Home Stay

By Adam Hunter

Published on Jul 6, 1999


Okay...I wasn't originally planning to write a sequel to "The Home Stay," but I've gotten enough requests in the last few days to make me reconsider. So...here it is. The sequel to "The Home Stay." Hope you like it.

"The Home Stay II:

The Beach"

By Adam Hunter

Can I help it if I'm not a big group kind of person? Is it my fault it I'm shy? I think not...but unfortunately, big groups can be rather unforgiving. You're too shy to jump in? Well, they're not gonna go out of their way to try and make you feel welcome. * Sigh *... perhaps I should explain. Our group was one week into our tour. Performances every night. A totally grueling schedule. That day had been scheduled as a rest. A day of fun in the sun. Just a day to hang out on the beach with sixty other teenagers whom I'm supposed to be friends with. 'Supposed to,' being the key words. There'd been lots of 'group bonding' activities earlier that day, where some of the more 'integrated' group members professed their undying love and devotion to our group. I'd sat wondering when I'd begin to feel any of that.

"After two years of being in this damn group, you'd think I'd feel a little bit more a part of it," I'd complained to Josh as we laid back together on the sand, propping ourselves up on our elbows.

Josh, lucky bastard, had managed to integrate himself into the group much better than I had. But, being the sweet boyfriend that he is, he'd separated himself from the others, and lay by me, watching a big group of them playing a wild game of volleyball in the distance. "You've gotta jump in... they're nice," he counseled me.

"That's what everybody always tells me when I complain about it," I said. "It's just not that easy for me. I'm shy. What can I say?"

"I'm shy too, but I still managed to make friends with lots of people," he offered in his soft, but strong voice.

"Yeah..." I paused, "Hey...how'd you do that, anyway?"

"I dunno," he shrugged, and then lay down flat on his back. He lowered his sleek, aquamarine sunglasses, and stretched his arms behind his head. "Maybe it's my magnetic personality," he joked.

"What about MY magnetic personality?" I insisted.

"I know you've got one, Adam, but you never show it to anyone," he said. "You've got this shell you keep up around you."

"So do you!" I said.

He thought for a minute. "Yeah...I guess you're right."

"So why do you have all the luck?" I prodded.

Once again, Josh graced me with the insightful answer of, "Dunno."

"Thanks for the help," I sighed.

"Don't mention it," he grinned.

And then, nothing more was said. Usually, I'm uncomfortable when a conversation goes dead. I usually take it as a signal that I'm some kind of bad conversationalist. But not with Josh. I was getting to know him better and better. If we stopped talking, I knew it wasn't because we didn't know how to talk to each other, or that we didn't have anything in common. It simply meant that we were finished talking for the time. We'd said what needed to be said. And that was that.

I didn't mind the lapse in conversation either, because it gave me a chance to finally take a good look at my boyfriend's beautiful body. And was it ever beautiful. I looked him over again and again. I just couldn't get enough of Josh. My boyfriend was addictive. I'd fucked him at least once on every night of the trip. And still, when we weren't fucking, I couldn't take my eyes off of him. The fact that he was wearing only a pair of blue board shorts didn't help matters much, either. The rest of his body was exposed for my eyes to feast upon. His smooth, slightly muscled skin. His soft, round, fleshy nipples. The downy blond fuzz between them. The blond patches beneath his arms. His hard stomach. The thin trail of blond that disappeared below his board shorts. His muscular legs, and the blond hairs that coated them. His entire, perfect body. I tried to make out the bulge in his shorts. From what I could tell, it looked like his eight incher was hard, and lying flat on his stomach, pointing upwards. I would have given ANYTHING at that moment to touch it.

"Hey, Josh," I said, noticing something.

"Yeah, baby?" he asked.

"You're starting to look a little pink. Think it might be time to reapply the sunscreen?"

He checked himself out. "Damn. You're right. Hope I don't get a real burn."

As he reached for his bottle of lotion, I decided it might be a good idea to put another coat of sunscreen on, myself. I squirted a blob into my hand, and I began to methodically rub it over my arms, and then my chest. I chanced to look over at Josh, and I almost had an orgasm right there. He looked so incredibly hot. He'd already applied the sunscreen over his arms and chest, and they were shining radiantly in the sunlight. His skin was smooth, slick and moist. He was rubbing the lotion all over his legs, which made the short, wiry golden hairs glisten in the light of the sun. My jaw dropped, and a stream of syrupy pre-cum began to pour out of my dick.

I leaned over and whispered into his ear, "I want you, man."

He looked up and grinned. "I want you more." He paused. "But there's no way in hell we can try anything here. WAY too many people."

"Yeah," I nodded glumly in agreement. "But that just plain sucks."

"Hey, that's why it's called a 'PUBLIC' beach," he informed.

"Thanks," I rolled my eyes.

"No prob," he laughed, and then added, "Hey, I've got a way you can do me a favor AND get your hands on me, right here and right now, at the same time."

"You've got my attention," I perked up.

"You wanna put some sunscreen on my back," he requested.

"Would I???" I grinned, and snatched the little pink bottle away from him. Without hesitation, I squirted some into my hands, as he adjusted his position so that his back was angled in my direction. Anxiously, I rubbed him hands together, coating them in the yellowy cream, and then, licking my lips, I placed my hands on my boyfriend's back. I shivered and felt goosebumps pop up all over my body at the mere sensation of my hands upon his flesh. We both quietly moaned as I began to slowly and rhythmically rub my hands in circles on his back. His back was broad, strong and hard. I could feel the muscles beneath my hands, which he tensed and relaxed as I ran my hands over them. I ran my hands over his shoulders, up and back down his strong neck, and then down his back itself. My hands traced his shoulder blades, and the down slight curve in his back where his spine was, all the way down to the tops of his hips, which were swallowed up by his shorts. How I wanted to grasp his ass. Run my hands over the smooth, soft, pillowy globes of flesh. But I couldn't. Not there. Not if I didn't want my OWN ass to get kicked by the homophobe that was bound to be out there, somewhere out on that beach. There was always at least one of them, no matter where you went.

Finally, though, I had to stop. I could have run my hands over Josh's powerful back for hours on end, but I was afraid that I was already starting to look suspicious due to the more than ample amount of time I'd spent applying the lotion.

"All done," I quietly reported.

"Now, let's see what we can do about you," he grinned, shaking a blob of the lotion into his own hand. I smiled, knowing that it was my turn to be massaged. I angled my back towards Josh, and he knelt down behind me, legs spread wide enough around my hips to make me wild with desire, knowing what lay only inches from my ass. Soon, I felt Josh's strong, steady hands come into contact with my skin. And I felt the cool lotion that was on them. It felt like heaven on my hot skin, heated from lying all day out in the hot sun on the beach. I was in pure heaven. The combination of Josh's large, stable hands on my skin, and the cooling, relaxing, relieving sensation of the cool cream on my back sent me to cloud nine. I leaned my head back and closed my eyes, savoring the sensation. I could feel Josh rubbing circles on my back, and I could feel my rock hard rod straining the fabric in my board shorts. I softly moaned.

"Try not to enjoy this too much," Josh quipped.

"Just keep it up," I sighed in content.

"I can't for too much longer. I've already seen at least two people give us weird looks," he said.

"Who gives a damn?" I reveled in the sensations. "Keep doin' it."

"Sorry, man. I gotta stop," he finally said, lifting his hands from my back.

"Thanks," I sighed, laying back down. "That felt so hella good."

"Well then, if you like massages, then I'll have to see what I can do for you tonight," he grinned.

His mysterious promise sent tingles of excitement, anticipation and curiosity through my body. "Y'know," I said. "Normally I'm really ticklish when people give me a massage. But just there...that was the best sensation in the world."

"Maybe I'm just a pro," he said, propping himself up on his elbows, casting his glance out towards the cascading blue waves.

"Maybe you just had moist cream on your hands," I added my hypothesis.

He shrugged. "Maybe a little of both."

After a short time of just lying on our towels, side by side, gazing out at the surf, I piped up, "Hey, you wanna go for a swim out in the waves? We've been lyin' out here forever."

"That sounds fun," he nodded. "But first...can we make a trip to the bathroom. My bladder's killing me."

"I could use a trip there myself," I agreed. And so, we abandoned our towels, and headed up to the little brown shack over at the end of the sand, by the parking lot. We arrived there, finding ourselves by a door with a picture of a stick figure in a skirt on it, and circled the shack until we found the plain, skirtless, stick figure.

We entered, and found ourselves in a typical beach restroom. Concrete floor with a few puddles on it. Two stalls, three urinals next to them with gray dividers between them. Two old sinks, one broken soap dispenser. And, on the other side of the room, and open shower.

"We may have to give that thing a try, later on today," Josh grinned at me, gesturing towards the shower. Then, he proceeded to position himself at one of the urinals, ready to do business...and I positioned myself directly beside him, at he same urinal.

"You're sure brave today," he said. "What if someone walks in?"

"They'll be in for quite a surprise," I chuckled. And, without further adieu, I whipped my dick out. The problem with board shorts is that there's no fly. Thus, I had to pull the entire front of my shorts down. Well...that wasn't really a problem. It just enabled me to show more of myself to Josh, and Josh, in turn, to show more of himself to me. After our trek across the beach, both of us were soft. Our respective thick five inchers hung there limply. Josh began reaching for his dick as he prepared to let loose, but I had other plans.

"Wait," I grinned. And with that, I pushed his hand away, and took his dick into my hand. My wrist rested in his thick blond pubes, my palm along the soft shaft, and my thumb on the soft, moist head. Smiling in understanding, Josh took my dick in his hand as well. He pulled the foreskin back, and placed his thumb on its head. I shuddered slightly at the sensation. And with that, we both began to piss. I watched, enraptured, as the golden stream of liquid shot out of the head of his dick, into the porcelain bowl before us. I watched, mesmerized and hypnotized. I would have never thought that a dick with a stream of piss shooting out of it could be such a thing of beauty...but it was. The entire sight of him was a thing of beauty. From his cute face, down to his strong chest, with its pillowy pecs and fleshy nipples, and the downy hair between them. His flat stomach, the trail of blond hairs below his belly button. This time, instead of disappearing below Josh's damn waist, I could trace the trail, all the way down to where it joined the large, bushy patch of coarse, straw-colored hairs. Below the hairs was Josh's perfect, five-inch dick. Below Josh's dick, his huge ballsack hung out of his lowered waistband, cushioning themselves between his legs.

I could feel Josh's dick begin to harden in my hand, and my dick responded by doing the same in his hand. I slightly angled his dick towards me, and he did the same to mine, so our streams of golden piss intersected. It was a little thing, but for some reason or another, highly erotic to us. To me, it almost signified our joining as one.

Finally, at about the same time, Josh and I finished. The piss began to trickle out of our dickheads. We each gave the other's dick a little push, then shook the heads, so that the remaining droplets of pee would drip off. But I looked down, seeing that one little drop remained on the head of my boyfriend's hardened dick. I knelt down before him, taking his dick in both hands, and then slowly, erotically, I ran my tongue along the bottom of his shaft, all the way up to the tip of its head, where I lapped up the single, tiny, golden droplet. That's all I had intended to do...but I'd had a taste of dick...there was no turning back. I ravenously stuffed Josh's huge, gorgeous cock into my mouth, and began to madly suck up and down on it. I couldn't get enough. The sweet taste was torture. I couldn't stop!

"Adam...baby...I don't know if this is the best place to..." but Josh stopped himself in mid-sentence and rolled his head back, "Oh, God, that feels good..."

I know longer cared that we were standing in the center of a wide-open room that anybody could walk into at any second. It made no difference to me. I was so horny, so hot for Josh, that I NEEDED to feel his dick in my mouth, and I NEEDED to get relief. Keeping Josh's delicious dick in my mouth the whole time, I grabbed the waistband of his board shorts, which were around his thighs, and ripped them down to the floor, making him totally naked. I did the same to my shorts. With his dick in my mouth, one of his luscious, down-covered ass cheeks in one hand, I grabbed my dick with the other hand and began to madly stroke it.

We both forgot our surroundings, and Josh began to forcefully push his dick into my face, fucking my mouth with all of his might. He moaned and groaned as he ground his manhood into my mouth, and I moaned and groaned as I slobbered all over it, licking every last bit of it. I wanted him. I needed him. I loved him with all my heart. I...

"Holy shit!" came a shocked and horrified cry.

Josh and I both looked over and saw a disgusted man, who looked to be about thirty, standing at the threshold. His mouth was agape, and he was staring at us with contempt. I froze, Josh's dick still in my mouth, my dick still in my hand.

"Hey," Josh held up a hand and waved casually, "How are ya? Howzit goin'?"

"Damn perverts," the man spat, and then stomped off, utterly disgusted.

As soon as he was gone, Josh and I both broke out into hysterical laughter. Our faces were red from embarrassment, but our hearts were jovial with glee.

"Did you see the look on his face?" I managed, lying naked in the middle of the bathroom's floor.

"Hell yeah!" Josh doubled over in laughter.

"Good save," I congratulated him, giving him a slight smack of appreciation in the derrire.

"Thank you very much," Josh bowed, still wrestling with fits of giggles.

After quite a while, the laughter finally died down. Josh sighed, dick only inches from my face. "Do you think maybe we should stop...or maybe at least move to a stall? We were lucky that wasn't someone from our group."

"Nah," I grinned. "The risk turns me on SO much more."

Josh grinned in response. "I see," I nodded knowingly. And then, I resumed. More turned on than ever, I took Josh's dick back into my mouth, and my dick back into my hand, and began to madly work upon both again. I was soon back into the rhythm, and hotter than ever before. His dick was so hot, and tasted so good in my mouth. The pre-cum was pouring out, and it was lapping it up eagerly. I couldn't get enough of him. I wanted him. All of him. Now. And I could tell he wanted me too. He pushed his dick in and out, as far as it could go, as fast as he could. I groped his ass ravenously, and I pumped my own dick with all my might. I could smell Josh, smell the musty smell of his groin. A smell quite similar to the smell that filled the room when I jacked myself off. It turned me on...made me hot. Hella hot. I could feel the beginnings of an orgasm...

"Uungh..." Josh magaged, "I'm gonna cum!"

I could feel his dickhead becoming engorged in my mouth. At the very last second, I took my mouth off of it, and grabbed it with my hand and beat it as hard as I could. I closed my eyes, moaned, and we both erupted at the same time as I beat both of our dicks as fast and hard as I could. Cum spewed out, fast and furious. Globs upon globs of Josh's hot seed shot from his hard, spasming dick and onto my face, and my jism shot all over his legs. His juice coated my face, landing all over the place. My forhead, eyes, nose, mouth, hair...even on my shoulders and chin. All over the place, and it never seemed to stop. An endless geyser. Our bodies rocked in pleasure as our orgasms persisted. His cum was so hot and sticky.

And finally...it was over. We both came down from our highs. At the same time, we both sighed. I got up, still naked, and walked to a mirror above a sink. My face was completely covered in running white globs. I giggled at my appearance. Josh came over, and he, too, laughed. In response, I grabbed his head, and brought it to mine, and kissed him forcefully, all the time rubbing my head against his.

He finally managed to break free, laughing. "Ewe!" He laughed.

"Hey, you made it..." I grinned.

"Doesn't mean I wanna wear it," he smiled.

And then, playfully growling, I leapt forward, and buried my face in his chest, rolling it around in the soft, downy blond hairs...coating them in his juices.

Still laughing, he managed to tear my head away from his chest. "Hey! I said I didn't wanna wear it!"

"I never said I wouldn't make you," I grinned. I scoped out the damage I'd done, and saw that his pecs, nipples, and his fuzz were coated in salty white slime.

"As a punishment, you have to clean up my legs!" he giggled.

"I thought you said you wanted to try out the shower," I pointed out.

"All in good time. But first...the legs," he pointed down in a very professional, business-like manner.

I laughed, and went to work licking my own cum off of his hairy, muscled legs. The hair tickled my nose, the flesh was luscious, and the cum was sweet to my tongue. I ran my tongue up and down again, tracing his soft muscles with my tongue. They were soft and luscious. I could feel a stirring in my loins again...

"Alright, alright," he said. "Let's get to the shower."

Taking his hand, we ran across the room to the shower, turned on one head, and stood below it, washing each other clean. Before long, we were in each others' arms again, making out and rubbing our bodies together. We were both hot all over again. The feel of the warm water running down our bodies as they pressed together only made us hotter.

In no time, we were both spilling our juices again. Not as much that time, but we managed to completely coat the other's pubic region in cum. Pubes, dicks and balls were soaked. We laughed, and then licked the other's soft dick clean.

Finally, we finished, and went out to play in the waves...just like the plan had been before we got distracted.

To be continued...

Well, there it is. "The Home Stay, Part II." I didn't originally plan to write it, but...well...things chagne. People get ideas. Thanks to all the great people who e-mailed me and encouraged me to write this installment. I'd love to hear what everybody thought of this one. You can reach me at cute_gay_boy@hotmail.com. And stay tuned. I've got some pretty interesting ideas for what's gonna happen that night.

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