let out a long, loud fart right in my face. I could feel the pressure of it rush out and the taught fabric of his shorts vibrate.

"Breathe it in, shithead." He laughed, grabbing the back of my head and mashing my face in further. I had no choice but to breathe in the foul air. Well, it wasn't that foul, I mean a fart is a fart, not nice but not the worst either. It wasn't the smell so much as the predicament that excited me, though. I found that despite my natural antipathy for him, or perhaps because of it, having Adam humiliate me in such a way made the newly found submissive side of me squirm with a twisted kind of pleasure. If I had to describe it I'd say that submitting James excited me because it felt right and submitting to Adam was exciting because it felt wrong. It's strange how much self reflection one can achieve while some arrogant bully is ripping a fart in your face.

"Say thank you, faggot." Adam said, intent on prolonging my discomfort.

"Thank you for your amazing fart sir." I said, my voice muffled by Adam's arse. Still, it prompted more laugher from both of them. I was beginning to understand that laughter was a good response.

"You're welcome, mate. Got to give a dog a treat now and then." Adam said, finally releasing me. Almost reluctantly I pulled away, but remained kneeling where I was.

James turned to Adam. "Mate, did you bring any porn? I know what you're like."

Adam laughed. "'Course mate, there's fuck loads on my laptop. Why, want me to hook it up?"

"Yeah man. Let's turn this up a notch." Said James, his hand lazily groping at his crotch.

"Ok mate, gimme two minutes." Said Adam, and he got up to fetch his laptop from his bag. After a bit of fumbling he hooked it up to the TV and soon had a menu of videos up on screen. "Any preference?"

"Nah mate. You choose. Sommat rough, you know." James replied before turning to me. "Shift over here." He said, pointing in front of him and I shuffled over. James unbuttoned his jeans and eased them down over his hips, unhooking them past his thick, muscular arse and then down his thighs, finally over his knees and to his ankles. I knelt enraptured by the sight of his wide, hairy legs flanking me, meeting in the middle at a pair of boxer briefs that bulged obscenely. "Sniff my nuts, boy." He said, and I almost dove in, eagerly pushing my nose and mouth against his nutsack, the big balls shifting under the pressure. It was heaven.

I felt the sofa shake as Adam returned and sat, the unmistakable sound of porn running in the background, the slaps and groans a screams. I could tell that it was straight porn, and sounded more towards the hardcore end of the spectrum based on the stream of dirty talk I could half hear. Not that it especially interested me at that moment, transfixed as I was on the heady musk of James's balls.

"Aw man you swiped the faggot. Not fair." Adam said with humour, before I felt the heel of a trainer connect, causing me to grunt and lean further into James crotch.

"You snooze you lose, pal." Replied James. I looked up at him and his eyes were forward, watching the screen. His hand returned to his crotch and he began stroking himself again. His big hand went up and down right above my face, and with each downstroke it would connect with my forehead. He reached his other hand to the waistband of his boxers and hooked them under his balls. "Lick 'em." He said, and with relish I stuck out my tongue and began to hungrily lap at his hairy balls as the motions of his hand on his dick went faster and harder, smacking against my head as if I wasn't there. Still, I felt privileged to be even a small part of his pleasure.

"Mate," Adam interrupted. "I think this queer's fallen in love with your balls. The look on his face, you'd think it's fucking Valentine's day."

James sniggered. "I haven't met one who hasn't."

"How about we hear it from the horse's mouth." Said Adam, and it was only then that I looked at him. He had taken his phone out and was holding it with the camera towards me. "Tell us how much you love James' bollocks."

I balked for a moment at the sight of the camera, but realistically what else was I going to do in that moment but to respond.

"I love your balls sir." I said, voice muffled by said balls.

"Put one in your mouth and then say it." Said Adam. They were both sniggering by then. The evenings beer and good humour had engendered in them that playful frame of mind where even the most infantile of jokes were funny. Part of me was even amused at what I was doing, of what Adam was making me do, but the glint of cruelty in his eyes, and the fact that he was recording it, made me fear for the control I was surrendering.

I opened my mouth wider and worked one of James' nuts in past my lips. Of course it was impossible to form the words properly so all I could manage was "Ah uff ayfif awf, fer", as the drool ran down my chin. Adam guffawed.

"Man, you sound as retarded as you look." He said.

"Hey bitch," James interjected. "Don't forget your job. Get your mouth on my cock."

I relinquished James' balls and moved further up, my nose gliding along all nine inches to the end, which glistening with a crown of precum. I opened my mouth and enveloped it, my tongue lavishing attention on his walnut sized head. I heard a low growl and looked up. James was still looking ahead at the screen. To his left Adam had pulled out his own hard dick. As I'd expected it was shorter than James', about seven inches, but thick like a deodorant can. Adam grabbed my wrist and pulled it towards his lap, guiding me to grip his cock. My fingers could barely meet around it.

"Make yourself useful." He said, and I began working my hand up and down, feeling his hardness pulsing beneath soft, elastic skin. At first I found it difficult to get a steady rhythm of both sucking and stroking, kind of like patting your head and rubbing your belly, but once it clicked it became automatic, and again I fell into that detached headspace where for a while I stop being a person and become a tool, a means to an end.

Unlike last night James seemed in no hurry to come tonight, so after five minutes or so of having me slobbering on his knob he pulled me off, saying to Adam, "Wanna have a go?" as if he were handing over a game controller.

"Yeah alright." Said Adam just as nonchalantly. "Over here, cock sucker." He said to me and I quickly swapped places and knelt in front of Adam, anticipating the dick in front of me.

"You gotta ask nicely first, cock sucker." Said Adam, sneering down at me. I'm sure he could see in my eyes how needy I was to get my mouth on his fat dick and he seemed intent on exploiting that.

"Please sir can I suck your amazing dick." I said, trying to put the right note of pleading into my voice. Adam smiled, holding his hard dick an inch from my lips.

"Open your mouth and stick your tongue out, fag." He ordered and I complied, opening wide and pushing my tongue out and down. If it was Adam's intention to make me feel stupid, like some braindead slut, then it worked.

"Aw, he looks like a fucking blow up doll. Hold your mouth like that, faggot. Nice and round, covering those teeth" I opened up, pulling my lips over my teeth as I did, and with that Adam began dipping his dick in and out of my mouth. This wasn't so much a blow job to get him off as it was another exercise in demeaning me, of showing that he could do whatever he wanted to me and I'd roll over and let him. He seemed exactly the kind of bully that took delight in pushing their victims' buttons, and knowing all of that just made me hotter for him.

Each time Adam plunged his dick past my lips he went deeper, bludgeoning at my throat, causing me to choke and spit.

"No teeth, cunt." Said Adam through gritted teeth as he smacked the back of my head so I held my mouth even wider, the muscles of my jaw beginning to complain. With my mouth held open like that I had no way of stopping the spit that was running from my mouth and down Adam's cock, smearing into his blond pubes. Harder he thrusted, as if he truly hated me, as if he wanted to see how quickly he could make me throw up. I have no idea how but I held on to my lunch and after a few minutes of this punishment he relented for a moment, pulling my spit and precum smeared face up level to his. He looked me in the eyes, true contempt in his face.

"Look at you." He said, sneering. "You're a disgusting fucking queer." And with that he spat into my face, his phlegm landing in a streak across my left eye, forcing me to close it. Adam continued to look at me. "What are you?"

"I'm a disgusting fucking queer sir." I said, fear now beginning to tip the balance once more. I looked up at Adam one eyed and he looked hotter than he had all night, a sneer of disgust contrasting with his boyishly handsome blond looks.

"At least you know your place, homo." He said, then hawked another load of spit across my face. "Keep being useful and I might not kick the shit out of you."

Adam then forced my head back onto his fat prick, shoving it balls deep, popping the back of my throat and cutting off my airway. Man, he was strong, and had no trouble holding my head down right where he wanted. My throat convulsed at the invasion and my instinct was to push myself away, but my arms flailed uselessly against Adams strong thighs.

"Aw yeah, that's something most girls won't do." He said.

"Yeah man. Always fucking available too." Agreed James.

I continued to struggle and squirm in Adam's grip as the two of them casually chatted about me.

"Too right. Looks like we got a good little on call cum dump" Said Adam. He was slowly grinding his his, working his fat dick head around in my already abused throat until I started to feel light headed. Before I knew it I was being pulled back, air filling my lungs. Thick strings of saliva connected my lips with Adams fat tool, which he now had in one hand, beating it furiously. His other hand held my hair, positioning me so that my face right in front of his cock. I looked up. Whereas James had watched the TV as he used me, Adam liked to watch my face. I could tell that his enjoyment ran beyond simple physical pleasure, an impression confirmed when, breathing hard he smiled and said. "Yeah, I'm gonna paint your face, faggot. Yeah, uh, gonna make you wear my cum, bitch. Fuck. Yeah. Uhn. Uhn. Uuuhhhnnn!"

Adams dick erupted with streak after streak of hot, white cum, spattering my face, adding to the mess already there. After, seven, eight loads he hooked his finger into my mouth, pulling it open so that he could squeeze the last few drops onto my tongue.

"Thank you sir", I said, hoping to please him by showing gratitude without being prompted. I received a slap to the head.

"Don't try to be smart, dick breath. It doesn't suit you." Adam said.

Any further recrimination was avoided as James reached over and grabbed hold of me, pulling me over to him with some urgency. I looked and saw that he had his fat nine inches in his hand, rock hard and wet. He barely waited until I had gotten into position before he pushed his cock head at my lips. I opened up and James thrust in. He must have been on a knife edge already because barely a few seconds later he started unloading the contents of those big nuts I loved so much into my eager, well fucked mouth.

I knew exactly how he felt. By this point I was on the edge too, despite not having even touched myself since that morning. But all night my dick had been fluctuating between semi and rock hard, oozing a steady flow of precum into my undies until there was a permanent pool around my cock head. I was so turned on that even the movement of my jeans around my crotch got me close. Maybe James somehow knew this, or maybe it was happenstance, but as he came he lifted his left foot and pushed it into my groin and it's weight pressed against my rock hard dick. This was all it took and my body began spasming and I spunked a wracked and shaking load into my pants as I humped uncontrollably against the sole of James' foot.

Adam burst out laughing. "Seriously, mate. I think the sick faggot just came in his panties over your foot."

James just chuckled. "Like I said, I never met one that hasn't." Then he pushed his foot harder, shoving me away.

I knelt back on my haunches trying to catch my breath, exhilarated and exhausted, my load oozing around my still hard dick. As a demonstration of control, making me cum with a touch of the foot ranks pretty highly, and in my post orgasmic clarity I felt renewed fear at what this control meant for my life going forward, of how exactly these different but equally demanding men were going to change me, for the better or worse.

Beneath the fear, though, and bigger than it, was the sense of contentment I felt as i knelt there, used as I was useful.

Thanks for reading. Feel free to email me on devonguy12345@gmail.com


Next: Chapter 3

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