Home Is in Your Arms

By James Heady

Published on Jul 18, 2020


Home Is In Your Arms By James


This is a story which deals with sexual as well as romantic situations between teenaged males. Should you be offended by such material, or if it's illegal to read this type of material in your location, please find something else to read. I can be contacted at jamesheady1985@gmail.com for those who want to talk about anything related to the story. Finally, please remember to donate to Nifty, as it keeps these stories and related materials free to the public.

Home Is In Your Arms

Chapter 7


I stood there in front of the audience, and tried to keep the nervousness out of my voice. I thanked everyone for coming, and I looked and saw not only my family, Alex, Shane and Braden, but also Kyley. He was sitting in one of the chairs with Michael sitting on his right and Adam on his left, and my family was to Adam's left.

"Thanks for coming, and I'm really happy to be here as well," I said as calmness came over me. "I'm performing the song titled the Islander by the group Night Wish. It's off their album titled Dark Passion Play, and it's one of my top favorites. Marco Hietala wrote this song, and he's usually allowed to write at least one song for the group from time to time. So here goes!"

I began the opening cords and the opening lines, and soon I was performing as if I had been doing it forever! Soon it was ending, and everyone clapped showing that it was an amazing performance.

There had been two other performances before mine, then we had about ten more. After I closed the guitar case, I handed it back to Alex, then took a seat that appeared beside Kyley. I then thanked my parents, sister and other friends, then shook Kyley's hand and thanked them all again for coming.

The next couple of performances were first of a couple of guys covering Welcome to My Life by Simple Plan. Kyley and I were struggling to not groan out loud, as Simple Plan was one of the Punk Pop, or as we called them Pseudo-Punk Pop Groups we hated. We also were trying to not let our expressions of annoyance show, and I hoped we were doing a good job of covering them.

The performance after them was of several other guys a couple of whom had guitars and another had drums, and they covered the song Photograph by Nickel Back. I was tensing up my body really tightly, as I saw Kyley laughing silently, but his body shook a little, even though there was no sound. He and I hated that song, and had watched a YouTube video our first weekend together in which a guy reviewing the album on which it's featured is acting out a skit where people torment him with the song, and he does over-the-top sobbing as it plays.

The other performances were of various other mainstream songs, then after that last hour it was finished, and everyone clapped. As I got up, one of the guys came up to Kyley and I. He reminded us that he was Tyler, and he had performed the last song which was Long Time Gone by Crosby, Stills and Nash, and I definitely enjoyed that.

"So you guys coming to the get-together after that they're having?" Tyler asked.

My parents said I could go, and Michael let Kyley know that he could come along as well. It was only 8:00 P.M. in the evening on that Monday night, and they had enough there so that I would basically be getting dinner there if I went which I did. My parents and sister had early mornings the next day, my sister with a doctor's appointment, and my parents with work. Plus it would give Kyley, my other friends and I a chance to talk and socialize a little more.

"Yeah, let's go!" I said still riding high from my performance from earlier.

After saying goodbye to my family, we all left for the room in which the reception would be held. Once there, Shane, Braden, Tyler and Adam held a table for us. Then Kyley's friends Bree and Cora came and we put another table beside ours for them to sit at.

I walked with Kyley through the food line, and he loaded up his plate with a couple of flavors of wings, a couple of tacos and some fried chicken. I got the same, and after he got some mashed potatoes and corn, and after getting the same we got to our table.

"Nice food scape, Cora said to Kyley," he gave a thumbs-up as his way of saying thanks. "Yours looks good as well."

She directed this at me, and I thanked her.

"It's nice to finally meet you," Bree said to me shaking my hand.

"Yeah, I agree," Cora said smiling. "You're definitely not bad to look at."

I blushed hard and Kyley laughed and smirked at me.

"Shut up Kyley," I said in mock severity.

He gave me a look as if to say: "Yeah, whatever.".

I laughed, and we continued talking.

"You were really amazing up there," Shane said.

"Absolutely," Bree added.

"Thanks," I said smiling. "I'm really glad you guys enjoyed it!"

After we finished our food, I got up to get some cookies and ice-cream. I got some for Kyley, and he smiled warmly at me once I brought it back to the table.

"You really know how to treat a guy," he said.

"Yeah, I aim to please around here," I said smiling at him.

After the party, my parents said that I could stay with Kyley at the center provided it was alright with Michael. They called as I was sitting there in the living room of the house with Kyley snuggled against me as we sat talking. They said that they had talked and since there wasn't anything going on that I needed to take care of that week, I could spend the week and weekend with Kyley as long as it would be alright with Michael. He agreed, and my dad drove up with some clothes and my case that had my shaving stuff and other hygiene products in it. After thanking him, and promising to check in from time to time, we hugged, and after he and Kyley shared a hug, he left and it was just us again.

Once in his room, Kyley and I stripped down so we could get a shower. Once I was naked, I stood there watching Kyley remove his boxers. He took them over to the hamper and put all of his clothes from the outfit he had on that day in to it.

I watched the muscles in his back and in his ass flex as he walked, and I began getting hard. This time there wasn't any thinking of complex Math problems to hold back my erection. Kyley was nearing me by this time as my cock fully hardened, and his eyes went right to it. His own cock was stiffened at this point, and it looked as nice as it did the first time I saw it when we first got in to the shower together the first time we showered that first weekend we stayed with one another. He blushed hard the first time I saw him hard, and I reassured him that it would be alright, and I pointed out that the same thing was happening to me, and he looked and then smiled.

He gave me a thumbs-up as I came back to where I was at that moment.

"Glad you like it," I said smiling.

He closed the distance, and put his hands on my shoulders then moved so that he could wrap his arms around me. I stood there holding him skin-to-skin feeling his warmth against me. His erection pushed close to mine, but was pressing a little closer in to my balls since he was shorter than I was. It felt good though, and I could feel my cock pressing against the silky smoothness of his lower abdomen, and I felt my cock jump several times.

"You're the only one I want to stand here like this with," I whispered as I held him and rubbed his back up and down gently.

He nodded his head in agreement, then we separated after a moment, and I looked at him, taking in his body from his head to his front, then to his erection that was jumping rapidly, and leaking precum, then looked at his balls which were smooth and showed only a couple of hairs. I moved my eyes down from them to his silky thighs, to his legs lightly dusted with silky-black hairs and to his feet which were amazingly silky and wonderfully smooth to the touch. I knew at that moment that committed relationship or no, that if he wanted me to take him over to the bed and have hot and all-consuming sex that I wouldn't be able to resist, and that I would love him all night, and in to the morning when the sun would come up if that was what he wanted.

Kyley smiled and nodded his head as if knowing exactly what I was thinking, but his eyes said that he wanted to wait. I nodded back, then our erections went down a little.

"I think it's time for our shower," I said smiling.

"So do I," he said, then put his machine on the bedside table.



I settled in bed after having gotten my shower. Nathan was in the bed across the room from mine laying there half asleep as well. It was almost 11:00 P.M. that Monday evening, and Nathan and I had really had a nice day that day. He and I had helped my dad clean up some of the church, then we went out for lunch then came back to the house and watched a few shows on YouTube.

Nathan had been living with us for the past couple of weeks as my dad had a foster care license, and so Nathan would be our first resident. When my dad had first brought it up to me that Saturday when I brought him in to the house to meet my dad, I immediately agreed to it. When we talked to Nathan about it the next day, he tried to tell us that he would be fine somewhere else, but my dad wouldn't hear of it, and neither would I. He kept saying that he needed to pay for what he had done, and as of yet I still hadn't found out what he was talking about, but my dad and I were determined to find out what was going on with him. It took a while to convince Nathan to come in to the house that dark and rainy Saturday to meet my dad much less stay with us.


Rain blasted the church and everything outside as I stood in front of Nathan. He stood there as if to turn and run again.

I had just mentioned going in to the house and him meeting my father, and he got scared.

"What if he doesn't want me here, and tries to make me go away?" Nathan asked. "No, I'll be better on my own."

"Please don't go," I said holding out my hand. "My dad won't hurt you, and he'll try to do everything he can to help you. So will I."

Finally he took my hand, and we went back around to the house. Once in the house, I lead Nathan through the small hall that opened in to the kitchen. On the left was the living room warmly lit by a floor lamp that was by the doorway of the room. My dad sat across from the doorway in his recliner reading, but put his book down when he saw me.

"Hi dad," I said.

"Hi Todor, it looks like you've found a friend," he said as he got up out of his chair and came over to us.

I introduced him and Nathan, and Nathan looked unsure, but shook my dad's hand all the same.

"Would you like to sit down?" my dad asked Nathan.

"Thanks," Nathan said.

He sat down and with some encouragement, he told us a little about where he had come from.

"So since you came from that garbage dumpster of an organization," my dad said. "Unless your parents got the wrong idea, then I'm guessing that they didn't like the fact that you're gay or bisexual?"

"I'm gay," Nathan said.

He took my hand and held on tightly and scooted closer to me.

"They sent me to that place a few months ago, and I escaped today," he went on. "I just need a place to stay until the rain lets up, then I'll be on my way. There's somewhere I have to be, and I should be able to get there tomorrow."

"Where?" I asked.

"I have to make things right with a friend I haven't seen since last year," he replied. "Besides, I have to pay for what I've done so I won't stay too long."

"At least stay for the evening," my dad said coming over to us. "If you want to sleep out here, the couch folds out in to a bed, and Todor's room is big enough so that there's a second bed in there if you want to sleep in there with him tonight."

Nathan thought about it for a few moments, then agreed to sleep in my room with me.

"That sounds good!" I said and smiled. "I'll make sure the other bed is cleared off."

"Thanks," Nathan said and squeezed my hand softly for a moment.

The rest of that day was spent with Nathan and I sitting and talking a little more, and I eventually got clothes that would fit him that I wasn't wearing anymore, and from those he selected some clothes to sleep in for that night.

Once in bed, I read from my Bible for a few minutes as I usually did before bed, then I set it aside as Nathan lay there on his back eyes focused on the ceiling. I watched him out of the corner of my eye for a few minutes, then I turned on my side. He lay there for a few minutes longer, then turned on his side so that we were facing one another.

"Thanks for letting me stay here tonight," he said softly.

"You're welcome," I replied. "My dad and I are happy to have you. Where do you think you'll go tomorrow?"

My dad had brought the idea up to me about us taking Nathan in for longer than an evening while he was in the shower and my dad and I were sitting at the kitchen table after all the dishes had been done from dinner a little while before. I was happy to consider the idea of Nathan living with us. I wasn't sure what it was about him, but I felt something pulling me towards him, something that I couldn't explain.

"I'll find somewhere to go," he said. "As for money, I'll think of something. Maybe get some money by getting in to the oldest business in the world."

I knew what he meant, and felt even more sad for him at that point.

"You're not going to be'''," I stopped.

"A whore?" he asked smiling bitterly. "I'm not exactly being welcomed back by my parents, and my life is already so fucked up. It really doesn't matter. Oh, and sorry for the F bomb."

He said that last part as his eyes moved to where my Bible was on the table. I smiled at him.

"Don't worry," I said. "I'm not religious to the point that I don't say stuff like that myself."

"Good," he said. "Anyway, you guys don't have to worry about me after tomorrow, because I'll be on my way. Besides, I'm not your guy's responsibility."

He wasn't mean when he said that, but he said that last part as if it was a truth as old as the beginning of the world. I got up, and went over to him. He scooted over and I sat down after moving some of the covers out of the way. I took his hand and looked down at him.

"I don't know what all happened, and you act as if you're suffering after having killed someone," I said. "I don't know what happened, but I like you. You've been really nice since you've been here, and I felt like we had good conversations today and I really enjoyed talking with you today and this evening. You are my dad and my responsibility. My dad and I believe that everyone in this world is connected, and that we all have a responsibility to one another, to make sure that one another are taken care of. Your parents didn't do that, and if they're not going to take you back, my dad and I will be here for you. We also want to be. Also, it would really bother me to know that you're surviving by getting money from scumbag men with them making you have sex with them. You deserve better than that Bullshit."

He considered this for a minute, then spoke.

"I guess I'll think about what you said," he replied, and I hadn't ever heard someone sound so tired or hopeless.

I stroked his hair away from his forehead, then after we said good night I went back to my bed, covered myself again, then turned out the light for the evening.

When my dad and I talked to Nathan the next day, he listened, but then got up and walked towards the door. He said that he would be fine, and then as I reached for him, he opened the door. He stood there trying to assume a harsh expression, and it seemed to be working.

"No!" he yelled. "You don't have to worry about me!"

"I can't just let you go out on your own like this," My dad said as he stood beside me at this point. "I especially can't if you actually are going to go and accept money from guys. I know that today's generations believe that if a woman or a man wants to be a prostitute then it's their own choice, or should be. That's crap though, the vast majority of people who get in to that kind of thing are usually forced in to it either by others, or by their own circumstances, and the argument of prostitution being viewed as an actual profession and choice they make willingly ignores these realities."

"I'll be fine on my own!" Nathan said yelling this time, then he pulled open the door.

My dad stepped closer.

"I'll have to report you as a run-away if you leave," he said. "I really don't want to have to do that."

I knew he would, and I hoped that Nathan would agree to stay.

Nathan turned to him, and he was losing the battle with being tough. He tried to speak, then tears filled his eyes, and he rushed at both of us. We both helped him in to the living room, and then on to the couch where we held him.

"I don't know what to do!" he said crying now.

"We're here for you," my dad said.

"We won't let anything happen to you," I added.

After a few minutes of him crying, he eventually settled down, and agreed to stay. With that decided, we spent the next few days getting new clothes for him, and any other things he would need.

As he and I got to know one another, he let me know that there were things that he couldn't talk about yet, and so I agreed not to push him. All the same, he was becoming a good friend, and I saw that he was growing to care deeply for me, and the same went for me to him.


I was ripped out of my thoughts as I heard Nathan thrashing and yelling in his sleep. He had been having a few nightmares and had similar reactions for most of the nights he had been staying with us. We had gotten him to a doctor for a physical later in the first week of him staying with us, so we knew that he wasn't sick with anything. It was most likely psychological, and we were talking to him every few days about possibly seeing a counselor to help him with whatever was going on regarding his nightmares. He said he'd think about it, but we both knew that he wasn't ready for that.

"No get off me!" Nathan yelled out, and was nearing the edge of the bed.

I was there and took hold of him after I turned on the light. He was coming out of his nightmare, and I was easing him up as he was waking up. He was awake now and looking around as I held on to his shoulder.

"It's alright," I said as I held him close. "You're safe now, and it was just a dream. I'm right here." "Thanks," he said shaking as he held on to me. His shirt was soaked, and I suggested that he remove it, and that he would be kept warm by the blankets. He considered that for a moment, then agreed then handed me the shirt after he removed it.

I set it aside, then held him for a few minutes as he worked to calm down.

"Do you want to talk about your dream?" I asked.

"I just want to try to get back to sleep," he said as I helped him lay back in the bed.

"Okay," I said, then sat there lightly stroking his hair for a few minutes.

He was falling asleep again, and I continued to sit there stroking his hair and watching him. Who had hurt this kid, and what had they done to him?

I thought those questions angrily, and I felt an even stronger need to protect and be there for this boy.

As that week went by, Nathan and I grew closer, and in the middle of that week, when we were on my bed lying on our sides with our arms lightly slung around one another he told me about Milen, his friend that he had cut off contact with the year before.

"I know it was wrong to have abandoned him like that," Nathan said as he rested his head on my chest. "This might sound like Bullshit, but I really did enjoy the times he and I spent together. I mean, we didn't do any of the things that boyfriends did, but we were honest with one another about the fact that we liked each other, and that we got one another. There weren't too many kids at our school who were LGBT, so it was nice to find one another who was. I've thought for so long and so hard as to why I cut off contact with him when I did, and the only answer I can come up with was that I was so afraid of facing, really facing what he and I might have been, because it would have meant me facing my own being gay, and I knew deep down that my parents weren't happy about me being gay. My sister wasn't happy about it either, though she and they said all the right words. If I could tell Milen one thing about when she saw us on our walk that one day, I would want to tell him that when she saw us, she knew what it looked like between us. Then another thing he doesn't know is that when I got home later that evening, my parents said that people around town wouldn't like seeing Milen and I together like that, and then they reminded me that the family has an image to keep up. They weren't loud about saying this, and that's probably the worst part. They were more cutting with the looks they would give, and it's like they did their abuse in more quiet and I guess subtle ways. I just panicked when that happened, and I did the only thing I knew to do. I know it was wrong."

"Maybe that's the problem," I said stroking his hair away from his forehead. "Maybe everyone in this whole situation is so worried about right and wrong, that the bigger issues are being ignored."

"What do you mean?" he asked confused.

"I mean, that of course it wasn't nice how you stopped being Milen's friend, and I can only imagine what he must have felt like, and probably still feels like," I replied. "Having said that, I think the bigger issue though is how your family put it on you to try and deal with being gay in the sense that they basically told you to be responsible for the family image whatever the hell that means. It wasn't your responsibility to keep up their family image, and even if it was in even a small way, then you do what you're supposed to do in a family, go to school, treat your family good and be kind to those around you. That's all you need to do to keep up the family image where you're concerned, and it was your parent's job to protect you from any assholes who would want to do harm to you because of whatever sexual orientation you are. They failed, and they left you on your own to try to deal with things that you needed help with, and I think that if they hadn't left you alone like that even while you were at home, then left you physically when they sent you to that place they did, then maybe what happened with you cutting off contact with Milen might not have happened. Bottom line, I'd say to your parents rather than family image and all that Bullshit why the hell did you guys leave him to try and struggle with all this on his own in the first place."

I was talking softly still, but inside I was angry as hell. Nathan truly deserved better, and clearly so did Milen. He as far as I was concerned had the unfortunate luck of getting caught in the middle of Bullshit that Nathan and his family were going through, but Nathan also deserved to have a family there who would have helped him come to better accept himself for who he was, and he deserved a family who wouldn't have let him go through life alone and afraid like he was.

After we finished talking, Nathan considered what I had said, and we fell asleep for a bit lying there in one another's arms.



That Monday after Kyley and I got our shower, and after I situated the clothes my dad brought over, I sat down so I could massage Kyley's legs and feet. I told Michael that I could do it since I had done it that first weekend we got together, and Kyley enjoyed it and said that I did a good job.

Kyley was on his stomach as I sat down on the bed. Michael had left after saying good night, and I started massaging Kyley's legs. They were tight, and as I worked to massage out the tension, he lifted his head and looked back at me for a moment and gave me a Thumbs-Up with his left hand before resting his head on the pillow again.

"You're welcome," I replied. "I'd do anything for you."

He nodded, then I began massaging and pressing on the tightened muscles in his right foot, then the ones in his left foot. They were loosened up now, and I just sat there lightly stroking his soft skin, then I got in to bed beside him.

After turning out the light, I lay on my side facing him. He was lying on the inside of the bed and the wall blocked off any chance of him falling out of bed, though the bed was big enough to hold both of us.

As I lay there, I watched as he lay on his stomach with his head turned to the side so that I was getting a view of the back of his head. I thought he had fallen asleep, but then he turned on his side to face me. He motioned for his machine, and after making sure the volume was low on it, he began typing.

"Thank you for helping me with showering and giving me my massage," he said.

"You're welcome," I replied.

"Also, I had been thinking about something," he went on.

"What's that?" I asked.

"I remember when we spent that first weekend together," he said. "I remember that when we were lying in bed together on Saturday night and we were talking, you said that I could ask or tell you anything. You said that you never wanted to hide anything from me. I want the same for you as well."

"I'm really happy to hear that," I answered. "I want us to have the kind of friendship where we can tell each other anything and ask each other whatever we want. Also, I'm glad you feel comfortable being undressed in front of me, whether it be a little or completely."

"I feel the same way as you do," he responded. "Also, you have a really nice looking body. I love how your muscles are really defined, and I really love how manly you look!"

"Thanks," I said smiling. "I really love how nice your muscles look when they're moving. They look amazing, and I love how you have that kind of body where you're starting to get some manliness in you. You also have really soft skin."

I said this last part, and began lightly stroking his chest that was still hairless, and I moved my hand downward to lightly stroke his stomach, then I took my hand and lightly brushed it on his cheek. He smiled as I did this, and then I gently turned his head to look directly in to his eyes.

"You're so handsome," I said just above a whisper.

"So are you," he replied, and smiled at me. "Also, I love how you have a nice patch of hair on your chest like that. I haven't seen most boys who are 14 who have that yet."

"Yeah, I'm happy with it myself," I replied. "I'm glad you like it."

"Yeah, definitely," he said. "Also'''," he stopped as if to think for a moment.

"You can say whatever it is you want to say," I urged putting a hand on his shoulder.

I felt my heart beat a little faster, and both nervousness and excitement began to fire up! I was starting to become physically attracted to Kyley, and that started fully after that Wednesday we spent together. That Wednesday night once I went to bed, I stroked my cock, and as I came I thought of Kyley underneath me as we thrust our hips against one another feeling our hard and hot cocks rubbing nonstop against one another, feeling our cum blast out all over each other, and making us feel nice and sticky as well as satisfying our hunger for one another as we would share hot wet kisses and moan in to one another's mouths as we both came! That had been the biggest load I blasted out since first learning how to jack off the year before, and I was amazed by it!

I came back to myself as Kyley asked what was on his mind.

"It's amazing how big you are," he said. "I mean, I've seen some boys naked before at school in the locker rooms, and they would be kind of big between their legs, but I feel like you might have more than them by the time you stop growing."

We both smiled, and I shifted closer to him and placed my hand on his arm.

"It looks like you started growing down there a few months ago or something like that," I said. "It's not about the size for me, but enjoying the experience, but thanks for liking what I have. I definitely enjoy spending time with it when I'm alone."

Kyley laughed, then blushed.

"So you jack off?" he asked smiling.

"Yeah, all the time," I answered.

"Which hand do you use?" he asked.

"My left one," I answered.

"I use my right hand, and grip my dick between my fingers, but I always stop eventually," he said. "It starts feeling weird, so I stop. Am I doing something wrong when I do it? I'm still trying to figure all of this out."

I kept what I hoped was a smile on my face, but inside I was shocked. All who were around this kid failed him. He didn't understand even something like this. I put that out of my mind and spoke.

"What does it feel like when you say it feels weird?" I asked.

"It feels like I have to piss or something like that, and I have to stop," he replied.

I was starting to understand. He had told me about the Sex Ed that they were giving here at the place he was at, but it sounded like he was having trouble making the connections between what they were talking about and what he was feeling.

"Next time you feel that," I said. "Let it go. Just relax and let yourself feel what you're feeling, and just let it happen."

I was hard as hell at that moment, and I felt like I could hear the craving in my own voice, and I wondered if he heard it as well.

"Let what happen?" he asked. "Wait, is that what some of the boys mean when they talk about blasting their loads or when they're joking about when they have to wash their hands or if they're clean or not, jacking off can make you come as well?"

"Yeah," I said smiling at him, and I stroked his cheek.

"I think I'm starting to get it now," he said.

"Good," I replied.

"Man, talking about this stuff really has made me hard!" he said and I heard his breathing get a little heavier. "Also, is that weird sticky feeling I feel sometimes that precum stuff they talk about?"

"Yeah," I replied.

"I feel like I'm getting that now.

"Yeah, it sounds like you're getting pretty awake," I said moving even closer to him now.

He turned on his back, and rested his head on his arms which were folded behind his head for a few minutes. I lay there with my blood rushing through my ears, and my cock feeling harder than ever!

Kyley's hands were under the blanket, and I guessed that he was feeling his cock, and probably exploring the precum he was making. After a few minutes, he turned to me after making sure his hands were clean.

"I know that some boys don't have foreskin," he began. "I'm glad you and I have it though."

"Me too," I answered.

"Are you hard right now?" he asked as his face moved to within a couple of inches of mine.

"Yeah," I said. "I'm really hard!"

My balls were tingling, and I felt like if I stroked myself, that I would come in one stroke!

"Me too," Kyley said. "I don't think I want to take care of it right now though, I mean, I've heard that boys can do that together, but I need to calm down and I'm not ready for anything like that yet. I would like to maybe jack off with you sometime, but I need to get even more comfortable with you before that."

"I understand," I said.

A part of me wanted badly for us to do it, but I still wanted to keep our friendship nonsexual for a little while longer.

"You're sweet," he said. "Thanks for understanding."

"You're welcome," I replied. "So are you."

Kyley then surprised me by wrapping his arms around me, and then as I looked in to his eyes, I grasped what else he wanted. I kept my face close to his as he kissed me lightly on my cheek. I did the same, and we lay there beginning to refocus our thoughts and trying to calm down so we could get to sleep for the night. That had been an amazing several minutes of bonding!

Kyley said good night to me, and after I put his machine back on the bedside table, I replied back to him.

"Good night Kyley," I said. "I hope you sleep well tonight, and I'll be here when you wake up in the morning."

He nodded his head and smiled, then eased his head down on my chest, and was asleep in minutes. We had softened almost at the same time, and I soon was asleep as well. It was an amazing evening we had spent together, and I always looked back on it with love!

Author's Notes

I wanted to include a scene like the above-written one for a long time in my stories. Usually I've started from the notion that most of my characters have gone through the beginnings of understanding their bodies changing, and so I wanted to write a scene where they're still trying to figure that out and to have them explore that, so I figured I'd do it here in this story. Milen and Kyley will get closer within the next couple of chapters, and I think you all will really enjoy what happens between the two of them.

I know that there was some worry about the implications of Nathan playing a part in the story, but not to worry, as I mentioned in the Author's Notes of the previous chapter he won't be coming in between Milen and Kyley. There's Days of Our Lives if people want storylines like that. No offence to that show, but I don't really want to write storylines such as that, for it's done all the time, and has already been done by people who do good at it. I do want Nathan to play a part in the story though, but especially I want him and Milen to make peace, and I think you guys will enjoy what I do with Nathan and Todor as the chapters progress.

Thanks to Julian for writing since the last chapter! I really appreciated getting your e-mail! That being said, I hope everyone has a good evening, and I'll see everyone in Chapter Eight

Next: Chapter 8

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