Home After the Tournament

By Mark Tholtow

Published on Jul 18, 2022


Home After the Tournament: Chapter 5

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Chapter 5: Will & Jake's Weekend Alone

Part 1: The GYM

"Let's go to the gym." Jake said to his father as they stood next to each other at the kitchen sink doing the dishes. The process was precarious as half of the counter had been removed and the upper cabinets were now sitting on the floor as the kitchen was in the midst of a complete remodeling effort. "We don't have to be on any schedule for the next three days. We can do whatever we want." He added sounding like a kid who'd been let of school early.

His mother, Michelle, had decided at the last minute to spend the weekend at her sister's for the weekend to escape the internal chaos of the remodeling mess. She brought his younger sister, Emily with her. Emily's cousin, Claire had also just turned five years old and they were going to have a girl's weekend away that included an afternoon at the American Girl doll store. Jake could not think of anything worse and was ecstatic that he and his father had been left to fend for themselves for an all guy's weekend.

Will had immediately thought about Matt when Michelle had announced her departure for the weekend. He'd had no free time since they'd gotten back from the tournament and he was trying so hard to put it behind him. Karma was not on his side this time. He was sad that he now had a weekend that he could get away for some fun and Matt was away visiting Patrick. He was already conflicted about that fact. He needed a distraction and spending a bonding weekend with Jacob would be good for them.

"Great idea, Jacob." Let's finish up these dishes and get our gym stuff.

They stood next to each other in silence listening to the radio; Will washed what wouldn't fit in the dishwasher and Jake dried. They had entered a new era where there was less tension between them. They were the men of the house and had suddenly banded together in solidarity to balance the two strong-willed females in the family. When they were done, they headed upstairs to change for the gym.

"Do you have a jock?" Jake asked his father as he walked into his parent's bedroom with just a sleeveless nylon tee shirt and naked from the waist down. Will's eyes were naturally drawn to his son's long dick flopping back and forth as he walked in. Jake's shirt was long enough that it hung down over his bush and rested on the top of the base of his shaft which blocked the view of Matt's lightning bolt manscaping handiwork.

"What happened to yours?" Will said finally looking up to meet Jake's face. Jake's eyes were glued to his father's exposed junk as he also stood in a white nylon sleeveless tee shirt, also naked from the waist down. Jake was struck by how much their dicks looked alike. His father had about a half an inch on him, but otherwise they could have been twins. Jake looked down at his own groin and thrust his pelvis out to compare. His dad has a big full bush so Jake thought his now looked bigger. He smiled to himself and then looked up to catch his father's gaze and blushed at being caught staring. Will ignored it.

"I loaned mine to Matt; remember?" Jake said. "He hasn't returned it yet. I thought he'd have sent it back with Eric."

"Oh, yeah. You won't be getting that one back." Will said remembering how Matt stripped down in the outdoor smoking lounge at Cell Block to get out of that jock. He pictured Matt naked and then thought of what happened right after that. He'd watched Scott openly suck on Matt's dick in front of the whole lounge and then he'd fucked Scott in the restroom stall.

Will got lightheaded with a sudden wave of horniness. He'd been trying so hard not to think about the tournament weekend and it had mostly been working because he was so busy with the kitchen remodeling that he'd been distracted and tired. He hadn't relieved himself in about three days though and the sex Michelle had offered up the night they returned had not been repeated. She was back to being cold and orderly. Will was a little pent up. He usually snuck in a wank in the shower in the morning. Thinking about Cell Block made his dick start to grow.

"Is he just gonna keep it?" Jake said confused.

"Uh, it got ripped, I think. He said he'd get you a new one. I'll bug him about it. He probably forgot about it. Don't you have another one?" Will added, lying and now holding his gym clothes in front of his crotch to hide his boner.

"Just the baseball jock with the cup. I don't want to wear that to work out in."

"Can't you just take out the cup?" Will asked.

"Not really. They don't fit right then. Don't you have one? I don't have any clean compression shorts either and my boxers are too loose for this big D." Jake said smiling and grabbing his crotch. "What the fuck?" He added as he glanced back down at his father's groin and noticed Will's hard dick had poked through the clothes and bobbing up and down slightly. Now it was Will's turn to blush.

"Language." Will said and then quickly turned around and walked toward his dresser. He pulled out one of his well-worn jock straps. He turned his upper body so his crotch was still hidden and tossed the jock to Jake. "Here. This is an old one. It should be comfortable."

"Thanks." Jake said and also took that opportunity to quickly turn as he'd now popped a boner in a just a few seconds. He step into the jock and ran his fingers around the straps to straighten them out under his full, round ass cheeks. He adjusted his scrotum and aimed his own boner straight up in the pouch under the wide waistband so it was mostly covered by his shirt and just his balls hung down to fill the stretchy pouch below. "I'll grab my stuff." Jake said and retreated to his own room.

He thought about jerking off quickly before they left. He knew he could pump one out in a couple of minutes if he had to. It would take the edge off. He thought about sex practically the whole time he was at the gym. All the bodies and the sweat and the grunting on the machines and the heavy breathing. It all made him horny.

The sweat especially made his dick hard - sweaty pits or sweaty hair. What really got him going was a jacked dude in a light gray tee shirt - sleeveless was even better. The ideal athletic guy - working his body so hard. He loved to see some sweaty pits and the ring of a sweat stain forming under the opening below a bushy arm pit - or that faint smattering of sweat droplets forming between someone's shoulder blades - but his favorite was that line of sweat that starts at the top of their ass crack and runs down the center of the back of their shorts so you know ass is bare underneath because they're wearing a jockstrap and that their whole crack is wet and slippery with their ass hair all slick and matted, practically dripping off their balls. He could practically smell it already.

Then there's the showers. He loved to jack off in the showers after a good workout. He'd get hard just walking from his locker to the shower room. He liked to pull off his towel and let a guy get a quick glimpse of his boner before hiding it away behind the curtain. He was so glad they had individual showers at the gym. He jerked off in the open showers at school sometimes but that's just with his buddies and teammates and they usually joined him. He knew he couldn't get away with that at the gym even though he saw some of the men looking at his body in a way that he knew meant he was being admired. He'd heard the rhythmic slapping sounds in the stalls next to his or the rapid arm movements caught as he passed by a shower stall where the curtain wasn't quite closed. He knew he wasn't the only one.

He decided to wait it out. He could rub one out when he got home if he didn't have time to do it at the gym. He wasn't even sure his father would want to stay and shower there.

Will and Jake met up at the garage door in the kitchen and got in the car. Jake asked to drive. Will decided they were getting along so well that he didn't want to spoil it by barking directions at him. He declined and apologized and they rode to the gym in silence. "You can drive on the way home." Will said when they got to the parking lot. "It will be good practice to drive at night." Jake smiled.


"I'm headed into the locker room. I hit it pretty hard. I'm gonna sit in the sauna and then shower here. Is that ok with you.?" Will asked Jake as he found him lying on his back on a weight bench. He caught a glimpse of Jake's jock pouch through the side of his gym shorts as it made a small tent sticking up toward the ceiling. He also noticed how full his pits had become and the five o'clock shadow on his chin. His son was really looking like a man these days. Jacob's guns were significantly bigger than his own from all the weights and wrestling. Jacob still wasn't quite as tall at 6'-0" already but was catching up fast. He wondered if his son could take him if things got physical. That thought made him both proud as well as lament the end of his little boy's childhood.

"Yeah, that's cool." Jake said looking up as he held onto the weight bar and set it back down in its cradle. "I've got two more sets here and then I need to run on the treadmill. I'll find you in the locker room."

"Sounds good buddy." Will said and headed for the men's locker room. The locker room was older but expansive and nice. It had a sauna and steam room and a large whirlpool hot tub that fit at least a dozen guys. The large open shower room had been remodeled in the 90's to have two long rows of individual shower stalls across from each other. It was far more private than the old-school open shower rooms but not as private as if there had been frosted glass doors and private drying areas like the newer gyms.

Will stripped down and entered the sauna. The blast of dry heat felt great. As his eyes scanned the room, he recognized Arjun, the father of one of the wrestlers that had been in the hotel bar with the guys for happy hours and for the team's group family meal. He'd seemed shy but he was Indian and Will wasn't sure if his shyness was just a cultural difference, or if he was as just new to the area. It was hard to break into these parent groups. He'd been going to matches all season and had only had one casual conversation with Matt before the tournament weekend.

The tournament weekend: There it was, lurking in his memory again. Arjun had reminded him of his exciting new discoveries which made his dick jump under his towel. He decided to sit down quickly next to Arjun and make small talk to hide his tented towel. Arjun was good looking. He had a short black beard and very thick wavy black hair that the humidity was making his natural curls appear. His rich brown skin had a glow that just did not occur in Caucasians. He had fine features and was slender but fit. As he sat closer, he noticed Arjun had a full chest of hair but that it had been very closely cropped. He had his hands in his lap and was looking straight ahead nervously which seemed odd to Will.

"It's Arjun, right?" Will said sticking his sweaty hand out to shake his. He wiped it on his towel and tried again.

"Yes. I'm Arjun." He said and grasped his hand to shake it. Just touching another man was exciting to Will right now and he detected what sounded like a British accent. It made his good looks even sexier. His felt his cock fill a little more.

"You're new here, right?" Will asked. "At least new to our school."

"Yes. Yes, I am new here. We just came from Washington D.C. at the beginning of the school year. My job moved me here for work. I'm a software engineer." He said and then added the name of the company that Will recognized but wasn't even aware of what they did exactly. He just knew of the large office building out on the freeway.

"Nice." Will said. "I hope you like it here. It must be quite a change from D.C." he paused. Arjun only nodded which Will took to mean he was bored silly in this much smaller place and probably missed the excitement of D.C. "I'm Will by the way. Sorry."

"Yes I remember."

"Yeah, we saw you at the bar. On Saturday night...in the city." Will said referring to seeing Arjun at happy hour at the bar in the hotel. That was when Matt had let it slip that he'd caught Will watching the porno of two college dudes going at it and he'd had to bolt for the restroom. His mind wandered remembering their encounter at the urinals and the hot action just inside their hotel room that followed. His cock grew to rock hard under his towel and now it was his turn to drop his hands into his lap to hide it.

Arjun suddenly got a panicked look on his face and his eyes starting darting around the room. "What's up with this guy?" Will thought. "I'm just trying to be friendly." He turned to face the opposite wall and closed his eyes to relax. He stretched his arms out and accidentally brushed Arjun's shoulder. Arjun flinched and slid sideways and turned to look at Will who didn't even notice.

Arjun had clearly misunderstood Will's reference to the bar as being Cell Block. Arjun had been positive he hadn't been seen there by Will and Matt. How did Will know? He started to sweat and his heart started to race. Fortunately, it was a sauna so his additional sweat went unnoticed. Was Will coming on to him with the shoulder touching? He was conflicted. Will was so hot. He was the hottest of all of the dads he'd met that weekend. Will was the reason his hands were in his lap. He'd gotten hard just watching him walk into the sauna - and then he sat right next to him. His beautiful golden brown hair usually styled high on head was now damp with sweat and hanging down over his eyes. His scruffy beard was back. His perfect chest. He had to shut this down though. It couldn't get around town. This place was not anonymous like D.C. had been.

"That place was pretty wild. I don't go to places like that. I didn't know it would be like that. Someone was just talking about clubs and I was bored." Arjun started talking to Will. It was so much and so fast. It was completely unexpected after barely acknowledging the greeting. Will tried to figure out what he was talking about. The hotel bar could hardly be considered a club. Maybe that's the word they use in England.

"I've been to better bars than that. We weren't really there long enough though. Maybe it got crazier later." Will said thinking Arjun had obviously lead a sheltered life if he thought that place was wild.

"Really?" Arjun said wondering what kind of places Matt and Will hang out in if Cell Block didn't measure up. "I've never been anywhere that crazy. The music was so loud you couldn't hear yourself think." Will look at him confused. "And all those elaborate mirror balls on the ceiling...all the colored lights." Arjun said and he had leaned over and was almost whispering. Then Will realized what was happening and now it was his turn to looked shocked and panicked. He had been seen. They had been seen together. Now he started sweating. It felt oppressive and hard to breath. This was exactly what they thought they were avoiding. It was bad enough that Scott was there but he felt confident that they had mutual reason to keep that secret. He didn't know what Arjun's story was.

"You mean...Cell Block?" he whispered it so quietly he was almost just mouthing the words. The two men across from them got up and left so they were finally alone and cold speak more freely.

"What bar were you talking about?" Arjun said clearly starting to realize he'd really fucked up.

"The hotel bar after the meet. That's the only place we partied with you." Will said. He saw the panicked look on Arjun's face and realized the misunderstanding that had just occurred and a wave of relief washed over him. It was clear Arjun didn't want this info out any more than he did. "So, you were at Cell Block too?"

Arjun just nodded and looked down at his lap. His hardon had disappeared when his panic set in. "I didn't know what it was. Someone told me about it and didn't tell me everything. Maybe they thought it would be funny."

Will wasn't buying any of that but was again, happy to see he was trying to cover for it. "You're secret's very, very safe with me...with us. That is not something we ever want anyone to know about." Will said and he watched as it slowly sank in with Arjun and the relief on his face was just as visible.

"Oh my god." Arjun said. "I thought I was going to have a heart attack. Seriously. My heart was pounding. I thought I might die in the sauna." Will laughed hard letting his relief flow out of his body. "So, you and Matt...no one knows?"

"What did you see?" Will asked.

Now it was Arjun's turn to laugh. "Oh, man. You two could not stop making out on the dance floor. It was inspiring really." He smiled for the first time and Will saw his brilliant white teeth and suddenly wanted to feel his full lips against his. His cock stirred again and he pushed on it as if that would hold it down under his towel. He was blushing.

"That's all you saw?" Will asked.

"That was a lot." Arjun said suddenly more confident. He realized he was in the slightly stronger position having at least not been seen making out with another dude. "Was there more than that?"

Will laughed hard again and lied. "No. Definitely not."

"Well maybe someday you'll tell me." Arjun said obviously not believing him.

"So you must really miss D.C. if you're used to going to clubs like that. They must have some good ones." Will said trying to be casual as if they were now in the same cone of secrecy even though they were still virtual strangers.

"So many good ones." Arjun replied looking up at the ceiling as though he was picturing his past escapades. "You should check them out if you're ever there."

"If I'm ever in D.C. it will for an educational family vacation with the kids so that's not likely." Will said.

"So they don't know." He said as though it was a statement not a question.

"Fuck no!" Will said loudly and then caught himself and quieted down even though they were alone. He went on tell Arjun the story of how the tournament weekend had been their first time and they didn't know how to navigate things now that they were home.

"Wow." Arjun said and paused.

"What about you? Where is your wife? I've never seen her at the meets and she wasn't with you at the hotel. Is there a wife?" He asked assuming there was or he wouldn't be as freaked out about being discovered.

"There is a wife. Her name is Ravi. She's back in India visiting her parents for a few months. She won't be back for several more weeks."

"Wow. So, are taking advantage of that...'free time'?" Will asked suddenly fantasizing about not having Michelle around and being free to have Matt come over whenever he got horny.

Arjun looked a little shocked but then blushed so he must have been able to sneak in some encounters. "I have my son. And he's younger than your Jake. He still needs a lot of attention. I can't leave him alone. He's only twelve."

"Twelve? Has he started to..."? Will trailed off but made the universal gesture for jacking off with his hand. Arjun blushed again but smiled again as well.

"Oh, man. He apparently just figured it out. He spends so much time in the bathroom. Oh my god. I'm glad my wife isn't around for this right now." He said smiling.

"Yeah, once Jake got going...holy shit...he's like a little machine. It's a good thing we don't have a black light. I wouldn't want to see his room." Will said laughing. "So, you need to get him to start going on some sleep overs so you can have a night out." He added.

Arjun's eyes lit up as if he'd never thought of that. "That's actually a good idea. I don't know who his friends are."

"I can find out. Hell, I can have Jake and Eric invite him for one but 15 year olds might be a bad influence on him." Will said.

"Plus wouldn't you want your sons out on a sleepover on the same night?" Arjun said clearly hoping it would be a guy's night out.

"Now you're thinking, buddy. Maybe we should get a guy's poker night started."

"Oh my god, that would be perfect." Arjun said picturing the debauchery in his head. He got hard again. He moved his hands and looked down at his groin under the towel.

"That's a pretty good tent you got there, my new friend." Will said noticing it as well and he moved his hands aside to show off his matching tent.

"So are you and Matt...exclusive?" Arjun asked.

"No. We're just buddies." He replied but felt a little conflicted about that assessment.

"Fuck buddies." Arjun said.

"I guess so." Will said. That term made him both uncomfortable and horny.

The door opened and two guys in their 50s walked in, pulled off their towels and neatly folded them as seats on the hot bench. They sat naked across from Will and Arjun who instinctively bent over and put their elbows in their knees to hide their tents.

"Now what?" Arjun said.

"Fuck if I know." Will said. "I'm about overloaded with heat but I can't exactly stand up and leave right now if you know what I mean." Will said in a low whisper. Arjun laughed which made Will laugh and suddenly they were like two junior high boys trying unsuccessfully not laugh in the back of class.

Will stood up and skillfully took off his towel while causally holding it in front of his manhood to hide his boner. "Well, I'm gonna hit the shower. This heat is getting to me." He turned and Arjun marveled at his tight firm soccer ass as he walked toward the door. "You taking one too or do you need more heat?" He asked. Arjun made the same skillful move with his towel and followed him out.

"That was smooth." Arjun said to Will. "Also: nice ass. Oh my god." Will turned his head to smile back at him as they walked down the narrow tiled hallway to the shower room. His cock had surged with horniness at the thought that this pretty brown guy was admiring his ass as he walked. He walked to the shower at the end of the row and pulled the curtain only part way closed. Arjun took the stall directly across from him and left his mostly open. They both reached out and hung up their towels on the hook just outside the shower at the same time. Their eyes both zoomed in on each other's stiff cocks. Arjun's was slightly shorter, maybe 6 1/2" and about the same thickness as Will's. He was only 5'-9" so it looked good with his frame. His had a thick mass of dense jet black pubes surrounding his junk to the point where his tight nut sack was barely visible through the thicket. His bush spread out in a wide "V" toward his hips. He reached down and scratched his bush just above the base of his boner and slid his hand down, wrapped it around and slowly stroked it while staring right as Will's cock.

Will was horny as shit after denying himself both the mental fantasy and any masturbation release for days now. He got bold and pulled the curtain back a little more so he was fully on display like Arjun but not visible from the aisle. He leaned back against the wet tile wall, spread his legs and started putting on a show. It made him so horny seeing the affect it had on his new friend. He grabbed his balls with his left hand and stroked with his right. Arjun was so hot - dark and sexy like Matt but in a completely different way. You could describe him as pretty.

Arjun's wavy, jet black hair appeared to be very curly now that it was wet. His closely cropped beard accentuated his small mouth but he had plump, full lips. Will released his boner and made a circular motion with his index finger pointed toward the floor directing Arjun to turn around. Arjun smiled and turned his back to Will exposing his beautiful round ass cheeks. They were brown with dimples on each side. They were smooth on the top but had a swath of tiny straight black hairs that swirled around the base of his globes to about the center of each cheek and disappeared into his dark crack. It accented the shadow of each one making them look even more full and round.

Arjun turned his head and watched Will's face as his eyes were glued to his ass as he pumped his cock faster with his fist. Arjun smiled even though Will was paying no attention to his face. Arjun spread his legs a little wider and flexed his ass. Then he reached back and grabbed each cheek with his hands and slid his fingers down his crack before gently spreading them apart just enough for Will to see the wet mass of black fur that lined the space between them. There was so much hair that his little purple hole was not even visible even though Will was trying hard to see it.

Arjun fell slowly against the tile wall and arched his back slightly making his ass pop out at Will. "God Damn!" Will said out loud and then looked around to see if anyone had heard his outburst. Fortunately, there was only one shower in use and it was the first one in the row of six so the sound had been drowned out by the rush of water.

Arjun then walked his hands down the wall until they reached the floor and he was bent completely overexposing his hole and his balls and his stiff cock that was now aimed straight down as it hugged his abs. He reached up with one hand and played with his hairy nuts. They had been pulled up into his body so just the egg shaped forms of each nut were visible on either side of his taint. He gently pushed them back out into the open and sent them down under his dick into their snug, round, furry pouch. Then tapped his hole with his middle finger, hard enough to make an audible, wet, slapping sound.

"Fuck!" Will said loudly knowing only his new brown buddy could hear him. Arjun smiled upside down and quickly stood back up and turned around and began to stroke again. He pumped out some conditioner from the bottle mounted to the wall and slathered his cock with the cream that looked just like cum.

Will licked his lips and then mimicked the scene by turning around, clenching his ass, then spreading his cheeks and bending over to expose his hole as well. Arjun closed his eyes and pumped his cock faster. Then Will backed up against the tile wall again, spread his legs and raised his hands in the air to clasp them behind his head making his guns look better and showing off his pits. He thrust his boner out at Arjun and smiled and nodded. Arjun understood the invitation. Will could watch his expression that was a mixture of lust and apprehension.

Suddenly two guys opened the shower room door and walked down the aisle. They were in the middle of a discussion about a basketball game. It was unclear if it was one they'd played or watched. Seeing the open curtains at the end of the row they assumed the shower stalls were open. Fortunately, they were loud and the recessed ceiling light over the center of the aisle cast their shadow on the floor before they reached the stalls. Will and Arjun smiled at each other and turned around, hiding their erections and pretending to wash their bodies.

"Oh! Sorry, guys! Just saw the curtains open." The taller one said, sort of embarrassed for nearly walking into Will's stall.

"No worries." Will said and casually grabbed the curtain and pulled it most of the way closed while stealthily hiding his stiff cock. Both guys turned and took stalls in the middle of the row, far enough away that they couldn't see into the end showers.

When he heard their curtains close, Will poked his head out to ensure the coast was clear and then he stood at the open space in the curtain and playfully wagged his stiff cock at Arjun who smiled and laughed. Will's cock slapped up against his pelvis and his loose balls swung under him. The interruption had made Arjun's boner deflate a little and it stuck straight out instead of up toward the ceiling. He thrust it out past the curtain making Will smile. Will put his hands behind his head again and humped the air toward his new friend. It was like they were goofing off in the team locker room after practice in high school. It felt naughty but playful and fun. Both men missed that feeling which resulted in them throwing caution to the wind more than they normally would have. Will looked at Arjun and puckered his lips like he was blowing him a kiss without the corresponding hand gesture.

Arjun sucked on his finger and then poked his head out and looked down the aisle to make sure it was empty. He quickly closed his curtain and stepped across the aisle to join Will in his shower. Will seemed shocked. He'd clearly offered up the invitation because he was frankly just overcome by horniness but wasn't actually expecting Arjun to be brave enough to accept it. Will quickly closed the curtain and made the. "Shhh" sign with his finger to his lips.

Arjun grabbed Will's wrist to move it away from his lips and then stood on his toes to plant his mouth on Will's. Will was shocked again. He had vastly underestimated Arjun's boldness. He was also overcome with lust though and instantly gave in to the need he'd been denying himself since he blew Matt in the Target changing room. That had all happened so quickly he'd barely had time to enjoy it. It was over practically before it had started. He hadn't even let himself jerk off about it at home. He packed it away until Arjun had opened the flood gates and let his horny monster out.

Will grabbed Arjun's face and started passionately making out with him. Their tongues swirled and intertwined. His mouth was so different from Matt's - so small and round. He tasted good though. He reached around and felt his shoulders and then down to his ass. He kneaded it with his hands and gripped hard as he ground his hard cock against Arjun's torso. He was enough taller that his balls landed on Arjun's thick black bush and he rubbed the underside of his cock against the dark fuzz of his happy trail that was equally long and thick like the rest of his pubes.

Arjun broke their kiss and slowly dropped to a squat, kissing Will's nipples and chest and navel on his way to his rock hard cock. He grabbed Will's firm smooth ass and sucked the head of his cock into his small, soft mouth. Will moaned and then caught himself and clasped his hand over his mouth. He looked down and watched as Arjun slowly took more of his shaft. He felt Arjun's finger search for his hole and when he found it, Will thrust further into his mouth. Will was surprised at how much of his long dick Arjun was able to get down his throat. He'd clearly had more practice. Will sat down on the folding seat at the back of the stall and made sure the curtain was completely closed. Then he just leaned back, spread his legs, and enjoyed the expertise of Arjun's warm, wet mouth.

After a couple of minutes Will wanted to return the favor. He stood up, pulling Arjun up by his pits. He felt how much hair there was and lifted Arjun's arm to stick his face in the mass of pit hair. Then he sat back down so his face was at the right height so suck Arjun's cock. He leaned forward and kissed his happy trail up to his navel. He loved the beautiful dark caramel skin. Will nudged Arjun's legs apart a little. Then he placed his feet on top of Arjun's as if to hold him in place.

His right hand searched for Arjun's balls amongst the thicket of fur and he tugged on them as soon as he found them. He sucked Arjun's cock into his mouth and instantly felt the thick flesh around his cock head. Then he felt it slide back and forth over the ridge of his head as he bobbed up and down. Foreskin. Arjun was uncut - of course. That was far more common elsewhere in the world. It felt amazing. This must be what Matt was talking about with Patrick. He instantly understood now why Matt liked it so much that he'd talked about it on the way home from Caleb's place. He loved the feeling too - so soft and full, moving with his own lips as he sucked up and down. Arjun gently held his Will's head and closed his eyes. For a few minutes Will was lost in the feeling and forgot where he was.

He was jolted back to reality as he heard three more guys enter the showers. They took the three empty shower stalls at the opposite end of the aisle. Their voices were muffled and he couldn't make out what their conversation was about but heard them laugh. Then their showers turned on and it soon became almost as humid and foggy as the steam room. The room smelled strongly of menthol and cleaning products. He wondered if the bleach smell was from cleaner or from cum. He stroked his cock at the thought of other guys jacking off behind their curtains - just a few feet apart and only separated by the thin plastic curtains.

The locker room showers had always been a place that made him horny - even way back to junior high - maybe especially back in junior high. It was like the horny, pubescent coming of age that was constantly on display in the locker room had been imprinted in his libido. It was where everyone first saw him when his body had become a man.

More voices rounded the corner into the shower area. It was that time of the evening when the post- dinner crowd was done working out. Will started to panic. This was getting too risky for his comfort level.

"It's getting too busy in here. No one can find us in here together. You need to go back." Will said to Arjun as quietly as he could over the sound of all of the showers. His anxiety was making him lose his erection. Arjun also looked worried and nodded. He pulled the curtain back and stuck his head out just enough to see the aisle. As soon as it was clear he slid the curtain back and walked across the aisle to his shower. He had closed it and left the water on so anyone from outside would think it was still occupied.

"Oh, excuse me!" Will heard Arjun say. "I just left this on to go get a towel." He said holding the towel he'd just grabbed from the hook and holding it over his boner. Will peered around his curtain and saw Arjun standing naked and dripping wet in the aisle talking into the darkness to someone in his shower stall. He heard a mumble from behind the curtain. "No worries, this one looks free across the aisle." Arjun added and closed the curtain to what was now his former shower. He turned and Will saw the panic on his face as he quickly walked back into Will's shower stall. They looked into at each other as if to say, "what the fuck do we do now?"

"What are you doing?" Will whispered to Arjun. "Why didn't you take a different shower - or just leave?" He watched as Arjun processed that and closed his eyes as he realized his tactical error. This could have all been over if he'd just walked out.

"Bloody Hell! He swore under his breath, acknowledging his error. "I'm so sorry. I panicked. All of the other stalls were full and I was standing there naked and hard. I'm sorry." He said again.

Will understood but was no less concerned. He opened the curtain and peered out. Two guys were in the aisle chatting: one exiting the shower and the other taking his place. "Fuck. It's busy now."

"It will die down. This rush only lasts a little while every night." Arjun said. Will shrugged and decided he might as well actually clean himself off while they waited for the coast to be clear. He pumped out some shampoo and started lathering up his hair. Arjun took that cue and did the same. They took turns under the shower head like they were in an open shower back in their college dorms. Their once stiff cocks had gone back to just being slightly plumper than their normal state. Everything seemed ok. They just had to wait out the rush.

"Dad?" Will eyes popped open and a worse look of panic washed over his face. Arjun looked confused but then it clicked. That was Jacob's voice.

"Dad? You in here? The showers are full. Can I hop in with you?" Jake said as he walked down the aisle. Since most of the curtains didn't quite close across the openings, he could easily glance in and see that his father wasn't in any of the stalls - until he got to the end and spotted his dad's smooth ass sticking out into the light created by the gap in the curtain. He recognized it from their many trips to the gym - certainly not from being at home where no one was ever in anything less than shorts and a tee shirt - until today. He pulled the curtain back. "There you are. Can I-" he froze when his eyes reached Arjun. "What the fuck?"

Will pulled him into the stall and closed the curtain. "C'mon in. It'll be tight in here but it will get us out of here faster so we can get home."

"Um, who's this?" Jake asked looking at Arjun who stood trying casually to cover his junk with his hands. Jake, by contrast, stood proudly naked in front this stranger, looking him up and down.

"This is Arjun. You know his son. He's a junior high wrestler." Will said, causally.

"Oh, yeah. Avi. He's a cool little kid. Good wrestler too." Jake said. "Good to meet you." He added and extended his hand to Arjun making him let go of his junk to shake hands. Some guys may have thought shaking a guy's hand after it had been holding on to their dick would be a reason to forgo the politeness, but Jake was unfazed. Then, as if his train of thought had been distracted by the introduction, turned back to his father. "Why is he in here...with you?" He added. It hadn't even occurred to Jake that Arjun and his father had been doing anything scandalous.

"We were in the sauna together and got to talking and got too hot so decided to cool down and get showered but it was jam packed in here and since we'd already been hanging out like this in the sauna, we figured we might as well just shower like the old days when it was all open showers anyway." Will said as though it was simply the most practical decision. "You need some soap? How was your workout?" Will added, reinforcing his calmness.

"It was good. I upped the pace to 8 mph on the treadmill." Jake said, proudly.

"Nice job." Will said and was bathed in relief. He couldn't believe he'd managed to diffuse this unbelievable predicament. Will and Arjun switched places. So that Arjun was between Will and Jacob who was now under the water. All of the shower stalls were large and these end stalls were wheelchair accessible so even larger than the others - but with three guys inside it was still bumper to bumper so to speak. Will looked down and saw Arjun's smooth, brown ass cheeks just inches from his long, plump penis as it hung down over his balls. He felt blood rush to his cock and quickly looked up at the ceiling and bit his tongue to try to quell his libido.

Jake could feel Arjun's cock brushing up against his firm round ass. He felt the tip of Arjun's dick head bouncing sporadically off his right cheek. He also started to get hard and his teenage cock responded quickly and was stiff as a board in just a few seconds. He didn't care. He washed the soap down his chest and abs and stroked his boner with the slippery water with one hand while he reached back to wash his ass crack with the other. He arched his back a little to get better access, and intentionally touched Arjun's dick as he did. Arjun backed up which made Will's dick head slide right into his crack. He felt Will's hard cock and then his balls against the tiny hairs on his ass. That made him jolt forward which put his rising cock into Jake's crack. These close quarters were about to change everything.

Jake was amused by this fine brown stranger getting noticeably aroused behind him. It made him even hornier to have that power. He knew it could just be the close quarters coupled with the fact that they'd all worked out and blood was flowing naturally, but it could be that his ass was turning on Avi's father. He stood there under the water and continued to slowly stroke his cock.

"Jacob!" Will said as sternly as he could without being overheard when he recognized his son's arm movements as obviously masturbation. What the fuck was with him? It was like he couldn't control his hormones. Will remembered how often he'd taken his stiff cock in hand at Jacob's age - and he'd set some records as he'd hinted to Matt - but Jacob seemed out of control.

Jake casually turned around and his slick boner knocked right into Arjun's. Electricity shot through both of them. Arjun looked into Jake's eyes and Jake saw panic and that power made him drunk again with horniness. He let his cock sway back and forth across Arjun's. He glanced down and saw precum drooling out the end. He reached out grabbed both of their cocks together and starting jacking them both. Arjun's knees buckled and he fell forward onto Jake. Will instinctively grabbed for Arjun's waist and pulled him back which made his cock slide hard into Arjun's ass crack. Will's cock surged with blood and he saw stars. Now all three of them were hard. And all three were horny beyond what they were able to control.

Will had a week's worth of pent up lust and had just been teased in the sauna and the shower. He wanted Jacob to leave and Arjun's mouth back on his boner - and he wanted more of the feeling of his uncut cock.

Arjun had been equally abstinent lately and was overcome with desire for the wrestling dad he'd lusted over all season but especially once he'd found out about he and Matt.

Jake was Jake.

Arjun knew messing around with Jacob was not only a terrible idea because of his age, but his father was right behind him. He felt faint. Under normal circumstances this would have resulted in enough panic to make the blood leave his cock - but this was not a normal circumstance. Everything about this was so hot. He couldn't will himself to make it stop. He turned around and Will saw his boner. Then he saw Jake's. Then Jake saw his father's. Their eyes met. Will saw the mischievous glint his son got when he was beyond incorrigible - but surprisingly, he also saw a complete lack of judgement. Jacob didn't care that his father was in a shower with two other guys and was hard as a rock. In fact, he could tell he liked it.

Will forgot what it was like to be a teenager. Teenage boys are more used to seeing each other in awkward situations. They're constantly boned up - constantly horny - and as Will had recently discovered, perfectly comfortable in a circle jerk. Maybe he thought that just never stops.

Jake walked up behind Arjun, reached around and started jacking Arjun off. Then he reached his other hand around and felt Arjun's chest - his fingertips playing with the short, trimmed hairs all over his pecs. Arjun just closed his eyes. He couldn't look Will in the eyes but he couldn't brush Jake's hand away either.

Then Jake reached out and grabbed his father's stiff cock. He squeezed it and pulled up slowly. Will was frozen. Then Jake slid his hand down and grabbed his father's balls. "This is where I came from." He said as though he were saying it to himself. Arjun opened his eyes and looked down to watch Jake jacking them both off. He looked at Will and leaned in asking for a kiss. Will looked shocked and shook his head. He was finally able to grab Jacob's wrist and pull it away. Jacob smiled at his father and just grabbed Arjun by the waist and started bucking into his backside. Arjun put his hands on Will's pecs and then slid them back to his shoulder blades and pulled Will against him. He sucked on Will's neck as their groins pressed together. They were both overcome by the awesome slippery feeling of trotting against each other. Will grunted and bucked against Arjun who thrust his boner back at Will. They rocked together. Will had been looking up at the ceiling, avoiding making eye contact with his son who was now only inches away.

Jake reached his hand down Arjun's crack looking for his hole. He found it and pushed hard against it until his fucker finger broke through and he gently pulled Arjun up by his anus. Arjun moaned too loudly and Jake pulled out and slid further down under his ass. He gripped his taint hard and then grabbed his ball sack from behind.

"Oh, Fuck!" Arjun said.

""You wanna fuck?" Jake whispered in his ear. Arjun moaned again and started shooting his load against Will's cock and his abs. Jake squatted down and reached even further until he could grab his dad's balls again. He gave them a strong tug and then released them. Will shot back up, rubbing the underside of his cock against Arjun's wet bush into the cum that had collected between them. He bucked hard against his new friend and also started to unload.

"Oh, YES!" Will said as he let out a guttural moan. He wrapped his arms completely around Arjun's shoulders and humped him and humped him as his long orgasm continued. Finally, he released Arjun and fell back onto the fold-down seat at the back of the stall - his long boner still resting up toward his navel and balls slowly loosening back down toward the seat.

"Turn around." Jake said to the back of Arjun's head. Arjun didn't respond. "C'mon, Avi's dad. Turn around." He said again and playfully slapped Arjun's ass cheek. Arjun gave Will a confused look and slowly turned around to face Jake. Jake reached out and grabbed Arjun's deflating dick and gave it a long squeeze. He wanted to bring the string of his semen that had oozed out onto his hand to his mouth but he knew his father would freak out, so he just used it as lube and started stroking. "Get on your knees." He said quietly. Arjun looked confused. He wanted to turn around to Will. He wasn't sure if he wanted permission or help getting out. "Now. C'mon. Get down. I wanna cum on your face." Jake said in a tone so low that it was just a deep echo outside of the stall.

Arjun dropped to his knees and closed his eyes. Then Jake leaned back against the wall under the shower head and started pounding his cock.

The scene was hot and it made Will's cock refill from its position on his belly. He slowly grabbed it and started jacking as well. He and Jacob locked eyes and matched their strokes. "Nice boner again, Avi's dad." Jake said as he broke his gaze to glance down at Arjun's manhood. "You can do it. Go ahead. My dad is too."

Arjun slowly started jacking off again, just staring at Jacob's beautiful long curved boner.

"Fuck yeah." Jake whispered. Then he stood up and got just inches from Arjun's face. "Here it is." He said and then launched a huge arc of cum right over Arjun's shoulder to hit his father just above his right nipple. Jake adjusted his stance as though that hadn't been on purpose and blasted the next four shots all over Arjun's face. Then he leaned over and whispered in Arjun's ear. "Pretty good for my third load today."

As soon as Will felt the splat of his son's jizz hit his chest he came again just shooting straight up and hitting his neck and his clavicle and then drooling out onto his fist. He instinctively reached up and licked it off just as he'd done that first time he'd jacked off in front of Matt. Matt. He wished Matt had been here for this. This was going to be a good story to share. This had to be wilder than anything Matt had done since they'd come with each other in the Target changing booth.

Jacob and his father locked eyes again and smiled as though they'd just changed a tire together. Neither of them had felt this close to each other in...maybe ever. They both looked down at Arjun who was still stroking his cock at a pace that was starting to make a dangerously familiar slapping sound in the echo chamber of the shower room. They both started to laugh - silently at first and then more loudly.

Arjun looked confused but was undeterred. He was too horny to give up even though the steam and the water had made it hard for him to come again. Jake took pity on him and squatted down and played with his balls. That did the trick. Arjun convulsed and grunted again and came again on his chest.

"Nice one." Jake said and stood up intentionally dangling his long dick near Arjun's face. Will laughed again.

"Let's get cleaned off." Will said, back to his fatherly tone. Jake turned around and starting rinsing off. Will stuck his head out of the curtain and started to laugh again.

"What?" Arjun said standing awkwardly between them now feeling like a third wheel as he suddenly realized he barely knew either of them.

"The fucking place is empty now." Will said. They all laughed. "Go back to your stall." He said to Arjun. Will walked naked with his plump cock sticking straight out, over to the next stall and they each finished cleaning up separately. Will and Jacob got done at the same time and walked back to their lockers all smiles and relaxed. Arjun walked by them a few minutes later. He avoided eye contact.

"Have a good night, buddy." Will said. Arjun turned back and saw that everything was cool. Will and Jake were both smiling as they casually stepped into their boxer briefs as if it were any other night at the gym. As he'd finish washing the cum off his face and body, he'd been stricken by a wave of guilt and shame for letting himself get so out of control - and with people he barely even knew - but now he felt that weight lift off of him. It seemed just like any other night leaving the gym, except this time he had friends to say good night to.

"Night, mates" he said and smiled back.

"I'll let you know when we get that poker night started." Will said which made Arjun's smile just that much broader. He nodded and walked out.

"Poker night?" Jake said. "I wanna play."

Will laughed. "Your Texas hold 'em game inspired us. You've already got plenty of buddies for a game. Besides, you can't afford our stakes."

"If it's strip poker we can." Jake said smirking.

"Well, it's not." Will said more sternly than he'd intended.

"That's not all we inspired you to do." Jake said and raised his eyebrow to his father.

A week ago Will would have reprimanded Jacob for being crass. "I guess sometimes the education go both ways." He said instead and ruffled Jake's hair like he was seven. "By the way - what's with the lightning bolt?"


Next: Chapter 6

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