Hooked on My Housemate

By Devon Guy

Published on Nov 17, 2023


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Hooked on my Housemate part one.

It was early September and I was about to start my second year of university. Like most second year students I was moving out of my halls of residence and into a shared house off campus with a group of other students all doing the same. I knew most of the six other people I was to be moving in with. All together there would be seven of us, six other lads and me. I already knew four of the lads from living in the same halls in the first year, but had only met the other two guys, James and Adam, once or twice at some party or other. Nevertheless I was eager to get myself moved in and, due to my course beginning early, had arrived a week before the others were due.

My parents and I pulled up to the house at about 12.30pm with a car full of my belongings, mostly books, clothes, my computer, kitchen stuff, food etc. Enough to get started at least. I'd seen the house once before when we chose it, and remembered that it was nothing special to look at, but it was large and had sufficient amenities for a bunch of students. It was at the end of a short terrace of what seemed to be other cheap, rented houses in what was not quite the worst part of town.

I fumbled the new key from my jeans. Assuming that nobody else would be there yet I first tried the dead bolt, only to find it unlocked, so then unlocked the latch and pushed the door open, sliding it over a small avalanche of fast food flyers. The hall inside was bare but clean, the carpet utilitarian green and a little frayed, the wall white, the bulbs of the light fitting bare. Somewhere above I could hear the thump of music playing.

"Well, seems like someone got here first. Bet they took the best room". I joked, as we moved into the communal area to deposit the first of the bags.

"Well, it seems nice enough.' said mum, visibly cringing but holding it together. As I said, the place was basic and a bit thread bare, and you know what mums are like.

Dad was more pragmatic. "Go put the kettle on, while me and the lad shift the rest in". He said, jingling his car keys.

"Yeah, good idea." I said, "I just want to get settled in before any more rooms go!"

A sweaty hour or so later and we had moved everything in and I had finally gotten my parents to leave. I decided to grab a beer from the box I'd made my parents let me buy and sat on the sofa in the sitting room of my new temporary home. I noticed the music upstairs had stopped and had been replaced by the soft hushing of a shower. I wondered again who it was. I'd been in contact with a few of the others over the summer and had been under the impression that they were arriving the following week, so I assumed that it must be either James or Adam. That was fine, it would be good to have some company. No sooner had I had that thought when I heard the bathroom door open and close, followed by the thud of heavy feet. From where I sat I could see the staircase to the upper floor, and there appeared a pair of big, obviously male feet. They were attached to a pair of firm, hairy calves that led to knees and then a white towel. Step by step the owner of the feet was revealed as he descended, and I sat silently watching, my beer undrunk in my hand. Finally the figure emerged and turned towards the sitting room, still oblivious to me. I was right that it was either James or Adam, because he seemed vaguely familiar to me, but which he was I couldn't tell. Perhaps I'd have been able to work it out if I hadn't been so distracted.

The guy walking towards me was a little over six feet tall. He had dark hair that covered his head in easy curls and covered much of the rest of him too. Not a gorilla, but somewhat wild nonetheless. It didn't hide but accentuate the body beneath, which was thick with defined muscle and tanned golden but for the hint of a paler skin above the waist of his towel. I must have taken in this all of this in a second, because when my eyes returned to his face he was only just noticing me. He stopped as his eyes met mine and he gave me a brief look of confusion, followed by comprehension, followed by a grin that showed white teeth.

"Hey, you just get here? Man, I didn't even hear. I was just working out, guess I got a bit too into in. I'm James." He said and, without a hint of embarrassment at wearing only a towel bounced down onto the sofa next to me before reaching a hand out to shake mine. I'm usually fairly confident, not the life and soul but by no means shy, but something about James' confidence, not to mention his half naked body right next to me, had me blushing and stuttering.

"I'm, er, I'm Chris." I said, taking his hand and feeling his firm grip. Like everything else his hand was bigger than mine. He must have been 6'2", and at 5'8" my eyes weren't much higher than his shoulders even sitting down.

"Good to meet you Chris. Say, you got another one of those beers, buddy? That workout got me thirsty and we can get to know each other a bit." James said, his hand, having released mine, was now gripping my knee.

"Er, yeah," I said, still flustered, "hang on, I'll go grab one."

"Good boy." Said James and with a playful pat on the leg he let me go.

It was only once I was stood that I realised that my dick had started to bone up, so I surreptitiously adjusted myself under the guise of checking my phone. Luckily, or unluckily, I'm not what you'd call hung, so it was easy to hide. Still I was glad to get a moment to myself. Fuck, I was gonna have to work control myself, not just today, but for a whole year. I grabbed another two beers, paused, then decided to bring the whole box.

When I got back James was once again descending the stairs, this time the towel was gone and instead he wore some lose grey tracksuit pants and a yellow and green vest. If anything the clothes made him hotter, the way they hid some things and showed others. His feet were still bare, though, and I blushed to myself for noticing.

"Good boy," he said, seeing the box of beers. "Grab me one." The box was on the floor beside me so I crouched down to pull one free. I picked one out for him and turned to hand it to him. He was stood much closer than I expected and I found myself face to face with his crotch. It was maybe ten inches away, close enough that I could see the outline of his dick hanging to the left. I looked at it for a moment.

'Open it." James voice came from above, knocking me from the moment. I was confused for a moment, and in my mind flashed the image of reaching forward and pulling the front of his pants down. Then I remembered the beer and, trying to cover my embarrassment with activity, I fumbled the beer open and handed it to him.

"Cheers," he said, apparently oblivious to my ogling and taking a long drink. 'Start as we mean to go on, eh Chris?" He said and gave a loud burp.

"Here, here." I said and drank in agreement.

James and I worked our way through that first box of beer pretty quickly, chatting about our lives and our experiences of University so far. James was studying sports science, rather predictably, and was hoping to get into coaching and personal training. As we talked I found that James especially liked bragging about his sexual conquests, a subject that immediately made me feel embarrassed, despite the drink, as my own sexual history was relatively scant. Add that to the fact that I had finally realised just last year that I was gay, something I had only shared with a few people so far, and I found myself unable to contribute much to the conversation at those moments. It was fun just to listen, though, and allow my thoughts to roam, picturing how a stud like James fucks, imagining his tall, beefy body poised over some willing girl, his masculine virility unfettered. I day dreamed as he talked.

Eventually he noticed my evasiveness and embarrassment and so asked me outright. "So how about you, mate. Any girls in the picture? Or guys?" He looked me in the eye and there was something knowing in his expression. I could feel myself turning red, my face answering for me.

"It's alright if you are. Gay I mean." He said, and his hand went to my shoulder.

"I, er, I'm not. I mean, I don't know." God, I wished the ground would open up. It was one thing coming out to my friends, but to admit it to a guy I just met, especially one I found so hot? James, no doubt noticing my discomfort sidled closer, his arm reaching around my shoulder. His firm body felt warm against me, and that simple act of human intimacy calmed me down.

"You're right." I said, trying to sound confident again. "I'm...I'm gay."

"That's my boy!" James said and ruffled my hair. "Wasn't so hard was it? It's cool though, I've met loads of gay lads on my course."

Relieved at his accepting reaction I thanked him. "I still get nervous telling people, you know."

"Well it's all good with me. Now how about you run to the shop and fetch us some more beer. Get some snacks too." James said, before finishing off the last can. Still giddy with the approval he'd shown me I practically jumped up and was half way to the door before I remembered that I had no idea where the nearest shop was. I turned to James and was about to ask when, preempting me he said "left out of the door then third right, it's on the next corner."

"Ah, cheers, thanks." I said, "I'll be back soon."

"You'd better be, boy. You don't wanna leave me waiting." James said, and grinned.

"I won't." I replied, and headed out the door.

Night was falling as a made the short walk back from the shop with the bags of supplies. I'd got some beers, some Doritos and dips, and had picked up a bottle of bourbon as well. I guess I wanted to impress James by buying hard spirits, despite never having had much more than beer and wine myself up to then. Maybe it was the fact I was already pretty tipsy, maybe it was the thrill of new experiences, maybe it was James' influence on me, but I wanted him to like me, to approve of me on some level. These thoughts hung half formed as I looked at the bruising sky, the evening clear with possibility.

When I arrived back I found that James had put some music on, some mellow hip hop I couldn't name, and had dimmed the lights down, a feature of the house I hadn't noticed on my first look around. He was sprawled on the sofa, one leg resting on the Formica coffee table and the other across the sofa seat where I'd been sitting earlier. The posture caused the fabric of his pants to pull tight at his crotch and before I could help myself I got an eyeful of his not inconsiderable package. It shouldn't have come as a surprise that a guy like James would be packing something big, but I still found the sight something of a shock. If James noticed me looking, or my reaction, he didn't acknowledge it.

"Nice one, mate." He said as he saw me enter and begin unloading the bags. "And JD too. Open me a beer then go grab some glasses from the kitchen."

I happily complied, emptying the rest contents of the bags onto the table before grabbing a beer for James and opening it. I handed it to him and he took it without words, so I quickly headed to the kitchen for glasses.

When I returned I placed the glasses down and the looked expectantly at the spot on the sofa where I'd been sitting. James noticed me looking because he said "Sorry mate, that's rude of me." But instead of moving his leg for me to sit he reached for a cushion from near his foot before depositing it on the floor next to the sofa.

"You don't mind, do ya?" He asked, glancing towards the cushion. "I just need to stretch my legs a bit after that workout. You know how it is." And with that last remark he seemed to smirk. Of course, didn't know how it was. I wasn't one to work out, as must have been obvious to him. I'd always had a slim build, and preferred running or cycling to stay fit. Truth is I always found gyms intimidating. At that moment, though, I was feeling such insecurities dulled, so I felt no shame squatting down to sit cross legged on the ground.

James feet and crotch were in my eyeline now. If I was having trouble keeping my eyes off of him before it was now becoming impossible. My new vantage of him made me feel even smaller than before, and him bigger.

"Ok, then." He said, pulling me from my thoughts. He had opened the bourbon and was pouring two healthy measures into the glasses. "Time for the grown up stuff." He winked at me as I took the glass, examining the rich, orange brown liquid, it's sweet, thick aroma filling my nose. I looked up at James who had his own glass in hand. "Bottoms up!" And he swallowed the contents of the glass in three easy gulps. I lifted my own to follow suit, the rim at my lips I felt the spirit touch my lips and was surprised to find it cold. Taking a breath I allowed my mouth to fill before swallowing it down. It was like someone had poured molten lead down my throat. I immediately started coughing uncontrollably, gasping for breath in between. I was dimly aware of James laughing loudly.

"First time eh?" He said, between giggles. "Don't worry pal, it gets easier after that first one." I looked at him through streaming eyes and that expression of friendly amusement on his handsome face washed away my momentary discomfort.

"I hope so," I croaked, and then, to prove myself, I took another drink. James was right, it was easier, even pleasant. More pleasant was the ball of warmth I felt growing in my belly, a playful little sprite summoned into life. It was making my head spin a little too, and I found myself again stealing longer and longer glances at James. As I said, my experience with guys was pretty limited, and that was even more so when it came to guys in James' league, so yeah, being sat that close to him as he sprawled out, legs spread nonchalantly, one arm raised and folded behind his head showing his thick bicep and deep, dark pit. It may have been my imagination, a kind of autosuggestion, but I swear I could smell him too. Not just his deodorant, not just the hint of foot funk, but him, his being.

"You know, I don't mind you looking." He said, I noticed he was looking at me. I flushed with surprise and was searching for an apology when I saw that he didn't look angry or annoyed, rather his expression was one of satisfaction, as if this was a moment he had been expecting to come. He continued before any apology could come. "Like I said, I've met a lot of gay lads. You're not the first who couldn't keep his eyes off me. I get it. I'm hot."

Despite his words there was no tone of smugness or condescension in his voice. It was as if he was simply stating an obvious fact, which really he was. It broker no contradiction so I conceded.

"I'm sorry, but yeah, you're hot." I ventured a shy smile and he reciprocated with another of those grins. He winked at me before playfully flexing his right arm.

"Yeah, you know it." He said. "I bet you'd like to touch too, wouldn't you?" He was still smiling but I still had to look away for fear that he'd read the answer too clearly on my face. Yes, I wanted to touch him. More than I'd wanted anything, it felt. "I know you do, Chris." And with that I felt his foot rub against my head. I turned and found myself face to sole with James' left foot. Before I could catch myself I breathed in, the faint smell of sweat and soap, warm from his skin filled my nose, my mouth, my lungs. I closed my eyes, a sense of surrender overcoming me.

"It's ok, Chris." I heard James say, sounding somehow both nearer and further away. "Kiss it. We both know this is what you've been wanting since you met me. I knew then but we both know now, don't we?"

My eyes stayed closed as he spoke, his words playing around my head as I sat there, my lips the breadth of a hair from James skin. A soft "Yes" was all I could muster.

"Say "Yes sir"". His voice was definitely nearer now, and I sensed that he must have now been leaning forward, a notion confirmed when I felt a hand at the back of my head. It waited there, poised.

"Yes sir." I said, feeling almost in a dream. I felt the same skewed sense of time and space.

"Now kiss." Said James, underlining the instruction by pressing my face into his foot. My lips parted and I began planting kiss after kiss onto James' warm skin. It was as if something that had been dammed up inside of me for who knows how long was now bursting forth, and what began as tentative pecks soon turned into full on smooches as I practically made out with James' foot.

"Woah!" Said James, laughing. "You're a real little foot piggy, huh?"

Though it should have sounded like an insult, from James it didn't. If anything, being referred to in that way spurred me on. It felt like if that was what he wanted me to be, if that pleased him, if that amused him, then that's what I was. As a result I began kissing even more passionately. I felt I could have continued doing that all night, but I felt the hand at my head clench, gathering my hair in its grip, and I was pulled away from James' foot.

"Enjoy that, did you?" He asked, positioning my head to face him.

"Yes sir." I said, please with myself at remembering to add sir. James seemed pleased too, if that flicker of a smile was a guide.

"I'm glad, boy." He said, his eyes holding mine, looking deep into me. "That was a reward for good behavior. It's good that you enjoyed it. You've done everything you were told to without complaint, and as a reward you got to spend a few minutes worshipping my foot."

His eyes looked like pools in moonlight, unknowable depths beneath a sparkling surface. I felt somewhat entranced, as if James held not just my attention but something else, my obedience? The only response I could find was "Yes sir".

"Say thank you."

"Thank you sir."

James held me there for a moment or two of silence as his eyes continued to burn into me. "Glad we understand each other, Chris. It's good to know your place early on, saves a lot of hassle." His fist released it's grip on my hair and I was able to relax into a slouch. I was breathless and a little dazed at what had happened, but my dick was a stiff as it had ever been. James' crotch seemed to be bulging more too. I figured we were now past coy glances so I openly looked at it, relishing the freedom to take in the detail. I could see that his balls were hanging to the right as his dick snaked down his left leg. Even next to his tree trunk thighs it looked thick, and went some way to explain his cocksure attitude. Hell, isn't that what cocksure literally means? I heard him chuckle and I looked up.

"You like the look of that too I bet." He said before reaching down and giving his crotch a squeeze. It more than filled his hand, big as it was. I imagined how it would feel in my hand, it's weight and it's heat.

"Yes sir, I do. It looks huge." I said, once again transfixed with his crotch. James laughed again.

"Well, the girls don't complain it's too small, put it that way." He carried on rubbing at his crotch, the outline of his dick growing. "Funny, the faggots never complain at all."

I looked up at him, but again what should have been an insult felt right coming from James. There was no malice to it.

His hand now snuck inside of his pants, groping and rubbing. He then pulled his hand out and held it forward until it was in front of my face, the fingers brushing my nose.

"Sniff." James ordered and I inhaled quickly. I could smell that unmistakable tang of crotch sweat, a masculine scent that seemed to tap a primitive part of my being. At once I was an animal, a being of pure sense and impulse. James had found something in me I had only been distantly aware of myself, a need to be close to, to please, to satisfy a superior member of the species.

"There's more where that came from for good, obedient boys." He said, pulling his fingers away. I couldn't help but let out a small whimper, leaning my head forward to chase that scent. James reached for the bourbon and refilled both of our glasses.

"Drink up, boy." He said, handing me the glass before tapping it gently with his. I took another gulp of that pungent, warming liquid.

"How you feeling, boy?" He asked, leaning back again and regarding me.

"Good thank you sir. Great actually." It was the truth. And it wasn't just the bourbon talking, well maybe a little, but I really did feel great. Despite the strangeness of the situation it somehow felt comfortable, it felt right to be on the floor next to this paragon of masculine beauty and energy. I felt lucky. Scratch that, I was pinch myself I'm dreaming lucky.

"Good. Well I'm hungry. Order me a pizza, pepperoni, extra peppers. Be quick and maybe you can get another reward." He grabbed his crotch again and any objection I had of spending even more money that night melted away. I remembered the pile of menus in the hallway and so said "yes sir" before hurrying away to find one for a pizza place.

I made the order, adding a few sides, partly to make up the order to the free delivery threshold, and partly because something made me want to go above and beyond what James had demanded. After making the order I returned to the sitting room. I had barely gotten a few feet into the room when, without even looking at me James said "Wait for it by the door."

I was a little shocked at this, but complied and went and sat on the bottom stair of the staircase to the upper floor, facing the front door. As I sat there waiting for the delivery to arrive I took stock of the situation, and the insecure part of me began to speak up once more.

What was I doing? I had let the drink and my hormones get me into a ridiculous situation. I should walk back into the sitting room and tell James where to go. That's what I should do, that's what I told myself. But I still say there, and I waited.

I could hear James talking over the music. Too indistinct to make out more than the odd word, but he was obviously on the phone to someone.

"Nah mate it's cool.....yeah pretty much haha.....yeah it's like you said....ok man...... yeah I'll see you then, sound..."

Before I could hear more there was a knock at the door. I opened it and took the delivery in. "Keep the change", I said, handing the guy the notes.

I brought the stuff to the doorway of the sitting room, nervous to enter after being ordered out before. James was finishing his phone call.

"Yeah, he's here now. Call me when you're in town tomorrow, ok? See ya." James hung up and dropped his phone in his lap.

"Nice one, fag." He said. "Put it down there." He said gesturing to the table. I set out the pizza and sides for him. He seemed pleased. "Good job, fag. Seems like someone really wants that reward, huh?"

"Yes sir." I said. My dick had gotten soft as I waited and worried in the hall, but just a few words from James and I was hard as rock again.

"I can see, fag." He said, gesturing at the tent in my jeans. He sat forward with his feet planted on the ground, legs apart, displaying his bulge. He clicked his fingers and pointed at the spot on the floor in front of him, between his legs. "Kneel, now."

I knelt where I stood and then shuffled to the spot he'd indicated. I felt that smallness again as I felt the heat from his body, monolithic above me even though he sat.

"Good fag. Now put your nose on my crotch and sniff. I don't wanna see or feel your lips or tongue touch me. Just your nose for now. Bet you feel lucky to get even that, huh faggot?" James' mouth was next to my ear now, and his breath as he spoke sent shivers through me.

"Yes sir," I said, almost sighed really, as I leant forward and realised that this was the first time I'd been close to a real man like this. My experiences with guys up to then had been just shadows of this. The smell James' crotch enveloped me like a fog and I was lost within it. With every breath it fueled the lust that had been growing in me since I'd first seen James only hours earlier. I would never have thought, when I'd first seen those feet appear on the stairs, that I'd in this position now, but here I was and I'd never felt so alive. The only thing that I wanted for in that moment was to please James and be allowed to stay where he had put me. All the while James pretty much ignored me as he ate. The only interruption came when he tapped me on the head to grab him another beer. Eventually he finished the food and leant back. I remained where I was, my nose pressed against his fabric covered dick, sniffing. I looked up at his face and found he was looking at me.

"Man, you look so peaceful down there." He said. "Like my crotch is your happy place or something." He laughed, but it wasn't mean.

"I bet you're dying to see what's inside, isn't that right boy?" He asked, his eyes smiling.

"Yes sir, I do." I said. I'd never wanted anything more and he knew it.

"Yeah I know you do. I'd love to let you, but thing is I gotta take a piss really badly. If I have to walk all the way to the bathroom then, who knows, I might just change my mind. If only there was a way to solve that.." James looked at me as he said it, conveying with his eyes, if it were needed, what he meant. I knew what he was implying. I was inexperienced but not completely naive. I knew what he was expecting of me.

"I could...I mean you could...I mean I could....help you out, sir."

James grinned, a gleam of victory in his eye. He wasn't going to make it that easy, though.

"Help me out? How do you mean? Tell me what you want to do for me." He said.

"You could use my mouth to, you know, to go, sir." I stammered on. James' smile widened. "You can do better than that, boy. Say it. Spit it out." He laughed.

"You can, you can use my mouth to go toilet sir." James laughed even harder at this.

"Aw, piggy, you really are thirsty tonight aren't you?"

"Yes sir." I answered. I should have been embarrassed but I was putty in his hand at this point.

"Well, since you bought the beers it's the least I can do." And with that he pulled the waistband of his pants down, allowing his fat, half hard dick to flop out. It brushed my face for just a moment but the sensation caused a surge of electricity to flow through me.

"You're gonna be a good little toilet and swallow it all down, ok boy?" Said James as he took hold of his dick and aimed it at my mouth, the head brushing my lips, leaving a thin trail of precum.

"Yes sir." I said, and opened my mouth, eager for the first taste of James' naked dick.

"Ok, pig." He said, and his fat dick head passed my lips. I instinctively closed them around it, forming a seal. James leaned his head back and closed his eyes, and I could see him relaxing before I could taste it, but within seconds the first squirts of hot, acrid piss filled my mouth. I swallowed down and had to fight to urge to retch, something I had only moments to do before more piss followed. Much like the bourbon before, I found that each time I swallowed it was easier. James seemed to be moderating to flow for me, perhaps as much to avoid a mess as for my comfort, but it meant the process was manageable. In fact I found that sense of peace again, that floating feeling I'd had when I'd been kissing James' foot or sniffing his crotch, my sense of self replaced by something more immediately important. James shuddered as the last of his bladder emptied in one final, and he opened his eyes and looked down at me.

"Ok, fag. You can suck it now." He said and I clumsily but eagerly got to work, working my lips and tongue up and down his hardening cock. Everything up to this point, everything James had done and said that evening seemed to be working towards this point. That look of victory I'd glimpsed in James' expression earlier was now there proudly and openly as I bobbed my head up and down, using every trick porn had taught me to make this man feel good. His eyes held mine, those moonlit pools that called me to dive, to sink, encouraging me quietly as his grunts and gasps did another kind of wordless talking. He grabbed my head, taking control in a more obvious way, and working it up and down his now rock hard cock. It strained my lips and, as it pounded at the back of my throat, brought obscene gulps and splutters from me, thick saliva coating him, running down his length or down my chin.

"Uh, uh, uhgn, ahh, uuh." His grip was iron now as he hammered at my throat, any gentleness, any friendliness he had shown replaced with a selfish, animal need to get off. With one last, terrific, wordless yell he pulled my head down until my nose was squashed hard against his pelvis and his dick went balls deep in my throat. I felt the pulse of his loads flood along his dick and into my throat. The load must have been huge because some spilled out into my mouth and some even found its way out of my nose causing my eyes to water. James let go of my head after the last shudder of his orgasm came and went and I pulled back, gasping for air. James just looked down at me.

"Not bad for a first go. You'll get better though, I promise." He said, his dick now resting on my face as it slowly deflated. "That reminds me. You haven't picked a room yet have you, boy?"

"Not yet, sir." I replied, remembering the work I still had to do.

"Well then, you'll be in the one next to mine, in case I wanna use that mouth for something." He said. My dick twinged at the prospect of more to come.

"Yes sir. Should I do that now?" I asked, not wanting to leave my position at James' feet.

"Nah, tomorrow morning is fine, fag. Sleep there tonight though. Oh, and one more thing," he said, and grabbed his phone. He positioned it in front of me and, before I could object (not that I would have), he snapped a pic of my face with his dick still oozing cum against it. "Gotta send that to Adam. He's gonna be pissed off that I won."

Confused, I asked, "won what sir?"

"The bet." He said, matter of factly. "I bet Adam I'd break you in the first night. Turns out you were even easier than I thought." He chuckled as he typed a message and sent. "He'll be here tomorrow, and you better hope he doesn't wanna take it out on you. He's not as nice as me." James winked and smiled again, except this time it made me more nervous, not less. And with that he shoved me away, not hard but less than gently, and I slumped back against the coffee table. James tucked his dick back into his pants and stood so that his crotch was again inches from my face.

"I'm off to bed now, fag. Kiss your new master good night." And he pointed one finger at his crotch. I leant forward and planted a kiss, a kiss that I meant. Though I didn't want him to go I knew somehow that to protest, or even plead, would be the wrong thing to do.

"Good night sir." I said, and looked up at James' handsome face as he looked down. Despite the disparity in our positions it felt almost romantic to me. That notion was dispelled in a moment.

"If I don't see you in the morning there's some laundry in my room needs sorting. I want it back, cleaned and ironed for the evening." He said as he stepped away towards the door. He looked around as he left. "And clean this place up. I don't wanna find it like this tomorrow, ok?"

"Yes sir." I replied, but he was already climbing the stairs.

Any and all feedback and suggestions welcome on devonguy12345@gmail.com

Hope you enjoyed it guys.

Next: Chapter 2

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