Home Is in Your Arms

By James Heady

Published on Aug 29, 2020


Home Is In Your Arms By James


This is a story which deals with sexual as well as romantic situations between teenaged males. Should you be offended by such material, or if it's illegal to read this type of material in your location, please find something else to read. I can be contacted at jamesheady1985@gmail.com for those who want to talk about anything related to the story. Finally, please remember to donate to Nifty, as it keeps these stories and related materials free to the public.

Home Is In Your Arms

Chapter 11


I lay there half-asleep, and my mind was playing over the events that had just occurred. I really enjoyed what Kyley and I had done, and I definitely wanted things to grow deeper between the two of us.

Finally I was awake completely, and I looked at the clock. It was after 6:30 P.M., and I was hungry. Kyley was moving and he opened his eyes and looked at me smiling.

"Hi," I said softly and kissed him on his lips gently.

He smiled back, and returned the kiss.

"Are you hungry?" I asked.

He smiled again, and nodded.

We got up, and we ordered pizza and wings. We had talked a little about that before my family had left for the evening, and I figured that Kyley was definitely set on that for dinner.

Once the food arrived, we sat at the kitchen table eating and talking. I was starting out by telling Kyley about how amazing what we shared earlier was. He agreed, and I then just watched him for a few minutes.

We had ordered a Meet Lover's Pizza and both Garlic Wings and a type of Hot Wings called Third Degree which while not the hottest, was still one that would burn if you didn't have something to drink. Kyley was definitely favoring those wings, though he ate a few of the Garlic Wings. I was eating both flavors, but I smiled about how Kyley was enjoying the hot flavor especially.

"It's nice to see that your masculine ways express themselves through you eating Hot Wings," I said smiling at him. "Most guys show how manly they can be through lots of sports or something like that."

"Fuck sports," he replied laughing slightly as he ate another wing. "This way of expressing my Alpha Male Status is better."

I laughed, and took a drink of my pop.

"Thanks for making me laugh when I didn't have some of one of those Hot Wings in my mouth," I said lightly patting him on the shoulder. "Choking on the sauce would have been hell."

"I'm sure it would have been," he replied holding my hand for a moment.

Once we finished eating, I went to the freezer and got out some Ice-Cream. Kyley smiled gratefully and came over to hug me.

"I figured you could use some of this afterward," I said. "I think we both can."

He thanked me, and I brought our servings over to the table. Once we were settled, we ate for a few minutes, then Kyley spoke.

"I'm glad that this is Chocolate Ice-Cream," he said. "I enjoy that more than I do Vanilla."

"I'm glad to hear that," I replied. "I've seen you eat Vanilla before, but I did notice that you get a little more excited when it's chocolate that's being served."

"Yeah, that's always one thing that gets me excited," he went on. "Well, that and what you have between your legs."

I felt myself blushing, and he laughed.

"I'm glad that those are a couple of your favorite things," I answered.

Once we finished with our ice-cream, I cleaned up and Kyley helped me with the dishes. Once that was taken care of, we returned to our room and sat down on the bed beside one another.

We exchanged several deep, slow kisses, then I looked deeply in to his eyes, then spoke.

"I really like you a lot Kyley," you're an amazing friend, and you have a really nice and sweet personality," I said as I took him in my arms. "You mean a lot to me, and it's hard to picture what my life would be like now without you in it."

"I feel the same way," he replied. "You've shown me what true friendship can be, and what it is. You've also shown me how good it can be making love to another boy. You've also been really amazing with how caring and loving you've been, especially with everything I told you, both the good and the bad about my life."

"You've been good for me as well," I responded and kissed him gently. "I love how you've given me a chance as a friend, and as more than that. I also am glad about how you didn't push me away when I told you about Nathan and I. In other words, I'm glad you trusted me to still be loyal to you even knowing that I had started to be with someone before you came in to my life."

"I was saying to myself that I needed to trust you," he began. "You also helped with that. You helped me to trust that you would be faithful to me, and that you wouldn't leave me for Nathan if he were ever to come back in to your life."

We kissed again, then I looked deeply in to his eyes once again.

"I'm glad we're both on the same page about everything we discussed," I said. "I really do trust you as well both as a friend, and as more than that. I have also been thinking for a while now that if you want to be together as boyfriends, I'd really love that. I can't picture myself being with another guy except for you."

"I feel the same way Milen," he replied. "I would love to be boyfriends with you. I want that so bad, and I don't want anyone else but you either!"

We kissed several times, and then for the rest of that evening we made love slow and sensually! It was one of the best evenings of my life at that point!



That Friday night we had gotten our showers, and this time I was openly watching Nathan as he walked to the restroom to get his shower. We were still secretly listening to one another at night when we would jack off, and I was getting to the point that I wanted to be open with Nathan and get closer with him. I decided that night that I would be a little more open about watching him as he undressed while we talked, and when I did that he looked over at me as he was talking, and I continued to hold my eyes on him for a moment longer than I usually would.

He loved the attention, and I saw his erection pushing slightly against the boxers he still had on, but it was soon freed as he removed them.

I kept that image in my mind while he was in the shower, and once he was out and I was able to get in for my own shower, I jacked off fast and wildly while the hot water gushed down over me. It felt amazing as I came hard, and I moaned loudly, not planning to and I quickly quieted my moans so that Nathan wouldn't hear, but I guessed that he did.



As I lay on my bed, I thought over how Todor was watching me and not hiding it when I undressed that evening. It was hot being looked at like that by him, and I enjoyed how his eyes locked on to my erection as I stood there continuing to talk about whatever it was, and I couldn't remember at that point what I had been talking about since I was focused on his eyes that were focused on my naked body in general, and on my naked hard cock in particular! I wanted him so bad in that moment, and was thinking on how to make that happen.

As I lay there once Todor was in the shower, I heard a rather loud moan from within the restroom, and I figured that he was in there jacking off. I saw his huge erection as he walked towards the restroom, and it was pushing against his towel. I felt my cock jump when I heard his moan of pleasure, and I could have jacked off right then and there, but I didn't want to get caught if his dad walked in to our room for any reason.



Once in bed that night, I was lying there drifting off when I heard Nathan call my name.



We talked for a bit once Todor was back from his shower, and then we eventually said goodnight to Todor's dad before getting in to bed for the evening. As I lay there waiting for sleep, I felt like I didn't really want to sleep by myself in my bed. Both our beds were big enough to fit two people since Todor's room was large enough for both beds and for his desk and a couple of other items of furniture he had in the room, so there wasn't really any reason that we both couldn't have fit in either bed. I just hadn't thought to bring it up to him about us sleeping in the same bed, and I worried that he'd think that I was wanting more from him than just friendship immediately after meeting him, so I didn't bring it up.

Now though I wanted to feel closer to him at least closer in that way of us physically being next to one another so that we could put our arms around one another.

Finally, I turned to Todor who looked like he was drifting off to sleep.

"Todor?" I said softly. "Are you asleep?"



I turned my head when I heard Nathan calling my name and asking if I was asleep.

"I was drifting off," I said. "Are you okay?"

"I'm okay," he said. "I was just wondering though if I could get in bed with you. I'm not scared or anything like that, and I know I've never done anything like that before, but I just'''."

I pushed back the covers, and got out of my bed and walked over to his. I held out my hand, and he sat up.

"Come with me," I said softly.

He looked at me for a moment to make sure I was serious, then he got out of bed and took my hand.

We walked over to my bed, and I got in after he did. I put the covers over both of us, and for a few minutes we lay on our backs not saying anything, then he turned on his side to face me. I did the same, and we looked deeply in to one another's eyes. I then reached out my hand and gently stroked his cheek, then rested it on his arm.

"You have the most beautiful blue eyes," I said and was rather surprised that I had actually said that out loud. "I don't know if anyone has ever told you that or not."

"No, no one ever has," he replied scooting closer to me.

I scooted closer closing the distance, and I gently took him in my arms.

"There's a lot about you that's beautiful," I said. "Your personality is another thing about you that's beautiful. I've noticed how deeply you care for others, and how deeply you've come to care for me as well as for my father. I really enjoy having you here with us."

"You have a really wonderful personality as well Todor," Nathan replied. "You too really care deeply for others, and it means a lot that you care for me as deeply as you do. You also have really beautiful brown eyes. I could look in to them all day."

"Thanks," I answered.

"You're welcome," he replied.

"So are you comfortable now?" I asked.

"Yeah, really comfortable," he answered. "Are you?"

"Definitely," I replied.

We said goodnight, and Nathan laid his head on my chest and I held him close as we both drifted off to sleep for the night.



After Kyley and I made love a final time, we got cleaned up again, then after my parents got home, we sat talking for a bit, then after Elena got home, our parents went to bed after saying goodnight to all of us, and she and I sat on either side of Kyley with all three of us talking about how our respective evenings went. Soon though Kyley said that he was going to go lay down for the night so he could stretch out his legs. I hugged him, and we shared that hug for a rather long moment, then he released me. I watched as he headed off to our room, and then I turned to my sister.

She was watching me, and I waited for the question that I figured would be coming.

"I'm really glad to see how deeply you both care for one another," she said.

"I really care for Kyley a lot," I said.

"I can see that," she answered. "He really cares for you a lot as well."

"I'm really glad that he's in my life," I said. "He's an amazing friend."

"You guys look really good together," she said. "So are you guys, like well you know? Are you guys together as a couple yet?"

"We just agreed to be boyfriends tonight," I replied. "We've also been spending a lot of time together talking about our feelings for one another, and about how we've agreed to be faithful to only one another. I also told him about my issues with Nathan a while back, and he knows that I wouldn't ever leave him for Nathan if Nathan was to ever come back in to my life."

"I also know that you'd never do that," she said hugging me for a long moment.

She released me, and I sat there waiting for her to continue talking.

"Also, and you don't have to go in to detail, but I just want to know that you're safe."

"I'm fine with anything you want to say," I said.

"Thanks," she said. "I just wanted to say that I hope you guys are being careful if you have had, or do decide to have sex. I don't know where you guys are with that, but I hope you guys will go slow if or when you get to that point."

"We have done some things," I said. "Also, we're being careful, and I'm especially making sure to be careful with him when we're being sexual with each other.

Kyley had told me that I could be honest with my parents and sister about us being together like that, and when he told me about what Allen did to him, he told me that I could tell my parents and sister about it if I wanted to at any point, because he knew that I was open with them about most things.

"You said that you're especially being careful with him," she said. "Is it something to do with his legs?"

I waited for a moment, then told her about what Allen did to him the year before, and the blood drained from her face. She got a haunted look in her eyes, and was working at staying focused on what I was saying.

"Yeah, I know," I said putting my arm around her. "It was horrible what happened to him, and he didn't fucking deserve what Allen did to him."

"No he didn't," she said regaining some of her composure. "I'm okay Milen, I just wasn't expecting to learn that about Kyley."

"I understand," I said as I removed my arm from around her. "I know that you especially can be effected by issues like that, and I thought of that when he was telling me that part of his story."

"I figured that you would be," she said as we hugged for a moment.

We sat there for a moment, then she stood up.

"I'm glad that you told me all that you did tonight where you and Kyley are concerned," she said as we hugged. "You have my support, and you'll definitely have our parents' support when you talk to them at some point as well."

"I'm sure I will," I said as we walked in to the kitchen and in to the hall where our rooms were located.

After saying goodnight, I watched as Elena went to her room and closed the door. I went in to mine and Kyley's room, and he was fast asleep, and I eased myself in to bed so that I wouldn't wake him. He did shift in his sleep, and he turned to drape himself across me as he usually did. I took him in my arms and kissed him on the top of his head. After relaxing my body with my boyfriend in my arms, I drifted off to sleep after whispering goodnight to him. It had been a really wonderful evening!

Author's Notes

I figured that this would be a good place to stop. I hope everyone enjoyed the lighter tone of this chapter, as well as the deepening connection between Milen and Kyley as well as between Todor and Nathan. That being said, I hope you're all doing well, staying safe and I'll see you all in Chapter 12.

Next: Chapter 12

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