Home After the Tournament

By Mark Tholtow

Published on Jun 10, 2022


Home After the Tournament: Chapter 3

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Chapter 3: This Old House

"I'll have a grande caramel macchiato." I said to the barista. He was a tall guy who looked like he was born to be either a hipster bartender or a barista. He had to be at least 6'-3" and was slender but not scrawny. He had facial hair that was just in between looking like he hadn't shaved for a few days and a closely cropped beard. It reminded me of Will's a little bit only it was lighter. His long, curly hair was golden blonde with some streaks bleached out platinum and pulled back into a tight ponytail that looked professional from the front but when he turned to the side showed a massive tangle of curls that hung about 6" down his back. I wondered what it looked like out of the ponytail. He had striking green eyes and an easy smile that looked like it was just his natural expression.

"That'll be $5.71. You can swipe your card there." He said snapping me out of my mesmerization and pointing to the machine. "Name?"

"Matt." I said smiling back at him.

It was almost lunch time on Thursday. I'd been at a client meeting and was heading back to my office and needed some caffeine. I waited by the small group of other businesspeople and one cute, short, dark-haired teenager holding a skateboard. His shorts hung down so low it looked like they were being held up by just the bulge of his dick.

"Matt?!" The same barista called having apparently switched jobs behind the counter. He was now making orders while a short, plump girl with purple hair took over the register. I stepped up to get my white cardboard cup.

"I don't think this is mine." I said as I grabbed the cup from the counter and noticed it said "Ethan" in black sharpie. Then I noticed it also had a phone number and the words "txt me" under the name. I looked at it confused and looked up at him. He smiled at me again and subtly pointed to his name tag. His name was Ethan. He smiled and held his hand to his ear very briefly making the "call me" sign. I still looked confused until I figured out, he was flirting with me. I could feel myself blush deeply. Our eyes met and I'm pretty sure he winked before turning back to the espresso machine and starting another order. I grabbed one of the little cardboard thermal holders and slid it over the cup and walked out.

What the fuck was that? I thought to myself. Did I just get hit on by a barista? I wasn't sure how to feel. I was immediately a little freaked out that I'd given off some vibe that I'd be up for that. How could he tell I was into him? My staring at him was obviously not as subtle as I'd assumed.

I was also excited. My pulse was racing and my dick had expanded a bit in my pants. The thought of a random hook up had never occurred to me but instantly made me horny like a high school kid. Maybe he was joking. It didn't seem like a joke though. Why would someone joke with a stranger - especially when they could get fired for it if it wasn't well received. How did he know I wasn't going to get angry and ask for the manager? He somehow sensed my attraction. I need to be more careful.

I went back to the office and somehow managed to forget about it until I got back in my car to go home and saw the cup with Ethan written on the side in the drink holder between the front seats. I started to get hard again. He was hot - really hot. I wanted to run my fingers through his hair and see what he looked like without his shirt on.

I would be alone tonight. My custody arrangement with Eric went from Thursday to Wednesday so he was back at his mother's tonight. I'd planned on making myself dinner and firing up some porn on the big screen to have a nice long edging session. I figured I needed to jerk off today so I wasn't super horny for my weekend with Patrick. I'd been so horny thinking about the trip all week.

I needed to take the edge off. I'd jerked off three times on Tuesday, the day after my weird encounter with Jake. It was so hot but so wrong. I had to make sure nothing like that happened again. I'd wanted to tell Will before Jake let it slip but we hadn't been able to talk all week. I'd tried texting but he said he was busy with the kitchen remodel and couldn't get together. He'd written it in a way that made me suspect Michelle might be reading his texts. It was very formal.

Should I contact Ethan? I hadn't jerked off Wednesday so was noticeably hornier than usual. I rarely go a day without shooting a load out at some point. Was it slutty to want a random hookup the day before I went on my first official date with a guy? It seemed wrong but then again, it wasn't like Patrick was anything but a different random hook up from a bar at this point. I pictured that ponytail and his chill smile and my dick made the call.

"Hey Ethan." I texted and waited anxiously. Nothing. I decided I was being impulsive. I knew nothing about this guy. Does he do this all time - just sending his phone number out to random strangers every day? I decided I was glad he wasn't responding. I turned on the TV and scrolled to xhamster and typed "long haired guys" into the search bar. The first video was from some website called "Alternadudes" that was apparently catering to the alt-rock demographic. I picked a video with two skinny but fit guys covered with tattoos, one with long stringy hair and one with dreadlocks, going at it. This wasn't exactly what I was looking for but I was also enjoying the variety of something I hadn't seen in porn yet. Then I heard my phone buzz.

"Who is this?" The message came from Ethan's number.

"Matt. Sorry. From Starbucks. Grande Caramel Macchiato." I sent.

"With the hot long hair." He texted back.

"That's me."

"Sup?" He responded. Who says that?

"Just hanging at home watching TV" I sent and then instantly regretted sounding like I was 80 and a lonely loser.

"Cool." He responded. Ok, now what? He's the one that said to contact him.

"What are you up to." I sent resisting the urge to type 'sup wit u?"

"Same." He responded. This was stupid. I decided he must be stoned and maybe I'd dodged a bullet and hit play on the paused video. I'd been sitting in my tighty whities and decided to pull them off and get comfortable. It was hot sitting bare-assed on the leather sofa knowing it was where the boy's naked asses had been and that they'd all circle jerked in this same spot. I tried to picture what it would be like with them sitting around me. I got fully boned up and felt some precum start to drool out of my cock.

"You up for something?" Ethan texted. I had just decided I wasn't and now this.

"Maybe. What did you have in mind?" I sent.

"Seeing that hair in my lap." He responded. Damn. He went right from chill and vague to bold and aggressive.

"Same." I texted back thinking I was hilarious. Then I clarified. "I wanna see you without the ponytail." He responded by laughing at 'same' comment and putting a heart emoji on the other. I liked that.

"You free now?" He texted.

"Yup." I replied.

"You wanna host or travel?" He texted. That seemed like an odd way to just say 'your place or mine' but it got the point across, I guess. I thought about it. It would be so easy for him to just come here. I was already naked with porn on, but I didn't know him at all and didn't want him showing up again some time when Eric was here.

"Travel to you, I guess. I have a teenager at home." I lied.

"Sounds good daddy." He responded which also seemed odd and obvious. Then he texted his address. I googled It. It was only a ten minute drive.

"Be there in 20 min?" I texted.

"K" he responded. How old is he? I hit the thumbs up emoji, turned off the TV and got dressed in a pair of shorts and a black tee shirt. I put some cologne on. Then I decided I didn't look cool enough and traded the shorts and flip flops for Levi's and my black boots.

I was hard the whole way there. I pulled up to his house and sat in front for a few minutes. Was I really sure I wanted to do this? I thought. What was I saying? Of course, I wanted to do this. I was horny as fuck and he was hot as fuck. I could hardly wait to do this. I could feel the wet spot forming in my briefs. I gave my dick a squeeze through my jeans and cupped my hand under my balls tightly. I got out of the car and adjusted my boner so it was aimed at my right thigh. It just looked like I was hung better than I really was and the tee shirt covered a little of it anyway.

The house was an old Victorian in the historic part of town. It was a very mixed neighborhood with some nice wealthy, well-maintained single family homes mixed with some that were more run down and had been turned into rentals. This was clearly the latter. I walked up the front steps and onto the wide, covered porch. There were folding lawn chairs and a cooler to the right of the door. I could see the light of a TV inside. I inhaled deeply and knocked.

A dark-haired dude with a noticeable beer gut who looked like he hadn't shaved all week answered the door. "Sup, man?"

"Hey." I said and almost bolted for the car. I was expecting Ethan to be alone. Then I remembered my boner. "Is Ethan here?"

"EETH!!" The beer belly guy yelled behind him. "ETHAN!!?" He yelled again louder. "C'mon in." He added and offered his knuckles for a fist bump. I'm cool so I knocked his fist with mine and entered. "ETHAN? Jesus. Somebody's here."

"Matt." I said. "I'm Matt."

"Angus" he said. "Have a seat." Who names their kid Angus? Weirdly, he looked like an Angus though. He swatted two empty Bud lite cans off the sofa cushion next to him apparently making room for me. "That's Brandon." He said gesturing toward another apparent roommate sitting in a recliner. Brandon nodded and gave me a salute from his chair. He was handsome in a generic college jock kind of way. He had short blonde hair that was messy on top in a way that made it unclear if he'd styled it that way or if he'd just rolled out of bed. He was very fit. He was shirtless and only wearing white joggers with a green stripe down each leg. He had one hand lodged under the waistband along his happy trail and appeared to have decent bulge.

My cock surged again and I was glad I was sitting down. He was resting a beer can on what looked like a hint of a six pack. He looked up and caught me staring and I quickly looked back at the basketball game on the screen. Neither of them talked for what seemed like ten minutes but was probably only four or five. I wondered if Angus and Brandon knew why I was there.

"Hey Man!" Ethan said as he came down the old, ornate wooden stairs. "Sorry. I decided to take a quick shower." He added. That was considerate. I should have done the same. I'd only squirted a shot of cologne down into my briefs. He was redeeming himself. His hair was mostly dry - just wet on the ends so he'd obviously only washed his body. It was no longer in a ponytail and was a wild, untamed mass of golden ringlets that hung down to his nipples. It was like a lion's mane. I felt a drip in my pants again feeling the cold wetness against my piss slit. He was only wrapped in a towel. He was so hot. The awkwardness of this living room all seemed worth it now. My eyes darted between the bulge under his white towel and his beautiful face and hair. He was completely smooth with barely protruding pecs and tiny, dime-sized nipples. "You met Angus and Brando?" He asked politely. I nodded. "You want a beer?"

"Sure" I said.

Ethan walked through the living and dining rooms to the kitchen at the back of the house. As he did, the towel started to fall and he just pulled it loose and was holding it in his left hand and walking naked to the fridge. He was so tall and slender but with wide shoulders that made his body look like a giant "V". He had a nice ass. It wasn't the firm, round ass of a wrestler that I'd been used to gawking at lately but it was still a good one. He had one of those short little ass cracks that made his butt look cute but like it was one size too small for the rest of his body. As he turned sideways and opened the fridge door the towel blocked my view of his dick. He turned his head to look over the open door at me and smiled. He's so cute. I wondered how old these guys were. They seemed too old to be acting like frat bros, but I was a little envious of the frat house party vibe. I'd lived in the dorms through all of college and never had the bunch-of-guys-in-a-house experience. It looked fun.

"You want a hazy wheat beer or an IPA?" He asked. I was so happy he had good taste in beer and I wasn't going to have to choke down a Bud lite. He was clearly a step above his housemates.

"An IPA." I said. "Thanks" I added as he handed it to me. I still couldn't see his junk. He grabbed himself one and shut the door. There it was. It was pretty. Not huge but fit his tall frame. It wasn't hard but it wasn't soft either. I wasn't sure if it was from the hot shower or the expected sex. It was about four or five inches long, on the thinner side, and sort of curved out and down as it hung over his balls.

"Dude. My eyes are up here." He said laughing. I blushed deeply again. Get it together and stop being a perv everywhere, I thought to myself.

"And they are very striking eyes at that." I said looking back up at his face and smiling. He smiled back. I could tell he liked me - or at least liked how I looked.

"Sorry, man. I actually haven't seen anyone that's been completely shaved...down there. It just caught me off guard." I said.

"Ah. Yeah, I love it this way. That's partly why I wanted to shower quick. It was getting a little stubbly and itchy." He said. "You wanna feel it? Smooth as a baby's butt right now." A baby's butt was literally the last comparison I wanted in my head at that moment. It actually made my boner deflate a little.

"I can wait." I said. He turned to grab a bottle opener and popped the caps off.

"You ready to go up? We could watch a little of the game first if you want." He said.

"I'm ready." I said and smiled. He smiled back. We both took a swig of beer and stepped toward each other. We both leaned in at the same time and kissed. I noticed how much taller he was than Will even. He had to bend down to kiss me. It was a weird feeling after a lifetime of always being the taller one. His mouth tasted so good and his tongue was soft. He dropped the towel and we wrapped our arms around each other. I slid my hand down to his little ass. I could hold his whole cheek in my hand. I cupped it under the bottom and squeezed it. Ethan ran his fingers through my hair and moaned.

"Your hair is so sexy." He said.

"Thanks. Yours is amazing. So fucking hot." I said and released his ass cheek to grab a handful of his curls at the back of his head.

"Let's go." Ethan said. We grabbed our beers and Ethan grabbed the towel, not bothering to wrap it around himself again. He walked ahead of me through the living room and up the stairs, his semi-hard cock leading the way. His roommates didn't even acknowledge he was stark naked and noticeably aroused and didn't move their eyes from the screen.

"We're going up for a while." Ethan said to them.

"Have fun, boys." Brandon said. Angus waved without looking up.

"Do they know what's going on?" I asked when we reached the top of the stairs.

"Of course." Ethan said.

"Is it just the three of you here?" I asked.

"No, we have s fourth roommate, Darius. He spends most of his time at his girlfriend's though." He said.

"So, Angus and Brando are single?" I asked just making conversation.

"Angus has a girlfriend; they're just not doing anything tonight. They mostly just see each other on weekends. And Brando...the jury's still out. He's brought a few girls home but not very often."

"That's surprising. He looks like he'd do well with the ladies." I said and instantly felt like I sounded 80 again. 'Well with the ladies?" Who says that that hasn't retired yet?

"Yeah, Brando's hot. I'd do him for sure. Not sure what his deal is. He gives me some looks sometimes. He might end up playing for our team." He said. Our team: I wasn't sure I liked being picked for a team yet. I felt more like I'd joined a pick-up game at the park but was not a regular player. I seemed to want to play this game a lot though.

"It's cool everybody's cool with whatever you all want to do." I said sort of amazed they just acted like their roommate bringing a fuck boy upstairs for sex seemed as normal as going up to shower.

"Why wouldn't they be?" He asked. My generation is so uptight.

We reached his room and went in and he shut the door. His room was considerably nicer than the rest of the house. His bed and dressers were sleek and modern and he had an interesting mix of personal items and decorative objects on his nightstands and the shelves next to his dresser mirror that looked like each one held a story.

"You have real art." I said, impressed. "Your room is nice. I like it."

"Thanks. Not what you were expecting given the rest of the house?" He said. I smiled not wanting to insult him by agreeing. "Yeah. The art is from my friends mostly. I don't have money for real real art but I have a lot of friends who are artists." He said.

"They're cool. I like this one especially." I said pointing to a large, black and white photo of some unidentifiable naked body parts in a deep shadow. How old are you?" I asked.

"I'm 28. I'm a grad student if you're wondering why I'm a barista. I bartend on weekends." He said. I knew it. "That's me." He added.

"The photo?" I asked.


"What is it exactly? Like what part of your body?" I asked.

"It's my shoulder and bicep next to my chest." He said and I looked at that spot on his body and then recognized it. I touched it. His skin was soft and smooth.

"There's no hair from your arm pit so I didn't recognize it." I said.

"She made me made shave it for the photo." He said. "That's actually what got me shaving everywhere. I had to shave my other pit because it looked crazy otherwise and then I just kept going and shaved my dick. My balls and ass were already smooth. I shave a little bit in the middle of my chest too." I moved my hand to feel that as well and felt the tiny stubble between his pecs. Then I traced my finger over to his nipple and started paying with it. Then I leaned in and sucked it between my lips and flicked it with my tongue. I hardly hard to bend down at all; Ethan was so tall. He moaned. "I love that."

I grabbed his cock as I sucked on his nipple and felt the smooth skin where his bush should be. It was hot just feeling skin and then his shaft protruding from his groin. I groped his smooth balls and felt their weight in my hand. My own cock was throbbing in my jeans. I dropped to my knees and took his cock in my mouth. It was even softer and tasted clean and slightly soapy. I suck on his head and felt my lips wrap around his stiff shaft. I tried to take more and more of it. I felt his spongy head at the back of my throat and kept pushing trying to open my throat to accept him deeper inside me. I wanted my nose to touch the soft, hairless mound above his shaft.

I wasn't very close though. I still had at least two or three inches to go. His cock was thinner than Dix's or Will's or Patrick's. I thought if I can take any dick down further it's this one. I concentrated and breathed deeply and tried to relax. Then I pushed further and felt his shaft fill my throat. I couldn't breathe which freaked me out a little and I pulled off. I took a huge breath like I was preparing to dive into the deep end of a pool and tried again. I sucked on his head some more which made me so fucking horny. He tasted so good. Then I pushed down again. Up and down. Up and down. Each time slightly further. Ethan was moaning loudly and had his hands tangled in my wavy black hair. I grabbed his ass and pulled him into me and felt my nose just graze the smooth skin above his dick. Then I gagged and quickly pulled off, spit drooling out onto his cock and the floor.

"Fuck yeah!!" Ethan yelled. "That felt awesome! Take me all the way down!" I tried again and pulled up slowly, milking him of some sweet precum.

"Nice cock." I said through my gasps for air. I took a break and pumped his cock with my hand and reached up to play with his cute little ass again. Then Ethan reached under my arms and pulled me up so we were standing face to face - or face to clavicle. My boner strained against my jeans, pointing right at him. My dick hurt it was so hard. I ran my fingers through his beautiful long curls again and leaned in to make out. Ethan slid his hands down my back and into my jeans, grabbing an ass cheek in each hand. He moaned again into my mouth and pulled away leaving a sting of spit hanging between our open mouths.

"Your ass is so hairy. I love that so much. I have to see it...now. We have to get you naked." He said and kissed me again before pulling my black tee shirt up over my head. He stopped when the shirt was still covering my entire face. "Oh my god. Your chest. You are so fucking hot. Your chest is perfect. I love all this hair." Ethan said. He pulled my shirt off the rest of the way and mashed his face into my dark, hairy arm pit and then went for my right nipple. I've never been one to get much out of nipple play but he seemed to be having so much fun, I let him have at it.

Then he dropped to his knees and started undoing my jeans. I was wearing old 501s so the buttons popped open dramatically one at a time and my white cotton tent was happily released straight out at him like a jack in the box. He stuck his mouth over my cockhead through the fabric and sucked on it. Then he yanked both my jeans and briefs down in one move. "Oh, Fuck yeah!" He yelled loud enough that the guys downstairs could have heard him. "Look at that big fucking bush! That's a fucking real man bush!" He added which seemed crazy. If he loved a hairy body so much, why completely shave everything off? Then he dove down on my boner. I was so happy to finally have my cock out from the confines of my tight jeans and then to have his expert mouth blowing me made me grunt with pleasure. "Oh my god, your balls! Your balls are fucking huge. I love them. You are so hot." He said and went back down on me. I just kept running my hands through his long hair.

This was really fun for me - not just because I was getting a high quality blow job, but it was so flattering to have him make me feel so good about my body. My ex had stopped commenting on my appearance a long time ago so this past week gave me renewed confidence. I put my hands behind my head and arched my back in a comfortable stretch. Ethan grabbed my ass and moaned again. "Turn around. I wanna see your furry ass." I complied knowing he was likely to be happy with that given it matched the rest of my hairy physique. He grabbed my cheeks and spread them apart and started to tongue my hole.

"Holy fuck, that feels good!" I said. The boy had skills. It had been over a week since I'd had my ass eaten for the first time the weekend of the tournament and I missed it. I stepped out of my jeans and briefs and spread my legs wider for my new friend. I was bent over with my legs spread leaning on his bed. He gently pushed on my back and I went down on my elbows and then eventually just laid my torso down on his comforter and spread my arms out wide and basked in the pleasure of his tongue. He sucked my balls into his mouth one at a time from behind and swirled his tongue around each one, gently tugging backwards until they slipped out of his mouth and they felt cold as the wetness hit the air. Then he licked up my crack and went back at my hole. I felt his nose tickling the top of my crack which made me giggle and squirm.

"Let's 69. I wanna taste your dick too." I said. He mumbled in the affirmative into my hole and the vibrations against my pucker made me cock twitch again. I could feel myself leaking onto the floor as my boner was pointing straight down against the side of the mattress. Finally, Ethan pulled his face from my ass and gave it a smack.

"Hop up on the bed, buddy." He said as he climbed on his bed and laid down on his back. His head was at the edge of the bed facing the door. He scooted down and hung his head off the edge and I stepped up and slid my hard cock into his mouth. I reached forward and felt him up again, enjoying feeling how smooth he was everywhere. Then I slid my lips over his cock and started sucking his head. It was so hot standing on the floor and fucking his face as I sucked him.

"Climb up on the bed." He said taking my dick out of his mouth for a second. I did as he asked. He scooted down so his head was fully on the mattress again and we got in the traditional 69 position and got back to business. It felt so decadent to just be squatting over his face. When Will and I had done it, we were on our sides so it seemed more egalitarian. This felt a little dominant while also being vulnerable at the same time. With my legs spread I could feel the cool air from his desk top fan blowing the hairs on my ass and making my pucker feel cool and exposed.

Ethan alternated sucking my cock and tonguing my balls and my hole. I slid his entire cock down my throat which was easier from the upside down position. My nose was nestled between his smooth balls and smelled clean and fresh. My lower lip felt the smooth shaved skin above his cock which was such a contrast to feeling Will's short, trimmed bush in that position. I had slid my hands under his ass and was holding his little cheeks and pulling him into me. We stayed like this for about ten minutes just lost in the pleasure of sucking and being sucked at the same time. I loved 69. It was one of my new favorite things to do. Having to concentrate on his pleasure at the same time helped me maintain an even level of arousal that kept me from blowing my load too fast - something I worried about given how horny I was and how hot he was.

Then we heard a knock at the door and we both froze. I assumed whoever it was wouldn't think of entering the room so I didn't bother changing position. It just seemed like a momentary distraction.

"Eth?" Brandon's voice came tentatively from the other side of the door. Ethan took my cock out of his mouth.

"Kinda busy, Man. What's up?" He said.

"Darius called. His car won't start. He thinks he left his lights on. He needs a jump. Can I take your car? I'm so sorry. It seems like an emergency though." Brandon said. I assumed Brandon would want to get up and get him the keys and pass them through the door as discreetly as possible but he had a different strategy.

"My keys are on my dresser. Just come in and grab 'em quick." He said. What?? I thought. Before I had time to move the door opened and Brandon walked in. I was facing away from him with my hairy asshole aimed right at him as he walked in. I preferred not to make eye contact so decided to just stay frozen in place. I could only imagine his view: my legs spread over Ethan's head with my ball sack hanging right over his face. Ethan had arched his head back slightly so he could make eye contact with his roommate upside down.

"What the??!" Brandon exclaimed as his eyes reached our 69. "Holy shit! Fuck. So sorry to interrupt, man." Brandon had frozen in place.

"On the dresser, Bud." Ethan said casually and then unbelievably moved his head to my sack and sucked my left nut into his mouth again. I moaned loudly expecting our action to remain interrupted until Brandon was out of the room. The idea that he was staring at my hairy ass and watching Ethan continue to go to town on my balls made me light-headed with horniness knowing we were being watched. The fact that Ethan didn't seem to care just added fuel to the fire. I couldn't see what happened but about 15 seconds later Brandon shut the door without saying a word. I just went back down on Ethan's boner and rubbed the underside of my cock against his beard.

"You wanna fuck?" Ethan asked. I released his dick.

"Sure. I'm good with whatever you wanna do." I said and went back down on him. I couldn't get enough of the feeling of his spongy cock head in my mouth.

"Cool. I only play safe though. Hope that's ok." He added and went back to licking my hole. I moaned on his dick.

"Same here. That's good news. I didn't bring a condom though." I said climbing off of him. We both sat up on our heels facing each other.

Ethan reached over to his nightstand and pulled out a condom. He ripped it open and started to unroll it onto his boner.

"Oh!" I said surprised. "Shit."

"What?" Ethan said. "Is this not ok?"

"Yeah. Sorry." I said. "I thought it would be the other way around."

"Oh. Damn." Ethan said. "I totally should have been more...specific, I guess. Are you just a top?" I hadn't even really thought about labels yet. It was weird to me to have categories for all of this.

"No. I like...both. I was picturing fucking you...that nice smooth ass. I'm ok either way I guess." I said a little nervously.

"Good. So, you're verse." He said. "I totally should have asked. I'm verse too...but I'm not exactly in a place where I can bottom right now if you know what I mean." I didn't know exactly what he meant but made some assumptions. I guess Will and I had just been lucky our biological processes hadn't gotten in the way of our fun yet. I needed to think about that before heading to visit Patrick. Google must know these things.

"How do you like getting fucked?" Ethan asked. I wasn't sure I had a preference yet but knew doing it on my back was probably the hardest to get started.

"Can I start by just sitting down on it?" I asked.

"Hot!" He said. "You wanna just impale yourself on my mighty sword?" Someone clearly played too much dungeons and dragons in high school.

"Sure." I replied tentatively.

Ethan laid down on the bed and started lubing up his latex-clad dick. He handed me the bottle. "Excalibur awaits!" He added holding his dick strait up and smiling.

"Medieval history major?" I asked, trying as hard as I could not to sound snarky.

"English & French literature to be exact." He said. I wanted to give him more shit but that was sort of impressive so I let it go. I straddled his hips and reached back to grab his boner from his hand. I aimed it at my hole and slowly sat down on it. It slid through my ring more easily than I'd expected. I grabbed his balls and relaxed, then I lowered myself down and felt his hard shaft sliding through my hole. I felt him fill me up until my balls rested on the smooth spot above his shaved dick. "Fuuuuck yeah!" He said when I bottomed out against his pelvis.

"Holy fuck!" I said as his long cock hit a spot inside me that sent a shiver through my whole body. This male g-spot thing was definitely real and his long dick had reached it. I rocked back and forth trying to make it do it again with intermittent success. Then I pulled up a little and sat back down hard sending Ethan's eyes to the back of their sockets. He thrust up into me. I leaned over so we could make out. He turned his head from side to side enjoying having my long hair brush across his face. We fucked like that for about ten minutes until I decided we both needed more.

"You like doggie?" I asked.

Ethan laughed. "I was literally just gonna ask you that."

"Is that a yes?" I confirmed.

"That is a yes." He said. I started to pull off. I got just so the head of his cock was still in me and then I sat down hard and fast again. Ethan moaned in pleasure and laughed at the same time. "Fuck yeah, Man! I like you. You want it hard, don't you?" I hadn't really thought about it but, yes. I think that's why I asked to change positions. I did want him in charge now. I wanted to just get in position and let him fucking pound me.

"You got me, Ethan. I want it hard. Do your worst, Man. I want that long cock to hit my g-spot again." I said. We made out for another couple of minutes. Then he lubed up again and shoved two fingers of slippery goo into my hole. His fingers were long too and felt great. I got into position on the bed. I was facing the door with him on his knees behind me. It reminded me of the wrestlers on the mat waiting for the ref to blow the whistle and start the next round except I didn't want to escape to a standing position. I wanted to back into his junk and feel his hip bones against my ass.

Ethan aligned his cock with my hole. I felt the pressure against my pucker and tried to open myself up. "That's it, Bud. Let me slide right in." He grabbed my hips and pushed.

"Oh, fuck yeah!" I said and he slid all the way in. I moaned as the electric charge shot through my body again. "That's it! Fuck me! Fuck me hard! Fuck me hard!" He got in a perfect rhythm of slamming his pelvis against me and I started to back up against him until we were in perfect sync. I went down on my elbows, arched my back a little more, closed my eyes and let him just pound me. "Fuck yeah! Harder! Harder! Fuck yeah!! That's it. Yes!! Fuck yes!" I was so loud I wasn't sure what came over me. I'd suddenly realized I hadn't yet been in this position where it didn't matter how loud I was. Will and Dix and I had to be quiet in the hotel and Will and I had to be completely silent in the Hotel Lobby restroom and in the Target changing room. Even at Patrick's I was trying not to be loud since Caleb and Will were in the other room. This was liberating. I didn't know anyone. No one knew me. I let loose. I was in a new kind of zone.

Ethan kept randomly hitting the electric spot. My whole body was tingling.

"I'm getting close." I said between moans and grunts. I was back up on my hands and knees slamming back into him.

"Me too." He said. "You wanna wait or are you ready to go?"

"Pretty soon." I said through ragged breathes. "I'm-" my sentence was cut short by a knock at the door. Brandon had returned with the keys. A normal person would have simply waited until Ethan came downstairs - or left them outside the door with a post-it note. Brandon was not as normal as his hot fraternity jock boy appearance had lead me to believe.

He immediately opened the door and stared right at us. It was different when he'd interrupted before. I couldn't see him. This time I was facing right at him. My hairy body was glistening with sweat. My boner was rock hard and slapping up against my stomach. Ethan stopped, mid-thrust with his pelvis locked up against my crack.

My eyes zoned in on Brandon's crotch - mostly just out of habit but also because I was too embarrassed to look him in the eyes. He was still in his tight white joggers but had put on a sleeveless tee shirt to go help his housemate, Darius. He had amazing biceps - like they were cut out of stone with the perfect large vein running across each one. The tee shirt was short. It didn't even reach his sagging waistband and exposed his navel and a sexy blonde happy trail. As I watched, his cock grew inside his sweats as though it were expanding in slow motion. It was so hot and I was already so close to cumming. I'm not sure what he was wearing underneath but whatever it was it was loose. His cock got to full mast in just a few seconds and tented straight out toward me. "Holy fuck, that's hot." I whispered to myself unaware it was actually out loud.

"Fuck yeah, Brando!" Ethan said and almost instinctively, he pulled almost all the way out and then grabbed my hips and shoved his cock deep inside me again. He hit the spot almost pushing me off the edge of the bed. I grunted and spontaneously started pumping out my load right at Brandon. I moaned and grunted again and watched as ropes of jizz shot from between my legs out onto floor at Brandon's feet. Then I felt Ethan thrust hard again and hold me tight against his body and could feel his cock spasming at my hole. "Oh. Oh! OH!!!" He gasped as he came inside me. I reached down and gripped my cock and pumped out the last of my load. Then I brought my hand to my mouth and licked it clean.

"Oh my god!" Brandon whispered. He reached down and grabbed his obvious boner through his joggers and started squeezing it. He grunted and closed his eyes. His knees buckled slightly and it was obvious he was ejaculating into whatever undergarment he had on underneath. I wanted to see it happened so badly. I felt another rope of semen ooze out of my cock. I looked down between my legs and watched it hang from my cock head until it reached the bedspread.

Brandon blushed deeply and looked so shocked and embarrassed. "Your keys." He blurted out dropping them on the dresser and running from the room.

"Dude! The door!" Ethan yelled after him but he didn't stop to return. He just left it open. It was a good thing we'd finished. Ethan pulled out. He climbed off the bed, pulled the condom off his dick, and held it up to examine the volume that had filled the tip. He tossed it in the trash and pulled the door shut. He walked back to the bed with his dick still mostly hard and bobbing.

"Gimme that thing." I said and reached for his smooth balls and sucked his dripping cock into my mouth to taste the last of his load.

"Me too." He said and pulled out and bent over to lick up the string of jizz from my dick and slurped up my swollen head into his mouth. I pulled his hips over and we got back in a 69 position and cleaned each other off until we were both too sensitive to take anymore pleasure.

"So, it looks like the jury returned its verdict on Brandon." I said and laughed a little. "Has that ever happened before?"

"No shit." Ethan said. "He's seemed a little...I know how to put it...a little too interested in my extracurricular activities...for a while now. But that was a whole new level, Man. The boner was shocking enough, but damn. I couldn't believe he dumped a load right in his pants. He did dump a load, right? I'm not making that up, am I?"

"No, I'm pretty sure he came hard in his pants. I've never seen anything like that. It was like he was 13 and got his dick touched for the first time or something." I said.

"Well that at least clears things up a bit." He said.

"What's he gonna do? You think he's gonna pretend like it never happened?" I asked. Then we heard the front door open and slam shut downstairs. Ethan opened the door and walked down to the first stair landing where he could see the front yard.

"Yup. It's Brando. He's freaking out right now; I can tell."

"Hard to blame him, really." I said remembering how just a week ago Will and I were both freaking out too.

"I guess." Ethan said. "It's no big deal." It seemed like it was a pretty big deal. Ethan was either just very comfortable in his skin or had been at this so long he's forgotten how strange it is when it's all new.

"I sorta wish I could be here when he gets back. You'll have to text me and let me know how it goes. I'm very curious." I said.

"Sure. So that was really hot." He said. I'd been so distracted by Brandon's second interruption; I hadn't even let the whole experience sink in.

"Fuck, yeah, Ethan. That was super hot. I had a great time. Glad I stopped in for some caffeine today." I said. "Do you do this a lot?"

"Fuck hot, older, sexy men?" He said smiling.

"Use your to-go cups as a pick up line?" I clarified.

"That's the third time I've done that. I hope that's not a disappointment. If it makes you feel any better, it's the first time it's worked." He said. "Third time's a charm." I was instantly relieved that he wasn't a man whore using coffee orders as a replacement for Tinder...or Grindr. But I wasn't sure he was being honest. I decided to take him at his word though.

"Well, I'm glad you did." I said. "I've never been picked up like that before. It was flattering and hot. And this...encounter...was a lot hotter than I'd expected - even without the Brandon factor. I gotta say the first time he barged in; I was pretty freaked out. By the second time, I'd apparently become an exhibitionist. It was hot having an audience even for sixty seconds.

"Yeah, that wasn't the first time Brando's shown a little more interest than seemed normal with my date." Ethan said. I wondered how often he brought dates home. I decided I felt better not knowing. "That's the first time he's actually come in though during it. I've heard him outside the door a couple times listening to me get it on though. These floors are squeaky and I could see the shadow under the door. I thought, maybe anyone would be curious listening to sex in another room - but now we know for sure, I guess. Boners don't lie."

"That was so hot watching him get hard that quick." I said. "He was like my teenage son." I added and instantly regretted open up that can of worms. Then I remembered I'd already used Eric as an recuse for why we needed to do this here and not my place.

"Yeah. Teenagers. I remember those days. Boners everywhere." He said and I was happy he'd dropped it at that. I was getting hard again wanting to hear about his teenage wood. "Well, I actually gotta study now. I got an exam tomorrow. I was hoping this would take the edge off my stress and help me calm down enough to study. You know how it is when you're so horny it makes it hard to concentrate." Welcome to my entire last couple weeks, I thought but didn't want to open up my newbie status can of worms either.

"I absolutely do. I hope this did the trick. It was certainly good for me." I said as I hunted around the room and bed for all of my clothes and started to get dressed again.

"Same, here. I'd be up for doing it again sometime." He said. "I didn't get enough of all of your sexy hair."

"Definitely." I confirmed. "Maybe next time I can hang on to your hair from behind." I added. I did really want to fuck him and watch all those curls flop around while I took him from behind.

Ethan stepped into a pair of loose boxers and headed downstairs. I followed still pulling my black tee shirt over my head. I carried my shoes down too and sat next to Angus on the couch to pull my boots on again.

"You guys smell like sex." He said matter-of-factly. I felt myself blush. "Where'd Brando go?"

"Not sure. He didn't say?" Ethan asked.

"Nope - just walked out. It was weird."

I stood up and wasn't sure what the appropriate protocol was for saying goodbye to a causal hook up - especially in front of his straight roommate. Ethan made that call for me. He opened his arms for a hug. I stepped in and was enveloped by his considerable wingspan and buried my face against his chest. He grabbed my ass with one hand, right in front of Angus, and pulled on my long hair with the other until I was forced to look up at him. He planted a sloppy kiss on my mouth, smacked my ass and released me. I reached up to get a handful of his hair again and pulled him in for one more kiss.

"Tell me you're not gonna go at it again right in front of me." Angus said not actually looking at us - still facing the TV.

"I gotta study." Ethan said.

"Or I'd just drop to my knees and blow you again." I said as though I were cutting him off. I shocked myself. He laughed at my decision to play along in front of Angus.

"Be careful. Angus might make it a two-fer one." Ethan joked. "He doesn't get any during the week."

"He'd have to say please." I joked back. What the fuck? Why am I suddenly acting all slutty? Angus wasn't even hot. Angus ignored both of us. I preferred to think he was engrossed in the game and hadn't heard me. "Good to meet you, Angus." I added.

"See you around, Man." He said as though he meant it. Maybe Ethan wasn't as slutty as I'd pictured. Or maybe Angus was on autopilot after Ethan does this all the time. Again, I decided I'd be happier not knowing the answer to that. I didn't need another fuck buddy. Although Ethan seemed more available than either Will or Patrick at this point and I seemed barely able to go more than a few days without wanting some.

"Alright. Thanks, Ethan. Bye." I said.

"Later, Man!" He said and I clomped down the porch stairs in my heavy black boots and walked to my car feeling great.

"Nice ass." He yelled from the doorway. I held up my fist in the air with my index and pinky extended like I was at a concert without looking back. I heard Ethan laugh and then shut the door.

Next: Chapter 4

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