Hollywood, Here I Come!

By moc.loa@1kwahymmoT

Published on Mar 26, 2012




By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


The desert was looking like only the desert at night can look, all blackness below and stars above, with my headlights making an oval of color in the blackness, composed of the pale white of the concrete roadway and the pale brown of the desert sand. A few shrubs made black lines on the whiteness, but that was all there was to see. An occasional blush of color in the form of an insect or a bush that had kept its color was all there was.

And to top it off, believe it or not, it was cold as hell. You don't think of the desert as being cold, particularly in Arizona not far from the border with Mexico, but it's colder than hell! The reason I understand is that the grass and trees help hold the heat down to the ground; without it, the heat just radiates back up into the air and is gone in no time. My own fault, I'd figured that driving at night would help me avoid the heat of day, and now I was in danger of freezing my ass off. There was a heater in the Winnebago, but it wasn't quite up to the task of keeping the place warm while driving sixty miles an hour on a road in the cold desert night.

I was drowsing, thinking about pulling off and sacking out in the one bed the little vehicle boasted, when I saw it, a glint of bright red ahead of me. It resolved into a man, waving at me, and ahead of him on the side of the road, a vehicle. He must have broken down.

I hit the brakes. You'd probably just keep driving anywhere else, but a desert, you know that you're the only other person around for who knows how many miles, and you'll stop. It was only afterward that I'd wondered how dangerous it was, stopping on a deserted road to pick up a stranded traveler who maybe preyed on the tourists. But that was well after, not then, I saw him, I stopped the car. Well, motor home, actually, that or RV, it was a Winnebago, whatever you call these big fuckers that combine the worst aspects of a truck and a trailer home.

Don't look at me like that! I didn't even own the thing. I'd taken a job driving it to Los Angeles, answered an ad in the newspaper for that, I get a free ride and a fee, and end up getting to where I was going anyway. If I hadn't have found the ad, I'd've had to take a bus! As it was, it was get in the Winnebago and start driving, Hollywood, here I come!

As I said, I stopped. The guy who'd waved ran up to the Winnebago. Latino, dark skin, beaming smile, not much older than my own twenty years old. "Hey, thank you!" he said in fairly good English. "You can help us, please?" Okay, maybe not that good.

"What's wrong?"

"Our pickup break down its motor." he said. "You give us a ride?"

"Sure." I said. "Where are you going?"

"Where you going?"

"Los Angeles." I said. "Hollywood."

"Great!" he beamed at me. "That is where we are going!" He turned and waved to his pickup. Two more Latinos, both about his same age, were chugging our way. The pickup they had pushed off the road, I noticed, as soon as they saw me stop. I guess they planned to get friends and come back to get it when they could; meanwhile, it would be a disregarded piece of discard on the desert.

I had to get up and open the door to the Winnebago to let them in. Only one person, I might have opened the passenger door, but with three, might as well let them in through the main door when the motor home was at rest. Two of them would have to sit on the sofa bed just behind the driver's seat anyhow. I left a few of the lights of the interior on, just enough to let us see each other. They're positioned to not interfere with the driver's view out the window.

Their names, I learned, was Luis (the one who'd flagged me down), Roberto and Edgardo, and was told to call the last two Bob and Eddie. They all spoke the mostly-okay English and were cheerful and friendly.

And the miles went on. I was eager to get to Los Angeles, but my last cup of coffee was working its way through me and I needed to go back and use the little bathroom we had back there.

When I started slowing the RV, all three looked concerned; was I going to dump them out on the desert? "You have a problem?" Luis ventured.

"No, no, just need to use the bathroom." I said. "We can get back on the road in a minute."

"Want me to drive?" Luis offered. "You look tired."

"Uh...I don't know." These three were obviously what should be euphemistically described as "uninvited guests" to this country. Not that I had any strong feelings about that, heck, plenty of jobs in this country for everyone. My friends all sneered at a job at McDonald's, for instance, or as a dishwasher. Why not let a guy into this country willing to work away at such a job. My worry was that he wouldn't be a licensed driver.

"I have license." Luis said. "I can drive in America legal."

"I can, too." Bob chipped in.

"Me, too."

"You want us to drive while you rest?"

"I don't know." I waffled. "It's not my RV, if there's an accident, that could be bad."

"I drive careful, promise." Luis put in. "It is night, no cars on road. No problem!"

It WOULD be nice to rest. I'd started out in Dallas and been driving almost non-stop since then. Twenty-four hours on the road, nearly, and another twelve to go. I'd have to stop before the end of it...unless I had some help with the driving. "All right." I said. "You guys drive through the rest of the night, and come morning, I'll take it back again, okay?"

"Sure, no problem!" Luis quickly got into the driver's seat. I figured I'd better sit down for this bit of business. But Luis maneuvered the RV like a pro, not a bobble involved. I could have stayed standing up. As it was, I ended up spending more time in there than I'd planned, if you know what I mean.

When I came out, I saw that Luis was driving, Eddie was in the passenger's seat, and Bob was sitting in the dining area. Leaving me the small sofa bed which doubled as passenger seating. "You didn't have to do that." I said to Bob, but not very strongly.

"You lay down and sleep now." Bob said.

I yawned. "Don't mind if I do." I said.

Looked at the bed. One person could lay down comfortably enough on it. Why not? I sat down and undid my shoes, took them off, then my socks. I looked up at Bob, who was grinning at me. So was Eddie. "Might as well be comfortable." I said.

"Sure." Bob agreed.

"Why not?" Eddie said.

"Why not take off the shirt and pants, too?" Bob added.

"Maybe I should just sleep naked then." I grinned at them.

"Sure." Bob shrugged.

"Why not?" Eddie said again.

I didn't go that far, but I did take off my shirt and pants. Wearing just a t-shirt and briefs, I pulled the couch throw that was on the sofa bed over me and lay down. The sofa bed's back cushions doubled as pillows and did a passable job doing it. Closed my eyes. I probably wouldn't sleep all that much, but damn it, I could try. Luis or Eddie played with the radio and soon Latin music was in the air, but not too loud, and not that obnoxious to me. I turned and looked through half-closed eyes over at Bob sitting at the dining area. He was sprawled in such a way that I could see his crotch from that angle. Man, he must have a pretty nice piece of meat there, I realized.

I couldn't have been laying there more than a couple minutes when I felt a hand on my leg. Not above the couch throw, but under it, sliding up my inner thigh. I opened my eyes, Bob was kneeling by the bed, his hand was under the throw and the other holding his upper body over me, his face close to mine. When he saw me looking at him, he put his finger to his lips. "Shhh!" he whispered.

I nodded, because his hand had come on up and cupped my crotch. Any dissembling I'd had in mind had evaporated from my brain. All the blood rushing from it into my cock, I guess, for I'd thrown a boner at the same time. Kind of hard to act prudish when your dick is erect and throbbing under the hand of a guy smiling down at you on the bed. I expected him to kiss me, but instead, he yanked the throw back and exposed my body. When he reached for my briefs next and skinned them off me, I figured maybe I'd get a blowjob out of the deal, but instead, he hauled me forward by the legs and I realized he planned to fuck me. "Wait, wait!" I gasped out.

"You no want it?" he asked.

"Uh...Can we grease it up first?"

I don't think he thought about that. "Okay, you do it." he said and got up. If I'd thought he was going to find something (God knows I didn't have anything for that!), I was mistaken, he unhitched his trousers, pulled out a dong that was as big and threatening as I'd thought it was when I saw it before, and shoved it at my face. "You do it." he said again.

It was suck it or have it shoved in bone dry. I dove onto it, working that thick Latin dong like crazy. I wasn't sure how long Bob was going to hold still and let me suck it before he insisted on driving it in me, so I slurped on it as messily as I could.

I was right, about twenty seconds of that and Bob said, "Okay, that is enough." and he pulled it out of my mouth with a sloppy "pop" sound and I wiped my lips, my legs got grabbed and hauled upwards again and then he was pushing into my ass and hard.

"Ah-uh-uh-uh-HUH!" I groaned as that huge dong drove its way in. I wasn't a virgin (you wouldn't have done what I'd done if you were, believe me, however desperate you were!), but that prick hurt as it went into me! Hurt like hell! I grunted and moaned as he punched it into me until he had the major body of it in me.

And that was when Bob started to fuck at me. I Iooked up at him in the dim, yellowish lights and saw a bronzed face contorted by lust into a sort of rage. His teeth were clenched, his eyes were narrowed, his eyebrows furrowed together as he drove in and out of me, his breath hissing through his teeth at each thrust, huh-huh-huh-huh-huh!

And somehow, that fit this situation just right. It wasn't a time for slow romance, this was raw rutting of strangers in the dark of an RV on a deserted desert road, the tires making a humming, drumming sound on the roadway, overlaid by the louder rumble of the engine. And above that, Bob's lustful grunting sounds as he fucked me.

I felt my climax climb up into my brain and coil about it like a snake, I had my hands on his arms, but now I reached up and got hold of his back and when my orgasm struck, I held on tight and sprayed my load onto his stomach and my chest. My only sounds were soft hisses of lust, "AH! HAH! HAH! HAH! HAH!"

I didn't put a lot of sound into it, but a lot of breathing. I guess the others heard it. Or maybe they had heard all along but didn't say anything. But then Eddie said, "You okay there?" and I looked over to see him looking at me. Me with Bob on top of me humping away, because Bob hadn't changed a bit with my climax, he was still chugging along on his own path to orgasm.

"I'm fine!" I gasped out. "Really!"

Eddie's chair swiveled around (they both did) and he turned to watch his buddy/friend/brother (I didn't know them well enough to know their relationship if any), and he said, "You having a good time?"

"Yeah." I agreed, still panting. "More than...I expected...when I...stopped."

Bob said something in Spanish to Eddie and he and Luis laughed and then Eddie translated. "He said he see you check him out and think you like to do more than look."

"I did." I agreed. Short answers were the best I could do, I was being rocked hard by Bob's thrusting.

"I can do you next?" he asked. "Me and Luis?"

I was hardly in a position to refuse, nor inclined to, all three were reasonably good-looking guys (not television star material, but not hard on the eyes, either), and if Bob was a broad muscled sort of Latino, Eddie was thinner, leaner, gentler looking. Luis was the oldest of the group, somehow both bolder and quieter than the others.

I wasn't ready to fall in love with and marry any of them. But a nice, lusty fuck in the back of a Winnebago while on a trip to Los Angeles? Whole different story!

"Sure." I said. "If there's anything left of me when Bob finishes." Because while my climax was well over, Bob was still busily fucking me.

I don't know if Bob had trouble reaching climax, I was that lousy a lay in his eyes, or the presence of his friends/brothers/lovers impeded him. But he fucked me for nearly an hour as the Winnebago wended its way through the night before he finally reached his climax. I was beginning to wonder if I was going to have to end up on top of him to finish him off! But his thrusts never really slackened up, the guy had stamina like you wouldn't believe, he kept right on ramming until he finally flushed, panted, sped up his fucking and then groaned, shoved it in deep, and unloaded a flood into my bowels.

Finally! I didn't know how much longer I could take it.

Meanwhile, Eddie had been digging about the Winnebago. He found some vegetable oil in a cabinet. You know, the stuff you fry chicken in? He had that and as Bob was panting at me, hard, Eddie, now naked, was greasing up his pud. A good thing, I think my ass was resembling a piece of raw hamburger.

Eddie crawled into the sofa bed with me, and he laid up against me spoon-fashion and worked his cock into my butt. It felt nice, all slicked up and skinnier than Bob's, it was further lubricated by hot Latino spunk in my butt and I just sighed and said, "This is the only way to travel."

Eddie took his time fucking me, not Bob's hour-long marathon, but he wasn't in any hurry, either. Maybe twenty minutes or so of his soft hunches at my butt while he kissed and nibbled my upper ear now and then and sighed sweet Spanish nothings into my ear between-times.

Finally, he sighed, just a little louder than the other times, and I felt his cock pour his seed into me. Deep breathy grunts as he shot his load, and then he was done. I heard his breath slow and ease down and then he went right to sleep. That didn't sound bad at all right then, and with his cock still buried in my butt, I felt soundly asleep.

When I awoke, it was morning, and we were in the city streets. I could hear the traffic, feel the starts and stops as he went through lights and stop signs. "We are almost there." Luis announced.

"Great." I said, and then realized. "Wait a minute. You don't know where in Hollywood I was going!"

"We are not in Los Angeles." Luis explained. "We are in Santa Ana."

"Santa Ana?" I gasped. "What are we doing in Santa Ana?"

"My sister lives here." Eddie explained. "I live with her now."

"But...but...." Santa Ana was significantly off my route and hours south of Hollywood where I'd been going. "Ah, hell." I gave up. "Okay then, let's get some breakfast and drop Eddie off and we'll head for Hollywood then, okay?"

"Hollywood, okay." Luis agreed.

We found a McDonald's and after breakfast, I let Eddie drive us to the house where his sister lived and then the three of us got on the 405 Freeway and headed north. I'd planned to drive, but Bob got into the driver's seat before I could get there. I stood looking at him stupidly, then I felt Luis' hand on my butt, and realized that I had a prior commitment.

Luis was ready to take his time, he gave me the full treatment, kissing me, fondling me, playing with my cock, letting me suck on him while he played with me, and generally giving me the next-best thing to a case of gentle love-making. Then he got me into a missionary position on the bed, him on top and me under him, with my hands and legs around him and holding on while he shoved his (greased) prick into my ass and giving me about the best fuck I've had in quite some time. I felt my climax rising in me slowly as he humped me, and I clutched, moaned, hunched back at him and generally had a terrific time. The miles rolled by as we humped in that Winnebago, just two guys screwing away a dull trip.

Luis finished up and when his groans punctuated the interior, Bob called out, "I get next turn again, yes?"

"Sure!" I said, because my own orgasm was still a short distance off. A hot humping by a horny stud would fill the bill.

The Winnebago pulled over just long enough to let Bob and Luis change places, Bob was kind enough to use the vegetable oil liberally on his dong and then he shoved into my warmed-up ass and hunched at me with his old vigor. Sure enough, two minutes of that and I again squirted my jizz up against his stomach. Bob just grinned and kept on humping. God, I could sure get to love this!

And the miles rolled on by.

"You better hurry up." Luis called some unknown time later. "We are there."

"Huh?" I gasped. But Bob had me under his control and he kept on going. Even when Bob pulled into a parking spot and got up, Bob still had me in thrall. Luis opened the door and left us there, me impaled on Bob's cock.

Bob fucked me about another fifteen minutes and then finished up, shooting like he had before, pushing in deep and holding it there, unloading into my bowels. He finished by falling down on me and squashing me flat under him while he heaved heavy, lust-drained breaths into my ear.

I patted his back after a time and said, "Can I get up now?"

"Sure." Bob agreed.

"I got to see where we are." I said. I looked out the door. A parking lot, lots of cars around. A parking attendant. I called out. "Hey!"

He looked back. "Yes, sir?"

"Where am I?" I asked. "I mean, what streets, whereabouts in Hollywood?"

"Hollywood?" He looked astonished, then laughed. "You must have gotten lost."

"Yeah, I was...pre-occupied." I agreed. "Where am I?"

"Bakersfield." And he laughed harder.

"Bakersfield?" I goggled. I was about as far north of Hollywood as I had been south of there in Santa Ana!

I went back into the Winnebago, where Bob sat watching me. "Bakersfield?"

He shrugged. "It is where Luis was going."

"Oh." I started to get mad, then my mood shifted. "I've been screwed more ways than one, here! I've been performing a taxi service all over Southern California." I looked at Bob and said. "Okay, I've gone this far. Where should I drop you off?"

Bob shrugged. "Where you live. Maybe I stay with you a while?"

I looked at Bob. If he moved in with me, I was going to get fucked steadily a hell of a lot. Of course, he was the one who'd brought me off both times I'd ejaculated on this trip. Not Eddie's general spooning or Luis' adroit manipulations had done it, pleasant though they'd been. It had been Bob's lusty thrusting that had done it each time.

Thought about it for about five seconds, all it took. "Sure. Let's go!"

Hollywood, here I come! And come, and come, and come!


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E-mail the Author at Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


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