Home Is in Your Arms

By James Heady

Published on Aug 1, 2020


Home Is In Your Arms By James


This is a story which deals with sexual as well as romantic situations between teenaged males. Should you be offended by such material, or if it's illegal to read this type of material in your location, please find something else to read. I can be contacted at jamesheady1985@gmail.com for those who want to talk about anything related to the story. Finally, please remember to donate to Nifty, as it keeps these stories and related materials free to the public.

Home Is In Your Arms

Chapter 8


That week with Kyley was amazing. We went on a couple of canoe rides, and sat outside on Tuesday, and Wednesday while eating lunch in the woods like we did that one Wednesday when Elena drove me up. That weekend though was when Kyley told me a little more of his past, and the actual reason he was brought to the center, and I would have to work really hard to process it, but more on that later.

That Friday was spent with he and I hanging out and he was showing me a few more drawings he had maid, these ones were mainly of fall scapes with the leaves having changed colors on the trees against a clear-blue sky with no clouds of which to speak in it at all. I looked at them, and then smiled at him.

"These really are beautiful!" I said handing the last one back to him.

"Thanks," he replied. "I'm really glad you like them."

"So am I," I answered.

Finally as the afternoon grew closer to evening, we had dinner and we got some pizza which we ate outside on the deck, then once back in Kyley's room, he sat down on the bed while I called to check in with my family. Once the call was made, I took his hand and we sat there looking in to one another's eyes, then wrapping our arms around one another for a few minutes.

"I've been enjoying being able to lay here next to you," I said as I held him in my arms with my cheek pressed against his. He nodded his agreement, then we separated so we could get a shower.

Once out of the shower, I sat down and Kyley watched as I flipped through pictures on my phone. I wanted to show him some pictures of my family and I as we were on our vacation last year, and he enjoyed all of them, especially one where I was in mid-dive off a diving board at one of the pools. Then I stopped as I went past another photo I didn't even expect, and had forgotten about. It was one of Nathan, and he was standing against a tree as I took a picture of him in a new shirt he had bought a couple of days before we had gotten together for our second dinner together. Seeing that caused me to stop suddenly, and seeing Nathan in that photo hurt, and I wasn't prepared for it.

My hands shook as I tried to keep the phone steady, but I had to put it down for a moment.

"Who is he?" Kyley asked, and looked with concern at me.

I must not have looked very well.

"His name is Nathan," I said as I tried to get myself under control.

I didn't know whether or not to start crying or to be angry. Cry, because of remembering what Nathan's abandoning of me meant, or be angry at him for what he did, and angry even at his family for taken him away from me. I knew deep down as time went on, and even recently as well that while Nathan shouldn't have treated me like he did, there were probably more things at play that were beyond his control. I was working on not being angry with him, and I also worked even harder at not hating him. I didn't want that, and he didn't deserve that.

"I just didn't expect to see that picture," I said turning to Kyley.

I told him the story of Nathan and I, and concluded it with telling him about when Nathan cut off all contact.

"I can see a little of why he might be afraid enough to want to shut himself off from people, but you still didn't deserve how he treated you," Kyley said. "So how involved were you guys with one another. You said you went on a couple of dates. How serious was it between the two of you?"

I could see in his eyes what he wasn't asking in words.: "What does this mean for us, and would you go back with him if he came back suddenly?"

"It was just a couple of dinners and a couple of walks," I explained,. "We never even kissed, and definitely didn't have sex. I wasn't even half-way ready for that."

"I understand," Kyley replied, but I still saw the unasked questions in his eyes.

"Kyley?" I asked moving in closer and taking his hands and holding them so that our palms pressed together, and I interlocked our fingers so that our hands were locked together. "I know what you're trying to avoid asking me, and I know what you're worried about. Nathan could never replace the friendship you and I have, not ever. If he were ever to come back in to my life, I couldn't ever be with him. It would be just friendship that I would want from him, because he was a good listener and he was good at listening to people's problems. He was also good at focusing all of his attention on whoever he was talking to, and when I would talk to him, he treated me as if I was the only one there. He truly did care, and I would hope that he and I could be friends, but that's all. I like you, and if it's anyone I'd want to be with as more than a friend at some point, it would be you.

I've gotten to know you really well as the days and weeks have gone by. You make me laugh, and you listen to whatever it is I'm talking about whether it be a problem, or something good I'm talking about. You care about me and things good or bad that I'm going through, and that means everything to me."

"But I,'''," he said as I let one of his hands go so he could type.

I knew where he was going, and I gently took his hand again.

"No," I said leaning my face in close to his and speaking softly. "You're everything I want in a friend, and you have the condition you have and the issues with walking and getting around, but I see more to you as a person, and what I see within you is what I want. It's just what I said a moment ago, you have a lot of caring, compassion and a lot of love that you show those around you, including me. That means a lot, and I don't believe that you are your condition, and no one else should think that about you either. I could be spending my time with a guy who's got a body that has no disabilities, neither physical or mental, but none of them would be you. I'm here with you for always, and I promise you that."

I took him in my arms as he was crying at this point. I hoped they were tears of joy, and later he would tell me that they were, but also some of sadness that no one before had ever told him anything like that in the years he had been alive.

Once we finished our talk, we had a snack, then after Kyley's massage we got in to bed.



After we lay down to go to sleep, Milen took me in his arms and was asleep within minutes, but I continued to lay there awake. I was wide awake, and I was afraid. I knew what would happen when I was wide awake like this when it was time for bed. This would usually be when my Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder would start acting up. Sometimes I could tell when a flare-up would be in the works to happen, but sometimes I couldn't. This was one of those nights, and I figured that I'd be in store for a night of anxiety attacks, flashbacks and probably a few nightmares. The flashbacks came as I thought they would, and I tried to think of other things, but that didn't happen, and my memories of what had happened to bring me to the center came rushing back in all their vivid color, sound and painful sensations!


My foster brother Allen was 38 when I was 12, and he was still living at home with my foster parents. This is of course the second foster family with whom I lived at the time. Allen sometimes would sneak me bits of food when his parents weren't looking, but that was about as far as his compassion went. Most of the time he would tell me to get the fuck out of his way, and if his parents left me alone with him on the nights they'd go out drinking which was usually on Friday and Saturday nights, he would slap me at even the slightest mistake I would make, and he would even grab my legs and jerk them hard straighter than they normally would go. He said that this was him trying to toughen me up, and it only hurt was all it did. Then a couple of times, once when I accidently spilled a glass of milk I had at the table, then another time a few weeks later when I laughed at him when he was cussing out his computer, both of those times he told me that he wouldn't be giving me my pills for my legs if I didn't quit acting like a disgusting retard. I didn't believe him, until he did it that first time when I spilled my glass of milk.

So when an attack did come on that time, He let me lay there in pain for over an hour, and by this time I had wet myself, because of how bad the pain was.

"You're fucking disgusting!" he yelled as he came in with a glass of water and one of the pills.

"Here!" he yelled as he shoved the water and pill at me. "Take the fucking things! I don't even give a shit! Then you can go in and clean yourself up. You're disgusting!"

So on the night things changed for me forever, it was a hot Summer night in early July of 2018, and it was a Friday night. My foster parents had gone out around 6:00 P.M. to go party for most of the night, and so Allen was in charge of watching me. For some reason that day, and I mean all that day, Allen had been oddly nice to me. He came in that morning and apologized for how he had been treating me. He even hugged me, and I was scared at first, but then relaxed as he stood there holding me gently in his arms. I hugged back, then at breakfast once our parents had left, he gave me a couple of extra pieces of bacon, then the rest of the day he sat with me as I drew different things, then even gave me my pills when I needed them. I did wonder a couple of times why he was being so nice to me, but put it out of my mind, as I was just glad to not have him yelling at me or being mean to me.

Finally that night after my foster parents left, Allen said that we could order wings for dinner, and that was a really favorite meal that I hardly ever got a chance to have. I finally felt a little bit of happiness that I didn't usually feel, and finally as the wings arrived once I was showered and in my pajamas, I ate and felt like I was in absolute Heaven. I was so distracted by my feelings of happiness that I didn't notice the triumphant look in Allen's eyes. If I had seen it, then I would have known that it was the look such as what a cat has in its eyes once it finally gets hold of a mouse or bird that it's had to work extra hard to capture. I didn't know the look that Allen was giving me at that moment though, but it would have most likely been something like that.

Once I got to the last wing, I held it out for Allen, and he shook his head.

"No," he said kindly. "This is for you, this is your special evening, and a special evening deserves a special meal.

"Thanks," I wrote on a napkin that he held out for me. "I know we had our problems before, but I think you're starting to be a really good brother!"

I meant it at the time, and smiled warmly at him, completely unaware of what was to come only in a few short minutes.

"Thanks Kyley," he said smiling back at me. "You're actually a really nice little brother as well."

I felt my heart warm at that. I had been waiting all my life to hear that from someone, and I finally heard someone say all of what I wanted to hear!

I ate the last wing, and after washing my hands and brushing my teeth, I walked towards my room.

"Wait," Allen said. "You can stay up a little later tonight since mom and dad won't be home for hours yet. You can hang in my room with me. I have a couple of movies on my computer you might like to see. Besides, I'd like to show you something really cool that big people do sometimes to have fun."

His smile was contagious, and I followed him blissfully unaware of what was to come.

Once in his room, he closed the door, and his bedroom door was one of those doors that had the lock where you needed a key for both the outside as well as for the inside of the door. In short, once locked, and unless the key was in the key hole then there was no getting in or out. I mention this, because he locked the door, then put the key in his pants pocket.

I gave him a questioning look.

"I wouldn't want our parents coming in here ruining our fun if they were to come home early," he said walking over to me and helping me over to the bed.

Once seated beside me, he opened up his laptop, and then opened a folder that needed a password to access its contents.

"You want to see something cool?" he asked.

"Yeah," I nodded.

He pulled up a picture within the folder. I didn't understand what I was looking at. It showed a little boy, probably a couple of years younger than I was. The boy was naked and his eyes were full of fear. Worst of all, his hands were tied behind his back, and his legs were chained together so that walking would be all but difficult without someone pulling him along.

"He's pretty hot like that isn't he?" Allen said smiling.

His warmth was still there, but he had a look in his eye that I didn't understand, nor did I like. It was like a look that an animal gets once it's finally captured another more weaker animal that it's been chasing for a long time.

"Why's he tied up like that?" I wrote on a different napkin this time.

"That's how they wanted him I guess," Allen said smiling. He showed me a couple more photos, and the ages of the kids all of whom were boys kept getting younger and younger in age. I wasn't feeling very well at that point, and I was starting to feel afraid for the first time that day.

"Uh Allen," I said turning to him. "I don't think I want to see any more of these pictures."

"That's okay," he said as he closed the laptop, then turned to me. "I have something else I think you'll like even better than that anyway."

He pulled me closer to him, and I wasn't prepared for the physical contact, and I jerked back. He tightened his grip on my arm, and his facial features hardened in to a harsh and stony look.

"Come here," he said coldly. "You shouldn't be pulling away like that, not after all I did for you today."

I did think for a moment of all he had done for me that day, and I tried to put the fear out of my mind that was slowly, but steadily building.

Allen held me pressed against his side as he took his hand and put it on my inner thigh really high up, and I instantly felt uncomfortable. He eased his fingers under my shorts, and began rubbing my balls, then he grabbed my penis, and was moving it back and forth. I didn't like whatever it was he was doing! It felt bad, like something that I couldn't explain, but it still felt wrong!

"How does that feel?" he asked.

"I don't think I like this," I said trying to keep the fear out of my mind, and losing the battle.

"I'll help you with getting more comfortable," he said.

He moved me so that I was on the bed full-length, then he sat down on the edge of the bed, and began pulling my shorts down. I struggled, and his face reddened with anger.

"Stop struggling!" he yelled, and I didn't know what was about to happen, but I knew that the Allen from before was back.

I struggled a little harder, and he jerked me to a sitting position. He slapped me hard across the face, and I began shaking.

"What did you do that fore!" I wrote on my napkin.

"You're struggling, and I don't fucking like that!" he yelled at me slapping me again. "You're fighting me, and it's going to stop!"

"I don't understand what you're wanting from me!" I said as I was losing the battle with not crying. "I didn't like what you just did when you touched me down there!"

"I've had my eye on you for a long time," he said sitting back down and looking down at me. "I want to do things with you that feel good, you know? Like what adults do. I've been wanting to do that with you for a long time, and I have my chance now. It's just you and me Kyley. There's no one to distract us, so you just need to stop fighting, and let it happen."

"You said things like what adults do for fun?" I asked. "You mean like sex, or something like that? I don't even know what sex is yet!"

"I'll show you," Allen said leaning down to remove my shirt.

"Allen, I want to go to bed now!" I said getting more frightened now. "I just want to go back to my room, and get to bed now. I just want to forget about whatever this is that you're trying to do with me!"

"Just let it happen Kyley," he said as he was pulling my shirt off. "Besides, since you're struggling as hard as you've been, I think you actually want this."

"No I don't!" I wrote as he stopped so I could write. "Please, just back off! I don't like this! I just want to go back to my room now, and go to bed as I mentioned before!"

"You're not going anywhere," he said sharply as he looked down at me. "You chose to come here to my room with me tonight, and you're going to stay here with me tonight. You're going to let me do what I want to do with you, and we're going to do this no matter what, and we're going to enjoy it."

"No!" I tried to say, but this time he was pulling my shirt up over my head and in the struggle my napkin and pencil fell out of my hands.

I jerked away as the shirt came free, and Allen grabbed me and slapped me hard across the face again.

"Stop trying to get away from me you fagot!" he yelled, then began pulling off my shorts.

He stopped so he could get naked, and I got a look at him as I scooted over to try to get away from him. He was disgusting. He wasn't showered, and that was nothing new, but this was somehow worse!

He sat down and looked at me. I was naked too at this point and felt more exposed than I wanted to, and extremely afraid!

"This is how you treat me after all that I did for you today!" Allen said angrily, and he looked at me with pure hate.

I somehow knew that it was hate for me, because I wasn't doing what he wanted me to do. It was also then that I realized that all that had occurred that day from the morning, to the day itself then up through that evening had been a lie! I had been fooled, and I reasoned at that point that I should have known and wondered if it had been my fault, if I had noticed or listened to those questions deep in my mind of why he was being so nice to me, then maybe I wouldn't have been there at that moment, in his room and with him getting ready to do God only knew what to me!

I looked at him hoping that I could communicate for him to stop whatever this was!

"I was good to you today!" he said as his voice began to get louder. "I gave you everything you wanted, and all I want from you is to do what I'm trying to get you to do with me. I deserve this, but you're choosing to fuck me over after I was good to you today! So I'm going to fuck you over first you fucking little retard freak of nature! I hate you Kyley! I hope you know that! You're not wanted by me, not by this fucking family of mine, and no one else wants you!"

I reached out and in hurt and in pure rage I slashed my finger nails across his face.

Bastard!" he screamed.

Pain exploded in my head as he slammed his fist in my face breaking my nose. I screamed, and he grabbed me and pressed his hand over my mouth.

"You bight me, I'll fucking kill you!" he said hatefully. "You're going to do what I want you to do, or you know what I'm going to do if you don't do as I tell you? You want to leave this room so fucking bad, alright then. You keep struggling, you'll leave this room for sure. I'll just call the psych hospital, you know? Your favorite place. I'll tell them that you were trying to be sexually aggressive, and given your angry outbursts in the past, they'll believe me. You know what they'll do there don't you? They'll leave you strapped down for hours, maybe even days. You remember how it was the last two times right? Care for a third trip?"

I was crying now, and I didn't care. I felt myself go limp, and I gave up right there. I didn't care if I lived or died at that point, and he grabbed me and I saw a sick and hateful glee in his eyes. He had gotten his prey! I didn't care what happened at that point. I didn't care, at least until I felt pain in my rectum as he began pushing what felt like a red-hot iron rod in there.

I screamed loudly, and now I did care!

"Shut up!" he yelled slapping me across the face, and causing my already throbbing nose to hurt more, and more blood began flowing!

I screamed again, not just from pain and fear, but of rage. I also promised myself that if the day came that I ever saw Allen again, that I'd kill him slowly and painfully for what he was doing to me. As he began moving in and out of me, our eyes locked as he was on his knees with my legs up over his shoulders, and of course he didn't care that my legs were in pain. Our eyes locked in that moment though, and I knew that he saw what was in my eyes, and I knew he read it clearly.

"I hate you, and one day when I can find you again, I will kill you!" it said.

He lost his concentration for a moment, but got it back again, and I went on screaming.


Once the police pulled up to the house when the neighbors called 9-11 when they heard the screams coming from the house from what was probably a window that someone had forgotten to close, the police exited their vehicles, and ran up to the door. Not waiting for a response, they kicked in the door and after listening to where the screams were coming from, they ran towards the bedroom that was the only one that was closed.

"Fuck!" Smith, the one policeman said. "It's locked, and it's a key hole lock!"

"I'll get it," his partner Jones said.

With two blows, they kicked in the door, and as they both ran in to the room, they saw the back of the man, then they caught glimpses of the boy underneath him.

"Stop right there!" Smith said.

Allen tried pulling the covers up over him and the boy, but he was tackled by Jones, and they cuffed him, and he struggled to get away. Smith grabbed him, and jerked him around.

"Go ahead you fucking cock sucker," he said inches from Allen's face. "Here, go ahead and struggle. Try it. I'd love a good excuse to blow your child-raping brains all over that shitty wall paper behind you. So go on Mother Fucker! Try and run. You'd be keeping a few sex-deprived convicts in prison from making you their little Bitch, but you wouldn't be able to hurt another child, so go on, and try it."

Jones was trying to talk to Kyley, but he wasn't understanding that Kyley couldn't speak.

"I'm calling for back-up, since we'll need to search this place," Smith said.

"Good, because I'm not getting anything out of this kid," Jones said. "I don't know if he's in shock or what, but he's not answering any of my questions."

Once back-up arrived which included Michael and his team as well as a group of medical personnel, they found a card in what was Kyley's room that gave a brief description of his disability.



I was on a hard surface now, and must have passed out for a moment. I felt straps securing my wrists and ankles, and I tried to relax, then I felt a sharp sting on the back of my right hand. I screamed, then tried to jerk free of the restraints.

"What's wrong with him?" one of the paramedics asked "Is he seizing?"

"No!" a second paramedic said. "He's trying to fight us!"

As I struggled to break free, someone stepped to where my head was, and leaned close to me. It was Michael, but I didn't know that at the time.

"I know this is really scary for you, but they need to help you. I jerked again, but his hand was holding my left one, as the right one was the one they put the IV in. I tried to break free again, but then I felt a slight pain in my back, and I fell back on whatever they had me restrained on.

"It'll be alright," Michael said speaking softly to me rather close to my ear. "We're going to get you out of here, and to a place where they can help you."

As they carried me out of the house, and loaded me in to the ambulance, I passed out, and during that night I was subjected to many medical tests. Allen hadn't ripped anything to where I would need surgery, but I still needed to be hospitalized, and then over the weeks and next couple of months I struggled with anger and fits of rage that usually resulted in me pounding my fists either on the table or on the walls.

There were a couple of outing privileges I lost when I couldn't and sometimes wouldn't calm down, and through it all Michael and Josh kept their tempers under control, and stayed patient as well as firm with me. They would sit there, and I at least felt comfortable enough to hold their hand depending on which one of them was there when I'd have a melt-down, and as I saw that they wouldn't treat me like my two foster families did, I started to understand that I really could trust them, and I started really working at what they were trying to teach me, and things were beginning to improve for me.

Allen was put in jail, and his fate was still yet to be decided. I knew that victims of crimes were sometimes called to testify by either the defense, prosecution or both, and I didn't know if I could go through something like that. By the time late Winter of 2018 came around, I was no longer blaming myself for what had happened, but I knew that I could easily go back there at certain points, especially if I was questioned by an attorney who knew how to cast doubt on victims and their stories. I dealt with the uncertainty of Allen's fait and what part I'd have to play in it as best as I could which was to say, that I dealt with it one day at a time. As the days went by, I didn't think about it too much, but I still worried and would get scared about what friends would think once they learned that part of my story. I especially worried about what a best friend, or even a boyfriend would think about it.

As the flashbacks receded, I wondered at least for a third or fourth time, but this time in the foreground instead of the background about what would Milen think. Would he understand, or would he see me as someone or something that was damaged, and tarnished beyond repair?

I sat up, then after carefully getting out of bed so as not to wake Milen, I went to use the restroom, then out to the kitchen to make some tea. I hoped that this would calm me enough so that I could get to sleep for the evening.

Once back in bed, I lay on my back with Milen's arm draped over my stomach holding me close again. I lay there with the questions circling around in my head like bats in the night. I tried to stop them, but they kept coming, and finally I moved Milen's arm from around me, and sat up. I tried to be gentle when I moved his arm, but it must have woke him, as once I sat up he was moving, then he opened his eyes.

He sat up and looked at me.

"Kyley?" he said rubbing his eyes. "Are you alright?"

I motioned for him to get back to sleep, and he looked in the direction of the clock. I looked as well, and it was almost 2:00 A.M. in the morning! I couldn't believe that I had been up that whole time. I felt his arms wrap around me, and I tried to pull away, but he held on gently, but firmly.

"I'm right here if you need or want to talk about whatever is going on," he said.

I sat there as he held me from behind. He was warm and I felt myself relax a bit, and I felt like I needed to tell him about what had happened.

I motioned for him to release me, and so he did. I turned towards him and pointed at my machine. I wrote for a long time, and he listened.

After I finished telling him my story, he looked horrified, and like he could start crying at any moment.

"I can't believe those Mother Fuckers!" he said closer to tears even more now. "I wish you didn't have to go through that, and they had no right to leave you in a position like that for something like that to happen to you. You never should have been left alone with Allen, and he's disgusting for doing that to you!"

He reached for me, and I let him take me in his arms. We sat there as we both cried, and we just let our emotions out. Finally, our tears subsided. He let me go and we both dried our eyes.

"Sometimes I worry that it was my fault," I said as he held me from behind again. "I sometimes wish I would have listened more carefully to those questions I had earlier that day about why he was being so nice to me. I sometimes think that if I had, then I could have gotten free from him so that he wouldn't have done what he did."

"I understand what you're saying," Milen said. "The only one who's at fault here, is Allen, and especially his family for leaving you alone with him. Given the pictures you mentioned that he showed you, he obviously had some fucked up ways of looking at children for a long time, and I wouldn't be surprised to learn that you might not have been the first kid he hurt sexually. Even if you were the first kid he hurt like that, then he was still dangerous just for the fact that he was even looking at child pornography. I hope that Son of a Bitch stays locked up for a long time, and I'll do everything I can to help you through any flashbacks or any other things you're going through because of this, and I'll also help in any way I can to keep that piece of shit locked up!"

I sat there with him holding me for a long time, and a long silence stretched out between us. It wasn't uncomfortable, and I knew that both of us were thinking over everything. Finally, I spoke again.

"Thank you for supporting me, and agreeing to help me through whatever I might experience through this," I said. "That really means a lot, and I work every day to not blame myself. You've truly helped me calm down, and I think I'll be able to get to sleep again."

"I'm glad I was able to help as well," Milen answered. "I'll be here as you fall asleep again, and I'll also be here when you wake up in the morning."

I handed my machine back to him and he placed it on the table, then as I lay down, he put the covers over both of us, then wrapped me in his arms again, and I was asleep shortly thereafter.



As I wrapped Kyley in my arms again once the covers were over both of us again, I looked at the bedside clock, and it was nearing 4:00 A.M. in the morning. I knew that we would be sleeping late. I didn't know how late kids here at the center were allowed to sleep, as Kyley was usually up around 8:00 A.M. every morning, and then around 9:00 A.M. on the weekend mornings, and so I'd get up with him at both of those times while I was staying with him that week.

I only knew that I was more concerned with helping him with whatever he needed as I said I would. I lay there processing everything, or at least trying to. I was exhausted, and I did fall asleep again after a few minutes, and I held Kyley as I fell back in to sleep once again.



The next morning when I checked on Milen and Kyley, I saw that they were both deeply asleep. Usually they had been up as I would come to check on them, but this time they were both asleep. I had heard Kyley get up the night before, and figuring that he needed to get something to drink I didn't see a need to check on him. I then looked down at the bedside table and saw the note that Milen had left.

"We slept late, and might still be asleep if Michael comes in to check on us. Kyley needed help with a couple of things, so we didn't get to sleep until rather late."

I read the note, and figured that Kyley had a little more trouble with his legs, or his PTSD was bothering him. I decided to let them sleep, and would check on them again in a couple of hours. I looked down at them as they were wrapped in one another's arms, then I left quietly closing the door behind me on my way out.



I awoke and turned to look at the clock. It was almost 11:00 A.M. in the morning, and I found a note next to mine.

"I looked in on you guys at the usual time I do, but saw that you both were still asleep. I saw your note Milen, and I hope you were able to help Kyley with whatever was going on last night, and you guys can sleep for a couple more hours."


I put the note on the table again, and Kyley was waking up. He looked up at me, and I turned towards him.

"Good morning," I said softly.

He smiled, then we hugged. We then used the restroom, brushed our teeth then dressed for the day.

We had a late breakfast, then went outside to go for a walk for a bit. He seemed to be feeling a little better, and he said while we were on our walk that talking to me really helped him last night. I was glad to hear that, and I hoped he'd be alright the rest of the day as well. After our walk, we returned to the house, and once enjoying a light lunch, we went off to his room to talk and cuddle for a bit.

Author's Notes

I know that this was a dark chapter to read, and it was hard for me to write. I did try to end off on a happy note, and I hope you guys enjoy the lighter tone towards the end of it. It can be all too easy for kids like Kyley to go through what he went through, and this kind of issue needs to be brought to light in our society.

Things will pick up in Chapter Nine, and Milen and Kyley will get even closer in that chapter, and I hope you all enjoy that when it happens. So everyone have a good evening, and I'll see you all in Chapter Nine.

Next: Chapter 9

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