Home Stay

By Adam Hunter

Published on Jul 4, 1999


I know nobody cares about these little tag things at the top, but I'm gonna write one anyway, just 'cuz that's what everybody seems to do before their stories. This story contains sex between two consenting minors (boys - cute ones - of course), so if you don't like that kind of thing, then don't read this. But frankly, if you don't like stories about gay sex I don't know what you're doing here. These events are fictitious (damn!). And, finally, if you're not 18 (or whatever age you're supposed to be in your country/state/etc.) you shouldn't be reading this. But I know that's not gonna stop you, so whip those dicks out and enjoy.

"The Home Stay"

By Adam Hunter

Damn...what a day I'd had. We'd already had our home shows, but this was the first time we'd actually performed on tour. I thought I'd done a fairly good job. My solos weren't too plentiful, but I thought that I'd done a decent job on them. I get the impression that it's a fairly common thing for church youth choirs to go on tour on the summer. Well, our church was no exception. Our youth choir...a quite sizeable one, at that...had just set off the day before, and we'd done our first performance that night. And I was totally wiped out.

After all the day's events and rigors, my hair was disshelved. It was dark brown, and normally I wore it slicked forwards with my bangs, which I'd bleached, spiked. But my hair was a mess, any signs that I'd ever gelled it were nonexistent. My eyes are brown, like my hair. They've almost got a little bit of orange and green in them. I'm tall, I've got a pretty good tan, and I like to think I'm pretty good looking. That's probably all thanks to my Italian side.

After being forced to take down the all the lighting (well...I was forced as in I volunteered), I was finally permitted to leave. I retired to the house that the roommate whom I was to spend the trip with, Josh, and I were assigned to in that particular city. I knew Josh, obviously from church...but also from school. We went to the same school, and although we never hung out together, we'd always say hi to each other in the halls. Josh, like me, was 16 and quite a hotty. I arrived around ten-thirty, and I found Josh sitting in the living room of our host family's house, uncomfortably chatting with them. I have to admit, I found the prospect of staying in a house with complete strangers just slightly daunting, being that I'm pretty shy.

The family with which we were assigned to stay for that short sojourn was the typical all-American family. Upper middle-class, a nicely dressed man and women, their daughter, who was our age, and a 9 year old bratty boy. Not to mention their Golden Retriever, Max. Normally, I like girls (not in THAT way, though). Lots of my friends are girls. But I didn't take a liking to this particular one. She had long blond hair in a ponytail, large, bouncing breasts, and she was talking Josh's ear off. Seeming slightly intimidated by this motor-mouthed blond, he spent most of the conversation smiling and nodding. He looked pretty cute sitting there, looking so helpless. He had short blond hair...kind of a straw-like color. It was short...buzzed, actually, but I could tell that it had been long enough since a haircut, since his hair was at that 'fuzzy' stage. His eyes were a cool shade of blue...kinda turquoise. His skin was pretty pale, and it looked as if it had been a couple days since his last shave. At that point, he looked distressed and uncomfortable, although he appeared to be trying as hard as he could to cover it up.

I made my entrance, said 'hi,' and then yawned - making a big show out of it.

"C'mon, man," I tugged on his sleeve. "I'm really tired. Let's get to bed."

"Good idea," he nodded. We politely said goodnight to the family and apologized for turning in so early...and then we rushed up the stairs. Once we were safely out of earshot, Josh smiled, "Thanks for savin' my ass, Adam. I thought I was gonna die in there."

"No problem," I shrugged. "Besides, I don't think I could have lasted long in there, myself."

We pushed the door to the guestroom open, in which we found two twin beds and the luggage we'd tossed haphazardly in earlier that day. I locked the door behind us, and we both leapt onto our own respective beds and lay down...both letting out long, relieved sighs.

"What a day," Josh groaned, getting comfortable on his bed.

"You're tellin' me..." I said. "And, hell, you don't even have an actual part in the show. You just sing in the choir. I've got a solo... I've got lines..."

"You made the choice to audition," he shrugged.

"Yeah...and damn glad I did, too," I said, self-righteously.

"So stop complainin'," he said.

"I'll complain if I fuckin' well want to," I replied. Then, added, "'Sides. You complained first."

He turned over and raised an eyebrow in my direction. "What's your point?"

"'Dunno," I shrugged. Then, once again, I yawned. "Damn, I wasn't kiddin' back there when I said I was tired. You wanna turn in?"

"Suits me," he shrugged, sat up, and began untying his shoes. Now, from past trips our youth group has taken, I know that Josh isn't particularly bashful, and doesn't hesitate to strip down to his boxers in front of a large group (coed, none the less). I knew I was in for a treat, and my dick seemed to be aware of that as well. I could feel it stirring. The beginnings of a boner.

After Josh's shoes and socks were off, he stood up and stripped off his shirt. Wow. I'd seen him topless before, but I never ceased to be turned on. His skin was a rich color...not particularly pale, but not particularly tan, either. He's definitely not scrawny...he's got muscle, but not all that much of it and not all that well defined. Just enough to make me want to like my lips, make my heart beat speed up, and to make my boner leap up, dripping pre-cum. His pecs looked pillowy, yet undefined. I would have given anything to gently lay my head on them...or better yet, lick them...lick them and his nipples. They looked luscious...they were round, and they were a warm, fleshy color. Just as I was, he was pretty hairy for a 16-year-old. Between his two pecs was a small patch of downy blond hair that glistened in the pale lamplight. A trail also ran down from his navel, disappearing below the horizon of his boxers, which peeked up above the waist of his shorts. As he'd lifted his arms up to peel his shirt off his head, he'd revealed a generous patch of blond hair in each pit... only more of a turn on. To top it off, due to the heat, he was covered in a thin layer of glistening sweat. His body was beautiful...completely, totally beautiful...not to mention hot. Hot enough to make my dick feel like it was about to burst.

Trying my hardest not to stare at Josh's hot, HOT, teen body, I peeled my own shirt off of my head. In terms of body, we're fairly similar. I'm a little taller, a little lankier, and a little tanner. (Actually...much tanner. My Italian side...'nuff said.) I, too, had hair between my pecks, but it was much darker than his...almost black. It was all soft, downy, and short, yet quite visible, none the less.

The removal of the shirts must have taken a total of five seconds. Next...the removal of the pants. Being his usual, unabashed self, Josh didn't nonchalantly unclipped his belt buckled, undid his snap, dropped his khaki cargo shorts, and stepped out of them. Now, this hotty was standing before my in nothing but his plaid red boxers. I'd seen him like that before...but each time, I became increasingly more turned on. His legs were muscled, but not all THAT muscled. They were covered with the same sandy hair. HOT.

I too, more bashfully, removed my long denim JNCO shorts. My legs were longer than his, slightly thinner, and dusted with dark hair. I quickly lay down atop my covers in a position so that my hard dick lay flat atop my skin, hopefully not noticeable.

Yawning, Josh threw back the sheets on his bed and made like he was about to climb in...when suddenly, as if changing his mind, he looked up at me and asked, "Hey, Adam...it's hella hot tonight. Would you mind if I..." he trailed off, losing his confidence for a moment, and then picked up in his regular, soft, deep voice, "...if I slept in the nude? I mean...we're both guys..."

Leaping for joy internally, I responded with a shrug. "Whatever. Like you said, we're both guys. Guess I might as well, too. It IS hot."

And without further adieu, Josh dropped his boxers. I'd seen Josh's dick once before. Years ago, we'd been standing at adjacent urinals, doing our thing, and I'd stolen a glance at his, then, prepubescent boy cock. But he'd hit puberty since then...and I mean he had HIT puberty. That cock was HUGE. It was cut, and it must have been almost, if not five inches long soft. It was cut, its top capped with a soft, round, light pink head. And it was thick. I longed to feel it. To smell it. To taste it. It rested upon a sack of large, low hanging balls (which hung lower than his dick). Above it was a patch of thick, curly and coarse pubes...the same sandy blond as the hair on his head. My mouth was watering, as was my dick (in a manner of speaking).

Josh stood there, making no effort to hide his dick, and yawned. A big yawn. He closed his eyes, clasped his arms above his head (revealing the hair in his pits), and slowly thrust his waist forward as he leaned back, pushing his dick out in my direction. Did he know what he was doing to me?!

Realizing that it would be best to strip while his eyes were closed if I didn't want my raging hard-on to be seen, I ripped my own blue boxers off, and made a leap for my bed. My uncut dick was rock hard, and stuck out about eight inches from my body. I was praying he wouldn't see me, but it was too late. Josh's eyes were open.

"Well, somebody sure looks happy," he grinned wryly.

I flushed. "I...er...uh...that is...I, y'know...I kinda haven't jacked off in a few days," I sputtered out. Seeing that Josh had already seen my dick, I made no effort to hide it, and stood there with it jutting out, perpendicular to my body.

"Me neither," Josh shrugged as he lay down on his bed.

"You wanna?" I could not believe that those words came out of my mouth. My face flushed yet more, if that was possible.

"Sure, why the fuck not?"

That shocked me even more...but at least it didn't result in my face turning even redder. If anything, it resulted in my dick becoming even harder (if that was possible).

"Are you serious?" I gawked.

"Why not?" he shrugged. "I said it earlier...we're both guys. I know I'm horny...and I KNOW you're horny," he gestured toward my hard, huge member. I noticed his dick beginning to stir, as he lay there, beginning to enlarge, slightly.

"Okay," I couldn't help but grin. "Let's do it." I'd jacked off in the company of a friend once before at a sleepover, a byproduct of a game of truth or dare. But to be honest, I wasn't particularly turned on by him, thus, it wasn't the greatest, most sexual of experiences. Josh, on the other hand, immensely turned me on.

Josh's dick was now totally hard, and at least as long as my dick, if not longer. He stretched out, put a hand behind his head, grinned in my direction, and grabbed a hold of his raging boner. Slowly and rhythmically, he began to stroke, as did I. God, I was turned on. It was like a dream come true...I could barely believe it was happening. First night of tour, and I was lying across from Josh, jacking off as he did the same. I couldn't take my eyes off of his dick. He would occasionally lift his hand up to his mouth, spit on it for lube, and then return to jacking it. The spit made it glisten slightly in the light. God, I was turned on.

I eventually tore my eyes off his dick, afraid he'd realize I was looking, and I looked up to his face. To my surprise, Josh's eyes were glued to MY dick. Slowly, he must have realized I was staring at his face, because he looked up, met my gaze, and we both broke out into immense grins. We suddenly realized the thoughts that were going through the other's mind. I rolled over onto my side, grinning the whole time, so I was facing Josh. He did the same. Our gazes remained locked, broken only occasionally as one of us would take a longing gaze at the other's dick.

Finally...I couldn't stand it. I needed more. Surprising Josh as much as I surprised myself, I stood up, marched over to Josh's bed, and sat down on it, straddling his legs. With a mischievous grin on my face, I leaned over, grabbed Josh's rod in my hand, and began to jack him. I was filled with waves of excitement and pleasure, for I had never touched a dick other than my own. It felt great. In terms of size and girth, it was actually quite similar to my own...but it was a completely different sensation. Hotter. I rubbed it up and down, closing my eyes and losing myself in the ecstasy of pleasuring another boy. For a time, I dwelled on his dick head, rubbing it. Feeling its moistness. I leaned in and took a whiff. A deep, potent, intoxicating scent filled my nose...and I loved it. My hand was wet with Josh's pre-cum. He softly moaned as I worked his hardened member. Finally...I needed more.

I leaned over, and lay down atop Josh's body. My face was directly above his. He opened his eyes, smiled knowingly and lovingly up at me. Then, I lowered my head, and kissed him. I'd kissed girls before, and been somewhat grossed out. But as I kissed Josh, I realized I'd never felt a better, sexier, more wonderful sensation in my entire life. Our lips locked, and our tongues wrestled with each other, and at the same time gently licked each other, as they did to the rest of our mouths. I closed my eyes, and let the sheer emotion and feeling overwhelm my body.

After a time, I don't know how long, I felt Josh slowly begin to move his hips beneath me. Our dicks were touching, lying beside each other between us, as were our respective thick brushes of pubes, and our large, loose balls. He began to slowly gyrate his hips, and I followed suit. We began to dry hump each other as we continued to passionately kiss. The pre-cum that gushed from our cocks lubricated us and moistened our coarse pubes as we rubbed out dicks together. I could not imagine a more pleasurable sensation. Without breaking our liplock, I moaned and groaned softly, as did he. I had been grabbing his the soft, moist flesh of his shoulders, and I moved my hands down to cup his pecs as we rubbed dicks amorously. I could feel the soft, downy hair beneath my hands, moistened by our mutual sweat, and below, his soft, smooth, skin.

I finally broke our kiss, and dove down on his chest, continuing to rub my dick rigorously against his. He threw his head back in pleasure as his right nipple was engulfed by my mouth. Ravenously, I sucked and licked his luscious skin. I couldn't get enough. I licked it and suckled at it until I was so hot I couldn't take it any longer. Lifting my head up in pleasure, I let out a muffled moan as my dick erupted. Shot after shot of warm, gooey jism erupted between our writhing teen bodies. I locked glances with Josh as my explosive orgasm continued. He smiled at me as I coated his dick, balls, pubes and stomach with rivulets of gooey sperm. Finally...my orgasm ended...but his had yet to begin. Exhausted, I let my head fall onto Josh's chest. It slowly moved up and down beneath me. After a matter of seconds, I rose again.

"Now..." I said. "To see about you."

He grinned. "Take it away."

I rotated my body so my head was right next to his raging hard dick, as was his head to mine, which was still hard. I took a minute to gaze at Josh's dick. It was beautiful. I'd never seen a dick, besides mine, up close before. It was still hard as a rock, and it stretched upwards, almost touching his belly button. His whole crotch was bathed in my cum, and thus, smelled of a strong, potent, delicious scent. It glistened in the light. I took a moment and began to lick his bushy blond pubes, licking the juices out of them. I then took some of the hair into my mouth, and began to wring the cum out with my tongue. It was delicious, and his pubes were tickling my chin.

Finally, it was time to move on to bigger and better things. MUCH bigger, in fact. His dick wasn't even an inch from my face. I could make out every last detail of it. The veins that ran up the shaft, the two or three light freckles which dotted it, and the few, wispy hairs that ran up the very beginning of the shaft in the back. Then, I saw the head of his dick. It was swollen, glistening and moist. It was beautiful. It was hella inviting. Finally, for the first time, I took dick into my mouth. His lusciously thick cock filled up my mouth, and I could taste the salty taste of my own juices on it. I could barely take more than half of it in my mouth...but it was pure heaven. After just sucking on it for a few minutes...savoring it, I began to slowly work my head up and down Josh's shaft.

And then...I felt him take my dick into his mouth, and began to sixty-nine me. Oh, God...I'd thought all the other sensations I'd felt that night were great...well...they'd been NOTHING. Nothing compared to the feeling of a warm, contracting, sucking, wet mouth engulfing the hot and hard shaft of my dick. I was writhing in ecstasy...but I still took time to give Josh the best damn blowjob I could possibly give. I ran my tongue up and down the shaft, and occasionally, I'd take time to give some extra, special attention to the head. I'd lick around its rim, run my tongue up and down it's moist slop, and just lick my way around it.

I wanted the whole experience to last forever, but unfortunately, it couldn't. I could feel the head of Josh's dick begin to swell in my mouth, and I could feel a familiar tingling in my own dick. And then...Josh's dick erupted. Spurt after spurt after endless spurt gushes out of his throbbing dick as I began to empty my own load, again, into his mouth. It was warm, and stick, and gooey, and delicious, and I tried to swallow it all, but to no avail. It began to trickle out of my mouth on both sides, and drip down onto my chest. It smelled and tasted so good. I could have drunken cupfuls of it. Finally, thought...it was over.

Our dicks were empty...we were exhausted. We collapsed into each others' arms. We both sighed contentedly, and gazed into each others eyes. I ran a finger through Josh's short, fuzzy hair.

"That was AWESOME," he sighed.

"I know whatcha mean," I replied, and gave him a quick kiss on the lips.

"So...you wanna...like...go out with me?" I asked tentatively.

"I'd say that what we just did there was a ringing declaration of 'Hell yeah!'," he grinned.

Returning his grin, I asked, "Same time tomorrow night?"

"You bet," he grinned.

And we fell asleep like that, in each others' arms...just as we would for all other nights on that trip. It was pure heaven.

Well...that's it. My first attempt at an erotic story. Well...not my FIRST attempt...just the first one that I actually decided to send in. Hope ya liked it. If you have comments/criticisms/stuff to say/any other kinda stuff like that, I'd love it if you'd drop me a line at cute_gay_boy@hotmail.com. But please...only good quality stuff. That'll be very well received, and I promise to e-mail you back. But no solicitations/etc., 'kay? Thanks, and buh-bye fer now.

Next: Chapter 2

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