Hollywood Hotel

By Dan

Published on Aug 19, 2004


Hello again! I always start with a thanks and this is no different. Thank you to everyone who has contributed. I now have a wating list of 62 men waiting to check in!! The two featured here were most popular at the time of writing. Check out the 'Spencer, Andy and Den' and 'Cream of Orange County' if you like my stuff.

This is a work of fiction and does not imply or confirm the sexuality of the the guys involved. If you under eighteen, commiting a crime by reading this (move to another county/state) or offended by graphic gay sex you shouldn't read this.


Mr. Belbin furrowed his brow at the throng of people moving through the hotel. 'The Palace' was unusually busy for the winter period and bell boys, house keeping and guests swarmed like ants over the plush carpet of the lobby, leaving a mesh of slushy wet footprints. Of course, those staying at the hotel would be down from thier rooms to complain about the mess and demand to know what was going on in Room's 1,2 and 3.

'Is someone being murdered?!,' A worried, slightly dramatic old man had exclaimed at the front desk, 'I can hear screaming!'

Diplomatic as ever Mr. Belbin had turned and responded, 'I'm sure some of our high profile guests are probably just rehearsing a climatic scene' and ushered the guest away. He was well aware of the activity taking place in those rooms and as these guests had extended thier stay indefnitely and were ordering large amounts of room service, he had turned a blind eye.

A tap on the gold bell broke Mr. Belbin from his trance. A slim young man stood smiling at him waiting for assistance. Mr. Belbin noted that the young man had a very questionable look, a sly twinkle in his eye's, slighly leering lips. He was sure that there were people who would find this look rather attractive and paid it no heed. The young man's hair, a mid colour brown was short to his temple and to the sides of his head but thicker and slightly more wild on top. The man but his tennis racket down on the desk, adjusted his zip up Reebok top and rummaged in his tight, white tennis shorts for his key. Upon retireiving it, he handed it to Mr. Belbin and asked if there was any mail for him.

'None for Room 4 sir. Do you require anything else Mr. Roddick?'

'Would it be okay to hire out the Tennis courts for another hour tomorrow?' Andy asked in his Smooth American accent.

As Andy turned to leave Mr. Belbin coughed to get his attention. 'Ah, a sensitive matter sir. Have you been inconvinienced by the, how can I put it, activity in the adjoining room to yours?'

Andy smiled and shook his head. 'I think entertained would be a better choice of words, Mr. Belbin!'

Andy walked down the hotel corridor towards Room 4 thinking about the daily/nightly soundtrack of fucking next door to him. He had pressed up against the wall every night of his stay, his ear pressed against it and had heard begging, fighting, groaning and the familiar sound of hot young men cumming. Once or twice he had bumped into Tom Welling getting ice (Was it for a drink or his arsehole he had wondered?) or Justin heading to the gym to use the showers. They had both greeted him with knowing smiles, possibly invites into the goings on behind thier closed doors.

Moving towards his door he could see a figure leaving room five talking into a mobile phone. The figure was large, clad in a black beanie, baggy blue jeans, a blue, sleevless vest, a heavy silver chain around his neck. Two things made Andy lick his lips. One, the guy was a beautiful, bronzed, chocolate black. Secondly, he could see the guys underwear, obviously Calvin's, peaking out over the jeans. Underwear was Andy's thing, and strapped hard against he flesh of a black guy made his stomach flip. Hearing the voice, and catching sight of full lips, Andy knew who his next door neighbour in 5 was. Usher Raymond.

'Don't flip out, I'll be there in ten, I promise. I've just had a dip in the hotel pool is why I am running late,' he was saying, 'I can spend a couple of hours with ya and then get back to the Hotel in time for my meeting with the PR guys'

Usher turned on his heel out of his doorway and made his way past Andy without even noticing him. Andy turned and watched him go, Usher's back muscles flexing under his vest and shrugged. 'Damn, I would love to get with that' he thought as he moved to his room. Looking across to Ushers hotel room door he could see it ajar. Turning again, Andy went to call to Usher but stopped . . . . .

In his early days as a teenager Andy had nursed and acted on a private fetish. As a guest at a friends house or playing at a tournament, Andy had searched out underwear. One night at a small gathering of buddies, lots of male bonding, high fives, talk of pussy, he had stolen away upstairs and into the hosts bedroom. Moving through the chest of draws he found his prize, a small pair of white boxer briefs. Taking them to the bathroom he had removed his own trousers and briefs and stepped into his friends boxers, pulling them up and around his rapidly stiffening prick. Moving his hand over his prick and the material, he had jerked off, running a spare hand against his arse, but always feeling from the outside, his tight butt clad in his friends underwear. When the moment of nutting had come, he would pull back the waistband and dump his load in a sink or toilet, all the time neading his balls of spunk through the material. Once finished the underwear was removed and placed back into his friends draw. Knowing that the next time he had seen them they might have thier cock nestled against where his previously wanked cock was drove him wild.

And now, Usher's door was open, almost inviting investigation . . . .

Andy Roddick stood stock still inside Usher's hotel room, emmersed in expecation and fear of his return. The singer's room was shrewn with clothes, half scribbled songs, bottles of expensive wine. Andy sniffed in the smell of Usher's chosen fragrance and his cock moved a centemetre in anticipation.

Moving to a suitcase laying on the floor, Andy rooted for his goal. He worked through more beanies then he could count, slacks, vest tops, no underwear. Moving over to the dresser he opened it (cue 'Pulp Fiction' breifcase being opened with golden light!). Boxer briefs, thongs, swim shorts were all laid out. Calvin mainly, some Dolce. Andy ran his hand across the underwear, all fresh and ready to strap around black, tree trunk legs, a fat black rod . . .

Then a voice drifted into Andy's head. It was Usher on the phone from earlier. What had he said? It was important. Andy's tight tennis shorts began to tent as his cock grew with realisation.

' . . . .I've just had a dip in the hotel pool . . . '

Andy moved to the en suite bathroom. There, laying over the shower rail, were Usher's ultra tight, black speedo's. Andy moved towards them and reached out. The speedo's had dried sufficiently. He hoped Usher has showered with them afterwards so the clorine smell was not there, only the musk of Usher's wet, warm dick, pressed hard, restrained. Andy moved the speedo's to his nose and sniffed. They smelt warm, they smelt manly, they smelt of inches of Usher cock.

Taking the pants into the hotel room and heading for the door he stopped. 'He did say he would be two hours' Andy remembered. Ushers bed looked warm and inviting, if he beat it quickly he could cum where Usher slept, in his speedo, and be out with plenty of time.

Laying the speedo down Andy unzipped his Rebook zip up top. He grasped his white tennis jersey and lifted it up over his head, messing his hair. Andy's body was slim yet wirey, toned. The line of his chest was hard, his abdominal muslces clear. His shoes and socks were swiftly removed. Andy found himself in his tight tennis shorts and standing in front of the dresser mirror. Hooking the waistband with two fingers either side he pulled the shorts off, the fresh air dappling his thighs and groin. The shorts dropped off and Andy stood admiring his cock clad tennis jock, turning to view the straps that didn't cover his arse and the fine string that lay inside his crack. The underwear moved downwards allowing the tennis stars cock to be reflected in the mirror. It was a fat, smooth eight inch dribbler, standing hard. Andy willed himself to think of non-horny things so it would fit, semi-erect in the speedo.

This was it. Andy laid the speedo down on the floor and stepped into the leg holes. Soon he would be mixing his scent, his meat with the big, black studs. Bending over he grapsed the waistband and shuddred as the material began to run up his legs, past his knees, past his thight. He felt his tight arse cheeks cupped in Ushers swimwear and his semi erect cock weeped precum. He didn't care that the speedo was now runied by his juice as he snapped the waistband shut. Laying back, he felt the speedo against him all over, his arse, his churning balls, his hardening cock. His right hand began to rub the buldge and the look of pure filth that Mr. Belbin has noticed at the check in desk returned to Andy's face. Andy was handsome, cute, youngish looking, but his eye's and lips conspired to make him look like a complete slut. Andy pushed the material into his crack a little, feeling his ring opening. The material was too tight to go inside his arse, so he fingered the lips.

Using his fingers Andy moved the material between the leg holes and gathered it up to allow fresh air to his balls and arse. He had moved the material to one side to allow access to his hole making sure his oozing prick was still trapped against the inside. With a deep breath Andy let in a finger. A deep groan escaped his lips which he hoped would be mistaken for coming from Rooms 1 -3.

Coming close to climax Andy decided he would 'edge' for a little while. This ment bringing his climax close and then stopping, chilling out and then starting again. This ment a huger fuller load and orgasm when he decided to nut. This was the perfect opportunity to choose some different underwear. Selecting some crisp white calvin kleins he had found under the pillow and sniffed them to check if the had been worn. These had the familiar musky smell of Usher he was now used to. They felt cool as they snapped over Andy's cock and Andy resumed jerking, the whiteness becoming transparent with oozing precum.

'What the fuck do you think you are doing?'

Usher was standing in the room. Andy had been to lost in the moment to notice him or the time. Andy could say nothing. Usher stood and looked at the skinny white dude, stretched out on his bed, in his room, in his underwear, jerking.

Andy stood and began to gabble. 'Oh god, man, I am so so so sorry. Please, I'm sorry, I couldn't help it'

Usher listened to Andy rant, hearing another apology after another.

'You like to jerk in my underwear, slut, is that it?'

'I . . er . . .'

'You like to spray your spunk in my underwear, do you? Answer me!'

'Yes' Andy replied meekly. Andy had mentally clocked how to get out, looking beyond the huge black man in front of him.

'I can't hear you boy' Usher shouted, 'Do you like to get your pussy little white self into my underwear because it makes you feel like a man, boy'

'YES!' Andy screamed humiliated.

Andy held his head up and looked Usher in the eye. Usher stared back.

'Take my fucking underwear off pussy boy . . . .'

Andy hooked the sodden calvins and move them down. Standing naked in front of Usher he felt small and ashamed. Usher took the zip of his jeans in his hand and took them down allowing the jeans to drop. Andy looked down at the black calvins Usher was wearing, maybe a size too small for him, an angry black semi hard rod pulsing against them. Usher took Andy's hand and placed it on his nut sack.

' . . . . and put these on' he whispered in Andy's ear.

Andy's cock weeped precum at the words. 'What the fuck are you wating for dick?' Usher growled, 'Take off the underwear I have been wearing for the past two hours and put them on' Andy stripped the underwear off to Usher's feet and before being allowed to move them under Ushers feet he watched the fat, black rod grow hard and then full to ten inches. He gasped at the fatness of the cock comparing it to an aresole can.

'Hold my underwear at my feet and put your white boy lips on my dick'

Andy, squatting holding the underwear he so desperatly wanted to put on, opened his pink wet lips and attempted to take the black cock in his mouth. It was difficult to manouver without the use of his hands and he hooked at it with lips and tounge. Usher, standing above him still in his vest top and beanie but naked from the waist down helped him, guiding his monster into Andy's mouth. Andy felt the cock against his throat and felt his prick leap with a shower of cum. Andy desperately wanted to jerk off as he deep throated the monster but Usher growled at him if he let his hands free of the underwear. Usher took both hands onto Andy's head and pushed inward. Andy's mouth was stretched fully. He couldn't breath as the black beast began to mouth fuck him. He tried not to panic with the lack of air, knowing that taking this big, fat dick in his mouth would result in a big reward.

Usher rested his balls against Andy's chin and smiled, big white teeth. He waited and then withdrew. He stepped out of the underwear and watched as Andy hurriedly pulled them on. A size too small on him were a perfect tight fit on Andy and then slim white boy squirmed in delight. As andy laid on his back usher got on top and positioned his cock at Andy's mouth again. He assumed a press up position and plunged down, his arms flexing huge muscle. The cock went in, Andy's mouth stretched. This time Andy has free range on his cock and pounded it in time with Ushers rhythmic descent and ascent. The black clavins were still warm from Ushers cock, and he knew that the hot fleshy smell that was filling his nose from the cock he was being face fucked with was there against his own shaft.

The cock withdrew from his mouth splattering Andy's filthy leering features with pre cum.

'I'm going to fill your skinny white arse now. Do you think that your going to be able to take this cock?

Andy looked up at him, licking precum off his lips and said quitely, 'I have never had anal sex before. I mean, I have never had a cock inside me'

Usher smiled wickedly. 'Well, boy, you may as well learn to ride the big waves first. I am so looking forward to breaking you cherry in'

'Can I leave the underwear on?' He asked a delicious slutty smile on his face.

'I insist on it' Usher growled and moved in for a kiss. The two tounged each others mouths, Usher tasting his own cock on the whorish tennis player.

Usher guided Andy around into a doggy position and ran a finger against the underwear clad crack. He gathered enough material to hold onto one side and exposed the tennis players star. The fat black head of Ushers cock was placed against the ring piece. 'This is going to sting' usher explained. He pushed forward, the ring didn't budge. Using a free finger and his other hand he pulled the cheeks apart and spat inside Andy's ring, drenching it. The cock was reapplied and this time made it's way in. Andy let out a gutteral scream that Usher ignored, moving deeper. He felt the tennis player buck and stopped at the tightness of his first muscle, realligned his dick and aimed up, The muscle relaxed and expaneded. Andy felt his whole chute full with thickness and heat and squirmed in intense pain. Usher pulled out almost completely and waited a second before pushing back in, this time to a more pleasurable response for Andy.

Roddick moved his hand to his dick, not touching it directly, but rubbing the underwear against it and began to jerk. Usher was slamming into him and it hurt like hell but something was happening, a distant but building pleasure. He felt big nuts bounce against his virgin arse. They felt good.

'That's it tight, white arsed virgin mother fucker. I have never felt such a tight little chute. I've watched you, you know,' he said as he spead the fucking up' running around the court in your little shorts, that dick of yours moving about. I've watched your filthy little face as you breathed hard, match point, set point. I've wanted to fuck your arse for ages and hear you are, in my room, in my underwear, begging for dicking. Your a tighter, better slut than I could have hoped for'

Usher watched as his black meat dissapeared inch by inch to a soft brown tanned arse. He loved the way the colours looked together, how beautiful the squirming tennis whore's paler skin was rippling and yielding to the hard fuck.

Meanwhile Andy felt the buds of an anal orgasm build. The pain hadn't stopped but his feeling towards it was changing. He wanted to be torn inside by this stallion. His cock was so hard, it throbbed through the underwear, the precum wetting it so much that the material was slick and sliding. Usher was fucking him harder now and feeling his balls through the underwear as well.

Andy felt his shaft filling and spied the speedos he had worn previously. He put his head down and licked the material like a thirsty dog. He wanted to feel dirty and degraded as he was fucked harder and harder. 'Fuck me harder Usher, I want you to bang me, tear me up, rip my arsehole apart'

Usher grabbed Andy by the hair and pulled him right back. Andy squirmed for the speedo and lay it on his face, which pointed upwards from the force of the hair pulling. Deep inside Andy, Usher felt himself filling with spunk. It began to drip at first, a hard spurt folowing and then it began to empty cum like a water cannon. Andy felt load after load fill him, felt it surge deep inside. His own cock began to erupt, forcing deep cream to ooze through the underwear over the head and his arsehole clamped around Usher causing him to nut a subsequent load. Andy breathed the speedo in as his arse came, independent to his cock, two different orgasma mixing.

Usher pulled out allowing Andy to shit spunk and Andy turned. He pulled the underwear off his cock and coninued to shoot on ushers chest, watching white spunk drip down beautiful black skin. 'Clean my dick' Usher ordered and Andy stooped getting the mess of spunk in his mouth.

For the following week, Andy in Room 4 would come back from training to find 'gifts' from Usher in Room five outside his door. Underwear that Usher had worked out in. Or underwear Usher had blown a good creamy load in. Andy would spend some time 'edging' in his room before going next door and having his arse filled by huge black dick.

It was only a matter of time before Room 1-3 became aware of room's 4-5....

Next: Chapter 4: Hollywood Hotel 6 7

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