Holy Horticulture Batman

By Ebon Artist

Published on May 18, 2020



*Batman and Robin are property of DC comics. Robin is a creation of Bill Finger.

Comments and questions are always welcome at ebonart.gallery@gmail.com

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Robin the Boy Wonder fought against the vines holding him to the steel post, the green filaments slowly tightening across the fifteen-year-old's trim body. His long bare legs were pulled back tight against the metal, his arms likewise painfully pulled back and wrapped back around the pillar. A position designed to cause as much pain as to keep him helpless and unable to gain any leverage in his struggles.

The hothouse was just that, hot and damp, and sheets of clean teenboy sweat glistened on Robin's masked face, his long neck, and his muscled legs. Thick vines held him across his chest and legs, smaller ones held his arms. Thin thorn-covered vines now moved up to slide teasingly over his bare legs, his hard-muscled young arms, and up his chest towards his neck.

"Ivy! I know this... is you!" the Boy Wonder shouted, panting softly as he ceased struggling against the multiple vines. He was tired, and he'd been at this fruitlessly for several minutes after being grabbed. Seems Batman was right about the old rooftop conservatory being Ivy's new lair. Trouble was, the vines had removed his utility belt and it now lay several feet away from his position. No calling Batman for help.

"No, she is... unavailable," said a deep masculine voice. Then a trim young man, probably in his twenties, stepped into view. Like Ivy, he was green-skinned and red-haired, barely dressed at all in patches of leaves. "I am Poison Oak," he said with a smile.

Robin thrashed anew in the trap, breaking a few vines. One snagged him around the throat and pulled his head back hard against the steel pillar. "Hush, Boy Wonder.," Oak said as he put a finger to Robin's lips.

Robin shivered at the touch, and his lips tingled. He licked them before his danger sense kicked in and he spat. It was too late, though. Oak's poisons were washing through him, making him hotter if that was possible, and also impossibly needy.

The muscular youth blushed hotly as he felt his cock harden, pushing against his thin silk trunks, tenting them up and up.

Poison Oak smiled and his fingers traced the outline of the young teen's cock, the six-inch shaft, and then the flaring crown. His thumb pushed and teased the Boy Wonder's swollen cockhead until he felt the dampness through the trunks.

"Mppph!" Robin whined as he felt his cock pulse, wetting his costume with his precum. The spreading stain darkened the green silk, making the youth squirm against his bonds. The vines continued their exploration of the youth's hard athletic form, sliding up his legs in slow sinuous caresses until the tips touched his trunks.

Robin panted rapidly as he looked down and saw the tips of the vines sprout thorns. They slid and tightened over his trapped genitals, ready to plunge themselves into his cock and ballsac!

Holy Horticulture, this was it!

Poison Oak's smile widened.

"Time for you to die, Robin..." the man smiled, as he leaned in and forced a long slow kiss from the struggling boy. Robin fought against the bonds and now against the kiss; he tried to turn away but he was too weak and drugged to fight much longer. The tongue slipped into his mouth, pulsing with tingly exotic tastes as the poisons slid down his throat.

Robin moaned as he found himself kissing back. No, what... what was happening!? The teen crimefighter shivered as the tongue withdrew and he tried to follow the lips until they slipped away from his mouth. He was left gasping and desperate for the man's kiss.

"Maybe not just yet. I've thought of another use for you, Boy Wonder...": Oak said in his deep voice.

Robin blushed as he realized he'd shot his cum into his costume, and now his hot boy spunk was trickling down his legs. The vines moved to curl around the hot spunk and drink it in. Robin's erect six inches tenting his little trunks, and the boy found himself moving his hips, desperate to fuck.

There had only been that one time with Batgirl, for him, both of them eager and desperate for release and equally embarrassed by what happened.

Now, the Boy Wonder strained to reach the green-skinned man in front of him. "I love you1" he moaned.

"I know, Boy Wonder..." Poison Oak said, wiping his lips. The taste of the boy was.. Interesting. He knelt, and pulled down Robin's trunks. The boy's pubes, what there were of them, were shaved close. His slick dripping penis thrust out., and Poison Oak slid his lips over it, taking the boy's cock to the root.

He began to suck Robin's sleek teen cock as the Boy Wonder struggled and whined in the trap. Vines slid up his cut abs and teased his nipples on their way to slowly twine around his long neck. And tighten, and tighten more until Robin fought for breath. They tightened more, and the Boy Wonder gasped, choked... when his mouth opened, the vines loosened, only for one to whip up and plunge down his throat!

Robin shivered as he felt a fruity taste fill his mouth and a cool sensation fill his belly as the pulsing vine forced him to swallow it's nectar. With each pulse, another gentle squirt of juice... Robin felt the warm attention his cock was getting, and he thrust forward.

Hands grabbed his firm hard-muscled ass, and pulled him tight and close. Robin cried out around the vine down his throat as he shot his teenboy load once more.

The boy's cock pulsed and pulsed in Poison Oak's mouth, and the man frantically squeezed Robin's firm asscheeks in his hands, eager to get every drop the boy had to give. He slid back, his tongue cleaning the youth's shaft and then crown as he went, until there was no cum left on the boy's cock.

He stood up and watched Robin succumb to the soporific poison of the vine, heightening his young male hormones to a fever pitch. Already the young crimefighters's cock was leaking precum again. He'd be ready to shoot again in minutes. Maybe seconds.

Poison Oak smiled and gestured to the plants holding the limp youth. They shifted, lifted and turned the teen boy until Robin was facing the mass of vines, and his pale ass faced Poison Oak. Another gesture, and vines slid up to explore the boy's pucker and then, gentle, insistent, enter him. Robin gasped as the vines began to explore his muscleboy cunt, teasing open his ring, stretching him gradually, easing deeper and deeper into his gasping young body. The fifteen-year-old's muscles felt like jelly, and his struggles were almost useless.

And his desire was intensifying every second.

Robin pushed back like he was taking a crap, and whined as the vines surged deeper. He heard Poison Oaks' deep laugh, and then tingly kisses on the back of his neck. Then his head was pulled around and Oak kissed him again. At last! He fought to push his own tongue into Oak's mouth, but the man completely overwhelmed him. Robin felt a warm feeling growing in him at being so totally and completely helpless and dominated. He whimpered as the man continued to french him, until the vines twined now tightly around his erect penis stroked him into another sobbing orgasm.

Poison Oak smiled as he parted from the limp helpless boy, and he took his thick cock in hand. Hard as a wood log, the length slid against Robin's pale thighs, then up to his wet and prepped little pussy. He pushed in as the vines retreated, leaving the boy's hole open and needy. He filled it instantly, his cock slowly claiming the teen boy's ass.

Robin's cunt tightened around his cock, and he began to thrust. Each time, he kissed the boy's neck, his tongue leaving tiny thorns that pumped more sex poison into Robin's bloodstream, just like the vines were doing to the boy's quivering penis.

"Yes.. yes.." the Caped Crusader moaned as he felt the man's cock slid into him. Not as big as the Batcock, no, but big enough. Strong enough. Robin pushed back, giving himself to the man as he muttered incoherently. Robin felt a raging need for his tight teen cunt to be claimed and owned, wanted the man's cock like he'd wanted nothing else.

Poison Oak groaned as he came, his cock thrust to the root in the boy's tight ass. Then he pulled free and let the dark green sap-like cum splash on those muscled cheeks and run down Robin's muscular legs. The cum soaked into the boy's skin almost immediately, forming the last bond for the complex poisons racing through the helpless teenager.

The vines relaxed and Robin's limp body slumped to the ground. Poison Oak picked up the sleek youth in his muscled arms and carried him out of the green house.

"Listen to me carefully, Robin. You are my slave now. You belong to me. Bring Batman to me and the pleasure you had tonight will be just your first taste."

"Y-yes.. .master.." Robin sighed as he stirred and cuddled to the man's broad chest. Already he desired that thick cock down his throat or in his ass.

"Good boy," Poison Oak said as he returned Robin's utility belt to him, then helped the youth pull up his tight little trunks. He slid his hand over the boy's trapped erect cock again, as Robin met his lips willingly and needily. More mind-control poison for the boy on his saliva, his skin.

"Remember Robin. Bring Batman to me. Here. As soon as you can."

"Yes, master," the Boy Wonder said as he swung away into the night.


Next: Chapter 2

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