Hollyoaks Hotties

By Mike McKenzie

Published on Jan 6, 2011


After his steamy encounter with Bart McQueen, Carl Costello's hunger for young boy flesh was becoming insatiable. He'd been so busy lately and had family problems to contend with which meant he'd not had time to scout around the village to see who he could seduce next. Tonight was different, he was horny as fuck and top of his priority list was to fuck the arse off a new conquest. Walking across to Chez Chez nightclub he adjusted his growing package as he clocked some of the hot lads hanging around outside, this was going to be easy he confidently thought.

Strutting up the stairs, his tight firm arse bouncing in his jeans, Carl surveyed the room and decided to get himself a drink before approaching someone who took his fancy. Just as he was about to order, he spotted something interesting out of the corner of his eye – nightclub owner Brendan was leading his employee Ste into the office and it looked as though they were holding hands. Carl was instantly intrigued, could there be something going on there? Ste was gorgeous and slim, just Carl's type, whereas Brendan was lean and strangely attractive even with the 70s pornstar moustache. Carl decided not to waste any more time pondering and just go for it, his boner was almost at full mast in the confines of his jeans.

Carl inconspicuously walked to the office and listened against the closed door. He had difficulty hearing over the pounding club music but he was sure he could hear a soft moan... he thought about it, if he went in and nothing was going on he'd just pretend he thought it was the toilet, and if something was going on he'd join right in. Luckily for Carl, the latter was true. He pushed the door open and slipped inside, instantly coming face to face with a naked Brendan and Ste. Ste was on all fours on the office desk with Brendan's face buried between his arse cheeks, lapping at his sweet hole. Time stood still for a few seconds as the three men exchanged surprised glances before Brendan pulled off Ste's cunt and jumped to his feet, his long cock and juicy balls bouncing as he leapt toward Carl, pinning him against the wall.

"Get the fuck OUT!" he snarled, but Carl knew he had the upper hand so he gripped Brendan's steely shaft and began wanking it, watching as Brendan's mouth hung open and a moan slipped out.

"Should've locked the door Brendan... now this means I either join in or I invite the rest of the club in here to see what you two get up to" Carl whispered, still fondling Brendan's leaking cock.

Knowing there was no choice, Brendan released his grip on Carl and walked back over to Ste who was excitedly trembling on the desk, still assuming the position.

"Brendan, this is so excitin'..." he began to mutter, but Brendan slapped him hard across the face and slammed his 8 inch tool down Ste's throat, causing him to gag and shed a few tears in shock. Carl unzipped his jeans and finally let his hot throbbing dick free, not knowing where to start. Brendan stared at him, licking his lips.

"Have a go on his cunt" he groaned, as Ste sucked him with all his energy.

Carl didn't needed asking twice and knelt between Ste's legs, sniffing around his supple cheeks and exploring his tight little twat with his thick fingers. Ste began to press back to meet Carl's probing, begging Carl to play with his arse. Carl started to replace his fingers with his tongue, carrying on from where Brendan had left off. Ste's hole was loosening up nicely, it was obvious Brendan had his cock up there on a regular basis and Carl could taste a trace of cum probably from earlier that day. It made Carl's cock leak a dollop of precum on the office floor.

Not being able to stand it any longer, Carl needed to put his big nob in something right now before he died of anticipation. Ste was still being throat-fucked by Brendan and both of them were in their own romantic world, gazing into each other's eyes. Carl didn't mind, he focused on Ste's arse and climbed on the desk holding onto Ste's hips. Mounting him, he pressed the head of his angry cock against Ste's puckered hole which automatically began to suck it in. Carl moaned as he entered, feeling the velvet insides of this firm young stud accept his cock and milk it softly. Carl eased in inch after inch until he was balls deep in Ste – a feeling that was like nothing else on earth. Brendan looked up at Carl, realising what had happened and grinned.

"What an arse huh?" he smirked, knowing the ecstasy Carl would now be feeling as he started to thrust in and out.

Ste was a natural born bottom and knew how to work his hole to milk the men that plugged it. Brendan felt himself getting close to orgasm but didn't want to cum yet, this was too good to be over. He reluctantly pulled himself out of Ste's saliva filled mouth and strolled round the back of Carl Costello. Carl was still wearing his t-shirt and jeans, not even bothering to get undressed he'd been that eager to fuck Ste. Knowing what he wanted to do, Brendan picked up a letter opener from the desk and slashed the back of Carl's thrusting backside, tearing the jeans enough for him to dig his hands in and tear open the denim. Carl had gone commando so straight away his bare gorgeous arse was in view and Brendan marvelled at the sight of his hairy crack thrusting in front of his face. Brendan wasted no time and rammed his thick middle finger up Carl's sweaty arsehole. Carl grunted and turned back to Brendan as he continued to ram a delirious Ste.

"Not many people get the pleasure, but seeing as I'm a bit busy then go for it mate" he said to Brendan with a sheer lust in his eyes.

Brendan bit his bottom lip as he felt Carl's chute contract around his fingers, he pulled out and brought them to his face sniffing the heady scent of sweat and man, sucking the arse juice off his fingers and moaning at the taste. Brendan had to have more and he kept digging two fingers in, plucking them out, sucking them and repeating this for a few minutes. He eventually threw himself against Carl face-first, slurping and tonguing frantically at the gorgeous pink cunt that was tight as a virgin's. The hairs tickled his cheeks and he massaged the underside of Carl's cock as it pounded into Ste's cunt, Brendan loved the feeling of Carl's thick bone slipping into that tunnel, he decided to join it and slipped a finger in to meet Carl's thrusts. Ste felt it immediately and moaned loudly.

"Fuck Brendan, that's it, slip some more in, I need more in my hole... oh fuck, god I love you Brendan, I love you for allowin' this to happen, this is such a good fuck!" Ste cried, gasping intensely at the pleasure he felt.

Ignoring Ste's plea, Brendan decided to get a bit rougher and walked back round to Ste's beautiful face which was now a bright shade of pink and contorting in joy. Brendan positioned his face only centimetres from Ste's.

"A good fuck huh? Better than me Steven?" he snarled, gripping Ste's jaw.

"N.. no" Ste gasped, suddenly worried that Brendan was going to become nasty.

"You sure? Seems like you might have forgotten just how much of a man I am and how much I can make you a screaming submissive little cockhound pussy!" Brendan continued.

He lunged forward and smacked his mouth against Ste's, rolling his tongue around his younger lover's mouth, licking the sexy lips, his perfect teeth, really frenching him like his life depended on it. Brendan loved Ste so intensely but he dared not ever show it, there always had to be a touch of malice. Releasing his mouth and falling back on the floor, both men gasped like they'd just run a marathon, looking at each other with the hungriest lust known to man. At that moment, Carl pressed his torso against Ste's back and bit into his shoulder to stop himself from screaming, sending copious amounts of boiling cum straight up Ste's hungry twat. Ste moaned in ecstasy as he felt the eruption, his hole spasming against the turgid prick buried inside. Brendan watched mesmerised, watching Ste be taken like this was a new experience and one he hoped they could repeat.

Breathlessly, Carl dismounted the young barman and sat in the office chair, spent and content. Ste stayed exactly where he was, on all fours with Costello cum dripping from his used hole.

"My turn now" Brendan ordered. Nobody argued.

Ste's knees and hands hurt like hell, but he didn't care because he was getting his boyfriend's amazing cock up his pussy and that was priceless to him. Brendan flipped Ste over so he was on his back and leant over him, softly kissing his neck and face before moving down to his nipples. At the same time he was gently fingering Ste to sooth his sexy bum ready for the next session, Ste closed his eyes and melted at Brendan's touch while Carl sat watching, fondling his softening prick. Brendan moved down to Ste's own dick, which was completely stiff and begging for release – he gave it a few soft licks and sucks, not wanting to cause orgasm yet before moving down to Ste's perineum, kissing and sucking at the hard mound before lapping at Carl's tasty spunk that pooled out of Ste's tightened hole. Ste was trembling with the pleasure, desperate to feel Brendan inside him.

His wish was immediately granted, as Brendan slipped his large thick weapon into Ste causing him to smile and moan in satisfaction. The itch was scratched and although Carl's fuck had been awesome, Brendan, his lover, made him feel incredibly special and horny. As Brendan began to powerfully ram Ste, he leaned over and they began to kiss again, sparks flying between them and Brendan's cock creating a bond that grew stronger every time they fucked. They weren't just fucking though, they were making love. Ste wrapped his legs around Brendan's waist and buried his heels into his boyfriend's ass and wrapped his arms around his neck as they snogged like the rest of the world didn't exist while they bucked back and forth, feeling sheer sensations of electric pleasure.

Neither man could last much longer as they panted into each other's mouths Ste and Brendan came simultaneously with immense force, Brendan shooting his steaming load into Ste's willing cunt and mixing it with Carl's already huge load while Ste's prick rubbing against Brendan's hard stomach erupted between them coating them in his sweet young load. They both collapsed into each other's arms, still kissing and caressing each other's faces. Carl Costello cleared his throat intentionally – they'd been so focused on their lovemaking they'd forgotten they had company.

"Hot show lads, you two are made for each other" Carl smiled, "but I think it's time for me to head home. Let's not make this a one off yeah? Oh and I'm taking your jeans by the way Brendan, seeing as you destroyed mine in your sex crazed state!" Carl chuckled, zipping himself up and stepping toward the door. He gave the two men a wry smile as he opened the office door slightly and slipped outside as if none of it had happened. Brendan and Ste looked at each other and started to laugh, amazed by just how good that impromptu session had just turned out to be. Though their laughter was cut short as the office door once again flew open and a new visitor stepped inside.

"Should've locked the door Brendan" gulped Ste, as the three men in the room stared at each other in silence.

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