Home Is in Your Arms

By James Heady

Published on Oct 30, 2020


Home Is In Your Arms By James


This is a story which deals with sexual as well as romantic situations between teenaged males. Should you be offended by such material, or if it's illegal to read this type of material in your location, please find something else to read. I can be contacted at jamesheady1985@gmail.com for those who want to talk about anything related to the story. Finally, please remember to donate to Nifty, as it keeps these stories and related materials free to the public.

Home Is In Your Arms

Chapter 14


Over the last couple of weeks of Summer Vacation for that year, Nathan, Todor, Kyley and I hung out and became closer in our friendship. Kyley and I were becoming even closer as well both as friends, and as boyfriends. He and I made love just about every single time we were together for the weekends we spent at one another's houses. Other times though, we were just content to lay in one another's arms just holding one another, as well as sharing slow gentle kisses. It was amazing!

Kyley was becoming even closer with my sister, my mom and my dad. I could tell that he was coming to think of Elena as an older sister, and I clearly saw his love for her one dark and rainy Saturday when he was spending the weekend with me. It was the weekend before our last week of Summer Vacation, and Elena wasn't feeling well. She was having some stomach cramps, and we figured that it was a stomach virus. None of us were sick, but she was, and After Kyley and I had eaten lunch and watched a couple of Concerts on social media, Kyley went in to the living room where Elena was lying on the couch. I watched from the doorway of the living room as he looked down at her and pointed questioningly at the blanket and pillows she had behind her head.

"I'm fine Kyley," she said smiling at him. "I'm just glad that I'm not having any vomiting. That's the worst."

"Kyley nodded in agreement, then after a moment of watching her, he came back towards me and we returned to my room. After about 20 minutes of us just holding one another, he excused himself to go back in to the living room. I waited for a few minutes, then decided to go and check on both him and Elena.


Elena had been asleep, but not too deeply when she heard Kyley's particular sounds he made when walking. She opened her eyes and turned her head to see him coming in to the room. She smiled at him, then moved her legs in case he wanted to sit down on the couch beside her.

"I see you're back," she said smiling.

"I just wanted to make sure you're alright," Kyley said as he came over and sat down where she lay.

"It's sweet of you to check on me, but I'm fine," she said. "I probably just have a stomach bug, and it should be gone in a couple of days. Hopefully it's just one of those 24-hour things though."

"I hope it leaves your system quickly too," Kyley replied. "I know you'll be fine, but I figured you'd like some company for a little while."

"Thank you," she said as she closed her eyes again.



Elena was basically a big sister to me as far as I was concerned. I had come to think of her as such early on, and I didn't like seeing her sick like she was. She had woken up that morning with her symptoms, and her mom and dad figured that it was a bug that would be gone in a few days if not sooner.

I figured that another part of why I didn't want to be away from her was because I too knew what it was like to be sick, but unlike her and Milen, I would go through my illnesses with hardly anyone there to take care of me or just sit with me. I was starting to realize that I didn't want anyone else I loved or cared about to go through similar problems.

As I continued to sit there, I was thinking more and more about how Milen's family was feeling like my own family. I was getting more and more to the point of loving Milen's mom, dad and sister. As for Milen, I was starting to think that I was falling in love with him probably around July, and especially after I told him what Allen had done to me, and how Milen had comforted me after I told him what had happened. Any doubts I might have had at that point had finally been removed, and I knew as I sat there in Milen's arms before I came out to sit with Elena, that I was deeply in love with him. I hoped he felt as deeply for me as I did for him though.



I sat on my bed looking through messages from various friends on my phone, and after reading, and replying to the last message, I put my phone down and thought about Kyley. I thought about his devotion to me, his growing closeness to Elena and our parents, and I thought about how deeply I was in love with him. I had realized back in July sometime that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him, and I knew that I wouldn't have a complete life without him in it. I knew that I would live as best as I could if he wasn't in it, but I knew that it was much brighter when he was with me. I felt our connection deepening and growing stronger. That made me smile, and I got up to check on Kyley.

I walked towards the doorway to the living room, and saw Kyley looking through stuff on his phone, then looking up every so often to look towards where Elena slept.

As I stood there watching him, I felt my love for him get even stronger! I couldn't put it in to words in my mind, but I knew that it was there. I also thought simultaneously about how we as of yet hadn't come out to my parents yet. Elena knew, and she sat down with us one day on one of the weekends we were together and said how happy she was for both of us becoming good friends, and becoming boyfriends as well.

I was happy to hear all that, and we talked a little more about it. She of course gave us the usual tips about being careful, and going slow, but she also communicated to us that she understood that we knew all of that. It was nice to see that she had faith in both of us. I knew that it was a relief to Kyley to know that she took seriously what we meant to one another. I hoped that our parents would feel the same way, and I figured that they would.

After looking at Kyley and Elena for another moment, I returned to my room and replied to a couple of the messages I had been reading earlier. I then lay back on the bed, and after several minutes, I heard Kyley's particular footsteps getting closer to my room, then he knocked a couple of times. I told him he could come in, and so he did.

Once he closed and locked the door, he came over to the bed, and lay down beside me. I took him in my arms, and looked deeply in to his eyes. He looked just as deeply in to mine, and then I leaned in and slowly and tenderly kissed him on the lips.

"That was really sweet of you to sit with my sister like that," I said with my forehead resting against his.

He smiled at me as if to say: "I was happy to do it.".

"I'm sure she really appreciated that as well," I said as I gently stroked his hair for a few minutes.

He kissed my cheek, then rested his head on my chest as I continued to lay there holding him in my arms.

As we lay there, the rain began falling harder and harder outside. Thunder rumbled slowly, and I even saw several flashes of lighting light up the room for a moment.

Kyley lifted his head off my chest, and looked towards the window.

"It's really getting wild out there," he said.

"Yeah, it really is," I agreed.

We shared a long kiss, then looked deeply in to one another's eyes. I could look in to his eyes forever if I could, and I knew that the words I wanted to say to him couldn't be held in any longer. I moved my head away from his for a moment, and stroked his hair away from his forehead gently.

"This is really nice being here with you like this," Kyley said smiling lovingly at me.

"It really is," I replied in agreement. "I want to tell you something though."

"What's that?" he asked.

"I feel our connection getting stronger," I began. "I've come over the last several weeks to think of you as my best friend, and I knew that I was falling in love with you back sometime early last month. You truly mean everything to me. It's hard to put in to words just how much you mean to me Kyley."

"I feel the same way," Kyley replied. "I knew that I was truly in love with you shortly after I told you my story of what Allen did to me. I knew that I could trust you deeply at that point, so I allowed my feelings to get deeper for you as more than a friend."

"I'm glad to hear you say that," I said.

"I'm glad you feel the same way about it too," he responded.

I leaned in and kissed him deeply, then looked just as deeply in to his eyes.

"I love you Kyley," I said softly, then kissed him again holding the kiss for a long moment.

He kissed back, and held it just as I had done, then let go. He smiled as his tears fell, and I understood from how deeply I knew him that they were tears of joy.

" I love you too Milen!" he replied, then we shared several kisses, then after wiping our eyes, we lay there with Kyley's head on my chest just listening to the rain fall outside. I felt more happy than I could say in words at that point!



As I lay there with my head on Milen's chest after we told one another that we loved each other, I felt more joy and happiness at that moment than I ever had before in my life! I was truly happy that I was getting the chance to know what true love was, both from Milen as a boyfriend, then from him as a friend as well. I was coming to sense a deep caring love from Milen and Elena's parents, as well as from Elena as well. Knowing that they had come to love me and care about me brought me joy also. As the days and weeks continued, I know longer worried as much about what they would think when I told them my story of what Allen had done to me. Milen and Elena's parents knew some of what happened to me both when I was with my foster families, and then about what happened when I was in the mental hospital both times, but they hadn't heard about what happened with Allen back last year. I knew as I lay in Milen's arms that dark and rainy Saturday though, that they would still love me and care about me if or when I told them about that horrible moment in my life. That was a true load off my mind and off my heart, and I fell asleep for a little while with that calm filling my thoughts.



Later that night once dinner was finished, Elena went to lay back down this time in her room, and Kyley and I sat there with my parents, and after I looked at Kyley to see if he was ready for me to start talking, he nodded for me to go ahead. He and I talked before dinner was ready, and we both were in agreement that we wanted to tell my parents about us being boyfriends. I figured that they would be alright with it, and though I had some nervousness, I still believed that the conversation would be fine.

"We have something we wanted to tell you," I said taking Kyley's hand.

"What is it?" my dad asked watching us.

"You know that Kyley and I have become really good friends as we've gotten to know one another," I began.

"We've noticed that," my mom said.

"He really means a lot to me," I continued. "He's become a really good friend, and he's really come to care a lot about me, and I've grown to feel the same way about him as well."

"Milen's the best thing to have happened to me ever," Kyley added. "He truly means a lot to me."

"He means a lot to me as well," I said.

"I can see that," my mom replied smiling.

"I've noticed that as well," my dad responded smiling too.

"I figured that you guys have picked up on that," I went on. "We are really good friends, and even best friends. The thing is though, that we've developed feelings for one another, and we're boyfriends with one another. We became boyfriends back last month, and wanted to let things grow between us before telling you guys. I hope you guys are alright with that."

"I hope you guys are happy for us being boyfriends," Kyley added.

They both came from around the table, and hugged both of us. We stood like that in a group hug for a long time, then we sat back down.

"We wondered about that part of you guys and your friendship, and if that had went towards something romantic for a while," my dad began. "We wanted to trust you Milen, and that you would put in to practice all that we had taught you about relationships, sex and other things concerning dating."

"We hoped that you would make the right decisions where all that is concerned, and so far you appear to be taking our advice," my mom said.

"I hope you don't feel embarrassed at this next question, but I want to make sure you guys are safe," my dad said. "I want to just ask if you guys have started being sexually active with one another, and if you have, then I'm fine with that, I just want to know that you guys are being safe with one another when doing stuff like that."

"Your father's right," my mom added. "I want to know also that you guys are safe, and that you guys are making sure that you're being respectful of what one another wants if you're doing anything sexual with one another."

Kyley nodded for me to answer, and so I did.

"We started having sex a while back," I replied. "We haven't gone all the way with doing any anal sex, and I know I'm not ready for anything like that yet."

"I'm not ready for that either," Kyley said taking my hand quickly.

"We're going to wait for a while before doing that," I went on. "I think of that as something truly special to share with the partner you love, just like what you both have talked to me about, and I take that very seriously."

"I believe the same thing," Kyley added.

"We're also keeping anything and everything sexual just between both of us, and we're not having sex with anyone but each other," I continued.

"That's correct," Kyley responded.

"I'm really happy to hear you guys say all of that," my mom said.

"So am I," my dad agreed. "It's really good that you really are taking seriously what we taught you. It looks like you think the same way when it comes to dating, sex and romantic relationships Kyley."

"I do," Kyley replied.

"I'm really glad we've talked about all of this," I said smiling, then getting up to hug my parents again.

"I'm glad as well," my dad said.

"I feel the same way," my mom added in agreement, and after we all shared another hug, we finished up in the kitchen, and Kyley and I returned to my room to enjoy some time alone for the rest of the evening. It was a wonderful and joyful day, and I knew I would remember it for the rest of my life!

Author's Notes

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, and that moment of Milen and Kyley confessing their love for one another. I also wanted to get a little more interaction between Kyley and the rest of Milen's family as well. I had been thinking about that part of the story for a while, so decided to do more of that here. I hope you guys like it.

Things are going well for me, and I'm continuing to be safe, and hope the same for all of you also. Since the last chapter, I've heard from Julian, and I really appreciate your e-mail you sent. Also, thank you to others who have written as well.

All that being said, everyone have a good evening, and I'll see you guys in Chapter 15.

Next: Chapter 15

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