
By Jay Dee

Published on Feb 23, 2023


Disclaimer: I own all the rights to this original work and give license to the Nifty archive. Copyright 2013. All characters are fictional, any coincidences to living people are entirely coincidental.

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"Home" -- Part Five

I don't like to wear flip flops to school, but today I am dressing minimal, clothes easy to get off: Baggy basketball trunks and my favorite Lakers tank top. No sleeves, no socks, no underwear. It should go without saying that my asshole ached with a thick pain that affected my walk. Pushing myself on my skateboard was hard enough in these stupid slabs of rubber, but each time my foot hit the pavement it felt like my guts would come spilling out of my asshole.

As ordered, I push open the door to His room at 7:30. My shorts fall off my thin hips and onto the floor as the door latches. I lift off my shirt with one hand and leave it by my flip flops. Naked in about a second. If he is awake, he gives no indication. He is naked, on his back with one leg extended fully and the other jutting out at the hip. I have perfect access. Quietly, I go Home. I shove my face into the moist, darkness under his belly. I rub my nose over His flaccid dick and inhale deep the musty cock essence as if it were crisp, morning mountain air. I stick out my tongue and drag it from as far down as I can reach, tracing over mostly the shaft but purposely skimming the folded skin of His ballsack, to the pubic hair. He's hard within seconds and I am fully slobbering over the massive tool.

I'm not sure when he wakes up, but at some point, he grabs my head on both sides and starts thrusting into my mouth. My only job is to suck as he fucks my mouth. Once again, he tries to shove the cockhead into my throat and I try to accommodate, gagging and slurping. At one point, I choke with a guttural cough and a deep, gagging dry heave. I try to back off from his crotch. But his grip only tightens. I just keep sucking. My eyes are burning red with tears pouring down my face. My saliva is pooling off his nuts and onto the bed. And he keeps fucking.

Then, without warning, I taste semen. I taste it in my nose first, even before I feel it squirt into the back of my throat. I swallow just as another squirt hits my mouth. Suddenly my mouth is full but His dick pumps a river. Swallow, swallow. I choke and slurp. Tears and snot cover my face. Finally, the gushing stops and I swallow. I am suffocated, completely out of breath. He lets go of my head. I suck even harder to milk out any remaining fluid and kiss the head as a sign of gratitude.

Except for the slurping sounds, the entire event was silent. The Man only released a single, extended raspy exhale when He came. Now, He is simply rolls over to his side, his belly shifting to hang downward toward the mattress. I can feel it on my face, I am a mess. My hair is ratted where he held me. My eyes are dry and presumably red and a mixture of tears, snot and my cock-scented saliva are streaked down my chin.

My own dick is rock fucking hard. These basketball trunks were obviously not a good idea considering I have an aching boner and am now heading to school. I point my dick straight up so it rests against my flat stomach and is held up by the waistband of my shorts. If I make it to school early enough, I might be able to jerk off in the gym locker room before anybody shows up. *** That was on Monday. He sends messages ordering me home both Tuesday and Wednesday mornings. Both times, it plays out exactly the same: Completely wordless. And even though He doesn't acknowledge my efforts—I'm not sure he has even looked at me either time—I dress the same. I used to be one of the best dressed guys in school. Now I am dressing like a bum with my dick flopping everywhere and my mouth smelling like a urinal. I have to admit, I really liked it.

Then on Wednesday, He called me Home during fourth hour Drama. My life froze as I read his simple email message. It was like I was wearing heavy ear phones, I could hear my breathing, deep but muffled. My pulse thudded an irregular rhythm. I still had three classes to go, as well as basketball practice. Sitting in the back of the auditorium I was facing a fork in the road. I had never missed a class since I caught the flu in the second grade. But my cock was already tense, I could still taste cum in the back of my mouth from this morning.

I know I am going to obey. I know that immediately. But I need to resolve this internally. I need to realize and accept that even here, in school where I have had my life's greatest successes, I am a slave to a fat, bald man that I secretly hated but to whom I am drawn with a force as terrible as gravity. I grabbed my skateboard and bag and walked out of class, ignoring my teacher's calls for my attention.

His message was simple, but listed a new address. Luckily, it's not far from campus.

I'm at a strip mall. There is a laundry mat on one corner. Next to that is a Christian bookstore. Then, at the center of the structure is a contractor's office. This is it. Him. According to the sign, the company is based in the city, about an hour away. This is one of its satellite offices. This could explain why he seems to live out of the hotel room, he lives in the city and runs this regional office sporadically. I know it's none of my business thinking about all of this, but I can't stop my brain.

There is an electronic beep when I enter. I'm simultaneously alarmed and relieved to see there is receptionist's desk in front that is empty.

I walk into the back office and close the door behind me. He is sitting behind a desk. He looks almost professorial, a black tie, blue shirt tucked into his slacks and shiny shoes. He glances away from his computer to look me over. His eyes meet mine briefly then drop down. It's a silent command. I strip and leave my clothes in a pile on the floor. He rolls back his chair as I approach, looking at my swinging dick. He kicks off his shoes and casts his eyes down under his desk.


I get in my place and climb underneath. This is where I spend the rest of my day. First He fishes his cock out of the zipper and I suck Him off. He never acknowledges me, and makes no effort to cum. His monster cock rises, then it falls. For the next hour I suck. Sometimes it is stiff, though mostly it is flaccid. I still suck on it. He makes pays me no mind. Although I don't care. If anything, I am a toddler happy with his pacifier. I only focus on His flesh. Eventually, he takes off his pants completely, so he is naked from the waist down. Because of the position of the desk and computer, anyone standing at the front door wouldn't know he was bare-ass naked much less that I was under the desk, playing with is giant dick.

At one point, my heart freezes when I hear the office door swing open. It's the receptionist. I hear her voice, but pay no mind to the words. She giggles and He reciprocates, causing his balls to bounce between his thighs.

I never get up the entire afternoon. The light never touches my skin. I don't suck the monster cock the entire time, but I am nuzzled against it. Admiring it. Studying it. I lightly trace the veins with my fingertips. I sniff His balls and caress each wrinkle in His sack with the tip of my nose. Hours and hours pass and my face is never more than six inches away from His dick. The entire time, he never stops working. He takes phone calls, and makes arrangements with the receptionist. I never once stop admiring his monster dick.

Eventually, He lifts one leg and places his foot on my chest. He pushes me away from his crotch. I'm confused, but I obey. His foot presses against my chest then slides up. He pushes his foot in my face. I never thought about it before, but his dick is even bigger than his feet. He rubs my face, until I take hold of his heel and lick the entire length of his foot. The skin is dry on the heel, soft and smooth in the arch and callused on the ball. There is a faint odor at the toes. Then I take the big one in my mouth. It's thicker than I had ever imagined. My top lip slides over the hairs on his toe. My cock is at full attention. I stick all five toes into my mouth. Once again, I am completely enraptured in my duties and lose complete track of time.

Suddenly, the day is over. He simply gets up and puts on his clothes. I do the same, but stare at him with longing, trying to figure out my place now. I am looking for any kind of command. Any sign of what I am supposed to do now. He doesn't say a word as he puts on his coat and walks out the door. There is still no sign of a command as he locks the front door with his mess of keys. I desperately stare at Him as he gets into his car and drives away. Defeated, I start to wonder what am I supposed to do now? But I hear the hum of his car's engine brush beside me.

"Hole." He says this, one syllable, like my friends call me when they abbreviate my name.

"Yes, sir!" I don't even try to hide my desperation, my need for him to call my new name again.

He extends his arm out the window. "I'm going to be gone for a few weeks." He hands me a cell phone. It's a shitty flip phone, though it looks brand new. "Keep this on you at all times. Always be ready."

It's weird how life has turned back to normal. It's been three weeks since I've last served the fat man and I am now dressing normally, acing my classes, cleaning up on the basketball court and jacking off five times a day. I've even rubbed out a load or two in the gym shower while a few of my teammates were still in the locker room, changing. I would never had attempted this before I was baptized in cock. I think I hoped one of the guys would walk in. I would have gladly accepted the ass kicking, or cock sucking that followed.

Ok. So, maybe I'm not totally back to normal.

On the outside, I am back to normal. Fully-functioning. Social and successful. On the inside, I am ravenous, absolutely cock-starved and there is no end. For lack of a better word, I feel like a pervert. I'm constantly gauging the crotch of every guy that I come across. I know they all have a dick and I want to see it, taste it and feel it. My friends, my teammates, me teachers. God damn it, I have even tried to get a sense of my dad's bulge once. I close my eyes, and I can see my own asshole, suffering, split open wide with the fat man's master cock sliding in and out. I feel the need to constantly host something. I don't care about size of the dick, or looks of the man. I want my asshole filled.

But on the outside, I'm normal. I'm in class, raising my hand. I'm on the court calling the shots. I'm at the mall with my friends, making fun of faggots. Ironically, this is when the phone buzzes. I was laughing, in mid-conversation, and the vibration still felt like a wakeup call. It felt like a jolt from a deep sleep. I immediately jump as I yank it out of my back pocket.

"home" The single word fills my head completely. I might as well be alone because nothing else matters. I must have a smile, or a look of terror, frozen on my face. The entire gang is looking at me, anticipating an explanation.

"I ... I gotta ..." the phone buzzes again in my hand and I immediately cast down my eyes to read the new message, "go."

This time, I hold my breath. I stare into the phone's screen as if I were trying to translate a foreign language.

"food court mens room"

What the fuck?

"Dude, you okay?" I don't even know who asked this.

I have no answer for anything. I have my command. I know where I'm supposed to be. That is all that matters.

"I gotta go."

They ask me what's up. They look concerned. I tell them I'm ok. But I have to go, and I walk away from my friends. As soon as I turn the corner, I start running. The mall is crowded so I have to weave through people, children. Luckily, I'm wearing jeans because my cock is raging and my zipper is barely containing my pulsating boner. I have no idea what to expect.

The men's room is empty. I am disappointed, confused and scared that I might have misunderstood his command. I walk past the row of urinals and toward the two toilet stalls. The first has no door, it's obviously empty. The second, the handicap stall, has a door that is shut. I push against it. It's locked. It doesn't even occur to me that someone is in there, actually taking a shit.

"Sir? It's me. I'm ready to go Home, sir." I push against the door again. "Please, sir. Let me go home. Please, sir."

The door unlatches and swings open. It's Him. He is sitting on the toilet, his pants bunched around his ankles. He is stroking the giant cock. My legs tremble at the site of it. I lock the door behind me and strip, throwing my clothes behind the toilet. Completely naked, I kneel and go Home, immediately wrapping my lips around His giant dick. It's as if He had never left and I have always been here, where I belong. I push my face as deep as I can, gagging, coughing and choking on the thick head as it tries to spread my throat wide open. I don't care, I just want it inside me. I suck his balls, though he makes no effort to move to give me easier access, so my chin rubs directly against the porcelain of the dirty toilet rim. I dig deeper and extend my tongue as far as I can to reach his taint. I can't tell if it's His ass or the toilet, but it reeks like shit. I push my face into his massive body even harder.

He pulls me off his crotch. With the delicacy of a folding chair, He turns me around and bends me over. He pushes down my head as far as he can reach, then He places his hand on my back and pushes me even further until the palms of my hands are lying flat on the filthy floor. My legs are still extended straight, so my butt cheeks are pulled tight in both directions and my asshole is the highest point of my body.

He pushes into me. Unlike before, He doesn't take any time to let me get used to His giant cock. My head is spinning from the blood rushing to my head, and the pain makes everything flash white. I stifle a scream, which instead comes out as a sob. With my asshole pointed straight toward the ceiling, my hands and feet planted firmly on the floor, and completely naked in the toilet stall of the men's room in the mall, I cry like a baby as the ugly fat man fucks me.

As if on cue, the bathroom door squeals open. Someone pushes against the stall door. The man doesn't slow his fuck rhythm. In my current position, the only contact between Him and myself is His dick sliding in my ass. So there is almost no noise whatsoever except for my whimpering and the light sound of my asshole slurping on his cock. Luckily, the music blaring on the PA system is hiding that part, while I stifle my agony the best I can.

In my peripheral vision, I see a pair of shoes as the guy who came into the bathroom stands at the adjacent toilet. I pray that the shoes don't point away from the toilet. Please, please, just piss, dude. Just as his piss stream starts, the bathroom door opens again. There are voices, young voices and my heart—which is already beating with rage—freezes as I try to determine if they're from the team. My adrenaline is boiling. I can't even gather my thoughts long enough to listen to what they are saying. It's all just muffled voices. And He keeps fucking me. I hear them piss in the urinals, and He is sliding out of my hole. The man in the next stall flushes and He is sliding back in. The guys at the urinal laugh and He slides out. I let out whimpers and deep sighs. There are tears welling and pooling over my eyes. I can't even see anymore. My nose is filling with snot making it hard to breath, and He keeps fucking me.

The door swings open and I relish the thought of everyone clearing out of the bathroom finally. I think they did, but I'm not sure because I'm alarmed to hear new voices. This time it's a child. From under the toilet stall partition, I see tiny feet in tiny flip-flops accompanied by bigger adult feet in running shoes. They both walk to the toilet stall door and I hear them push against it. The man doesn't slow down, and in this position, with this intensity, I could swear his giant dick is splitting me in two.

"Somebody's in there, daddy." The child's father answers in the overly friendly parental voice reserved for small children.

Thankfully, both sets of feet walk to the next stall where the father lifts the boy on the toilet. I tilt my head and bite into my shoulder to help stifle my cries. My heavy breathing through the snot and built up saliva creates a very audible rhythm.

"What's that noise, daddy?"

"I don't know, buddy."

I am trying with every bit of strength I can muster to not sound like I am being penetrated to my extreme limit in my asshole. The father definitely knows something is happening in here, but I am not sure if he can tell exactly what is going on. I hope he thinks someone is in here crying, or expelling some kind of explosive diarrhea. Whatever, just please, please, please leave now.

"Come on, buddy. Let's hurry it up."

He does. The toilet flushes and the sink runs. When I hear the hand dryer engage, I use the opportunity to release a whimper.

The bathroom is finally clear. The Man takes this opportunity and starts pounding my hole with his full weight, finally creating a rhythmic clapping between his balls and my butt cheeks. I want to scream, but instead continue to cry and sob. He pulls out and sits back on the toilet. Immediately, I spin around and open wide, taking his cock in my mouth. My face is still clouded with snot and tears, but I suck as hard and steady as I can muster. He grabs the back of my head and pushes me down deep on His cock and I feel the hot splash in my throat. I choke but he doesn't let me go until my throat is coated in his semen. I suck even harder as I lift my mouth off his cock, milking every drop I can out of the dick. I swallow all of it immediately. Then I kiss the cockhead in gratitude.

He pushes me away to make room as grabs his pants and pulls them up.

"You spend a lot of time at the school," he says, his voice completely unfazed.

Oh shit. The phone. The phone that he gave to me. He must have a GPS feature engaged, which is how he found me here at the mall.

I am kneeling, naked, on the dirty tiled floor of a men's room. My asshole is gaping, wet and cold. I've been lying to the man about my age. And now, in the face of coming clean I realize that I could jeopardize the only refuge I have. I can't lose it. I can't not be fucked by that magnificent probe again.

"I work there," I lie. "I work in the library."

The man is barrel chested, from this angle on the floor, I can see under the bottom of his shirt his hairy belly extend over his jeans. The gap in His teeth is more pronounced as is that ridiculous mustache. He looks at me skeptically. I can't tell if he is buying my lie.

"Don't lose that phone."

He walks out, leaving the toilet stall door wide open. I lock it and sit back on the toilet to jerk off. It doesn't take long, I lay back and feel the cold metal of the pipes of the flushing mechanism dig into my back and extend my legs fully until my toes are pointed straight out. I cum a geyser that I point toward the wall next to me. My semen splashes the yellow tiles and drips toward the floor.

I briefly consider licking my seed off the walls. Instead, I choose to leave it, in hopes someone recognizes my accomplishment here. I walk out wishing I could wear my stretched asshole like a badge so everyone can see where I belong in this world.

Next: Chapter 6

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