Hollywood Hotel

By Dan

Published on May 10, 2005


Hey all, welcome to Hollywood Hotel: Award Season!

Thank you so much for all your e-mails. There were so many and I am so pleased I have so much support. In the end I had a list of 123 men nominated! After making an elaborate spreadsheet I took the top four most nominated men in each of the categories. That's six categories asked for on this site and the two extra categories for 'Hottest Sportsman' and 'Hottest Musician' which were open to those I received an email from. That is a maximum of 32 men eligible for check in! Obviously there was crossovers with some men getting into other categories. The long and the short of it is I have 21 men to write about over the series.

There will be two other categories with a single winner. One guy received so many votes overall (12 more than his nearest competitor) that he will win a star on the Hollywood Hotel walk of fame! The second of these is the 'Versatitlity award' for being the only person you guys nominated in the sub, dom, head and manhood categories.

I have included all nominees in the first installment, some just by being mentioned in passing, some by checking-in and some others getting down to some horny stuff! If you don't know who some of them are either 1) hit a search engine and store some pictures on your computer or 2) e-mail me - I'm always happy to share some pictures.

I've had two internet groups campaigning for certain guys! To those people, I will try to accommodate your requests but they may not win the award you voted for. And to my one female reader, welcome!

Right - If your underage for reading explicit gay content, stop, if your offended, stop. I'm not implying anything about these guys sexuality. It's a fantasy for a special audience.

Votes are closed - the nominees for each award catagory will be announced before I post that installment.

Dedicated to Newton, and the 'Brandon-ettes'

The hotel lobby was the definition of the word 'bustle'. Mr. Belbin lent against the reception desk for a moment to catch his thoughts and breath. He cast his eye over the people moving into elevators, waiting for bags to be taken to their rooms, greeting each other and generally obstructing everyone else. It occurred to him that the swathe of famous men milling about were lost on him and that perhaps he should have left the hotel in the capable hands of his seventeen year old niece, who would have no doubt squealed with hysteria at every new arrival. This awards week would be the death of him.

In one of the far corners of the lobby, wondering if they had been forgotten by the bellboy who was collecting their bags, stood two young men. Both famous for different reasons and both up for awards, they stood quietly. The first was clad in short sleeved orange t-shirt and faded 501's, a thick mop of dark hair atop a face with tired looking eyes and a pair of full, pouting lips. The eye's always looked like that, kind of dreamy, wistful. In his hands he had propped up a black guitar case which gave him security in this alien space. His silent companion wore a simple black sweat shirt with darker blue jeans. His hair was longish and pushed back, beautifully thick and dark. His eye's were sharp in contrast to the first mans and his own lips gave the others real competition in the lush, pouty stakes. To pass the time he scanned the awards itinerary intently.

The first man looked over and allowed his eyes to drift down to the seconds crotch. A smooth ridge ran from the material that joined the two jean legs, up and around to the top of the zipper. Either side of this heavy curve, padded bulges seemed to pulse with weight. The other man could sense he was being checked out and buried himself in the itinerary even more but the thought of just who was checking him out made him hot and just a little rush of blood filled his meat. The first man's second glance coincided with this rush and he watched as the heavy curve grew fatter and straightened.

The second guy attempted desperately to calm his erection down. His reading material was not helping. The itinerary stated in big bold letters that during the 'Top Submissive Male' award, the winner would have to take the trophy up his prize winning arsehole. In his mind came the flash of a tight arse being invaded by the shiny metal end of what he imagined the trophy to look like, a thick, replica cock. This served only to make his prick get a little harder and all under the watchful eye of his silent companion. He moved the itinerary down to hide it and looked over to the reception.

'Could you hold my guitar case, please?' the man next to him asked.

True to his polite nature, he reached over to take the guitar case using the itinerary to cover himself. Propping the guitar case on one end he smiled over at its owner who, standing stock still next to him, reached out with his hand and laid it across the throbbing lump. Speaking matter-of-factly and without any worry at the exposed position they were in he said:

"Hi, its Hayden Christensen, right?" Hayden nodded in shock. "I'm sure you don't know who I am. Doesn't matter. Look straight forward, and hold the guitar in front of you body."

As Hayden felt his zipper come down he rasped, "I know who you are. Your John Mayer. I have 'Room for squares' in my bag. This isn't, I mean . . . ". Hayden looked down at John's hand as it worked itself inside his unzipped jeans. 'Don't look down Hayden, look straight ahead' he asked still looking up at Hayden's face, following his own rules. "We are just two guys, in a crowded lobby, talking'

Hayden felt John's hand encircle the bottom of his shaft through his boxer briefs and then felt him tracing a path up towards his head, As it passed over the nub he bent over in pleasure and John knocked him with his other hand to make him come back up. John repeated the motion downwards and then worked it back up, slowly, tracing every inch of the pulsing prick. Hayden looked out at the other men in the lobby, any of whom could walk over and speak to him. The bellboy could be back any second. His eyes drifted over to the counter.

As John made his way up to the waistband of the boxers, up inside his jeans, and pulled them down so that Hayden's meat was exposed to the warm lobby air, a bead of pre cum formed, which John massaged in. Forgetting the rules himself John eyes Hayden's cock, a long nine inches, with a well proportioned mushroom head. He watched as he lathered the pre cum over the piss slit and Hayden's breathing kicked him out of his lustful trance. He followed Hayden's gaze over to the reception desk and saw the same as he did. Hot men where checking in and John began to beat Hayden faster.

Muscled tanned legs lead up to the bottom of thigh length shorts and then up over a tight, firm arse. Above this a sleeveless blue tank was grafted to the muscular frame. Hayden eyed the beautiful light brown skin and another bead of precum flowed down his shaft. "Who's that Hayden?" John asked remembering to keep the illusion of them only having a conversation going. "That's Jesse Metcalfe. He's on Desperate Housewives."

"And what would you like to do to him?" John asked as he worked his hand back towards Hayden's balls. As John's hand began to squeeze his fat nuts Hayden couldn't restrain himself dropping a hand and wanking his prick. "Fuck John, I'd let him rip my arsehole apart". John took this as a cue to move his hand out of Hayden's zipper and around to the back of his jeans, down the back of his boxers. Resting his palm across the tight arse cheeks, he placed a finger at Hayden's arsehole and asked "What else?" Hayden pounded his prick, holding the guitar case out in front with one arm. "I'd want to lower my ring over his mouth and let him tongue fuck my arse juices out of me before he held me down and came hard on my face" And with that, John let his first finger enter into Hayden. As Hayden began to loose it, John supported the guitar with his free hand and spoke to Hayden, "Keep it together".

Hayden straightened again and tried to keep the hanging around doing nothing illusion alive. But his was in blissful pleasure as the second of John's fingers went up inside him. He returned his distracted gaze over to the reception as Jesse shook hands with the concierge.

"Tom's told me lots about you, Sir. Thank you for letting me stay at the hotel."

Mr. Belbin released his hand. "Mr. Welling is a very nice young man, although I've heard more than I would like about his private goings on. Generally from just passing his hotel room. Any friend of his can call me David."

Jesse smiled at this ageing man's attitude towards the 'goings on' in the hotel. No, attitude was the wrong word. It was if he viewed the non-stop gay fucking with the same feeling as 'Oh, its raining again' or 'Damn, I'm fresh out of teabags'. "Thank you, David. Is Tom here?"

"He's having a reunion of sorts with some returning guests. About a year ago I had Mr. Welling stay here with young Mr. Timberlake and that oaf . . excuse me, for my lack of decorum . . . Mr. Farrell. I believe they then spent some time in meetings with Mr. Raymond and Mr. Roddick and young Mr. Michael Murray. It appears they have all been nominated in some of this years categories."

"Well, again, thank you. I will go and check in to my room and maybe join them." Jesse shook Mr. Belbin's hand once more and headed off.

A third finger entered Hayden's hole. His forehead crinkled with exertion. John smiled to himself, looking away. "Hey, Hayden, how's this feel?" he asked as he began to piston the fingers in and out in a ripple movement. As one digit entered another retracted, with the third always half way. Hayden continued to beat his dick, concentrating on it's sensitive head, unable to answer his question.

From across the lobby a hugely tall, stacked man, with baseball cap on back to front waved in John's direction. John returned the wave with his free hand as Hayden grabbed hold of the guitar to stop it falling. The guy waving at John was managing to pull off the backwards cap without looking like a teenager and no teenager had the range of bicep muscle, thigh muscle and, well, just plain solid bulk that this guy had. Hayden watched this new check-in turn from John thankful that they did not know each other well enough to greet in person. Part of him would have very much liked this guy to come over and watch him beat his meat, maybe watch him splash the guitar case with thick wads of spunk and the thought made Hayden lean on the guitar case for support. This was not the best course of action and as he did this he began to fall forward.

John responded by slipping in a fourth finger and hooking Hayden deep inside his anal chute, pulling him back. Hayden groaned much louder than he should have at the pain and deep pleasure of four fingers gripping him tightly inside and, once up right, he felt himself begin to fill. Placing his forehead against the side of John's he hissed "I'm going to shoot fucker."

John removed his fingers from Hayden's arse and placed the hand on the cock as Hayden steadied both his hands on the case. John beat the prick through the pulse and as he felt it move up he used his other hand to casually drop his sunglasses. Stooping to pick them up he placed his full lips on the head of the prick, his head obscured from view, just in time to receive the first wad of Hayden's creamy, thick spunk. Some splashed on his lips and then onto this tongue and soon his whole mouth was heading down the shaft to take the second load. His other hand idly searched for the glasses.

Hayden bit down hard on his bottom lip and his whole face tightened with intense pleasure. His legs buckled but he thought the urge to drop to his knees. Sweat ran like a wave over his slim, tight frame. John's lips were buried in Hayden's pubic mound as the third load washed down John's throat. John swirled his tongue around enjoying the taste. As he hooked the glasses he began to move off it as the fourth, smaller load shot straight to the top of his cum filled mouth. Withdrawing his mouth fully he stood and eyed Hayden, wet, breathing hard. He held out a hand which Hayden shook with a smile.

"Now, that's an introduction," John joked, as a little of the cum dripped onto his bottom lip which he greedily licked up, " Can't wait for a more in depth ice breaker"

"Deal," Hayden agreed tiredly, "I had a feeling I might get some action at this awards thing but not straight away in the lobby!"

"You might want to put your dick back in your pants, I need my guitar. And by the way, I'm thinking dead cert for 'Most Beautiful Cock'"

"Well, I'm thinking "Top head giver might be in your grasp"

Hayden put his semi hard cock back in his boxers and zipped up the jeans. John took the guitar, gave him a wink just as the bellboy arrived. Apologizing for the amount of time it had taken to come for them, the bellboy indicated for John to follow him. " Let's see what other awards you might be up for real soon" he offered over his shoulder and Hayden smiled, sitting on the floor and the laughing to himself.

He soon felt a large shadow move over him and looking up he saw the new-check in looking down. "Where did John go?" he asked.

"He's been taken to his room"

" Okay, better go say hi. I'm Tom by the way. Tom Brady"

"Hayden. Nice to meet you. So, your up for an award to, eh?

"Seems like. Anyway, good to meet you." And Tom made his way off to find John.

Hayden watched Tom's butt as he walked off and laid back on the floor laughing a little bit more. "One Hell of a fortnight" He thought of the coming weeks and breathed a sigh of contentment.

Meanwhile, an in demand young actor, leant on the hand rail of the shiny silver elevator as it made its way back down to the ground floor. His longish curly hair and smooth young face, his tight compact body in a brown-stripe-on-white, linen, button up shirt and calve length dark brown cut off's were reflected above and from side to side in the mirrored walls. He looked impatiently at the decreasing floor numbers emblazoned above the elevator doors. He needed to make it down to the ground floor to join the reunion with the hotels original guests.

As he descended the sixth and fifth floors the elevator light for floor three came up meaning he was going to making a stop. He dropped his head in frustration at the interruption and the third floor leveled up with him. The doors opened and Tom looked up. His lips parted to allow a gasp of recognition which formed into a quick smile.

"Thank you for showing me the inner workings of the hotel Mr. Belbin".

The flow of check-ins had slowed and Mr. Belbin had agreed to the request of a young, curly haired man to have a look 'behind the scenes. The young man was skinny and decked out in what he remembered as 'geek-chic', a tight t-shirt with a b movie emblem across the front and khaki pants. Mr. Belbin led the new guest into the monitor room.

"It's my pleasure to encourage your interests, young Adam. Now, this is our security room, unmonitored today due to staffing issues. We only cover the public areas, the parking area, the swimming pool, games room, elevators, that sort of thing" The reception bell rang out loudly from the lobby. "Excuse me Mr. Brody, have a look around but please don't touch anything. I shall be back presently'

Adam surveyed the monitors which appealed to his technophile persuasions. It seemed he shared a lot of his on screen character Seth's interests. He scanned the screens, making a mental note to check out the games room, before settling on an elevator shot. His spider sense went off.

He looked at he two figures making small talk and recognized them both. "Man, that elevator should probably implode now that these two have met'

"Don't you feel like, I don't know, this elevator should be imploding right now. I mean, two Superman's in the same space and everything!"

Tom Welling laughed at the elevators new occupant. Perhaps not making it to the ground floor wasn't going to be such a problem. In the course of the conversation between the two the elevator had in fact made it to the ground and was now heading back up again.

The second man continued. "Did you know that there has been an internet campaign to get us to into these awards and to get us together!"

"Seriously?" Tom answered.

"Yes. Which is good for me because if they weren't so into you I never would have got in!"

Tom looked at the self effacing guy standing in front of him and said his name inside his head. Brandon Routh. The new superman. "This guy has no idea how hot he is" Tom thought.

The elevator stopped. Floor nine. The doors opened. And a new occupant got on. Tom and Brandon both collapsed in hysterical laughter, gripping the hand rail for support. The new occupant stood dumbfounded as the doors closed.

"What are the fucking chances . . . ." he said.

"Man, this has to be a set up!" Tom offered through giggles.

Standing in front of the young superman and the latest Superman stood the imposing physique of another TV superman. Dean Cain. The three exchanged looks at each other as the lift began to move down.

"Are you a nominee?" Brandon asked

"No, I'm presenting the fucking thing!" Dean answered., "I mean, I knew you were both coming but I never expected to meet you both like this"

"Any inside gossip on who else is up for awards?" Brandon asked cheekily

"Apart from those who are already checked-in we are waiting for Chad Michael Murray, Sean Faris, Josh Hartnett, Jude Law, Orlando Bloom, Vin Diesel, Brent Van Zant, Michael Phelps, Jeremey Bloom and Pharell Williams"

"Brandon tells me there's been a campaign to get us together" Tom explained to Dean.

Resting on the wall, Dean looked them both up and down. "That's something I'd love to see"

Brandon exchanged looks with Tom. "Well, we can't disappoint our supporters, can we?" and moved over to him. Brandon placed his lips onto Tom's and held the back of his hair. The two moved their lips over each other. Tom broke away from the kiss and looked as the lift approached the ground floor. "We can't do this in here"

Dean took his mobile out of his pocket and flipped it open. An inaudible call later and the lift came to a shuddering halt, stuck between two floors. "I'd say let's take this to a hotel room," Dean began, "But I've got a thing for mirrored ceilings"

Tom traced his tongue around Brandon's lips, making them moist. Brandon probed inside Tom's mouth tracing from the back of Tom's tongue to the tip. His hand rested on Tom's butt, gently exploring the tightness of it, occasionally drifting over Tom's jean clad arsehole. He felt Tom's hand make it's way to his chest and to the top button of the shirt he was wearing.

Tom pulled back from the kissing to use both hands on the shirt and decided it would be quicker to just rip it open. A sharp outward movement ripped the shirt apart to reveal the hard muscle, a taught line running between the chest and down towards still concealed abs. A further rip and the abs were on show.

Dean watched from the corner, his prick already free and semi hard. He stroked it as he watched the two younger guys make out. Although still fairly young himself it made him feel deliciously filthy that two younger supermen were getting down to it in front of him.

Brandon meanwhile had unbuttoned Tom's shirt carefully and was running his hands over the compact bulk. Both slid out of their shirts and now half naked resumed kissing each other, more hungrily. Tom's cock tented his cut off's and he ground it against Brandon's thigh. Brandon bit Tom's lips moving his head back a little to stretch it slightly before releasing it and coming back in for more. But Tom put a finger on his lips and worked his way to the back of Brandon's neck, softly kissing is, sometimes nibbling at the naked flesh. Over Tom's head Brandon watched Dean beating off and felt Tom buck his clothes clad cock against him harder.

Tom stopped kissing Brandon's neck and led him over to Dean. Pushing Brandon onto his knees he guided the new Superman's lush lips onto the end of Dean's fat cock head. With gentle pushes, Tom made Brandon suck on it, and then increased the pressure forcing more inside Brandon's mouth. Getting down behind him he rested his cock, still encased in his lower clothing and gentled rubbed against Brandon in time with the cock sucking action.

Dean moaned hard as Tom forced the full cock to the back of Brandon's throat, this time gripping a large chunk of hair to get a better grip and be more rough. With his spare hand Tom reached around and took down Brandon's zipper, working open the button and moving the jeans down. Brandon's cock was facing away from Tom but Tom could look left and see the reflection of it in the mirrored wall. It was thick and long like his own and his nuts hung down, shaking each time Tom forced Brandon's mouth onto Dean's pulsing prick.

Finally Tom pulled Brandon off Dean's cock and set to work on sucking it himself. Brandon joined him under his own steam and licked at the head when Tom withdrew. Their tongues mixed together and they began to French each other with the cock head in between them. Dean looked down at the beautiful sight of Tom Welling and Brandon Rough kissing each other with his mushroom head in between and wept precum. The cum formed a small sting in between the two supermen as they continue their assault.

Tom pulled Brandon away to the center of the elevator and Dean resumed beating off. Now that Brandon was topless and had his trousers around his thighs, Tom thought it only best to free his slavering beast. Brandon watched as Tom took his cut off jeans down. Tom's thick cock head stuck straight out the top of his tight, black briefs which soon came off. Brandon gagged on the air to see such a fat, juicy peace of meet. Eleven and a half inches twitched before him, a fresh, pink shaft down to the root with smooth balls. Tom stood and approached Brandon.

Brandon got up to join him but Tom put a hand on his shoulder and forced him down. Tilting Brandon's face up he spread his own legs and began to sit his arse down on Brandon's face. Brandon steadied himself as Tom's hole aligned with his mouth and put his tongue out to meet it. Soon Tom rested against the tongue feeling it wet against his hot ring. He placed his hand on his dick and began to slowly smooth the foreskin back and forth, twisting his hips. He felt his ring open slightly as the wetness loosened him. Moving down to his knees taking Brandon with him, he was soon sitting square on his face, whilst Brandon lay flat out. He could now assert authority over how he got his ring off and he worked it hard against Brandon's lips. Brandon beat himself off as he tasted Tom's passage. It was driving him insane.

Soon Tom flipped and dragged Brandon over to one of the walls of the elevator to get a hard surface behind his head. He then dragged his thick cock head around Brandon's lips indicating what he wanted to do. As Brandon slowly parted his lips he stuck the whole cock in at once, resting his balls on Brandon's chin. Taking the hot meat out he drove it all back in, feeling the pleasure from mastering Brandon and from hitting the wetness at the back of his throat. Soon the elevator was filled with the squelching sound of Brandon's hard skull fucking and the slap of large balls banging against his chin.

"Brandon, I'm going to fuck you so hard, you're going to bleed. The space I'm going to leave inside that tight cunt of yours is going to be so big and permanent you are going to beg me to fill it over and over again" Tom gripped Brandon's hair tightly and bent down to get even more speed up on the mouth pounding as Brandon whimpered in deep, submissive pleasure.

"Mr. Brody, I need to see a guest on the top floor, but as the fates would decree it, the elevator is out and I need to take the stairs. May I leave you here?" Mr. Belbin shouted his request from the lobby.

"Y-yess!" Came Adam's strangled reply. Mr. Belbin left leaving Adam alone. Adam thanked whatever god was watching him right now.

On the table where the monitors sat, one of Adam's feet was placed, the other also on the table but further along. His trousers and underwear lay on the floor. A small flashlight with a smooth black leather handle was buried up his skinny arse, the ring splayed out. Adam was fucking himself with it and watching the monitor.

"Oh, mother fuck!" He allowed himself as he rammed the flashlight inside himself. On screen Tom Welling was forcing his cock inside Brandon's mouth over and over whilst Dean was spread legged on the floor wanking and playing with his arse. Adam jerked his own prick, tasting the pre-cum that rolled off onto his fingers. Taking his feet of the table he sat down on the flashlight ready to really fuck himself. "I'll wait until they start" He ordered himself, lifting his fingers up and smearing precum on his lips.

Tom pulled out of Brandon who gasped for breath. Pulling Brandon up and turning him around he looked at the small hole where his cunt tearing monster was going to go. He turned to Dean.

"Don't shoot that load, I'm gonna need you in a little while"

Coming up behind Brandon he lay himself over his hot, wet body and put his head by his ear. "Perform for me, finger fuck yourself"

He stood back as Brandon complied, placing two fingers by his hole. He worked them around his ring and Tom could see the fleshy, pink insides he so wanted to invade. Brandon slipped one finger up to the knuckle and looked over his shoulder to make sure Tom approved. Tom smiled so Brandon slipped another in and began to fuck himself. Bending forwards even more he aimed his dick downwards so Tom could see a rear view of his finger fucked arse and the fat pole being jerked off. "That's it slut, work yourself over for me" Tom ordered.

Brandon managed a third finger before bending so far over his head touched the floor. Now his rear was way up in the air and his prick dripped precum fast onto the floor. That was enough for Tom.

Walking over Tom placed one hand on his shoulder and another on his abs bringing him up. Brandon's body was horizontal at he waist resting on the hand rail. He gripped it hard. Tom positioned his tumescent prick at the hole and spat down on it, the gob landing directly and as it began to drip off his fat head he pushed it in a little to lather up. Brandon groaned as he felt himself opening up.

"This is what the public wants" And Tom rode forward a couple of inches. Brandon took a moment to let the fucker inside beating off with one hand. "Oh, fuck" He groaned. With a slow invasion, Tom found himself buried half way. He felt the walls of Bandon's arse close on him. He felt warm and wet against his shaft and his balls filled with spunk and his whole body reverberated with deep animal power. Moving forward, Brandon felt the last few inches fill him, splitting open his cunt funnel and resting on the sweet bud inside. He let out a series of short staccato breaths.

Tom pulled back out feeling the colder air of the elevator and longed for the warmth of the studs hole. Driving back in, Brandon's hands tightened on the rail, his shoulders straining and a shiver making its way down his back, inside his ring and deep inside his nuts. This was the warning over, soon the fuck would begin.

Tom let himself out and slammed back harder this time, then rested, letting his balls lay on Brandon's. He moved a hand under and moved them together. Then he was back out and driving forward again. "Ready slut?" he enquired. "Just fuck me" Brandon roared. Scratching a nail down Brandon's back he stood up the anal assault, enjoying the meaty slapping sound. The stimulation on his cock was extreme as Brandon's arse rippled. He looked up at the mirrored ceiling and sped up his fuck in line with the hot voyeuristic feeling of seeing himself.

Tom looked down and over to Dean and ushered him over. Dean got up, his cock hard and drooling and rested himself against Brandon watching Tom dick disappear inside him. He ran his hand down Brandon's chest and felt the contours of his muscled and shaking body. "How's the fuck, Superboy?" He growled in his ear.

"Oh, fucking hell, oh Jesus, man, it's so good" Brandon moaned back.

Dean got down on his knees and moved his head under Brandon and watched him beat his cock. He felt something in Brandon's body movement change and looked around to see Tom pulling out. "Dean, fuck this boy's arse" he commanded.

Dean almost sprang to his feet. He got around the back of Brandon who was wiggling his arse in search of a cock to fill it. Dean positioned drove in easily. His own cock was smaller that Tom's but had a thick ridge at under the head which hit Brandon in a new place netirley. Pushing Brandon on the floor Dean let all his pent up passion out on his arse. No more watching and waiting, just a warm man cunt to fuck. He slammed home into Brandon, now curled forward into a ball almost. "That's it, Superslut, take my fucking cock" Brandon wined, his face going red.

Whilst the fuck continued Tom got down by Brandon and whispered in his ear. "And now for what the public didn't ask for but are definitely gonna love. Dean, lay on your back and rest Brandon on you"

Dean complied feeling the weight of Brandon above, still buried up to the base in his arse. Tom placed both hands on Brandon's heels and pushed them back so they rested behind his head. From his view he could see Brandon's exposed and cock filled arse in between Dean Cain's muscled legs. Brandon suddenly understood what was about to happen. Still holding the heels Tom ran his tongue over Brandon's hole and Dean's cock, then he took each of the balls in front of him in his mouth. But he could not hold back any longer. Brandon was going to take both Superstuds right now.

Tom positioned the fat tip of his monster realizing that Brandon had already gone through the ordeal of taking his cock once and now having to feel it again with Dean inside. The ring stretched at his intrusion and Brandon moaned hard. The first inch slid next to Deans shaft which made him buck inside Brandon. Soon Tom drove the whole rod forward and Brandon swore loudly. Tom was now deep inside, his mushroom head next to Dean's and they began to fuck.

Dean made short upward stabs whilst Tom had the full range to go right out and power back in. He loved the way the other balls felt against his own and how Brandon was shaking in deep abandoned anal pleasure. It felt good to have the top half of his cock warm against the anal wall and the bottom half creating friction with Deans prick. The three Superman began to make hard, animal moans.

"Shit, you tight arsed little fuck, your so wet inside. I never want to stop pounding your cunt' Dean screamed out as the familiar feeling of orgasm hit him. He came hard inside Brandon covering his anal walls and Tom's cock. Tom loved this new sensation of sticky wetness and sped up his fuck.

Dean pulled out letting some cum run down onto the elevator floor. He moved away to watch Tom finish Brandon off. Above Brandon Tom gripped his legs and brought him close so that his feet were on his shoulders. This allowed him to move faster inside Brandon.

"Oh, you superfuck, I'm gonna loose it, I swear I'm gonna cum and keep on cumming. Oh mother fucker I'm so . . .oh fuck me hard, fuck me hard" Brandon screamed.

Tom found a new reserve and the slapping of thigh's on arse deafened them both. Brandon contracted, his arse squeezing down on Tom and he shot his load, up into his own face, and onto his lips. He spat it out in reflex before slurping up the rest. Another load matted his abs and he made an unintelligible sound, bashing his head on the floor of the lobby in deep frustration that he could not find a way to express how filthy and hot he felt.

"Where do you want my spunk?" Tom moaned out at him. "Inside me," Came Brandon's strangled reply, "And on me" He moaned.

Tom bucked and felt himself loose a wad inside Brandon, mixing up with Dean's loads and he backed out. The space he left was too much for Brandon who filled it instantly with four fingers. Tom stood above him and rained down spunk all over Brandon before dropping right over his face and slapping the rest on his cute face.

Adam bounced hard on the flashlight handle transfixed by the fucking on screen before he himself lost his was. Opening his mouth, he let the cum fly up and caught it there before lathering up the inside of his mouth. The rest dripped down his long, slender dick, which he packed inside his khaki's. Pressing stop on a video under the monitor he watched as a videotape came out of the recorder.

"The wonders of modern technology" He muttered to himself as he slipped off the torch, put it in his pocket and headed off.

Brandon, Tom and Dean lay together for a short while before dressing and making futile attempts to clean the elevator that was ripe with sex.

"Don't worry lads, leave that with me" Dean said shaking his phone. "Oh, man, I have to do the first nominee's announcement!" Dean flipped open the phone.

The lift came back to life and began to head down again before Dean's came over the speakers. The voice came over the speakers in every room in the hotel, in all the public areas.

"Hey gents, tomorrow is the award for 'Hottest Television Male'. I'm pleased to announce that the following are up for the award: Chad Michael Murray for One Tree Hill, Mr. Tom Welling for Smallville, Jesse Metcalfe for Desperate Housewives and Sean Faris for Life as we know it. See you all tomorrow and good luck to all"

He clicked off the phone. "It was fun guys. Gonna be a hot couple of weeks"

Next: Chapter 7: Award Season 2006

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