Home Is in Your Arms

By James Heady

Published on Nov 22, 2020


Home Is In Your Arms By James


This is a story which deals with sexual as well as romantic situations between teenaged males. Should you be offended by such material, or if it's illegal to read this type of material in your location, please find something else to read. I can be contacted at jamesheady1985@gmail.com for those who want to talk about anything related to the story. Finally, please remember to donate to Nifty, as it keeps these stories and related materials free to the public.

Home Is In Your Arms

Chapter 15

Daniela watched as Kyley slept while Milen sat up talking with his father in the living room. They were going over everything that Milen would need as school started the week after next, so they had one last whole week together. It was around 10:00 P.M., and it had been a long day with Todor, Nathan, Milen and Kyley going around town doing different things, then having dinner before arriving back home.

Once back home, Kyley got his shower, and Milen did so afterward, and once Milen was finished with his shower, Kyley lay down on their bed, and immediately fell asleep and Daniela found him like that a few minutes later after Milen's father called him in to the living room to go over all of the school supplies he had that he would need to organize for that first week that was just around the corner.

As Daniela stood in the doorway of Milen's room watching Kyley, she saw how he looked a couple of years younger when he was asleep. She thought back at that moment as she stood there watching him to the first time they had met, and how he had pointed then smiled at the nature photographs that Alex had helped her hang on the walls of the living room.

"Those definitely bring some charm to the room I think," she said smiling at him.

Kyley smiled back, and they shook hands again, then she thanked him for coming over to spend time with Milen.

Leaving those thoughts now, she walked in to the room, and sat down on the edge of the bed, and twisted around to look down at Kyley's sleeping form. She reached out and slowly stroked his hair, and she still had a hard time getting over how soft it was. She also thought about how she was growing more and more to think of Kyley as another son. She knew that she liked him from the moment she met him, and as the days turned in to weeks she knew that she was growing to love him. There were a couple of times where she had to massage his legs when they would cramp up suddenly, and it hurt her to see him in pain. She never wanted to see anything bad happen to him, and she had made up her mind early on that if she had anything to say about it, then she would do everything to protect and be there for this wonderful boy.

Kyley shifted in his sleep, and then turned his head to face her directly. He opened his eyes and focused on her. He looked questioningly at her for a moment.

"I just wanted to check in on you," she said. "Milen will be here in a little while."

Kyley smiled, and his eyes drifted closed again, and he was asleep once again. She continued to sit there stroking his hair, then after a few minutes more, she got up and then leaned down kissing him on his cheek before leaving.

Once Milen finished up organizing everything, he sat there to talk with Elena for a few minutes, and while he did that Gavril went in to check on Kyley after Daniela came out of Milen's room having just checked on him herself.

Gavril sat down on virtually the same spot as his wife had occupied just moments before, and he watched Kyley for a few minutes, and he thought about how one of the first things he had helped Kyley with was when they were cooking dinner at the house, and they were making a marinade for the steak they were going to be cooking. He had shown Kyley how to mix everything, and he could feel a connection forming between the two of them, and it grew even stronger, especially when there were times when he had to help with massaging Kyley's legs when he would have an attack of muscle cramps. He also thought about other times like how Kyley had gotten a splinter in his finger, and how Gavril had to talk calmly to him for a few minutes before he began swabbing the area with antibiotic cream after he removed the offending object. He knew that Kyley didn't do well with physical pain much at all, and he wanted to do everything he could to ease as much physical pain as he could for him. Kyley let him know in those times that he did a good job with helping him, and this served to only deepen their connection further.

After a few more minutes of Gavril sitting there and stroking Kyley's hair, he bent down and kissed him on the forehead, then after looking down at him a final time, he left the room after making sure the light was out.



During that last week of Summer Vacation, Kyley and I got together with Nathan and Todor a couple of days that week for lunch, and to hang out for the first day at Todor and Nathan's house, then for the second day at my house. We listened to music, and then would just talk about how things were going with one another, and Nathan and I talked a bit when Kyley went with Todor to get some ice-cream for us all on the second visit we had were we met at my house.

Nathan and I sat next to one another on my bed after we heard Todor's car pull out of the driveway, and Nathan turned to me.

"I wanted to let you know that things are actually going even better than I thought they could have with Todor, his dad and I," Nathan began. "Todor and Risto asked me a couple of weeks ago if I had thought about coming to live with them permanently, and it had been something I had been thinking a little about. Then I started thinking more about it when they brought it up. I was glad to see they were serious about it, and I really want to live with them."

"That's really good!" I said, and we hugged. "They really do care about you, and I can also tell that they really love you more than anything. You deserve to be with them as your family, and I really hope it works out for you guys!"

"Thanks," he said. "How's things going with you and Kyley?"

"Really good," I replied.

I told him about how we were talking more and more about possibly adopting Kyley, and we had brought it up to him a few days before. He asked if we were sure, and I told him that we were, and so did the rest of my family. I remember the look of pure joy that came over his face, and we all hugged him, and he was in agreement with what we wanted to do!

"I'm really happy to hear that!" Nathan said as we hugged again. "Kyley deserves a nice family as well, and I know he's found that with you guys!"

"Thanks," I replied.

"As for Todor and I," Nathan began. "We've been getting closer as well. We became boyfriends a few days ago, at least we declared ourselves boyfriends, and we had been getting closer and had been making love for a few weeks before that. That's been really amazing as well. He's shown me that it can be really loving and really good when guys can be intimate with each other like that!"

"I'm really happy to hear all that!" I answered. "I'm glad you guys found one another, and am also glad that you guys have opened yourselves up to one another like that. You guys are good with one another, and you both deserve all the best!"

"Thanks Milen," he said smiling.

"No problem," I replied.

Todor and Kyley returned with our ice-cream, and we definitely enjoyed it. It was a nice day, and it was really wonderful to be among my boyfriend and two other friends for that time as well.

For that weekend that lead in to the first week of school, Kyley and I stayed at my house, but with the promise that we would be sure to get to sleep early so as to be on the appropriate schedule for when it came time to get up for school for that first week. That weekend consisted of us talking, and a few times that Saturday, Kyley and I made love slowly, and sensually. It felt really good, and as we did a hot 69 to end our love-making activities for that day, I thought about how good my cock would feel sliding in and out of Kyley's hole someday if he got to the point of wanting to do that. He wasn't ready for that yet, and I knew that as we had talked about that a couple of times with him letting me know that he wasn't sure when he'd be ready for that.

I assured him both times that I could wait for that, as I didn't want to make him feel uncomfortable, nor did I want to push him in to doing things with which he would feel unsafe. He thanked me for that, and that trust made our love grow stronger for one another as well.



That weekend that began our first week of school was when Nathan and I told my dad about us being boyfriends. He was happy for us, and told us that we had his support, and he said that he was proud of us for following our desires to want to be together, as well as being happy that we chose to trust one another enough to be with each other in that deep way. I was glad that that conversation went well, and I thought about that that Saturday night as I lay on my bed that was now mine and Nathan's bed. I was waiting for him to finish up with his shower, and once he was back we were going to spend some alone time with one another since my dad was going to be out of the house for the next couple of hours. I was happy about that, and I knew that Nathan felt the same way!

Once Nathan was back from his shower, he walked completely naked to the bed, and I lay there watching him. I was wearing only a thin pair of Roil-blue boxers, and the thin material outlined my hard cock perfectly. Nathan smiled when he saw it, and he got on the bed and lay down beside me. I felt my balls tingle at the anticipation of the hot sex we were about to share with one another!

Once we kissed for a long time, we took turns kissing and licking one another all over each other's bodies, then I moved on top of Nathan, and as I thrust against him with my cock rubbing against his, I felt myself falling more in love with him! I leaned my hips forward a little more so that we could feel our balls press together, and Nathan moaned loudly!

"Oh fuck!" he yelled. "That feels so good!"

"I know!" I said as I turned us on our sides and let our bodies thrust hard in to one another. "I love this!"

"Me too!" he replied as we began kissing deeply.

We came at the same time, and after we cleaned up, we rested for a bit before getting one another aroused once again with our mouths licking, sucking and kissing one another's nipples slowly, then we would tongue wrestle for a long while, then we turned at the same time to lower our mouths over each other's cocks.

We sucked, and deep-throated each other. While that was going on we rubbed and caressed one another's balls, and once again came at the same time. We drank down one another's hot creamy loads, and then exchanged several more long and deep kisses!

"I love you Nathan," I said as he rested his head on my chest. "You're my true love, and I never want to be apart from you, not ever."

"I feel the same way about you as well Todor," he replied lifting his head so his beautiful blue eyes could look deeply in to mine. "I love you more than anything, and I couldn't ever picture my life without you in it."

We shared another deep kiss, then we covered one another and were asleep in minutes.



That Saturday evening of our last weekend together before school started was bright and Sunny, and there was a wonderful sunset happening as Alex and I drove to the store to get what we would need for dinner. He would be helping Milen's dad make steaks and chicken on the grill as well as a few other things. Once Alex had arrived at the house, he said he'd go to get the steaks, and he asked if anyone wanted to go with him to help pick them out, I agreed as I wanted to get to know him a little more.

He and I had met early on when I started coming over to Milen's house, and while he and I would talk a bit, he and I hadn't really had a chance to talk at length. I knew he was letting me and Milen have a chance to get to know one another, but I did want to get to know Alex a little more as well.

As the car pulled away from the driveway, Alex hooked up his phone to the car speakers.

"Any music you want to hear as we drive along?" he asked. "Wait, let me guess. I'm sure you'd love to hear something by Broken Side or Trapt?"

"I'm guessing Trapt are either shitty Rap or shitty Metal?" I said.

"Trapt are only the worst Metal band to come on the scene around 2002, and I've done the best I can to keep Milen from having to hear them," he said smiling. "They did that song Head Strong, that everyone thinks is the greatest thing ever."

"Oh god that thing," I said, and Alex smiled at the look of disgust I must have had on my face at that moment.

"Yeah, that one," he said laughing. "Anyway, you'll hate them even more when I tell you that Chris T. Brown their vocalist is a Trump supporter, a supporter of that fucked up organization called Proud Boys, as well as being known for saying shitty things about the #Black Lives Matter Movement."

"Yeah, fuck that guy," I replied completely disgusted now."

"Exactly," he replied. "I should be admonishing you for your language, but you're good around me," he went on. "Besides you do pretty well with not talking like that around Milen's parents so I'm not worried."

"Yeah, thanks," I said smiling.

"No problem," he replied. "Besides watching one's language is so over-rated I think."

We laughed, then he turned his phone to me offering for me to pick something for us to listen to while we drove. I saw that one of the albums was Eonian by the Norwegian Black Metal band Dimmu Borgir, and I had heard only a couple of songs off of it.

"How's that one?" I asked.

"Yeah, that's a good one!" Alex said. "Do you want to select that one?"

"Yeah," I replied.

The music started as we began driving on the main road at this point, and I enjoyed the sound of the album so far.

"It's about time these guys released something," Alex said as we drove.

"When was the last time they put out anything?" I asked.

"Their last album was titled Abrahadabra, and was from 2010."

"That's not a misspelling?" I asked.

"No," he answered. "They took that word from a book titled the Book of the Law by the occultist Aleister Crowley. Dimmu Borgir wanted to change some of the subject matter by the time they were ready to create a new album, and Abrahadabra was the result."

"They must have really needed a break after they did the concerts for it once it was released before they released Eonian," I said.

"Yeah, I can imagine they did," he replied.

We loaded the last of the meat in to the trunk of the car, and then I returned to the passenger side of the car while Alex got behind the wheel again. It had been a really productive trip to the store that evening. We drove off, and as the last of Eonian faded, we sat in silence for a moment, then Alex spoke.

"I've been enjoying getting to know you more," he said. "I really like you, and I know that Milen has really fallen hard for you. You're good for him as well, and I fully support the both of you."

"Thanks," I answered as we slowed for a red light. "I love Milen, and I can't picture my life without him in it at this point."

"I know he feels the same way about you as well," Alex answered.

We talked a little more as we pulled up to the driveway, and I got out, then went to the back of the car once Alex shut it off. I lifted the trunk door and lifted out one of the bags of meat, then Alex got out the bottles of wine, and I smiled at them.

"That's obviously not for you," he said smiling back. "I already enable your bad language, and your continuing in to the rabbit hole that is Metal Music, so I have to draw the line somewhere."

"Yeah, but not only is watching one's language over-rated," I said. "Drawing the line is as well."

"You'll thank me some day," he replied laughing as I took his arm and we walked to the house.



I finished with stirring, then I put the mixing bowl aside. I was mixing one of the dishes we were going to have along-side the rest of the food that night. My mom had chopped up the ingredients for a Bulgarian Dish called Tarator which is made of yogurt, water, minced Cucumber and Dill along with Garlic. Sun Flower or Olive Oil can be used as well, and it's served cold. I always enjoyed it, and so it was nice that we were going to be having that along with the other food.

The door opened, and Kyley and Alex came through carrying the groceries. I came over to help them, and I put the wine in the refrigerator, and then I set the steaks out on the counter on the chopping board, then hugged Kyley, then kissed him on the cheek.

"It's really nice to see you again, and good work with getting our food for the evening," I said as we looked in to one another's eyes for a moment.

"You're welcome," he answered, then we went over to the counter.

"Thank you too Alex," I said smiling at him. "Both for going to get it, and for making sure that you brought back my boyfriend in one piece."

We laughed, then we got to the task of tenderizing the meat along with readying the rest of the food for the grill. It was really nice to be among my boyfriend and my family that evening, and I'd never forget it!

Author's Notes

I hope everyone enjoys this chapter. I know it's been a long time since the last one. I've been busy with getting things organized, as I have to move out of my apartment for about three months so that they can remodel it along with several of the other apartments in this place.

With all that going on, it's limited my time I had to sit down and write. I did want to get this chapter out tonight though, and then I should have a little more time to write over the next couple of days. I'll be moving to an apartment close by in the middle of December. I was originally supposed to move at the end of this month, but Covid and the latest increase in cases caused the management to have to push back the date a couple of weeks. Anyway, that's what's happening currently along-side my trying to find time to write. That being said, I'm still feeling well, and am not sick thus far. That being said though, I hope everyone has a Happy Thanks Giving this up-coming Thursday, and that everyone is still staying safe. I hope you all have a good evening, and I'll see everyone in Chapter 16.

Next: Chapter 16

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