Honolulu Dreaming

By Guillaume Bacharene

Published on Sep 19, 2016


Guillaume Bacharene


This story is essentially factual. Some names have been changed for privacy protection purposes.

As I indicated in my earlier stories, my romance with the US goes back to the early 1980s. Again, while there are exceptions as there are all over the world, I was totally seduced by the general niceness of people and especially, the beautiful, confident and sexy men who were totally enthralled by my accent. But also, it was the genuine openness and way they expressed thoughts and feelings. I had never had my ego so exquisitely massaged the same way ever. So, I am 1.80m tall, worked out and had what others described as "model looks" to the extent that when I was doing my first masters degree I had been offered a modelling contract in Paris. I thought about it and the money and travel, but figured I had too many brains to be treated like a glorified clothes' horse and as some superficial entity who had "the looks" but nothing else. I turned it down.

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Honolulu Dreaming - 1

America and California especially, had been so good to me in terms of making me feel that others thought I had something to offer. So again, there was that 'ego' aspect. So began in 1983 a love affair and a place to find love and which ended on my part since, once I had met the love of my life in 1986, all changed. I was no longer available. However, until then and that wonderful evening in San Diego, the adventures continued during annual visits to the US.

Other than California, it was Hawai'i, which proved a happy hunting ground so to speak. I would have two to three weeks there every December and of course, it was a magnet for those from the mainland seeking sunshine and sea and sexual adventure. One aspect of course, which had changed the landscape rather dramatically, was HIV and AIDS and this really began in 1984.

In 1984 I was back in Honolulu. Kevin and I caught up again of course although at that point he had a very possessive, live-in boyfriend, Troy, who was immediately nervous, suspicious and jealous about me. Kevin being Kevin and extremely open had told him all about me. I don't know precisely what Kevin had said to Troy but, going merely on Troy's reactions, I figured that no details had been spared. However, being sensitive to these dynamics, I recognised Troy's concerns. Kevin and I met alone for lunch but also he arranged a guest membership of his gym downtown.

Over lunch, Kevin told me about Troy's feelings. At that point, I hadn't met Troy, who was quite a bit younger than Kevin. Lunch was actually a prelude since Kevin wanted me to come to dinner and cook but also, allow me a chance to put to rest Troy's over-active, fear-induced imagination. In some ways it was a bit like a soap opera.

"So, Kevin, I promise not to feel you up under Troy's nose as long as you do the same!"

He laughed very loudly and other restaurant patrons looked around, being totally bored and needing excitement in their lives.

"Is it all good with Troy?" I asked. Kevin took a couple of fork's worth of seared Ahi, obviously thinking.

"He's very cute, has a nice body and overall, it's good sexually. I do have to fuck him: he's a total bottom but he's a brilliant cocksucker. He does have a bit of a high standard to reach though you fucken Frenchman!"

He playfully punched me in the shoulder and a couple more forks' worth of Ahi passed his lips.

"So, Kevin, there's a 'but' to this?" I asked, cocking my head.

"Well, yes, Guillaume; he's not terribly bright and is a bit stereo-typical: he's a hairdresser and into style and image. Takes forever to get ready if we are going out. Drives me fucken nuts!"

I thought for a moment and put my own focus on Ahi.

"Ok, Kevin, I get the picture. So, I have to do a charm job on him and try to convince him I'm not back to get into your pants and you in turn are not extending me invitations to do so, merely for old time's sake?

Kevin smiled and nodded.

"I wasn't going to tell him all the details about you but it all came out. I guess I was reliving it all!"

"Fine, Kevin, so when am I going to come and cook dinner and do this major charm offensive?"

"Fuck, Guillaume, the sooner the better. I'm not exactly in love with Troy but all things being equal and the fact he is living with me does present certain realities shall we say. He is quite reserved, doesn't say a lot but he's sweet."

So, we agreed that I would go with Kevin to the gym next day in the early afternoon and we'd then go to the market and shop on the way and I'd cook dinner.

So, at the gym next day, I arrived a bit earlier than Kevin, who had a meeting. I went in to the locker room to change, only to be followed by another American beauty. We exchanged smiles.

"Haven't seen you here before," he said, "or have my eyes been shut?"

It was an interesting line, I thought and smiled.

"Well, actually, I am visiting for three weeks and one of my friends organised a guest membership for me."

I held out my hand. He responded.

"I'm Guillaume and actually, this is my first visit."

"Nice to meet you, Guillaume. I'm Kevin. I certainly would have noticed you. And, tell me, I love your accent. Where are you from?"

Now, between Pol Roger and accent it was almost a guarantee of something pleasant turning up but now, here was another Kevin.

"France but I live all over for my research and teaching work so I'm a citizen of the world really."

Kevin was another buffed and polished American, very good looking, a tanned, blond and blue eyed surfer type with a nice body and all totally smooth. I figured he waxed, shaved and did whatever to end up with that flawless, burnished look. I prefer a man with natural hair, frankly.

Just then 'the' Kevin arrived.

"Kevin, meet Kevin."

They shook hands. New Kevin headed off to the gym and I waited for 'the' Kevin to change.

"Was he chatting you up, Guillaume?"

"I think it was just a bit of polite 'changing clothes' chatter, nothing in it."

"No way, Guillaume. He's hot for you; I could see it in his fucken eyes! Baby, you've scored!"

Anyway, we went and did our workout, spotting for each other. New Kevin and we crossed paths a few times. I figured he assumed 'the' Kevin and I were an item. There was no more chatter, just smiles and nods.

Afterwards, Kevin suggested we shower at home and so we left to shop. New Kevin was either in the showers or had left also.

At the market, almost as I was about to ask, Kevin said:

"Yes, Guillaume. There are at least two cases of Pol Roger at home!"

"OK, so what do you fancy for dinner, Kevin?

His response was instant.

"Can you do something wonderful with pork? Troy loves pork and that way you'll charm him instantly and he'll be your fan. I raved about your cooking as well and not just about your capacities as a lover and what you could do with your dick, you know Guillaume!"

I laughed.

"Thank God for balance to my reputation, Kevin!"

"Now, pork is fine, what else? What other things does Troy like? Let's make it an 'all for Troy' night."

"Pasta, a nice salad with that amazing dressing of yours, and one of your tarts?"

"That's straight forward, Kevin. What about a Maui mango tart then?"

I had noticed a large tray of them on a grower's special for $2, slightly firm and perfect for a tart."

So, we headed home to Kevin's, unloaded and after a glass of iced water, Kevin directed me into the guest room for a shower while he headed to his bathroom. It was a good move. Troy arrived as we were both showering. I heard the front door open as I was drying off. He called out:

"Aloha, I'm home!"

I had left the guest room and its bathroom door open so, towel about me, gently closed that to the guest room itself. I heard Kevin and Troy talking.

So, all scrubbed and clean, with bare feet, I dressed in my shorts and Aloha shirt and listened at the door. Kevin was clearly dressed as I heard him saying from the kitchen as he opened and shut drawers:

"Troy, have you seen my big chef's knife. It's not in the block? Guillaume will want it for sure."

"Oh, I forgot. It's on the lanai table. I had it when I was peeling and slicing up a pineapple that was squirting juice all over."

When I emerged, Troy's back was to me.

"Troy, turn around and meet Guillaume."

Troy turned, holding out his hand.

"Hello, Guillaume, so nice to meet you. Kevin's told me all about you."

I smiled and shook his hand. Troy was lean and about my height with nice, refined features and dirty blond hair, which was all swept up and skilfully streaked. After Kevin's comments earlier, I thought he might be a bit flappy but in fact he wasn't at all.

"So, Guillaume, I am so looking forward to dinner. Kevin raves about your cooking."

Before I could say anything, Kevin started to describe the menu.

"Wow. Sounds amazing! I love pork."

Troy perched on a barstool as Kevin and I started to get things prepped.

"I've got a box seat here. Time to learn something, Guillaume. You're the first Frenchman I've ever met."

I smiled.

"So, Troy, does that mean the honour of the French nation is at stake?"

Troy looked a bit perplexed. I added:

"What I mean is, I have to prove everything by cooking a memorable dinner."

Troy nodded.

"First things first though boys; a Pol Roger!" Kevin's voice was full of anticipation.

Kevin opened a bottle and poured three flutes. We clinked glasses and got going. While Kevin did the salad and vegetables and peeled and sliced the mangos, I sliced the pork into strips and mixed some cumin, coriander, four spices, dried basil and a bit of nutmeg and cinnamon and a finely chopped lime peel which I then folded through the meat with a dash of olive oil and some verjus. I set is aside for 40 minutes, planning to toss fry it off with Inoki mushrooms, serving it as a warm salad with red cabbage, cauliflower florets, bell pepper, diced carrot and my dressing.

Washing my hands I then used Kevin's food processor to mix my pastry for the tart, wrapping it in saran wrap and putting it in the refrigerator for 30 minutes to chill and rest.

The shell pasta was dropped into a large pot of salted, boiling water with a little oil and cooked on a rolling boil for around 11 minutes and then drained and tossed in a large bowl with olive oil, sea salt, black pepper, and, chopped garlic with basil and parsley. I placed a damp towel over it.

Troy watched, fascinated.

"This is like watching a famous TV chef doing a show, Guillaume. I am so impressed and learning."

I tipped my glass to him. Kevin said:

"Just wait until you taste it Troy!"

I did the tart, bringing the pastry back to room temperature, rolling it out on cooking paper for easier handling and then placing it in a removable bottom flan tin. It required skill and deftness, being very short so it could not be picked up and draped like normal pastry. Then it was a matter of arranging the mango slices in circles, sprinkling over a mixture of ground cardamom, cinnamon, cloves, four spices, coriander and nutmeg and putting it in the oven for 30 minutes for the first cooking. I then whipped up an egg, some plain yoghurt, honey and skim milk powder and a little water, ready for pouring over for the second 30 minute baking which would set it and take on the spice flavours.

Kevin got Troy to set the table, which he did really beautifully adding a lot of Plumeria flowers whose heady perfume permeated the whole space. Thereafter it was about a 20-minute job to toss fry the pork and mushrooms before we could eat. We figured on eating about 7:00pm so, with all prepared, we went out to the lanai. I noticed Troy didn't drink much Pol Roger. Kevin brought out nuts, corn chips and salsa and out on some Barry White, to be followed later through the evening by Theolonius Monk and Nina Simone. The Pol Roger was going well.

"Don't you drink much, Troy?" I asked.

"Well actually, I am being careful because Kevin wants me to drive you home later and downtown at night you need a clear head."

"Oh, that's sweet but I can get a cab."

"No, I will drive you. I have a busy day tomorrow with really fussy clients and I need a clear head. Nothing worse than doing a fussy client's hair with a hangover! They can be a pain in the ass at the best of times."

So, eventually it was time to do the pork and assemble the salad and thereafter, dinner was ready. Troy raved about everything. He had really relaxed and decided that regardless of the past, I wasn't still after his man.

When he drove me home, he said how much he'd enjoyed my company and hoped we'd do it again.

Next day, Kevin had to work on a project so after a brisk swing around Kalakaua Avenue and Kuhio and a coffee at the Royal Hawaiian, I decided to head to the gym. As I was getting changed, new Kevin came in. He smiled.

"All alone today, Guillaume?"

"Yes. I cooked dinner last night for Kevin and his boyfriend, Troy, and we did some damage to the Pol Roger supplies."

"I love Pol Roger too, Guillaume, it's all I drink really."

I thought the Gods were smiling yet again, creating their magic with Pol Roger.

"So, Guillaume, shall we work out together? I'd really like that."

"Of course, Kevin. We can spot for each other."

Kevin dressed in a loose wife beater with bands of red, white and blue and pulled on some blue shorts over his jockstrap. Jockstraps and Americans seemed to go together although I hated them. I commented:

"You are very patriotic with your colours."

"Well, they're just my favourite combination. I got the predictable dazzling smile.

I was all in black apart from a blue flash across my T-shirt and a little French rooster motif. Kevin noticed:

"Strutting your rooster stuff, huh, Guillaume, cock of the walk?"

I laughed and gave him a playful punch. I was actually impressed he had any idea about a loved symbol for France.

So, we had a great workout. Kevin was very touchy feely and I was actually enjoying it. As we both worked up quite a sweat, the entire session began to take on an even more erotic and sensual undertone. We both glistened. I could smell Kevin and he me. During a little break between bench press sets, he asked:

"So, Guillaume, you got plans this evening."

"None at all. Kevin has a training session and I don't know his boyfriend Troy that well, only having met him once. So, I guess you could say I'm a free agent."

"Great. Would you fancy drinks and dinner at my place? I'm a very good cook and I promise to spoil your taste buds every way. I know the way to a Frenchman's heart is his stomach!"

I laughed. I was really enjoying Kevin's entire manner. Then he added with a sly grin:

"And I have a great idea for a double dessert!"

After our workout, he headed to the showers. There were few people in the gym itself as it was early afternoon and the locker room was deserted. At this particular gym, the showers were in generous cubicles with lockable doors, which had a dry area to change and then the shower itself. Kevin said as he ruffled my hair:

"You look so cute, all damp and tousled. Wanna conserve water?"

We grabbed our things and shampoo and body wash from lockers and chose the cubicle farthest from the door. Once inside, I was first undressed and moved into the shower to get it going and at the right temperature. It had powerful jets. Kevin followed. He still had his pubes, although trimmed, which pleased me since I never liked the shaved look at all. I figured I could cope with all else being shaved. As a gay man I wanted a man, not some androgynous, boy-like entity. His cock was flaccid and nicely cut, emerging from a blonde bush. He checked me out too. He was muscled and defined but without exaggeration and a little shorter than me, perhaps 1.78m. We both shampooed and then Kevin backed up to me.

"Wash my back, Guillaume, please."

I obliged, with Kevin flexing his back and shoulders. As I did, he reached back, cupping my buns with his hands and pulling me closer. My cock started to rise against his crack. I reached in front of him, taking some body wash gel in my hands and started to do his chest and stomach as well. By now my cock was ready to impale him and of course, he could feel it. He covered my hands in his and pushed them down to his cock. It was erect, right against his abs. I nuzzled the back of his neck. Next Kevin took one of my forefingers, slicked it up with body wash and then with a hand, guided my finger into his pucker. He started fucking my finger as I jerked his cock. He turned his head so we could kiss. Under the water it was intense and so erotic. Then he wanted another finger and another. He was writhing, shuddering and moaning softly under the water jets as he worked my fingers with his smooth and slippery insides, clenching and then releasing. I kissed him more ardently and with my other hand started to jerk his cock harder. Then he whispered through the passion and water:

"Fuck me Guillaume, fuck me, please."

He slicked my cock and without any hesitation, rammed his ass back onto my cock, right up to the hilt.

"Fuck me, Guillaume, fuck me."

As I did he again use the muscular talents of his nether regions to obtain the sensations he wanted. I continued to jerk his cock. With the warmth of the rushing water and the fact I'd not even jerked myself off for three days, plus Kevin's talented asshole, I knew I was going to be over the edge very quickly. I whispered in his ear:

"Kevin, I'm so close."

"Give it to me, Guillaume, everything you've got. I want it badly."

His ass lifted to a new plane of intensity and it was a truly delicious moment when I blasted my load deep inside him. He kept working my cock and then as I jerked him, I could feel his own orgasm building. I nibbled the back of his neck and he braced against the shower wall and then with a huge shudder and a blast, his cum sprayed the shower wall with pulse after pulse. I pulled him close to me as our bodies returned to normal, caressed by the water. After a while he turned around, put his arms around my neck and we kissed deeply. To my delight, Kevin was another into real quality kissing and caressing. I'd hit the jackpot yet again. For some reason I thought to myself in French and then out loud, a play on words:

"C'est inattendu mais bien entendu." - It was unexpected but well received.

Kevin smiled.

"Such a sexy language, French, and the man uttering it is rather good too!"

He tweaked my nose.

We cleaned off and rinsed, dried off and quickly got dressed. Kevin couldn't keep his hands off me. I liked it. He looked so cute all wet. He towelled his hair but left it all spiky. I figured it was going to be a fun night. His car was in the parking lot, this huge grape-coloured Impala that looked like an imposing creature from another world. I asked what I could get to bring; chocolates, wine, fruit. Kevin looked at me and blew a kiss.

"Nothing needed at all. I'm fully stocked and besides." He cocked his head and smiled, "You're my fave dessert so you're already bringing it and what's more, be warned I am going to over eat, stuff myself on dessert tonight!"

We headed out towards the airport and then up into the Mauka side, the mountain side hinterland where Kevin had a cute 2 bedroom 2 bathroom house, drowned in trees and tropical vegetation. There was a lovely breeze. Almost reading my mind, he said:

"It's quite a humble place but I loved the trees and plants and there's this constant breeze. That's why I bought it."

It was very island style with louvre windows, cane furniture, Hawaiian fabrics And shelves with lots of books and paintings. Island style really is not my taste but here it worked. The Hawaiian fabrics were subdued and not all busy patterns and garishly coloured. Often they make one a nervous wreck. The house was low-slung and at the back had a huge lanai, shaded by trees and different types of fragrant Kahili. It was all very private.

"Let's have a Pol Roger, Guillaume. Fancy one?"

"Ask a silly question, Kevin."

We went out onto the lanai where there was an entertaining area bounded on almost four sides with comfortable outdoor furniture and island cushions and an adjacent dining area. Although it was well shaded there were four large market umbrellas set up as well, creating an enclosed and intimate space within the vast reaches of the lanai. I stretched out and once Kevin had opened the Pol Roger and poured, he came and snuggled up. We clinked flutes and sipped, taking liberal kisses between.

I said:

"You know what Kevin, we've fucked already and I have no idea what you do and you are as much in the dark about me."

Kevin laughed.

"Yeah, isn't lust just fucken wonderful, Guillaume? Fuck first and then get details if it's worth it. It saves wasting time."

I added:

"Save wasting time on fuckwits." I was a wonderfully descriptive term I'd picked up in Australia.

We compared notes and careers. Kevin worked at University of Hawaii in finance.

"You don't seem like a typical finance guy to me, Kevin."

"I'm not really. As well I paint so that keeps me sane. All the paintings in the house are mine. I have a studio downstairs."

I went to have a closer look with Kevin's arm around my shoulder. The paintings where all of tropical vegetation and were in fact very good.

"You went to art school, Kevin? These are certainly not the work of an amateur."

"I did classes intensely for years so that's why and had great teachers."

It all made sense.

I told him I also painted and cooked. He looked me right in the eye, smiled and said:

"Guillaume, marry me please!"

We laughed. His sense of fun and clever banter was really getting me hooked. I almost said yes on the spot but didn't, even though it was years before gay marriage was possible let alone contemplated. Many gay couples did partner for life.

"So, Kevin, with at least one dessert already sorted, what culinary delights are you planning?"

"Is there anything you can't or won't eat, Guillaume?"

"Well, for a Frenchman it is usually a pointless question, Kevin, but the one thing on earth I cannot stand is any form of goat's cheese. Apart from that, I eat anything. In regional France with local specialities you get all manner of weird things. We just grow up with variety and choices."

He took my hand and went to the refrigerator and then the non-refrigerated storage areas and vegetable bins in the pantry. Now, I have pretty much everything. Chicken breasts; turkey escalopes; ahi; vegetables; nice mangos: the list rattled off. Got any ideas, Guillaume?"

"What about a simple crispy chicken salad with avocado, ginger, basil, tomato and a sweet potato mash, followed by chilled mango with a bit of Cointreau or Grand Marnier if you have it?" I added, "And although I will help prepare everything, I love Ahi so why don't I do that as an appetiser, just pan seared and sliced, served with a ginger, scallion and soy dressing?"

So, we set to work making a really good team. As a good cook oneself, it is easy to recognise that same quality in another. Kevin had it.

We set the table on the lanai together, full blown island style again but in keeping with the setting. I figured I could tolerate it, if not get used to it.

"You like island style, Kevin?"

"Not really at all, Guillaume but, it is totally practical up here. With the trade winds here carrying salt, metals corrode quickly and things stain, rot and perish, so expensive leather and stainless steel is not the way to go. Instead, cane is practical and cheap and things are easy to recover with island fabric. I have friends living in high rises downtown where they can have more designer things as they are high up and more removed from the damage of the salt."

Well, dinner was wonderful. Afterwards we cleaned up and retired to the lanai. Kevin again snuggled up, head on my left shoulder. Everything felt good and right. I brought my left hand up and stroked his hair. He massaged my thigh and nuzzled my cheek. I kissed him. We were both horny and hard.

"Let's go to bed," Kevin said.

One thing about Kevin was his directness. He always said exactly what he wanted. As we brushed our teeth, he said he wanted me to fuck him doggie style.

In bed after much kissing and caressing, Kevin retrieved some lube from his bedside table and readied himself. I really prefer to fuck face-to-face so I can kiss at the same time but this was I guess by special request. As the perfect guest, it was my duty to accede. And Kevin certainly knew how to use his ass muscles to massage my cock, every which way. They seemed to have a life of their own but also, he knew how to relax at crucial moments to prolong our mutual pleasure. He was an edging specialist through his ass! However, after almost 40 minutes of this intense stop-and-go action and while I jerked his cock, he took my hand away and whispered:

"Guillaume, fuck me really hard. I will cum without even touching my dick."

So, I did and with Kevin's athletic asshole, within moments I was ready to blast off into space. It was both a mind and body thing. Kevin gave a loud gasp and I knew his cum was being released as his ass muscles contracted in a series of spasms, milking my cock and making me cum as well. It was so intense. We collapsed together. I kept kissing the back of his neck, tasting the saltiness of his skin. We were both sweating from the sheer physicality of our lovemaking.

We took a shower together and fell asleep, Kevin in my arms. In the morning we fucked again, Kevin riding my cock as I was stretched out, again controlling everything with his talented ass muscles. It was pure heaven.

I ended up moving in to stay with Kevin for the rest of my time in Honolulu.

'The' Kevin and Troy came to dinner a couple of times and we went to their place as well where Kevin and Troy cooked. Kevin said he had learned a lot from me and also, Troy indicated his watching me cook had been inspirational.

"You have your uses, Guillaume, Kevin had said. We all laughed and sipped another Pol Roger.


I could really have fallen for Kevin as yet another. We had this absolute "fit" together in every way. He felt the same. We did in fact talk about it and at one stage there was also the possibility of a visiting post for me at the university. The important thing is that these things of the heart have to be acted on quickly. We wrote regularly and eventually, almost a year later and as I was due to return to Hawaii for three weeks, I got a letter from him saying he had met a Tahitian-American boy, a 19 year old history student at UH called Teva and fallen in love. I was of course happy for him and as always, followed my rule of "no regrets ever".

I met them for dinner at Kevin's house and we cooked again. Teva was extremely cute and along with his Tahitian blood, he obviously had French blood too and, he was happy to speak French together. He was tall, slim and had blond hair and blue eyes. I could see that he adored Kevin so I was happy for them both.

Until I met the love of my life in 1986, these wonderful experiences in the US with beautiful American men were constant. They were both the stuff of dreams but also a very real reality.

Next: Chapter 2

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