Hollywood Hotel

By Dan

Published on Aug 12, 2004


Thank you, thank you, thank you for all your e-mails. I have a huge waiting list of hot celebrities wanting to check in to the hotel! Six actors, one singer and one sportsmen made it into the final eight, made up of six Americans, an Englishman and an Irishman. The three that are featured here were most popular with you guys (and myself!). Keep the suggestions coming!

As always, this does not imply anything about the sexuality of the celebrities involved. People have voted to read about them fucking so if that upsets or offends you, don't complain or write an angry letter, you don't have to be here and you don't have to read this. Further, if it's against the law for you to read this I suggest you stop.

If you like this then read 'Cream of Orange County' and 'Spencer, Andy and Den' which will both be receiving sequels due to popular demand!!

Seemingly watching over a crowded London street, sheltering some against the thick onslaught of falling snow stood 'ThePalace'. Its staff shut windows up and down it's length and a lone doorman attempted to create a walkway to it's revolving doors. The hotel had stood in place for over a century and whether the staff made the effort or not to shut the hotel up against the weather, a little snow wasn't going to bring the place crashing down.

The rapidly growing darkness of the outside seemed to cascade towards the inviting warm glow of the revolving doors. For those people looking in, the light seemed to promise fires in every room and hot drinks on arrival, snow white towels and downy bed sheets. The price tag attached to such luxury soon put paid to anyone approaching the hotel for this comfort and people resumed struggling against a bitter British winter.

The doorman held his back and let his broom rest against the wall giving up his fruitless quest to clear a path and likened it to bailing out the Titanic with a thimble. Allowing himself a brief stoop to ease himself he spied an approaching black limo and snapped to attention. The car came to a stop in front of the hotel. The driver opened his door, made his way towards the back of the Stretch to liberate his passenger. The icy floor made the trip from front to back seem endless before he managed to steady himself and open the door.

A single black boot emerged and asserted itself on the pavement. The doorman jumped and then attempted to regain his composure. The black boot was followed by another and the passenger stood tall, dropped a cigarette and extinguished it. Moving towards the hotel, the figure did not struggle in the snow or ice and the doorman greeted him getting no response.

Inside a scrawny bell boy struggled with a large black suitcase whilst an elderly women wrapped in a mink barked orders at him. The new arrival made his way towards the check in desk and found the unfortunate bell boy in his wake.

'Would you mind getting the fuck out of my way?' he commanded, with a deep Irish Brogue. The bell boy responded by finding a second wind and heaving the suitcase out the way of this new hotel guest. The mink clad lady gasped as if she had never heard a curse before and fixed the Irishman with a look of disgust. 'What?' He barked in her face before turning away towards the desk.

From his position at the desk, the head of hotel staff spied the approaching man and sighed with recognition. Above the black boots, tight black leather trousers hugged tree trunk legs. A grey sleeveless vest pulled up and down with the movement of locomotion and was wrapped in a black leather jacket matching the trousers. The guest threw his arms down on the check in desk, fixed the head of staff with lazy eyes beneath thick black eyebrows. The figure ran his hand threw his shaved head and down to his face through stubble until it supported the mans chin. Using his free hand, he pulled the guest book so that he could view it and said:

'So, let's see who's on the menu tonight!'

'Mr. Farrell, please, you know I cannot allow you to look through this. It is a contract with our guests, if you will, that I will not break' the head of staff responded taking the book away.

Allowing a faint smile to play beneath an attempted scowl Colin Farrell reached out to shake hands. 'So how the fuck have you been, Jeeves?' He enquired, 'See the old girls still standing'

'Well, I always fear for the 'old girls' safety when you arrive, Mr. Farrell' the head of staff replied dryly gesturing to the hotel at large. 'And, though I am sure you have heard me on your several visits prior, my name is not Jeeves, it is David and you can call me Mr. Belbin'

'Right you are, Jeeves' Colin answered with a smile. 'Now, let me have a look at the book or I will have to commence room to room enquiries' he joked.

Whilst Mr. Belbin organised the particulars of Colin's stay, the Irish actor looked around at the hotel. Lush red furnishings, fused with brass and gold, circular seating around a marble column. Colin realised that no other place this grand could make him feel so at home. He usually felt much more accustomed to something a little more 'real' but this place had memories.

'Here's your key sir, room number one,' Mr. Belbin began snapping Colin out of his thoughts, 'And please sir remember what happened with the Josh Harnett incident. Room 9 is still out of service and 'he likes it rough' isn't going to cut the mustard this time!' Mr. Belbin allowed himself a pained smile whilst Colin returned it with a dirty beamer, remembering the night in question.

'I promise to behave,' He answered giving a faux boy scout sign and walked off. 'Unless I'm really fucking lucky' he mumbled as he walked off. Before he made it out of the lobby he turned, a dark haired male catching his eye. 'It's like I've got fucking radar' he thought as he studied the guy.

Longish, curly hair lay about a smooth young face. Colin noted the fullness of unblemished pink lips and felt saliva run into his mouth. Working his filthy gaze down to a tight red T-shirt emblazoned with a 'Venice Beach' logo he could see the guys tight set muscle. Unlike his own bulky build, rough around the edges, but heavy and hard this new guy had locked in, compact shapes working against the t-shirt. Moving the gaze further down to the real interest Colin chewed on his bottom lip. In faded blue denim sat a full crotch, it's owner blissfully aware of it's apparent size and prominence. A black belt strap tailed off down towards the bulge as if pointing to it on behalf of it's wearer. Colin had a quick recap of the well stacked preppy-ish guy and mentally added him to his wish list.

'Mr. Welling, welcome back to the hotel. How was you day sir?' Mr. Belbin asked

'Very good, thank you David,' Tom Welling responded, 'Yet, exhausting. I would one day like to come back and spend a holiday here but at the moment it's all work, locations, that sort of thing' Mr. Belbin smiled and handed Tom his key wondering why all his guests couldn't be so well spoken and polite. 'Is the gym still open?' Tom asked and headed off at Mr. Belbins nod.

Tom found the gym empty and felt a rush of joy. No questions or interruptions, just him. Moving over to the work out bench, he sat and removed his suede loafers, placing them to one side. His socks were soon inside the shoe, all neatly tucked away.

Tom mentally cursed himself realising he had not stopped for his kit bag containing his sweat top and shorts. Getting up and walking over to the door he looked around. It seemed quiet, what the hell?

Walking back over to the bench, Tom took his T-shirt in both hands and lifted it over his head. Tom allowed himself a moment of vain weakness, running his hands over his six pack and around his chest, letting his fingers warm his nipples before folding the shirt on top of his shoes. Taking his black belt in his hand he removed it from his waistband, and unbuttoned the jeans. The zip moved down, the trousers fell about his feet. Again they found themselves neatly folded.

Tom sat down on the work bench pulling his legs apart. Seamless, snug white boxer briefs pulled inward as the legs parted pressing against Tom's cock. Laying back, Tom gripped the weights above, his whole body rippling with effect and he lifted .

. .

At the front desk, a young man complained to Mr. Belbin. His head shook animatedly. His hair was short and had seemed to want to curl even against his wishes. A tight blue t-shirt bearing the Harley Davidson logo stretched with the man's arm movements and dog tags jangled with exaggerated expression. A firm arse moved in jeans beset with ridges designed to draw the eye to his butt and crotch. A silver belt caught the light occasionally dazzling Mr. Belbin.

'And now my shower is broken and I have to go out, dude!' He exclaimed.

'Mt. Timberlake, please calm down. We can assist. We have showers on premises and I can escort you . . . '

'The gym showers? You want me to go and shower in the gym when there is, or at least was, a perfectly good shower in my room?'

'Mr. Timberlake, we will attend to your shower presently but . . .'

'Forget it, I have to shower now or I will be late' And with that Justin Timberlake headed off.

'Mind if I join you?'

Looking up in panic, Tom spied Colin standing in the door way, leaning and watching him. Tom could feel his body was damp with sweat from his exertions and his briefs had soaked right through, revealing his flaccid dick. Colin hadn't waited for an answer and was pulling off his jacket and throwing it on the floor, undoing his boots. In his sleeveless vest he looked large and over bearing and Tom felt his cock fill a little. In his current position Colin saw it and smiled.

'I hear the best work out isn't weights' he said pulling off the vest to reveal large solid muscle.

'It isn't running' He moved close to Tom, taking Tom's hand and running it in between the leather of his crotch. Tom didn't pull away.

'Isn't swimming' He unzipped the leather trousers and let them drop, kicking them aside. Colin wasn't wearing any underwear and his thick semi erect cock bobbed at this thigh.

'It a good, hard fuck!' he purred, that Irish accent making Tom part his mouth and breath out sharply. Colin straddled the work bench either side, his legs open, the cock making it's way to full hard length. Both of his hands were on the sodden waistband of Tom's wet briefs pulling them down, letting the cock emerge and dry slightly against the gym air. Colin stripped them off the preppy hunk and put them close to his face, sniffing the aroma of damp prick and then licking against the material. Tom watched as Colin savoured his smell and taste and saw Colin's cock full and twitching at it's maximum length. the prick was swollen, a cunt tearing monster, ten inches long, two fat nuts packed closely to the shaft. Tom sat up and spied the pronounced mushroom head. 'Fuck me . . .' he muttered and looked up at Colin still enjoying Tom's sodden briefs.

With his right hand Tom took the monster in a tight grip that just made it around the shaft and licked his wet tongue on the underside, from just under the perineum to the slit. Tom felt the taste of the cock wash over him, and his own cock began to reach its fullness. Colin had thrown the wet underwear aside and pulled his cock away. Slapping Tom in the face with his prick, he forced him down and clambered on top. Colin stooped and smelt the musky aroma of the stud and licked up a trail of his sweat greedily. He smiled and studied the Tom's cock. He noted that the cock was bigger than his own in length, around eleven and a half but more slender. The pinkness of the shaft was fresh and smooth and the root sat above to smooth balls.

Colin lowered his head and rubbed his stubble against the prick which made Tom squirm in pleasure and irritation. Colin let his face move onto the smooth balls allowing his tongue to nip out and wetting any areas that were becoming too irritated by the roughness. Tom arched his back as Colin began to concentrate big slurps on his head. All the time Colin watched Tom's tight little body strain and flex in pleasure. He wanted to drive Tom into a stuck pig frenzy before letting him loose on his dick, with his cute lips or his arsehole.

'Now Tom, I'm going to suck down your cock right to the back of my throat but I want you to say please'

'Please' Tom answered, clawing at Colin's head. He tried to push the mouth down around the cock whilst Colin concentrated on lapping the tip.

'Please what?' Colin commanded

'Oh, please swallow my prick Colin. Please choke down my cock, please'

Colin obliged and started taking it in. The first five inches were fine, thick boy meat making Colin's dick weep pre cum. The next four caused Colin's throat to expand, taking it further caused it to burn, until Colin could feel the cock right inside him. Then taking it one stage further Colin opened his mouth and let his tongue out to wet Tom's fat balls. Tom wriggled about, his naked skin against the workbench, his huge cock buried in the Irishman's throat. 'Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck' the pretty boy muttered.

Still with Tom's cock buried up until the hilt, Colin moved both of his hands onto Tom's arse cheeks and massaged them. They felt hard against Colin's touch and he had to restrain himself from flipping Tom over and ripping his arsehole apart. Taking one finger, Tom inserted it into the ring. Tom bounded up and down as it slid in. It was easy to get one in as the sweat from Tom's workout worked with the arse to suck it in. It worked with two and three, until Tom found his cock buried from view just as Colin's four fingers and thumb fucked his arsehole. Colin got his reward as rivulets of warm cock juice began to pour into his throat. Wanting to taste the precum, he pulled the cock out to settle on his tongue. The cold air that entered his unplugged mouth hit Tom's cock making it shake and eject a new batch of Clark Kent cream.

'I am so glad my shower isn't working' Came a voice from the door. Both guys looked up, Colin not stopping fist fucking Tom's arse. Justin Timberlake stood at the door rubbing the large bulge in his trousers.

'Get your cock over here and we will give you a shower of our fucking spunk'

'Only if you promise to dump your load on my face' he answered. 'What do you think Tom?'

Tom didn't answer and writhed on the bench in full blown pleasure at the hand fucking he was getting. Justin laughed and stripped off his T-shirt revealing muscles that were much like Tom's yet slightly fuller.

'Leave the dog tags on' Colin commanded

Justin complied and unzipped his trousers. Underneath his black sports string brief was not enough to hold the full nine inch cock poking out of the waistband. Two low slung balls trailed under. Once naked, Colin viewed him and had a filthy little idea.

Swiftly he propped Tom up and grabbed the Smallville hunk's discarded black belt and tied around his arms to the bench. Justin, quick on the uptake tied Tom's legs to the bench. Colin stood back and waited for Tom to react.

'Please, don't stop. I need to fuck. Please, fill me up with you big fat dick' He begged

'I'm afraid, you'll just have to watch!' Colin replied wickedly.

Justin moved over by Tom's head and turned so his arse was right by his face. Colin made his way behind him and began to lube up his ten inches. Justin reached out and stopped him. 'I want it raw, fucker'

Colin did not need to be asked twice. Positioning his fat head at the entrance to Justin Timberlake's ring piece, he made sure the interlocking organs were as near to Tom's face as possible without touching it. Holding onto Justin's hips he slammed that monster home causing Justin to cry out. Tom's cock began to throb and let out pre cum like a big, juicy fountain, spattering his abs and pubes. Colin began to assault Justin's arse with animal ferocity, the thick slapping sound driving Tom wild as it echoed around the gym. Justin pulled his prick hard and fast. Colin then helped Justin stand above Tom, his low hanging balls brushing his lips, so that Tom has a view of the monster penetrating the cherry arse, disappearing. Tom lapped at the balls like a baby bird receiving food and murmured 'please, please fuck me' in between licks.

Colin then turned Justin around and lay him out on top of Tom, arching his arse and back so that there was no contact with Tom's cock. Justin's face was now laying on Tom's shoulder and his dog tags lay across Tom's pecs. Tom could not tear his eye's away from the look of lust in Justin's eye's. 'He's fucking me so hard,' Justin started, 'I can feel his cock resting against my bowels, I can feel his warm juice drowning me. He's stretching me, making my hole raw. You want it, don' you? I can feel your pre cum wetting my abs'

Tom found himself ripping against his bonds. All he could concentrate on was the need to be fucked. As he felt himself getting free Colin has moved Justin's arse above Tom's mouth still fucking him solidly. 'Open your mouth' He moaned to Tom.

Tom opened his mouth and as he did so he saw Colin's nuts expand and then contract, watched as Colin ground himself with hard, hard, cock punching into Justin. Justin felt spunk fill him and the warmth of it trickle out of his ring. The spunk dripped into Tom's mouth. The cock was withdrawn and Justin in the midst of an anal orgasm sat down on Tom's face, letting Tom's tongue move in the space left by Colin's cock. Tom lapped deep within Justin and then felt his tongue being contracted by the arse wall as Justin began to ride his face and nut his load. The load moved down the shaft of Justin's leaking prick, under his balls to his arse adding to the taste Tom was getting. Some dappled Tom's face.

Now Colin and Justin moved away and watched as Tom lay covered in his own pre cum and his face awash with Colin's shitted spunk.

'You bastards, stick me! Make me bleed!' Tom struggled against his bonds.

'He was such a well spoken young man, 'Colin told Justin, 'Never a bad word. Look at him now!'

Justin and Colin's lips met, their tongues exploring each other. Justin fingered Colin's arse whilst Colin made his way back into Justin's crack. Both of their cocks were getting hard again and Tom could see this from his restrained position.

'Now, Justin, I would like you to sit on Tom's cock. He's begging for some release'

Justin moved over and faced away from Tom, gripping the superman stud's meat in his hand and positioning it his once-already-fucked hole. He moved his arse back and forth over the head teasing Tom and also holding off from taking Tom's eleven and a half inches. At the same time Colin was dangling his mushroom head over Tom's mouth allowing it to brush his lips.

'One inch' Colin commanded.

Justin sat back, let his arse open and took in Tom's mushroom head. Colin pushed forward and let his own head enter Tom's mouth. 'Another' Colin ordered. Justin sat down a little more letting out a deep breath, having as much trouble from holding off as Tom was being forced to do. Colin let more cock into Tom's mouth. This allowed Tom to start bobbing his head over the monster. 'Sit down hard!' Colin ordered pushing his entire length into Tom's mouth. At the same time, Justin let his whole weight go and fell, impaling his anal cavity on the prick and coming to a stop against Tom's body. Tom began wailing, finally filled with a cock and buried in Justin's arse. Colin grabbed his head and started to skull fuck Tom who was sucking so very hard, desperate to keep the taste of Colin's meat in his mouth. Justin was riding Tom's prick hard now, allowing himself to raise and then drop hard. Justin expertly squeezed Wellings cock, ringing it dry of pre cum and all the time letting out low, harsh grunts.

Then Colin withdrew and pulled Justin off Tom. 'You cunt, can't you just fuck me! You pussy, fill me with cum, fucker, fuck my cunt, fuck my tight little cunt'

Colin laughed and took Justin by the hand. Leading him over to another bench at waist height, he bent Justin over the table and spread his cheeks until his pink insides were visible. He slapped the arse and moved over to Tom. 'Brace yourself, Timberlake. I'm letting Tom free'

Colin quickly undid the bonds holding Tom down. Tom pushed him aside and sped toward Justin, quickly positioning his cock at Justin's ring and slamming home eleven inches with one thrust. Justin arched right back and screamed, 'Jesus fucking Christ'. Tom grabbed the back of Justin's hair and slammed him down onto the table using his other hand to steady himself as he fucked Justin's arse raw. Justin could feel the cock sliding all the way inside, accounting for every burning inch and crying out. Tom proceeded to climb onto the bench whilst still impaling Justin and managed to slide deeper into the pop singers butt. Tom picked up his pace and began a fast, hard fuck. He scratched down Timberlake's body causing Justin to cry out even louder. Then Colin stood behind Tom and filled his butt with two fingers that Tom backed up on every time he moved away from Justin. Tom turned and looked at Colin. The Irishman smiled at the look of ravenous lust in his eyes.

Moving off the Bench, Tom pushed Justin down and carried on filling his chute, the ex-nsync'r moaning like a stuck pig. Using his free hand Tom grabbed Colin and pushed him on top of Justin, much to Coin's surprise, making sure he still had a good angle on Timberlake's funnel. Justin could feel the heat and weight of Colin above him. Tom then grabbed Colin's leg and heaved it over so that now Colin lay above Justin completely and straddled Tom's rapid fucking movement into Justin. Both ring pieces now sat above each other, Justin's wide open and full of fat meat and Colin's above, tight and unfucked.

Taking a step back, Tom withdrew his eleven and a half inches and with one long thrust pushed it into Colin who pulled down like he had been punched in the stomach. Before he could get used to the monster, Tom had pulled out and stuffed it back into Justin, satisfying J's need to be filled. Then the cock moved out of Justin's chute and straight back into Colin who clawed at Tom to stop. Tom began to repeat his movement, out of Justin, into Colin, out of Colin into Justin, fucking both men in long and oh too quick thrusts. Justin, crushed beneath Colin felt like an extension of his quivering, pre cum filled hole, whilst Colin felt vulnerable and oozed his own juice onto Timberlake below. The pre cum from Tom created strings of white wetness moving from ring to ring, connecting the two stars. Tom began to alternate fucking one arse with his cock and another with fingers.

As Tom entered Colin for the hundredth time, Colin felt the familiar rise of hot cream and remembered his promise to shoot on Justin's face. Tom had settled inside his arse now and it seemed he was banging him exclusively, knowing he was going to nut.

Pushing himself off J and keeping Tom inside him, Colin twisted Justin around and indicated that he kneel. Justin obeyed and opened his mouth knowing what he would receive. Tom saw this happening and pulled out from Colin taking his place by the well fucked hunk. Both men stood before the pretty boy and jerked their meat watching as Justin looked up, stroking his own cock, waiting for their loads.

Colin was the first to Nut, feeling the warm spunk erupt from his slit. He groaned and watched as the babe below him was hit with spurt one, on his pink, pouty lips, some cum slipping in the mouth, the rest covering his cheek, The second hitting Justin's chin and dripping down onto his abs, the third aimed at Justin's cock so that he was milking himself and lathering the Irishman's thick juice into his balls. Still hard from his ejaculation, Colin stood behind Tom and entered his arse for the first time in the whole three-way. Tom churned on the cock, cleaning up the remnants of spunk, milking the last few dying moments of Colin's orgasm before beginning to cum himself. Instead of adding his cream to Colin's he took Justin's mouth and filled him down to the throat, skull fucking the cum out of himself. Justin gagged on his loads as they washed inside, the cum surging up and back down in Justin's mouth.

Colin withdrew from Tom who collapsed next to the bench and Colin knelt behind the cum covered Justin, finding enough hardness to fill J's arse. 'Always nice to cum with a fat dick up your arse, you little whore'. With those words and the cock slamming home, Justin let rip, hitting the collapsed Tom and showering himself. Justin felt slick with Juice, ran his hands through it and brought it to his lips. Finding some energy Tom crawled over and lapped at the cum, tasting Colin and Justin mixed together. A hot French kiss between Tom and Justin saw trails of spunk mat their faces before the three lay on the floor quietly.

One by one, the three left the gym, Colin to room one, Tom to room two and Justin to room three. Each called the front desk and extended their stay, perhaps never to leave!! Each fell asleep that night in downy sheets wondering who would fill room's four, five and six and possible their mouths and arses . . . .

Next: Chapter 3: Hollywood Hotel 4 5

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