Homework Assignments

By D One

Published on May 23, 1999



"You look hot" Chad said as he entered the boy's bedroom.

Matthew was soaked with sweat. His tanned skin glowed. His white jockey shorts were wet with his body sweat. His arm, encased in a cast and his leg in it's white cast were propped up on pillows.

"Brought your homework stuff" he said trying not to stare at the meaty cock that was outlined by the wet white cotten cloth.

"Yea....you look pretty miserable too" Matt said. Chad stood there obviously having walked the distance from school to his house. His shirt was tied around his waist and his white tank top showed wet spots on his chest and sides. His gym shorts bared his smooth legs.

"Forget your pants?" Matt taunted him.

"Naw in the backpack..too hot" Chad said ignoring Matt's kidding.

"Gets pretty horrible in those casts huh?"

Matt sighed. It was a car accident. His father was still in the hospital and he was at home alone except for when his Aunt came to cook dinner for him. He could get around by himself but there was still pain.

"Yeah..sometimes I can't even jack off" Matt said almost automatically.

Chad responded as if he were kidding, but the thought was real "Well if you need some help, let me know"

Matt threw a pillow at him. "Great now my best friend turns queer"

Then he looked at the expression on Chad's sweaty face. Somehow he had hurt him.

"Hey I was just kidding" Matt said.

Chad knew it was time to say something about the way he felt. He might lose his best friend, but at least he knew Matt wasn't able to beat him up in the condition he was in.

"I wasn't" he said.


"Still friends?" Chad asked displaying his insecurity.

"Always" Matt said "But if you're a friend..a best friend, how about that help you promised" he pulled onhis crotch and smiled.

"Serious?" Chad asked

Matt had fantasized about sex with Chad since he first showed his best friend how to masturbate years ago.


Chad took his backpack off. He peeled his tank top off too and then dropped his gymshorts. He wanted to be naked..wanted to show Matt all of him...erect and gay.

"I can't quite do that withouth help" Matt said tucking down on side of his jockeys.

Chad moved to the bed and put his hands on Matt's hips, tucking his thumbs under the elastic and pulled the pants off Matt's legs.

He watched Matt's face then his crotch. Chad was delighted to see Matt's penis bounce free into the air, hard -- as hard as his own.

They had compared cocks as kids....watched each other squirt cum across the room and even wrestle naked now and then. But they never touched each others balls or cock..never felt each other..never kissed.

Matt and he had wrestled around and pinched each others' nipples now adn then..but it was to inflict pain..and tease each other.

Chad's trembling hands reached for Matt's nipples and Matt remained still. he gently pulled them, teased them and ran his thumbs across the tips..as Matt sighed, moaned and groaned.

Chad smiled seeing Matt's cock bob, bounce and expand more.

He licked it and sucked it until he gagged on Matt's cum.

"Shit buddy...that was fantasic...should have done that long ago" Matt stretched.

"Anybody home?" came the female voice from downstairs.

Chad pulled on his shorts and threw the sheets across Matt's naked body.

She appeared at the door.

"Oh, didn't know if you were at the hospital or home. Who's this?" Matt's Aunt asked.

"Aunt Millie, this is my friend Chad. He's uh, going to stay and help me with my homework"

"Good, cause I haven't lots of time honey, I brought a roast.. it's in the oven. I guess there's enough for two. You ok..need anything. I guess you can help him with the male things....won't you honey" she said to Chad looking at his naked torso.

"He probably needs a good bathing....you don't mind do you?" she smiled and patted Chad's butt before leaving.

"Does she know about you, us, er?" Chad asked

"How can she? We only just did anything," Matt said as they heard the door close downstairs.

"You are staying to help me with my homework aren't you?" Matt asked. "You can stay the night too"

Chad hung up the phone after telling his mother he was going to be with Matt helping him..she thought it was very nice he was doing that.

"Ok, how about that bath?" Matt asked

Chad was already naked and heading to turn on the water in the tub. He had some new homework assignements now and he was determined to get an A -- in fact more then one A that night.

So was Matt.

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