

Published on Jul 2, 1999


Disclaimer: This story is fiction. It makes no claims to the true personality and sexuality of anyone involved. You already know if you shouldn't be reading this.

Note: This is the complete story with a few corrections. It only differs slightly from the numbered versions previously posted to Nifty.

------------------ HOME by JM

Part II

Its two years later. Nick and Susan are over for our traditional Friday night pow-wow.

"So what now?" Susan asked referring to the fact that the rehabbing was done, the kids were in school and doing well, the gardens were growing and the last twenty spots for kids were taken.

"I don't know," I honestly replied. "We're full and everything is going well. What's next? Open a club?" I said jokingly.

"Perfect!" smiled Susan.

"Oh no..." Nick said rolling his eyes.

I thought, 'What the hell? Why not?'

The next day I asked the kids about it. They loved the idea. I told them to start thinking about it.

A week later they had formulated their ideas about what they wanted it to be. We had had to turn away a lot of kids because we were full. The kids wanted the club under 18 only and a safe house. I liked the idea and told them to start planning and looking for sponsors. This would be their project, and while I would help, I wasn't going to finance the whole thing. I figured this would be a good learning experience for them -- to start their own business.

They split into groups as to who is going to work on what: financing, location, etc. Pedro, a 12 year old from the fourth family, who is a big fan of the Backstreet Boys, sent an email to them telling them about me, Home and the club and asks them to help.

One week later.

Kevin is reading fan mail on his PowerBook.

"Hey Brian. What do you think of this?" he says calling Brian over to read the email from Pedro.

Brian looks over his shoulder and reads the message.

"I don't know. Do you think its real?" Brian asks.

"Only one way to find out," Kevin says as he calls their lawyer and asks him to do some research on a "Joshua Matthews in Cincinnati, Ohio, and some shelter called 'Home.'"

The lawyer gets back to him the next day and explains that, yes, this is a real place that was set up by a guy who won the lottery. Kevin says thanks after getting my complete public history and phone number and hangs up.

"Hello?" Its on my private line, which is unlisted and the caller ID just says "out of area."

"May I speak to Joshua Matthews?" a man's voice says.

"Speaking," I said ready to be hear a sales pitch for magazines or the like.

"This is Kevin Richardson from the band Backstreet Boys."

"Yea..?" I said not really knowing who he is. I'd heard Pedro play their songs and talk about them, but it wasn't my style and didn't know one from the other. I explained this and said, "So why are you calling?"

"Well, we got an email from Pedro asking us to help with a club you are starting. I wanted to get more info."

"Really? Well, its really the kid's club. They are doing all the organization for it. I'm just here for support and guidance."

We talked for another hour about Home. Kevin asked a bunch of questions. From working with a lot of bands I was kinda surprised that he sounded intelligent. Not to say that all band members are dumb, but it is rare to find one that can talk about something other than their band and himself/herself. Kevin thanked me for the information and hung up.

The next day he called me again.

"Hey Josh, this is Kevin."

"Hey. What's up?"

"I talked with the guys and we'd like to come see the place and talk with the kids about it."

"Okay. When?"

"We have a weekend free in two weeks. How about then?"

I reached over and grabbed my calendar. "Sounds good. How many of there are you?"

"Five..." he said like I'd just asked him the most stupid question in the world.

"Okay. I'll mark it down. What time?"

"I have to get back to you on that. Don't tell the kids anything now. We're interested, but we are not making a commitment yet. We'd also like to keep it out of the press for now."

"I understand. Call me when you get your arrival information."

"Will do. Bye."


So the Backstreet Boys were going to come check out the place. I'd better visit Pedro and learn their names.

Now two weeks later. Friday at 4am. Why couldn't they pick a better time to arrive. I understood, however that they were flying in from California and they wanted to keep a low profile. Not much is going on at the airport at 4am. Their plane arrived and I recognized them as the five guys who were trying not to be recognized. Hats and dark sun glasses at 4am kinda stand out. They recognized me because I was holding a sign that said, "Home." I figured it would be better than announcing their presence, even at 4am.

We made our introductions, got their bags, loaded everyone in the truck and headed back. They were exhausted and looked it. When we got back I gave them a quick tour of the warehouse, since we were there, and then walked back through the gardens to the apartment. I thought about making them walk up the stairs to the eighth floor with their bags, but they were tired. I decided to be nice and we took the freight elevator up.

I open the door to the apartment across from mine on the 8th floor and said, "Nick, Howie and AJ have this apartment. Two bedrooms and the sofa opens into a bed. You can fight over who gets what. Brian and Kevin, you guys are here with me," I said walking into my apartment.

Nick, Howie and AJ said goodnight and went back to their apartment. Kevin and Brian fliped a coin to see who got the bed and who got the sofa. Kevin won the bed. We said goodnight and I went back to bed.

Around 10am, Kevin awoke. He could smell the coffee that had been brewed earlier. Fortunately there was still some left. He looked around until he found a cup, poured the rest of the pot in it, and shut off the coffee maker. He noticed the sunlight streaming through the open door to the roof and headed up to check it out. He peered around the door at the top and saw me sitting alone on a park bench on the roof. You could see the whole campus from here and most of the city.

"Mornin'" said Kevin. "Mind if I join you?"

I looked back and said, "Please."

Kevin came over and sat down beside me on the bench. He knew all about me from the research the lawyer had done and wanted to know more. He was intrigued. He wondered, 'just who is this guy. A millionaire who takes care of wayward kids in the middle of the city... Attractive... What's his real story...'

"Its really nice up here," Kevin said as he looked around. "You can see everything."

"Yea. I usually come up here to think, though. The only entrance is in my apartment, so its a nice place to be alone and think. If it weren't for all the city noise, you could call it my 'quiet place.'" I smiled.

Kevin smiled back. "So, no special someone to spend time with up here? Always alone?"

I sighed. "Nope. Haven't found the right man yet."

"So you're gay?" said Kevin.

"Since birth. You don't have a problem with that, do you?" I stated ready to go on the defensive.

"Uh...no. I don't have a problem with it at all," Kevin smiled at me and then looked out over the city skyline again.

"Good. A lot of the kids here are gay, too. You'd be amazed at how many kids become worthless trash to their parents after they come out."

We sat there in silence for a few minutes.

Kevin put down his coffee and turned to me. "So why do you do all this with your money instead of buying a big mansion in the country and travelling?" he asked.

Smiling, I asked. "Do you really want to know?"

"Wouldn't have asked it if didn't," Kevin replied with a bit of seriousness.

"Well," I started. "I didn't have the most loving of families. Cold would be closer to the truth. I, for better or worse, was smart enough to know this was not good for the soul, so I started to change myself. It took a lot of work, and I'm not done, but I'm getting better. My family, or should I say, my biological family, doesn't see anything wrong and hasn't changed. So instead of getting angry about it I just try to accept it and move on."

Kevin nodded.

"Well, I've always been kind of a father figure -- even to my friends."

"You too!" Kevin interrupted and smiled.

I smiled back and continued. "Strangely enough. Anyway, I've always wanted children and to raise them in a way I wasn't raised. But, being gay, there aren't many chances of that happening," I chuckled.

"I understand," said Kevin.

"Do you?" I questioned. "Well, I've always thought that I could adopt eventually, but that was only one kid. The world is very hard for kids today. I was always talking about wanting to help make society better, but didn't have the money or energy to do it. Then I suddenly had the money. The energy came with it. I've got 40 kids living here who were on the streets before. I couldn't say that if I had a big mansion in the country. I'm really proud of that."

"You should be." Kevin agreed.

"And as for the travelling thing, well, I still want to travel, but I haven't had the time. This was all done in two and a half years. No time for vacations or dating or anything other than this." I continued.

"Now that I really understand. Try having a relationship when you are on the road touring 40 weeks a year!" Kevin chuckled.

"No thanks. This is hard enough." I laughed back. "I do need to take a vacation soon, though. I don't want to get burned out."

"Any plans yet?" asked Kevin.

"I'm thinking Paris next spring," I replied.

Kevin smiled. "Very romantic..."

"Yea, well, maybe I'll find a nice French man who bathes regularly when I'm there."

We both laughed.

"Don't count on it," Kevin threw out, still laughing.

He had a nice laugh and a nice smile. I was happy he was here.

"Unfortunately, its probably easier than finding a guy here who is not after my money and wants to live here," I said sadly.

Kevin picked up on this and said, "Don't worry. I'm sure you'll find someone. You seem to be a really nice guy."

"Thanks," I said sarcastically. I decided it was time for the tables to turn. "So now you know my story, and I'm sure you had me checked out. What's yours? Any significant other?"

Kevin looked away and said to the air, "Its just as difficult for me because of being famous..."

Brian quietly walked up behind us and yelled, "Hi guys!"

We both jumped a foot off the bench and Brian laughed hysterically.

I looked at Kevin with a smile on my face and said, "Is your coffee cold, Kevin?"

"Uh, yea," he said not quite understanding where I was going with this.

"Hmm. So's mine. Let's dump this and make some more," I smiled and nodded towards Brian who was still laughing. He caught on and winked back. We grabbed our coffee cups and threw the remaining coffee (and there was quite a bit of it because I have big coffee cups) at Brian. Now it was we who were laughing. Brian stood there dumfounded as Kevin and I ran back downstairs.

I grabbed a towel and threw it at Brian as he came mumbling down the stairs saying, "Very funny..."

"We thought so!" yelled Kevin.

Just then there was a knock at the door. I went over and let Nick in.

"Mornin' Nick. Where's the other guys?" I asked.

"Howie's in the shower and AJ is still sleeping," Nick mumbled as he looked around the room and then sat at the dining room table. He looked at Brian with the brown stain all down his front and said with a smile, "You got diarrhea again, Brian?"

This, of course, caused Kevin and I to crack up again.

Brian mumbled to himself as he walked down the hall to the bathroom.

Nick smiled. "I don't wanna know. How about breakfast?"

"If you don't want to know, then why'd you ask?" I smirked.

Nick looked at me confused, then annoyed, then looked at Kevin. Kevin just shrugged.

"I'll make some coffee." I relented.

"Thanks. You got any cereal?" Nick asked.

"Nope. I have some baguettes, though." I said pointing to the bakery bag on the counter. I always had one of the kids get me 2 baguettes from the bakery down the street in the morning and leave them outside my apartment door. Today I'd made sure to get 6.

Nick rolled his eyes. Sighed. And then got up, grabbed one, and ripped it in half. "You got any jelly at least?" he asked.

"That I do have." I said opening the refrigerator and placed a jar of peach preserves on the counter, pulled a knife from the drawer and put it next to it. Nick proceed to pour about half the jar of preserves into his baguette and after his first bite seemed to be happy as a clam. I turned on the coffee pot and got down a few more cups.

Kevin, in the mean time, had folded up the sofa bed, folded the blankets and sat next to Nick at the table.

The bathroom door opened and I heard Brian walking down the hall. I reached under the sink and grabbed the bottle of laundry detergent. Brian turned the corner into the kitchen saying "Josh, do you have..."

I held the detergent out to him and said, "Go ahead and soak it in the sink. There's a washing machine on the first floor for later."

"Thanks." He smiled, grabbed the bottle, and disappeared back into the bathroom.

Brian had his shirt off and I didn't fail to notice that he had a very nice chest. I paused for a minute and thought, 'Could any of these guys be gay? Unlikely...'

Kevin popped around the corner. "Coffee ready yet?"

"Uh..." I was interrupted from my thoughts and looked at the pot. "Yes."

"Great," Kevin said as he grabbed his cup and one for Nick and filled it only half way. I held mine out and he did the same. As I said, I have large coffee cups. If everyone was going to get some then no one could fill the cup. I also make my coffee pretty strong.

Kevin handed Nick his cup and sat down.

Nick grabbed the cup and took a big gulp. I guess he was expecting regular coffee because he gaged and made a face like he'd just ingested molten lava. "Damn Josh! Did you put any water in this coffee?!" he exclaimed.

Kevin laughed at Nick's reaction.

"Was I supposed to?" I smiled as I set a container of creamer and sugar on the table.

Nick proceeded to fill the other half of the cup with creamer and put in 5 large spoons of sugar. He cautiously tasted it. "Mmm. Pretty good once you dilute it."

I was used to getting the same reaction when people first tasted my coffee.

Before sitting down I went over to my CD player and put on Joshua Redman's "Freedom in the Groove" CD, sat back down at the table and started chewing on a baguette.

Kevin stood up. "Mind if I look at your CDs?" he asked.

"Help yourself," I replied.

Kevin walked over to the CD rack and started scanning through the names. "I see you like jazz..."

"Uh huh."

Kevin looked a bit longer and then said, "You don't have any of our CDs?"

"Nope," I replied. "No offense, but as I told you before, its really not my style."

"How do you know its not your style if you haven't listened to it?" Brian said as he sat at the table with his cup of coffee.

"I have 40 kids downstairs. I've heard your songs many, many times..." I said as I rolled back my eyes.

"Oh." replied Brian. As he started to lift his coffee cup we all watched him for his reaction. He took a gulp and then did the same face as Nick had earlier. "Damn! You trying to kill us?!"

Everyone laughed as he reached for the creamer and sugar.

There was a nock at the door. Kevin opened it on his way back to the table and Howie and AJ came in.

"Morning guys. Coffee is in the kitchen and baguettes are here on the counter." I said.

They all nodded to each other as Howie and AJ walked to the kitchen. About a minute later we heard "WOW!" coming from the kitchen. We laughed as we knew that the next 'victim' had tried my coffee.

I got up to give AJ my chair. I usually didn't have a large group at my dining room table and only had four chairs.

AJ sat down at the table and said, "I'm not going to be able to sleep for a week after this cup of coffee."

"I doubt that," smirked Kevin.

"Hey guys," I said. "You go ahead and have breakfast and I'll just wait in the living room for you. Come in when you're done and you can grill me on all the details." I walked into the living room and sat on the sofa in front of the stereo. I closed my eyes and just planned to enjoy Joshua Redman until they were done.

A few minutes later I felt someone sit next to me on the sofa. I opened my eyes to see Kevin looking at me with a big smile on his face.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing. This is a very comfortable place, you know. Feels like home." he said.

"That's because it IS 'Home'," I smirked back.

He paused for a moment and then realized that the campus was called 'Home'. "Then I guess you picked a good name." he said smiling.

He was always smiling. I wondered if this was a side effect of being a performer. He smiled all the time and couldn't stop. Like when you made a face as a child and your mother told you if you don't stop your face will stick like that. I said this to him.

Kevin paused a second and then said, "I only smile when I'm performing and when I'm happy."

"And which are you now?"

"Happy." he stated with another smile.

I couldn't help but smile back as I looked into his smiling face.

This is what Brian saw as he walked into the room. "Hey break it up love birds," he laughed.

Kevin and I both shot Brian a dirty look and then composed ourselves.

Brian plopped down next to Kevin. The rest of the guys were right behind him. AJ grabbed the closest chair and Nick and Howie ran to grab the last chair. Howie won. Nick poutingly sat on the floor.

Brian started. "So tell us about this place, Josh."

"Well," I started. "There are six floors in this building for the kids living space. Each floor has 8 bedrooms, a kitchen, a living room and a large bathroom. We call each floor a 'family' because all the kids on that floor behave as a family instead of an institution. They take turns cooking meals and cleaning. I set it up that way because its easier to deal with 8 other people and have some privacy than with 40 others. Each family has fairly even number of ages 8 to 18."

"What happens when they turn 19?" Howie asked.

"They find a job and get their own place, or go to university, or whatever they want. They just can't stay here. If they want to go to university, I'll pay their tuition as long as they keep a 3.2 GPA or better. They all know, however, that they are welcome to come back to help with the younger kids or for help or advice. This will always be Home." I answered.

"Anyway, the top two floors are for me and any staff or visitors to stay. The first floor has the offices, laundry room, mail, etc. On the other side of the campus is an old 3 storey warehouse we rehabbed. The top storey has a computer room and music studio. The second floor has a gym and art studio, and the ground floor has the wood shop and parking. In between the two buildings is a lap pool, vegetable and herb gardens and just general nice green space. All stuff we kinda ran through this morning in the dark."

"We'll have to get you some more stuff for the music studio. I only saw a couple of pianos up there," AJ noted.

"You're more than welcome to set it up as nice as you would like, but the project you guys are here for is the under 18 club. "

AJ nodded.

"The kids have found a great building a few blocks away that used to be theater. With a bit of work I'm sure we can make it into a pretty kickin' place." I said.

"When can we see it?" asked Nick.

"We have a walk-through scheduled for tomorrow at 10am. If you like, however, I can pull it up on the MLS so you can see the specs now."

"Do it," Nick smiled.

I walked over to the computer in the corner of the living room and the guys gathered around me. I waited a second for the computer to wake up, opened Netscape, and then selected the bookmark of the theater. It appeared fairly quickly.

"That Mac is so fast," said Kevin. "I gotta get me a new one. Mine never loads that quickly."

"It helps that its connected to a T1, too." I smiled back at him.

The guys loved the theater. It was a big brick building with lots of terra cotta trimmings. Built to be a theater to impress. Now just a run down building in a not-so-good part of town. They were also shocked that a building that took up half a city block, including parking, was only $50k. I explained that people with money don't want to come to this part of town and that I was able to buy the whole block we are currently on for $100k. Of course I then put a couple million into it, but that's beside the point.

"Any questions as to the specifics of what the kids want to do there, you'll have to ask them yourself. I, personally, hope this to be a good experience at starting and running a business for them."

"So when do we meet the kids," asked Brian.

"They get back from school at 3. I've got a meeting set up with everyone in the courtyard at 3:30 to introduce you guys. I figured it would be better to let them get over being star struck before the club meeting at 8pm. They have chores and homework in-between. There are five families and five of you, so if you don't mind splitting up, then one of you can have dinner with each family."

Everyone voiced their agreement to the plan. Then AJ said, "You didn't seem very star struck when you picked us up this morning."

"It was 4 am!" I laughed. "And I don't get star struck."

"Really?" said Nick.

"Yep. Never have. Just people. Fame pays the bills, but it can be a curse." I answered.

"But we love our fans," Nick stated.

"Of course, but don't you hate not being able to go out and do something without being mobbed or having it plastered in tabloids?" I said.

Everyone nodded.

"And don't you hate having to wonder every time you meet someone you want to be friends with if that friendship is because of you or because of your career?"

Again, everyone nodded.

"My point exactly," I stated.

"What does that have to do with you never getting star struck?" ask Nick.

"Well... I just think of 'stars' as people who have given up a lot for their career. They have to always be on guard. I don't want or need anything from them and I'm not concerned with being popular or famous. So why be intimidated by a regular person who has a really difficult time trusting people and could possibly pull you into that world? Seem kinda like a waste of effort to me. Sure, there's a little anxiousness in meeting someone you feel you know from their public life, and yet don't know at all, but I don't let that bother me. I didn't know you guys at all before you called, so there wasn't even that," I said.

"Are you always so logical," poked Nick.

"Mostly." I replied.

I noticed that throughout all this Kevin was quietly watching me. I would turn as I was talking and see him smiling at me. My mind must be playing tricks on me, I thought. I could swear it seems like he's interested in me. I think I'd like that...

I broke the stare, got up and said, "Well guys, you have an hour-and-a-half before you get to meet the kids. Feel free to wander around until 2:45. Then you'd better stay up here out of sight until I come get you at 3:20. You're safe anywhere on campus."

"What are you going to do until then?" asked Kevin.

"Administrative crap, mostly." I said. "Paying bills, etc. I'm also trying to get Norm Abram to come for a weekend and teach a couple workshops on furniture building to the kids."

"Isn't he that guy with all the tools," said Howie.

"That's the one," I replied. "I'll try to convince him that he could tape the workshops and use them as episodes of 'New Yankee Workshop'. If that doesn't work I'll sick Susan on him. He'll come around."

"Who's Susan?" said AJ.

"She's a good friend who helps us with PR, marketing and donations. She's very good at convincing people." I smiled.

"You seem to have convinced us pretty well," said Brian.

"I'm okay in a small group or one on one, but not big stuff. And I think Pedro deserves the credit for you being here. Anyway, work awaits. I'll be back here at 3:20. Later." I said as I walked out the door. I went downstairs to the office and started working. The whole time I saw Kevin's smiling face.

Howie jumped up from his chair and announced, "I'm gonna use the gym. Anyone care to join me?"

Nick and AJ agreed. Kevin said he was going to play around on the piano. Brian said he'd join Kevin.

Brian and Kevin got up and slowly walked downstairs.

Nick, Howie and AJ quickly got changed and ran down the 8 flights of stairs and out across the campus to the gym, passing Kevin & Brian on the way.

Brian and Kevin were walking silently through the gardens on the way to the music studio. Kevin seemed to be lost in thought.

"So coz... You in love or what?" asked Brian with a smirk on his face.

"Wha...what?" Kevin stammered.

"Are you in love or what? You were practically drooling over him."

"I was not." snapped Kevin.

"Chill. And yes you were. He didn't seem to mind, though. I think he likes you too."

"Really?" Kevin asked hopefully.

"Really. Do you think he's gay?"

Kevin smiled. "I know he is. Race you to the studio..." he said and ran up the warehouse stairs.

Brian started behind him, but couldn't take as many steps at a time. He found Kevin panting at the door to the music studio.

"You win," he said breathing a bit heavy himself.

They walked into the studio and looked around. It was just a large room with sound proofing on the walls, old steel frame windows on three sides and an odd shaped ceiling. There were five upright pianos scattered across the room. Kevin sat down at one and started playing. Brian stood at the back of the piano and softly sang the lyrics with Kevin joining in on the chorus.

They hadn't noticed that Nick had walked into the room while they were playing.

"This room sounds great guys," Nick said when they finished. "We should record in here."

Kevin and Brian jumped a bit at the sound of another voice in the room and looked to see Nick standing just inside the door. Nick walked over to Kevin and Brian to reveal Howie and AJ standing behind him in the hallway. They also came in and walked over to the piano.

"Lets try it again with everyone," said Nick.

They started again. The room resonated in just the right way to the sound of the five guys singing. Giving them the little chill of excitement that only performers know when they perform in an space with great acoustics. They stood silent for a moment. Everyone smiling.

Brian looked out the window and noticed a school bus driving by. He then glanced at the clock on the wall. 2:50.

"Oh shit! We gotta get back to the apartment. The kids will be back any minute!"

They scrambled to the door, flew down the steps, and across the campus. They were at the second storey when they heard the kids coming in. They made it to the 8th floor without getting caught and piled into my apartment, collapsing on whatever was closest and panting heavily.

"We should have taken the freight elevator," panted Brian.

"We don't have the key," replied Kevin.

"Perhaps we should get them an elevator for this building instead," said Howie.

There was no mistaking the kids getting home. From the office on the first floor it sounded like a herd of cattle stampeding. I could hear the mailboxes open and slam shut and 80 feet pounding up stairs. It was a good feeling. Within 10 minutes the noise had all but ceased as the kids got to their floors.

There was a knock at the door and James, the oldest kid from the 4th family, poked his head in.

"Hey Dad."

Somewhere along the line they had all taken to calling me dad. I discouraged it slightly, but I kinda liked it, so I eventually let it pass. One of the kids who used to be a prostitute in Chicago used to tease that I looked more like a 'twink' than a 'daddy.'

"Hey James. What's up?" I smiled and looked up from my work.

"Can we talk a minute?" he asked.

"Sure. Have a seat."

James walked in, closed the door, and sat down in the chair in front of the desk.

"What's on your mind?" I asked.

"Well. Pedro has been a bit depressed over this club thing," he started.

"Why's that? I thought you guys were making good progress with finding the building and all..."

"Yea, well he sent an email to the Backstreet Boys to try to get them to help and hasn't heard anything back from them. I tried to tell him that they probably get thousands of emails and can't answer every one, but that doesn't seem to help."

I smiled, knowing this would not be a problem for much longer.

"I wouldn't worry about it too much," I said as comforting as I could without giving anything away. "He'll eventually get over it. After tonight's meeting I don't think it'll be an issue anymore." I think I was smiling too much.

"Okay..." James said with a bit of suspicion in his voice. "You have something up your sleeve, don't you?"

"Shouldn't you be doing something." I hinted back.

James smiled and relented, "Okay. Okay. I'll wait." And got up to leave.

"Remind everyone that we have a meeting in the garden at 3:30," I yelled after him.

"Gotcha," he said as he closed the door.

I shut down the computer, locked the office and headed upstairs.

I walked into my apartment to see the guys sprawled out across my living room and half asleep.

"Ha! I see you enjoyed the stairs." I laughed at the sight.

They all groaned as Howie said, "We're getting you an elevator."

"Don't want one, thank you. The freight elevator is there when we need it. Besides, you guys should be in better shape from all your dancing." I teased.

"Dancing is one thing. Running up 16 flights of stairs is another," I heard Brian say from the floor in front of the sofa. "You're not even out of breath."

"I'm up and down these steps multiple times a day for the past 2 years. I'd probably be just as pooped as you are if I had to do the dance stuff you guys do. And you'd all have sore stomachs." I laughed.

"Why's that?" asked Kevin.

"Because when you saw me dancing you'd be laughing so hard you'd probably pass out."

Everyone chuckled at this.

"Well guys, the decent is easier and its time to meet the kids. Let's go." I said trying to get them up.

They all stood slowly, groaning and filed down the stairs. The kids were already waiting in the garden. I told the guys to wait behind until I called them and walked out to see my 40 kids sitting in the grass chatting away as they waited for me. I walked to the center of the semi-circle a raised my hand for them to settle down. A minute or so later they were quiet.

I wasn't sure how I was going to introduce the guys. "You've all been working hard on organizing the club and I'm very proud of you," I started. They congratulated each other and then turned their attention back to me.

"I think we've found some people who are willing to help you with it, and you have Pedro to thank for that."

Everyone turned to look at Pedro. Pedro just shrugged.

I continued. "They'll be staying with us this weekend, so you'll all have time to talk with them. They are rather famous, so you need to remember to keep this between us. We don't want this place to become a mad house...anymore than it already is..."

They laughed. Everyone kept looking to Pedro and Pedro looked confused and anxious.

"Anyway, remember that these are regular people just like yourself. Relax and treat them as such."

The kids were getting excited.

"So when do we get to meet them?" a voice yelled out and 40 pair of eyes were glued to me.

"How about now? Come on out guys!" I yelled.

The guys ran out and stood next to me putting their arms around each other's shoulder and including me in with them. The kids were in shock. I don't think I've ever heard them that quiet. I was watching Pedro as they came out. He eyes were as big as they could possibly get. When the guys got to me I pointed Pedro out. They all looked to him. Everyone else looked at Pedro. Pedro fainted. I smiled and everyone laughed.

"That's better!" I yelled. "I take it you all know who these guys are then?"

I got a resounding "yes!" back.

"Then stop acting so star stuck and get to know them. They'll be joining you for dinner and will be here the whole weekend." I looked down the row of the guys and assigned them to a Family in order. AJ in 2nd. Howie in 3rd. Nick in 4th. Brian in 5th. And Kevin in 6th.

I disentangled myself from the guys and pushed them into the crowd, "Have fun." I snickered as I walked away.

They shot me a look of hesitation, but by this time the kids were coming up to them and there was nothing they could do.

"Thanks Dad!" the kids yelled as I walked into the warehouse. I just waved my hand back and walked up to the music studio.

That went about as well as I could have expected, I thought. I sat down at a piano and started to play. Every other day I spent a couple hours in here playing. Sometimes giving lessons, other times just improvising. I was horrible at playing other people's music, but could improvise for hours and usually did.

About a half-hour later I felt a small set of arms hug me from behind. I turned to see Pedro.

"Thanks," he said.

"You're welcome, but it was you who wrote them and got them interested." I said hugging him back.

Pedro sat down on the piano bench next to me. "Play me something, please."

"Don't you want to go talk with the guys from BSB?" I asked.

"They're here all weekend, right?"

I nodded.

"Well, then I'll have plenty of time to talk with them. Right now they are talking with everyone else," he smiled.

I smiled back and started to play. Nothing special, but a bit quick and happy. I was happy. Everything seemed to be falling nicely into place. The kids were doing well. Most of them were on the honor roll at school. They were learning skills here, and it felt like a big family. We hadn't had any major fights in about a month and the opening of the club would give them even more skills to thrive in the world.

I was thinking all this to myself as I played with Pedro at my side when I heard someone clapping from across the room. I stopped and turned to see Nick.

"Very nice," he said, still clapping.

In spite of myself, I blushed and stammered out, "Thanks."

"You didn't tell us you were a musician too," Nick said walking over to the piano.

"I just play. Nothing serious," I replied as Nick walked in front of the piano and looked over it at me.

"Well, its nice 'play' anyway," he said.

Pedro was frozen staring at Nick. Nick turned to smile at him and said, "You ready for dinner?"

Pedro sat there staring without saying a word.

"Hellooo? Pedro...?" Nick continued as he waved his hand.

I slapped Pedro on the knee and he jumped and looked at me.

"Nick asked you a question," I stated and Pedro snapped his look back to Nick.

"Ready for dinner?" Nick repeated with a smile.

"Uh huh..." Pedro stammered.

"Then lets go. We're already late."

I looked up to the clock and noticed it was 5:45. I hadn't realized it was so late. Time flys...and all that. I stood up and we walked to the door.

"Hey Pedro," Nick said with a grin. "I'll race ya..."

Nick took off down the stairs. Pedro looked back at me with a questioning look. I gave him a slight push and said, "You'd better get moving or you're gonna lose."

Fortunately, competitive spirit overtook fear. He smiled and tore off down the steps after Nick. I chuckled to myself at Nick's ingenuity and walked back at my own pace.

I walked into my apartment to find Nick and Susan seated at the table with two pizza's on the table and a carton of Guinness on the counter.

"Nice of you to join us," smirked Susan.

"Sorry," I apologized. "Its been an eventful day and I lost track of time. I'd still be playing piano with Pedro if James hadn't sent Nick after us."

"I though Nick was in the 3rd Family," said Nick.

"No. Nick Carter. We apparently have too many 'Nicks' around here..." I laughed and opened a Guinness.

"So the Backstreet Boys showed up..." Nick questioned.

I nodded with my mouth full of pizza.

"How are they?" asked Susan.

I swallowed the pizza, took a drink, and replied, "Nice. I talked with Kevin a little this morning, but haven't had the chance to talk with them much more than about this place."

"How long are they here?" Nick asked.

"Until Sunday night." I answered.

"Are they as cute in person...?" Susan hinted.

I smiled back. "Yes."

We all laughed and I blushed slightly.

Despite Nick's lead, Pedro won the race. Whereas Nick had taken the winding path through the garden, Pedro ran a straight line from door to door and was on the second floor before Nick hit the first step. Pedro burst into the 4th family kitchen and sat down in his seat as Nick was panting through the door.

"I win!" Pedro exclaimed.

"Yea...yea...yea..." Nick said smiling as he walked over to the only available seat and sat down.

Everybody had gotten tired of waiting for them and had started eating. They were half done. Everyone stayed at the table, however, until everyone was done. Another one of the Family rules. With arriving late and Nick having to answer questions as he ate, they were there a long time. It was 7pm before they got up and started doing dishes.

By 8 o'clock everyone had assembled in the music studio for the club meeting and were chatting away excitedly with the guys from BSB. I walked in with Nick and Susan, introducing them to the guys scattered in different corners of the room.

After I introduced them to Brian, Susan turned and whispered to me, "He's cute. Can I keep him?"

"You'll have to ask him that," I whispered back and then walked to the front of the room to get the meeting started.

I called the guys up to the front of the room. "Okay. Now I see you're not as shy as before," I said.

The kids giggled.

"Time for business." Everyone hushed. "You need to tell the guys what you want from the club. Why do you want it and what you plan to do to make it work. James, your team has found a building for it. Why don't you give everyone the details, please."

James stood up and explained where and what the building was. He had set up a walk-through for tomorrow at 10am. Only Josh, Nick, Susan, the BSB guys and one person from each family could go though. Most of the kids sighed at this, but James explained that they couldn't have everyone running through it. If we took the space then they'd all have plenty of time to see it as they worked on it.

"So what do you want this club to be?" asked Kevin.

They yelled out different aspects one by one.

"A dance club."

"With pool tables."

"And a gym."

"And a library."

"And counselors."

They basically wanted everything. I couldn't temper that, but reality would. I've found its always better to shoot for more. The meeting lasted 'till about 9:30 when I decided to break it up.

"Okay everyone!" I said. "We've got a lot to do tomorrow and you still have your chores to do before bed."

As expected this was met with groans as they filed back Home.

"We'll all still be here tomorrow, so stop your groaning." I teased.

It didn't help, but they did their chores anyway. Susan and Nick said goodnight and went home. I walked back to my apartment with the guys.

From the travel and the excitement of the day, not to mention the stairs, they guys were pooped. Nick, Howie and AJ said goodnight and went into their apartment. Brian, Kevin and I walked into mine.

I went to the kitchen, pulled a Guinness out of the 'fridge and asked Brian and Kevin if they wanted one. They agreed and I pulled out two more and joined them in the living room, handing them their beers.

"Thanks." they both said.

I sank down in a chair, grabbed the remote for the stereo and started John Coltrane's "A Love Supreme."

"The kids are great," said Brian. "But exhausting. How do you keep up with them?"

"Usually I don't," I laughed. "But its better than the alternative, so I try."

We all sat there quietly relaxing and listening to "A Love Supreme."

"This is pretty cool," Brian spoke out about the music. "Who is it?"

Kevin and I both looked at him with disbelief.

"What?" Brian asked.

"Its John Coltrane's 'A Love Supreme,' you half-wit," said Kevin incredulously.

"Oh," was all that Brian said.

We sat quietly through the rest of the album. The album that was a prayer as much as music. By the time it ended Brian was asleep and leaning on Kevin's shoulder. I looked up to see Kevin looking at me like he was thinking about something. He held my gaze for a moment and looked away.

"We'd better let Brian get to bed," Kevin said softly. He picked Brian up and gently set him in a chair as I started opening the sofa bed. We made the bed together. Kevin then picked Brian up again and lay him gently on the bed. Brian slightly woke up as Kevin was taking his shoes off. He sat up an pulled off his shirt, unbuttoned his pants and lifted his hips and Kevin pulled them off. He grabbed the blanket and rolled over.

"Night coz. Night Josh" was all he mumbled as he was soon back asleep.

Although I was exhausted, I wasn't ready for bed yet. I figured Kevin would go to bed too so I grabbed another beer, opened the door to the roof and started up the steps only to hear Kevin right behind me. It made me happy that he was joinng me. We sat down on the bench. It was a nice night in May. Two more weeks and the kids would be out of school. Summer was very hectic with all the kids there all the time, but as long as the club was going to happen, I knew I could keep them busy and out of trouble.

I was just sitting there quietly thinking to myself and enjoying the feeling of Kevin's body next to me. We weren't doing anything but sitting, and I didn't even know if he was gay or not, much less attracted to me. But it still felt right. We'd known each other for less than 24 hours, but it felt comfortable.

"Those kids really love you," he said looking straight ahead.

"I love them too," I said.

We sat in silence for a few minutes.

Kevin spoke again. "Its beautiful up here at night looking at the city. Very romantic."

I turned to him. "Maybe its just the company," I said half jokingly.

He turned to me. "Definitely," he smiled. Paused. And then leaned in and gently kissed me on the lips.

I was too surprised to kiss him back and he pulled back.

"I'm sorry," he stammered and started to get up.

I grabbed him by the waist and pulled him back down. "Don't be." I kissed him quickly. "You just surprised me," I said as I kissed him again with a bit more passion.

He pulled back. "I surprised myself," and we started kissing again.

I was like a starving man at a banquet. I hadn't had a serious relationship since I won the lottery two and a half years ago and I was ready. His lips were candy and I was a kid. I slid one hand under his shirt in the small of his back and the other one behind his head and pulled him closer. Kevin put both his hands on my back and pulled tight. Apparently we were both starving.

Kevin broke from my lips and started kissing down my neck. I giggled as his facial hair tickled my neck. He lifted his hands and pulled off my shirt. As soon as it was off he continued his kissing down my chest and licked and nibbled on my nipples. Between his ministrations and the night chill my nipples were erect.

I was moaning softly as he continued his assault on my chest. Kevin hopped off the bench and pushed me back. Before I could react he was unbuttoning my jeans. I lifted my hips and he pulled them down to my knees, leaving only my boxers between him and my throbbing penis. His left hand started rubbing me through my boxers, his right rubbing my chest and his lips nibbling down my stomach slowly. I reached my left hand out and started unbuttoning his pants and pulled them out of the way as ran my fingers through his hair with my right.

I was concentrating on doing this when I felt his hot mouth swallow my cock to the base. I almost came right then and there. He pulled up and started licking my cock up and down while his left hand played with my balls. I reached into his boxers and grabbed hold of his equally hard cock to find that we were both about the same size.

Friction was not a problem because he was leaking precum like a faucet. I rubbed it all over his cock and jacked him a few times as he started sucking harder on my cock.

I had to taste him before he made me cum. I pushed him off me and back on the roof. He was a bit confused at first, but that ended when I dove onto his cock and started sucking like a mad man. He moaned loudly and pulled me into a 69. Between sucking and being sucked, I didn't last long. It was the same for him. I felt his dick expand in my mouth as he shook in orgasm and his hot seed shot down my throat. I came a second later. He kept sucking until I had to pull him off my now sensitive cock. I turned around and kissed him before laying down on him and pulling him into an embrace. Our bodies pressed tightly together in post-orgasmic bliss.

We lay that way for a few minutes, panting and slowly calming down until I noticed the cool night air on my behind. I got up and pulled up my pants. So did Kevin. We kissed again, but nothing was said. We were both a bit embarrassed that we had let our passions get so out of hand. Neither of us had done this with someone on the first date...well, not even really the first date since we really hadn't had a date per se.

We quietly walked down to the apartment. Brian was still sound asleep. It was now just a little before midnight. Kevin looked a bit lost as he was considering where he should sleep. I solved that.

I whispered to him, "I'd like you to share my bed with me, if you want."

He smiled kissed me on the lips. We went into the bathroom and cleaned up and then went to my room. We helped each other get undressed and got into bed. We lay on our sides and I pulled his back tight to my chest as we spooned and fell asleep. Each of us with a smile.

The next morning my alarm radio turned on at 7am to NPR as usual. I didn't have it turned up very loud. I was laying on my back and Kevin was snuggled up to my side with his arm and leg around me holding me close. I smiled and kissed him on the forehead. Call me old fashioned, but I enjoy the feeling of waking up with my lover cuddled next to me more than sex. Not that I don't enjoy sex...

Kevin stirred and pulled me closer. I hated to get up, but nature called. I gently slid out of the bed and went to the bathroom. When I got back Kevin was in the same position as I'd left him. I slid back next to him and he pulled me close. We didn't need to be up for another hour, so I just lay there enjoying the feeling of the beautiful man beside me and gently rubbing my hand along his back.

Kevin, on the other hand, had a different idea. I felt his hard on rubbing against my leg and his hand started rubbing my chest. I looked at him. His eyes were still closed, but there was a slight smile on his face. I figured he was probably dreaming. I decided to make his dream a bit more real. I gently rolled him off me and turned around, sliding under the covers. He was hard as a rock. I gently started licking up and down his cock. His cock started to bounce up and down. Yearning for release. I picked it up with my tongue and slid it into my mouth. Just then I felt the bed shift and his lips were around my dick.

I started sucking harder and massaging his balls. I was soon rewarded as he pushed my head down with his hands and came. I continued sucking, more gently now as his orgasm subsided and he went after my cock with renewed enthusiasm. Within minutes I came. I released his now hard again cock and straddled him, sitting across his thighs with our cocks touching. I leaned over, grinding into him, and we kissed until we heard a knock at my bedroom door.

"Hey Josh, have you seen Kevin?" Brian yelled through the door.

I looked down at Kevin. He shook his head.

"No I haven't," I yelled back. "Maybe he went for a walk."

"Okay," he yelled back. "I'm gonna go look for him."


We waited for a few minutes until we heard the front door open and close; then Kevin let out a sigh of relief.

"Doesn't Brian know you're gay?" I asked Kevin.

"Yea, he does. But I didn't want him catching us in bed. We just met."

"Okay." I said getting off him.

"Now that he's interrupted us, I gotta piss like a race horse." Kevin giggled as he ran for the bathroom naked as the day he was born. As he opened the door to run out he saw Brian standing there smiling at him.

"Caught ya!" Brian yelled.

Kevin looked like a deer caught in the headlights. He turned bright red. Looked back at me and then ran into the bathroom and shut the door.

"That wasn't very nice, Brian." I said as I stood up and put on a pair of shorts.

I turned to look at him and noticed he was staring and there was a bulge in his pants. He quickly looked away.

"Maybe not. But it sure was funny." he said as he walked into the living room.

'So Brian got a woody seeing us naked, huh.' I thought to myself.

I knocked on the bathroom door as I heard the toilet flush.

"What!" Kevin screamed from behind the door.

I opened the door and quickly stepped inside, closing the door behind me.

"Sorry," he said. "I thought was Brian."

"Somehow I think Brian would have just burst in."


Kevin was standing in front of the mirror. I locked the door and stood behind him, pulling him close and laying my chin on his shoulder. We looked at the reflection. Two men. Both attractive. One without a stitch of clothing and the other with only a pair of shorts. The one behind had his arms wrapped around the belly of the one in front. The one in front had his hands reached behind and was holding the other close. They were both smiling. It was a beautiful sight. I felt a tear of happiness forming. I pulled myself out of it, kissed him on the neck, and said, "Let's take a shower."

Kevin turned around, kissed me and said, "Thank you."

I was confused. "For what?"

"Just because," was his reply.

I kissed him back. "Then thank you, too...'just because.'"

We separated and I reached into the shower and turned on the water. When it came up to temperature we stepped in and started washing.

"I really like this, Kevin." I said as I was washing his back.


"Showering with you," I clarified. "And waking up in your arms..." I smiled.

"The feeling is mutual," he said and turned around to give me a kiss.

We looked down and laughed. Both of us were hard again. As much as we would have loved to do it again, we'd already been in the shower for a half-hour and needed to get moving. We got out, dried each other off, did our business and I went back to my room and Kevin went back to his.

I emerged from my room a few minutes later, fully dressed. I walked to get the baguettes from outside the front door and noticed Brian reading the liner notes to "A Love Supreme."

"Its about time," he exclaimed as he put down the liner notes and went to the dining room.

I threw the bag of baguettes to Brian. "Why don't you go get the rest of the guys up, Brian. And try to do it without getting a woody this time." I laughed.

Brian turned red and quickly went to get the other guys without saying a word. I laughed.

"What's so funny?" Kevin asked as he wrapped his arms around me from behind.

I leaned back, gave him a kiss, and said, "I think I just got Brian back for his prank this morning."

"Really?" Kevin smiled deviously. "How?"

"Well, after you ran into the bathroom he was watching me as I put on a pair of shorts. I noticed him watching and he had a bit of a bulge, if you know what I mean. I sent him off to wake the rest of the guys up, and told him to do it without getting a woody this time."

Kevin burst out laughing.

"He just turned bright red and ran out of the apartment." We were laughing hysterically at this point. I turned on the coffee pot and we went into the dining room as the guys came in. Kevin and I were still chuckling.

"Hey Brian," I said. "Kevin here was telling me about how good a wood worker you are."

Kevin and I both lost it again and were laughing hysterically while Brian sulked in his chair and the others just looked confused.

"What did we miss?" asked Nick.

"Nothing." Brian stated quickly and looked and me pleadingly.

I let it go and said, "Nothing. You had to be there."

Brian's eyes looked relieved and he mouthed, "Thank you."

"Coffee should be ready," I said as I walked into the kitchen.

Nick hated being left out and was prodding Brian to tell him what was so funny, but Brian refused to budge. Nick gave up and pouted. Kevin set a cup of coffee in front of him.

I stepped across the hall and pulled two chairs from the other apartment so everyone would have a place to sit. Nick was still pouting. It was kinda cute.

"You know my grandma used to have a saying for little kids who would pout, Nick." I said.

"What?" he replied and then stuck his bottom lip out even more for emphasis.

"You'd better pull that lip in or a little birdie is gonna go poopy on it."

Everyone looked to Nick. Try as he might, the absurdity of the grandmotherly statement got to him and he burst out laughing. Everyone cheered.

I stood up and bowed. "Thank you. Thank you."

"I'll have to remember that one," Kevin said.

Nick stuck his tongue out at Kevin and grabbed a baguette, filling it with peach preserves as before.

We ate breakfast and met the kids, Nick and Susan downstairs at 9:45. All the BSB guys had hats and dark sunglasses on so they wouldn't be recognized. I had to laugh at the sight.

"Its 10am on a Saturday in a not-so-good part of town. I don't think being recognized will be an issue."

Nevertheless they kept their thin disguises on and we walked the 3 blocks to the theater. The realtor was waiting for us outside. James handed out flashlights as the realtor opened the door. We walked in and flashed the lights around the lobby. The realtor excused herself to go start the generator in the theater so we would have some light. Only the main hall, lobby and the hallways have lights, she explained as she disappeared into the darkness.

A few moments later we heard a gas powered generator start and the lights came up. The lights were just halogen work lights pointed at the ceiling every so often. Fortunately we brought our own portable work light and extension cord. Kenny, from the 6th family, went to plug the cord into the generator. When he got back we turned on the work light and could now highlight anything we wanted to see. James slowly scanned the lobby with the light. It was a magnificent room and largely intact. There were some horrid fluorescent signs bolted to the wall, but they could be removed. The floor beneath us was a solid concrete and the plaster seemed to be in good condition.

As we entered the theater itself we could see that this room had not fared as well. Apparently the roof had a large leak. So big, in fact, that you could see the sky through the light blue tarp that was covering it. Most of the ceiling plaster was destroyed. The stage was typical vaudeville then movie house stage. A shredded screen drooped in front of a wide but not very deep stage. The fly system was hemp and mostly nonexistent now. Sand bags lay broken open on the floor where they had fallen.

The theater had 3 balcony levels with private boxes on the sides and stadium type seating on the back wall. The proscenium was a fairly nice terra cotta in a floral pattern that was coming loose in some places, but was intact.

We continued our inspection. Three floors of building. Lots of possible offices. A place to put the bar (non-alcoholic, of course). With the stage there was also the possibility of having live bands. It needed a lot of work, but I loved it. I think everyone else did too. You could feel the excitement of possibility in the musty air. We shutdown the generator and walked out, blinded by the bright sunlight after the dark theater.

"What about parking?" Howie asked.

The realtor took us to the other side of the building with a fenced in parking lot for about 50 cars. It would need to be repaved, but it could easily wait. We gave our thanks to the realtor and then walked back to Home.

The kids ran to tell everyone else about the space, dragging a BSB member with them. Susan followed Brian and gestured like she was goosing him as he walked up the stairs in front of her. I yelled that I'd be in my apartment and headed upstairs. Nick joined me.

I knew the guys would be eating lunch with the kids, so I made Nick and myself a salad and we went up on the roof with our notebooks. It had become overcast, so the noon sun wasn't too bad. I could smell the rain in the air and knew we'd have a storm by night.

"Pretty cool space, huh?" I said to Nick.

"Its great." he replied. "I can't wait to get started."

"Me neither." I smiled. I loved rehabbing old spaces. Old theaters are even better.

We sat there eating our salad quietly. After a few minutes Nick turned to me and said, "Okay, spill it."

"What?" I said half choking on my salad.

"Who'd you sleep with?" he prodded.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Bullshit!" he smiled. "We've known each other for ten years. I think I can tell when you got laid."

"Thanks for being so crude," I said sarcastically.


"So none of your business. Its just getting started and I don't want to jinx it."

"Ah ha! I knew it!" he said and went back to eating his salad.

He had tricked me into admitting something was going on. He would have eventually gotten it out of me anyway. I guess better sooner than later after enduring his prodding.

"So which one is it? Brian?" he started again.

At that moment Kevin decided to appear.

"Mind if I join you?" he asked.

"Please." I said, probably a bit too eagerly and I'm sure the smile on my face didn't help.

Nick smiled broadly, "Ahh..."

"Shut up, Nick." I cut him off. "Nick was just leaving. Weren't you?"

"...but we haven't gone over..." he stuttered.

"WERE'NT YOU." I emphasized and repeated myself as I pushed him up from the bench.

"Okay. Okay. I'm going. I can see when I'm not wanted." he mocked.

"Fuck you too, Nick. I'll call you later."

He walked downstairs laughing.

Kevin sat down where Nick had been.

"What was that about?" he asked.

"He knows we slept together and wanted details." I said dryly.

"What?! Why you tell him?" asked Kevin a bit panicky.

"Relax Kevin. Nick has been my best friend for ten years. You can trust him. And I didn't tell him. He just guessed really well. And then you walked in and he guessed with whom."

"Oh," was all that Kevin said.

I leaned in and gave him a kiss. Then I put down my bowl, picked up my notebook and held Kevin's hand as we shared notes of what needed to be done to make the theater into a club. Kevin leaned his head on my shoulder. A few drops of rain fell.

"We'd better go inside, Kevin. Its starting to rain."

Kevin didn't move and just squeezed my hand.

Suddenly a flash of lightening struck the lightening rod on the building across the street. The flash made the hair on our necks stand up and the thunder that followed was deafening. We both jumped up and quickly ran downstairs as the sky let loose with rain.

"That was too close," panted Kevin.

"I agree." I could still smell the ozone. "I think this is a sign."

"Of impending doom?" Kevin joked.

"Nooo..." I teased back. "What is there better to do on a rainy day than to snuggle up and watch movies?"

"Gotcha," he smiled.

"I'll go get some. I'd ask you to go with me, but..."

"You'll get no arguments from me."

"Good. I'll be back soon." I said grabbing my umbrella and heading downstairs. I ran into James on the way.

"Where you headed?" he asked.

"Out to get some movies. Wanna join me?"

"Just exactly what I was coming to get you for."

"Then let's go."

We got to the movie rental shop and, despite their claims of having everything, they didn't. I decided on some new film I've never heard of, "Velvet Goldmine," with Ewan McGregor and a few Ingmar Bergman films. Bergman is best on rainy days...or snowy days. James had a handful of comedies and we headed back.

I walked into my apartment and Kevin was sitting at the dining room table with his notebook open and talking on his cell phone. He smiled and waved me over to see what movies I got. I guess he didn't recognize any of the titles because he looked up at me confused. I just smiled and went into the living room, inserted the first movie into the VCR and waited for him. About ten minutes later he hopped over the sofa and sat down next to me.

"Business?" I asked.

"Always. What's first in this bizarre selection of movies you got?" he teased.

"'Fanny and Alexander.' Its a Bergman film. Very cool. Very long, however, so I thought we start with it." I answered.

"Have you seen the guys?" he asked.

"Yea. Nick, AJ and Howie are on 3rd watching movies with the kids. I'm not sure where Brian is. Susan was following him, so I don't think I want to know..."

Kevin leaned up to kiss me, and then snuggled against me as I hit play and wrapped my arms around him. During the second tape of "Fanny and Alexander" Brian came in. We didn't notice him until he grabbed a pillow from the other end of the sofa and plopped down on the floor in front of us.

"Whatcha watchin'?" he asked.

"'Fanny and Alexander'" I answered.

"What's it about?"

Kevin sighed and I hit stop.

"Don't you have somewhere to be? I thought Susan was chasing you..." I said a bit annoyed.

"And she caught me," Brian smiled. "But she had to leave."

"Well do you think you could let us finish watching the movie in peace and not come in in the middle and ask what it is about?" Kevin said sarcastically.

"You can stay up all night tonight and watch it from the beginning after we've gone to bed if you like, Brian." I said.

"Okay. I'll be quiet."

Kevin lay back down against my chest and I hit play. We watched the rest of the movie with only minor interruptions from Brian until he fell asleep on the floor.

When the movie was over Kevin sat up and noticed Brian was sound asleep. He waved me into the kitchen.

"We ought to wake him up for dinner," I said quietly.

"True. But I think we need a 'spectacular' way to wake him." Kevin said with a mischievous grin.

"And just what do you have in mind?"

Kevin thought for a moment. "Brian is a pretty heavy sleeper...and with his little prank this morning..."

"I think we already got him back for that." I said.

"Okay, you're right. Spoil my fun." Kevin pouted.

"I never said you couldn't have fun. Now stop pouting and think of something."

"We could strip him and put him out in the garden." Kevin said hopefully.

"Good idea. He'd never wake up being carried downstairs and stripped in the rain, not to mention the years of therapy it would take for the kids who saw him to recover," I smirked.

"I've got a simpler idea," I said as I pulled a cup from the cabinet and filled it with warm water. "Lets dribble this on the front of his pants. Make him think he wet himself."

Kevin burst out laughing and then quickly hushed himself. "You're totally evil, you know that?" he giggled to me.

"Thank you," I whispered back and we sneaked back into the living room and sat down where we were before.

Kevin took the glass and slowly dribbled the water out of it, making a large wet stain on the front of Brian's pants. I watched Brian for any signs of waking. He started to stir. I pulled Kevin back and he hid the glass in the cushions of the sofa. We acted like we were kissing as we watched Brian. Well, we weren't acting, but we were watching Brian for his reaction.

Brian sat up, stretched, and looked at us. "Geez. Get a room, will ya." Brian then notice the stain on the front of his pants and felt the wetness. He quickly got up and started to leave the room.

We couldn't hold it in anymore and burst out laughing.

"What's the matter, coz? Spring a leak?" Kevin laughed at Brian.

Brian stopped and turned. "You..." he said as he tackled Kevin and wrestled him to the floor. Kevin was laughing too hard to put up much of a fight. Brian sat on Kevin's chest and noticed the half glass of water on the sofa that had been revealed when the cushions were knocked off. He quickly grabbed the glass and held it over Kevin's head. Kevin shook his head 'no'. Brian nodded 'yes' and slowly started to tip the cup over Kevin's head. Just before the water came out, Brian jumped up and poured the whole glass down Kevin's pants and ran out of the apartment directly into Nick, AJ and Howie. They fell like bowling pins.

I heard the crash and jumped up to see what happened. Howie and AJ were sitting on the floor. Nick was flat on his back and Brian was on his stomach with his face was in Nick's crotch.

"Now this is a Kodak moment," I laughed as Kevin came up behind me and started laughing too. Howie and AJ took a moment to realize what we were talking about and started laughing too.

Nick just said, "Uh Brian...I appreciate this honey, but not in the hallway."

Brian slowly pulled himself up and, noticing where he had landed, quickly stood up looking quite embarrassed. When Nick saw the stain on the front of Brian's pants he teased, "Piss yourself again, Brian."

"No. Josh and my loving coz, Kevin." Brian sarcastically snapped back as he walked back into my apartment.

"Josh and Kevin pissed on you?" AJ teased back at him.

"Just you wait..." Brian mumbled as he grabbed a dry pair of pants and went into the bathroom.

"Do you guys always pull pranks on each other, or is this all for my benefit?" I asked Kevin.

"How else do you think we can stand to be on the road with each other for months at a time," stated Nick.

"Gotta let off steam..." piped in AJ.

"Okay. Just making sure I wasn't contributing to the delinquency of a 'boy band'."

Everyone rolled their eyes.

"What?" I smirked.

It was about time for dinner as the rumbling in my stomach could attest. The guys had piled in and asked to just stay up here the rest of the night and relax. Apparently the kids had tired them out. I said it was okay, but that they should tell their respective families so that they wouldn't set a place for dinner for them. They already had in hopes that I wouldn't send them back down.

I sighed and started to think about what I could make for dinner. Got it!

"One of you needs to go to the bakery and pick up some more baguettes," I announced.

They all looked around at each other waiting for someone to volunteer.

"I wasn't expecting all of you for dinner and we need some bread. The kids are all eating dinner now. Its just two blocks over..."

"Fine," relented Howie. "I'll go. Can I get someone to go with me?" he said looking around.

"I'll join you," said AJ.

"Good! The rest of you can help me in the kitchen."

"Wait!" Nick jumped up. "I'll go with you guys, too..." and he was out the door before anyone could stop him.

"Brian, could you go down to the wine cellar and bring up a couple bottles of Merlot?" I asked.

"You have a wine cellar?" he asked as both he and Kevin looked at me strangely.

"Not really a wine cellar, but some wine racks in the basement. Nothing fancy." I handed Brian the keys, explained where it was and sent him on his way.

Just as I closed the door Kevin pushed me back against it and pinned me to the door with his body.

"Nice thinking..." he said before kissing me. And a minute later when he broke the kiss, "...getting rid of them like that..."

"Thanks," and I pushed him back a little and then started kissing him again. What seemed like a second later we heard someone coming up the stairs. We pulled away, smiled and then adjusted ourselves before someone walked in.

Whoever it was coming up the stairs walked up to my door and started kicking it lightly. I pulled open the door to find Brian with six large bottles of wine balanced across his chest. He walked straight over to the dining room table and put them down.

"Planning on doin' a bit of drinkin' tonight, Brian?" I asked.

He smiled. "There are five of us... And I didn't want to have to make that trek again. Is dinner ready?"

"Uh...haven't started it yet," I stuttered out and went to the kitchen.

Brian laughed as I retreated and Kevin blushed.

I pulled out by largest pot and filled it with water, a bit of olive oil and set it on the stove to boil. Kevin came in and asked what he could do to help.

I pulled a block of parmesan cheese out of the 'fridge and handed it to him saying, "Grate this, please." He took the cheese and I pulled out a large bowl and the grater and put them on the counter.

Kevin started grating the cheese as I pulled out a flower of garlic and proceeded to chop up the whole thing.

"You sure you have enough garlic?" he teased.

"Hmm..." I said. "Perhaps you're right," and I pulled out another flower and started chopping it as he laughed.

"Trust me," I said. "You'll love it."

"I do trust you," he said seriously and leaned over to kiss me on the cheek as I was cutting. I just smiled.

AJ walked in and put down the bag of bread on the counter.

"I take it you didn't get mobbed by fans," I teased.

"Nope. Just a panhandler or two," he replied and walked back to the living room.

I finished chopping the garlic, and noticing the water start to boil, dumped three bags of bow tie pasta in it. Kevin finished grating the cheese and asked what next.

I though a moment. "Probably set the table." I pointed to the cabinet with the dishes. He washed the grater and started setting the table. I stirred the pasta and started the next step.

I set my largest skillet on the stove, poured in some olive oil, the garlic and half a jar of crushed red pepper. It was soon sautŽing nicely and made the apartment smell wonderful.

"That smells good," said Brian walking into the kitchen.


"Where's the bottle opener?" Kevin asked from behind him.

I pulled it out of the drawer and handed it to him. "Why don't you put the others in the 'fridge until we need them," I said.


Brian and Kevin brought in the five other bottles of wine and put them on the bottom shelf of the 'fridge. I grabbed the butter and gave it to Brian to take back to the dining room with the bread.

Everything was done. I drained the pasta and mixed in the garlic/pepper mixture. I thought it worked out pretty well considering I haven't made it for this many people before. I dumped it into a large bowl and put it on the dining room table. Everyone was already sitting there drooling. The wine was poured. Candles would have been nice, but there wasn't any room on the table. I sat down.

I took my glass of wine and held it up. Everyone followed.

"To new friends," I said.

"To new friends," they repeated and we touched glasses and took a drink.

"Now let's eat!" exclaimed Nick.

Everyone dug in. They complimented me on my cooking. About half way through we brought out another bottle of wine. The greatest compliment was, of course, when all food was gone and everyone looked satisfied.

We sat there talking for a while over another bottle of wine. Well, they did most of the talking. I just sat back and enjoyed listening to their stories from touring as they tried their best to embarrass each other.

Around 8 we cleaned up and went to the roof with the last three bottles. It was getting dark by now and I was glad the roof had a 4 foot wall around the edge. The guys who hadn't been up there before were running around to see what they could see, and we were a bit buzzed from the wine at this point. It would not have been good to have one of them fall off the roof.

Kevin, Brian and I sat down and talked while Nick, AJ and Howie explored. Before long they were back and grabbed the bottle to refill their glasses.

"This is great up here, Josh. You can see everything and no one can see you. You ever have sex up here?" joked Nick.

"Only once," I said.

Kevin looked away and smiled.

"You mind if I use it sometime for...?" hinted Nick.

"Yes, I do. Sorry, but sex on the roof is only for me and the man I love," I said and noticed a quick glance from Kevin.

"'Man', huh?" said Nick as he drained his glass. "You and Kevin should get together."

Brian burst out laughing. Kevin shot Nick a dirty look and I just smiled. The others looked confused.

"You're a bit late with that suggestion!" Brian laughed out.

Both Kevin and I gave him a death stare as the others just nodded in understanding. It was quiet for a minute.

"So are you two serious?" asked Howie.

"We're just getting to know each other, " I said. "Don't start planning the wedding yet. But, yea, its serious for me." I turned to gauge Kevin's reaction.

"I'm pretty sure its serious for me, too," Kevin said.

"Good," said Nick with a mischievous smile. "Kevin needs to get laid more often."

"I don't think our sex life is any of your business, Nick," I said.

"Nope. You're wrong there. When you date one of us you get all of us," Nick teased back.

"Hmmm... Well, I don't know about all of you... I mean, Pedro has a crush on you, Nick, and I'd really hate to hurt his feelings. And Brian has Susan, and I don't do girls," I joked back.

"He does?!" said Nick.

"They were off together all afternoon..."

"No, I mean Pedro," clarified Nick.

"Couldn't you tell? He's only twelve, though, so don't break his heart. I think you're his first crush."

Everyone said "Awww" as Nick just looked a bit uncomfortable.

"Anyway," I jumped in to save Nick's embarrassment, "where were you and Susan for so many hours today, Brian?"

"Just talking in the office," he replied.

"Well there better not be any 'just talking' stains on my desk," I joked. This prompted 'ewwws' and laughter from everyone.

"No. Seriously guys," Brian retorted. "We were talking about whether it would be wise or not for us to perform at the club. Its a lot smaller than what we usually perform in and there might be problems with the crowds. You know how the fans can get..."

Everyone nodded.

"I want us to be the first band that performs in there," said AJ. "After all, we are funding part of it."

"We'll have plenty of time to talk about that," said Kevin. "We haven't even started working on the space yet."

"So you guys are definitely 'in' then?" I asked.

One by one they all nodded in agreement.

"Great! The kids'll be thrilled. This deserves a toast," I said as I opened the last bottle and proceed to pour everyone a glass.

"To the club," I said raising my glass. They responded, we touched glasses and everyone drained glass to the bottom. I filled the glasses again. They were drained again, and soon the last bottle was gone.

We all lay on our backs looking at the now clear night sky. The rain earlier had seemed to clean things a bit and we were all feeling fine. I reached over and held Kevin's hand in mine. No one spoke.

After about a half-hour we all got up and went downstairs to watch another movie. It was getting late, but no one wanted to go to sleep yet. I put in "Velvet Goldmine" and snuggled up to Kevin on the sofa. This time he was holding me. Brian sat at the other end of the sofa with our legs on his lap. Howie sat in a chair and Nick and AJ sat on the floor leaning against the sofa.

Of course we had to make fun of the horrible songs in the movie. Nick was doing his drag queen impersonation and had everyone rolling. When the scene came on where Ewan is flashing and wagging his thang at the audience, there was a general 'boo' from the straight boys in the room. Although Brian booed, I noticed a different pressure on the back of my legs and he was squirming a bit. Hmmm. If he's not gay... I made a mental note to talk with Brian about it later. Every so often Brian would look over and Kevin and me. I could swear that he looked sad.

The movie ended a little before 1am. Nick, Howie & AJ went back to their rooms and Kevin & I helped Brian make his bed.

I suggested we take a shower before bed. Kevin agreed. I gave him a kiss and told him to get the water ready and I'd be in in a minute after I talked with Brian. We kissed again and he went into the bathroom.

Brian looked at me with apprehension. "What did you want to talk about?" he asked.


"Why me?"

"Well...are you gay?" I asked and was taken aback by my directness.

Brian seemed to be too. "Why would you ask me that?"

"Well...your reaction to watching me get dressed this morning... You being very embarrassed about anything remotely sexual with a man... You getting a hard on watching the movie just now... And you keep looking at me and Kevin and then looking away sad. All of that tells me you are probably gay, or bisexual, and haven't dealt with it."

He sat silent.

"Do you have a problem with Kevin being gay?"


"Do you have a problem with him being with me?"


"Then what?" I asked.

Brian said nothing. He just looked at the floor and whimpered to himself. I reached out to hug him and was surprised at the force in which he pulled himself to me and clutched me tightly, crying openly into my shoulder. I just held him. We stood there for about five minutes.

Kevin opened the bathroom door and yelled, "Are you coming?"

Brian pulled back quickly at the sound of Kevin's voice. I lifted his chin to look him in the eyes.

"Don't tell Kevin." he choked out.

"That's for you to tell him, and so far you haven't told me anything. Its scary at first, but it gets easier. Just be Brian and the rest will follow. You might find it easier than you think to talk with him, though. I know he'd understand."

"I know."

"I better get in there before he comes looking for me."

"Yea..." Brian said as he wiped his eyes with his shirt and tried to laugh.

"If you need to talk, Brian, you know where you can find me."

"Thanks," he said and hugged me again.

Just then Kevin appeared in the hallway wrapped in a towel. "Hurry up!"

"Sorry, I've got this boy on my front that is slowing me down," I joked.

Brian laughed a little and pulled away, pushing me towards the bathroom.

"Thanks," he whispered as I went into the bathroom.

I dropped my clothes as soon as I closed the bathroom door. Kevin still had the towel wrapped around him. I grabbed it and pulled him to me. I used the towel to keep him close. Our rapidly rising cocks rubbing together. Our lips and tongues dueling. Kevin's hands dropped behind me and he started kneading my buttocks. I dropped the towel and did the same. The room was filling with steam from the shower. Kevin finally pulled away and stepped into the shower stall.

I washed his hair, then he washed mine. I grabbed the soap and began to wash his back -- from the front, of course. More body contact that way. When I got to his butt I teasingly rubbed my finger around his tight hole. Gently, I pushed in my middle finger and gently moved it in and out. Kevin was breathing heavy and squeezing me tight. I pulled my finger out and kneeled down to wash his legs and feet. His hard 7.5" was right in my face. I teasingly licked at him, but concentrated on washing him. I told him to turn around so I could wash his front.

"I like this kind of washing," he said with a giggle.

"So do I."

I slowly washed up. Paying special attention to his cock and balls. As I stood up my cock rested nicely in the clef of his butt. I pulled him closer, if that was possible, and lathered up his chest and arms. As soon as I got to the top he spun around.

"My turn!" and he grabbed the soap out of my hand. Kevin washed me the same way. Taking pleasure in teasing me when he could. When we were both soapy and slick we rubbed against each other and would have cum, but I pulled away and turned the water to cold.

"Yikes!" Kevin said as he jumped from the cold water.

"Sorry. Its your last night here and I wanted this to last a little longer. I needed it."

"Yea," Kevin said a bit sadly as the realization set in that he would be leaving tomorrow night set in. "I needed it to." Then with a big smile, "We'd better make tonight good enough to last a few weeks!"

"I promise to do my best! I think we're off to a pretty good start." I joked.

We rinsed off in the frigid water, then got out and dried each other off carefully. We brushed our teeth, grabbed our clothes, and then ran naked to my bedroom, giggling all the way.

Kevin dropped his clothes right inside the door and jump on the bed, laying on his back with his legs spread and his hands behind his head.

"So what do you want to do?" he teased.

I closed the door, dropped my clothes and stood at the end of the bed.

"Um... We could play Euchre if we get two of the guys in here." I teased.

Kevin shook his head.

"No? How about this?" I said as I kneeled down and starting licking up his legs.

"Oh yea. I like this game much better."

I slowly worked my way up. I got to his balls and spread his legs a bit further apart. I licked, nibbled and sucked at each one until Kevin's hands came down to pull me up to his cock. I pulled his hands away and slowly licked up the back of his throbbing erection. I kept going up. Licking at his nipples and slowly up his neck until we kissed. I nibbled at his lips. He still tasted of wine. As far as I was concerned, he always tasted like wine. I loved the taste of him.

Kevin pushed me up further as he kissed down my neck and chest. Instead of teasing me like I had done him, he swallowed me whole and started bobbing his head. God he was good. I was about to stop him when he pulled off and said, "I want you in me."

I didn't need to be asked twice. I reached over to the nightstand and grabbed a condom and some lube.

"How do you want me, Vin?" I asked.

"What did you call me?" Kevin asked.

"I called you Vin, as in keVIN. Kev is so predictable, and you taste like wine, so vin, which is French for wine, seems right."

"I like it. No one has ever called me 'Vin' before."

"Good. Just me."

"Lay on your back to start," he said.

I lay back and Kevin straddled my chest backwards. His butt was in my face as he opened the condom and rolled it down my cock. I put some lube in my hand and massaged it into his hole. I had only one finger in when Kevin turned around and straddled me facing me. He reached back to position my cock against his hole and slowly started to sit back. His face winced in pain a bit, but he continued. I, however, was in heaven. He was so tight. So hot. Gotta keep from cumming too soon! I rubbed my hands over his chest and massaged his balls as he slowly sank all the way down. I soon felt his ass tight against me and the feeling around my cock was incredible. He sat there for a moment, his sphincter spasming a bit.

I pulled myself to a sitting position and clutched him close. Kissing him. Him kissing me. My cock up his ass and his pressed tight between our stomachs, his precum acting as lube. We started to bounce a little, still kissing and holding each other. Our breathing got heavier. I rolled him over on his back without pulling out and put his legs over my back. Leaning in we kissed again. I started pumping now. Slow, deliberate strokes. Kevin's dick was leaking precum like a faucet. My strokes got harder and faster. Kevin was jacking himself off. His legs were pulling me in to him. Harder and faster. He pulled me close very hard and held me tight. His sphincter was clamping down on me and I knew he was coming as I knew I was coming. His shots of cum spread between our chests and mine filled the condom.

After our orgasm had subsided, I pulled out, trashed the condom and lay down on him. His cum making our chests slippery. After we calmed down, I leaned up and kissed him.

"I think we made quite a mess," I said.

"Another shower?" he hinted.

"Let's go."

We pulled away from each other and ran our naked and cum stained bodies to the bathroom. If Brian saw us now, I thought, we'd have to hose him down.

We cleaned off quickly and were back in bed in less than 15 minutes. It was 3am and we should have gone to sleep, and we did, but not until after I gave Kevin a blow job to remember while on the road. We fell asleep around 3:30 the same way as the night before. Spooned together.

It was 10 the next morning when Nick, Brian, AJ and Howie burst into the room and started jumping on the bed to wake us up.

"Come on you two! Wake up!" Nick yelled.

"Are you gonna spend the whole day in bed?" Howie questioned.

"Yes we are..." I said. Before I even finished my sentence Kevin shot me a look of 'Oh no' and the four guys who had been jumping on the bed were now laying on the bed snuggled next to us -- on top of the cover, thankfully. I say 'snuggled,' but 'crunched' may be a more appropriate word. Six people in a full size bed doesn't leave much room.

They were teasing each other about who was getting an erection and pushing everyone and generally making a nuisance of themselves..

"I should have warned you," Kevin said.

"That's okay," I joked. "I'll fuck these two," I said loudly pointing to Brian and AJ beside me, "and you fuck those two," pointing to Nick and Howie.

"Okay!" said Kevin with a grin.

This caused them to quickly get off the bed.

"Good thinking," Kevin chuckled and gave me a kiss.

"Now you guys get out of here so we can get up," I said.

They walked out laughing and congratulating themselves. As soon as the door was shut I hopped out of bed.

"Come on, lets take a shower," I said hintingly.

"Mmm... Okay!" Kevin teased and then jumped up. We put on a pair of shorts and headed to the bathroom. We got in the shower and washed each other slowly and caressingly. Instead of teasing him while washing his butt, I sucked on his cock as my soapy hands caressed his buttocks and played with his hole. He came about ten minutes later and I continued gently sucking his deflating penis as I washed his legs and feet. Before I could wash his front, Kevin grabbed the soap and I soon got the same treatment. After I had cum we stood there kissing.

AJ pounded on the door and yelled for us to hurry up. We slowly separated, finished washing and got out. Fifteen minutes later we emerged from the bathroom shaved, showered and brushed. Five minutes after that we were dressed and went to make the coffee.

"What's the big hurry about, guys?" I said walking into the dining room after starting the coffee.

"We want to see some of the city before we leave tonight," announced Howie.

"Go ahead. No one's stopping you." I replied.

"We didn't rent a car -- you have the only one, and we don't know our way around anyway," explained AJ.

"Do you want to go downtown and near the river, or out to the burbs?" I asked.

"Probably the city and river," answered Nick.

"Well then I'd suggest you all split up, take some kids and walk. The kids know where everything is. We're so close that you'd probably have to walk this far from your parking spot anyway, so you don't need a car." I offered.

"Aren't you going to come?" asked Brian.

I couldn't resist. "Just did, thank you."

Kevin caught on quickly and said, "Me too."

The others were confused for a moment, and then moaned "ewww" and made faces once they got it.

"Sorry, but it was too easy to pass up. Yes, I'll 'go' too, but I still think that everyone should split up. Ten people walking together gets a little attention. Fifty walking together gets a lot of attention. Not to mention that you are less likely to be recognized if you are not all together."

"You are always logical, aren't you?" joked AJ.

"Mostly." I said. "You guys had better go ask your families if anyone wants to go. We can go after we have breakf...brunch. ...its 11:30 now...say 1 o'clock?"

They agreed and disappeared down the steps to ask the kids to take them for a walk around the city. Kevin had a shorter distance to go, being in the 6th family, and was back well before the others. We enjoyed a few moments of just the two of us before the others rejoined us. Its not that we had any hard feelings for the others, quite the contrary. Its just that we were starting our relationship together and that was easier done without an audience. Except for stolen moments like this, we would not get to be alone together anymore while they were here.

Brunch came and went and we were on our way.

About six kids from each family escorted their personal Backstreet Boy through the streets in different directions. I led my group and we immediately walked straight to Mt. Adams, which has the best views in town and is way up on a hill. I figured it would be better to climb the highest hill first and work our way down. We entered the courtyard of the monastery and sat in the grass looking over all of downtown Cincinnati and most of Northern Kentucky. We rested for a few minutes before heading down the hill to Eden Park. Once again we sat and enjoyed the views of Northern Kentucky and this huge park in the middle of the city. Finally we left the hills and headed down to the city.

It was about four o'clock and we were getting hungry as we entered downtown. I made sure that Chinese food was fine with everyone and we walked the few blocks to this great hole-in-the-wall Chinese carry-out place across from the stage door of the big new theater. It didn't look like much, but the food was great. We walked over to Fountain Square to eat our meal. All this time we had gotten a few double-takes, but no one bothered us. I was thankful for that.

We finished our food and grabbed a coffee at a Starbucks. As we were sitting there we noticed Nick with his family walking down the street with two large shopping bags with each person. They looked hilarious walking in single file looking like they were playing 'follow the leader.' We finished our coffee and decided to check out the river and then head back. We walked across one bridge to Kentucky and back across another. The river was wet as usual, but the kids enjoyed throwing stones in it.

By the time we made it back it was 7pm. I had to have the guys to the airport by 11 for a midnight flight. We basically had 3 more hours together -- Kevin and I.

I had forgotten to give everyone an exact time to be back, but it worked out okay and everyone was back by eight o'clock. They had all gathered outside in the garden and were talking about the club and stuff. All too soon it was 10pm. The kids said goodbye and goodnight to the guys and then we were ready to go. We weren't ready to go. All the guys and their bags were in my truck, but Kevin and I stood outside to say our real good-byes before our public ones in the airport.

We embraced. Kissed. Tears starting a little.

"I'll be back as soon as I can," Kevin whispered in my ear.

"And if its not soon enough I'll come get you," I whispered back.

We kissed again, separated, got in the truck and we were off to the airport.

When we got to the airport they checked-in and we went to wait in the first class lounge for their flight. We talked a bit more. I thanked them for coming and doing what they could. They thanked me for allowing them to help. Boarding was called for their flight and before I knew it I was hugging each of them goodbye.

When I got to Brian I whispered to him, "Remember you can call if you need to talk to someone."

Brian nodded and looked down like he was going to cry, but didn't.

I wasn't as strong when I got to Kevin and gave him a generic hug goodbye. I let out a few tears and whispered to him to call me when they got home.

And they were gone.

Next: Chapter 3

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