Home Is in Your Arms

By James Heady

Published on Sep 15, 2020


Home Is In Your Arms By James


This is a story which deals with sexual as well as romantic situations between teenaged males. Should you be offended by such material, or if it's illegal to read this type of material in your location, please find something else to read. I can be contacted at jamesheady1985@gmail.com for those who want to talk about anything related to the story. Finally, please remember to donate to Nifty, as it keeps these stories and related materials free to the public.

Home Is In Your Arms

Chapter 12


It was now August, and I was working Wednesdays helping clean out some of the unused rooms of a church that was further in the city, but not so far that I couldn't walk there when the weather was nice. It was owned by a guy named Risto Andonov, and I was surprised to learn that he was from Bulgaria, but that was all I knew about him. I had started working for him in the beginning of August, and I was going there for the second time, and that's when I got a surprise.

I was working there on Wednesday afternoons, and the second Wednesday I was there, I was moving boxes from one room to the main room where Risto would take them, and sort through them later. I knew he had a son, but I hadn't met him yet, but I had met him that day when I came to get started on work. He was nice, and he said that he was going to get back to help his friend who was staying with them. I started to ask who it was, but then Risto called for him to come and help lay out the church flyers for that evening's Youth Group Service. I got to work, and around 3:00 P.M. that day, I lifted up the last box, and I would be taking a break afterwards. I had been there since 1:00 P.M. that day, and I would be leaving around 4:00 P.M. to get back home in time for me to go to Youth Group at the church my family and I attended.

I crossed the room with the box, and as I sat it down to open the door, I stopped as the door was pulled outward, and I saw the person who opened the door.

"Sorry," he said. "I just'''."

I looked once, then twice, then I just stood there taking in the features of the boy I never thought I'd see again.

"Nathan?" I asked trying to keep my head in reality. "Is that you?"

"Milen?" he asked just as shocked. "It's really you?"

"Yeah, it's me," I said as I stepped closer to him.

I never really thought this day would come, and when I allowed myself to imagine it even for a moment, I mostly saw myself really letting Nathan have it. I was certain that I'd yell at him about how could he do this to me, and how could he treat me like he did. I would tell him how badly he hurt me, and that I never wanted to see him again, but all of that went away for good with what I was seeing before me now.

Nathan stood there about as chubby as he had been when I had known him before, and his blond hair was a little shorter now. His eyes were that deep blue that I had remembered, and while they had contained a lot of nervousness within them back then, now all they held was fear, regret and they also held within them hope; hope that I might forgive him. I also saw that he had been through a lot, and though I didn't know what had happened, I sensed that he had been through more than what he could handle, and probably had been through more than what he deserved.

I tried to summon that anger I had held for him off and on, but looking deeply in to his eyes at that moment I couldn't bring it forth, and I felt deeply sad for him.

"Milen," he began. "I'm sorry for'''."

I motioned for him to come in to the other room where there were some places to sit, and I lead him over to one of the pews. I sat down and he sat beside me.

"I want this to be over," I said looking at him. "When you left, and broke contact with me, it really hurt my feelings. I had wondered for the longest time if it was something I had done to make you turn away from me. I wondered if I had pushed too hard, and if I had scared you in some way, but most of all I really didn't know what to think. I really did like you, as a friend, but it was starting to be as more than a friend after a while, and you understood me. I felt safe to be myself around you, and even though my family knew about me and were supportive, and sure I had Alex, but I needed someone who was my own age who was gay like me, and who could relate to me. You were that person, and it really hurt when you stopped being my friend. I'm not saying any of that to make you feel bad, or anymore bad than you probably already feel, but I wanted to at least let you know how I felt, and I want to know what happened to you as well. I at least want us to be friends, because you really are a nice person, and I don't want you to be out of my life."

He told me the whole story, everything from when his parents would talk to him about keeping in mind the family image, and that really pissed me off to hear that. No wonder he was afraid when his sister saw us on our walk that one evening. He also told me about Rick, then about how Rick flipped everything around to make it look like Nathan was the offender, and then he told me about the place his parents had sent him, and about how he ended up with Todor and his family. He also said that a few months before he wrote me a few letters, and I told him that I never got them.

"It was when I was at home the first couple of weeks before they sent me away, so my dad must have seen them in the mailbox, and took them and destroyed them," Nathan said. "I also tried writing you from the center a couple of times, but obviously those got taken as well."

"I admire you attempting that from a place like that," I said and meant it. "Don't places like that closely monitor your mail?"

"Apparently, but I didn't really care at that point," he replied.

"You didn't deserve any of that," I said. "I forgive you for how you treated me, but I think that given all that you were up against, you were in the middle of a horrible situation, and you should have had people looking out for you who cared."

"That's basically what Todor said," he said.

"He's right," I said. "It's amazing that I met him, and that he's basically connected me to you again."

"Yeah, that is amazing," Nathan agreed.

"So what are you and Todor doing later this evening?" I asked. "I have Youth Group around 6:00 P.M., but I'm free after that around 8:00 P.M. if you guys wanted to hang out for a bit. I could bring my friend Kyley along if he's not busy."

"I explained about who Kyley was, and Nathan smiled.

"That would be nice," he answered.

Once back home, I sat there while Nathan talked to my parents. He met them a couple of times the year before, but not enough to really know them. He apologized to them and to my sister, and after telling them his story that he told me, we all agreed that it was in the past, and that he had us all there to support him.

After talking with Kyley and making sure it was alright with Todor's dad, Kyley's people at the center and with my family, the four of us got together at my house, and we went out to one of the cafes that was close to my house. Todor drove us, and once there we ordered, then got seated.

I watched as Nathan got Kyley's drink for him so that he could rest his legs, then as he brought it back to him, they sat talking for a moment, and I knew that they were becoming good friends as well. They were talking about the types of music they like, and it was nice to see them getting along as well as they were.

"So when we all start back to school in a few weeks," Nathan began. "Will you be going back with us Kyley?"

"Unless Michael says that I'm cleared for it, probably not," he answered. "They want to make sure that I'm doing better with my anxiety and PTSD before they consider sending me back to public school."

"I see," Nathan said. "It would be cool if you could be there with us though."

"Yeah, it would be," Kyley agreed.

"So I wonder if you and I will share any classes together?" I said to Todor who was sitting across from me, with Nathan sitting to his right.

"We might share a Gym Class together, but that's probably about it since I'll be a couple of grades above you."

"At least we can see one another a little during school," I said.

"Yeah, I agree," Todor responded.

"I'm hoping they'll clear me to go to public school," Kyley said. "I didn't have too much experience with going to school, as my foster family was always calling me off sick from school, but it was sick as in them beating the fuck out of me, and not wanting anyone to see the bruises."

"Bastards," Todor said.

"Yeah," Kyley replied. "Anyway, I'm sure I could do well with being in school with you guys since Michael and his group would make sure I had all the accommodations I needed to participate in class."

"I think you'd do well with it too," I agreed.

"Just let us know what they say," Nathan said.

"Thanks," Kyley replied. "I'll do that."

That weekend I stayed with Kyley at the center, and it was the first time alone we had together since the weekend before, and I wanted to see how he really was doing with Nathan being in the picture. We were on his bed and I asked him how he enjoyed himself Wednesday evening.

"I enjoyed myself really good," he answered as he snuggled against me. "I really like Nathan and Todor. I'm also glad that you and Nathan worked everything out. I also think that Nathan's a good friend as well."

"So you don't worry about him wanting me back, or worry if I'd possibly want him again, because'''."

Kyley cut me off first with a look that seemed to say: "You're thinking too damn much.". Then he leaned in and pressed his lips to mine. We held the kiss for a long moment, then separated.

"I trust you Milen," he said looking deeply in to my eyes. "I trust you with all of my heart, and I know you'd never leave me for him. I also know that he'd never try to come between us. I truly mean that."

"I'm glad to hear you say that," I answered, and we kissed again, then continued talking about other things.



Nathan and I were going to be alone that Friday night, as my dad would be going out of town for a conference having to do with a couple of religious things. Nathan and I promised that we would be careful, and that we'd keep the house organized. With that settled, he agreed that we could stay on our own that night, and I was happy about that. I was wanting to have some alone time with Nathan, as I was getting more comfortable with wanting to be closer to him as more than friends. I felt like he wanted the same, but we hadn't gotten a chance to bring it up to one another yet. We were still sleeping in the same bed, and at that point when I would start jacking off, I did it more quietly, and I knew that Nathan was doing it, but we still hadn't said anything to one another about it. I wanted to change that though.



As Risto got his last bag out to the car, he said goodbye to both of us, then went to get a couple more things from the kitchen. Todor was sitting on the armrest of the couch, and I was sitting on the seat itself. He was sitting there with one leg drawn up, and he had on a pair of thin dark-red basketball shorts, and I could see up the leg of them, and his boxers were white silky ones. He shifted his leg more so that his boxers fell away from his bulge that was hardening quickly, and I could also see his balls resting against his other thigh.

I felt my cock hardening, and as I held my eyes locked to what was in front of me, I saw Todor shift his leg a little more, and I could see the length of the side of his erection, and I felt my balls tingle, and I knew that Todor was watching me intently.

I turned away at that point, and tried to make my own erection go down. Then I felt Todor move and he was leaning close to me, then his mouth was close to my ear.

"When dad leaves I'm taking you to our room," he whispered in my ear as his hot breath caressed my ear and made me tingle all over with lust, love and need for him. "I know you like what you saw when you looked up my shorts just now, and I want you to enjoy all of it. You can have as much as you want of it."

He gently nibbled on the top of my ear, and I could have easily come at that moment.

"I'll leave it up to you though," he went on. "I'm going to count to five, and if you're still there and looking at me, then I'll take that as a sign you want to continue, but if I get to five and you shake your head no, then I won't do anything."

"Okay, I'll be leaving now," Risto said as we said goodbye to him as he waved goodbye to us. It was a good thing he didn't come in for a hug, as Todor and I were in no position at that point to stand up without him seeing what state we were in at that point.

I sat there slightly in shock, as Todor offered for me to go to his room with him so we could have sex for the first time! I was nervous, excited and a little scared at the same time. I was nervous and a little scared, because I was worried about possibly not being good enough for him, but also scared as I hoped that anything we did wouldn't bring back flashbacks of what Rick did to me all those months ago. I was excited though, because I really wanted to be with Todor sexually. I wanted him to make love to me, to satisfy all of himself with my body, and I wanted to please him in any way he wanted, and I wanted to feel everything he wanted to do with me!

I heard the door close, and Todor got up. I was watching him and I nodded my head giving him consent for him to do anything with me that night.

He stepped closer to me, and his arms were around me before I had time to think about it. He was holding me gently, but I could sense the power and strength in his arms.

He pressed his lips to mine, and our kiss was hungry and passionate. We settled in to a wonderful rhythm, and his erection was pressing and grinding against mine, and I wanted him desperately in that moment!

Author's Notes

Yeah, it's a cliffhanger, and so you all will have to wait until the next chapter to find out what happens next. I hope you guys all enjoyed how I worked with all four boys meeting, and I will continue on with them becoming close friends with one another as well. I also wanted to apologize for the long delay in writing, there was just a lot going on where my apartment stuff was concerned with a couple of inspections, as well as a few other things. Things there are fine though, and I have a free schedule for writing again.

I wanted to thank John, Andy and Julian for writing since the last chapter, and I really appreciate that,. Thank you guys for the e-mails!

Everyone have a good evening, and I'll see you all in Chapter 13.

Next: Chapter 13

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