Home Is in Your Arms

By James Heady

Published on Aug 22, 2020


Home Is In Your Arms By James


This is a story which deals with sexual as well as romantic situations between teenaged males. Should you be offended by such material, or if it's illegal to read this type of material in your location, please find something else to read. I can be contacted at jamesheady1985@gmail.com for those who want to talk about anything related to the story. Finally, please remember to donate to Nifty, as it keeps these stories and related materials free to the public.

Home Is In Your Arms

Chapter 10


As I continued staying with Todor and his father, I felt myself growing closer to Todor. He was really nice, and he was also extremely easy to talk to. I opened up to him more about what it was like living with my family, then a couple of weeks after that I started having more nightmares about Rick and what he did to me.

I was starting to think more and more of what he did as rape, but I still struggled with the guilt of having agreed to let him do what he did, and on a Friday evening in late July, I sat beside Todor in our room telling him about what happened between Rick and I. He watched me, and I saw a look I didn't usually see in his eyes. He looked angry, and I figured that if Rick was standing there at that moment, Todor would have had to be held back from killing him.

"And your parents took that Bastard's word over your own?" he said disgusted. "That's fucking sick!"

"I still feel like I could have done more to fight back, and not let him do what he did to me," I said.

"None of what he did was your fault at all," Todor said taking my chin gently and turning my head so that I was looking directly at him. "If anything, all the people around you who were supposed to take care of you and who failed to do so are the ones who are really at fault. You never should have been left with a piece of shit like that in the first place, and then your parents make it worse by sending you to that garbage place as if you did something wrong which you didn't."

I looked in to his eyes and couldn't look away. I saw hurt, pain and also a deep love and also what I was coming to understand as a need to protect me within them. I was also realizing that I could look in to his eyes for a long time, and not get tired of it.

I leaned in and he wrapped his arms around me just holding me. I wasn't upset to the point of crying, but I definitely needed the close contact.

"Thank you Todor," I said as I rested my head on his shoulder. "I don't think I could have gotten through this without you."

"You're welcome," he said. "I'm here for you, and I'm glad you felt comfortable enough to come to me about this."

We sat there for a long while, then eventually separated so Todor could get a shower as it was almost time for us to get to bed for the night. I went over and lay down on my bed since I had already showered for the evening.



Once in bed, I looked over to where Nathan was covered up in his own bed. I figured he was asleep, and I definitely needed some relief. I usually jacked off in bed, and now had to do it quietly since Nathan was an occupant in my room by this time. I didn't mind, as I usually wasn't completely alone in the house anyway when jacking off, and the times I'd be alone in the house when doing it were rare, but I definitely enjoyed them when I got those opportunities.

I was more horny that night than usual, and I knew that it had to do with Nathan. I was growing more and more attracted to him as I continued getting to know him, and I was trying to think about how I could get closer with him without frightening him. I knew thanks to what he had told me that evening at this point that I would definitely have to be careful with him, but I didn't want him to feel like I was treating him like a glass figurine that could break at the slightest touch either.

Clearing my mind though, I quietly lifted my butt up so I could remove my boxers, and I was already without a shirt so that wouldn't be an issue. Once lying flat on my back again, I pictured Nathan in my mind. I pictured his slightly chubby body, his blond hair and what I discovered were eyes the color of a cloudless blue sky, and he also had full red lips that looked like they were in deep need for a long soulful kiss.

I saw Nathan naked a couple of times when he would get ready for a shower. He felt comfortable to walk to the restroom naked, and I would look away, but still couldn't help glancing at him out of the corner of my eye. His cock was about six inches long, and he was uncut, as well as having a rather thick patch of hair above his shaft, and a generous dusting of hair on his balls. He didn't have much hair on his chest, stomach or arms and his smoothness really turned me on!

As I felt my precum flowing faster now, I began gently and as quietly as I could taking my cock in my left hand and I began stroking it slowly at first. I pictured Nathan and I wrapped in one another's arms and completely naked. We were kissing hungrily, and our cocks rubbed together frantically as we made love to one another.



For the past few nights I would lay in bed trying to look asleep. A couple of weeks before that night, I awoke when I heard something. I was afraid that it was a rodent or something that had gotten in to the house and was rustling around in the clothes hamper in our room, but then I listened and the sound was more rhythmic, and I further listened, and I noticed that it was coming from my right where Todor's bed was.


I looked over, but didn't see anything at first, but then I saw a mid-tempo movement under the blankets and sheet, then I looked closer in the moon-light that softly lit the room. I saw that Todor had his eyes tightly shut, but his face was in that expression of bliss that us guys get when thinking of something sexual, and I realized what it was that I had been hearing. It was him jacking off. He must have started when I was asleep, and somehow it had woken me up.

Relieved to know what the sound was, I lay back and tried to look like I was asleep while he continued in the event he opened his eyes and looked to see me, I didn't want him seeing that I was awake and watching him.

I listened to his movements, and I could even hear the wet sounds of his cock as he stroked it, and my own cock was hard as stone now at the almost sure understanding that he must have been naked while doing it.

I could hear him whispering, and while most people couldn't have heard him, I was able to make out most of what he was whispering.

"Yeah, do it!" he whispered. "Suck it! Suck my balls too! Yeah, you're doing it good! Yeah, swallow my cock; oh fuck that's good!"

I was amazed that I could still hear him since at that point the blood was pounding in my ears, and I was pumping my own cock, but I still had my boxers on. I was doing it softly enough so that no one could have seen any movement, and I was trying to keep any wet sounds from sounding, and it was difficult as hell! I was so turned on by Todor and what he was doing, as well as the dirty things he was saying!

I already knew he was gay when he came out to me a couple of weeks after I started living with him, and I was glad that I wasn't the only one at that point living as a boy who was gay. So I figured that he was thinking about a boy as he stroked himself while lying in bed that night.

I heard a small grunt from him after a moment, and I somehow knew that he was coming, but I didn't hear the wet sounds get wetter like they do when one is coming, so I figured that he was jacking off in to a hand-full of tissues or in to a pair of boxers. I was coming now, and I was trying to keep any vocal sounds quiet, and I was careful to keep any wet sounds from my own stroking quiet as well.

It would go on like that for most nights unless we were both really tired, or sometimes he would be asleep while I'd jack off quietly, and I wondered how long it would go on like that though.


That Friday night it happened like usual, and I took a chance this time when I decided to look over at him. I tried to do it out of the corner of my eye, and I was having a hard time since my eyes were shut enough so that one would think I was asleep. I could see a little, and I risked turning my head slightly. I hoped that if Todor saw it that he would just assume that I was shifting slightly in my sleep.

I opened my eyes a little once my head was turned in his direction, and I saw that his eyes were open as he was looking directly up where the ceiling was though I'm sure he wasn't looking at it, but at whatever was going on in his head as he stroked his cock.

I began stroking my cock, and I didn't think to close my eyes, as I was looking directly up at the ceiling, but in my mind's eye I was imagining Todor kissing me deeply again and again as we rubbed our cocks together, then switching so that we could do a hot 69 with one another.

I had grown quickly attracted to Todor's black hair, golden-brown skin that was smooth to the touch aside from a light dusting of hair on his arms, as well as the one time I saw him naked as he forgot to bring a towel out to wrap himself in before going in to the shower. I tried to make it seem like I hadn't noticed, and that night I thought about his thick pubic hair that was above his cock, as well as how his balls were covered in a thick layer of hair. His penis was long, probably about six or seven inches, and it's thickness was impressive, though I couldn't really estimate the size around of it. It was also uncut, and I loved how it hung down over his balls when it was soft.

Sometimes I'd see him hard, but I only saw it pushing hard at his boxers mainly when he would get up to use the restroom in the morning. There were a couple of times where I saw the head of it push out of his fly, and I could have watched that all day long! I again tried to pretend like I didn't notice by looking around at other things in the room.

My thoughts returned to what was happening at that moment, and I looked over to see Todor still with his lovely dark-brown eyes focused somewhere in his own mind. He had a blissful smile on his lovely face, and I continued looking over at him as I continued stroking my cock while the other side of my mind was picturing me down on my knees with Todor holding my head as he began moving in and out of my mouth.

In my fantasy I pictured myself telling him he could do anything with me, and that was truly how I felt. I knew that I was safe with Todor, and I wanted him to do lots of things with me, and I really wanted to know what it would feel like for him to start fucking my mouth after I'd spend a long time sliding my mouth up and down on his hard shaft.

I kept watching Todor, then his head began turning, and his eyes were turning in my direction.

"Shit!" I whispered, but softly enough so that I was sure he hadn't heard me.



I knew Nathan was watching me, and over the past several nights somehow I knew he was hearing me jack off, but I wasn't too sure until that night. My intuition that night was strong in the understanding that he was watching me, and was probably also jacking off as well.

I was deeply attracted to Nathan as I mentioned before, and most of those nights I was thinking about us doing a 69, as well as enjoying lots of heavy making out as well as me thrusting my cock in and out of his mouth after he'd spend lots of time sucking me while on his knees as I would stand over him.

His eyes would be looking up at me begging me not to stop, and another look that passed over his eyes said that he wanted to be mine for always!

As I lay there and turned my head, I saw Nathan as his head was turning away. I could feel his eyes on me most of that few minutes I was stroking myself, and I figured that he had turned his head slowly. It was hot with him watching me, and it was even more hotter when over the past few nights he was stroking along with me. I didn't let on that I knew that he was, and I also let him believe that I assumed that he was still asleep when I would be jacking off for most of those nights as well.

I was close to coming at that point, and I tried to hold back the smile that was wanting to form on my lips when I heard Nathan say "Shit!" at that moment. He was afraid that I had caught him, and probably thought he had been quiet enough so that I hadn't heard anything.

I came after another moment, and I heard a couple of gasps from Nathan that he must have thought I hadn't heard, and I heard the softest of moans from him, and I felt my cock blast out another gusher of my seed in to the boxers I had come in. I kept them under my pillow for that very purpose before slipping on the ones I had been wearing earlier that night.



I came hard, and I was trying to keep quiet. I was hoping like hell that Todor wasn't hearing any of the slight wet sounds my cock was making as I stroked it. I had completely forgotten about using something to jack off in to especially once my seed would start blasting out, but it was too late now. I didn't hear Todor move, and I didn't feel his eyes on me so I assumed that I was safe.

After I cleaned the come off my hand, stomach, chest and cock, I began drifting off to sleep. It was an amazing orgasm for me, and I could imagine for Todor as well!



After I cleaned up, I hid my boxers that I came in, and turned on my stomach, and was asleep in minutes. I wondered how much longer Nathan and I would keep this up.



During the rest of that July, Kyley and I would spend weekends at one another's houses, and one of the last weekends of that month was when things got even more hot between us!

He was staying at my house that weekend, and that Friday evening, we would have the house to ourselves for a few hours. My sister would be out with friends for that night, and would be spending the night with them, and our mom and dad would be out from probably 5:00 P.M. until 11:00 P.M.. Elena would be gone around 4:00 P.M., so we just had to wait another hour!

Kyley and I had spent the past several weekends since that one where we started getting sexual with one another with us jacking one another off a few times for those weekends going forward, and we would also thrust against one another until we would come which was really hot. Finally on the weekend before, we talked about what it might be like to give and receive some blow jobs. Kyley had brought it up, and asked what I'd think about it. I replied that I'd enjoy it, and we jacked off later that evening while thinking more about what it would feel like!

My thoughts were interrupted when I heard my mom and dad walking towards what I was now thinking of as mine and Kyley's room.

"We'll be going now," my dad said. "Please try to have the house in order when we get back."

We all laughed, and we hugged my mom and dad.

"Like I said a little while ago," my mom added. "There's money on the table for if you guys want to order something for dinner."

"Thanks," I said.

"That sounds good," Kyley added. "Thank you."

"You're welcome, they both said, then they left.

Once in our room, I turned to Kyley once we were both seated on the edge of our bed.

"Are you hungry right now?" I asked.

It was a little before 5:00 P.M., and my parents had left just right when they said they would. I watched as Kyley moved closer to me.

"Food can wait," he said then reached out.

He slowly removed his shirt, and it was really turning me on how he was doing it. He only had his shorts, boxers and socks to remove, and it was the same with me though if you added my shirt, as I hadn't had it off yet. Kyley then stood up and slowly slid his shorts down, then with my help, he removed his socks, then I held on to his shoulders as he slid his boxers down and off.

I was enjoying the seductive way in which he was getting naked for me, and after he resumed his seat on the edge of the bed, I did the same for him.

"Do you like what you see?" I asked as I stepped closer to him.

He nodded his head and smiled widely.

Once I pulled down the covers, we both lay on the bed beside one another, and I turned on my side to face Kyley. I went to speak, but he gently pushed me back so that I was lying flat, then he climbed on top of me. We thrust our cocks together as we began heavily making out, then he began kissing and nibbling his way down to my cock, and he took it in his hand. He licked the tip of it, and that made me shiver.

"Oh yeah!" I said. "That felt really good!"

He began gliding his tongue up and down all sides of it, then he let his tongue slide down to my balls, and he began bathing them, and this drove me totally wild!

"Oh fuck that's good!" I yelled.

Once he closed his mouth around one of my balls, hen sucked on it, I saw bright and vibrant colors flashing across my field of vision!

"Oh damn!" I yelled as he sucked on my other ball before nibbling the area behind my ball sack. "That's so hot!"

Finally he began slowly taking my cock in his mouth for real this time, and I was in Heaven, but I made sure to provide him instruction.

"Keep your hand there so you can keep track of how much you're taking in," I said. "Also remember about watching your teeth; make sure to keep them out of the way."

He nodded, then he continued.

He was doing a good job of getting almost all of my cock in his mouth, and he got to where he had almost all of it in, but he eased up a bit once he got to where the head of my cock grazed the back of his throat.

"You're doing really good with that my sweet boy!" I said as he began moving up and down on my shaft. "Oh yeah Kyley! That's so fucking amazing!"



When I moved down to his cock, I tasted it and I loved it's taste, and I enjoyed how Milen was getting off on what I was doing to him! I especially enjoyed when I got to his balls and I tasted them for the first time as well! I then bathed them with my tongue, and I felt my cock twitching rapidly as Milen yelled how good it felt.

After sucking on his balls for a while, I took his cock in my mouth, and after instruction from my lover, I began going up and down on him, enjoying the slightly salty and manly taste of his cock, as well as of the precum which was flowing heavily in to my mouth! I stopped for a moment though so I could smell his balls, as I only got a little of their smell when I had been licking and sucking on them before.

I pressed my nose to them and inhaled deeply enjoying his strong, manly cent! I then moved my nose and mouth to the area where his balls and upper thigh met, and breathed in deeply. His cent was much stronger now, and I breathed in deeply several more times, and my cock was so sensitive at that point that I figured that I could have come even at the slightest touch of either mine or Milen's hand on it! I went back to sucking on Milen's cock and I was at this point fighting my gag reflex so I could start deep-throating him. It was working, and I was massaging the head of his cock with the back of my throat!

He was going wild, and was thrashing around on the bed.



Kyley was really turning out to love a guy's manly smells, and I loved how much he was getting off on it as well as getting off on my taste! He was now deep-throating me, and was doing an amazing job at it! I was thrashing around on the bed, and was thrusting my hips back and forth a little, and Kyley seemed to be doing well with this.

"Oh Kyley!" I yelled. "You're doing so well with this! This is fucking good! This is so fucking hot! Try to go a little faster if you can now!"

He did, and he was pushing more of my cock in to the back of his throat, and was loudly slurping on it, and also using his tongue on all sides of it, but especially on the underside of it!

"Fuck!" I yelled. "That feels so fucking great!"



I was getting more of his cock down my throat, and I was enjoying how good it felt and tasted in my mouth! I was loudly slurping on it, and rubbing the underside of it with my tongue, and this drove Milen even more wild! I eventually became so over-taken by lust for what we were doing that I looked up at him with a look that I hoped would communicate what I wanted him to do.



Kyley's look was begging, and I figured I knew what he wanted, but I wanted to be sure.

"You want me to take control of your mouth now?" I asked hoping I was right, and also still not believing that he was this hot for me!

He nodded his head, and I took my hands which had been running through his hair before then, and I held them on the back of his head as I began thrusting in and out of his mouth. He was taking it well, and was moaning in absolute pleasure as I fucked his mouth with abandon, but also being careful to not do it too hard!

I felt my orgasm building, and my balls began tingling deeply!

"Kyley I'm about to come!" I said trying to talk and breathe at the same time. "Do you want me to take my cock out of your mouth when I do?"

He looked up at me with his eyes as if to say: "No fucking way!". I laughed a little, and went back to fucking his mouth!

I felt my cock grow harder, and I knew I was close!



I wasn't going to miss out on my first time of a hot boy, and him being my hot boy coming in my mouth! I wanted to taste Milen's cream as it flooded my mouth, and I wanted to feel it's creamy thickness as I swallowed all of it. I wanted to see the blissful look on his face as he could feel me swallowing every blast of his seed!

I lightly tickled his balls with my hands after a moment to see what that would do, and it pushed him closer, then I took my hands and took one of his nipples in each and lightly pinched them and released, and this sent him over the edge, along with me holding my tongue against the underside of his cock that rubbed against it as he thrust in and out!



I was brought closer to the edge as Kyley lightly tickled my balls, then was lightly squeezing my nipples and then easing up on them! It felt great, and I knew I was close to blasting my load in to his hot mouth, and down his throat!

"Harder Kyley!" I yelled. "Squeeze my nipples a little harder now!"

He did so, and I felt my orgasm hitting me!

"Fuck!" I screamed as I began coming in his mouth, and coming hard!



I was completely under Milen's control now! Nothing else mattered in the world at all in that moment! I was his completely, and I would have done anything for him in that moment! I squeezed his nipples harder like he wanted me to do, and his cock thickened up, and I felt the first blast flood my mouth!

It was creamy, thick and salty as I knew it would be from when I had tasted it the first time we jacked off together! I swallowed it, then the second blast, then the third and then I lost count, and the last couple of blasts flooded my mouth, and I couldn't take all of them and some of it leaked out on to his balls, and I quickly licked that up!

I went back to milking his cock, and as it softened in my mouth, I got every last amazing drop of his lovely cream, then he was lightly pushing at my head.

"That's good Kyley!" he said laughing, but overwhelmed. "It's too much now!"

I released his cock, then came up to kiss him deeply. We kissed for several minutes, then he eased me on to my back.

"My turn now my sweet lover," he said kissing me and shoving his tongue in my mouth so our tongues could rub against one another!



Coming in Kyley's mouth was amazing, and it felt better than anything I could have ever imagined! It felt even more amazing when I could feel him swallowing my load, and when he licked up what leaked out at the end! I even loved the part of how I had to have him stop when it was getting too sensitive, and we smiled at that when talking about it later.

Now I had Kyley on his back, and I repeated what he had done to me, and I licked up and down all over his cock, and sucked on his smooth balls, and I also inhaled his cent which was part boy, but definitely a good portion of man easing in to his smell, and it really turned me on! I inhaled for another moment, then went back to sucking his cock.

After a while I let him fuck my mouth, and I was deep-throating him as well, and he loved shoving his cock in and out of my mouth. This time though I moved on my side and he did likewise so he could really thrust in and out of my mouth!

He had hold of my head, and he was really using and owning my mouth now! My eyes met his, and he had a look of bliss as well as of happiness that he was there with me under his control! I loved being obedient to him like that, and I was enjoying what he was doing to me at that moment!



As I continued fucking Milen's mouth, I felt powerful, and I also felt amazing as I had him where he was! I was glad he felt comfortable with me having the control over him that I did at that moment, and I was enjoying the feel of my cock sliding in and out of his mouth as I used it and fucked it; I was also enjoying the fact of knowing that I was giving Milen what he wanted which was him being able to take my cock in his mouth, and knowing that our connection was getting stronger and closer!

I was getting closer, and Milen did the same thing to my balls and to my nipples that I did to him, and my orgasm was on me now!

I felt my balls tighten, and my cock grow harder as it began firing several blasts of thick, hot and creamy cum in to Milen's hot wet mouth!



I swallowed quickly trying to keep up with Kyley's blasts of cream, and a little leaked out at the end, but I quickly cleaned it up as he had done with me before!

Eventually he was pushing at my head as I had done, and I eased up on his cock, and we lay in one another's arms after that.

I held my lover in my arms and we looked in to one another's eyes as I pressed my lips to his in a gentle kiss.

"You were amazing with what you did with me," I said.

He smiled, and nodded his head, and pointed to me as if to agree.

"You agree?" I asked smiling.

He nodded, then we kissed again.

We continued to lay there looking in to one another's eyes, then I spoke.

"I don't want to do any of what we've been doing with anyone but you Kyley," I said resting my forehead against his. "What we shared tonight is special, and I really loved what we did, and the other times we've shared with one another so far."

"I agree," he said as he had motioned for his machine a moment ago, and I gave it to him. "You were really loving and gentle the past few times we would make out and jack one another off, as well as when we would come on one another. I loved that, and I want to share stuff like that only with you as well Milen!"

"I'm glad we're both of the same minds on that as well!" I replied as we kissed again.

We kissed a few more times, then I covered us both up and we relaxed in one another's arms, and Kyley was asleep within seconds.

I continued lying there thinking over what we had just done. I loved it, and I was thinking about the love that was growing deeper between us. I hoped that we could become more than just friends, and maybe even become boyfriends here soon. I figured that it would all work out for the best.

Author's Notes

I hope you all enjoy this chapter as well, and that you like what is happening between Milen and Kyley as well as with what's forming between Nathan and Todor. I'll continue on with these events in the next chapter as well, so you guys will have that to look forward to as well.

I hope everyone is doing well, staying safe and I'll see you all in Chapter 11.

Next: Chapter 11

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