Hollywood Hotel

By Dan

Published on Mar 1, 2006


Hi! Thanks for all your nominations. So fucking horny reading through your suggestions, keep them coming! The nominations for 'Best TV Fuck' however are closed as I have written the installment here! The winners won by a huge majority and were also my personal hope for the award as I wanted to write about them. The top three nominations have been included in the story. If you come across a guy in the story and you're not sure what he looks like I can send you some pics or you can hit a search engine. It's a lot nicer to jerk off to this if you know what the guys look like! So, keep your nominations as explained in the 'Hollywood Hotel: Awards Season 2006 coming in as you may change whom I write about. Next installment is hinted at in the writing. And please, email me when you've read it, cum and cleaned up! I need feedback to make me better at writing and love it to be filthy!! let me know what you liked here and I can concentrate on simular quality. Even if you wanna let me know how far you got before you cum or how much of it there was, I'd love to know!! I've also written 'Spencer, Andy and Den' about Eastenders and 'The Cream of Orange County' which you can view in the archive.


Asleep in his hotel room, Tom Welling pulls the bed sheets up his legs and over his naked butt. His bulked, muscled body flairs with goosepimps, the temperature in the room dropping sharply. His deep brown eyes open softly in reaction to this and he sits up, his abdominal bricks crunching. Looking towards his chest he notices his small round nipples are erect and as he opens his mouth his breath escapes as mist. He swings his feet around to the floor and notices his bedside draw is open and a pair of dark blue jeans are lying out of them. Pulling them up over his legs he pays carefull attention to his long meat hanging between his legs, gripping and stuffing his cock into the jeans. He fastens them and fastens the heavy brown belt. Suddenly, he is thrown back against his bed. He looks wildly around the room for his assailant but cannot see anybody. Trying to stand, he feels his arms pulled up and over his head and watches as the telephone wire from his hotel phone is ripped from the back and starts to wrap around his wrists, tying him to the bedstead. He opens his mouth to call for assistance but no sound emmits. Without warning the entire bed lifts onto its end with Tom dangling by his arms and moves against the wall. His arm muscles shift with his weight, his chest pulled up to steady him against the downward pull. Slowly, unseen hands begin to unfasten the belt that Tom is wearing, the gold pin moving from it's hole and opening. A strangely warm hand move against the crotch of the jeans over Tom's fat dick which causes an involantary moan from Tom's full lips. The unseen hands continue to stroke his bulge and unfasten the button and zipper on the jeans. The air in the room begins to rise as the jeans move downwards and the naked form of Tom is revealed. His slathering prick begins to rapidly fill with warmth and rises. hard and fat. The cord from Tom's dressing gown floats across fastening his feet to the suspended bead spread, as Tom's legs are pulled apart. Then a warm, wet and invisible mouth moves down over Tom's hard cock. Tom watches as his foreskin moves back and a fat, gob of precum escapes into nothing. He allows the feeling to wash over him, even through the fear and the uncomfortableness of being hung by his arms in the air. The mouth begins to speed up and Tom can't escape the feeling that he's been in this situation before. But how? Soon, a long, warm finger begins to probe Tom's arsehole working it's way in as the head continues. Tom is lost now in the feeling, his head rolling back. A small trail of blood runs from his bottom lip and scratch marks appear on his chest but he does not care as another finger slips up inside his arse hole.

"More . . . .'", Tom moans as a third finger enters him.

Tom's dick begins to swell, a long fat vein pulsing and all the time he can watch his dick as if an x-ray of being blown. His fat mushroom head opens and Tom let's forth a huge load which travels for an inch before stopping and hitting something not there. Another thick, white cum escapes, Tom's body rippling with orgasm coating the invisible somethings face. As the orgams subsides, the cord holding Tom's feet is released, the 'thing' is gone and Tom drops slightly.

"Help" he screams as he loses consciousness.

Jensen Ackles pushed open the heavy door of the hotel and holds it open, looking out into the street. He waits with growing impatience before deciding to let the door close. Another figure puts a hand out to stop the door from closing and steps in.

"Ever the gentleman, Jensen", he calls out.

"Gotta move quicker then, Jared", He calls back teasingly.

Jared Padalecki smiles his cute smile back at Jensen and moves up to meet his friend, his long, brow length fringe moving gentle back and forth. Jensen returns the smile with his big white-teethed grin and runs a hand through his shorter cut. The two friends stop in the lobby and put down their luggage.

"So what's the what", Jared enquired.

Digging out a piece of paper from his back jean pocket Jensen observes it and looks to Jared. "Tonight is the 'Best Fuck in a Television Show" Award, hence us being here" Jared and Jensen let quiet wash over them as they remembered their nominated scene. A quiet, dark country road, as often seen in their show 'Supernatural', Jared bent over the hood of their trusty car, Jenses railing into Jared's sweet round arse . . . . .

"I wonder who we are up against?" Jared answered, picking a bag up to cover his hard-on and to break the dreamy pause.

"That my good friend, is the mystery"

The two friends made their way over to the reception desk, Jensen observing Jared's full, throbbing package clumsly covered and licked his pouty lips. As they hit the desk they listened to the grey haired old man's behind it telephone call.

"He claims he was interfered with", Mr. Belbin spoke into to reciever, "Yes . . .found suspended by phone wire off his bed. Auto-erotic, or some such, I think but Mr. Welling is such a good customer I would never say it' Placing the reciever down, he looked up at the puzzled duo.

"Good morning, young sirs, may I assist?"

Jensen continued to look puzzled, his brow wrinkled in that sexy Jensen way, his eye brow arched. "Is Tom okay?" He enquired.

"A question for Mr. Welling, I think, Mr . . . Mr. Ackles. Shall I book you in?"

Jensen threw his arms around Tom Welling, giving him a kiss on the cheek. "Are you okay?" he aksed of his old friend and Smallville co-star.

"I guess" Tom replied. "You know, been fucked by a ghost but on the mend!" he attempted to joke.

"A ghost?" Jared asked in way of an introduction and shook Tom's hand. "What happened?"

"I can show you. In a way." Tom replied and picked up a video tape from a bedside table. "I got this from Mr. Belbin. It's a clips tape for the nominations tonight. I hope you don't mind Jensen, it's got you on it'

The tape slipped into the machine and the TV screen errupted in music and colour. The tagline for 'Best Fuck in a TV series' moved across the screen. The title 'Smallville' appeared seconds later with Tom's and Jensen's names below. On screen, Tom was shirtless and attached by chains to a post in his barn that lay on the land of his on-screen Kansas home. His lip was bloodied and his chest scratched. Jensen moved onto screen.

"Clark . . ." He exclaimed at seeing his young football player and lovematch rival strung up.

"Help me down . . . please . . .help me" Clark moaned to him.

"Not right away" He replied, his hands working on Clark's belt and zipper. Soon his wet, full lips were around Clark Kent's throbbing tool, taking the hot cock to the back of his throat.

In the hotel room the three watched as Jensen's character slipped a finger into Tom's arsehole, working it right up beyond the knuckle, then working in another. Jared felt his prick hardening for the second time and used a pillow to hide it. Tom and Jensen watched their acting work remembering how hot it had been to fuck on screen and both felt themselves getting hard as well.

On screen a third finger was inside Clark's hole and the superboy was moaning at the hot, wet mouth of his coach. He felt his balls pull up and than bagan to but a huge load that his coach had predicted and inside the hotel room Jared, Jensen and Tom watched as Jenses took the full load on his chisled face, his cheekbones and his lips.

"Oh man" Jared breathly exclaimed, "That was so hot"

"And that was exactly what happened to me last night. Except I was strung up on my bed and Jensen was not here but it followed the events exactly. If someone had not found me I would have suffocated"

Standing, with his crotch away from Jensen and Tom, Jared moved off to Tom's on-suite, leaving them to discuss the situation. Once inside, Jared hurridly unzipped his jeans and pulled his tight white boxer briefs down. His long ten inch dick, slim but slightly thicker under his pink mushroom head, sprang up and sailed down with movement and then Jared's hand was on it. Quickly pulling at his foreskin he jerked off hard, standing just over Tom's sink. Steadying himself with one hand on the bathroom mirror he replayed the scene from the TV, the thick loads washing over Jensens face and the felt his cum working it's way towards his piss slit. He slowed his wanking, losening his grip, slowing the inevitable cum burst and then it shot out, onto the mirror, the small curve where soap should go and into the basin. Jared's face tightened and his breath grew hoarse as he rung he final drops of spunk out before letting his hand off the mirror. A sweaty palm print remained and his cock flaccidly lolled out of his jeans.

"So, what are you thinking?" Jensen asked of Jared as they made their way from Tom's room down the corridor.

"That we may not be a dead cert for the award after seeing that!" Jared answered

"Well, you might not be!" Jensen answered. After all, that's two scenes out of four that he could be win through.

"If you mean, what's going on, I have a better question for you. We play fictional supernatural fighters. This is just a little too wierd and real"

"But we do have some knowledge on this. I mean I'm thinking poltergeist"

"No," Jared answered turning the key to his hotel room and ushering Jensen in, "Poltergeists rarely make prolonged physical contact with humans preffering brief attack or movement of objects. This is more along the lines of a phantom or invisible person"

"And why Tom? I mean apart from who wouldn't want to fuck with him"

"I know I would" Jared replied dreamly. "Oh, fuck . . . ."

"What?" Jenses asked.

"If it's gone after Tom, what about the rest of the nominees?"

Situated at the back of the hotel, two young men stood admiring a shiny, new car. The hotel had facilities to wash cars for the stars but some liked to nurse their toys themselves and these guys where no exception.

A shorts clad Chad Michael Murray ran a hand over the car and smiled at his companion. "You know, James, I think I'm in love" he joked.

James Lafferty laughed along with Chad and moved around the car. "He sure is a beauty" he replied. After a short pause he looked over at Chad. "You know, I always feel a little wierd around you and cars after . . .you know . . .!" He let his all American gaze lock with Chad's and absent mindedly adjusted his balls in his black jeans.

"I surely do. I mean, you, me, a shiny car and a hose, that's the reason we've been nominated. One Tree Hill's crowning fuck scene!" Chad moved down and pulled a hose from the floor. "Can you turn her on, gonna give the car a bath!"

James reached out a hand to turn on the tap. Suddenly he flew back towards the car and landed with a crunch on the boot. Held down he called to Chad for help. As Chad made his way around to James he felt the hose wrap around his feet and he backward onto the car. >From his position, James watched as the tap began to turn to feed the hose. "Chad, the water's coming out". The hose erupted over Chad and began to soak him. His 'Speedwagon' T-shirt began to cling to his long, compactly muscled torso. His shorts began to sag, Chad's big flaccid prick causing a v-shape at the front of his body. The short legs cland to his muscled thighs and then he felt the shorts being dragged down his sodden, thick legs. Underneath the shorts his little white speedo briefs began to soak through, the pink prick underneath merging with this now-see through material. His shirt lifted off and over his torso which dripped with water running between his pecs and down his treasure trail.

"Chad, are you okay?" James screamed over to this friend before he felt himself being dragged up and over the car and next to Chad. Chad was saying nothing, the look on his face was far-away and turned on. James felt the hose turn on him and his clothes began to sodden with wet water.

Chad's sodden underwear began to drop down and he rotated to be bent over the hood. The hose moved down to Chad's tight arse who reached around in his trance and pulled his cheeks apart. James looked down at the tight, pink hole and the lightly haired glutes before him. "Just like our scene . . . . " He moaned as he was lost to the being.

The hose began to move close to Chad Michael Murray's ring and then the hose mouth probed at the fuck chute, working it open and disappearing inside. Chad let out a long, animal moan as the hose moved inside him a few more inches, water pouring out the sides of the young stars ring. James wet jeans began to unbuckle and James reached in to pull on his big prick. Below the hose, Chad's own fat, pipe began to pump out juice, pre-cum landing on the car hood. The hose fucked Chad's arse faster, never resting to long inside him to let the water escape. Chad's moaning grew louder and then as if in tounge's he began to speak filth.

"Yes, fuck me. Break my hole in two. Ram inside my slaggy man cunt. Harder, fuck me harder"

The hose moved away from the hole and James began to descend to his knees. He took over from Chad, holding the cheeks apart, still running with water and let his tounge lick around the viloted ring piece, savouring the smell of Chad's cunt. He pressed his face hard against the hole and let his mouth open, sucking in the water escaping. It tasted of Chad's inner chute and he lapped greedily at it. Below him, the phantom something gripped James dick, seven inches long and four round and jerked it, allowing James to suck on Chad's arse hole. Chad jerked his own pricl below him and the two continued in a supernatural frenzy.

At the hotel lobby Mr. Belbin ticked off a list. Jared and Jensen waited paitiently for him to finish.

'A Snooker Cue and a small traffic cone" Mr. Belbin said aloud ticking appropriately.

"What's that for?" Jared asked

"Oh, just for the 'Best Submissive Male' competition tommorow.

The two men exhanged looks and decided to carry on. "I know it's against the rules but we need to find out who the other nominee's are for 'Best Fuck in a television show'. It's important"

"I'm sorry, sirs, but those are classified until this evening"

Jared gripped Mr. Belbin's arm and looked him in the eyes. "Sir, people's lives are at stake". Noticing the look in the young man's eye Mr. Belbin thought for a moment.

"If you promise to keep it to yourselves and to help me with the preprations for tomorrows award then yes"

"Deal" both men spoke at once, taking the nominations list from Mr. Belbin.

Out in the car wash area James continued to rim Chad, drinking ever gulp of water that seemed to be running from Chad's hole. He felt himself filling with the liquid and the intoxicating warmth of Chad's cunt, not carrying if he drowned from it. Chad's hand moved at double time over his cock, unable to cum until James stopped eating his hole.

Running into the car park, Jared and Jensen appeared. Taking a moment to observe the jock like figure of James Lafferty eating out the tall, lean, naked figure of Chad Michael Murray they then spurred into action. Jared grabbed at James and with much force broke his grip on Chad. Getting away within a few feet, Jared struggled with James who fought to get his lips and tounge back on Chad's hole.

Chad meanwhille did not break from jerking off be his car but this time the hose was wrapping around his neck. "What do I do?" Jenses screamed at Jared.

"You have to make Chad feel more pleasure than the phantom"

With out thinking Jensen pulled down his jeans and the jock his was wearing. Already rock hard from James gorging on Chad's beautiful hole he positioned his large cock at Chad's hole. Bareback, he drove forth, shaking Chad all over and gripped Chad's hips. He began a steady hard fuck inside him, feeling the water run over his prick and the warmth of Chad's hole.

"Fuck him harder" Screamed Jared, still struggling with James.

Jensen reached out a hand to push Chad's head down on the car and then drove into him harder. Pulling his whole nine inches out he drove it back in and found a double time pulse of fast man cunt fucking combined with pulling all the way out. This fuck was cuasing Chad's hole to open and contract and Chad moaned, "I can feel you, I'm coming back"

But still the hose would not loosen. "Jared, I think James lust for Chad's boy pussy is fuelling the creature. You're gonna have to do something"

Holding James down, Jared unzipped and removed his trousers and white boxer briefs around his ankles. Steadying himself above James he sat down on his face, letting his ring hit James mouth. He rode against James faces beating his prick and felt James reciprocate, probing his hole, before shoving it right up into Jared's fuck chute. Chad looked around at Jenses and smiled then his eyebrows arched and a thick wad of white goo hit the car. Chad let himself blow four more fat loads before milking Jensens cock. "Do your creamy shit inside my cunt" he ordered and Jensen doubled over, letting his prick explode and paint the inside of Chad's hole. He lay above Chad and they both breathed hard watching Jared ride James tounge. The hose loosened and Chad allowed frech air inside him.

The depth of James tounge was too deep for Jared who let his prick explode, the creamy spunk dripping down his shaft and onto James Brow. Without touching himself, James felt his dick pop and showered the back of Jared's tight round arse with his juice. Jared rode the tounge for a few minutes more just like Jensen allowed himself to grow flaccid still up Chad. "Saving lives was never so hot" Jared groaned as James tounge escaped his hole.

The list of nominees lay on Jared's night stand as he showered. Jensen had left him to do the same in his adjoining room. They had both explained to Chad and James what had happened. Chad explained that on his show James character 'Nathan' had found Chad's 'Lucas' trying to steal a car and had fucked him with a hose and rimmed him for punishment. They went their sperate ways, shaken and satisfied.

On the list it read, '1. Tom Welling, Jensen Ackles for Smallville 2. James Lafferty, Chad Michael Murray for One Tree Hill 3. Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki for Supernatural'. In a couple of hours the winners would be announced in the concert hall adjoining the hotel. Jared left the shower, grabbing a towel to wipe down his broad chest and shoulders, his arms and legs and his slim, prick that had already cum twice today.

"Looks like all the nominees have been seen to by this whatever" He mused before turning around to grab some clothes.

Suddenly, two bright lights filled the room. Jared stumbled back towards the door but found it locked. The lights rested near the bed and Jared's face dropped with fear as he realised. Headlights. It was his and Jensens scene. A rough push to the bed found Jared's naked form on all fours as if on the hood of the car in Supernatural. But instead of co-star Jensen, he could feel the phantom prick stiring at this hole. Jared's buttocks opened up wide, his fleshy ring exposed. He tried to remember what had happened. In the show, older brother Dean had hauled him out of the car and gave his character Sam a hard, no-nonsense fuck. Jensen was the key, he needed to get him in here. He was only allowed one scream of Jensen's name before his arsehole was penetrated hard by a very thick, very long prick and his mouth was silent.

In his hotel room Jensen beat his thick meat. A finger lay inside his hole as he thought about all the filth this 'Supernatural case' has brought him. His mind flowed with images of Tom naked and strung up, remembering the way he had tasted on the day of shooting, the rehearsals they had explored together and still he had yet to fuck him. Then the site of James face up Chad. Chad was so hot and slutty, riding the jocks face. And then of course Jared, nutting a huge load, spread above James face.

"Jensen!" Jareds voice floated to him.

Had he imagined it? Was his horned up wank session making him so hot that he could hear Jared moan his name. Convincing himself that it was the trick of his sex filled brain he lay back and but another finger inside himself, imaging himself inside Tom Welling, begging for a harder fuck.

Inside his hotel room Jared continued to shake hard with the man cunt banging action he was getting. He tried so hard to convince himself that this did not feel good. Jensen has to get in here and I have to feel more horny for his cock or I'm a goner. But Jared could feel how wide he was being stretched and it felt so fucking good that he began to pant hard his hand on his ten inch meat. Phantom hands brought his head down towards the bedsheets, his nose and mouth covered as his hole began to spasm.

Suddenly the door was kicked in and a naked Jensen, his cock shaking wildly, ran in. From his position by the door, Jared was all legs and hole. He could see his hole wide open. With one swift movement Jensen was behind him and Jared felt his human warmth releasing the phantom's cock. Only a short second to change things Jensen dug his prick into Jared impalling him with meat that was more than a match for the creature. Jensen began to plunger Jared's fuck chute with hard, loveless stabs gripping the ghost fucked slut so hard his hands went white. The phantom headlights began to fade and a voice screamed out, 'I am done'. And the room returned to normal. Jared put up his head and looked at Jensen.

"Thank you" he moaned "and keep fucking me"

Jenses needed no persuading. Gripping the back of Jared's long hair he pulled the head back, arching Jared's back down so all Jared could feel was his body lines swooping down to his arsehole. Jensen took the whole prick out and before Jared could finish moaning he drove back in hitting Jareds prostate so hard that he screamed. "Motherfucker, you cunt, you filthy fucking cunt" Jared moaned

"That's it you prissy slut, take my meat. You cunt, oh fuck, I love you hole. You horny little fuck"

Jensen rolled back onto the bed, holding Jareds left leg up, so they where laying together in a spoons position. Jensen could get even deeper inside Jared who moaned harder and harder, his cute mouth as wide open as his fuck hole. The position allowed Jensen to get so deep inside Jared that he opened up his hole with his spare hand and fed his fat, hairy balls inside the hole as well. Keeping them in place with two fingers he sped up his fuck getting close to cumming.

"Oh fuck, you've got your big daddy cock up me, your balls and two fingers. Fuck, you bastard"

Jared felt the cum rise in him and beat his prick hard loving the feeling of Jensen's balls roll around his sphicter. With ever thrust, Jensens cock head hit his bud and his arse spasmed. The cum was thick and fast, coating the bed spread. Scooping it up, Jared offered it to Jensen and fed it into his mouth. The cum dripped inside Jensen and then he let his own goo hit Jared's arse walls, dripping down onto his own arse-burried balls and fingers, taking them out and feeding them back to Jared.

The two collapsed and lay together.

"You see," Jared explained, "I think it was the risidual energy of a thousand fucks taken place at the hotel taken form. Our involvement was too much for it and now it's gone away!

"Shame," Jensen mused, "Seemed like a good excuse to fuck people!!"

The speakers in the concert hall leapt into life.

"Gentleman, please welcome to announce the winner of 'Best Fuck in a television series' a tv star whose had his own share of fuck scenes, 'Desperate Houswives' Mr. Jesse Metcalfe"

The audience errupted. Chad, James, Tom, Jensen and Jared sat expectedly. Jesse Metcalfe made his way to the podium and read the nominations names aloud. After the clips of Jensen blowing Tom, James fucking Chad with a hose and the Supernatural boys fucking on the car hood he held aloft the envelope.

"And the winner, as voted by readers of Nifty.org is . . . . .SUPERNATURAL"

As if there was any doubt!

Next: Chapter 9: Best Male in Submissive Role 1

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