Home Is in Your Arms

By James Heady

Published on Aug 6, 2021


Home Is In Your Arms By James


This is a story which deals with sexual/romantic situations between teenaged males. Should you be offended, or not of the legal age to read such material, then please find something else to read. I can be reached at jamesheady1985@gmail.com for those who would like to contact me regarding the story. Finally, please remember to donate to Nifty, as these donations keep this material free to the public.

Home Is In Your Arms

Chapter 22


It was good to be back home, and back in my own bed, or I should say mine and Kyley's own bed. I spent the two days after Allen's attack in the hospital, and they ran several tests, scans and took blood, and the periodic checks every hour from the nurses were what also kept me from getting much sleep. All of it put together though made for an almost sleepless experience. There were nightmares when I did sleep, and I would jerk awake having to look around to make sure I was still in my hospital room. Kyley stayed those two nights with me, and then one evening our mom would stay the night with us, and then the last night was when my dad stayed with us, then we got home the next day which was Thursday.

When we got home, I went to lay down, and while Kyley got caught up on school assignments, I slept. Todor and Nathan came over a couple of times both when I was in the hospital, and then the Thursday I got home. Having them there helped, and I was glad that they got a chance to come over. Then as Kyley and I lay down to get to sleep that night, we faced one another, and I was hoping that this would be the time we could really talk just between the two of us about what had happened. Kyley and I would have a little time alone while I was in the hospital, but there were many interruptions, so we didn't get a chance to really talk about all that had happened.

Once Kyley got in to bed beside me, he faced me and I put an arm around him. He pointed to my face, and I smiled.

"I'm really feeling better," I said and leaned in to kiss him.

"I'm glad that you're getting better," he began. "Part of me has been worrying that this would be my fault. I mean, I worried that Allen would possibly try and come back for me, and since we found out that he was trying to get revenge on me by taking you away from me, I kind of feel like that this wouldn't have happened if I wasn't here with you. I don't mean that I regret meeting you, I love you so much, but part of me has been worried that you coming in to my life lead Allen to you, and that if you and I hadn't,,,."

I did what I hadn't ever done since we had known one another. As Kyley continued typing, I pressed the Sleep Button on his device, and it stopped in mid-speech. He looked down, then at me, and I smiled in spite of the seriousness of the discussion. Kyley looked part annoyed, and at the same time he smiled at my unusual way of silencing him. My smile faded though, and I sat up motioning for him to do the same. I wasn't going to let him put any of this on himself. Allen Smith was the one who was going to answer for every bit of this, not Kyley.

I gently turned my boyfriend's face to look at me, and he did so, but I could tell that he was still worried.

"I won't let you blame yourself for this," I said then pressed my lips to his. "Allen Smith, that piece of shit, and rapist is the one, and the only one who's responsible for any of what happened. He was the one who raped you back last year, and he's the one who attacked me a few days ago. He hurt both of us, and regardless of why he made those choices, the fact is that he and he alone made those horrible choices. If it wasn't you and I, he most likely would have done it to someone else, and I'm not completely sure that he hasn't done shit like this before. Please don't think that if you and I hadn't met that what happened to me wouldn't have happened. I'm so glad we met, and I'm really happy that we're both best friends, as well as boyfriends. I can't picture my life without you in it, and I never want to be apart from you, not ever. I promised that I'd always be here for you, and so I will be. Allen is going to get what's coming to him, and you and I will be alright."

Reaching out, I pressed the Sleep Button on his device, and we both smiled at one another.

"Thank you Milen," he said. "I love you so much, and I don't regret us meeting either. I love our friendship, our relationship, and I always want you with me. I couldn't ever picture my life without you in it either, and you've really helped me over these past several months. I feel stronger than I had before I met you, and I feel like my life has more purpose now, and you've helped me to believe that life is a gift that I should treasure, and it's even better that you're by my side. I'll always be here with you, and I promise you that as well."

We kissed, and then after he put his device back on the bedside table, I reached over to shut off the lamp, and then my best friend and love of my life snuggled in to my arms, and I wrapped my arms around him, and enjoyed the feeling of his warm body relax in my embrace.



Nathan and I were glad to hear that Milen was recovering really well. It was the weekend after he was found, and his face looked better than the first time we had seen him. The swelling was almost gone, and the bruising was fading as the days went by.

I thought about all of this as I laid down next to Nathan in our bed that Friday evening after we had come back from visiting Milen and Kyley. They were both glad to see us, and we sat talking, and we also enjoyed some pizza together. I was glad that things were turning out good for mine and Nathan's two good friends.



As I watched as Todor lay down beside me, I was thinking about Milen. I was afraid for him when I heard that he had been taken, and I was even more afraid when I heard that it was Allen, Kyley's foster brother from his second foster family who had abducted him. I had heard from both Milen and Kyley how fucked up Allen was, and so I feared what might happen to Milen. So I was glad to see Milen alive once we visited him in the hospital. I felt bad about the beatings he had endured, but I was glad that he was still alive, and I knew that Kyley, Todor and Milen and Kyley's family were glad he would be alright as well.

I thought back over the visit Todor and I had just shared with Milen and Kyley that Friday. We really enjoyed one another's company, and I knew that things were going to be alright for mine and Todor's two good friends. I smiled with the relief about that.



Nathan turned towards me, and I took him in my arms. He rested his head on my chest for a while as I stroked his hair, and then he lifted his head. He kissed me slowly on the lips, and I returned the kiss.

"That was really nice," I said.

"I figured you'd like it," he answered. "I love you."

"I love you too Nathan," I said. "I'm really happy you and I met, and I truly think of you as my special treasure. I treasure our friendship, as well as the relationship we have."

"I treasure you and our friendship as well as our relationship too Todor," Nathan answered back before our lips met again.

We shared a long and deep kiss, and the kiss grew deeper, and was slowly building in intensity! I needed Nathan at that moment, and I felt my cock harden, and my balls were tingling deeply. It had been a few nights since we had had sex since we had a lot going on at school, so we had to be well-rested which obviously meant an early bed time. Including sex in that before sleep would have most likely insured that we wouldn't have gotten much sleep. We both would jack off together before going to bed, and while it was good, it wasn't the same as long passionate sex with the boy that I loved.

As Nathan helped me off with my boxers, and I did the same for him, we moaned out loud in unison when we felt our torsos press together, then our hard cocks! It felt so good, and we kissed as we rubbed our cocks together. Our arms were around one another holding each other tightly, and soon I was on top of Nathan thrusting against him, and he was thrusting up hard to meet my downward thrusts! As I was almost ready to come, Nathan broke the kiss, and looked in to my eyes.

"Turn around, I want us to suck one another's cocks!" he said almost begging.

He was on fire, and I knew he was close. He needed this time with me, and I was just as on fire for him as he was for me!

I turned around, and as I began sliding my mouth down over his cock, he was doing the same with my own hard flesh! We began moving our heads up and down on each other's hard cocks, and rubbing one another's balls with our hands which we both really loved!

I then decided to do something that Nathan absolutely loved as well. I took my tongue, and slide up and down all sides of Nathan's cock, and I let it slide down so I could slowly and gently lick all over his balls.

"Oh fuck that feels so good!" Nathan yelled. "That feels so fucking good! Oh yeah, keep doing that!"

He did the same thing to me, and it felt amazing as well! He did it to me before, and I loved it, but it was getting even better now! Soon though, we went back to sucking one another's cocks, and I felt myself getting close to the edge!



I loved when Todor and I made love like this! I loved the taste of his cock, the thick and salty cum he flooded my mouth and back of my throat with, and the taste as well as the smell of his balls! His smell was so manly, musky and strong! I felt like I could come without being touched every time I smelled and tasted him!



Nathan's smell and taste was amazing! I loved his smell of part boy with a lot more man mixed in! His balls were definitely getting more of a manly and musky sent to them, and I loved that! I was getting closer to the edge the more I thought about it, and I knew that it wouldn't be long now!

Nathan's cock also tasted good, and I loved the thick, creamy and salty loads he had for me that he'd spirt in to my mouth that would flood the back of my throat which I would hungrily swallow! I was closer now, and a few more caresses of his tongue and mouth, and I was there!

"Nathan I'm going to come!" I yelled, then it was happening!

His load began blasting in to my mouth as mine was flooding his. I had told him early on in our love-making when we first began sucking each other's cocks back in the beginning that I loved for him to just come and let me be surprised, and this made it more exciting like that! As he continued spirting in to my mouth, I swallowed every drop!



I was coming hard in Todor's mouth! The release that I was experiencing was more strong than anything I had ever known, and I was over-taken with how good it felt! I came hard, and a huge part of me never wanted it to end!



I felt myself coming hard, and I loved how Nathan's mouth felt as he swallowed every drop of cum I had for him! I always felt us grow even closer as we could receive one another's cum!

Once our balls were empty, we lay in one another's arms caressing and kissing one another, and then Nathan relaxed in my arms. His head was on my chest again, and I just held him.

"You were amazing tonight," he said.

"So were you," I answered, and kissed the top of his head. "I love you."

"I love you too, he replied."

"I feel so complete when we're together, and I want to spend the rest of our lives together," I went on. "I never want to be apart from you, and I don't want anyone else but you."

"I only want you as my boyfriend," Nathan responded. "You've shown me what true love is, and you are also my best friend."

"I feel the same way about you as well," I answered. "It's been truly amazing knowing what true love is, and I'm glad I've gotten to understand what true love is by finding it with you. You're not only a good friend, and my best friend, but you're the love of my life!"

"You're the love of my life as well," he replied.

We kissed deeply a couple of times, then once I got the covers over both of us, we were asleep soon after.



I flooded Kyley's mouth with my thick hot cream, and I was excited at getting to taste him after I came down from my orgasm! Nathan and Todor had gone home about an hour before, and after saying good night to our parents and Elena, Kyley and I decided that it was time to get to bed, but not to sleep.

When I was treated for the beating that Allen had given me that previous weekend, the doctors said as I recovered in the hospital, that I would have to take it easy for a few days after I got home. Fortunately though nothing was broken where Allen's fists had connected with my face, and by that Friday I was feeling good enough so that I was ready to make love with my boyfriend once we got some alone time. We both would jack each other off that week when we would be lying down, or before we would go to sleep, but we were ready to suck one another to really amazing orgasms, and that evening I had planned that we would enjoy sharing that with one another!

After the last of my cum flooded Kyley's mouth, he came up so we could share a deep kiss before I eased him on to his back. I began nibbling on each of his nipples which I knew he really loved, then I made my way down to his cock which I began sucking immediately!

His cock was hard in my mouth, and while that would be obvious, I point out its hardness to bring across the point of how much I missed being with him like this! I sucked up and down enjoying the hard flesh filling my mouth, and I loved its silky feel as I slid my mouth up and down on it!

I did of course take time out to suck on Kyley's balls which I knew drove him crazy, then I would spend a good long time licking them, and bathing them with my tongue, then I went back to sucking his dick. It didn't take long though, and soon his thick cock was getting harder in my mouth, and then his cum was flooding my mouth as he held on tightly to my head and let his thick creamy sperm blast in to my swallowing mouth!

I loved the moans Kyley made when he was coming, and how he thrashed around on the bed as he came hard in my mouth! He enjoyed when I did the same, and I continued to lay there draped over his stomach with my back to him and my mouth wrapped around his spirting cock while it continued flooding my mouth with its creamy goodness!

Eventually he stopped coming, and I had to pull off of his cock since it was too sensitive for him to handle any longer. I moved back up to him, and I wrapped my arms around him. We shared several long kisses, then I looked in to his eyes.

"I love you so much Kyley!" I said. "I was so afraid that I wasn't ever going to see you again after Allen took me."

"I was afraid of that as well," Kyley began. "I'm just so glad that we found you, and also I love you too. I can't ever picture my life without you in it, and you're truly the love of my life as well as my best friend!"

"You're the love of my life as well Kyley," I answered. "You're also my best friend, and I don't know what I would do if you guys hadn't found me, but I'm so happy you found me. I always feel safe when I'm in your arms."

"I feel safe when I'm in your arms as well," Kyley responded. "It's like coming home."

"I agree," I said. "Home is in your arms, and I feel safe, warm and loved when we're in one another's arms."

"Home truly is in your arms as well Milen," he said. "I feel protected, warm, safe and loved when I'm in your arms, and I never thought I'd ever feel like that until you came in to my life."

"I'm truly glad we found each other," I responded. "I love you more than anything Kyley!"

"I'm glad we found each other too," Kyley answered, "I love you too Milen, more than anything!"

We shared a long kiss, then were asleep seconds after. We were both safe in our love for one another, and safe in one another's arms!


The cell was covered from floor to ceiling in blood. As the guards entered it after taking the two men away to Solitary Confinement, they stood there for a long moment looking down at the bunk on which the slashed and butchered body lay. As they stood there, the noises of the jail seemed distant as they continued looking at what once had been a man, a man who cruelly took advantage of a 13-year-old boy who believed in his innocents that he could trust this monster, and how with his trust gained, raped this boy almost ending his life. Now Allen Smith lay lifeless and ripped almost to shreds on a dirty and stained jail-issue bunk.

Later over the next few hours, the investigation revealed that the two men who were in the holding cell with Allen had snuck in a couple of shanks, and once they got Allen to believe that they wouldn't hurt him, they told him to look off to the side, and seconds after he turned his head, both men were on him. The first man began slashing at Allen's back, then after they had him on his back, the second man began slashing at Allen's stomach and chest.

The first man held Allen down as the second man slashed and slashed! Blood began spirting towards the ceiling as one of the slashes from the shank shredded Allen's Abdominal Aorta beyond repair! Allen screamed, but his screams were muffled by the gag they had stuffed in his mouth seconds after they over-powered him.

"You like raping kids you fucking Cock Sucker!" the first man said in Allen's ear. "That fucking turn you on, you little Prick! Well don't you fucking worry. We're going to fix that little problem for you!"

"You got that fucking right," the second man said. "We're fixing it so you never do anything like that ever again!"

One of the guards on a half-hour check saw what was happening, but by the time he ran to get help, they had finished their attack on Allen. His body was a mass of gaping wounds, and while he had been bleeding out from his shredded Aorta, the deep slash to his throat had made complete work of his Carotid Arteries, as well as his vocal cords and wind pipe. Regardless of the two out of the over 60 wounds that was the fatal one, it really didn't matter in the end; Allen Smith was dead!



After the officer left I turned to see Kyley's reaction. The officer came early the next morning to give us the news that Allen Smith was dead. Though they told us he had been stabbed, I got the vibe that they were holding back on just how bad it was. I honestly didn't give a fuck how bad it was. I hoped that the Mother Fucker screamed and screamed as his disgusting child-raping life was ripped from him! I didn't think I could ever hate another person, but Allen was one that I truly and deeply hated! I hoped he suffered for the longest time as that knife was going in and out of him!

As I watched Kyley, he turned to me.

"I don't think I can bring myself to wish I was the one holding the knife that killed that Bastard, but I do hope his suffering was deep, intense and so much more than he could handle!" Kyley said with eyes that were full of sadness, anger and hate. "Before Allen began attacking me, he said he hated me. Well, I hate him too! I don't know about an actual Hell, but if any of the Christians or Catholics are correct and there is one, I hope he's in it now! I hope he is, and yet I wish he wasn't dead! I wish he was still alive and could know every minute of what would happen to him in prison! I would want him to live with that fear! I would want him to live the rest of his life never knowing a moment of peace!"

Then all of what was in his eyes was gone, and he reached for me. I held him telling him softly that I was here, and that he was safe.

He didn't cry, and I didn't either. We just sat there holding one another, and working to regain the feelings of safety and happiness we had been feeling before the officer came with the news of Allen's murder.

Eventually we both calmed down, and then went back to our room to lay in one another's arms.

"You helped me to feel better," Kyley said as he snuggled in to my embrace.

"I'm glad, and holding you helped me to feel better too," I replied.

We kissed for a moment, then just lay there holding one another close.

"I love you Kyley," I said.

"I love you too Milen," Kyley replied.

The End

Author's Notes

I hadn't planned to conclude this chapter and story with Allen's murder. It just unfolded that way without me realizing that it would until I started writing. I know that in today's age the current idea is that people who rape a child have the condition known as Pedophilia and those who have it are known as Pedophiles and under this belief they need counseling, and for people to have empathy for them. I think this is absolute Bullshit, and this is one area of mental health I will not stand on with others! The Psychiatrists need to back the fuck off, and let the police do their jobs and send child-raping scumbags to prison where they belong, as well as any other rapist. Rape in any form isn't a fucking disease; it's a fucking crime, and those who perpetrate it aren't suffering from a disease known as a Rape Disorder, they're committing crimes against people in general and sometimes against children in general! No, rapists who rape children, are just that. They need a prison cell, nothing more nothing less. The psychiatrists as I said, need to get the fuck out of the way and stick to treating things like Depression, Anxiety Disorders and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, and as I further said, they need to let the police do their jobs and take these pieces of shit off the streets!

That being said, I do hope everyone has enjoyed the story. I really enjoyed writing it, and I do have to apologize again for the long gaps of time in between chapters. Covid, the issues going on in my own life and other things really disrupted my flow, and everything got thrown off. I don't see that happening again, and so I hope everyone enjoys the new story I have coming soon after I send off this final chapter of this story. I'll give a summary of the new story below.

The new story is titled The Boy with the Emerald Eyes. In the story, Dakoda Langley becomes disabled after an accident of sorts, and in the process has to make a new life for himself. As he recovers and goes through rehabilitation for his injuries, he meets Caleb Henderson, a boy who's family came over from England just a month before Caleb was born.

Dakoda and Caleb meet, and Dakoda will have to learn to trust Caleb, and will have to figure out if the friendship growing between the two of them is going to be just that, or will it turn in to something deeper and more meaningful?

I hope everyone enjoys the new story. Also, I hope everyone is continuing to stay safe, and I'll see everyone in the next story.

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