Hollyoaks Hotties

By Mike McKenzie

Published on Sep 5, 2010


Carl Costello was stressed. His wife Heidi had recently found out that he'd shagged her cousin Mitzeee, his sons were lazy teenagers and his daughters were barely speaking to him. When Carl was in this frame of mind there was always only one thing that could clear his head and make him feel better - shagging the arse off a young lad.

Nobody had a clue about Carl's hidden bisexuality apart from the countless young men and boys he'd had sessions with over the years. It was easy when he was still a pro footballer, but now he'd retired it was a bit trickier to find and score with a sexy lad. As he started to think about the different guys he'd encountered so far in the village he realised he was completely alone in the flat above the pub so it was the perfect opportunity to act on his impulses.

Picking up the phone he soon had an idea... he felt a pang of guilt as he searched his daughter Jasmine's room, found her diary and punched in the number that was written on one of the pages.

"Hello Bart?" Carl spoke. "This is Jasmine's dad, Carl - listen, I feel like we've got off on the wrong foot and wondered if you fancied coming round to the pub for a beer and a chat? No tricks, I genuinely wanna give you a chance to see if you're good enough for my little girl. Get round here straight away yeah?"

Carl hung up and breathed out deeply before smirking at how easy Bart had responded to the offer of beer.

Less than 10 minutes later and Carl was lingering around the entrance to the pub when Bart arrived.

"Follow me up to the flat mate, a bit quieter up there", Carl ordered.

Bart gave him a slightly nervous, but still cocky, look and did as he was told. Arriving in the flat, Bart was pleased to see Carl hadn't spared on the booze and had set out a 6 pack on the kitchen table.

"Help yourself, no need to be nervous, like I said I just fancy getting to know you better" Carl spoke clearly, asserting his authority and at the same time adjusting his growing package under his tight dark jeans.

"Me and Jasmine aren't gonna split up y'know, no matter what you say" Bart said cheekily. "And the more you push her away the closer we're gonna get".

"Enough with the big man talk, I know Jasmine's got her own mind now. I just want to get to know you better so I know my little girl is being treated right" Carl responded, now taking a seat on the sofa.

Bart joined him and waved an empty beer can in Carl's face. "Anymore where that came from?" he grinned. Carl motioned toward the kitchen again and Bart quickly jumped up to fetch his bait. Carl watched as Bart's tight backside protruded slightly under his tracksuit bottoms. He unconsciously licked his lips and couldn't bear to wait much longer to tap that ass, feeling his erection now growing uncomfortably down the side of his leg. 'Bide your time Carl' he had to tell himself, knowing it'd soon be worth the wait.

15 minutes later and Bart was near the bottom of his fourth can of beer. Carl had managed to conceal his lust and kept the small talk going, slowly turning the conversation more in the direction of sex in a hope that Bart would soon become aroused too.

"So how many girls have you slept with Bart? I need to know if you're man enough to treat Jasmine as she deserves" Carl probed.

"Erm, loads..." Bart lied, "just girls from where I used to live - don't worry, I'm a sex machine" he laughed, his confidence growing as his drunkenness increased.

"I bet there's still a few things you could be taught though, seeing as you're only, what, 17?" Carl quizzed.

"Nah I'm 15 actually, but got the experience of a 30 year old" Bart laughed.

Carl felt his cock twitch at the thought of Bart being only 15, this was going to be youngest conquest of his life and Carl being almost 30 years his senior made it even hornier. Time to get things moving, he couldn't wait any longer.

"So Bart", Carl leaned in and quietly murmured in Bart's ear, "you talk the talk but can you walk the walk? Show me some of this experience and prove you're the man that can look after my daughter. I was cocky like you at your age but now I've got years of experience to back it up and can teach you things you'd never dreamt existed."

Carl looked into Bart's intoxicated drunken eyes and boldly reached between his legs and groped at the hard package that now tented those tracksuit pants. Bart moaned quietly and closed his eyes as Carl rubbed up and down the length through the cheap material covering it. Letting go and sitting back against the sofa, Carl unzipped his jeans and finally released his beast from its constraints, his throbbing 9 inch cock bursting out into the cool air, aching to be touched. Bart opened his eyes and blinked several times as he saw the sight that greeted him.

"What the fuck, I'm no queer!" he yelled, shaking his head as if to try and remove the image as he stumbled toward the flat door.

Carl quickly tackled him to the ground, jumped up and locked the door - there was no way Bart was leaving this flat without being fucked. Bart was dazed but managed to run into the bathroom, though Carl quickly followed and Bart's attempts to shut himself in were stopped as Carl's superior strength and determination let him push the door open and lock it behind both him and Bart - now stood in the Costello bathroom with just them and their hard-ons.

Bart was trapped and too drunk to really fight as Carl reached across and caressed his face with one hand and his still erect cock with the other. Carl let go and removed his own jeans and underwear before pulling his t-shirt over his head and tossing it into the bath. Carl was now totally naked and erect, a vision of male beauty with years of muscle build-up and a hairy torso that just begged to be licked and worshipped. Bart was tremoring as Carl confidently unzipped his jacket and removed his t-shirt... pulled down his pants and underwear and kissed his way down his legs before removing his socks and licking between his toes.

Standing up, Carl surveyed Bart's young slender frame with slight muscle definition and no hair apart from where it mattered.

"What are you gonna do to me?" Bart whispered, his tone half scared but half anticipating.

"Everything." Carl gasped, as he leaned his head forward and forced his tongue into the McQueen's willing mouth. Both of them shuddered as they felt their cocks touch for the first time, Bart's 7 incher being massaged by Carl's longer and thicker weapon. Carl passionately rolled his tongue around Bart's as his hands wondered down the teen's back and groped his firm little bum, feeling the smoothness of the cheeks and crack as his middle finger teased around the hole.

Bart pulled back from the kiss; "nobody's ever touched me there, I haven't even tried" he gasped, as Carl tickled his intimate area.

"Well get ready to learn how much pleasure you can get from it", Carl responded before dropping to his knees and turning Bart around so his delicious arse was now in line with his face. Bart leaned forward and placed his hands against the bathroom wall, forcing his arse back against Carl. Carl licked his lips as he spread the pale cheeks and gazed at the tightest pinkest hole he'd ever seen. This was divine, Carl was about to have one of the best meals of his life. Not wanting to waste a second more, he dove into his prize and began to ferociously lap, suck and tongue at Bart's virgin cunt. Bart was grunting softly in pleasure, he never knew his arse was capable of giving him such intense pleasure and he didn't want this to stop. He pressed his bum against Carl's eager face, helping Carl's tongue work against his hole and begin to loosen it for later. Carl loved the taste of this teenagers rosebud, he worked his tongue inside and rolled it around, feeling the sphincter tighten and clamp against it.

"Aaah god that's amazing" cried Bart, "please suck me off Mr. Costello, I can't hold it in anymore."

Carl quickly removed his mouth from Bart's ass and pulled his cock from between his open legs, engulfing the juicy length in one swift move. Bart had a tasty cock and Carl enjoyed blowing it while he teased the teen's plump balls. Bart was moaning and biting his fist as he bucked his hips into Carl's mouth. 30 seconds later and he erupted, almost headbutting the wall as his body convulsed and hot streams of spunk filled Carl's mouth. Carl was a pro at swallowing cum and expertly gulped the seed and licked the remnants from Bart's bellend. Releasing the cock from his mouth, Carl sat back gasping for breath and enjoying the taste of sperm in his mouth.

Bart collapsed into onto the side of the bath and couldn't look Carl in the eye. Even though he'd only had sex once and was very inexperienced, he felt ashamed that he'd let himself engage in gay sex with his girlfriend's dad and had never realised he could have these feelings for a man.

Carl understood Bart's reaction, he'd seen it many times before but there was no room for emotion right now. Carl knew Heidi would be back within the next 20 minutes so it was time for a Carl Costello power fuck.

"Listen Bart, I need to cum and I need to cum quick. You're going to do as I say and trust me when I say you'll enjoy it. Now lie on your back in the bath."

Bart jumped up ran for the door but Carl blocked him. "I'm not doing anything else, fuck off!" Bart screamed, but Carl grabbed his mouth and planted a huge kiss on it, at the same time wrestling Bart into the bathtub.

"You have to let me fuck you Bart, it's only fair." he said as he held down Bart's wrists began to pull his legs up to his chest so his arse was exposed.

"Fuck you, you cunt!" Bart yelled and spat in Carl's face. Carl slapped him hard which dazed Bart and helped Bart restrain him. He used the cord from Heidi's dressing gown to tie his hands behind his back and used his arms to hold his legs wide and in place. Bart was stuck, he had no choice but to take the fuck and try to enjoy it.

Carl gripped his raging tool and pulled it a few times, feeling the sensation of orgasm approaching he knew this wouldn't take long. He stuck two fingers into Bart's hole which made him yelp out loud and roughly thrust them in and out a few times before mounting Bart and slipping the head of his cock inside the warm tight opening. Carl pressed his mouth against Bart's to muffle the scream as he forced inch after inch of that thick footballer cock into Bart's virgin bum. Carl lay his hairy chest against Bart's smooth teen torso and began to quickly pummel into him, thrusting wildly and loosening the hole with every move as the two of them grunted into each other's mouth. It only took 2 minutes of this for Carl to feel Bart's prostate harden and was surprised when Bart came spontaneously for a second time, coating their stomachs with hot cum. This tipped Carl over the edge and he roared as Bart's cunt clamped down and he sprayed his insides with Costello juice, feeling it slide down his cock and spill out into the bath from the tight asshole.

Falling on top of Bart, Carl breathlessly nibbled at his ear and whispered into it; "you will never speak a word of this or I will make your life hell. I know you enjoyed it so if you want more of where this came from then you will do exactly as I say."

Carl looked into Bart's bewildered eyes as Bart nodded silently and brushed away a tear. Carl knelt up and untied Bart, helping him out the bath he also aided him in getting dressed and walked him to the flat door. He gave him the last 2 cans of lager and a peck on the cheek, sending the stunned lad on his way. Carl quickly tidied up, removing all evidence and settling in front of the TV - he felt all his worries had evaporated, Bart had certain done his job.

Seconds later, Heidi waltzed in with arms full of shopping bags; "hi babe, you know what that Bart McQueen is a miserable little sod, he just nearly knocked me over while I was carrying all these into the pub! You know what he needs - a rocket up his backside!"

Hope you all enjoyed this story, Hollyoaks is full of fresh meat and it has inspired me to write a small series. Part 2 should be on it's way in the next few weeks, if you have any suggestions for characters or storylines please email me.

Next: Chapter 2

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