Honor Thy Mother and Father

By moc.loa@netsdihcrO

Published on Jun 19, 2002


Honor thy Mother and Father Part II

The following morning I was awakened with a lot of yelling and screaming. I knew I was in really deep shit. I could here my father screaming at my mother. "What do you mean we didn't have sex last night. Who the hell did I fuck in the ass?" Just then I heard the front door open and I heard my sister's voice. Wholly shit, I thought, things are going from bad to worse.

Before she could say anything, my mother started to question her. "Where did you go after last night?" she questioned, "and why are you coming home at this hour of the morning?" I could tell my sister did not know how to respond. "What are you talking about? Mary Jane just dropped me off from school now," she said. Suddenly there was silence. I could picture all three of them standing there looking at one another, not knowing what to say.

Suddenly the door to my bedroom flew open. "What in the hell is going on?" my father screamed. "Who was in this house last night? Your sister says that she just came home this morning. She was not in her bedroom and it appears she didn't sleep in the bed all night." My father walked in the room followed by my mother. They seemed to stare at me in an odd way. As my mother walked closer to the bed she reached out and ran her hand against my lips. She turned her hand and looked at the red smear on the back of it. "What the fuck have you been up to?" Tears started to well up in my eyes. I didn't know what to say. I was caught. Apparently I didn't get all the makeup off my face. My asshole hurt, my dick hurt and now I was found out.

"Who told you to bring a girl in the house last night?" I couldn't believe it. They thought I had a girl here and that accounted for the lipstick. What a break. Then the questions started.

"You mean to tell me that I fucked your girlfriend last night?" he asked. "She sure liked it up the ass." My mother was reluctant to admit that she was fucking my sister, so she didn't say anything, but had a puzzled look on her face. She would have known that it wasn't my sister by her scent, her feel, her touch. I thought I was out of the woods and home free when she saw her clothes in the corner of the room. In my haste to get to bed, I put them in the corner hoping to put them away in the morning, but I was so tired and sore, that I overslept until all the commotion started. She didn't say a word about what she saw, but rather warned me about bringing girls in to the house when no one was home. They turned and walked away, but I knew that my father wanted more of that round eye he thought he got from my girlfriend.

I got dressed and when everyone was downstairs, I returned all the clothes back to the drawers and closets. I went downstairs and tried to pretend like nothing had happened and got ready to move on. My father went out and my sister went to the mall with her friends. I was sitting having lunch when my mother said "Well apparently our boy wants to be a girl." I almost choked on my food. "What are you talking about?" I asked. "I know you didn't have a girl here last night. I certainly could tell your sister from a stranger even if your Father could not. I found the crossdresser magazines hidden under your mattress. I also saw the shemale web sites you have been looking at on the Internet. I must admit though, you did fool me. You tongued my pussy every bit as good as your sister. Now that I know my little girl has a cock, it makes everything a whole lot better." "What do you mean Mom?" I asked. She just smiled and walked out of the room.

In the meantime, later that day, my father came home and asked me about my mystery girlfriend. He wanted to know who she was, where I met her, how long I had been fucking her. Did I ever stick my dick in her ass. I just kept telling lie after lie and my father seemed to be buying in to it until he started to think about her lying on the couch by herself. Where was she? If I was doing all that fucking, why wasn't I fucking her or eating her out or having my dick sucked when he came home.

"When did she leave?" he asked. "I never heard her leave. Why would she let me fuck her in the ass. She doesn't even know me. The person I fucked last night was so much like your mother. When she said that I didn't touch her, I was worried that in my liquored state that maybe I banged you sister. If I had, it was a great piece of ass, but then when your sister walked in this morning, I got all bent out of shape. I bought the girlfriend story, but you never brought her name up. Plus, you never go out and how in the hell would you have found such a good lay anyway. You didn't get that fucking lipstick and shit on your face from no girl, you put it there yourself. You're nothing but a faggot cocksucker," my father said. "I'm going to see how good you are when I'm sober." He started to undo his pants when the door opened and my mother and sister both walked in.

"Well, what have you two been up to?" I almost choked. "Nothing," I said, just talking. My father didn't say a word, but I could see a slight bulge in his pants.

For the rest of the college recess, nothing happened. It was like waiting for the other shoe to drop. I was starting to get that yearning again to wear fem. clothes, but held back. My sister still seemed to be in a fog about everything that was going on. How much did my father really know? Did he know about my Mother and Sister? Well, it was time to go back to college and I was glad.

I never did anything fem. at college. I didn't have any clothes to begin with and didn't want the embarrassment at school if I had gotten caught. Besides, I liked college and didn't want to jeopardize anything.

Time passed and so did the semester. I would get mail from home and an occasional letter from my sister. I had mixed feelings about going back home, but had no where else to go and no money besides. Finally on the last day of school I packed up my stuff, piled in the car with my friend and headed home.

When I got home, my mother and father were both waiting for me. They informed me that as soon as my sister got in, which would be shortly, that there was to be a family meeting. My mother gave me the impression that she really didn't know what was going on herself. After an hour or so I heard a car door close and knew it was Tiffany coming home. After she settled in, she came down to the dining room table to join the three of us.

My father began, "Since it appears that my entire family has deceived me, my son is a crossdressing, cocksucking faggot, my daughter is a pussy eating cunt and my wife, my wife I don't know what she is, having sex with her own daughter and son. So for the rest of the summer I am laying down the rules. Only your mother and I will work during the summer while you are home. My son, from now on will be called Amber. When she gets up in the morning she will dress in slutty outfits that I will provide for you. You will stay dressed as the girl you want to be for the entire summer. Do you understand?" I didn't but shook my head in agreement.

Tiffany, my beautiful slut daughter. You enjoy the taste of pussy, you too will dress as a slut every minute of your waking day. And finally my darling wife, when you are home, you too will dress in the sluttiest, sexy outfit that you or I will purchase. What is the purpose of all this you might ask? Well, SEX is going to be the word of the day. When I'm home you will do whatever I ask you to do, suck each other, fuck each other, and whatever else I can think of . If you refuse, you my darling wife will probably end up in jail as a contributor to incest. You see, I have suspected you and Tiffany and I secretly video taped you having sex, and you Amber never denied that you dressed and had sex with your mother. So there you are. The rules are simple, do what I say when I say it. Don't try to escape from the house. As long as I have the video, you will get tracked down by the police and end up in jail. Does everyone understand?"

We all sat there speechless, not knowing what to say, to cry to run, and I was concerned about whatever. What did that mean. "Good," my father said. "Now go up to your rooms and get dressed, put on makeup, Tiffany help Amber. I want her to look extremely sexy."

We got up from the table not speaking and went to our rooms. On my bed was spread out black lingerie, a bra, thong panties, garter belt and black stockings. There was a PVC black dress and black patent leather, 5 inch heels. Tiffany came into my room and said she was there to help me get dressed. "First," she said, "It's in to the shower. Take this razor and shave off all of your body hair, I mean all." I was amazed at how quickly she seemed to adapt to my father's wishes. She was standing there in a white corset, white panties, white stockings and white heels. I had to admit that she looked really good.

I jumped in the shower as she said and started to shave my body, my underarms, my legs, my ass and finally my pubic area. It looked strange as the hair fell away, but I was slightly aroused. After I dried off, my sister helped me with my makeup, much more expertly than I had myself. She plucked and shaped my eyebrows, applied mascara around my eyes so delicately. I wasn't able to see myself in the mirror until I was fully dressed and had my wig in place. Tiffany stood beside me and we literally looked like twins. It was quite uncanny.

We went downstairs to greet my father who was standing there with my mother, dressed identically to me. The three of us looked quite like triplets. "Terrific", my father said. "Now let's get down to business. Amber you have sex with Linda. Oh by the way, we will no longer address each other as mother and father, it's Linda and Fred. Tiffany, I want you to suck me off."

"But I," started Tiffany "have never been with a man. I don't know what to do. Please don't...", but she was quickly interrupted by Fred. "Whatever you don't know what to do, I will teach you

Tiffany looked startled. "I've never had sex with a man before. I've never done oral sex with a man," she said. "It's not much different than with Linda except there's a reward at the end", Fred said. "Now Amber let's get started."

I have to admit that Linda really looked hot. I couldn't believe how closely we resembled each other, especially since I had my makeup done by Tiffany. I would have tried to hit on Linda if I had seen her in a bar someplace. I walked over to her as she sat on the couch. I knew that I would have to do whatever my father, Fred asked. I just put it out of my mind who I was with. The lights were set to exude a sexiness to the room. I held her hand and kissed it. She took it and pressed it to her full breast. I could feel something stirring between my legs. She reached over and kissed me hard on the lips, her tongue exploring mine. I pulled down the straps on her dress exposing her black bra. I loosened the bra and exposed her beautiful full breasts. I just had to have them. I couldn't believe how they could be so firm and soft at the same time. Her nipples stood erect. I didn't hesitate to put one in my mouth while cupping the other. It was absolute pleasure sucking on her magnificent tits. I don't know how long I suckled there.

I put my hand under her dress and slowly moved it upward. I felt the tops of her stockings and the smoothness of her upper thighs. I continued to move my hand upward. I could feel Linda doing the same to me. I felt myself growing harder. Suddenly my hand reached the fringe of her thong. My fingers started to explore. I could feel the softness of her pubic hair. I moved my hand around the panty edge and hair and started to grope beneath the thong. I could feel a wetness as my fingers continued to explore. I felt the opening of her cunt and slowly my fingers slipped inside. As I did, I could hear slight moaning as my fingers went deeper inside. Before I realized it, Linda had found my stiff cock and was stroking it.

Linda pushed me on to my knees. She spread her legs wide and pushed my head between them. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Tiffany beating off Fred. Her hand was moving slowly up and down. With her other hand she was massaging her clit and slightly moaning herself. But I couldn't concentrate on them. I reached up and pulled Linda's panties down around her ankles. I moved my head back between them and inhaled the sweet smell coming from her love canal. I moved my head in and started to lick and suck. Linda started to moan even louder and moved her cunt up and down over my tongue.

"Suck my clit she whispered, lick my cunt all over. I want you to make me cum. Suck it harder. That's it, that's it. I'm almost there," Linda started to almost scream. I knew that she came but was ready again before I knew it. The taste was intoxicating, especially knowing who I had just eaten out, that added to the excitement She fell down on the floor next to me and removed my panties releasing my throbbing cock. She immediately fell on it devouring it down to my balls. When she wasn't sucking on it, she was kissing my balls. I had never had an experience like that. She just kept licking and sucking. When she would mover her head away, I could see a string of pre cum from her mouth to the head of my dick. I was ready to cum but she suddenly stopped and lay on her back begging me to fuck her. I was really excited, the fact of getting laid and fucking your mother.

My cock was ready to explode, but a brief rest lessened the excitement momentarily. I laid on top and she guided my cock to her hole. I slowly started to slip it in. I felt a strange kind of warmth as I went deeper and deeper. I began to pump up and down. Linda did the same in the opposite direction. Once again she moaned as before. She wanted my meat badly. At one point I thought she was going to rip my nuts right off. Before long I could feel my balls start to fill. Linda must have know this as she gently massaged them. She let out a mild scream as I shot my load deep inside my mother. I kept pumping until there was nothing more to expel. She totally relaxed and I slid off. She put her fingers inside her cunt and moved them in and out. She took her fingers out and put them in her mouth with my cum dripping from them.

"Tiffany," said my father, the noise breaking the spell. "Since you have never sucked a cock, then you don't know the taste of cum. Get between Linda's legs and suck all of the juices out but don't swallow any cum." Tiffany went over and took my place between Linda's thighs and began to suck her dry. I saw that the female approach to eating pussy is different than from a man. I was excited at the sight of my sister going down on my mother. As she ate her, she put her fingers in her cunt and one up her ass. She gyrated as Tiffany manipulated her fingers in and out of that very wet hole. I could tell that the taste of my cum was foreign to her. At first I thought that she might throw up, but she managed to finish the job. "Now come spit into this bowl my lovely," said Fred. Tiffany did as she was told. There wasn't much in such a big bowl, but Fred took the bowl and set it aside.

"Now, Tiffany, it's your turn. Come over here and get on your knees," my father commanded. Tiffany did as she was told. "Now do what Linda did to Amber." She started to kiss the head of Fred's cock. It wasn't very hard just yet, but started to grow every time Tiffany licked it. Before long it was as hard as anything and long besides. Fred guided Tiffany's hot lips to the head of his cock and pushed her head forward. At first she put just the head of it in her mouth, but as Fred thrust forward, more and more went in. Occasionally she would gag a bit, but before I knew it, her lips were all the way down to his balls. I couldn't believe that anyone could take that piece of meat down their throat like that. She too massaged his balls as she continued to suck. Fred showed her how to continue to jerk him off between sucks. When he was ready to shoot his hot load, he stood over Tiffany and told her to keep her mouth open. He stood over her, jerking his stiff cock until his load shot in to her waiting mouth. "Don't swallow," he warned, as her mouth filled with his cum. Once again she was directed to spit in to the bowl.

Linda was still lying on the floor massaging her clit, and I too was rock hard. My father spoke up, "Well, that's enough for today. We'll have supper and get to bed."

We ate in virtual silence. After supper we were told to go to our rooms. I was alone, but Tiffany and Linda were both in the same room, but in separate beds. In each room was a beautiful nightie laid out on the bed. We didn't have to be told what to do. I slipped it on and looked at myself in the mirror. I looked stunning, especially with my new makeup. Shortly, Fred walked in, admired what he saw and told me to lie down on the bed. He told me to put my hands over my head. He took each one and handcuffed it to the bed. I was shocked at this, but understood why. He didn't want us to touch ourselves during the night. He walked over and turned on the VCR and played continuous porn during the night. Straight sex, lesbian porn, transvestites, and male porn was shown all through the night. I couldn't help but watch it, but with my hands cuffed to the bed, I was unable to do anything except perhaps roll a bit while my cock was stiff as a board. I guess this was done to get us ready for the next day's activities.

I don't think I slept through the night. I kept waking and watching porn. My cock was stiff but I couldn't do anything about it. Shortly after sunrise, the door to my room opened and Tiffany, Linda and Fred were standing there staring at me. Without any words, Tiffany, who was dressed very sexy, came over and sat on my face. She smelled beautiful all perfumed in the right areas. I thought I was going to explode. She rode my face for quite some time, my tongue darting in and out of her wet pussy. I could tell every time she came as her cunt would start to quiver and then relax. I couldn't see Fred or Linda, but without warning I felt a hand on my pulsating cock. It started to stroke me up and down. I thought my balls would burst. Just as I felt I was ready to cum, the hand stopped. Whoever it was certainly knew how to keep me from shooting my load on Tiffany's ass.

I felt the handcuffs being removed and Fred told Tiffany to get on her knees and me to fuck her from behind. He also told Linda to lie down in front of Tiffany so she could suck her pussy. As always, we did as we were told. I positioned my self to enter Tiffany. She bent over nicely so she could start eating cunt. I slowly placed my stiff cock at the opening of her wet hole and pushed forward. It felt just like going in to my mother's hot hole except just a little tighter. I started to lunge in an out as Tiffany mover her body in an out as she sucked cunt. Suddenly I felt Fred at my backside slowly entering my ass. I was in ecstasy, fucking my sister who was eating my mother while getting fucked in the ass by my father. The sucking and fucking seem to go on endlessly. I started to feel that sensation in my balls again. I knew I was going to cum. I knew my sister had cum several times because of her pulsating pussy. I felt Fred's balls and knew he was about to cum also. He pulled out of me quickly and pushed me off Tiffany. He put his cock in her mouth and I did the same to Linda. I think we both shot out wads at the same time. Fred warned both of them to not swallow, but to spit the cum into the bowl.

This sexual activity continued for several weeks, everyone sucking and fucking. When we were cuffed to our beds, often we would be shown videos of ourselves performing various sex acts. I know this made me doubly horny as I'm sure it did the same to Tiffany and Linda. Even though I came many times during the day, while lying in bed at night watching me fuck or suck my mother and I would would get immediately hard and I would move around so I could pump up and down against the sheets and would shoot my load again. To prevent me from losing my load, I realized that during the night someone had placed a condom on my cock. By morning it was really filled with cum. Linda walked in and took the rubber off and bent down to lick my limp dick clean of all my cum. She walked out of the room hold the rubber. I assumed it was going into the famous bowl, which by now, had a fair amout of both Fred and my cum in it.

Then one day Fred walked in with a large dog and a couple of boxes from the pet shop. I had no idea what this was all about, but I'm sure it was meant to bring all of us sexual pleasure.

To be continued. If you like the story please e-mail me at orchidsten@aol.com

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