Home from State University

By Scott Langford

Published on Nov 13, 2005


The Day Before the Car Wash

A Friday night at 12 Oaks.

"Jr! Dinner is ready, get down here now before it gets cold!" Is what I heard from dad yelling from downstairs. I scrambled shutting down the computer, and erased my history, threw on my shirt and went on down. Dad was jumping around the microwave "Damn! Hot!"

"Dad, you're a firefighter, and you haven't learned how to use pot holders correctly! And how exactly do you fight fires as a living? You know you're not immune to heat, I've seen you sweat before..." He just smirked at me giving me a "smart ass" look as he danced around with hot casserole dishes placing them on the counter top. Mom had gone out with friends and took both my younger brother and sister along with her. She was going over to help bake some cookies or other for the car wash event tomorrow, and had left dad and I a prepared dinner to heat up.

I liked eating with dad, he had already set out two beers at the table. He had an agreement with me as long as the wife is away the boys will play, just keep it between ourselves. She'd go so hellter skellter if she knew and in a very Charles Manson cultish way. So I thought it was cool how dad let me suck a few back with him, no problem. It felt good, being bad.

"It's all ready, but you've got to serve yourself, I did my part and have suffered injuries as a result, sniffle sniffle..." Dad was always such a kidder. I thought I'll play this game, I walked over to him, and said "Dr Jr is here to fix your injuries... so tell me where it hurts?" I started just poking him all over making him squirm. He got me in a headlock, and I was able to take one of my strong soccer legs wrap it around his leg, and it took us both down to the floor.

Him being stronger, finally got me pinned. He had my arms pinned, and I could feel his hot breath 2 inches from my face. "So, ready to eat?" he said out of breath, and I asked "What's on the menu?". He released me, smacked me on the ass as I was getting off the floor "Flirt!".

We sat down, talking about nothing big, but then Dad said, we need to talk serious for a moment, and I was like oh brother here we go. He was on his third beer after all, I should have expected it. He started in with the now son, it's time you made a final decision on your college choice, and I figured out a way to help you with it, tomorrow I'm hooking you up with Jake, who is home from summer from State U to work together at the car wash. I was all ears, my dad's co-workers were always so hot in shape guys. He explained that way I could ask all the questions I wanted to. I was down to two choices of college at this point, it made sense.

So I asked "so what's this Jake like?"

"Well he's a great boy, he is on the baseball team, finishing his freshman year, and he's a good looker, um, I meant worker.. Now I want you to use him as a resource for everything you want to learn."

Did I see my dad blush for a minute? Now I was really intrigued. He slipped that one up. I caught that Freud's Id arising from deep down. Now I do have something to look forward to! I wonder what this baseball stud looks like? A resource for me to use? You bet I will! Dishes now filled the counter top one big mess. Dad started stripping off right then and there, and told me last one in the pool loads the dishwasher. I protested, that's not fair, I didn't have advance notice and he had a head start. He was now completely naked, with his PA right on display, told me have fun washing dishes, and started for the pool. I went no way! Started racing for the pool right with him with all my clothes still on - we got there at the same time - Splash!

It was a tie. We played grab ass and splashed about. He was after my clothes saying I violated the dress code of men only in a pool. I had a hard on when he got my shorts off, grabbed my dick and told me nice one letting it go. I went to go after his but he kept me at arms length so well I couldn't get to it. So I gave up, he was just too strong for me. We swam about for about 10 minutes. Dad was heading for the stairs out of the pool, I pulled right behind him, and let my stiff cock just rest on his buns as he climbed out, it went down his crack and back out as he got out. "Say watch where you're pointing that thing! That could get you in lots of trouble." He laughed it off.

We did the dishes side by side in the nude. His dick never got hard, just dangled. Mine stayed hard as a rock. He'd glance at it, and just say "oh to be 17, and not have beer dick." I playfully let it slap him a few times. He'd swat it away, going now now, don't do that unless you mean it! It made me giggle teasing him like that. He'd just push me away.

All things put away, we gathered clothes and went to our rooms. I was laying on my bed thinking of the next day and what it would be like. My dick leaked like crazy, I kept taking finger full of pre-cum and kept tasting it, making me more horny. I couldn't take it any more, I fired up the computer, and went right to a smut site with baseball players and hidden locker room cams. It was too much for me, I didn't need any lube at all my dick was so slick. I came twice over it. My cock was still hard after the second time, but I was too exhausted to continue. I drifted off to sleep.

The next morning I heard my mother yelling up the stairs to get up and help her load up the car, and to hurry up and get ready! I was so excited about today, I bounced out of bed threw on clothes, what to wear, I thought about my hormones, and decided a jock was most needed today under Umbros. I had a morning hard on but no time to work on it. I Helped load up the car with cookies, cakes, coolers. I ran back to shower up, and try to look my best. I took forever in front of the mirror, and jelling my bangs to stand up just right. So much time had passed, all I could do was grab a bagel and cream cheese to bring along on the car ride to the station.

We had to get there early to set things up for the fund raiser. We got there at about 10:30 am. There was all sorts of activity going on all around. So many hot guys! In fit bodies, in skimpy outfits, not their usual uniforms, even those were hot too. I had always loved visiting my dad's work place for this reason alone. Keith came up to me first, "hey Jr! Good to see ya!" and he gave me a big hug. Which I always loved from this big handsome lug. He always felt so good to touch, it was like he was my brother, he smelled so good and clean smelling of soap as my chin rested on his shoulder next to his neck. Dad came over and explained to Keith about how I needed to decide to go to State U or not, and hooking me up with Jake for the afternoon.

Keith was totally agreeing what a great idea that was.

Even though he said his younger bro was a bit of a rug rat, and was running behind as usual this morning.

He'd be along shortly. I got anxious thinking about meeting him. In the back ground I saw two studs cleaning the fire engine with the hose, making it gleam, Noel and Ben. They were horse playing around with each other, and one in blue shorts the other in yellow. They seemed to be having a great time doing it. I thought wow, I wouldn't mind being paired up with them. Ben broke out with a boom box, and got the Car Wash song going. They were really getting into it, swing to the beat, and bumping hips, and swirling sponges round and round. It was causing quite a bit of laughter from those glancing over. Dad even chimed in "look at those two boys, they make it look like fun."

It was hot and hazy out, and those two doused each other to keep cooled down, while washing the truck. It was at this point, my dad, said Jake had arrived. I turned to look and two guys were coming over to greet us. One a goateed Brad that I recognized. The guy next to him, was just stunning. A swimmers build, with big rounded shoulders, and I thought oh the pitcher! Things started to go into slow motion, and he came over to shake my hand. He got close as we greeted and I smelled a man sweat, so appealing. We just stared into each other's eyes, as the world just dropped off, him and I both checking each other out. I knew I began to blush. Everything about him captivated me at that moment. His scent was better than the field of poppies in Wizard of Oz. I felt a bit weak at the moment.

Jake couldn't stop checking me out either. It felt as he had seen me before. I felt comfortable with him instantly. He was the same size as me too! I was starting to feel insecure thinking I hope he doesn't think my legs are too hairy. I knew I had to say something, "So, dad tells me you are at State University? I hope to go there this fall". "Cool, if you do go I'd be glad to show you around." Lancer, put his arm around Jr, and told us, he wanted us to get to know each other better, so we would be paired up to wash cars as a team.

I was overwhelmed at Jake's presence. So hot, with a body like that, and that man smell just drew me into him instantly. Dad directed us to where we would set up shop. We got there and sat down on the pavement waiting. I was so nervous, but we got to talking about sports and I explained I did soccer. Jake checked out my semi-hairy legs as I told him about, wondering what he was thinking about it.

The first truck drove to our station, I recognized it immediately as my coach. Oh great I am nervous as it is, but coach got out, and left us to do his machine. I thought get lost in work to take my mind off my hard on in my jock, thank goodness I chose that today. I climbed into the back of the truck bed. I felt the hose hit me on the ass! Oh this is not helping me, it felt so good! I had to rise up and say "hey quit it! No fair!" I thought just wait till I get that hose.

On our next couple of jobs trading off, I got Jake soaked. Through his shirt I could see he had a pierced left nipple. I thought wow, how sexy is that!

I thought to myself, Paris Hilton would just say "that's hot!". Him and my dad must have a lot in common. I could feel as the day went on, how we both would just be checking each other out, but not in an un-comfortable way, just admiring each other our interaction was nothing but fun. I couldn't even think about schools at this time, just about how I'd like to see Jake without those wet clothes. It was getting close to wind up time as half the town had already visited us that day. It was then a cop car came up and headed to our space, with lights for flash and sirens. Jake told me here comes trouble.

That made my dick shrivel up. I got nervous. Then something un-expected happened this cop in uniform got out and went up to Jake and gave him a great big hug. I was like that is weird, what is that all about? So, I asked "You know that cop?" and he explained it was old school buds. I was still at ill-ease about it all. Especially when the cop said "Make it good boys!"

We got it done, and Jake said he was beat, and wanted to take a break. I agreed, after that finally day is done. I followed him into the urinal area, and I heard a "smack" sound next to me, I had to look. It was Jake's dick hard and strong. It looked so good. I would have also had a hard on if that last wash wasn't so nerve racking. Made me lose any hard on I had that day.

He made a firehose joke, and I couldn't stop staring at his perfect dick. I turned to face him, and thought, well now or never, took it in my hand and started to jerk him off. We exchanged eye contact that told me he was ok with it. I felt his dick get really hard in my hand, and it felt so good to have it there. I wanted to give him pleasure, and continued listening to his breathing get shorter and shorter, and he let it shoot as I felt him spraying it. Wow, what a feeling having that studs weapon in my paws. I thought we would be done then. He got down and started on my rigid pole, taking it in, as I had never had a blow before. I wanted to tell him, it was my first but I was so lost in the feeling, I don't even know if I said anything. It felt so great, and just as I was getting close he lifted off my hard dick, and went for the balls. I was moaning.

He was doing something weird to my balls humming on them as he sucked them, it felt electric, and I was just melting enjoying the sensations. Then he went back to the whole rod, and that did it, I closed my eyes, and opened them, just going out of my brain, I had to shoot it. My balls tightened up and that was it, I came like I never have in his hot mouth. I was in bliss.

I just had to kiss him. We started making out. I was tasting my own cum in his mouth it was so sensual and I felt it was connecting us, not just our tongue battle going on. I sensed movement around us, I opened my eyes to see the two hot fire engine washer dudes jerking off in front of me and Jake on the ground. I was mesmerized. He sensed something and looked up, and crawled over to start to suck the dark haired guy. The blonde one was jacking his cock looking at my mouth. I muttered what I could "I've never..." and he gave me a nod, and just dropped down and took my now flaccid cock in his mouth. I was watching him lick my cock up and down, and it started to grow from the attention. I was hard in a minute again.

I couldn't tell who was better at it, the blonde or Jake, but my dick was pulsing again and from being so sensitive from the first time, gave a load. The dark haired guy saw this and he grunted and I saw Jake's cheeks sucking down his sweet nectar. I think I passed out at that time... too much sensation for me all at once. The room disappeared.

Next: Chapter 10

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