Home from State University

By Scott Langford

Published on Oct 25, 2005


Who can it be now? Who can it be knocking at my door?...

Brad knocked on Noel's cabin door, not knowing what to expect. He knew he was his work buddy's for a calendar shoot. But it was above the waist anyways. How bad could it be?

Noel answered the door, with his shirt opened wide to show his hairy chest. Then invited Brad in. Brad knew he was clean as a whistle, and as he walked across the floor Noel let out a cat call whistle. "Nice to have you on the catwalk Brad! You work the runway the right way with the way you sachet". "I don't sachet, I march to the beat of my own drum, thanks."

Noel closed the door and examined his prey. His lips got moist, looking at studly Brad, he felt his dick rise in his pants thinking stud is mine for this, how yummy. Brad took a seat on the couch and spread his thick arms out to each side of him on the back of the couch spread eagle style.

"So Noel, I hope you didn't spend all your beer money on buying me for this."

"Nah, I still have a stash, how about a cold one before we start?"

"Sounds great! It'll take the nerves out of my swagger or sachet as you like to call it."

Noel grinned and went to fetch the beers from the fridge. Throwing one to seated Brad, who caught it. Noel then went and jumped over the back of the couch to sit right next to Brad. Brad was just in shorts and a t-shirt his hot body just shining underneath like a new penny. Fit as a fiddle, one Noel was thinking he'd like to play.

Breaking the ice, Noel "So nervous?" Brad just shook his head no, as he gulped half the can down, like it was gatorade after a work out. Holding his can up to Brad's, Noel said "here's to making you the hottest month man of the year!". Metal cans clinked, Brad finishing his off as did Noel.

Noel then laid out what he had in mind for the photos, Brad in just boxers on a fur rug in front of the cabin fireplace. At the same time he went and retrieved two more beers from the fridge. Brad just set back gulping more confidence booster juice as he stroked his goatee. He thought to himself that sounds more like a Mr December than a Mr March, but whatever it sounded good.

After it was all mapped out, Noel went into the bedroom to grab a pair of sky blue boxers and threw them to Brad. "Here put these on." Brad slipped off his t-shirt, and dropped his shorts, and started to climb into the boxers. "Uh, nope, wrong choice dude, jock strap off also." Brad dropped the jock, all the while Noel just enjoying the strip tease show camera in hand beer in the other. He thought this is better than any strip bar any day. Brad's nice cock on full display with an audience. It got covered up, and Brad rolled on the floor finishing off his beer. Lying on the rug, "Ready!". Noel just loved this, and moved around the room shooting the scene on the camera. Desiring what was the target of the photos, he felt his emotions running close to the surface. Wow, what a total stud look at that torso, those pecs, those huge biceps, the manly face hair and loving eyes looking up at the camera.

Brad wriggled around on the fur carpet, and felt it's smoothness, and it started his Willy to grow in the boxers. Kind of tingly the fur rubbing over his body.

Soon the head started to peek through the open fly. Noel just snapped away, going more, more, give me that sexy smile! That's it. Roll around some more! Brad started to overheat from the fire at his back, and sweat started to roll from under his pits a bit. Finally Brad just went limp on his back and folded his arms under his head. Noel got directly over his torso a leg on each side as he took the last of the roll.

"Great man! You look hot enough to eat. The camera session is over."

"I feel like a hot dog on a stick at the campfire." The heat in the cabin from the fire, plus his emotions.

Noel was above Brad's torso gleaming in sweat, set the camera down, and then proceeded to sit right down on Brad's abs. "So we did it?" Brad asked, -yeah the photo shoot, but not "it" Noel said. At this point Noel set the camera on the floor. He leaned forward and started to lick the sweat off Brad's pecs. Brad just lay there for a minute taking in the pec work being done. He just groaned in satisfaction. Thinking damn he's good, what a mouth, man that feels tingly. Noel's tongue went up and down the pecs, sucking on the nips, then leaning over, giving a tongue bath to the arm pits. Brad was helpless, he felt his hard cock pulsating, rubbing over the ass of the clothed ass sitting on him.

Noel started down the torso. Taking off his shirt as he did so. Licking the perfect 6-pack and then the belly button. Brad thought this is excellent, it feels electric. He just moaned as Noel, undid his pants and slipped them off, never leaving contact with the torso as doing so. The dick was on Noel's chin as he slithered back and took it in his hot mouth. Brad twitched and groaned again, his eyes closed tightly, and his arms still under his head. He was getting a first class blow-job, and didn't want it to end. Swirl, lick, suck and it was all a blur of feeling so alive.

Noel, stopped for a minute taking his mouth off the long rod, and looked up "feeling good buddy?" All Brad could do is nod his head, and go "UH". Next it was time to loose the boxers, and they went off. It was at this point, Brad got his beefy calves and thighs pushed to his chest, as he felt the tongue going South. His hole was now being rimmed. He clasped his legs closer to his chest as his head swirled into the atmosphere. The tongue went North and got his balls as a finger ringed his hole. Then the mouth on the rod, as his ass was being finger fucked.

"I can't take it any longer!" Brad came in the hot mouth. Shooting loads. Feeling his ass being played.

It shook his beefy body so much he almost trembled. His head twisting from side to side letting out a very load groan.

Noel, sat up again on the torso, with cum dripping down his cheeks. He had the Cheshire cat smile on his face. He couldn't help himself, and leaned down to take a major kiss, sucking face with Brad. The cum mixed in the goatee, as they made out. The fire in the fireplace just crackled in the back ground as these two just enjoyed the warmth of each other.

Brad's hand wrapped around Noel's hard schlong had Noel moaning now. The make out session was getting to him. He was leaking pre-cum like a drippy faucet. It was then Brad made a decision to finish him off. He removed his hand, and gently worked his way down Noel's hairy torso. Paying close attention to the nips. The hairy pecs were such a turn on, so manly and still felt silky as his tongue licked them up. Noel rolled over on his back as Brad continued down. Now taking that still hard rod in his palm, licking it up and down. He closed his eyes as he did so, just taking in the taste and the manly scent.

He put his mouth on it, and rolled it around his lips.

Started a nice medium suck. His other hand went to play with the full set of balls. "Oh feels so good man, don't ever stop!" Brad was getting his taste of pre-cum. He reached a hand up and started tweaking the nubs on the full pecs. "Oh, dude, I ain't gonna last" Brad went full face down on the hot rod, and Noel just groaned "Uh!". His nuts tightened and he felt that slizering feeling coming from deep down to the surface. His cum was rushing out towards the end, his penis felt electric, as it spasmed it's torrents into Brad's mouth. He felt the warm liquid invade, and enjoyed the taste. Thinking um, tasty.

Brad pulled off, and just lay his head on Noel's thigh. Both drifted off to sleep in front of the fire burning in the background.

Back at the station house, it was a lazy afternoon. Randy and I playing cards. He looked up at the clock, "cool just a half hour till we're done for a few days." Randy had a very smirky smile at that time, which I couldn't quite understand. At that point I felt some strong hands come onto my shoulders, and then felt my eyes covered, and warm breath next to one of my ears "guess who?"

"Uh, Santa Claus?" no, but you could sit on my lap. A breath of hot air in my ear. "uh Dracula?" interesting, cause I'll like to bite you but no. "Clark Kent, oh I knew you would save me" oh you wish!

Tom Welling is busy but I'm not!

Hands off my face I turned around to see deputy Jeff in uniform. His blue eyes glistened. I was thinking I could get lost in them anyday.

"Dude what are you doing here?"

"I just came around to find out what you slackers are up to. Fellow mates saving the community from peril."

"Well, we are off in about 30 minutes, how about you?"

"I have a few more hrs on the clock than that. But how about you two come around to my place after, for dinner? Tracey is gone for a bit over at her sister's house, could use the company. Thought about grilling out some steaks and beer, and playing pool. Since you boys love to play games already I see."

Randy said "I've got no plans, sure."

I just nodded my head in agreement. Thinking "Help me Obi-wan Knobi, you're my only hope!"

Randy and I showed up, both of us in just shorts and wife-beaters and flip-flops. We went into the back yard, where tiki torches were lighting up the area. Jeff was sprawled back in a lawn chair, beer in one hand, shirtless. He had on board shorts, and his cock was outlined nicely in them laying down his leg. Looking so yummy. I didn't know if Randy shared this sentiment, but I didn't care. Nice eye candy to feast on.

We went up and met Jeff, gave knuckle fist greetings. He asked how we wanted our steaks cooked, and told us to find refreshments in the fridge, help ourselves. Randy was obtaining our beers and looking for the bottle opener, "So, you said he's a wild card, how is that exactly?". I said "Jeff is his own person, you'll see, he needs no introduction." Randy just gave a shoulder shrug, like hm, ok.

We ate dinner at the dinning table, as we did I felt Jeff's barefoot, first playing footsie and then begin to climb up toward my shorts. All the while normal conversation at the table continued. Jeff's deep blue eyes looking at me at times. It was turning me on. I felt Charley growing and expanding, as Jeff's foot got to my balls. Randy was actively involved in conversation asking about the police force in the town. I couldn't help but to notice Jeffs nice pecs and clear skin, still shirtless, nips looking so inviting. Brown tits with the right size, looking to be what sucked? What a show off, but I guess if you've got it, flaunt it.

I'm sure I had a totally goofy look on my face as all this was going on, just taking a swig or two. It was then Jeff struck gold, his big toe massaging my dick's soft under skin. He had a gleam in his eye as he did this. Randy clueless to what was going on. Those two in conversation, and I was back in bliss. Thinking what a devil he is. He srunched his toes right in my sensitive balls, making me balk a bit, I excused it, saying I think I was getting the hiccups. Jeff glanced at me like good boy. He looked at me with those icey blue northern atlantic colored eyes.

Dinner finished. Jeff rose up first, saying "let's play billiards boys". Leave the dishes for later I can do that tomorrow. I was still totally with a hard on, not wanting to get up. Randy got up and said lead the way! I sat there saying I still had a few more swigs before I finish this beer up and I'll get us all a new round and join in the play room and bring them along.

Jeff was chalking up his stick as I walked in with the refreshments. Giving me a wink, like I had you sucker. Some things never change. Randy was leaning over the table rolling around cue sticks to see which one he wanted. His ass looking so inviting, not helping my former hard on that had calmed, at all.

Since I had just walked in I stated you boys are all set up first, so I'll sit this one out. It made sense. Jeff said, we have to make it interesting, so how about, first to loose goes commando? Since I was sitting out, and these two guys were hot, I agreed immediately, and Randy kind of gulped, and then agreed. Jeff lost. He peeled off immediately with no prob and sat on a bar stool. His body looked so good just being naked. He was so not, shy about being in the buff it added to his attractiveness. He looked proud with the cue stick still in his hand. What a distraction. He even let his legs splay open for viewing.

In round two, it got down to the eight ball between me and Randy. Jeff was the first one to say, so Jake, why don't you use this stick instead - waving his half hard dick around, as I was up. That broke my concentration, I lost. All I could think about was his balls in my mouth and letting them roll around.

Randy was elated. I just stripped down to nothing. It was then Randy stated, since I've won 2 in a row and you two are equal, I want you two to use your dicks as the pool stick. Jeff just cracked up, and said, game on man! That is hilarious, but only if you get naked and position your ass above the cue ball for each shot. Randy agreed. So each time it was Jeff up, he would climb on the table as needed to get his hard stick to hit the cue ball, with Randy above it, and after he hit the cue ball he would rub his hard cock on Randy's ass. The first time he did that, Randy went, hey! Jeff said, you block some of the ball movement with your ass in the way. He would just tease his hard dick around the cheeks of Randy, and let it slide by the crack and hole. I saw Randy wince when Jeff did this. He enjoyed this play with his ass.

In the hot tub, Jeff had his big Police feet on both my balls and Randy's, they must be size 12's. He had us giggling like school girls as we both leaned back. He then got out and went down on all fours, and asked who's first? Randy and I looked at each other, both wanting it. Randy climbed out first and licked the hole, then used fingers, and I brought out some lube, and when he used the lube on his fingers, Jeff just grunted. Randy stuck his very dark purple head at the hole, and went in. Slowly. Seeing that head get in there was so hot. Seeing it sink in Jeff's globes. Jeff grunted. I got underneath him and started to suck his hard cock. He moaned more. Randy didn't last long, and slapped his ass exiting. A sloppy mess had been made over Jeff's globes, but he didn't care, just stuck it up, ready for more. It couldn't look more inviting. His ass available for me next. It always bulged out of his pants, that bubble butt. "Sweet dreams are made of this... who am I to disagree".

Jeff still hadn't come. I went to slip my cock in, and it went in with no resistance. I felt the cum of Randy as lube. Jeff groaned. Randy slipped underneath to suck Jeff's cock. He got a mouthfull of slimy cum so much he gagged a little bit. I felt a tightening around my dick and I let go also! The fire of the orgasm was there. Jet's let go as I came. We all three spent beyond belief, out of breath.

I rolled onto my back and looked up into the stars. A clear night, stars everywhere, wanting to remember this moment forever.

Next: Chapter 8

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