Hollyoaks Hunks

By col bou

Published on Oct 17, 2022


Hollyoaks hunks 4

This story is totally made up and should not imply anything about the characters involved or the actors themselves. This has nothing to do with the program makers. This story is about some characters out of a British soap called Hollyaoks. This show has the copyright of channel 4 and this story has nothing to do with them.

It was a few days before Luke's trial; he was worried about decided to go for a walk in the forest. As he was walking he thought he was being followed, he looked around, no one there so he continued walking, he heard a twig snap, he turned around and saw somebody hide behind a tree. Luke decided to investigate, he walked very slowly up to the tree and discovered his rapist Mark their. "What are you doin' here? "Look Luke don't call the police, I just want to talk to you about the trial" "You got five minutes" "OK, look I'm begging you to drop the charges, this could ruin my life, I'll do anything, we could do a deal just between you and me" "What sort of deal? You got lots of money" "No" "Well what you gonna give me, then" "Well, we might not have to do a deal" Mark then produced some photographs, Luke stared in shock, and they were of him, Alex and Adam in Alex's house yesterday. "You won't win now Luke, I have evidence that you are gay, you're case has been destroyed and if you don't drop the charges this will be used as evidence" "OK, don't show anyone this, I'll drop the charges, come round later and we'll sort something out"

Mark knocked on Luke's door, Luke opened and let Mark in, and Mark walked into the living room, where he saw Adam: "What is he din' here? "He is just making sure nothing happens" Luke stood behind Mark and grabbed his wrists and handcuffed them, Adam then stepped forward and handcuffed his ankles. "What do u think you are din'?" "It's payback time," Luke said They lead Mark upstairs into Luke's room where Mark was made to stand in the middle. Mark's clothes were then torn off him; they were left in strands on the floor. Mark was then bent over Luke's desk. Luke then got a paddle and started paddling Mark's ass. "Ahhhhhhhh" Mark screamed; meanwhile Adam opened Mark's mouth and rammed it down Mark's throat. Luke and Adam smiled at each other as they subjected Mark to his 'punishment'. Luke continued to paddle Mark very hard, his ass was red as a beetroot, Luke then unzipped his flies and rammed his erect cock up Mark's ass, although Adam had cummed he was making sure that Mark sucked all his cum off his now soft cock. Luke was now fucking Mark very quickly, but he made sure that Mark was suffering because Adam shoved a 10" dildo down his throat, Mark gagged but he managed to get used to it. Luke then creamed inside Mark. The dildo was removed from Mark: "If you ever tell anyone about this then this gun ill be used" Adam produced a revolver and Mark looked very scared, "I won't use it now, but if those photographs are used as evidence or this incident is reported then you will regret it, do you understand?" " Yeah, I understand" Mark was then freed from his handcuffs Luke gave him some clothes so he could get home without suspicion.

After what had happened yesterday Max was feeling guilty. OB walked in Max's house. "I want a word with you Max Cunningham, you did something which was unforgivable yesterday, I was drunk so you decided that you would suck my cock" "Look OB, I was drunk too, I'm really sorry" "Yeah well, I can understand, you want to try everything once, so why don't we try everything twice" OB went and kissed Max, OB took Max's hand and led him upstairs into Max's bedroom, OB chucked Max onto the bed and climbed on top and started to kiss Max, while trying to remove his shirt, OB took off his shirt and and then took off Max's shirt. OB then started to suck Max's erect nipple, he tenderly licked at the nipples and then placed them in his mouth, Max moaned and reached down and unzipped his flies to reveal a 7.5" cock, OB then started to look Max's large purple mushroom head. OB then took all of Max's cock into his mouth and started sucking, Max moaned and groaned. OB continued sucking and he liked the taste of Max's pre-cum, it was salty but sweet at the same time. "Stop, OB I want to fuck you" "OK" said OB, who stripped and then slid his virgin hole down on Max's cock, Max then started thrusting, OB's hole was so tight, he couldn't hold on and creamed inside OB, "sorry, I just couldn't hold on" "It's OK, but now its your turn" As OB went down and started to rim Max, Max moaned and managed to stroke his way back to full hardness, OB then stroked his cock and entered Max's arse, it was painful for Max but it was also very pleasurable. After a few minutes, all the pain had disappeared and Max was moaning very loudly, OB was close to cumming his fucking quickened up and he then creamed inside Max. Afterwards Max and OB lay in each other's arms.

Lewis arrived home after a hard day at the club, he sat down but there was a knock at the door, he got up and opened the door, it was Taylor who Lewis did not like, but Lewis's secret was that he fancied Taylor. "Hi, Ruth is not in" "Oh, OK, look I wanted to ask you something anyway" "K, come in" Lewis shut the door and Taylor sat down, "So what do you want to ask me?" Its just that I came to se you at the club and I went to the office and I saw you and Ben in a errrmmm lets just say a compromising position" "Oh shit, I didn't think anyone had seen us" "It's OK, I'm not gong to tell Ruth but you are going to have to help me out" Taylor unzipped his flies and released his 8" erect cock, "suck this" ordered Taylor, this was a dream come true for Lewis who instantly kneeled down in front of Taylor and started to lick his cock, Taylor moaned as Lewis opened his mouth and put wrapped his lips around the first 5" of his cock. Lewis managed to get all of Taylor's cock in his mouth and Taylor started to face fuck Lewis quickly, Taylor moaned and groaned and shot his load in Lewis's mouth: "Thanks mate, see you later" Lewis was stunned as Taylor zipped up and walked out.

Thanks for all your comments and suggestions, I still need some more ideas, no ideas and no more chapters will be written, e-mail me at Hollyoaks84@hotmail.com

Next: Chapter 5

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