Home from State University

By Scott Langford

Published on Jan 21, 2006


Like a Rhinestone Cowboy

I thought a fun thing to do would be to invite Jr. out to spend a day at the farm, and go out on horseback. He was so cute that it made my heart flutter every time I thought of him. I planned on him arriving in the late afternoon, around 2 pm. We would set out with a small picnic for food, and head out into the trails.

He got there, driving up, I was already on the front porch. I had gotten my chores done early that day, and looked forward to this. When he got out of the truck, he was wearing a blue wife beater that matched his eyes. I had butterflies again as he came up to the porch. We greeted each with a handshake half hug.

We lingered a bit long on it. I had my eyes closed and smelt his clean hair, and felt our hearts beating pec to pec.

"So dude, we're going riding today?" I explained what I had in mind, and we went out to the barn and got the horses saddled up. Dad was in the barn bailing hay, cleaning up the stalls. Jr had done riding before, but had a problem getting the bit in horses mouth so dad had to help him out, bridle up. He also had worn nylon board shorts, which weren't going to work, his family jewels would be so sore with that choice. My dad was the first to say something about it. "Er, Jr, those shorts you have on son, are gonna leave you in pain for the evening after the ride." As my dad gripped his own balls, making an ow sound, making us both laugh. "Jake take him in and give him something of yours to wear son."

We went up to my room, and I passed him a clean jock and jean shorts. I got to see a great show as Jr dropped the shorts, and he put on the jock, which showed off a rather furry ass. Mouth watering I was thinking. We went back out to the barn to gather the horses, and my dad was there and came over to Jr and told him much better boy. I couldn't believe he did this, but he checked out Jr's package with his hand over the jean shorts, going "good that should hold those boys in there good," giving a good grip and Jr blushed. "Shouldn't be a problem now, now go and enjoy the day and don't forget your ma will be having us all for dinner, don't be late."

I just nodded and mounted, and saw that my dad was helping Jr up on, pushing his ass to get him in the saddle. We went through the forest area first and went a steady trot, slowed down, as we came out into a clearing. We talked a lot about State U, and how Jr could fit in there. Got to a picnic area, dismounted set up camp. On the blanket we both spread out facing each other. I knew I wanted to just lay on top of him, and kiss the daylights out of him, but thought better of it. He looked so inviting there. So I laid back slipping my hands behind my head. It was then I felt his hands stroking my chest.

He asked is this ok Jake? I didn't make a sound nor move, he took this as a go ahea and was rubbing my stomach over my clothes, and let his hand glide over my crotch area. I still didn't do anything just let him continue. I had feelings of bliss. He rolled closer, and began kissing over my torso lifting up my shirt. I did grunt some pleasure sounds at this point. I didn't want to open my eyes, just feel the sensations, him so close to me, the sunshine, the smell of the fresh air. He got to my sensitive nipples, and took the pierced one in his mouth and did some tongue hockey on it. Then switched to the other. The sun felt so warm and so was Jr.s mouth on me. I opened my eyes as this was driving me wild, and saw the blue sky up above, and slowly then looked downward seeing Jrs head attached to my body. I was in bliss. I couldn't move at all and hoping it would never end.

I heard my zipper being lowered. I gulped some air. His hand was searching, and just rubbing my now semi-hard. He moved my jock aside and his tongue touched my now slippery head. I couldn't move. He took my penis in his mouth and started to blow me real slow. His hands were on my balls the other rubbing and pinching my pierced nip. It felt so good, his full lips wrapped around my stiff dick.

"Dude, you're making me feel so good!" All I got was a wampled murmur of a yes I think, as he continued on my hot cock. I was getting tight in my nut sack, feeling electricity working my nether region and knew I was going to blow. Knowing he was new to this, I told him, decide if you want it in the mouth I'm about to blow. He didn't change a thing and I couldn't last anymore, blasting right into his mouth letting out a groan that I'm sure could be heard over the fields and through the forest. I had one of those moments that couldn't be described, pure pleasure. I was out of this world floating.

I got up on my elbows, and he was still holding my now flaccid dick in his hand cleaning it up. I reached down and brought his face to mine for a kiss. I exited the kiss, and started down his body right for the shorts. I unbuttoned them, and had them off, flipped him over and dove in for his harry crack. My tongue went in and swirled around his bud, he groaned outright. I prodded him with my tongue making him whimper. I tongue fucked him. It looked so inviting, that waiting hole so I stuck a finger in. It met resistance. I put more spit on it and got it worked in. Jr just wriggled at this intrusion. My dick had gotten hard again. I got two fingers then three, and he just yelped a bit.

I brought his ass up doggie style, and put the head of my cock to his entrance spitting on my cock getting it slippery. It was resistant at first, but I got the head in and stopped, letting him catch his breath. "God, Jake, I don't know if I can take it." I took it out, and let it sit at the entrance, he flexed, my dick head was aching and I went in again. "Oh god!" So I waited for what seemed forever, and then slowly made if forward more. He got used to it, so I went all the way, stopped and waited. He had heavy breathing going on. "You ok? I'll stop if you don't want to do more." My cock was throbbing inside his tight hole, two hearts beat as one.

He turned his head, and told me "take me". It was then I began to slowly glide back and forth, and found his nut, his head just sank on the blanket. I knew I couldn't last longer and I shot it up him for all I was worth. We collapsed, me on his back. He was out of breath and so was I. "Are you going to be able to ride home?"

Two boys came out of the barn, dad directed us in, "right on time boys", and he had a silly grin as he asked Jr "how was your ride?". Jr blushed, and said it was more than he expected just a little sore. Then my dad told him, he had some special ointment if he needed it. Just let him know if he needed a little help in the mens department for the soreness. My dad gave him a wink.

Dinner was next, a real feast, roast beef, mashed potatoes and gravy, home made biscuits, and corn on the cob. My dad was eating the corn on the cob, and when mom was back out of the room, he went and stuck the cob in his mouth shoving it in like a dick getting a blow job, and this made me and Jr just crack up. I practically spit out the food I was chewing on as dad continued his show. He was just looking at the two of us across the table, and Jr. blushed red as a ripe tomato. Mom came back in the room holding an apple pie, "what's so funny?" None of us spoke up, silently cackling, as we dove into the dessert.

After talk about State U and Jr saying he was going to go, he had made his decision, I said I was tired and needed a quick nap. So Jr and I left the clean up to the parents and went up to my room. He asked me if my father was always that much of a joker, and I told him yes and it had rubbed off on Keith. We just spread out on my bed fully clothed and crashed out for an hour after our long day. As I was coming back to life, I realized Jr had his hand resting across my chest snuggled up to my side. I just gazed up at the ceiling, feeling so good and comfortable as I had ever been.

The next day, at the station, it was a lazy hot afternoon as I reported for duty. The station was very calm and I walked to get changed at my locker. I couldn't help keep thinking of the last day in rewind and how well it went. How Jr and I had matched up like a hand to a glove. It was making me hot and I was semi hard trying to shove it in my pants. Thinking of his tight hole and how good it felt inside him. The head of my dick was very sensitive. I couldn't get the thoughts out of my mind. I gave up, and stuck Charles north in the underwear.

I went into the break room, and it was Lancer and Brad there having coffee. I got a cup and sat down. Lancer was first to greet me. He was telling me how happy he was that Jr had decided on State U, and couldn't thank me enough for my help on getting him to decide. I was like it was all his decision, and all I did was tell him about his options there. As he got up to leave he gave me a short shoulder rub, and it made my head laid back against his taunt stomach, and made my dick grow to it's full hardness in my uniform.

I had my eyes closed just enjoying the sensations.

When he left, I was feeling some blue balls. Brad was there still at the table. He looked across at me with nothing but a smile. I snapped out of it and tried to just talk normal conversation with him. He said to me, "dude you look spacey, are you ok?". Um, not enough sleep, and just trying to touch down on planet earth. I was out riding yesterday, and still tired from it. So Brad got out of his seat, and came behind where I was sitting, and started up the back rub again where Lancer left off. I did it again, laid my head on another taunt stomach. As Brads hands went to work.

I had to close my eyes again. The sensations were so strong. This was reversed last time it was him getting the massage and me giving it. I guess it was my turn now. I kind of groaned a bit, and felt something hard against my head, it was his dick.

He kept on with it. Making me leak in my pants. I lifted my arms and felt for his zipper, and I un-zipped it. Brad kept on with it making me feel good. I fished around in his pants and got a hold of his cock. At that point he groaned a bit. His semi hard was out now and next to my face and I turned my head and started to suck him. He kept kneeding my shoulders as I sucked his cock. I turned my chair and now sucked his nice schlong as his hands stopped on my shoulders. All Brad could do is tilt his head back as I gave him a blow job.

He didn't do anything I was working his dick in and out of my mouth. Wet and slippery, and it tasted so good. I kept thinking it was Jrs. Next thing I know he has slipped down, his dick popping out of my mouth, and I felt his goatee as we french kissed. It was so sexy, I felt his beard scratching my face. He stood back up, as his cock went back into my mouth. He face fucked me for a bit, he tightened and then blew his load into my mouth. I took it all in. He arched his back and let out a groan. After he was spent, he got down on his knees in front of my chair, and unzipped me.

His hand was around my leaking cock, and he took it whole in his mouth. I told him, "I'm not going to last", he just kept bobbing his head, and I released into him as he gurgled with my cum swimming in his mouth. I got sensitive as his goatee tickled my balls on his chin.

He came up for breath releasing my cock. I was spent.

We zipped up and went off in different directions.

Keith was shaking me awake again. You got a phone call dude and I was so tired, I raised up slowly, groggy from another nap. What phone call? Keith told me my roommate from college Darrin was on the phone.

"Hey dude, how's summer going?"

"Unbelievable or intense would be a way to describe it."

"Well I have finished my summer job, and had some time to come over and visit you before we go back this fall."

"Oh really? Sure! You can stay with me at my house, I know my parents would love to have you over."

"Sounds good, giving him the directions, just come on over! So see you in a few days"

Now I've really done it. My roommate was coming over.

I always thought of him as str8 as an arrow. What would I tell him about how my summer has been going? Could I share with him, and risk his rejection, and objection to the life I have been having? Or do I just go forward, letting him know the real me, and like it or leave it? I didn't need this pressure. He was going to be with me and with my family. I thought to myself, I can't live my life out of fear of what rejection I could have from him. I wouldn't offer anything, but if asked I would answer honestly and take it from there.

It's times like this, I take my thoughts and turn them into what could be the worst case scenario, and given them, could I still live with it? It's the trick to getting over fears you have. Imagine the absolute worst, and if you can be ok with it turning that way, then you'll do all right.

The worst case would be Darrin discovering I'm gay, and he doesn't want to room with me, and to further it somehow let it be known to my teammates therefore reputation ruined. Could I live with that possibility over his friendship? I thought, don't want the negative outcome, but if he couldn't live with how I am really, then we didn't really have a friendship at all. True I also love my sport, but making it to the majors, as good as I was, is such a long shot. I have a talent and hopefully that's what I'd be recognized as having, even though we know it doesn't go that way being a gay guy. That's how I resolved it in my mind.

The door bell rang and my dad Jim, answered it giving Darrin a hug. "Welcome son! Glad you could make it and stay a while with us before semester starts again." My mom was next with her greetings, saying how tired he must be for making it out this far driving. The three of them sat around the dinner table, catching up on the summer's events since I was still at work til the next afternoon.

Jim offered the tour of the place after dinner was done. They went out to the barn, the whole 9 yards, just showing off the gardens, and many animals. Darrin didn't live on a farm so all of it was fascinating for him, he was asking a lot of questions.

At the chicken coop dad took him in to see the roosting hens, and told Darrin to reach to get next mornings breakfast, there were probably some eggs to collect and held out a basket. Darrin wasn't sure about this, he was scared of getting pecked, so dad clapped his hands to make the hens scatter away "they don't bite son". There were only a few eggs to collect. They brought them back to the house and placed them in the fridge.

Next dad brought him up to my empty room, and set his bags down. Giving him the tour of the upstairs. Showed him the wash room, and told him feel free and he would bring fresh towels up for him. Since Darrin had been on the road for a long time, he felt grimy, went and got his kit from his bags. He got down to his boxers and began to shave again for the second time that day in the mirror, he always had a 5 o'clock shadow. "Here you go son fresh towels from the clothes line, nothing smells better." Darrin finished up shaving, and from being at the camp all summer had no problem dropping his boxers as dad started the shower up for him.

Jim gave a slight low sounding whistle out, asking "son, how is it that you don't have anything but a slight tan line?" Darrin explained that the camp counselors after a long day had their own private spot to sun themselves to minimize those tan lines. "Wow, it looks good, I guess I have the typical farmer's tan from my overalls, didn't you ever get burned where it counts?" Darrin explained that the first two weeks it happened and after that it was ok, but it was difficult to sleep the first couple of weeks. His tan matched his coloring, dark brown hair that he jelled his bangs up, dark brown eyes, and slight body hair. "Well Jim, your tan can't be that bad, lets take a look" as Darrin's hands went to his overalls.

Jim stood stoically as Darrin unbuttoned the many buttons and let the overalls fall down. This time it was Darrin that let out a light whistle - going those legs are as white as the hens in the coop! Someone needs to see the sun! Jim stood there in his boxer briefs, and not knowing what to say at that. Darrin's cock was flaccid but hung low, not looking like it would stretch much more than it's 6 inch length if hard. Darrin wanted to know if the body was covered in a lot of blonde hair so he went forward and drew down the boxers. Jim also hung loose but not hard. He didn't know what to say as the bathroom began to fill up with steam from the hot water.

Darrin sank to his knees, and reached for the limp cock in front of him. All that driving did it too him, he was horney and couldn't help it. He took Jim's cock up to his lips and started to rim around the head of it. It began to grow in size and length. The head was such a nice ripe color and nicely shaped.

He slid it into his mouth taking it all in down to the pubes. Jim groaned and let his arm slowly come down behind Darrin's head massaging his head as it bobbed back and forth on his now hard dick. Darrin tasted sweet pre-cum as he moved his mouth on the hard prick. His arm went to feel up the bare ass, and felt hair on it, slowly moving a finger in for the target. Jim felt a sensation he hadn't felt in years as the finger penetrated his ass ring. He grabbed a hand full of hair as it went in.

He let out a powerful groan as he let loose into the warm mouth. Darrin did his best but couldn't keep it all in and in his hand his load also let loose, cuming all over his own feet and on the floor. He let his mouth off the cock, it still dripping. He looked up at Jim whose blue eyes were looking very satiated down at him on his knees. There were like two minutes of silence before, Jim spoke up and said the hot water won't last much longer, so shower up with a buddy, save water.

Next: Chapter 11

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