HOMO Improvement

By Ozorli / Orlirz

Published on Apr 25, 2023


This is a return to a story I finished years back. If anyone remembers "Home Improvement" with Tim Allen. I decided to revisit this story some years later, when Randy comes back home after being in his own. A visit back to his home and family and the hunky Al.

I always had the hots for Al. And always wanted to see the big bear naked. Well this story again does not presume the actors are gay or have any sexual preference. But I still question Randy.. lol


Homo Improvement (Randy Returns Home (2)

... Randy went to go visit his parents as he promised his mom. Heading out some time after their last conversation. Of course he knew that she would quickly try and get him to move back home the minute he walked into the door. And honestly, it was a consideration for him. But he would most certainly get his own place. He would not live with his family. And especially not near his fucked up brother Brad. But that was still.only a thought in his head. For all he knew he more than likely would say where he was now. Just find a small.plqce to live there instead. But all of it, any of it hung in the balance of what he thought after being back home for a bit.

"Randy!" She shouted as his mom opened the door to see him there

She grabbed him and hugged him. Not wanting to let go. She looked pretty good. Some greys in her hair, but for the most part pretty good.

"Come in, come in baby" she said "Put your things there and we'll take them upstairs later" "Cool" he said back

He looked around to see the house had not changed much since he left. Some new furniture here and there, but mostly the same. His mom pulled him to the kitchen and told him to sit. That she would get him something to eat. He nodded no, saying he didn't need anything. But she was insistent. So he just sat down and waited as she fixed him a sandwich. Talking away about things as he just continued to look around at his old home.

"Nothing really different" he blurted "No. This is new and that over there.." she started to say. Letting him know thing had indeed changed there. That the house had moved on while he was away.

There Randy sat. The same old counter top that separated the living room from the kitchen in his parents house. He was again talking to his mom (listening moreso) He was there visiting his family after moving away some years back.

"So is my room still the same?" He asked "Haha" she laughed "No. Of course not." "With all you kids gone I have a crafts room, your father has a man cave"

Then she did the silly grunting noise his father always makes. He laughed and she laughed as he sat there. She placed the sandwich and a can of soda in front of him. They talked a bit longer. Her asking him questions about his job and the break up with his ex. As he answered her he felt her conversation turning towards him coming back home. That the attic was still set up as a room like it had been when Brad lived in the house. He cringed at the thought of Brad. Hoping he could avoid him as much as possible while there. His mom seeing his face suggested that he try and get along with his brother. That he was after all family. He shrugged it off and finished his sandwich. After the sandwich he said he need to take a nap. That he would be going up to the room lay down for a bit. She gave him a kissing the cheek and agreed. He then went upstairs and crashed in his old room. Feeling the weight of things on his head. How he wished that his life was better, his love better.

"Ughn. Life sucks" he huffed just before dosing off

He awoke a few hours later after he heard a crashing sound. Randy gazed up at the ceiling as he lay there in the old bed. He looked about the room at some of the things his mom had left in there. Old awards and things. Other than the changes she had made to use the room for something. He got up and looked about the room. Grabbing items and looking them over. Remembering his youth. Then he heard someone coming up the hall. Then he heard the familiar voice of his dad Tim. The door then opened and there stood his father .

"Randy!" The man chirped "So good to have you home"

His father came in and gave him a hug. He felt the hardy pat on his back as his dad pulled him in. Then the heavy grunts as he showed his pleasure at seeing his son after so long

"So how long are you staying?" Tim asked "Just a few weeks" Randy stated "Just enough time to get.my shit together" "Under stood" his father came back

Then Tim patted Randy's shoulders and then he suggested how great his mom would be if Randy came back home. Suggesting that she would leave Tim alone better if he were closer.

"You know how she nags" tim stated

Then Randy heard another voice coming up the hall. One he was dreading. Brad. His big lumbering brother then was at the door. He looked in to see Tim and Randy there in the old room. Then greater Randy in his usual disdainful manner

"Hey turd boy" he chanted "Brad" randy huffed back in annoyance "I see you are still.livung with mom and dad" "No I ain't" Brad chirped "Have my own place"

Randy looked at the guy that had stepped into the room. Brad had grown bigger somehow. Even if he looked like he was a total buffoon, brad had gotten better looking. His face broader and looking half decent unshaven. His body looking pretty guid in his clothes randy felt an odd tingle in his shorts, something he had not expected once seeing his asshole brother. But then brad gave him an ugly look and he saw the guy he disliked again. Did he not realize that he was still living with his parents. The garage was not a real apartment away from his family. And Randy just lowered his head in disgust. Then advised Brad of what he believed

"You are still living under dads roof you dumbass" Randy blurted "No I ain't you fuck" brad bit back "Oh my God. You are so dense" "Hey. Now!" Tim chimed in "I want you two to get along" "It else"

The two young men look at one another, then at their father. He growled at them and then said for them to shake hands and hug. "Now!". So Randy and Brad leaned in and reluctantly hugged, then quickly pulled away from one another.

"Good" Tim stated "Your mom will have dinner ready in a bit"

Tim turned to leave and stopped at the door and looked back at them. Crowing back to them to 'be nice'. Then he left. Heading back down the hall.bradvthen shoved randy lightly. And also turned to leave.

"Freak!" He called back "Dumbass!" Randy chimed back

Brad walked off not even looking back. But he did raise up his hand and flipped Randy off. His middle finger prominently displayed as he walked out the door.

"Dumbass" Randy said again

He then went down to go eat with his family...


To be continued

Next: Chapter 12: Randy Returns Home 3

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