Home from State University

By Scott Langford

Published on Nov 12, 2005


The Car Wash

You might not ever get rich, Let me tell you it's better than digging a ditch There ain't no telling who you might meet, A movie star or maybe a common thief

Working at the car wash, At the car wash (sing it with me now) Working at the car wash, yeah, hey get your car washed today, fill up today and you don't have to pay

Come summer the work gets kind of hard, This ain't no place to be if you're planning on being a star Let me tell you it's always cool, and the boss don't mind sometimes if you're acting like a fool

(Work and work) Well those cars never stop coming (Work and work)

It was time for another Station fund raiser. The annual car wash held on a Saturday, and includes as many of the brothers to do it that can, including family members. Everyone chips in and does this one. The minimum cost was $5 bucks, and anything else you wanted to donate is welcome. It goes from noon till 6pm.

At our farm house, I straggle down the stairs at 9 am, and dad, Keith, and my mom, were all gathered around the table having coffee. "About time sleepy head!" dad said as I crawled to the table. Keith ruffled my hair. Mom brought over a plate of breakfast and strong black coffee. "Ready to get wet today champ?" Keith mused, knowing I wasn't in the mood to even talk yet. I just nodded. He explained the usual attire is bathing friendly, board shorts, tank or t-shirt, cause you get all wet at some point. I just grumbled a "great" and sunk into breakfast, as they all left me there to go down early to the Station.

I finished breakfast, and felt some energy coming back along with the kick in of the caffeine. I was going to crawl into the shower, but thought why do that. I'll be getting wet soon enough. So I skipped it, found my board shorts and got dressed. It was a beautiful August morning out. It was so hot, it was a bit hazy out as I drove on in. The leaves so green, corn grown as tall as I was, cattails swaying in the slight breeze in the ditch.

I got to the Station at around 11:30, and it was busy with activity. Noel and Ben were washing the fire truck already, with it glistening in the sun. Noel had on medium blue shorts on and a white wife beater, which was soaked showing his fine pecs and chest hair off. Woof! Ben was bent over doing some detail work in yellow shorts, showing his finest ass-et, oh yum. There was a refreshment table set up with all sorts of doughnuts, cookies, snacks, and coolers of beverages. The parents were gathered around there talking. Lancer was standing next to some awesome looking stud, looking very much like him. Oh the son from the picture! He looked better in person was my first thought. I remember him from checking him out that day at 12 Oaks.

I felt a strong bicep wrap around my neck, as it was Brad greeting me. "So dude, ready to polish a fender or two?:, nah "I'd prefer the bumper." He gave me an arm punch and we walked over to join the group.

Lancer greeted us, and introduced "Junior" his son Jeff. Jake, I have someone here I want you to meet as I walked up, extending my hand shake. Jr had blue-grey eyes, that were sparkling bright, strong eyebrows perfecting his face, his dark hair cut short, and had bangs that were gelled to stand up in front. A bit on the skinny side muscle wise, but described a perfect rent boy written all over his form. Pale skin. His legs were outstanding, slightly hairy, well formed calves and so shapely. I couldn't see what junk in the trunk he had since he was facing me. He was my height, and we just had a moment of looking into each other's eyes that made me tingle. I was almost feeling shy, and thought I should look away but couldn't. I felt a calm feeling looking into his eyes and a bit mesmerized.

Time stood still at that brief moment. So, dad tells me you are at State University? I hope to go there this fall. Cool, if you do go I'd be glad to show you around. Lancer, put his arm around Jr, and told us, he wanted us to get to know each other better, so we would be paired up to wash cars as a team. Oh, did I get light in the loafers, when I heard that. Lancer explained Jr had many questions and wasn't settled on which college to attend, so I could help him by sorting it out a bit. Which I most willing to do. Oh yeah, Sir, Im all his... er .. For questions.... Gosh, by Josh what a foot in my mouth. Even though I was thinking of something else in it.

Lancer pointed us to our station, a hose, buckets, and sponges etc ready for business. He told us to offer extra services to get more donations, detailing, cleaning inside the car, clean the windows from inside, and to make sure let it be known that was a little bit extra on the donation. We agreed and waited for our first car.

We sat down on the pavement, waiting, he was asking me about how it was to be on the baseball team there. I explained a lot, and we made a lot of eye contact getting lost each time he talked. I asked him if he played sports, and he explained soccer was his thing. My eyebrow went up with that one, that explains the legs for sure. Our first job was a red pickup, and it was Mr Matthews, the highschool soccer coach. He got out, and told us Lancer told him to come down to have us clean his dirty machine up.

We got right to work, as Mr Matthews went to talk at the refreshment table. Jr was in the truck bed with sponge in hand, his tail end raised up doggy style, and I was pretending to do bumper work as I checked it out. His bubble but was stretching his umbros such a nice shape. They were so tight against his globes I could just make out the jock straps pressing in on his fine ass. I think I drooled a little bit. I asked so Jr, ready for the water to wash it out? He replied in a minute, there is a lot of dirt up here. I didn't wait, I started spraying the water in the truck bed with him still in it. He was still working butt face to me, and then I let him have it. I used the hose to hit him square on the ass! One aimed right for his hole.

He rose his head and said, hey I'm not done yet, quit it! He was laughing as he said that. I just sprayed him down more till he was soaked. I'll get you back Jake, just wait. He just gave me a killer smile and threw the sponge at me. Next time I get the hose! No fair! Mission accomplished Jr, soaked, took a bit of bravery but what the hell. We traded off, as the day went by. Soaker/scrubber. He got me back many times.

I could see the outline of his young cock in his shorts and the shirt might as well have not existed.

We were soaked. It was getting close to closing time.

When who should show up but a cop car, with Jeff behind the wheel. He got flagged to our station. I saw him pointing to our station. Put on the sirens and lights for a bit of a show. I told Jr, oh here comes trouble... Jeff hopped out in uniform, asking if we had time for one more. I rolled my eyes, sure and Jeff came over and gave me a big bear hug. Jr, was like you know that cop? I told him old school buds. Jeff went over to say hello to the parents and the group, but before he did, he glanced back saying make it good boys.

We worked on the cop car, cleaning it inside and out. I was bent over through the door, doing the dash board, and felt something on my ass. It was Jeff and his night stick, telling me he was just trying to show me places I missed. Poking my ass with it. I batted it away, and told him to behave we have company. Jr was working on the trunk area and couldn't see this foreplay thankfully and since we were on the edge of the parking lot no one else could either.

I had gotten a hard on from this. Oh shit, now what to do? I reached in my shorts and adjusted my dick north and hoped my t-shirt would cover it up as I backed out of the car. Jeff just smiled at me as he watched me rise out of the drivers seat. The devil he was. I quickly grabbed a towel and held it in front of me, saying done with the inside of the car. Jr at the same time slammed the trunk closed and came over saying all done deputy. Nice work boys! and Jeff got in and drove off.

I still had my hard on, and towel in front, saying oh boy, beat, time to go take a brake call it a day. Jr said it was done for him also. He followed me as we went into the station house, to take a leak and call it a day. My bone wasn't going down, and now it was in the locker room time to show and tell I guess. I stepped up to the urinal and pulled my board shorts down. My hard cock flopped up and hit me in the stomach making a sound. Jr turned and took a look. I turned rosey red, as he had a glance. I tried to play it off "oh you know fire equipment, the hose just wants to blast." Jr, cackled, and took his soft dick out. I had to take a look. He was checking out my hard on, which was now throbbing like my heartbeat.

Jr couldn't stop staring at it and his began to grow even as he was pissing. Wow Jake, nice hose you got there Yeah it has a mind of it's own I guess haven't learned to control it. He finished pissing and had a half hard on. He left it out, and totally turned to me. I was so hard I couldn't piss and stood there in embarrassment as his eyes just looked at my dick. It was starting to leak.

Jr leaned over and began to stroke me. Our eyes met, telling me he was ok with this. His hand felt so great on my wand. I grew harder if that was possible.

Feeling this young jocks hand over my tool. I moaned. He kept it up, and I was getting closer and closer, and I just couldn't take it any more and shot into the basin. Spraying my cum. He slowed down his fist and just held my dick as I regained my breath. He let go, and I started to take a long deserved piss.

I came down from floating on the clouds and looked over at his totally erect dick sticking straight at me.

I got on my knees, and reached out and played with his penis. It throbbed in my hand. It was like a 5 incher, not too long, not too fat, but hard as steel. He tilted his head back and moaned. It looked so inviting. The purple head right there, big and wanting more attention. I gently leaned forward and took just the head in my mouth. I savored it, letting my tongue work around the head. He gripped my shoulders with both hands. I looked up at his face and his eyes were closed. So I let more of it slip in my mouth. I was able to take it all down in a mouth full. He groaned more. I heard him say lightly "oh god, I've never...

I just car washed his dick for all it was worth. He was hot for it. I could tell he was new to this. I played with his balls as I sucked on his rock hard pole. I let off his pole for a minute, and got one of his balls in my mouth, hummed on it, and did the other. He was being loud vocalizing his pleasure.

I knew he wanted to shoot off, so I got back on his head, swirled my tongue on the spot under the head, and licked it up and down, and then took the whole thing in my mouth He shot so many hot spurts down my mouth I lost count. He just slipped down to the floor after it. We were face to face and he reached forward to kiss me. I still had his cum in my mouth and he joined in. Our tongues doing a battle.

When I looked up, it was Noel there, with his hard cock in hand, and Ben standing next to him matching his movements. I wasn't expecting this. Both had on their wife beaters soaked to the skin. Noel had his shorts pulled down just playing with his dick. Ben was also doing the same thing. Jr and I on the floor staring up at the big cocks.

I pulled Noel up close and started sucking his cock. Jr still sat there watching Ben masturbate his cock in front of his face. Jr said I've never.. and Ben stopped. He got down on the floor and went into suck Jrs soft dick. Jr, let out another moan, oh man. His rod got hard again with Ben working his skilled mouth on it. Jr just lay back, and Ben went with it, giving him his second blow job of the day. Jr couldn't take it, and spurt again. Ben didn't let go and got it all down his throat. I was still working on Noel, and he saw the young stud blast off and that sent him off, and I felt his thick ropey cum shoot in my throat.

Next: Chapter 9

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