Holler my name

By Blake Underwood

Published on May 15, 2024



Readers & Writers,

I'm looking forward to your feedback. This is a true story...

Follow me on my new IG: wild9ranger for sexy, silly, outdoorsy stuff. I live in the Caribbean and I love to write.

Blake Underwood wild9ranger@gmail.com

Holler My Name

Jarraden, 16, has a good-sized dick and sex it turns out feels epic. Until his best friend shares a secret that threatens to bust things wide open...

Double Digits

As he bucked his hips a final time, he felt Sayern's pussy blossom around his dick. Beneath him, she arched her head to his Spiderman pillowcase and began to quiver. Jarraden felt like his cock had hit a power circuit inside her as she moaned in ecstasy, her chestnut hair slick to her face.

He supported her flexed back with one arm, the other held him in a press-up, and he pulled her closer, allowing her vibrations to shudder through him sending an energy bolt up his spine and over his head, starting what felt like an infinity loop between their taut bodies.

His mind suddenly went vacant, or full...he couldn't tell which. Say looked like a Goddess beneath him, and he felt fucking jacked, like if he slam-dunked a basketball it would blow the whole school out of the stands, like an orgasm neutron bomb exploding.

They had been at it for hours and he still hadn't cum.

If Jarraden hadn't experienced this for himself...he would never have believed this was his life. Was this why he hadn't told his best friend, Amit?

Earlier, Sayern's chestnut hair had been draped over the graphic pillowcase, perfectly hiding Spiderman's bulging crotch. She probably found the bedroom décor juvenile, but Jarraden gave zero fucks -- Spiderman had skills.

Say was the school's Cleopatra.

She had snickered seeing the posters on the walls -- LeBron, Mbappé, Adele -- as he left to go shower and inspect his bruised shoulder. She would be scrutinising his books, and figurines, he was sure. He soaped-up quickly, nursing where the paintball pellet had hit, letting the water run off his freshly buzzed hair.

When he returned, towel knotted around his tight waist, The Weekend had come on his radio, playing softly in the background, as if timed by the Gods, and still dressed in her jeans and grimy t-shirt, Say hummed along:

`Call out my name when I kiss you so gently...' He moved to her, parted her hair, and her lips quivered.

Should he go down on her immediately, as Reddit commenters had advised? Her touch was cautious, a finger gently drawing awkward circles on the bruise. Jarraden's gaze was steady -- and he couldn't take his eyes from hers.

When he fumbled to unclip her bra she presented him her neck and her moans urged him further, to undress her fully; and when she lay down and he rolled her panties over her thighs, the perfume he smelled was of violets.

Thank fuck the house was free. His parents and brother were probably at a Wendy's diner by now, finally giving he and Say some time alone, after months of cautious flirting at school. When they had won the basketball league, Say had leaned in to give him a congratulatory kiss, and he hadn't backed away.

He had glanced around for the flex; but the crowd had gone, even Amit probably already part-way home.

True sex education was elusive -- he had only seen it done on porn clips; and then one time he heard his brother moaning from the next room, Jarraden had barged in thinking Maxim was ill. It turned out his brother's pound game was on point, and that Maxim's girlfriend clearly loved being railed.

Now with Say naked, crossed-legged between his outstretched thighs, Jarraden playfully reclined, both hands behind his head, letting her take the lead. She laughed, and her fingers grazed through his happy trail, making his dick brick.

Jarraden was stoked. The afternoon sun reflected off his winner's trophy, creating a shimmering about them, and the scent of the lilac trees wafted in through the open windows.

Jarraden imitated some slow gyrations taking his time before rutting Say thoroughly, guided by her whimpers; and he waited for the resistance inside her to release, allowing him to penetrate deeper than he thought possible. A rivulet of perspiration trickled down the furrow of his back, drenching his nuts.

Together they writhed and he lost himself in the dark grove of his mind. As the sunlight softened and the sky turned amber they appeared as if bathed in fire. Sweaty and entangled, deeper and deeper, he wanted them to stay knotted forever.

And that was when the two of them had mind-merged, or whatever it was that fucking happened. And he just knew that this was the first orgasmic wave of many that night.

Outside cicadas chirped. It was cooler now. She propped up on an elbow, her brow furrowing. "You swear you never did it before!?

"You were amazing," Say said, dazed, almost struggling to form her words. Jarraden propped up too, a smile creeping across his lips, but he said nothing. She gave his chest a playful tap. He felt giddy, his mind blown wide open. He swore steam was rising from his head.

He had had no idea he could do that!

Her milky body, entwined in his dark sheets, emitted a glow that was almost unwatchable. Her cheeks were flushed peach. "I should go...before your folks get back," she said.

He nodded, admiring her dewy slit that had opened up so fully, totally mesmerising him, that suddenly he wondered if he was actually her first. He flopped back, spent, and stayed there until he heard the door latch click and then erupted into exuberant laughter, admiring his plump dick. `The perfect fit,' was how she had described his body inside hers.

When the school bell clanged for the start of class, Jarraden startled.

In the bustle of the school corridor, on their first day of the new term, Jarraden spied her outside the science lab albeit from behind, and his mouth instantly felt sandy. They had gotten together at the start of the Summer vacation, and then she had basically ghosted him.

He tugged awkwardly at his crotch. His new compression shorts were lame -- they clearly wouldn't be enough.

His body had changed...because of Say? ...Or something else? He still wasn't sure.

Say remained facing the lab, but Jarraden caught Amit's gaze and watched him playfully bite his lower lip. Amit averted his eyes, and looking back to Say starting an animated conversation that made her giggle.

Jarraden sighed, feeling uneasy, and heading in the opposite direction. He hoped his Literatures of Asia class would quell the monstrous chub in his pants, and get Amit from his mind too.

What had Amit said just now?

What had Amit told her?

Things were no longer fucking normal between them...and his experience with Say was only the half of it...

Amit Shetty had been Jarraden's first friend when Jarraden joined the school from outside the county. Jarraden swayed awkwardly as he was introduced to the class, scanning the room for a smile.

Amit had grinned widely, his top-knot giving him the air of a guru. He had rings on his fingers and the sun glinted off a dangling gold earring. His teeth were beautiful, and brilliant against his brown skin.

A red gemstone somewhere on his left hand stood out and Jarraden smiled as if to say `cool look Bro,' and Amit had blushed.

They had become a top basketball pair, meeting on weekends to practice and goof about. Some guys had dubbed them Jamit,' joking The Bromance is strong, Bros'. They all just laughed about it.

Sayern wasn't part of their guy circle, but everyone knew who she was. Unreachable, almost.

Summer Starts

Weeks before...

When Summer had arrived Jarraden hoped he could convince their parents to allow he and Amit to go camping. Amit was Mr Outdoors, starting fires with sticks and building himself a treehouse.

While Jarraden taught Amit Tekken moves on the PlayStation, Amit had shown him how to track the constellations and taken him to skinny dip in the stream behind his house. Amit was also obsessed by choose-your-own-adventure books. He would get super animated talking and could monologue for ages about runes and spells, his top-knot bobbing away. Jarraden would watch Amit's tongue flicker, captivated that this guy was sort of adorable with his little obsessions.

On the first weekend of vacation, Amit invited Jarraden to go from a swim in the small river behind his house. It was secluded and they had been before, egged on my Amit saying how beneficial it was to commune with nature.

Amit was lean, always using his defined abs as a flex. "What do you think Say would say if she saw this?" he said, sitting on a large bolder and breathing out to show his 8-pack. He ran a hand over his long wet hair, and in the dappled light of the trees he did look hot, like a model from a GQ photoshoot.

The river flowed cool and steady.

"She would say you were alright," Jarraden said, with a snort. His voice cracked a little, and the two of them caught each other's gaze. Jarraden was startled at his own words. The water passed over his thighs and he felt goosebumps ripple from his buttocks to the nape of his neck.

"Thanks Bro," Amit said, diving in and swimming over. Jarraden pushed him away with a cheesy grin.

"You know, I have skills too," Jarraden said.

"Oh yeah! What?"

For a moment they bobbed, looking into each other's eyes, Amit's loose hair snaking in the water. They were like a yin and yang -- Amit wiry and ethereal, Jarraden thicker and grounded.

"Well, for one..." Jarraden started, "...I'm the brains of this unit..." He grinned. "...and the brawn. Bro, I can out bench press you any day."

Amit looked down through the clear water. "Yeah, but I've got the inches," he said, and raised an eyebrow.

They laughed. Jarraden splashed at the water between them to obscure the view. It was genuinely something he had never noticed, despite the number of times they had been naked together in the locker room.

"It's only important if you know how to use them," Jarraden joshed, knowing full well neither of them had much clue. He plunged under, gliding between Amit's legs to erupt behind him. With a splash he tapped Amit's head. "Tag!" he blurted, and Amit plunged underwater to give chase.

Walking back to Amit's house across the garden, Jarraden could smell the delicious curry, even over the herbal fragrance that wafted from the tulsi plants Mr Shetty plucked at.

Jarraden poked his head in at the kitchen door. Mrs Shetty was stirring an iron pot on the stove. "Boys, you're dripping wet," she said, giving it a chastising clank with the spoon. Amit's sister was coolly slicing tomatoes. "Jaren, you staying for dinner?" Tarin said, barely looking up.

It did smell good.

The boys went upstairs, Amit to the bathroom, and Jarraden to Amit's bedroom to change. Amit's space was so cool -- wall-to-wall with books and it had the vibe of a fantasy novel apothecary. The curtains were dark, and from over his bed hung a white dreamcatcher. Only one section by Amit's desk was less cluttered, a shelf with a few brass murtis arranged in rows, and crystals and metal squares with engraved geometric patterns: Amit had described the yantras as representations of energies from which one could seek blessings.

Jarraden admired the picture of Amit and Tarin on holiday. They could have been twins, although she was older by one year. She was pretty too. He wished that he got on better with Maxim.

Jarraden scanned some books. There was a row of grimoires and one called Goetia Pathworking. Jarraden slid it from the shelf and sat in Amit's rocking chair by a window, noting Amit's scribble in pencil by some of the sigils. The page headed Sitri' was dog-eared and Amit had drawn a smiley emoji alongside its description for sex powers'.

"Interesting, right?" Amit said, returning, his hair now tied up. He was wearing a loose white t-shirt and shorts that almost swallowed him up.

"Does it work?"

He moved to look over Jarraden's shoulder reading aloud from the page, Amit's minty breath tingling Jarraden's neck. His pores raised and a warm pulsing started somewhere below his navel. The lightness of the sensation made Jarraden's groin stir and he gasped.

"Amit...are you using this fucking magic on me?" Jarraden was agitated, a lump in his throat as he spoke. But he had no clue was he was asking, really.

Amit's came around to face him. He put both hands on the chair and leaned in, his dark eyes warm and inviting. He whispered: "Of course not, Bro..." His expression was steady. "...Why? Would you want me to?"

Jarraden edged back and held his breath, unsure what Amit was doing. For a moment, time seemed to stop. Then Amit laughed and put out his fist for Jarraden to give him a bounce. Jarraden reciprocated, feeling unsettled.

Why did Amit goof around like that!?

"I do have a mantra you might like though" Amit said, breaking the tension. Amit stepped over to the window to look out across the garden. "Dad says if the grace of the God is yours, it will bring your true desires." It was getting late. Jarraden would probably spend the night. He had some clean clothes here.

"I dunno...," Jarraden said. He was confused. What would he really want anyway?

Stuffed on Mrs Shetty's wonderful food, Jarraden slept fitfully next to Amit. He wasn't sure if it was the green chilies were making him sweat, or if it was something else. The whole bedroom felt energetically awake.

Amit kicked his shins a few times while asleep, and tugged at the sheet.

Lying awake Jarraden stared at the dreamcatcher, thought of Tarin, who seemed sometimes coy around him; and of Say who seemed to like him. Then there was Amit's larking about by the river...

Amit was sort of sexy, with his flashy rings and his books...and those abs. Had Say ever seen him naked?

His mind flashed to the pretty loops of Amit's Samskritam -- the Kamadeva mantra that Amit had written on the corner of a notepad, and slid into Jarraden's pocket:

ॐ क्लीं कामदेवाय नमः

At times that night his mind swirled in a hypnotic loop. He watched Amit sleeping, his slim chest rising and falling like gentle ocean waves. Only when Amit flipped over, his bare back almost touching Jarraden's face, did Jarraden snap out of it.

That night, he had the wildest dream.

In the morning, his boner was hard like diamond.

Morning Woods

Thankfully, he woke-up first. Scrambling to the bathroom, Jarraden took a cold shower. He rinsed his stubbly hair, and soaped up from his feet, over his thick thighs, taking time to massage his glutes. Eventually he felt his nuts begin to churn. The cum bubbled up like warm custard, lumping over his knuckles before glugging around the plughole. He moved it with his big toe, wondering if the shampoo would mask the scent.

Amit ate breakfast like he was famished. Tarin ate like a princess.

"Hungry much, Bro?" Jarraden said, watching him messily stuff his face with pancakes, and slurp down coffee.

It was amazing that such a skinny dude could chow down so much. Like, where did it all go?!

"Nah, I'm good," he said, grinning, pancake spraying from his mouth. "Bro...we should paintball later."

Jarraden glanced at Tarin who shielded her plate. "Ewww...Amit.

"Nah, Broooo..." she said mocking them, and Amit laughed, causing more mess.

At the outdoor paintball centre, they changed into the usual gear -- chest pads and a visor. There was a birthday group already in the woods.

Jarraden and Amit would be playing with some jock guys about to head out, split up by red and yellow armbands and paint colours to match; with one flag to protect.

The pair stayed together. It was a fun, scrambling about between trees. At some point Jarraden scrambled under some bushes to camouflage. Amit lagged behind, so when they found a cabin hideout, they decided to rest. It smelled of forest funk, but whatever.

Amit looked greasy and tired.

"Bro, you look off," Jarraden said.

Amit's bloated stomach growled. "I think I need to shit, Bro."

Jarraden rolled his eyes, started to quarrel in a whisper: "I told you before, not to eat so much." He stood up, to peer from a window space. Suddenly a pellet zipped past, hitting Jarraden square on the shoulder.

Jarraden lurched back. "What the heck!" Blue paint! It wasn't even from their damn game. "Shit that hurt."

They peered out, looking for the dick who had misfired.

"You ok?" Amit said. Then Amit saw a hand waving and someone called to them in a low voice from a few metres away. "Sorry...sorry..." she said. It was a slim girl hiding behind some trees.

"Say!" they both said, in unison.

Jarraden smudged at the paint. She was too cute to be mad at her. Even behind her visor, he could see her stifling a laugh. She darted off. He had never really seen her outside of school.

Amit had to leave. Jarraden decided, he would stay, finish the game. "Go get `em Bro. Report back what happens," Amit had said.

Summer's end...

Jarraden had reported back to Amit about the paintballing.

But he said nothing about leaving the game with Say; nothing about taking her home; nothing about the epic, epic fuck. Forget popping his cherry -- they had fucked it to jam.

He just wasn't sure how to talk about it.

After that one, truly awesome night, she just dropped off the radar for the rest of the Summer. She had literally said they were `the perfect fit': he was a fucking...sex...God, it turned out.

Then she vanished.

He didn't try to call her. Instead, he checked his WhatsApp, obsessively.

Jarraden had resorted to Reddit and blogs to make sense of what had happened that night, and had developed an idea about it. But honestly, he couldn't fully explain to Amit what had happened -- sex, yes... but the fucking weird energy thing. What even was that!?

He and Amit never really talked about this stuff.

Amit was a virgin too, right? His goofy sex magic spells just a laugh, Jarraden figured. The topic had come up just a handful of times, and mostly Amit seemed weird about it, or uber-flirty, or secretive. It always seemed to be for a joke or a tease.

So why would Jarraden tell him his stuff?

But something had changed in Jarraden after being with Say...something he couldn't fathom...

After the cosmic sex, some nights he would scroll through his media feeds till the early morning. Staring up at his phone, his face would look ghoulish in the blue light as he drooled over girls with dark hair, his dick hard like a steel pipe in his hand.

This was simp behaviour and he knew it.

So he hung out with Amit more. He decided to work out harder, see if he could get defined abs. He found the matra in his shorts pocket, and he bench pressed, seeing the intricate letters in his mind. This image stayed with him at nights too. Amit had even sent him a YT clip so he could hear the mantra recited while Jarraden fell asleep. He would wake up from it, feeling empowered.

Then Say started positing IG pictures from a family holiday in Italy. A cropped image of her from the Colosseum contained the unmistakeable tanned arm of a guy. She had cut him out of the picture, which was something though. Right?

He and Amit swam some days, had to make do with camping behind Amit's back garden, and Jarraden tried to hang more with Maxim who would be leaving for college.

His dreams got more vivid and sexy -- him winning a muscle show his body so defined even his abs rippled with veins; fucking Say until she squirted, impaled on his juicy rod; seeing Amit soaping up in the shower. It got a bit confusing, but somehow Jarraden liked it all.

Still, he said nothing to his friend about Say.


The night things...evolved...came like a bolt from heaven.

Jarraden startled awake in the dark, feeling his usual throbbing night boner. But from his chest he felt a surge of energy, pulsing out in every direction. It was if his heart was a fist-sized urn that had been cracked open and love was pouring out of him. It was like being with Say only a zillion times stronger; the energy pushing against him felt the way idiot weathermen looked on TV news when standing in a hurricane.

And there was something else... From his groin he felt the heat and pump of his engorged dick, against the full length of his thigh...

The night was hot, his curtains barely parted. The air was still. Yet lying down Jarraden could feel a vortex around him. In a sliver of moonlight, he flung the sheet to the ground revealing his prick.

What the fuck!

It had grown...massive...pudgy against his leg it writhed slowly like waking python...

He moved to the edge of his bed with it resting on his legs, his hand trembling as he reached out. He touched it and a wave of pleasure pulsed so hard through his cock, he flinched. He snatched back his hand as though from an electric shock as the pleasure rocketed through his nervous system, from his helmet to his head, and his eyes rolling back in ecstasy.

With that touch, the emanating energy or whatever this feeling was, pumped from his heart and his groin, and it felt amazing.

And as the feeling pulsed through his dick he watched in a sort of awe-struck horror as this monolith gradually arched up before him like the neck of a water serpent. He looked at his bulbous nuts splayed out on his thighs either side of his monstrous erection, like grapefruit in a mesh bag.

Jarraden's breathing felt shallow. He thought he might faint. Panicked, he tapped his chest and arms, felt his face. Shit, shit, shit!?

He forced himself to stand, padded to his desk against the hurricane of energy within him, his oak-thick slab rearing from his pubes, his foreskin peeled from his raging, engorged helmet, and he flicked on the lamp.

He peered into the mirror over his hulking member. "Thank you, God," he whispered. His face was normal.

But his dick fully lit, gilt edged, was ribbed all the way up, the shaft like a stack of tribal bangles, and it appeared darker but in a healthy way, riddled with veins that made it look almost vulgar.

He couldn't quite take it all in.

And perhaps for the first time in his life, Jarraden looked at dick and felt totally beholden to it.

Glory Be

Jarraden woke-up gradually. When morning arrived with birdsong, he felt sweaty and confused. He was back covered with his bedsheet. His eyes were sticky, and his groin ached mildly as though he had been wanking all night.

That dream was totally fucked-up!

He recalled the details, his heart racing.

He snatched off the sheet, like a pole-dancer releasing her skirt, and gasped in awe -- his flaccid cock was the length and girth of the kitchen towel tube. His dick was so long it lolled between his legs and rested on the mattress. It's colour was normal like his regular flaccid dick, only it was Spider-sized! Jumbo!

Fuck me!

And seeing it now, he felt instantly aroused.

Breathe, slooowly...

If he didn't calm down, he could never skip out his room unnoticed.

Jarraden got up, his dick swinging like a boat's hefty mooring rope. It slapped his thighs as he walked, his nuts jostling like two peeled boiled eggs. He locked his bedroom door. He tuned his radio to slow jams, and tried on every pair of baggy shorts and sweatpants in his closet -- he had no underwear that could contain him -- before self-consciously skipping downstairs, avoiding Maxim in the kitchen.

"Jaren, we shooting hoops today?" He heard Maxim call out, but Jarraden was already out the front door.

He messaged Amit to say he was coming over.

"Bro!!! Is this normal?" he wrote.

Without waiting for a response, he sent a WhatsApp softie selfie, in which he looked utterly bewildered. "You have got to see this bricked!!!"

...to be continued... (If you want more ).

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