Home Is in Your Arms

By James Heady

Published on Jun 10, 2020


Home Is In Your Arms By James


This is a story which deals with sexual as well as romantic situations between teenaged males. Should you be offended by such material, or if it's illegal to read this type of material in your location, please find something else to read. I can be contacted at jamesheady1985@gmail.com for those who want to talk about anything related to the story. Finally, please remember to donate to Nifty, as it keeps these stories and related materials free to the public.

Home Is In Your Arms

Chapter 4


I sat with Braden and Shane two of my male friends, and both of whom I knew since we were all in elementary school together. They both were 14 like I was, and also shared my love for Metal Music and most other activities I liked to do. They were also supportive when I came out to them a few months ago, and they both were really hoping I'd find a boyfriend. They both had been really angry about how Nathan had just cut off contact with me, and while I was hurt by what he did, I just wanted to let the whole thing go. He had his life and I had mine was how I thought about it at the time.

They did drop the subject where Nathan was concerned shortly after I asked them to let it go, but they still wanted to see me happy with someone, and at this point as we sat at lunch on a sunny Thursday, the day after I visited Kyley, I could tell that Braden and Shane were thinking the same thing.

"Don't say it," I said in mock severity.

"Say what?" Shane asked with the most chill look on his face.

That look seemed to say: "I'm just sitting here taking in life not bothering no one."

"Kyley and I are just friends right now," I said blushing and looking down at the last of my fries.

"You said right now," Braden said. "So that would imply that you guys might get together at some point."

I was blushing harder now and laughed.

"Okay, maybe I am a little attracted to him," I began. "But we're still getting to know one another."

"Nothing wrong with letting him know in a subtle way how you feel at some point," Shane said.

"I'll keep it in mind," I said and was thinking about it.

As we sat there, I opened up to them about how I was a little worried about letting myself fall for another boy after what happened with Nathan.

"You deserved better than him," Shane said.

"You ask me," Braden began. "It sounds like Nathan needed to really work on himself, and I hope he's doing that. That being said, Kyley seems like he has things more together than Nathan ever did from what you've told us about him."

"Thanks," I said. "I hope things work out some day for Nathan, but you're right I did deserve better than whatever that Bullshit was he pulled with me last year."

After putting money on the table to cover the check, we left and went back to my house so I could practice in front of them for the up-coming talent show. I had decided to perform the song titled the Islander by the group Night Wish. I was getting good at not just bass guitar, but was getting good at acoustic guitar as well. Alex was letting me use an old guitar he had, and so I was set.

I got through the practice, and Braden and Shane were impressed. I was happy to hear that, and I knew I was ready for the try-outs!

Later that evening, Kyley and I talked, and I brought up to him what I had wanted to ask him since shortly after we had met. I wanted to see if he'd be comfortable with one of us sleeping over at the other's house for either Friday Night, or for the weekend. I brought it up to my parents, and they said they'd be happy to have him here if he was comfortable with it, and if Michael allowed it. Once I talked with Kyley about it, he was happy to do it and Michael agreed.

Once everything was set, I got my room cleaned up in case Kyley wanted to sleep beside me which I hoped he would. I could hardly wait for Friday to get here!



The rest of that day was spent with me drawing, as well as reading, then I talked to Milen on the phone for a little while before dinner. Once dinner was finished, I sat in my room talking with Adam.

Adam was 6-2 with light blue eyes, curly-black hair and skin that was the color of dark chocolate. He was hansom, and if he were a few years younger, than I could see myself being hugely attracted to him, but he was 18, and my older brother as far as I was concerned. I felt safe around him, and he was showing me the love and care that I hadn't really known from other people much in my life up to that point. He sat in the chair across from my bed while I lay on the bed with my head turned in his direction to face him.

"It looks like you've definitely found a good friend in Milen," Adam said. "I hope you guys have a nice weekend with one another."

"Thanks, so do I," I answered. "I've been enjoying my time with Milen both Yesterday when he was here with me, and the conversations we've been having on the phone."

"I'm glad to hear that," Adam responded. "I'm glad he treats you well. That's the biggest thing I care about."

"Thanks," I said. "What will you be doing this weekend?"

"I might have found a place," he said. "I'll be going tomorrow to check it out. If I like it and the rent really is good, then I'll be moving in to it."

"I'll miss you when you're gone," I said. I really would. I knew he would be keeping in touch with me regularly, but I was still going to miss having him here with me."

"I'll miss being here with you as well," he replied. "I'll still be keeping in contact with you over the phone regularly though, and I'll be visiting you a lot as well."

"I'll remember that," I said.

We talked a little more, then he went to go to his room for a bit. I lay there for a bit thinking about our conversation, then I went to get my shower. I was glad to have Adam's friendship, and I was glad we talked at that point.



Friday came in the form of a bright and sunny day. I awoke excited for mine and Kyley's weekend to begin. Once I was showered and dressed, I made sure that my room was still clean, and that the dirty clothes were in the washer and that my hamper was empty. After getting the dishes from breakfast washed and dried, I went in to my room and checked my e-mail, then waited for Kyley. It was almost 11:00 A.M., and that was when he was set to arrive!

After a little while of me looking up a few Metal Groups to see if they had released any new material, I heard the doorbell ring. I went to look out the window set in the door and saw Michael and Kyley. I opened the door and shook Michael's hand and then hugged Kyley.

"I'm glad you're here!" I said holding him for a moment.

He gave me a thumbs-up as a way of saying that he felt the same way. Once separated, Michael made sure Kyley had everything he would need, and he shook my hand again, then he left.

Once in my room, Kyley sat down beside me, then looked closer at my shirt. He smiled and gave a double thumbs-up.

"Do you like the shirt?" I asked.

"Definitely," he replied.

The shirt I had on was a blood-red shirt on the front of which was a goat's head that had been ripped from the body, and where the neck was, there was uneven shapes signifying cut marks and they were stained with red to signify that it had been a fresh killing, and above the head was printed in huge black letters the word "Mayhem", and the whole design both the word and the picture was within a huge inverted pentagram that was drawn in black.

"My mom and dad hate when I wear this shirt," I said smiling. "Lucky for them I have a few more Metal shirts, such as a Burzum shirt, a Darkthrone shirt and an Amon Amarth Shirt. I thought of getting a Cradle of Filth shirt, but the only one I could find was the one where it has the words on the back that say: "Jesus is a cunt.", and I didn't want to get that one. Even I have my limits."

Kyley laughed, then began talking. "I've noticed the cross you wear around your neck. Are you religious in any form?"

"I'm Christian," I said. "My family and I go to a church ran by this woman named Martha and her wife Shannon. It's obviously a GLBT-affirming church, and they're really nice. Are you religious at all?"

"I'm trying to figure that out," he replied. "I never bought in to the Bullshit my foster families said that God believed about people, kids or LGBT people, but I'm still at the phase of why would a supposed loving God let so much hate and cruelty happen in the world. I'm not against others who are religious, unless of course they use their beliefs to be an asshole, and I don't really even think that that's actual religion. I'm still trying to figure it all out as I said. I guess I've been too busy getting my ass beat throughout my life by the people who were supposed to take care of me to really worry about these kinds of things."

I was working on not laughing, as the way he said that last part seemed like it would have been glib had he said it with actual human speech.

He looked at me and laughed slightly letting me know that I was okay to take some of it for the darkly humorous joke that it was. We both laughed, then I looked at the shirt he had on.

The shirt was a roil-blue, and it was without any pictures nor did it have anything written on it. I liked it, and thought he looked good in it, and told him so.

"Thanks," he said. "I'm glad you like it."

"You're welcome," I said.

We decided to go for a walk since his legs were doing well, and the weather was warm without being horribly hot. I walked along with him as he held on to my arm. We talked a little more about the talent show and how the try-out was this up-coming Monday. It was going to be that first week of June, but they had several things come up, so they moved it up.

"What are you doing for it?" he asked.

"I decided to do the song the Islander by Night Wish," I replied. "That's one of my favorites, so I figured I'd give it a try."

"That sounds really good," he said. "I've always loved that song as well. I'll have to work on getting my schedule cleared so I can watch you perform. I don't think I have anything going on when the show actually happens in a couple of weeks. I'll keep you updated though."

"Thanks," I said. "If you're unable to make it I understand. I know you have a lot going on, but I can have my mom and dad record it for you."

"I'd love that!" he answered. "Thanks!"

"You're welcome," I responded.

Once we got back home, my dad was home since he was working a half-day that day. We walked through the door to see him on the phone, and I got us some Lemonade from the fridge. We sat down at the table as he finished up on the phone with a sharp "No!", then he set the phone down on the table and looked across the table from us. "It's good to see you guys," he said smiling. "Oh god that shirt again Milen?"

"Yeah!" I said laughing and exaggerating my happiness as if I was glad that my shirt was causing him so much discomfort.

"You're mom's just going to love seeing you in that one again when she comes home."

"It could always be worse," I said smiling.

"I doubt it," he answered. "What is it though?"

"I could have worn this shirt to church last weekend," I replied.

I had bought the shirt a couple of weeks ago when Alex and I went to this one record store that specialized in both Metal albums and various bits of band-related items. I had worn the shirt a few times since I had purchased it, and as I said my parents weren't exactly enjoying the esthetics of it, but they didn't keep me from wearing it though.

"Yeah, and you know your mom or I would have probably taken away your music player or something like that," he said smiling.

"Well we can't have that," I said smiling back.

Kyley laughed as my dad and I exchanged words about the shirt, then I heard my sister's car pull up in the driveway. She had been out getting groceries, and now she clearly was back. I could see the dark-blue of her car out the kitchen window and was glad she had returned. Once she came through the door, she greeted all of us.

"Oh lovely," she said turning to me. "My favorite shirt."

We laughed, then exchanged hugs, then she did the same with Kyley minus any ragging about his shirt.

Once the food was put in the fridge and the meats were stored in the freezer, we sat drinking lemonade and seeing how one another's day was going so far. It was proving to be a nice start to the weekend so far!

Author's Notes

This is a good place to stop. I hope you guys enjoy this chapter, and I'm also glad to hear that everyone who's written thus far is enjoying the story! I've heard from a few people thus far including Kevin and Jos. Thank you as well as well as the others who've sent me e-mails about the story. Oh, and I heard from someone named Julian a couple of days ago, thank you as well Julian; glad you're enjoying the story as well!

I hope everyone has a good evening, is staying safe and I'll see you guys in Chapter Five!

Next: Chapter 5

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