Holy Horticulture Batman

By Ebon Artist

Published on May 25, 2020



*Batman and Robin are property of DC comics. Robin is a creation of Bill Finger.

Comments and questions are always welcome at ebonart.gallery@gmail.com

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Bruce Wayne shifted under the silk sheets of his massive bed. His room lay at the end of the second floor's main corridor. Next to his on one side was Aunt Harriet's room; on the other side was Dick's. His incredible hearing could tell, even in sleep, that Aunt Harriet was deep asleep while there was no sound at all from Dick's room.

On a subconscious level, this bothered the sleeping Caped Crusader. Usually he could hear the boy's soft breathing, or the muffled groans as Dick explored his growing sexuality - usually three times a night. Sleeping, Bruce smiled at the thought. Dick was growing up so quickly. A fine young man and a sturdy partner in his war against crime and chaos in Gotham.

Then, Bruce's subconscious picked up a new sound, and that brought him almost to wakefulness before he identified it as Robin's booted feet on carpet. He'd returned from a late patrol. Bruce started to fall deeper asleep, until he heard the secret door between his quarters and Dick's open.

He'd had the door installed the day before Harriet moved in, in case he and Dick needed to confab on crimefighting matters. They didn't need her wondering why either of them was abroad in the early hours of the morning.

Robin approached Bruce's bed. He knew what he had to do. His master had programmed him completely. He looked down at the strong figure then he slowly pulled back the sheets. Bruce slept naked, so that he could get into his costume with a minimum of fuss. Robin st on the side of the bed, then reached out with his leather-gloved hand to gently take Bruce's long soft cock in hand. The weight of it in Robin's gloved hand was warm, and Robin stroked it slowly, very slowly, until it started to harden. He was so close to his goal now.

Bruce stirred, and turned his head.. Then quieted. Robin bent to the now-hard cock, his hand sliding up and down it's almost foot-long length. His soft shell-pink lips parted, and then slid over the massive crown. Robin mmmd as he slid the entire large glans into his mouth, and his tongue slipped hard and firm against the man's cumslit.

Millions of microscopic seeds in the boy's saliva burrowed into the man's thick penis, finding the blood supply there, and then swiftly were carried to the brain. A trickle of warm spittle ran down the veined pillar-like cock as Robin nursed the crown in his mouth, sucking and licking it, shivering as he felt Bruce's first squirt of warm precum fill his mouth. The fifteen-year-old boy had learned much in Poison Oak's care, and his master's hypnotic commands carried more information as well on how to seduce the Dark Knight.

Bruce started awake as he felt Robin's mouth slide over his penis! He blinked; the Boy Wonder was indeed there. This was no mere wet dream.

Robin raised up from his cock and opened his glistening mouth. "Relax , Bruce, and let me suck you. Relax. It's OK. You want me to suck your big batcock. And more."

The spores had made Bruce, like Robin, highly suggestible. His protests died in his throat.

He opened his mouth to shout, but he could not. He was... warm, and floating, and he needed this. He sighed and spread his legs, and relaxed as the boy suckled his thick hard cock.

"Suck me, Dick. Suck my cock. You're doing well, Dick. Good... mmpph.. Good boy..."

His breathing grew deep and rapid, and Bruce reached to stroke Robin's head. The masked boy's eyes opened, and Robin sat up.

"You're doing fine, Dick.. but here... " Bruce said, and he pulled Robin fully into the bed with him. He straddled the caped boy, and with a thumb teased open his soft mouth.. Then filled it with his cock. He moved his hips in slow pumps, feeding the boy his penis, amazed at how good Robin was at this. He shifted position and fucked his cock into Robin's wet, willing mouth for several long minutes, his training and discipline keeping more than a drop or two of his precum from releasing.

He pulled back and the red-faced youth looked up at him. "Take me, Bruce," he said in his soft high voice, and Bruce's thick cock spat a stream of precum at the words. He carefully worked down Robin's tight trunks, then turned him over... he bent and slid his tongue into the Boy Wonder's waiting, willing taint, probing the boy's tight muscle-cunt.

There, he tased Poison Oak's sperm, and the desire he had burst into a flame. All tenderness fled. He mounted the slender teenager and bred the Boy Wonder's hole as hard and quick as he could, muffling Robin's protests with a pillow. He filled his boy with cum again and again, until finally he was exhausted. He slid from the youth's dripping boycunt and flopped onto his back.

The costumed youth curled against him. "Our master wants us there, as soon as possible."

Bruce nodded. Of course. He stood up and pulled Robin to his feet as well. "Of course, Boy Wonder. Get cleaned up in my bathroom. The master cannot be kept waiting."

Half an hour later, Batman and Robin walked into the greenhouse. Huge vines dipped and caressed them, but let them pass. Poison Oak met the pair, and laughed.

"You've done well, Robin. You've completed your mission, poisoned Batman, and brought him to me. Now, I have no more use for you. You are still but a boy, and now I have a man to do my bidding."

"Master," Batman said as the thorns vines reached for Robin, fanged mouths opening on them, eager to drain the Boy Wonder's blood.

"Yes, slave?" Oak said as he slid his hands over Batman's broad chest, then down to cup the man's bulge.

"Robin can still be useful. He has many teenaged gang contacts that listen only to him. They can be useful in your conquest of the city. Also, he leads the Teen Titans. They would be an excellent choice to carry your seed to the rest of the Justice League."

Poison Oak licked his lips, and stopped the vines reaching for Robin with a thought. "An excellent idea. Your keen mind is still clear, but entirely focused on my needs and desires. This is a better result than i could have hoped for."

Oak turned to Robin. "Boy Wonder. You will go to your closest teammate, and seduce him. Spread my poison to him. Go now."

"Yes, master!" Robin said eagerly and trotted out of the greenhouse.

Batman stood at military attention before the verdant figure, his masked face passive and compliant. His cock bulged his costume, and Batman winced as Poison Oak's fingers teased the trunks down, then pulled his thick member into the open air.

"Magnificent," Poison Oak breathed. Vines slid forward and wrapped tightly around Batman's 12-inch cock. Their thorns pierced his cock in multiple places as they squeezed, and Batman closed his eyes in pain as they began to massage his penis, pumping their poison into his bloodstream, working it in slowly. He moaned and ejaculated despite the pain.. Or because of it. He knew Robin was a secret little pain slut, but now it seemed he was as well.

"I know you're still fighting me, Batman. This entire appearance has been a ruse. But now.. Now I have you," Poison Oak purred as more vines slid forward. One sounded Batman's dripping cock, writhing deep inside him. The others pulled at his egg-like balls, squeezing and massaging them.

Yet another slide up and into his trunks, and found the soft little pucker. It teased and stroked and finally forced itself into Batman's most secret batcave... it twisted and pushed until it could press and stroke again the Dark Knight's prostate.

"You.. utter fiend..." Batman managed to gasp. "Poisoning a boy to do your... filthy work..."

"Hah. I knew you were not as subservient as the boy. You've trained Robin well to respond to commands, but you did it too well. He's very susceptible to suggestion. He is my complete slave, but you.. Ah, you have some free will left. For now. Until the poisons reach your brain. Then, Batman, you will submit to me willingly."

"Never! Never... you... verdant villain. I'll free Robin..." Vines wrapped around Batman's mouth, then one forced itself past his lips to squirt cool soothing sex nectar into his system. Batman immediately felt his sexual needs double, then triple. Robin's midnight visit had left him intensely horny and unsatisfied as well... but now...

"AGH!" Batman moaned as he shot his load again, the vines sliding away from his thick penis, now healed by their secretions. They loosened... then began to stroke the Dark Knight's trapped cock.

They're not as good as Robin's mouth... but good enough, Batman through as he shivered through another orgasm.

"No, no you will not, Batman. Robin will bring me the Teen Titans and then... I will rule."

Batman struggled against the teasing vines, gasping as they played with his cock. I'll save you, Robin. Somehow. As soon as... I save myself.


Next: Chapter 3

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