Home Is in Your Arms

By James Heady

Published on Feb 28, 2020


Home is In Your Arms By James


This is a story which deals with sexual/romantic situations between teenaged males. Should you be offended by such material, or should you not be of the legal age to read this type of story, then please find something else to read. This story is fictional, and any references to places or people living or dead is strictly coincidental. I can be reached at jamesheady1985@gmail.com for anyone who wants to contact me about things regarding the story. Finally, please remember to donate to Nifty, as your donations are what keep these stories and related material free to the public.

Home is In Your Arms


Kyley Hillenberg

I watched as he ran around the gym floor after the ball, then grabbed it. He tried again, but still didn't make a basket. It bounced off the rim of the hoop and he mouthed the word "Mother Fucker", then ran for it again. I had my earbuds in as I watched him, so he might have said the word out loud, but I couldn't be sure at that moment until he told me later on.

As he came back for another try, I watched as he threw it again, and missed once more. He mouthed what I figured was another expletive, and I was trying not to laugh and be noticed, but I must have let out some laughter, as he turned to me for a moment, but then turned when another boy came in and caught the ball when it rolled towards him. They both were now trying to make a basket and the second boy who had just came in was successful which clearly annoyed the first boy. I continued watching, and hoped that I'd be within their presence rather than on the outside looking in as I currently was.

After a few more attempts, the two boys ended things with the more experienced boy as the winner. The first boy, the one who I had been watching that day was clearly congratulating him while trying to hide some disappointment. I didn't hear what they were saying, as I still had my music on and for that few minutes of watching the boy, then the new comer, I had been sitting on the bleachers, as I had been taking a break from some weight exercises I had been doing in the weight room that was off the gym that morning. I have a neurological condition called Cerebral Palsy which is a defect in my brain in which my brain and the nerves and muscles in mainly my legs don't communicate correctly. As a result, my muscles are tight enough so that while I can walk, there's not much flexibility, and what flexibility there is, is due to different medications and some massages that the workers would do with me at the home I lived at during that time. I'd have a lot of muscle spasms as well which would cause me a lot of pain, and the condition also left me unable to speak since birth save for different vocal sounds I could make and I eventually got good enough with using certain vocal sounds to communicate certain things like different emotions though once I got to the place I was currently staying, they set me up with a device that would electronically speak, so this made things more manageable.

I had been in foster care when my birth family left me at the hospital when it was time to take me home. From the little I knew at that time, they hadn't wanted kids and so they gave me up and once they left the hospital, I was placed in to foster care and was in my first home until I was six, then in the second home when I was six-going-on-seven years old, then I stayed there until I was 12, which was during July of last year when I was taken out of that home, and placed here at the place I'm at now with this guy Michael and his husband Josh who run the place. More on that later though. The bottom line is that neither foster home was good, they didn't make much of an effort to understand or have empathy for myself or my situation, and they were even worse though with the second home, and I just hoped at certain points that I could get out of there and either be an independent adult someday, or that I'd eventually find a family who would love and accept me.

After the boys left, I went back to the weight room and continued my workout and hoped that I'd see that boy again! He looked like he was nice, but most of them seemed normal, until I'd get to know them then it would be Excuse Central as to why they wouldn't be able to hang out or spend time with me. I could still hope anyway though.

Chapter 1

"There, it looks good like that," she said as he rearranged the picture on the wall in the living room of the house she and her family lived in.

"You're sure this time?" Alex said smirking at her. "Cause I can rearrange it maybe 666 more times than what I already have."

"You're sarcasm is lovely in its immaturity," she shot back.

Daniela Stoyanovsky was her name, and she had known Alex since they had been living in the house and he had moved in a few doors down from them a couple of years after her son had been born. As a result, he became a friend of the family, and a mentor for her and her husband Gavrial's son as well as for the boy's sister Elena, though Alex and the boy were closer as the years went by.

On this particular day, Alex was helping her hang a couple of nature pictures she had found a couple of days ago that she thought would look good in the living room. She was just trying to find the right place to put them, but it seemed like that was coming together now. They both looked across the room at the one that he had already placed, then to the one on the wall to the right where he had just hung it once again.

"I like it there," Daniela said.

"Son of a Bitch," Alex said smiling as if the most amazing discovery had just been unearthed. "We interrupt this rather boring weak as toilet water soap opera to bring you this special news update! Daniela Stoyanovsky of the tastefully decorated family room loves where the second nature picture is hanging, as well as that this was only the 10000000000TH time of hanging it!"

Hey I can't help it if I'm particular," she said laughing.

"So I've noticed," Alex replied. "It's almost time for me to get going now though, since I have to go in for a little while to the office. Do you need anything else?"

"No, I'm fine," she replied. "Elena is still on the road, but will be home in about another hour. I'm glad she'll be home for a couple of months, and that she can take a break from college for a bit."

"Yeah, so am I," Alex agreed. "Oh, where's Milen? I can't leave without saying hi to my only teenaged friend."

"Probably seeing how badly he can damage his vocal cords," she said smiling. "I'm not sure if I should be grateful or horrified at how you turned him on to that Death Metal stuff."

"He also likes Black Metal, don't forget that," Alex responded. "You really should check it out sometime."

"I have when I would walk in his room to give him new clothes some of the time," she said. "I don't think I'm missing much."

"Hmm, next project!" Alex went on in that same over-hyped announcer voice. "How to get Daniela Stoyanovsky to enjoy the master pieces of the hugely talented musicians that make up the lovely groups of Darkthrone, Burzum and Mayhem!"

She laughed, then they hugged.

"I'll go and see Milen for a moment," Alex said as he walked towards the doorway of the living room.


Milen Stoyanovsky

"Darkness is growing The eternity opens The cemetery lights up again As in ancient times Fallen souls die behind my steps By following the freezing moon!" I gave the harsh vocals everything I had as I roared them out while playing the accompanying bass lines on my bass guitar thus bringing the song to a close, then I set the guitar on its stand and took a drink of water to cool my throat.

"What the hell are you doing in here!" Alex said from the doorway rather shocked, but seeming to be amazed at the same time. "I love it, but still, what were you doing?"

You didn't recognize what I was practicing?" I asked

"I'm guessing it was something by Mayhem, but you were really going at it with the vocals!"

"It was Freezing Moon, and yeah it was Mayhem," I went on. "I figured that I could give a little more force on the vocals, as I always felt like Attila could have done more than what he did in the original version."

"Wouldn't have had to use him on vocals if Dead hadn't lived up to his stage name."

Oh shit!" I yelled laughing. "That's fucked up bro!"

"Milen!" my mom called out from the kitchen which was just down the hall. "Watch your mouth!"

"Tell her you'll need to use her mirror she uses to put on her make-up for that then," Alex said softly, but she still heard him anyway.

"No encouraging his bad behavior Alex," she added.

"No mam," he called back. "I wouldn't ever do anything like that."

"Got the memo," I called back to her trying not to laugh.

Alex sat down on the edge of my bed beside me and we hugged for a moment. It was always nice to see him and he was truly a good friend. He was cool to hang with and I wanted to ask him more about hanging out that up-coming weekend.

"Good to see you again," I said.

"Good to see you as well," he replied. "We're still on for this Saturday?"

"Yeah," I replied.

We were going to be having lunch that up-coming Saturday which was the first weekend that marked the beginning of Summer Vacation for me. I was looking forward to it and the lunch was mainly to celebrate and to get caught up on how things were going for the both of us.

"Good," he replied. "How's everything else going?"

"It's going well," I said.

"Any new love interests in the near future?" he asked smiling, but I knew he really was interested and hoped that I'd find someone.

"Not yet," I replied. "I know it's been since last year that Nathan and I stopped talking, and I'm still a little apprehensive about dating again."

Nathan and I shared a few classes together that year until he moved away, and to a new school. We had met in September of that previous year and after coming out to one another later that month, we went on a couple of dates. It was mainly just dinner and a couple of walks. I had been 13 at that time and he was about to turn 14, so it wasn't anything too intense, but my feelings for him were.

His sister had seen us on one of our walks, and though he was out to her and his parents, finding out that she had seen us when she was on a date of her own and passing through at the restaurant for whatever reason freaked him out, and though we talked a couple more times over that weekend, he started hanging out with a few girls that following week at school, and was slowly making himself unavailable, then a couple of weeks later when he did return one of my calls, he said that he thought he might like girls and then in October, he and his family moved away. The surface reason was that his dad had gotten a job in a different state, but I believed that the actual reason was that he wasn't as ready to be out much less face and accept being gay as he thought he might have been. Still though, his disconnecting from me, even as a friend much less as a boyfriend hurt. I thought about it some, and by the beginning of this year thought I was over him.

I was starting to worry that I wasn't. I figured that the reason was that the event for which I had been practicing the song a few minutes before had something to do with some of the sadness that was welling up again. Around the time Nathan broke up with me, we both had been working on doing a song for a talent show at our school, and the performance was to be in October, and it was held a couple of days after Nathan left. Even days before it, I decided not to do anything for it. I was afraid I'd start breaking down and crying on stage and I definitely didn't want that!

The new event for which I was practicing when Alex walked in my room that afternoon was going to be in the middle of June and was going to be at a café and would be put on by these two guys Michael and Josh who ran a home for under-privileged youths, especially those who were GLBT. I read about it in a paper that held different sections of news featuring their home. I figured I'd try out for it, and a couple of weeks before when I went up to use their gym for working out for the first time, I asked Michael about it. He said I could try out for it and the try-outs would be the first week of June.

"So what was with the performance I walked in on?" Alex asked bringing me back to the present. "It really did sound like the seventh level of Hell in here."

I told him about the talent show, and he noticed that I was still reserved.

"I didn't know that was actually going on!" he said happily. "Why didn't you tell me back when you read about it?"

"I'm still not sure about it," I said. "I mean, I'm definitely putting myself out there and this show won't be just within the walls of a school. Anyone would see me. What if I mess up?"

He put an arm around me and held me for a moment as he spoke.

"I don't see you messing up," he said. "I know you'll do well. I really hope you go through with it."

"Thanks," I said feeling a little better.

We hugged again, then I walked him to the front door. He said goodbye to my mom, then to me. I watched his car back up, then turn out of our driveway, then he was gone. I then closed and locked the door, then helped my mom with getting dinner started.

After my mom loaded the food in the oven, I got the salad mixed, then set out on the table. We had been talking about how her day went and how nice the nature photos looked on the walls of the living room up to that point, then she asked me how my conversation went with Alex.

"It went good," I said.

I decided to tell her about the talent show and of course she encouraged me to definitely do it. I then told her what I selected for it.

"That sounds so lovely," she said smiling.

"I have a couple of other ideas as well, so I haven't set that one in stone yet," I replied.

"Are they Black Metal?" she asked.

"No, more like Nightwish and Therion," I answered.

"Those sound good, for real this time," she responded.

We laughed, then as I set the table, my sister and our dad arrived home at the same time. I went up to both of them hugging them and holding on a little longer to Elena. I missed her, and it really was good to have her home once again!

"You look like you've gotten a little taller, but not by much," she said smiling as we hugged again.

"I'm glad you're talking about how much taller I am," I shot back. "There is my deeply tender ego to think of."

"Sure," she added. "I always stay up until 5:00 A.M. thinking of how to protect my little brother's ego. The thoughts even creep in to my head when I'm in class."

We laughed, then she went off to unpack.

"How was work," I asked my dad as I followed him in to his study. He worked as a doctor at Sangger University Hospital, and though my mom had a half-day that particular day, she worked as a nurse there as well, but they didn't always get much of a chance to meet up during the day.

"It was good, but I'm glad it's done," he replied sitting down in his favorite chair and with his end-of-the-day glass of wine.

I hugged him again and sat down beside him on the couch that was almost up against the side of the chair.

"I'm glad it went well," I responded. "Oh, and Alex was here today. He and I are still on for Saturday for lunch. Do you want us to bring you guys anything back, or you could even come along with us? We're eating at that one café close to my school that we all really enjoy."

He smiled and put an arm around me.

"That's really nice," he said. "I might ask you to bring back a sandwich that your mom and I can split since they're so big."

"Sounds good," I said.

Saturday was sunny and as I opened the door with Alex walking beside me, we went in to the café and sat down. I was especially glad that we were getting together for lunch, as there was something deeper I wanted to talk with him about.

The day before, I went back up to the gym Michael and Josh ran and I saw the boy from Thursday. I saw him when I was shooting baskets, or at least trying to do that anyway. He sat there as the day before having taken a break from whatever he was doing in the other room. He was glancing at me from time to time, and laughing when I'd miss and let loose with various expletives. He was trying to do it softly, but I still heard him. He had in his earbuds and most likely couldn't hear the volume of his voice. I would look over at him and he'd look away. Something told me to not rush over there quickly, and to just take my time. I didn't know what it was, but I was feeling a sense that he'd eventually get up the nerve to say something to me. I definitely knew though that I liked how he looked.

The boy had what looked like thick-black hair, deep-blue eyes, and what appeared to be creamy-white smooth skin. He probably hadn't started shaving yet, and if he did then he was doing a good job of keeping any and all facial hair away. He also looked a little chubby, as if all the baby fat hadn't yet left his body, and it made him look even cuter! I hoped I could eventually get to know him.

He ended his break as I was starting to get up the nerve to go up and talk to him and as he got up and started walking away, I noticed the all-to apparent limp with which he walked. He was nearing the door when Michael came from another doorway asking me if I wanted water or anything. By this time, the boy was gone when I turned back to the first doorway.

I told Michael I was fine, and continued on with what I was doing. It would be time to go soon and I wanted to at least get in one basket. I didn't, and decided that the next time I came here that I would be doing the weight room, as I did that a lot in the school's gym and was doing really well with it.

My thoughts stopped as I heard loud talking as the doors opened and other people came in to the restaurant. Alex and I were waiting in line and I was trying to get my thoughts in order for when we sat down. Finally, the line ended and we were next.

Once at the table and after a few minutes of eating and talking about other things, I got around to what I wanted to talk about.

"So you guys haven't introduced yourselves yet?" Alex asked making sure he had everything correct.

"Not yet," I went on. "Part of it is that I feel attracted to him and worry about if he doesn't feel the same and even if he does, will he end up liking someone else rather than me. I don't know, I'm still a little messed up from what happened with Nathan and I."

"You guys might at least be really good friends," Alex said as we gathered up our trash, then left the restaurant. "There's that to consider too."

We were sitting on a bench at the park at this point, and his arm was around me.

"It's all really about Nathan, not so much about whoever this boy is," I said close to crying. "When Nathan left, and especially when he cut off communication with me, it really hurt. It hurt a lot."

"I'm sure it did," he said holding me as I started crying.

"I thought we could at least be friends," I went on. "But he didn't even want that."

"Yeah, it's really hard to take when you lose even the hope that friendship brings for you and someone who was supposed to be more than a friend. You've been getting through this without any problems it seems, and I would just say to take things one moment at a time. It'll get a little easier as you continue processing everything and it's good that you're communicating this whether it be to your family or I."

"You guys have all been really great," I said drying my eyes. "You especially, since you're like me."

"Yeah, I'm sure that is comforting," he said as we got up and hugged for a moment.

We walked a little more and soon it was time for us to go back to our respective houses. It had been a really good day and I felt a lot better after talking with Alex!

Monday of that up-coming week was hot, and I was glad for the air conditioning in the gym, though it wasn't helping though given the exertion I was going through. I was about 10 minutes in to using the stationary bike in the main room of the gym. I was going to do that, then go to the weight room. All while pumping my legs, I looked around from time to time for the boy who was there Thursday and Friday, but didn't see him. I hoped I would at some point that day.

After I got off the bike and ran the towel over my face, I stood there drinking water for a moment, and when I turned my head thinking I saw movement out of the corner of my eye, there wasn't anything to see. I took another drink of water, then walked towards the weight room.

There was someone in there and there was something playing on the sound system they had set up. It was some sort of Metal, and when I listened closer, I noticed it as being the album Mustan Sydamen Rovio by the singer Marco Hietala. It was a solo album he released earlier this past month and my parents bought it for me as a gift for having kept up my grades in school. I was glad to hear it playing, and clearly this boy loved it as well!

As I stood in the doorway of the room, I saw that the boy was there! He was using the leg press and it seemed like he was having some difficulty with it. Excitement flooded through me at seeing him and talking to him for the first time. I went in and walked to where he was. I saw him push on the foot plates and he looked like he was in a little pain.

"That might need to be adjusted," I said coming closer. "Did they show you how to do that?"

He shook his head yes, then grabbed a device that looked like a detached computer keyboard and began writing. Electronic speech was added to the music that was going in the background, but not loudly so it was easy for me to hear what the device said.

"I haven't had a chance to adjust it yet, and wanted to see if I could do it at a more intense resistance," it said. "I guess I can't."

As he moved to adjust the lever, he leaned forward and made a gasp of pain, then took his legs off the foot plates and sat there for a moment clearly waiting for something to pass.

"Are you alright," I asked stepping up next to him close enough to grab him if necessary.

He nodded, then held up a hand as if to say: "Hang on for a moment."

I waited, then whatever it was passed, then he turned to me facing me directly and began typing.

"I'm Kyley," the device said.

I really had to stop thinking of his way of communicating as "It" said. I thought about this in my head as I held out my hand and introduced myself. We shook quickly, and I didn't have time to take in how his hand felt since we were more focused on working out and getting to know one another a little at that moment.

"Nice to meet you," "He" said.

"Nice to meet you as well," I replied.

He went on to let me know that he could hear and his intellect was fine, then he explained a little about his Cerebral Palsy.

"Thanks for telling me," I said.

"You're welcome," he replied.

"Would you like me to help with adjusting your machine?" I asked.

He motioned for me to adjust it and show him where I'd set it.

I had him get back in to the original position, and I leaned over him trying to keep from being right on top of him. I had used my towel on my arms and face before coming in to the weight room, but I was still soaked with sweat for the most part and I didn't know if my deodorant was still holding up or not. I didn't want to make him feel uncomfortable.

He seemed fine though and watched me as I leaned over him and showed him the adjustment.

After that was done, I walked over to the weight machine beside his on the right and it was one where you could stand and lift so I started out with that. I'd move on to the weight bench afterwards.

"I like the music," I said.

He smiled and typed for a moment.

"I love most music, especially Metal, and I also love Black Metal!" he responded. "Right now though, I'm especially enjoying this album!"

"So do I," I answered.

We worked in silence for a bit, then I switched off and went over to the weight bench.

"How would you feel about spotting for me," I asked as he came over to where I was sitting on the edge of the bench. He gave me a questioning look that seemed to communicate that he didn't know what I meant.

"Have you used this machine before?" I asked smiling at him.

"Not yet," he replied smiling back.

"I'll lay down here on the bench and you either stand over me a little or use that chair over beside the door and you can sit and just keep your hand a couple of inches above my chest," I explained. "It's a safety precaution, in case the weight bar slips in my hands."

He nodded his head and smiled. He then retrieved the chair, placed it so that it was facing my side and he sat down beside me facing me. He leaned over and did as I asked and with that, I was starting my reps.



As I sat there slightly leaned over Milen and holding my hand a couple of inches above his chest, I watched him. His muscles flexed and relaxed as he lifted and his shirt was dark with effort and sweat. I was discovering how much I liked watching him work out. He was clearly one of those guys who really got in to it and it showed!

He was breathing heavier as he lifted and lowered the bar, and he was starting to have a little more difficulty counting the reps out loud, then after the last one was completed, he eased the bar back down on where it lay when not in use, then lay there for a moment trying to get his breath back. I could have watched him all the rest of the day. I loved his look, as well as how he looked a little older than his age. He looked like he was 15 or 16, and he had a good amount of hair on his arms and legs as well. That was definitely a turn-on for me with boys!.

I still had a lot to work through from what had happened to bring me to the center in the first place, and with me starting to get in to puberty only a few months ago just right before I turned 13, I was still getting used to the changes, especially what was happening with my penis and how I was having erections constantly. With all that going on, I wasn't too focused on any specific boy I found attractive, but I knew that for the most part I was attracted mainly to boys of different races, specifically black and brown-skinned boys. I didn't know what it was, but I liked how they looked, and Milen definitely looked good!

With me starting to get more erections over the past few months, I was touching myself more and more, especially at night when I was in bed since I knew I wouldn't be disturbed. It felt good, and I noticed that my balls were getting more and more sensitive to my touch, and I was also starting to feel something flowing from the head of my penis over the past couple of months the longer I'd touch it. Then a couple of times I'd start sliding my foreskin up and down in between the fingers of my right hand. I'd hold it gripped between my thumb and index finger and slide it up and down, then as I felt the feelings get more intense, I would stop, especially within the last few weeks, as I would feel like I was going to wet myself. I didn't ask Michael or anyone about it, I was still getting used to them talking in some of our classes about sex as openly and nonjudgmentally as they did, and it was still all really new to me.

Coming back to the present, I watched as Milen sat up and stretched. I was sitting closer to him at this point and his shirt looked as if he had removed it from a filled-up washing machine before putting it on! He smelled amazing as far as I was concerned! He stretched again and twisted a little working out the stiffness of his muscles and I could smell the almost manly odor of his sweat and what seemed like the hard work he put in to exercising that day, and he did put a lot of work in to it!



As I watched Kyley while I worked out, I was becoming quickly attracted to him. It wasn't in an immediate sexual way, but I definitely wouldn't have minded seeing him at least without his shirt. He really was cute, and I felt like I could look in to his beautiful blue eyes all day! I also wished I could reach over and run my hands through his lush black hair. Most of all though, I wanted to have him as a friend and build a strong friendship. He seemed like someone who I could really trust, and I was hoping that eventually more could happen between us.

I thought about all of this as I got to the last couple of reps, and I was noticing how the feelings of wanting friendship, and wanting more than that seemed to be conflicting inside me. It was a different feeling, and I knew I'd have to work through it. I was always taught to build a friendship first, and then if it worked out to go for a relationship if we both felt the same for one another, and I still believed and do believe that. It was definitely hard to keep that perspective at that point though. I knew I'd be talking to Alex about it at some point, and probably my family as well.

I came back to myself and sat up stretching, then twisting a little to get out the stiffness that was making my muscles hurt a bit from the effort I put in to that day's work-out. By this point, Kyley was sitting close enough to me that you could have bridged the gap with a small paper-back book. He was watching me and I saw him out of the corner of my eye. He had a blissful look on his face, and it was a look with which I'd become well familiar months down the road! He saw something or noticed something about me he liked, and I knew the look of attraction on another person's face well at that point. I saw it on some of the faces of various kids both boy and girl at my school, and it was on Kyley's face at that moment. He moved closer and I was worried that he'd be offended by my odor since I was really soaked with sweat and hadn't had a chance to use my towel at least on my face and hair at that moment.

"I'm really soaked; you might want to keep that in mind," I said turning to him.

He smiled as if to say he didn't mind, but backed away a little. I dried my face and rubbed the towel over my arms, then stood up.

I spotted for Kyley as he did the reps I had been doing just a few minutes before. While he worked out, I told him a little more about myself and my family as he had asked me to do so before he started.

I told him about how my parents had come from Bulgaria before my sister was born, so for all intents and purposes she and I were both born here. I told him about what my parents did, as well as about my sister being in college. She wanted to study to become a counselor especially to help people who've been through sexual assault. Kyley got a look in his eyes that was as gone as quickly as it had appeared, but I did notice it. It was like a look of fear or disgust or both. I'd find out later, but for now I didn't understand the look.

As if sensing my confusion, he stopped to type quickly.

"I'm glad she's going in to that profession, he said. "I'm really happy about that; it's just that I fucking hate rapists and child molesters!"

"I know," I said in agreement. "I hate them as well!"

Someone close to me had been raped only a couple of years before, and I still remember the months that soon extended in to a year of absolute Hell filled with nightmares and flashbacks that caused them to hardly be able to function. I comforted them as best as I could, and so did other people in the family, but that had its limitations. Counseling over the last year helped and things were getting better, but the knowledge of what happened couldn't be undone which could be hard some of the time.

As Kyley went back to finishing up his reps, I went on to tell him about some of the friends I had. I had lots of friends who were mainly girls, but I also had a few friends who were other boys as well. They treated me well, and I suggested that they could get together with him and I at some point. Kyley looked at me to see if I was serious and I told him that I was.

He finished the last rep, then dried off his hair, face and arms before typing.

"I'd love to get together with you guys sometime!" he said.

"So would I," I agreed.

As we got ready to leave the room to get our shower, I held out my arm for Kyley.

"Just in case you need it," I said smiling at him.

"Thanks," he said.

He held on to my arm as we walked to the showers, and I found myself slowing my walking down to match his which seemed to help him.

Once in the shower room, Kyley went over to the Disability-Accessible shower and once on the seat outside it, he removed is clothes, and after putting them in his bag, he held on to the rail and slowly walked in to the stall. Once I saw that he was in without any trouble, I started up my own shower. A small part of me wished that there wasn't so much cloudiness to the walls of the stall Kyley was in, and that I could see his body as he showered, but I changed my thoughts to focusing on getting my own self clean. I didn't want to be hard the rest of the time we were together that day for however long or short that might have been.

Once finished in the showers, and after we toweled off, I let Kyley hold on to my arm as we walked to our lockers.

I focused on getting dressed and caught only quick glances of him out of the corner of my eye. I didn't see too much of him completely naked, as he had quickly replaced his towel with his boxers, then just as quickly put on a clean shirt. He then got his shorts on, then motioned over at me and made a sound as if asking for help.

I tied my shoes, and went over to him. He reached over and took hold of his device again.

"I hope you don't mind me asking, but would you be alright with helping me on with my socks and shoes?" he asked with a shy look on his face.

"I'd be happy to," I said smiling warmly at him, then bending down after taking the socks and shoes in question.

His feet were slightly tightened up, but still a little flexible. I took hold of his right foot, and helped him get his sock all the way on, then did the same with his left foot. After I took his shoe for his right foot, I helped him put it on and noticed how there was limited range when flexing his foot at the area where his ankle was. After helping him on with his other shoe, he tied both of them then stood up.

"Do your feet hurt you right now?" I asked concerned.

"No," he replied, but they'll probably be spasming at some point today."

"I hope they don't do that, at least not for a while," I said.

"Thanks," he replied. "So do I."

"What do you have going on now?" I asked.

"I was going to have lunch," he said.

"Would you like to go out somewhere with me for lunch?" I asked hoping he'd agree.

His face lit up as if he had been given every single thing on his list for Christmas!

"Really?" he asked smiling hugely!

"Yeah," I said smiling back. "I'd enjoy the company."

"So would I," he replied.

We let Michael know where we would be, then I called my parents to let them know where I'd be after they said it would be fine for me to eat close to where the center was.

After everything in that regard was taken care of, we left to go to one of the restaurants that was close to the center.

We ate at a small café that had various soups, sandwiches and other things that were good for the small lunch, or light dinner. After we got our food, I took Kyley over to where the drinks were, and we selected what we wanted, then we sat down.

How's your food?" I asked after waiting for a minute so we could enjoy everything.

"It's really good!" he replied. "They definitely gave me enough barbeque sauce on my sandwich! I'm glad about that, sometimes restaurants don't do very well with that."

He had gotten a barbeque burger, and fries. I got a fried chicken sandwich, as well as chips. We would be having dinner later that night, but Alex and his boyfriend Karl would be coming over and it would be a large dinner, so I wanted to make sure I had an appetite for it, hints the light lunch.

"Yeah, this place does a good job," I answered.

As I ate, Kyley told me more about what he liked to do in his spare time. He told me about enjoying reading, the other types of music he liked to listen to, as well as enjoying being active especially with things like the working out he had been doing when he and I finally did it together that day. He also told me about how he took classes at the place he stayed at, and that he enjoyed learning mainly about history, because Michael and the other guys who ran the place taught History mainly from a Noam Chomsky, Chris Hedges and Howard Zen point of view.

"Have you heard of those guys?" he asked.

"I've read some of Zen's People's History of the United States, as well as listened to some of Noam Chomsky's speeches and interviews on Youtube," I replied. "I've also listened to a few interviews done with Chris Hedges, and I enjoy what he has to say. He especially does well on looking at systemic roots of hate, rather than this Bullshit liberals talk about with making the victim always try to up-lift themselves out of whatever situation they're in. You know, the stuff about how if a bully is talking shit to you, then just ignore them or if not ignore them, then try to think about how inside they're probably suffering from Oppositional Defiance Disorder or some other Bullshit about how there's probably something wrong in their brain."

"I hate that fucking shit," Kyley said, his face clouding over like the sun being obscured by dark rain clouds. "Listening to those fucking Liberals and Conservatives makes me fucking sick! The Conservatives just want kids to be beaten to stop things they don't like, the Liberals want kids to be drugged to the fucking gills and back again to get them to stop whatever it is they're doing. Oh, and then there are the liberals who when a child comes out to them are the ones who like Conservatives tell them to at times stay in the closet around a certain family member or group of them who might be homophobic, but this time they want them back in the closet if only for a couple of hours while at a family gathering for their own good. Then the Conservatives want them in the closet period."

"In other words, no true difference between the two of them, and yet there are many in the GLBT Community who flock towards liberals like teens at a Metal Show, because they're saying all the right things, but they still keep in place the same systems of power that the Conservatives want, they're just nicer about it."

"Yeah," Kyley agreed. "It's like would you like us to throw you in a box and have starving rats lowered in to it where they will eat you alive as a form of execution, or would you like us to give you pharmaceuticals that will make you fall asleep as a form of killing?"

"That's a good way to put it," I said smiling.

"I've dealt with do-gooder liberal Mother Fuckers who thought they knew what was best for me," Kyley went on. "So I have no fucking use for them. It's only within the last couple of months I've been able to get fully off all of the fucking drugs they had me on. When I was in foster care, I was put on drugs for as many mental health diagnoses they thought I had. By the time I came to live with Michael and Josh, I was diagnosed with ADHD, ADD, Bipolar, Depression and Anxiety."

"Are you sure that all of those labels you listed aren't just the typical emotional problems that someone living as you did for all these years goes through?" I asked. "And that maybe these people around you medicalized them. I understand that there are people who have Bipolar Disorder, but like every fucking person in the world?"

"I agree," he went on. "I didn't buy a lot of what they said, but it was either take the meds, or go to the psych ward, and I've been there many times when I was with my second foster family. It wasn't a nice experience, and I'll get in to it another time if you don't mind."

"That's good with me," I said.

"Anyway, the point is that it's nice that Michael and Josh don't see me as a laundry list of disease labels, and that I'm getting the main if not only disorder I do have properly treated now."

"You mean the Cerebral Palsy?" I asked.

"Yeah," he answered.

"I'm glad you're where you're at now as well," I responded. "Have you made a lot of friends at the center since you've been there?"

"One of my friends is Adam," Kyley said. "He's older, and I consider him like my big brother. I've never had a brother, well I mean I did have my foster brother in my second foster family, but I didn't think of him as a brother, and never will."

"Was he mean to you?" I asked.

"Something like that," he answered. "Anyway, Adam is basically my older brother, and he and I hang out a lot, or at least when he doesn't have classes or other things going on. He's looking at getting his own place in a few months, as he's 18 and wanting to move out on his own. He has enough skills and maturity so he could do it. Then I sometimes hang out with a couple of girls who are my own age. They're Cora and Bree. It's nice to talk with them and hang with them when we do."

"How old are you if you don't mind me asking," I said.

"I'm 13, what about you?" he asked.

"I'm 14," I replied. "I turned 14 back in December of this past year."

"Cool," he replied. "I turned 13 in November of this past year, so that's cool that we're similar in ages."

"Yeah, similar in ages, but not too much in looks," I said laughing.

Where Kyley was smooth, and looked like he could pass for 12 or maybe younger, I had a good amount of hair on my arms, and a noticeable patch of it on my chest, as well as having brown hair that was almost black, as well as deep-brown eyes that everyone said looked so soft and warm. I stood about 5-7 and was around 140 LBS with most of it muscle from all the working out I was doing.

Kyley told me that he was around 5-1, and was around 146 LBs. He said that it was mainly due to the less than healthy diet he was having to deal with in his home life before coming to the center, as well as the general abuse and neglect he suffered at the hands of both families over the years. I reassured him that he had me as someone who was in his corner now, as well as were Michael, Josh, Adam and others in his life who cared about him. This made him smile, and we finished our lunch talking about other things.

Once we got back to the center, I got a text from my mom saying that she needed me to get back home to go to the store with her to pick out things for that evening's dinner. I replied that I'd be on my way, and once in the living room of the house, I stood in front of Kyley and wrote down my number then gave it to him.

"You can call any time," I said smiling warmly at him. "I mean that, I really want to spend time with you again sometime, hopefully very soon. I had a lot of fun hanging out with you and getting to know you more today."

"I feel the same way," he replied, then gave me his number.

I wrote it down in my phone, then as I held out my hand for a handshake, he took my hand and after shaking it, he held on for a little longer than I had ever had a boy do before. His hand was warm, soft and rather plump in mine. As I looked at him at that point. I looked down at our hands, his small white skin held within my golden-brown skin, and I felt that connection between us grow stronger at that moment like nothing I had ever felt before!

The door opening and closing broke my trance, and I came back to reality. The same seemed to be true for Kyley, as he made a sound of surprise, and we let go of one another's hands, then laughed. I said goodbye to him, and he responded in kind, then I left to go back home. Alex was picking me up, and it was a nice ride home, and Alex didn't ask me to explain anything when he had to call my name a few times when my thoughts drifted to Kyley. I was finding out that this was what it was like to fall for someone, I didn't even remember feeling like this when starting to develop feelings for Nathan. This was different, and it felt wonderful and rather scary all at the same time! I looked forward to it with excitement and happiness though with where things would lead next. I figured that things were going to turn out well for me, as well as with Kyley.

Author's Notes

This ends Chapter One of this story. As usual sex will be a slow-developing thing in the beginning, and it'll happen though. I hope everyone likes this chapter, as well as the story. Everyone have a good evening, and I'll see everyone in Chapter Two!

Next: Chapter 2

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