Hollywood Hotel

By Dan

Published on Mar 17, 2006


This is the `Best TV or FILM male in a dominant role". All though the story reads as a competition it still reflects who you nominated and who got the most nominations. I got an email saying that it was thought I chose the winner out of the top four but no, you are in charge of who wins, not me! Please hit a search engine to look for pictures of the guys in the story, it makes it so much hotter if you can picture them.

The next story will focus on the top threeway.

Remember, it's for over eighteens or whatever you age is in your part of the world and is completely made up, not intending to suggest any of these real people are real homosexuals or extreme sex enthusiasts. And if your offended by bad language, gay sex acts or poor spelling, run, run for the hills.

"That's it, you bucket arsed little slut, take it"

A few moments after winning his award, Chad Michael Murray was on his front again being fed his trophy anally. It was a large golden statuette of a naked man holding the earth above his head. The earth was considerably larger than the man, the end of the pool cue, the big, black dildo that lay glistening with Tom Welling's arse juices or the slick traffic cone Chad had been sitting on. It had taken Jensen Ackles and Jared Padelecki a while to pull open his well-fucked hole and get the globe inside. But now, Chad was enjoying the statuette firmly placed in his cunt, down to the little golden man's feet.

In front of him, Jensen, who had passed the job of ramming Chad to Jared, placed a piece of paper in front of Chad with a pen. "Sign" he ordered.

"What . . . . oh fuck me harder . . . .what . . . is . . . .it? Chad moaned out.

"A disclaimer. You have duties now. You've won and you're going to help us judge the best top category in two weeks"

"What do I have to . . . . FUCK!!!!"

Chad was cut short by Jared who had sped up fucking him with the statuette and was prodding at the mush of Chad's splayed arsehole with his fingers. Normally a bottom, Jared was getting really into giving a good hole fuck and his eyes were wide, his mouth in a curled sneer. The trophy was so far up Chad's beautiful impaled butt that his hand was going in a few centimetres to keep the trophy from disappearing.

"Jared . . . ." Jensen began.

"Look at this dirty slut"

"JARED!!" Jensen shouted.

Jared jumped with a start pulling the trophy back out to just under the globe. "What?"

"Give me moment dude, I need to get his signature". Jared resumed a slower arse fuck. Jensen again turned to Chad. He was moving back and forth on a puddle of spunk and his eyes were rolling back in his pretty head, ignoring Jensen. "CHAD!" he successfully shouted getting his attention. "You're gonna need to be isolated for a couple of weeks, no sex or wanking, fingering, whatever. Need you fresh for the four guys who are competing. Okay?"

"Whatever . . . ." Chad mumbled, signing his name and falling asleep.

"Can I fuck him whilst he is asleep?" Jared asked mischievously.

"Hop on" Jensen answered and Jared stripped off his trousers and white bikini briefs, hopped onto Chad with his legs either side and removed the trophy. His long, slim prick slipped up in Chad.

"I just need somewhere to do my load and it's so warm and wet up here. Fuck, you could fit as well"

Jensen took that as a hint and clambered aside him, naked in seconds and pointing his head at the hole. His prick slipped up without a problem and as he hit the spot that Jared's big purple head was logged he felt his on-screen brother nut.

"Oh Jesus, oh fuck, oh fuck. So wet, so fucking wet" Jared mumbled as his thick load creamed inside Chad. He gripped onto Jensen tightly. The load leaked out of Chad and painted Jensen's balls as it dripped past. The warmth of the spunk made those balls contract and Jensen let rip, jaggedly fucking out a shot of his cream.

"That's the last two loads this fuck's getting for a fortnight" Jensen erupted, wiping a little spunk off his hand by shaking it onto Chad's naked back.

It had now been nearly two weeks since Chad's incarceration in a specially built room.

At first, he had complied with the no touching himself rule but by the third day he had been caught with his boxers on the floor about to sit on his middle three fingers. Now he wore a large glove that did not allow finger movement and he needed to be fed.

Jared and Jensen had volunteered for this duty, observing him via camera's and visiting him every day. Chad was not a happy bunny and each day his lust for cock and fucking grew. Each morning that arrived saw either Jensen or Jared entering the room and removing Chad's cum stained briefs or boxers from the prestigious nightly wet dreams. Pulling the waistband far back from Chad's throbbing prick, they moved the down and off and took the away. But watching Chad on the monitor, listening to him beg for prick and handling his sodden underwear after a night of dream whispered obscenities had taken it's toll on Jared and Jensen who had been resorted to depraved, rutting animals.

They were solely responsible for Chad. Their, begging for cock, half naked and stretched out was one of the most beautiful men in the world. They had the key and they had the trust and the urge to fuck and use this broad shouldered, tall, muscled Adonis was almost too much to bear.

One time, after Jensen had held Chad's legs together and Jared had pulled the dripping boxers off Chad, they had left the room and Jensen stuffed the boxers into Jared's mouth. He then had kissed him through the boxers and the two probed at the cum, sucking it dry and sticking their tongues near each other. Then the boxers had been put to one side and they had kissed again, hot mouth on mouth, exchanging spit and Chad's load.

Another time Jensen had entered the room to feed Chad. "Oh, Jensen . . .", Chad had began, getting up on all fours and wiggling his butt, ". . . Jared tells me you like to put your balls inside a guys arse when you fuck him. Will you do that for me, please? I want your balls inside me and then I want to feel them contract and then you can do you creamy shit up? Oh Jensen, I want you so bad, put it in me". Jensen had stood up, hard and ready, pulling Chad's lower clothing off and looked at his now tight, almost virginal ring and licked his lips.

Somehow Jensen had left the room immediately and found Jared. He place Jared on all fours and stripped off his shorts and underwear. Silently, and animally, he had pounded into the guys hole, his balls slapping against Jared and then cum, a huge, hard, loud noisy cum that flooded Jared's pussy. Pulling out, he wiped his prick on Jared's left buttock and left him, like a dog panting and needing to cum. Jared stayed in that position for a few minutes thinking about what Jensen had just done to him, using him as a spunk receptacle and with disgust but ultimately with a huge feeling off being used that made him feel filthy shot a fat spurt without touching himself. He spunked this way four or five more times and moaned a long hard `fuck'.

But now it was nearing the time to `release' him. The four nominees were being brought together and briefed and Chad would be their, tight, sex starved and crazy for meat up his hole.

The archetypal beach babe, Paul Walker sat across from Chris Evans. His intense blue eyes sparkled as they discussed the forthcoming competition. Both had come to the room wearing the required clothing, a pair of shorts, boots, no shirt or socks.

Paul's chest was so well developed, the kind of chest that's muscled but compact and pulled up from the stomach. His abs made a valley down the middle of his tummy that led to the waistband of the blue, tight little shorts he had chosen. It was also smooth and tanned. Chris Evans on the other hand was bigger with a light covering of shaven hair and a beautiful treasure trail that dipped inside his also tiny, tight shorts, green with a navy blue stripe on the side.

"You've got a bit of an advantage on us, haven't you, Walker" Chris said to Paul. "You've been inside Chad's hole so you know what to expect"

"I seem to remember that you ordered me out of it to fuck Adam Brody's pussy before I could really get to grips with that chute" Paul answered back remembering how it had felt to be inside Adam with Chris up against his shaft.

"Fair point. Wonder who we are up against?" Chris asked.

The door to the room slowly opened and Paul could see the third nominee enter. He smiled and looked at Chris. "Remember how you told the bottoms when we judged them that the winner would be fucked by all the tops? But hinted that it might not work that way? Well I realise why you said that cos it's not like out new arrival could have fucked himself!"

Chris's confusion at Paul's comment disappeared as Tom Welling entered the room. Tom had bottomed for the award but had also been chosen as a top.

I don't know Paul" Chris began, "If you've seen how big Tom's prick is I reckon he might give it a good go!"

"Actually I've managed to fit my prick head in their when I as semi hard" Tom answered. He lent down next to Chris and whispered, "I'll show you some time"

"Jesus, you two should fuck and just get it over with" Paul offered laughing.

"I'm planning on it" Chris said as Tom sat, in his swim shorts that barely concealed his fat meat, on Chris's lap.

The door to the room opened again for the fourth nominee. He stood in the open doorway, very tall and stacked and looked around he room of men. They other three looked back, mouth's dropped. This nominee had forgotten to put his shorts on and stood their naked apart from big black jack boots. This nominee was Ryan Reynolds and his prick was drooling pre-cum. "Looks like this is the place" he said to the others.

"Wanna sit on my lap?" Paul Walker asked joking.

"No. Your face, not you lap" He answered.

Paul was on the floor in seconds, his head back on the chair looking up. Ryan walked over quickly and positioned his arsehole over Paul's mouth. The heat of Ryan's twat was breathtaking and the coldness of Paul's tongue as it began to Rim him was intense as Ryan rode his face.

Over on the other chair, Tom had moved, still sitting on Chris's lap but facing and straddling him. He leant slightly forward so his hard eleven and a half inch could slide inside his shorts and so he could rut up against Chris. The two brought their mouth's together and exchange a hot kiss, Chris grabbing at Tom's tight arse and running the other hand through the mop of dark hair.

"STOP!!!!" Screamed a voice at the door. It was Jensen. "You're not here for this. You're hereto compete"

Tom and Chris parted with a long lingering stare. At some point they were going to fuck even if they had to wait. Ryan stood off Paul's now wet face and looked at Jensen. `Spoil sport'

All four sat and waited as Jensen called Jared. "Bring him in". The door opened and in walked a blind folded, gagged and handcuffed but most important completely naked Chad Michael Murray.

"Okay, the rules. Chad's your fuck toy for 24 hours. When it hits midnight Chad must have cock in him until midnight tonight. The longest he can be free of meat in his cunt is ten seconds. If he is empty for that long, the guy who had pulled out is safe but the three others will receive penalty points. Feel free to cum in him, on him, whatever. You can put your finger's, balls, tongues in, help each other, do what you like but make sure he is filled with your cocks at all times. You can work as a team or against each other. You'll be judged by Chad himself, by spectators who are scheduled to come in and watch throughout the day. You will be judged on technique, how much pleasure you can give and how you care for Chad'

Every single dick in the room was hard. Tom's eleven and a half was out the top of his shorts. Chris had his open, his thick, veiny monster sat high above a hairy set of balls. Paul's stubby fuck stick sat above shaven balls leading back to a shaven arsehole. His shorts were off. Ryan's just drooled even heavier.

"You have two minutes till midnight. Work out whose going first and remember, he ain't had anything in him for two long weeks". Jensen turned to Chad and explained his role. "Take them all day, no complaints. As each goes in I want you to explain how it feels". Jensen removed the gag, blindfold and cuffs.

"JUST GET THEM INSIDE ME!!" Chad shouted.

Jared readied his watch. "One minute"

The nominees silently arranged the order of fucking. Ryan would be first, followed by Tom, then Chris and finally Paul. Ryan readied himself near Chad as the countdown began.

"Five, four, three, two, one, GO!!" Jared exclaimed.

Ryan placed his wet mushroom head at Chad's tight entrance. He had been chosen as his dick was one of the biggest next to Tom's monster and the tops wanted Chad to be looser earlier.

"Oh fuck, it's really wet already", Chad explained. "Oh, I can feel it going in, ow, shit, it's really thick. So thick. Shit, I can feel the head's inside me completely, oh, fuck, fuck, fuck. That's it, stud. Man, fucking hell, put it in me. Oh fuck, it's big. I'm too tight, oh fuck"

Ryan Reynolds big prick was now half way in and Chad was squirming. "It's thick all the way along, it's really fucking beautiful. Oh, ow, ow fuck. It's so fucking huge"

The dick was all the way in now and Ryan rested for a fraction before pulling it all the way out again. He rested his mushroom head against the entrance and looked at Jensen. "What's to say I can't just stay like this for 24 hours?"

"Your being judged on your skill and that's not exactly giving Chad what he needs" Jensen replied.

"No, but this is. Take it, fuck" Ryan forced the full length back in to Chad. As this was only Chad's second thrust of cock it hurt like hell. "MOTHER FUCK!" he screamed. Ryan pulled out again and stuffed it all the way back in, repeating this over and over for half an hour. The other tops realised that not only would they have to perform they would have to sit and watch Chad's beautiful form getting used by other guys they really fancied without jerking off so they would be ready to pound.

Chad's was wailing as Ryan repeated his method of filling his cunt like it was the first cock he had ever taken. His strong hands steadied Chad's bucking and shaking, keeping him under control. If he let go, Chad would back up and ride the prick and he wanted to be in charge. A trail of sweat formed between Ryan's shoulder blades and trickled down into the crack of his arse. "Anyone wanna get that?" Ryan asked as he sped up and spent more time up Chad's tight pussy. Paul stood, put his hands on Ryan's arse and ran his tongue up his back. "Gee, my crack's getting awfully damp to" Ryan mumbled looking round at Paul.

"I'll see what I can do" Paul answered putting his face in Ryan's arse and slurping at it as it came backwards after the increasing speed of Chad's arse fucking.

He had been railing into the slut for an hour and a half, with Paul Walker lapping at his ring before he felt he might cum. "Chad" he whispered, "I would love to cum inside you"

"Please, please" Chad moaned as he shook from the fuck.

"Are you sure?" Ryan asked.

"Please, oh fuck, oh please"

"Bad luck" Ryan teased and pulled out. The ten seconds space started. Ryan turned to Paul, pulling his mouth away from his arse and held his mouth open. "Open you mouth wider, Paul"

Paul did as he was asked and Ryan's face contracted. He let a huge wad go that fell from Paul's brow to his top lip and then stuck the prick in. "Yer, fucking drinking my spunk down, do it". Four loads went in Paul's mouth before Ryan literally picked him up and moved him. "Tom, your up"

The seconds counted down but Tom, composing himself from Ryan's show, was inside Chad in one movement before the time elapsed.

"Hey Chad" Tom said as he rested his pubic mound on Chad's arse cheeks.

"Will you cum in me?" Chad begged.

"I promise" Tom answered.

"It feels so long", Chad began to explain, "So warm and hard, my hole is reshaping, fixing to it's girth. Oh man, this is the first time I have ever been fucked by this cock and it's amazing. So long. I can feel it sticking into me, deep down but I can also feel my ring clasped around it and it's sticking out of me. Oh, Tom, please fuck me harder!"

Tom took the prick back a little bit but wanted to be near Chad's anal bud so he could jab at it every other second. It build an enormous pleasure that made Chad's pussy chute ripple.

"That's it, Chad, you shake as hard as you like. I like to feel you squirm"

Ryan's hour and a half with Chad began to disappear to the back of Chad's mind as Tom began to approach two hours of solid fucking. For the second hour the room had been quiet apart from Chad's moaning and Tom's grunt of exertion. Chris Evans had watched this all captivated, staring at Tom's peachy arse and enjoying how, when Tom spent some time fucking Chad really hard, he bent right back and his ring piece opened and closed, showing his fleshy anal insides.

The door to the room opened and a scheduled watcher walked in. It was Justin Timberlake. He nodded hi at Ryan, Chris and Paul and sat down next to them. Tom looked over his shoulder and saw Justin remembering the fun they had got up to with Colin Farrell ages ago, the way he had savagely fucked him and later how he had poured his own cum from a bottle onto Justin's face. Justin loved facials and being covered.

Tom continued to pound Chad into a third our. This time he had held him on his side and was fucking his long length into his arse giving Chad a new feeling, like Tom hadn't been fucking him for ages.

Justin had his jeans open and his prick in hand and was beating off watching the display. Occasionally he gave flirty looks over to Paul Walker and Ryan Reynolds who both were touching each other. "Man", he began, "I remember when Tom fucked me" He explained to them both.

Chris Evan's had now stood next to Tom and was moping his brow. "Your incredible" He told him. "Keep fucking him"

"Yer", Chad moaned, "Keep fucking me"

Over on the chairs Justin was telling his story, looking each in the eye and jerking his prick. "I remember I sat down so hard on it that it felt like I was being punched but I rode it so hard. Also, Colin came in my arse and we let it drip into Tom's mouth" Justin shifted in his chair, lifting his arse up and closing his eyes. "Fuck, it's been so fucking long since I have had a cock up me"

Paul looked at Ryan. In his eyes he conveyed `should we'. Here was a prime, muscled pop stud, long and sinewy and practically begging them for anal penetration. They looked over at Tom and Chris and decided perhaps they had time.

Tom meanwhile was cumming. Three and a half hours and Chad felt like they were one person but he could feel that Tom's thrusts were becoming ragged and stuttered.

"Oh fuck, Chad, I've got to blow"

"Do it Tom, fucking paint his pussy" Chris encouraged him.

"Yes Tom, fill my hole up" Chad begged.

And Tom came. His dick rippled from base to piss slit letting the thickest wad of creamy spunk he had ever shot burst inside the pink flesh of Chad's quivering, contracting man cunt. The cum was leaking out the sides of Chad's hole and it squelched as Tom grinded his last few loads. "Ready?" He moaned at Chris.

"Fuck yes"

Tom pulled out, a river of cream rushing out with it. Only two seconds later and Chris was up inside Chad, putting a stopper on the cum flow. "Jesus, that's wet" Chris hissed. He didn't tease Chad, didn't start slow, he just began to fuck him hard.

"Oh yer, that's it, it's a nice, big fat prick and he's strong" Chad moaned out. "Fuck yes, Chris, that's so good" Chris banged into him hard and fast. He wasn't going for the long haul, he just wanted to make Chad receive a hard, hard fuck. Chad rotated round on the dick so he could lay down and Chris scooped him up close to him. Chad's body was flexing and relaxing, his abs so tight and shaking hard.

Tom sat down in his seat, his prick swollen and red from hours of fucking. He looked over to Paul and Ryan and shook his head. Justin was so obviously a plant to distract them and they were falling for it. `I can't blame them. He's a prime peace of hole' and he returned his attention to Chris stuffing Chad.

Ryan had now sat on Justin's chair and Justin was sat on his prick. The pop star rode the thick cock up and down whilst Paul blew him. Occasionally Paul's cheek would rise with a jab of Justin's prick.

"That's what I wanted, that's fucking amazing. I wish you were both up in me" Justin groaned as he rode.

No stranger to double penetration, Paul moved his mouth of the cock and his own meat to Justin's hole. Using his fingers he eased Justin's ring open and jabbed with his dick to open him up. After a minute of Justin wailing at the double entry, Ryan held Justin by the arse and allowed Paul to freely pound the cock crammed hole. Justin babbled and smiled. His job was complete and his cunt was filled with quivering, celebrity cock.

Chris Evans meanwhile was pawing at Chad's body as he pounded him. He felt the contours of Chad's body. "Your have the most beautiful flesh" He advised him. Because Chris was fucking him so hard he was unable to say thank you and just grunted. Chris had been fucking him for forty five minutes, feeling Tom's spooge coating his dick. All the time his had been inside Chad he had been thinking about Tom. The cum was Tom's, the babbling animal in front of him was Tom's doing. He imagined what it might feel like just to have one finger sliding inside Tom's pouty lips as he lost himself inside him and began to cum inside Chad.

"Tom . . . ." he moaned. Chad hadn't heard him say another name but Tom did. He smiled. Chris wasn't even sure if he had said the name as the prick juice poured out of him and mixed with Tom's load. Tom stood, realising Paul was attending to Justin (now on all fours being spit roasted, Paul in his hole and Ryan getting blown) and waited for Chris to pull out.

"You going to go again?!" Chris said with surprise.

"Yes. And I heard what you said. I want you. Now, pull your spunk covered prick out. This is all about Chad now"

Chris did as he was told and sat down away. Five seconds past before Tom was up inside Chad.

"I'm so tired" Chad said to Tom.

"It's only been about six or seven hours mate. I will help you"

He picked up Chad from the table. Chad wrapped his legs around Tom and Tom moved away. They were now free standing, Tom upright and Chad clasped around him full of Smallville prick. Tom fucked upwards, the cum from his last fuck and Chris's recent dripping on the floor.

"Chad, you're a beautiful bottom. A talented little fuck. It's only been a few minutes and I already think I am going to dump my load in you"

"Then do it, Tom. Fucking drown me"

Tom did as Chad asked filling him up with another load. This load trickled out quicker because of the position they were in and Tom let Chad off his prick and onto his knees. He covered Chad's face in spunk and stroked his hair as he did it. "You're a little cunt" Tom moaned at him with his last spurt in Chad's mouth.

At that moment Ryan grunted. He filled Justin Timberlake's mouth we sent him into a spasm on Paul's dick milking it for spooge which Paul granted, shooting a thick load deep up him. Too tired to move, Chris stayed seated and Chad remained unfilled with dick.

The door to the room opened and in walked Jensen. "It's over" he told them. "Get cleaned up for the result"

Four naked nominee's sat in their chairs. Chad had left to shower and deliver his verdict. Jensen sat in front of them.

"Chad says he loved all the cock in him. Obviously the only arse Mr. Walker fucked was Justin's so he's out. Ryan, your two hour deflowering of Chad's arse hole was amazing but you lost focus on him by cumming in Paul's mouth after he asked for your cum and then doing Justin. Chad says it's all about Chris and Tom for the winner. Chris, your forty five minute fuck was incredible and up to the standard of Tom's three and a half hours but you know why you can't win. It wasn't Chad's name you said when you came"

Jensen stood and held out the award to Tom. "Congratulations, you've won. You fucked for ages, you made him feel like a king and a whore all at once and you came in him a second time. And even thought you're way more interested in someone else in this room you focused on him. You're Hollywood Hotels best top"

Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed it.


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