Hollywood Hotel

By Dan

Published on Sep 8, 2004


Hey to all.

Here's the latest installment of Hollywood hotel. As ever, the two new guys are the most requested at the time of writing. If you don't know them look them up with a search enging. Its worth it!

This is the final installment for this series. Sorry if your man wasn't featured.

The following is complete fiction and does not imply or indicate the sexuality of the famous males involved. Please do not read if you are under eighteen or if it is against the law to read about this sort of thing in your part of the world.

Dedicated to Newton and Jack.

A Justin Timberlake track played in the background, his biggest fan getting dressed. Standing in from of mirror, the bellboy surveyed himself. 'Who designed this clown outfit anyway?' the young man thought, shaking his head. The red velvet trousers lay open, unzipped, a white, high hipped sports string visible. The bellboy struggled to fasten them over his crotch and once the battle was won he turned to a side view and admired how his dick made the trousers sag. The red velvet jacket lay open as well, two sides waiting to be joined, instead acting like curtains on a youthfull body, hot, compact muscle, lightly tanned. Gold buttons became fastened, the flesh gone from sight. He had decided not to wear a shirt, too stuffy and at least the gaudy outfit looked hot, a suggestion of torso and a fat, sagging buldge.

The bellboy looked down at the shoe box shaped hat he would have to use to cover his short, wild hair. 'And to complete the look . . . ' he thought as he put it on. Taking one last look in the mirror he said out loud, 'Still hot though' and made his way up to see Mr. Belbin.

He found Mr. Belbin stood over a gold tea trolley, vigoursly rubbing away with a cloth at the surface at what looked like, to the Bellboy, an unblemished stain free area. Mr. belbin it seemed had long forgotten the ability to recognise perfection, thinking it a state of mind rather than anything that could be seen through the eyes. The bellboy coughed and hel out his hand.

'Good morning, sir' the boy offered.

'Ah, yes, the young actor, come to play at hotel,' Mr, Belbin reponded without taking his hand, 'I trust you found room 6 comfortable?'

'You betcha, sir' he answered', letting his faux english accent slip back into american, 'I mean, quite comfortable.' correcting himself.

'Now, young man. Your hear to . . what was it . .?'

'It's method acting, sir, to emmerse myself in the role of bellboy for my new film'

'Quite. Well, whilst you method your way through the day remember; you will adhere to my rules, cover room service and other chores, will not fratanise with the guests and will respect their privacy. You have signed a confidentiality agreement remember.'

'I will do my best' The young man replied

'And Mr. Michael Murray, please loose the false English accent, we do have American staff working here'

'I will, and please call me Chad'

'Mr. Murray will suit me quite fine. Now, please assist the new arrivals'

In the hotel conference room, the occupants of room's 1 - 5 sat. Tom Welling shuffled in his chair, trying to find a comfortable sitting position to sooth his well fucked ring. Deep inside his chute he felt the warm loads of the other guys in the room and his ring spasmed in memory of the hard ploughing he was getting. However he wished he could take things to the next level. Something bigger that hurt in all the right ways . . . Justin Timberlake lay with head on his arm waiting to get started. He was feeling so horny thinking about what they had agreed to do with this day. No more covert shagging, no more 'behind closed doors'. Today they were planning the ultimate in spunk inducing sexual activity. His cock hardened in his jeans and he saw no reason to will it away. Especially from what he could see in Andy Roddicks shorts. Andy was in a world of his own. Each guy had brough a suggestion to this meeting as part of the plan. A fantasy they wanted fufilled. No barriers or holding back, it could be as filthy or vanilla as they wanted. Andy knew what he was going to ask for, a filthy fantasy and he eye'd the studs in the room, his cock tenting his shorts. He noticed Justin gazing at the tent pole and gave it a little stroke. Usher drank deeply from a bottle of water. He was nervous. He knew what he wanted but it was going out on a limb. He wanted something that made his black rod become flecked with hot pre cum but also made him afraid. Who would he choose to do this for him he wondered. And then Colin stood, the ring leader, to get things started. His thick Irish meat was visible running down the leg off his jeans.

'I would like nothing better then to get arse naked with you boys right now but we are going to stick to the plan' He growled absent mindedly stroking his throbbing semi. 'Who wants to go first?'. Andy raised his hand.

'I will,' He stated in his slutty drawl, 'I think we can get started right away'. From his kit bag on the floor he took something and threw it onto the table in front of the assembled group. They were a pair of black Calvin Klein pro stretch boxr briefs with a red banding. 'Look guys, we are all hard at the moment and I don't want that to go to waste. I want each of us to explain out needs for the day whilst jerking off, jerking each other, whatever, and when you feel the need to cum, please do it onto the underwear on the table. I want to wear you creamy lather against my balls, my cock and especially coating my arse hole and crack. Any questions?' he stated pulling his shorts and underwear off and grabbing his dick.

The statement was answered by zippers becomming undone. Tom was first to start jerking his cock. They all knew by now it was the biggest cock out of the group at around eleven and a half. Tom felt the warmth of his rod in his hand and was happy to let some of the tension escape in a thick drip of pre cum. Justin, naked from the waste down and his nine inches hard, walked over to Tom and sat by him. He reached out and grabbed Tom's prick taking over the jerking allowing Tom to slip a finger into his arsehole and to reciprocate by jerking off Justin.

Colin stood, his jeans open and underwear pulled down, wanking. Joint second biggest cock with Usher, he proudly stood upright watching the others and getting ready to explain his own filthy desire. Usher's thick black meat was now unleashed, laid out on the cold table as he neaded it like a piece of dough, squirting little jolts of pre cream. Tom began to speak, between breathless bursts.

'I want to . . . .' he began.

'Now Tom,' Colin interrupted, 'My want today is to organise something for you. I've got a good friend coming to the hotel for you to meet. I think you'll like him. You whisper want you want in your delirium whilst I am fucking you and now you're gonna get it. That's the first part. Are you in agreement?'

Tom managed a muffled sigh and a nod, overpowered by the Irishman. 'Good,' Colin said smiling, 'After we are done, I will meet you in your room for some preparation. Justin, what is it you want?

Justin snapped out of his rising pleasure, taking his eyes away from Tom's undulating muscle. 'I want a shower. I want to be covered in cream. I want my mouth filled until it drips down the sides of my face. I want my arse hole filled until I shit spunk. I'm going to wait in my room and I want all of you to come in and fill me, cover me . . . ohh fuck, shit, I'm gonna blow'

Justin stood, aimed his cock head at the Calvins and let rip. The first shot coated the back of the pants, the second on the waistband and some of the table, the third in the pouch. Not wishing to loose a drop, Justin run his tounge against the spunk that had got onto the table and lapped it into his mouth. This set off Andy, watching his dream coming true and he joined Justin's loads with his own, managing to get all of it onto the pants but showering Justins cheek. Tom, almost bouncing off his fingers, shot from his sitting position and he cum arc'd onto the underwear with precision. Usher moved quickly over and began to speak as he shot his load. 'I've never been fucked in the arse. I really want someone to split my arse wide open, I want to feel myself filled with meat'

'I don't think that's going to be a problem!' Colin exclaimed as he emptied his load onto the boxer briefs. The guys sat back in chairs or lent on the table as the sweet smell of thick loads filled the air. Andy was still hard as he took the black Calvins, now almost white with spunk and pulled the up his legs, being careful not to streak his legs with juice and then moaned out loud as the underwear snapped around him and the warm cum squished against his skin.

In the lobby, Colin and Usher stood waiting. The doors to the hotel began to open and a huge built dusky man entered. He removed black shades and made his way toward the waiting studs. Usher noticed that Colin had taken a huge gulp, an uncharateristiclly nervous admision. The guy wore a tight fitted black vest and black jeans which hugged his legs. He stopped a few inches from Colin's face and smiled, then embraced Colin.

'My friend, it's a pleasure to see you'.

Usher shuddered at the deepness of his voice, like a foot crunching over gravel. 'Usher Raymond,' he began with another big smile, 'Also a pleasure'. He took Usher's hand. He noticed a curious questioning look in Usher's eye's. 'Your wondering, if it's true, aren't you?' the new man asked. Standing in the lobby the new guest unzipped his trousers and took Usher's hand, moving it within. Usher felt the new man's cock, very hot, very long, and very thick, The new guy moved his hand up and down it in a wanking motion so that he could trace the prominant veins. Usher looked up at the new guy and said:

'Fuck me, it is true.'

Vin Diesel smiled for a third time. 'Let's do this'.

Chad made his way down the hotel corridor with a roster in hand. He noted his destination, Room number 3. 'My god!' he exclaimed when he realised who the guest was. 'Justin Timberlake, wow'. He knew the hotel had famous guests but, well, wow. His order was to clean the stars room, turn down the sheets. He knew it would also make a great opportunity to snoop!

He stopped at the room door and went to knock. He reconsidered. He had a master kay card, there was no 'do not disturb' sign. So what if he bumped into Justin, that would be so cool. Okay, he might have a lady with him but again it just seemed like a golden opportunity for some insider info.

The key card went in and the door opened. Chad stood opened mouthed. Perhaps I should have knocked he thought whilst he stared into the room.

Standing in the room was Andy Roddick, in a pair of black (or white, Chad wasn't sure) boxer briefs. And on his knee's running his face and tounge against the inside of the material was Justin T. Chad then realised that the boxers were coated with spunk and that Justin was drinking it up and latering his face. Justin looked up at Chad standing nervously at the door.

'Aren't you supposed to knock, bellboy?' He muttered unashamed. He knew that the confidentiality agreement would protect him against this employee telling tales. Then he looked harder. 'Your Chad Micheal Murray, aren't you?'

The young actor nodded. He couldn't breath. His idol was on his knees doing unspeakable things to a huge tennis star. Although he had not realised how huge until this point. Justin stood, naked, his throbbing pre cum drizzling monster erect and walked over to Chad. 'Wow, I've always wanted to get with you.' He kissed Chad, some of the spunk mingling against the actors lips. Chad pulled away. 'Nah, I mean, I'm straight.' He explained. 'I don't understand, your like my idol and your doing this' he said a little confused.

'If I'm you idol, you'll listen to my argument about why what I am doing would be the best thing you could join in with. And fuck do you look good in that uniform'

'Okay, what's your argument?' he asked.

Justin sank to his knees and began his 'argument'. He took the zipper of the bellboy trousers and took it down. One hand pulled the sports string to one side and the other took Chad's limp prick placing it into his mouth. Chad felt the warmth of Justin's saliva and pulled away again. Andy moved over and fixed him with a gaze. 'He hasn't finished his argument yet' he stated.

Justin tounged the piss slit and felt Chad harden. Chad couldn't help himself as the warmth and suction brought extreme feelings of pleasure from inside. The cock began to swell inside Timberlakes mouth and towards his throat. Chad was the owner of a big,fat prick that made Justin gag. Andy dropped to his knees next to Justin. 'I have a point I would like to raise' he said as he took Chad's fat balls in his mouth and gently sucked. Chad could feel his juice fill his cock and it began to erupt into Justin's mouth. Justin took as much as he could handle and then spat a little Chad juice into Andy's underwear.

Chad stood breathing hard. Justin came up close to his face. 'Would you like me to explain things in a little more detail?'

Chad nodded his head as Andy and Justin pulled him into the bedroom and closed the door.

Vin, Usher and Colin stood by Tom's bed. 'How long has he been like that?' Vin enquired.

Tom was tied face down on the bed. Colin had learned that Tom loved bondage and being left restrained for a couple of hours turned his usual polite self into a filthy little whore who craved cock. His hands were behind his back secured with rope and his feet tied together in a simular fashion. The bed underneath him wwas wet from Tom's usual gushing pre cum. He was craining his head trying to see who was behind him, only being able to tell Colin, Usher and someone new.

'Long enough to make it worth while' Colin answered. 'Come on Ush, let's leave these two alone and join Justin and Andy' Usher waited for a second and asked Vin, 'Can I see it before we go?'

Vin took down his jeans. His massive prick was already poking straight out of his underwear, past his belly button and against the middle of Vin's abs. Once Vin took off his underwear Usher could see a pair of balls to match, plump globes. His tumescent prick was the biggest usher had ever seen. 'I know you want to get fucked, Ush,' Colin started, 'But you'll have to get some practice in before you ride that' Colin dragged Usher out of the room, leaving Vin to deal with Tom.

Inside Justin's room, Chad was taking his education a stage further. Timberlake stood in front of Chad who was bent over, his mouth full of the popstars prick. Justin was skull fucking his cute, virgin face. Meanwhile, Andy prepared to drive his eight inches inside Chad's newbie arse. Andy surveyed his butt. Each cheek was so hard, so gym worked, like the rest of chad. He ran his hands around them, occasionally pulling them apart to expose the cherry he was about the pop. Justin smiled at Andy through his grimacing face feeling his cock reach the back of Chad's throat. Chad was softly moaning, still amazed at the experience he was having.

Andy moved his prick head to Chad's hole. He scooped up some of the cream from his underwear. There has been so much shot in there and as Chad had added his earlier, it was still warm and creamy enough to manipulate. He rubbed the six types of spunk against Chad's ring and tried to enter. He remembered how Usher had broken him in only last week and what a treat Chad was in for. The cock slipped in and Chad let Justin's prick out for a second to swear loudly. Justin rammed the cock back in and rode his face some more as Andy slipped further and further into the tight arse.

'Oh Fuck I love a first time arse. You filthy little straight, your gonna be a fully fledged queer fuck toy by the time J and I have finished. Oh Justin, his arse is fighting my prick, his chute underlating against my meat'

'His mouth,' Justin began, 'is so soft. Have you seen his lips? He's loving my cock in his mouth dude, sucking on it so well, He learns real quick'

Chad could hear the discussion above him as he was spit roasted when the door to the hotel room opened. 'Who the fuck is this?' he wondered and then gapsed as Usher Raymond and Colin walked in. All these famous males are gay he thought as Andy began to speed up the fuck.

'Who do we have here?' Colin asked. He surveyed the cute young man filled at both ends with cock. 'Got to get in on some of that' he thought.

'He's called Chad and this is his first time' Andy replied filled with slutty lust at being watched take the studs cherry.

'What a coincedence, cos Usher's about to loose his to.' Colin said as he grabbed Ushers trousers and pulled then down. Positioning Usher next to Chad so that their hot bodies touched he ripped off Usher's classic white boxer exposing the black man's arse. Colin stripped down his own bottom half and let his cock rest on Usher's crack.

Justin leaned down near Chad's ear whilst face fucking him and asked. 'Would you mind if I filled Usher for a while?'. Chad shook his head yes and as soon as Justin's cock was out of his mouth he began to curse.

'Ride me you fucking tennis pussy. You call that fucking, dick? Rip me up, man. Make me hurt'. Andy responded by pulling out his prick and holding the head just by the ring. 'You want it, virgin, then beg for it'

'Please stick it back in. I'm sorry, pleas fuck me'. Andy rammed the cock back, in his balls slapping against Chad's arse, and began to thunder inside him. 'Oh, mother fucker, never stop' Chad screamed.

Justin dragged his cock over Usher's lips whilst Colin prepared himself. 'Not gonna fuck his mouth until your in Colin. Wanna hear what this black boy has to say with a cock in his arse.' Colin settled at Ushers ring and began his assualt on the R + B stars virgin hole. Usher's solid musclular body was bent over, submissive, ready to be invaded. He held onto Justin's hand and looked up at him with real fear. Justin noticed this and stooped kissing him on his full black lips. 'Don't worry, it'll hurt for a little while and then after that, you'll want cock in you all day, every day'

Colin dorve forward. Justin wasn't lying this hurt like a bitch. Ushers insides reshaped around the Irishman and then a bud of hot pleasure began to rise from his ball sack towards his head, from his prostate back towards his ring. A bead of sweat formed on his forehead and he looked at Justin who recognised the first wave of anal pleasure. Taking this as his cue, he filled Usher's mouth with his prick and felt his balls rest on his chin.

'Remember, if you fill like your gonna cum, do it on my face. I don't mind if you splash some in an arse of mouth, just save a load for me' Justin moaned out as Usher began to finger his arse hole . . . .

Vin untied the ropes that secured Tom's legs and instantly Tom was up, his back arched, his arse in the air. He looked over his shoulder at Vin and gasped. This was the surprise Colin had spoke of.

Vin was legendary. The man was a giant, built like a god with a reported huge cock. Tom had no trouble seeing the monster from over his shoulder. 'How . . . how . . .big is it?' he murmered

'About 14 inches' Vin answered, pulling his foreskin up and over the mushroom head. 'Fast or slow?'


'Do you want me to stick it all in at once or slowly, inch by inch?

Tom mulled the choices over. He would love to feel instantly filled by the cock but the thought of the neverending shaft opening him up made him weep spunk. 'Slowly' he muttered.

'It's also very, very thick preppy boy. You think you can take it? Vin asked lubbing it up with his own spit.

'I've had more than one cock inside me Vin. I think I will manange.' He looked over again unsure if that was true. 'Lets go!' he exclaimed.

Vin positioned the thick head at the ring entrance. The cock head was roughly three time the size of the puckered star so Vin placed a finger either side to widen it more. He viewed Tom's pink insides and ran his huge tounge over the opening. He then attempted to push the cock head inside but only succeeded in moving Tom's whole body with it. Tom could not help widen his ring as hid hands were still tied behind his back.

Vin took his two fingers and pushed them inside the hole causing muscles to spasm all along Tom's back. He fingered the hole and explored it for size, waggling inside the preppy hunks chute. Using the fingers like clamps he manouvered the hole apart and saw an opening. The cock head went in as the fingers were pulled out and Tom's arse and ring snapped around it. Vin spat again to keep the ring wet.

As Tom felt the cock go in a little he came. A huge gush of spunk. Not pre cum but a proper load but with a lesser orgasm than he was used to. Then the cock moved in again and another thick wad shot out with another mini orgasm. As his arse was stretched beyond any stretching he had before he came even more, his arse also cumming independent of his shooting dick. Vin began to move even more inches inside and Tom felt his chute was numb, his cheeks floating, all he could feel was loads escaping his piss slit and anal orgasming were his chute should be.

Vin was now buried inside Tom and was feeling his own reward. Every arse he fucked became moulded to his prick, like hundreds of hands wanking him off, and warm and wet . . . Tom could not feel his arse anymore but could feel orgasm after orgasm running through him. He was making loud intelligable animal noises. Vin felt the arse contract with each jolt of spunk.

Tom, in his delirium reached for a bottle from the dressing table and postioned his cock over the top, and began to fill the bottle with each supposed thrust. Justin's gonna love this he thought. Vin sped up as he milked Tom which was only perceptable by the Smallville hunk as increased waves of cumming.

'In a second bitch, ' Vin breathed in hsi gravily voice, ' Your gonna cum for real, the final cumming that will clamp onto me so hard we wont be able to seperate for a full ten minutes. Are you ready?

Tom howled yes as all the different waves of orgasm met in one extreme orgams. His whole body began to shudder and burn as his arse chundered and his cock literary pissed spunk. Vin dug his nails into Tom's back as he emptied his load into the tight arse. The cum attemptedto run out but the hole was plugged by the clamping motion and the two collapsed.

'Give it ten and we will join your friends' . . . . .

Inside the other room Chad was now bent over on all fours like a dog. Andy was still rocketing inside him but the others had changed postion. Usher was now buried deep inside Andy's arse, letting Andy back up on his cock from the return thrust's inside Chad. Colin still held his place inside Usher, so that when Andy backed up, Colin thrusted in. This produced a deeply instense feeling for Usher as he Colin and Andys balls rested at front and back.

'So Chad, you're a card carrying gay slut?' Justin asked. Chad's face was burried in Jutins arse hole, Timberlake Laying on his back and watching the train fuck above.

Chad looked up and smiled. 'Fuck yer man! Tonight I'm gonna quit this Bellboy method thing and have some time off so I can get some time on you guys. Room 6 is gonna be a fucking paradise!'

The door to the room opened and Vin and Tom hobbled in, Vin still deep inside Tom. 'A fucking paradise' Chad repeated.

'Tom asked me to bring him in. Apparently Justin is the last to get his wish' Vin positioned Tom over Justin's face as Welling's ring piece unclamped and the stored Vin Diesel spunk began to flow out onto Justins face. Tom took the half filled bottle of his own cum and began to pour it onto Timberlakes face, down his body and to the ring piece so Chad could lap it up and into the ring.

'Oh fuck,' Chad began, 'I'm gonna nut'. The fuck train moved forward as Chad began to cum for the second time that day and he dumped onto Justin with real pleasure, watching his idol covered in cream. He pulled Andy out of him and Andy stepped forward. Feeling his arse contract around Usher's rod he dumped his load on to the Timberlake and then skull fucked the last few drops into this mouth. Usher in turn began to shoot inside Andy's arse so Andy quickly pulled it out and wanked it onto Justin as Colin withdrew from Usher and spooged onto Justin also. The six studs watched as Justin's dick popped in pleasure and began to lick up the collective juices, exchanging french kissed.

Next: Chapter 5

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