Holland Far from Bone

By Patrick Thomas

Published on Jul 29, 2020


This is a fictional story in which sexual activity between consenting adult males is depicted; it is no way based on true events or the sexuality of any of the persons mentioned. If you are underage or it is otherwise illegal to read this story where you live, please stop reading now.

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---------------------------------------------------------- Holland Far From Bone - 07 - Friendly Neighborhood Bottom ----------------------------------------------------------

Authors Note: This story takes place in April 2018 in London, England.

When we last left Tom, he was in John Krasinski's hotel room after taping a talk show together. Their hotel didn't have a gym, so John offered to show Tom some workout exercises that can be done with a partner. Between the close contact and John not having gym clothes that fit Tom's smaller frame, Tom quickly learned that the partner-exercises had wonderful intensity to them.

Shout-Out to Benjamin W, who helped contribute ideas found in this chapter.

John continued his tickle torture of Tom, trying to get him to complete the last three reps of the partner bench-press exercise. His hand scurried up and down Tom's side, eliciting laughter and wiggling from his new friend, pinned underneath his body after Tom dropped his arms down to the floor. After Tom's leg kicked up as a result of the tickling, John's fingers began teasing the flesh of his now-exposed thigh, raking up from the back of his knee to his groin, causing Tom's laughter to turn into moans.

"Ha...ah...oh." Tom's sounds were half laughter and half moan as finger tips brushed and flittered from left to right and back again, diving closer in on the second pass. "Ha! Ohh...mmmm."

"Did we find another ticklish spot?" John grinned, his face just a couple of inches away from Tom's, their chests heaving together with heavy breath. He could feel Tom's foot flexing against his back, curling with pleasure. His finger slid along the hem of Tom's briefs, twisting up and following it where leg met groin.


His finger played along the edge of the fabric, pressing lightly against the bottom of Tom's balls. "Yeah, you're ticklish here?"


His fingernail tugged at the material, lifting it slightly away from Tom's skin. "Kinda?" His hips dropped a little, grinding their crotches again.


A fingertip trailed down in the gap between cotton and flesh, feeling the heat of Tom's groin radiating against his hand. "That's funny..." Tom's eyes met his own. "...'cause you're not laughing any more...". His fingertip just slightly brushed Tom's sack, eliciting a small moaning intake of breath. "...and you're not wiggling around any more...". Again, his crotch pressed down, mashing against Tom's hard member. The small moan turned into a shuddering groan, Tom's teeth appearing as he bit lightly into his lower lip.

Hands raised up to hold John's sides as Tom wriggled underneath, grinding the muscles of his body up against John's. "Better?" His brown eyes lit up with lust.

John gave a little growl of pleasure in response. "Mmmm." Tom gazed into John's eyes, their faces nearly touching. John's breath hit his lips as he spoke, returning Tom's question. "Better?" His finger slid upward under the briefs, almost-but-not-touching Tom's cock as it traced upward through his crotch; on the way back down, it came even closer before hooking under his balls.

"Ahh...." Tom's mouth opened slightly as he moaned. Breath was replaced by skin as John's lips closed the very small gap and met Tom's, both men giving out a little groan of pleasure as they finally dropped the charade.

John's tongue slid across the corner of Tom's mouth, teasing as he ground his hips down more. Tom responded by opening his mouth and biting down gently on John's lower lip, a small growl rolling out of his throat as he swiveled his crotch up to meet John's movements, hard cocks rubbing together through cotton pouches. Tom's fingertips raked down over the broad chest above, the rumble in his throat deepening as he kneaded the muscle and hot flesh. When John's mouth pulled away and then dove down against his neck, he began pawing at the stud, hands all over the big chest and muscled abs, his legs squeezing as they gripped around John's waist. His growl grew into a loud moan as the hot tongue lashed at his neck and collarbone, feeling a big hard cock thrusting against his crotch. With one arm bent at the elbow to support his weight, John's other hand roamed up and down Tom's body, showing appreciation for every inch of flesh it encountered. Hearing the moaning near his ear, he grinned as his hand flattened against the back of Tom's thigh and slid down again, this time under the tight red briefs...eliciting another series of moans as he squeezed the firm ass cheek below. His hand turned slightly and continued its descent, into the crevice between Tom's glutes. The skin was smooth and seemed to radiate heat, transmitting Tom's desire. Turned on, John's fingers continued venturing further until they found their target - the small opening that throbbed in time with Tom's pulse. Nipping Tom's shoulder with his teeth, John nudged forward with his fingertip, teasing Tom's entrance. The moans broke down into a needful whimper as Tom shifted his hips and pushed down, eager to be filled.

"Definitely not ticklish there." John pulled away, looking into Tom's eyes as he continued probing, working the tip of his finger inside. Both men sighed - Tom at the feeling of being entered and John at the tightness and heat encircling his fingertip. A long sigh turned into a sharp intake of pleasured breath when John pulled back slightly before pushing his finger in again, only making it in about a half inch. Tilting his head down, he gave a long lick up the center of Tom's chest before meeting his gaze again, assessing how Tom wanted to proceed.

"I...ohhh....I thought you were married? Mmm.... To Emily."

"Yes. We have an arrangement." John leaned down again and took Tom's nipple in his mouth, teasing it with his tongue and teeth. Tom moaned again, squirming beneath his body, resulting in more of John's finger working its way inside. Stopped not even half way in, John moaned as he realized how tight Tom was - he would need lube or spit to get any further inside. The moan on his nipple sent a jolt through Tom's body; grabbing John by the head, his head rocked back as he cried out in pleasure.

A moment later as he came back to normal, Tom opened his eyes. "An arrangement?"

"Mmhmm." John's mouth, still suckling on Tom's nipple, curled up into a smile as he felt Tom's cock throb against him with the vibration. "Here, take a look." Freeing his hand from Tom's rear, he gave it a swat as he pulled himself up and walked over to the nightstand. Retrieving his phone, John plopped down onto the bed, patting the top of the mattress next to him. Tom, peeking over the edge from a sitting position on the floor, crawled up onto and across the bed, coming to recline next to John. John flipped through a list of files in a folder on his phone, looking for one in particular. "Ah, here we go." Tapping the screen, it brought up a video. A woman kneeled on the bed, her face obscured by two men with their back to the camera, both of them working their mouths against her neck. John used his finger to scrub through the video, looking for one part in particular. The woman was now on all fours, with a man on either end. A tall dark-haired man knelt on the bed in front of her, his back still to the camera. Fucking her from behind, the other man had his hands on her hips, intently plowing away. "That..." John pointed at the screen. "...is a gentleman named Jack, from when I was working on the movie 'Detroit.' And he...". John moved through the video again. "...is quite fun." Now the woman was riding a man's face, her back to the camera; he was laying down on his back, legs in the air. 'Jack' was holding his feet up, on his own knees as he was now plowing the muscular stud, both covered in a light sheen of sweat. Another flick through the controls and the woman was on her back, face visible this time and clearly it was Emily. On top of her was John, thrusting away...and behind him, also thrusting into John, was Jack. One more tap and the camera was apparently now in the shower, with Jack pressed against the wall and John entering him from behind, moans echoing in the small space.

Tom's mouth hung open at the thought that the couple were swingers. It continued hanging as John pulled up a few more files. This time just two women - Emily and her co-star Anne Hathaway. John with what appeared to be Randall Park. Both of them again, this time with Michelle Williams and Kyle Chandler. John and Emily with several of his co-stars at once from the movie "13 Hours," taking turns with Emily. John with Chris Hemsworth, Emily sitting nearby fingering herself as she watched.

"What...?" Tom uttered the words without thinking. Chris hadn't ever mentioned anything about John! He quickly shut his mouth, cutting off the rest of the sentence, not wanting to give away his friends-with-many-benefits relationship with Chris. His mind raced with the possibilities of what he, Chris, and John could have gotten up to if the big Australian god had said something...and he wondered who else was on Chris' "dancing card". His cock twitched as his imagination ran wild.

"Oh man - he is big. All over." John misread Tom's utterance as surprise for seeing Hemsworth with a man. He let the video play a little longer, showing him trying to take all of Chris' hammer down his throat. Closing the app, the phone landed back on the nightstand as he swung an arm over Tom's shoulders, snuggling. "So yes, an arrangement. We have fun together and we have fun separately, as long as we tell one another all the good details. Like an x-rated bedtime story."

"That's pretty...hot."

"Yes, it is." John's finger traced down over Tom's upper body, examining the slim musculature on display. "So...". He looked up and into Tom's eyes. "...do you want to help me make another story to tell?" Tom stayed silent - rather than responding aloud, he wrapped his hands around John's. For a moment, the taller man thought that Tom was going to move his hand away, declining the offer. His mouth curled up into a smile again when Tom used his palms to guide John's hand upward, where he opened his mouth and pulled in John's forefinger, wrapping his lips around it and sucking gently. One eyebrow rose up, both with amusement and in teasing. Shifting his other arm to rub the back of Tom's head, he began leaning down. "That sounds like a yes." Winking, he withdrew his finger from Tom, who gave it a little lick as it escaped his lips. It was soon replaced with John's mouth, as they began hungrily exploring one another again, both with tongue against tongue and their hands roaming along each others' bodies.

Tom crawled up so that he was straddling John's body, the hard bulge still trapped in underwear as it nudged into Tom's balls. He groaned again when John peeled down the back of Tom's briefs, gripping the two round melons in his hands for another squeeze. 'Fuck, this kid has an ASS,' he thought. Each squeeze resulted in another sound from Tom...and a big moan when John's finger slowly trailed down through the tight crevice again. "You like that?"

"Uh huh," Tom panted before shifting his body weight down. His mouth began wandering across the broad expanse of John's chest, lips and tongue working frantically to take in every bit of skin, muscle, hair, and flesh that was now a sexual playground. Wetting his finger with spit, John returned it to Tom's entrance and pushed in, making it halfway this time, nudging it back and forth. John stared as Tom rolled his forehead back and forth against his pec, mouth latched onto his chest, moaning while seeming to worship the bigger man. Moans had descended into panting slurps when Tom's face was level with John's abs, as if he were trying to memorize John's torso with his tongue. His movements backward drove a little more of John's finger inside the tight hole...until he had shifted far enough down that John couldn't reach his ass anymore and the finger slid back out. Making his way further south, Tom tugged at the blue band of John's underwear before skipping it and continuing down. Looking up at John, he ran the tip of his nose along the hard bulge. The scent of John's manhood made it difficult for Tom to continue teasing and he pressed his face against the mound, little needful whimpers coming out of his mouth. Planting the palm of his hand against the back of Tom's head, John held the young stud in place as he thrust his hips forward, grinding his crotch against Tom's face. The result was more whimpering, the pitch getting higher with the level of Tom's lust, his eyes still locked onto John's face.

"Add that to the list of things Tom likes?" John punctuated his question with another swivel of his hips, feeling Tom's lips move over his cloth-covered shaft.

A muffled "uh huh" sent vibrations through the cotton, damp with spit, Tom's nodding nudging his nose and chin harder against John's cock. The fingers at the back of his head curled into a light grip on his hair as John rolled his hips up and down again, mashing his bulge against Tom's face. The hold on his hair tilted and turned his face, rubbing the hard cock all over his features from forehead to chin. A tongue lashed out, reaching for any part of John that Tom could touch and taste.

The grip tightened a little more and tugged back, lifting Tom's face away a few inches. John looked down and took in the sight - Tom's jaw hanging open slightly, eyes glazed with need, panting with his desire for John's meat. "Yeah, you want that?" Tom's head nodded, mouth closing as his lips curled up in a smile. "Tell me what you want."

"Your cock." Tom brought his face down, giving a long lick up the length of John's tenting crotch. "Hard." Another lick, this time from left to right before snaking down the side of John's shaft. "And in my mouth." Setting his lips against the end of John's bulge, Tom began sucking at the head, tasting precum through John's trunks.

The strong hand pulled forward, burying a couple inches of bulge inside Tom's open mouth. "Fuck - it's yours." Lips, tongue, and jaw went to work as Tom feverishly worked the throbbing tip...the taste of cotton, man flesh, and precum hitting his tongue. He heard John give out a long sigh of pleasure from up above before feeling a tug on his hair, pulling him up to the broad blue waistband. Held in place, he glanced down to watch John hook the thumb of his free hand into the top, tugging it down an inch, revealing the base of his shaft. Tom gave out a little happy cry as he descended to it like a magnet, latching his mouth to the thick hot meat as he finally got to taste the cock he'd been craving all evening. The thumb stayed firmly in place, blocking his attempts to explore further; after a couple of minutes, John slid his thumb down a little further, granting Tom access to a few more exposed inches. Staring up into John's green eyes, Tom dropped his jaw and began lapping slowly up and down, getting a feel for the broad dick and the prominent veins. Each time his wet pink tongue slid back up, it pressed more firmly than the previous lap. Growling, John pushed the underwear down further and pushed against Tom's head - the hot little stud now had nearly the entire dick as his oral playground. John held out a couple more minutes as he watched in fascination as Tom feasted on all of the dick made available for his pleasure, soft moans vibrating against John's hardness whenever he pressed his lips to it and hummed in pleasure.

Eager to see more of Tom's talents, his thumb finally pushed the blue band down, releasing the tip of his cock which gave a thick smack against the underside of Tom's jaw. Not missing a beat, Tom continued down the length with his tongue all the way over the ridge where shaft met head. Reaching the slit, the tip of his tongue encountered a pearl of cock nectar which he quickly lapped up and swallowed. John watched as Tom wrapped his lips around the very end of his cock, the arrow-shaped head soon disappearing as it penetrated deeper into Tom's wet warm mouth which began its journey back up John's body. Tom kept going without stopping, devouring inch after inch of the long thick member. There was a brief pause when the knob touched the back of his mouth and he adjusted his jaw so that it could begin sliding down his throat. His breath came out through his nose, hitting hard against the skin of the throbbing pipe that was soon completely out of sight. John looked down in amazement, his mouth hanging open slightly - Tom's lips were pressed firmly against his crotch, breath tickling John's pubes with his lips stretched around the girthy cock. Tom held himself in place as his cheeks turned pink and then red, jaw working slightly as his lungs began yearning for a deep breath of air. The hand at the back of his head flattened back out and pulled him down, hips thrusting up again as John pushed any remaining meat inside...dropping his head back, a long groan rolled out of John's throat before tugging on Tom's hair to pull him off.

Tom took a couple of deep hard breaths. Both men looked down at the eight inches of cock, slightly jerking up and down on its own with John's pulse, covered in a thick layer of Tom's spit. Wiping the moisture off of his cheeks, Tom swallowed and took another breath before settling back down. Grinning a naughty grin, he casually lapped his tongue against the tip of John's knob. "You like that?"

John smiled as his previous words came forth from Tom's lips. "Mmm..yes."

Parting his lips again, Tom took in the first few inches, bobbing up and down on John's tool. Pulling off, he licked his lips before running his tongue around the thick head. "Yeah, you want that?" Holding John's face in view, he'd watched as the cocky grin which had faded during his brief sucking reappeared. John simply nodded, copying Tom's earlier response as the younger man copied his earlier taunts.

This time, Tom's lips only went as far as the raised lip of John's head where they tightened their grip where head met shaft. John groaned as Tom sucked as hard and as long as he could, one long intense pressure tugging at the tip of John's hose. The pressure relented as Tom took a breath through his nose...and then another long hard tug as Tom worked the muscles of his mouth. John struggled to maintain the lock on Tom's eyes, wanting so much to close them and moan.

"Fuuuuuuuck," the word came out in a lengthy whisper as Tom increased the pressure. A wet smacking sound filled the room as his lips suddenly let go, unable to hold on any longer.

Both men were breathing heavily as Tom settled down once more...and again began playfully teasing the end of John's cock. That cute pink tongue was going up, down, and around in circles...flattening as it lapped up the occasional drop of precum. "Tell me...". Another quick journey of tongue around dick head. "...what you...". It lashed up and down over the slit at the very tip of John's cock. "...want." Fingers tightened in his hair as their owner looked forward to Tom's next move.

"Your throat." Tom brought his face forward, once again taking in John's knob. "Tight and warm." The mouth worked as Tom swallowed, preparing his jaw, anticipating John's response. "And on my cock." Setting his hands on both of the muscular thighs, Tom dove forward, inhaling the entire length of man-pipe in one move. The strong hands gripped his head and pulled forward, burying the last bit of flesh inside Tom's hot mouth. John gave out a long sigh of pleasure; when Tom backed off until just the head remained inside his mouth for a moment before swallowing all of John's dick again, the sigh turned into a long loud moan.

The pair took turns on who led - sometimes Tom bobbed up and down the lengthy member on his own accord. Occasionally John would take hold of his head and begin thrusting up, working into the tight hot throat. Part of him wanted to get up on his knees and give his new friend a really good face fucking. The mental image caused his cock to throb deep inside Tom's oral passage. Planting his palm against the other man's head, he pushed up in order to free his cock. Leaning his head back against the headboard, John's chest rose up and down as he took large breaths, pulling himself back from the edge.

"You okay?"

He looked back down and watched as Tom gave the tip a light flick with his tongue.

"Yeah...just. Whew. Just got too close. And your mouth is not where I want to shoot tonight." Tom's eyes gleamed at the thought of John blasting his load deep inside. Grinning, he gave another big lick to the end of John's cock. "Easy, tiger." He pressed his finger to the end of his dick and pulled it back, away from Tom's mouth. Slick with spit, it slipped away and landed with a meaty 'thump' against Tom's nose, sliding onto his cheek. With a smirk, John hooked his finger around the shaft and pulled back on his stick again before letting it go, letting it smack against his friend's face. Tom gave a light growl in frustration at the teasing.

"What's the matter, my little tiger?" Once more, he pulled his tool away so that it could fall again, this time against Tom's forehead before gliding down that cute nose.

Tom curled his lip in feigned frustration, giving out another growl to go with the new nickname. "Be nice...". This time John wrapped his fingers around the base of his shaft, using his other hand to nudge Tom forward a bit. "...if you want your treat." A flick of his thumb sent his manhood smacking against Tom's face, a soft clapping sound filling the room...once, then twice, then again. Each time, his cock struck a different part of Tom's face - forehead, nose, one cheek and then the other, his chin. Tom turned his face, trying to catch the fast-moving member with his mouth to no avail. "Yeah, who's my hungry little tiger stud?"

"I am." Tom lashed out with his tongue, just barely catching a taste of man meat as it flew by.

"I can see that. Little stud wants his treat?"

Tom looked up, a long growl rumbling out of his throat, playing the game. Hoult had taught him how every man had different expectations and fantasies...and how to slip into those fantasies like playing a role. The result was sometimes more exciting, sometimes more sensual, always more enjoyable. With Hunnam, it was playing into the daddy role from their time filming "Lost City of Z." Hemsworth liked being a sexual mentor, while the younger Hemsworth brother was into spanking. And Hoult...damn, if Tom hadn't lost track of the different types of things he'd been tied up with or to.

John's eyelids dropped a little with lust at the sight of Tom laying down between his legs, snarling with sexual hunger. Sliding his hand down Tom's jaw, he pressed his thumb to the lower lip and opened it wider; the very tip of his knob came to rest against the puffy pink flesh. Tom's tongue slid out, slowly working its way around the meaty head, continuing to growl as he dug his fingertips into John's thighs. "There you go tiger, get your reward." He was a little surprised when Tom pulled away...and began moaning when the handsome face dove forward, pinning John's bone between his own stomach and Tom's cheek. Growling and gasping, Tom rolled his face around on the hot and heavy piece of meat, almost worshiping it. Fingers continued to rake against John's legs as he used every facial feature against the hard rod, keeping his eyes locked onto John's almost the entire time.


"Is that...," the tongue traveled up to the tip, then replaced with a cheek that slid down to the base, "...my reward?"

John chuckled, rolling his eyes. "Oh no, that's not it." Reaching down, he hooked his hands into Tom's armpits and pulled, bringing the other man face to face. Straddling John's lap, Tom settled his hips down, resting his ass against the throbbing stick and lapping his tongue right in the spot where the furry beard gave way to John's neck. His head was yanked back by his hair and a tongue slithered up his own neck, a quick nibble at his chin, and then lips meeting for another kiss. Tongues entwined, John's hands roamed down to squeeze the luscious melons that were Tom's rear end. He broke the kiss. "This...," it was his turn to growl as Tom moaned from the kneading fingers, "...this is your reward."

Leaning forward, John continued kissing Tom even as he moved their bodies until they were laying down flat. John's lips left Toms to explore his neck again, using his hand to slowly turn Tom over until he was face down. Planting his lips at the base of the slender neck, he very slowly made his way down the muscled back, hands wandering around further below. Tom was groaning out of frustration now as he eagerly waited for John's mouth to reach its final destination. When a tongue slid against the very top of his crack, the groan gave way to a contented sigh. Too many moments later, the tongue was finally lapping at his hole, John's beard tickling his rear as those big hands spread and squeezed his cheeks. Tom gasped for air at John's talents, the tongue piercing and teasing his entrance before lapping up and down his rear again - it seemed that the hot tongue and mouth were everywhere at once. John had to hold Tom in place as the other man's hips began bucking back in an attempt to fuck himself on John's tongue somehow. Suddenly it was gone.

"Liking your reward?"

Tom looked over his shoulder - was this amazing rim job seriously being interrupted for a teasing joke? Lip curling, he growled and swung his hips back. His futile efforts were met with another smirk. "Take that as a yes." John's face dropped back out of view, buried between Tom's cheeks as he began eating the hole like it was his last meal. The slim body below wriggled around in pleasure, hands clenching the sheets as Tom shifted back to ride the hungry talented mouth. Tom realized he'd never broken into a light sweat before just from being eaten out as he panted heavily, eyes rolled back in bliss. He managed to push his hips up and away from the mattress, rising his lower body up onto his knees, face still pressed into the mattress. The change in position opened him up, allowing John's amazing tongue to explore even more.

Once again, the tongue disappeared from his hole - Tom groaned as it began moving up his back again. Halfway up, the mouth was gone entirely and hands pulled him upright until he was kneeling on the mattress. John's knees planted into the bed outside of his own, an improvised squat that mirrored their earlier exercises...except this time there was no underwear in between their bodies. The big hard dick wedged between his cheeks slid up and down while the thickly muscled arms wrapped around his chest once more. Tom's head rolled back onto John's shoulder, enjoying the embrace.

"Ready for your reward, tiger?" A thumb and finger gently tugged at his nipple.

"Yesssssss...." The word rolled out of Tom's throat, trailing off into a sigh.

"I want you to ride my cock."

"Yessirrrrrr....." Tom moaned at the rigid member grinding at his hole.

"Sir?" The broad chest rumbled against his back as John chuckled. "That's kinda hot." Tom responded by gripping John's hand and bringing it up, latching his mouth around two fingers and began sucking on them. "Ride my cock, facing away - I want to see that hot ass of yours in action."

"Yes...," Tom let the words out with a heavy breath around John's digits. "...sir..."

"Fuuuuck." It was John's turn to groan with lust. Rolling back, he lay down on his back and watched as Tom's rear descended down until he was sitting on the bed, legs tucked under with his butt grinding back against John's rod. Thankful that they were still near the edge of the bed, John reached into the nightstand drawer to retrieve the small bottle inside. Tom felt a wet finger slide up his crack, applying lube as it slid up and down. Pouring more into his palm, John worked his hand over his pole to get it slick; ready, he pressed his fingers to the shaft and lined it up with Tom's entrance.

Not needing any prompting, Tom began lowering his ass once he felt John's dick tap against it. Just like with his mouth, he took all of John in one long, slow stroke - he stopped halfway down, body quaking as he held in place trying to get used to the intrusion. Taking a deep breath, he continued down until he felt his cheeks come to rest against John's hips. Relaxing, he tilted his head back and sighed...until John's hands grabbed his hips and pulled him the last half-inch down. The sigh shifted into a groan, increasing in volume as John's hips ground against his rear. Tom moved up, allowing about half of the hefty member out of his ass before sliding back down. Now it was John's turn to groan. Up again and then down...and again...and again, picking up speed each time. Tom found a nice rhythm, enjoying the sensation of John stretching him out nice and deep. The hands running over his ass and back, along with their owners moaning, indicated that John was loving it as well. Nestling back down, Tom gyrated his hips around in a circle - fingers dug into his haunches along with another moan coming from behind.

Looking half over his shoulder, Tom rose one eyebrow in jest. "You like that?"

"Yesss...". Fingers pawed at Tom's backside.

"You sure?" He squeezed with his ass muscles, feeling them constrict around the hard stick inside.

The hands gripped his waist and used it to lift Tom up, allowing room for John to thrust up and down, hammering his hole for a moment. "What do you think?" Releasing his hold, he watched as Tom's butt dropped back down onto his hips.

Twisting to his left, Tom shifted his legs and slowly turned his body so that he was facing John - never once did he allow the big dick to leave his ass. Straddling his friend, he looked down as he moved his fingers over the trimmed chest hair. He looked up again with a grin. "I think you've got a great dick."

"That's it?"

Tom rolled his eyes, pretending to look annoyed. "Aaaand you've got an amazing body." John silently watched him, enjoying Tom being cute. "A hot beard...handsome face...and a great dick."

"You already mentioned my dick."

Tom blinked, feigning innocence. "I did??" His innocent look broke, eyes closing and sighing as he felt John's cock flex inside his tunnel. "Mmm, you're right - I did."

"So...tickling, rimming, saying 'sir'." John's eyebrow rose with curiosity. "What else does my little tiger like?"

Tom sat quiet for a moment before taking hold of John's hand and planting it against his stomach. "This." The word came out quietly, as if making a confession. Holding John's wrist with both hands, Tom slid the large palm up over his torso until he reached his neck. Parting his hands, he used them to wrap the fingers and thumb gently around his throat. The movement earned a surprised blink from the other man.


Tom gave a small nod. "Mmhmm." The fingers around his neck tightened slightly as their owner pushed up with his hips, rocking Tom's body on his dick.

"Like this?"

A sigh escaped Tom's parted lips. "Yes."

"Yes what?" He looked down to see an amused and horny grin on John's face.

"Yes..." Tom ground down on John's cock. "...sir." He was rewarded with another light squeeze at his neck, all of it causing him to moan.

"Looks like the sweet boy next door has a little bit of a kinky side." Another thrust up into his rear.

"Maybe." Tom winked, smirking. John rolled his eyes and laughed. His free hand took hold of Tom's hip and used it as leverage as he began sliding in and out of Tom's hole, thumb pressing and releasing against the throat. The sounds from Tom's mouth were half moan and half sigh, a rolling rumbling sound.

"A certain little tiger is purring. 'Maybe' my ass." John's friendly teasing came to an end when Tom planted his hands against the hard abs, using his arms to hold up his torso so that his hips could rise up and down even more. Picking up speed and power, Tom began riding John's pole for all he was worth; whenever he slowed down, it was to catch his breath as he gyrated around on the fuck stick buried firmly within his ass. John squeezed his neck and thrust up to meet Tom's movements, moaning as their bodies broke out in a sweat.

Finally slowing to a stop, Tom looked down at John - his chest, shiny with a sheen of perspiration, rose and fell with large breaths. "Maybe." Grinning, he winked at John...and shuddered as the fingers gave his neck a good squeeze. His eyes closed and head tilted forward, a drop of sweat falling from his brow down to John's chest.

"What the fuck ever 'maybe'. Fuck, you're amazing." John smiled at the sight of Tom's head reared back, moaning.

"Thank you...sir." The last word came out in a gasp as the hand gave another little squeeze, sending waves of pleasure through Tom's body.

"Thank YOU. Fuck. My hot little sexy tiger...". A smirk pulled up a corner of John's mouth. "Growl for me."

Tom looked down, a hungry look in his eye. Curling part of his lip, he gave out a little 'grrr'. As a reward, John applied a quick bit of pressure to his neck, pushing up again with his dick. Eager for more, Tom gave out another 'grrrr'- the more John worked that cock and his neck, the hungrier and louder his playful growling became.

"Fuck. Fuck. Damn, you are so fucking HOT." John gripped Tom's throat even tighter, using his other hand to hold Tom up in place by the hip. Rearing back to the extent the mattress allowed, he rammed up as hard as he could, impaling Tom with his thick rod. Tom's head rolled back, mouth wide open as he gave out a long loud cry of pleasure. The cry tapered off back into a loud growl as he looked down again - not entirely playing now, an animalistic hunger gleamed in his eyes. Baring his teeth, Tom leaned all the way down and bit John's shoulder, growling with his teeth against the muscled flesh.

John's fingers came loose from Tom's throat, wrapping into his hair - gripping the brown locks, he pinned Tom's face against his torso. The other hand slammed palm down on Tom's lower back, holding him in place as John began plowing the incredibly tight hole. It was hard to hold the position as their bodies, dripping in sweat, slid against each other.

Growls and loud moans kept vibrating against John's shoulder and chest, teeth digging into his skin. John's intense pounding of his hole pushed Tom over the edge - with a cry, he began shooting his load. His cock spasmed between their bodies, coating their stomachs and chest with his juices. Each shot caused his whole body to tighten, squeezing John's meat even more. Finally spent, he felt Tom go limp on top of him, whimpering with pleasure - letting go of his hair, John wrapped his arm around the younger man's back, pinning him in place as John continued thrusting away.

"I'm...fuck, you're so damn TIGHT...I'm close...".

Tom panted, trying to catch his breath as he licked sweat and cum from John's chest. "Don't...don't stop."

"Okay...aaaaahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!" His face pressed into Tom's hair as he slammed in one last time. Tom felt the already-thick pipe swell even larger, jerking deep inside as John's large nuts began emptying at last into his ass. He gave a light groan into the hairy chest, enjoying the feel of the tall stud breeding him...the groan turned into a purr of satisfaction as John's body finally quieted down, his large load spent, every drop deposited far inside Tom's guts. John remained buried inside Tom's hole, not in any hurry to leave its amazingly hot grip. His breath came hard and heavy against Tom's scalp, enjoying the sound of the little stud moaning lightly against his chest. His hand ran up and down Tom's back, affectionately petting his new friend as they both came back to earth.

Tom rested his chin on John's chest, grinning as the other man reached up to wipe the sweat from Tom's brow before gently stroking his jaw with his knuckles. "These uh, partner exercises are pretty intense."

"Oh, you think so?" John's laugh rocked Tom's body. "Which one was your favorite?" He watched as Tom looked up at the ceiling, deep in thought.

"I would have to say...the squats." He looked back down with a wink, pushing down with his hips a little. "They were a good workout."

"Nice. I like the stretching ones." John ground his hips slightly, teasing his friend's hole and getting a little moan in return. His fingers ran through Tom's hair. "Think you can stay the weekend? We can try out some other moves."

"Mmmm...". Tom smiled, his deep satisfied moan causing his chest to rumble against John's. "I think I can do that."

"Good. We can see what else my little stud friend Tom likes." John's fingers ran down Tom's spine.

"Yessir." Tom gave another wink, squeezing John's softening cock once more with his ass.

John leaned forward, catching Tom's lips with his own in a deep kiss. Finally breaking away again, he tussled Tom's hair. "Great. Right now though - a shower. You're a sticky mess."

"Dude - YOU'RE a sticky mess!" Tom giggled, looking down at John's body.

"Yes... your fault. Maybe you should clean it up." He wagged his eyebrows in an exaggerated wolfish look. Tom's eyebrow rose up at John's suggestion. His curiosity was cut off when the large palm pressed to his sweat-covered mop of hair and forehead, gently pushing down away from the headboard. Reaching John's waist, the hand slid back, fingers entering his hair to pull his face down to the cut line at John's hip. Some of his juices had began flowing along the muscle, soon stopped as his mouth was pressed to John's hip. A happy moan purred out of his throat as he began lapping at his own cream until the ridged area was clean.

"Should I clean the other one?" John swallowed, enraptured by Tom's cute features covered in cum on his cheeks and chin where they'd been mashed against John's side. He nodded and watched as Tom shifted over to the other side. The smaller man paused, watching some of his juices drip down from John's hip to the sheets.

"And that's why they're called cum gutters." He looked up to catch John winking. Returning the grin, he tilted his face back down and went to feasting on the muscle, licking it clean of cum and sweat. He slid over to his right, centered on John's abs as began working that area with his mouth as well. The taste of John's sweat mixed with his own cum, the hard flesh and trimmed hair, all worked to stoke the horny fire inside his loins. Still lapping with his tongue, he looked up to see John's big chest rising and falling with large breaths, captivated at the show Tom was putting on.

Very slowly, he worked his way up John's torso until his mouth was pressed to the broad pec muscle - while there were less of his fluids here, he'd still managed to get a couple of shots streaked across the other man's chest...and there was still the salty taste of sweat driving him wild. His lips found and latched onto the erect nipple, suckling at it. John's grip on his head tightened as his chest rose up, a groan rumbling out of the broad expanse below Tom. He held on, whimpering as John's other hand slid down, two fingers digging back into his hole.

He looked up, gasping, his face a mess of sweat and jizz. Leaning down, his open mouth caught the other pert nipple and sucked hard, his hips tilting back to meet the swiveling motion of John's wrist.

Tom shifted forward, mashing his face against John's, the mess on his cheeks and chin mingling into John's beard. The older stud could taste both of them on Tom's tongue, clawing its way into his mouth. Using his fingers inside Tom's hole as a gripping point, he pulled Tom's body upward until he was sitting on John's chest. "My turn." One hand palmed Tom's back and held him close while his tongue and mouth drove over the younger man's midsection, returning the favor of cleaning him off. There wasn't as much cum but there was the somehow sweet-while-salty taste of Tom's perspiration. 'Fuck, everything about this kid is sweet,' he thought. Below, his fingers continued abusing Tom's hole...well, maybe not abusing since the Marvel actor was hopping up and down a bit, riding his hand.

Looking over his shoulder, Tom saw that John was about half hard again. He turned back around, a hungry gleam in his eyes. "Round two?"

"Mmm...maybe." Another lap of the tongue. "Shower first."

Tom grinned wickedly as he pulled up and off of John's body, hopping off of the bed. Looking over his shoulder, he wiggled his ass.

John pried himself up from the bed, slapping Tom on the ass as he stepped past Tom towards the bathroom. "How hot do you like the water?" He disappeared into the other room.

"Like, really warm, kinda hot but not crazy." Tom unlocked his phone and opened the messages app.

Tom: Hey, change of plans - spending the night here.

Russell: It's a kinda late, so figured you were having some fun. ;)

Tom: Yes. >:) See you tomorrow?

Russell: Looking forward to it. Maybe bring your friend?

Tom: Really?

Russell: Yeah, could be fun. Maybe send a video of him giving you a good fucking. Preview of cumming attractions.

Tom rolled his eyes at the joke, chuckling.

Tom: Yessir.

Russell: Good boy - get some rest, tty tomorrow.

"Coming? Or did you pass out?"

Tom looked up, locking the phone and setting it back down on the nightstand. "Yeah, sorry - was texting my mum to let her know I was staying in town."

"Aww, look who's such a good boy." Tom smirked at John's unknowing use of the same phrase that Russell had texted. Walking into the bathroom, he saw John behind the shower's glass, steam billowing out of the top.

"I can be a bad boy too, you know." He opened the door and entered the shower. Stepping under the shower head, the hot water struck his shoulders and flowed in streams down his body. Big strong arms wrapped around his body, pulling him close to John's muscled frame.

"I know - you're the bad little good boy next door. It's kinda hot."

"Kinda??" Tom's joke turned into a moan as John nibbled his ear.

"Okay, very." The words were muffled as John's teeth continued their friendly attack on Tom's ear and neck. He soon had the smaller man pinned against the shower wall, his hard rod sliding up between the cheeks of Tom's round ass.

Out in the other room, John's phone lit up with a text notification.

"Found dessert for brunch. Xoxo"

The phone's screen dimmed back to black as the sound of a pleasure cry rang through the room. "Fuck, yessssss...."

Tom awoke to the feeling of suction on his cock. Blinking his eyes to finish waking up, he looked down to see John's face bobbing up and down, Tom's pole reappearing before disappearing back down the other man's throat.

"Mmmm...." A satisfied moan rumbled out as he closed his eyes and leaned back against the pillow, enjoying the feeling of John's lips gliding along his shaft. His fingers curled into the sheets when the other man's tongue flicked along his foreskin before sucking at the head, then inhaling Tom's cock again. When a finger slid under his legs and began to tease his hole, he whimpered and began thrusting up into the bearded face. As eager as he was to shoot, John kept denying him the sweet release by slowing down and drawing out the blowjob. Balls boiling, Tom glanced at the bedside clock and realized that John had been working over his dick for nearly an hour. Growling, he took hold of the other man's head and began thrusting up, slamming his rod in and out of the stud's hot mouth.

Sensing that Tom was nearing the finish line, John rammed his finger inside the tight ring below, all the way up to the knuckle. Instantly, Tom began shooting, his entire body quaking with each pulse of cum which rocketed out of his cock, eagerly swallowed down John's throat. Unable to catch all of Tom's copious load, two white shiny rivulets of pearlescent fluid streaked down Tom's shaft, pooling in the short-trimmed pubic hair. John jokingly wondered if Tom's already-tight hole might cut off his pointer finger as it clenched with each throb of the young man's dick.

With a great sigh, Tom collapsed into the sheets, spent. Looking down with a satisfied grin, he watched as John suckled at his knob to pull out every last drop of nectar remaining hidden inside. Pulling off, he held Tom's tool in his hand and began lapping down its length, cleaning the juices that had escaped his cum swallowing efforts.

"You cum a LOT."

Tom blinked, feeling a little sleepy again. "Is that a bad thing?" One eyebrow rose in jest.

John licked his lips, savoring the taste of Tom. "No..." He pulled himself up onto all fours. Shifting forward, he ran his tongue in a long slow lap along Tom's cum gutters to his hip, first one side then the other. "...not..." The bushy beard tickled Tom's stomach as the tongue continued its journey up his slight happy trail, circling around his navel. "...at..." The pink flesh ran over his rib cage, running around his left nipple before the lips closed in and began a light suck...and then an unexpected light nip with the teeth. A breath shuddered out from between Tom's lips as the sensation jolted down his body, his already reawakening manhood twitching as blood flow coursed back to it. "...all." Trailing over his pec, Tom lost sight of John's tongue as his head filled Tom's view - he could feel it begin to work some magic along his neck and jaw, before entering his mouth. He sucked at the appendage, eager for something larger...and harder. His wish was soon granted as John pulled himself up to his knees, each planted on either side of Tom's shoulders.

Tom chased the hard piece of meat with his mouth, trying to catch it as John shifted his hips left and right, dodging Tom's efforts.

"Someone's hungry this morning?"

"Yes." John took hold of his dick and used it to thump Tom on the forehead.

"Yes what?" The question earned a cocky grin from below.


"Good little tiger." John nearly laughed when Tom made a tiger-ish growling noise, baring his teeth before opening his mouth again to try and get hold of John's rod. "Here you go, stud. Have a little breakfast sausage."

Tom's hand wrapped around the base of John's manhood. "Little?"

"Okay, have a lot of sausage." He cut off any further jokes by shoving a few inches of cock into Tom's open mouth. The lips wrapped around tightly and began sucking in earnest, Tom moaning as he gripped John's thighs. "Damn, someone's hungry today."

A wet popping sound as Tom pulled off the end of John's meat, mischief twinkling in his eyes. "Yessir. I want to taste your..."

His sentence was cut off by the sound of the hotel room's electronic lock beeping, followed by the noise of the door sweeping across the carpet and footsteps in the living area of the hotel suite. John looked over his shoulder, nonchalant about the interruption as his wife Emily sauntered in and settled down into a large armchair in the corner.

"Don't mind me boys." She flashed as large smile while pointing at the door. "I brought you a snack for breakfast." Both men looked at the doorway as another figure stepped through the doorway. A mop of dark brown hair sat above light brown eyes and a crooked grin.

"Mornin' guys." The other man nodded his chin up to greet them.


"The one and only...Tom-Tom." The grin broadened as Zayn reached down to take hold of the bottom of his shirt, pulling it up and over his head, and tossed it to the side. His legs shifted as he toed off his shoes. "I'd ask what's up, but, uh...". His left hand gestured towards the other two men as the other began undoing the belt at his waist, followed by the button and zipper of his pants. "...can see it's about 7 and 8-ish...straight up." The smirk on Zayn's face grew as Tom's cheeks blushed pink, the disrobing figure waving at Tom's crotch and then John's as he guesstimated their size from beyond the foot of the bed. Clad only in a pair of black briefs, Zayn crawled up onto and across the bed, rising up onto his knees behind John. Pressing their bodies together, chest to backside, his arms came around the taller man's waist, one hand wrapping around the base of the cock right where Tom's hand had been not long before. Pushing forward with his hips against John's rear, he nudged the other man forward, causing his meat to sink once again between Tom's lips.

"Gotta feed the little stud - he's a growing boy. Isn't that right, Tom-Tom?" He chuckled when Tom's nose wrinkled at the nickname. The slight annoyance didn't last long, disrupted when the fleshy knob of John's cock head met the back of his mouth. Dark brown eyes stared up over the length of the thick cock, watching as tattooed hands roamed around John's torso, exploring the broad muscles. Zayn kept pumping his hips, keeping a rhythm that sent John's member sliding into Tom's mouth. "That's it, feed it to him. He loves sucking cock - almost as much as he enjoys riding one." A wink accompanied a harder thrust, ramming John's dick in between Tom's lips. At this angle, he wasn't able to take it down his throat and began gagging instead, pushing his palm against John's leg to pull off and cough.

"Sounds like you two already know each other?" John tilted his head back over his shoulder towards the newcomer.

"Mmm...we've run into each other at parties." Zayn grinned wolfishly. "Or, we've been at the same parties...and I've watched other guys run into Tom." A small laugh as Tom's eyes squinted up, annoyed. "Okay, and while I was running into other guys. Happy, little man? Don't want to make you sound like a slut." His tongue slid along John's shoulder before continuing, fingers caressing the broad pec muscle. "We both like to have a little...a lot of fun."

"Pretty interesting parties?"

More licking along the wide shoulders, fingertips dragging down over John's abs. While one hand spread out over the flat stomach, the other kept going, a finger reaching out to tenderly trail over Tom's jaw. "Very very interesting parties. Tom and I could give you a...'demonstration'...but we'll have to move out of this little corner of the bed."

"Mmmm." John moaned a little, both with intrigue and at the sensation of Zayn's exploration.

"You game, Tom?"

Tom only replied with a raised eyebrow, wondering a little about Zayn dropping the nickname for his real name. 'Always a game with this one,' he thought. Sticking out his tongue playfully, he pushed against the headboard, sending his body sliding between both sets of legs. Emerging on the other side, he quickly flipped over and got up onto his knees as well, right behind Zayn. "Sounds fun...Uno." He felt the other man stiffen up for a moment, reacting to the reference of his former music band. Rather than spitting out a retort, the singer turned around and took hold of Tom's jaw with his hand and mashed their lips together, his tongue diving into Tom's mouth. The other hand reached down and gripped the actor's bubble butt, pulling their lower bodies together. A hard cock, still trapped inside underwear, pressed into Tom's groin and he began grinding against it. The tongue and hands felt like they might devour Tom's body from both ends - by the time that Zayn finally pulled away, Tom stood there blinking in a horned-up daze before closing his mouth to swallow. Now he understood the satisfied-but-stunned look that guys limping away from Zayn wore on their faces at those parties. "I uh...". He shook his head, coming back to the world. "...I'm game if you are. Zee." Zayn grinned at Tom's use of his preferred nickname, impressed by the other man's quick recovery back to his normal playful self - if anything, it turned Zayn on a little more.

He squeezed the round globe of Tom's butt once more before landing a playful swat. "Well then, Holland, let's play." Returning his lips to Tom, he began a slow sensual kiss while nudging Tom backward towards the end of the bed, then lowered him down onto his back. One hand waved in the air to beckon John around - curious, the stud stepped down from the bed and walked around to where the pair lay, Tom's head sticking out past the mattress. Zayn's hand waved him closer still, then reached out and took hold of his hip, pulling him forward until the long piece of meat was between the two younger men's faces. It disrupted their kiss, which transformed into a sloppy two-person blowjob as they licked up and down the shaft and around the tip. Tom tilted his head back and began lapping at the large hairy nut sack, eliciting a satisfied sigh from John.

Wrapping his fingers around the base, Zayn angled the dick downward towards Tom's mouth and tugged, prompting John to shift forward. His knob pressed against Tom's lips which opened up to devour the first two inches of man meat. Zayn continued his light pull on John's member, watching as it caused John to lean forward...and more of his cock sank into Tom's mouth. Zayn's hand left John's dick and landed on his hip, pulling even more. "That's it, my little cock hungry buddy - take it all. Oooopen up..." Tom tilted his head to accommodate the thick member working its way down his throat. "C'mon, who's a hungry boy this morning? Gotta get your protein and stay strong and healthy." He didn't let up on the pressure at John's waist until all eight inches had disappeared into Tom's mouth, his lower lip tickled by the hair around John's base. Taking his hand away, he ran it down Tom's cheek. "There ya go - good boy." Looking up, he caught John's lustful stare. "You keep feeding him here - I'm going to go have some fun with his other end." Patting Tom's cheek, the former boyband singer pulled away to rest on his knees beyond Tom's feet. He peeled off his briefs and watched as John pulled back, the long thick shaft reappearing, covered in a coat of spit. The knob tugged at Tom's mouth before he sank his rod back inside. "Yeah, that's it." Zayn gave John a thumbs-up with one hand while stroking Tom's cock with the other.

Leaning back, he grabbed the lube from the night stand and slicked up his tool before taking hold of Tom's ankles, pulling them into the air. Zayn knelt between the large v-shape created by Tom's legs, tilting his hips as he lined up with Tom's ass. "Ready, Hole-and?" Whatever Tom said in response was completely lost as a very muffled sound, unable to speak with John's manhood slithering back down his throat. "I'll take that as a yes." Feeling the pinched flesh of Tom's entrance, he pressed forward. Despite the rough pounding that John had given it the night before, Tom's hole had recovered while he slept - Zayn found it a little harder to pry inside than most of his conquests. Eyebrows set in determination, he increased the power of his hips until the tight little hole finally gave way, allowing the round plum-shaped head inside. Zayn bit his lower lip as he pressed forward, feeling the incredibly snug ass hugging around his shaft as it continue driving in, inch by inch.

Tom moaned in delight - Zayn's cock was average in thickness but shaped like a baseball bat, the shaft wider near the head than it was at the base. Between that and the ball-shaped head, the result was a lovely stretching of his insides as it burrowed deeper into his rear. With his lips wrapped around John's rod and his legs held up in the air, the only way he could communicate his needs was by pivoting his hips to try and take in more of the delightful tool hanging between Zayn's legs. Tom's gyrating combined with the increasingly tight grip of his hole caused Zayn to roll his head back, mouth open as he shuddered with pleasure. He'd eyed Tom at the sex parties and was finally getting a piece of this sweet ass. When all seven inches were finally buried inside, he moaned as Tom clenched his ass to squeeze Zayn's dick. Meanwhile, Tom was panting in delight as Zayn began pulling back, with John withdrawing out of Tom's throat so he could slap his meat against the cute face, teasing him a little.

"Fuck, Russell is such a lucky guy, tapping this any time he wants." Zayn groaned as he slid back in to the hilt.

"Oh, damn!" Tom turned his head left and right, searching the room.

"You okay?" John stopped his teasing, concerned at Tom's sudden outburst.

"My phone...where did I...?"

"It's on the nightstand."

"Can you...Zayn...ohhh, fuck...". Zayn hadn't stopped his slow pistoning in and out. "...can you, fuck, hand me my phone? Please?"

"Seriously?" He drummed his fingers against Tom's calves as he continued fucking him, incredulous that Tom needed his phone in the middle of a fuck session.

"Please? I need it. Ahhhhh.... For Russell."

Zayn tilted back, reaching towards the bedside table without pulling his cock all the way from Tom's hole. Grabbing hold of it, he leaned forward to hand it to the spit-roasted actor while sinking his length back inside. Swiping up for the camera app, Tom switched it to video mode.

"John...mmmm..." His eyes closed and words trailed off as Zayn ground his hips against his rear, swiveling his cock deep inside. "...ohh...do you...fuck...mind taking a quick video? It's for a friend." Tom's cheeks turned pink, a little embarrassed by the request.

"Ha! 'Friend', my arse. More like 'Daddy.' Is that for big man Russell?" Zayn teased him while still pumping in and out of his hole. The pleasure of being filled with cock diminished any irritation Tom might have normally felt from Zayn's taunts; if anything, the blush in his cheeks deepened at Zayn's accurate guess.

"Yeah, whatever. Ohh..mmmm." Distracted, he gave a long lick at John's cock head which hovered right above his mouth. "Just a quick vid of the three of us. Please?" He batted his eyelids, making puppy-dog eyes up at John.

John chuckled. "Only you could look cute and innocent while begin spit-roasted. Sure - that'll be fun." Taking hold of the phone, John framed Tom's face on the screen and thumbed the red button. Once the numbers began running to indicate recording, he tapped his meat against Tom's face. "Who's hungry? Yeah, that's it." He sighed encouragement as Tom's tongue lashed at his dick, then wiggled it against the tip. Pressing his thumb against the base of his shaft, John tilted his stick downward and began feeding it back into Tom's mouth. "Thaaat's my good little tiger, take it all."

A muffled growl came from Tom's throat as it began filling up once more with John's length. The camera caught the sight of the thick pole reappearing, covered in spit, then disappearing back down Tom's gullet. John's thumb glided over to Tom's neck and pressed down...at the same time, he shifted the angle of his hips up a bit. The result was that the movement of his cock was more visible, pressing up against Tom's throat as it journeyed up and down, a bulge shifting and sliding under the skin. "Fuuuuck...that's hot."

Tilting the phone, John slowly filmed Tom's nude body, the muscles flexing as his body twisted in pleasure. His cock stuck straight up in the air, looking painfully hard and flushed a dark color, precum flowing freely down the shaft. Angling the phone more, John caught Zayn's dick pumping in and out between Tom's legs, panning up to put Zayn's slim muscles and tattoos on display, finishing with a shot of his cocky grin. "Your turn."

Taking the phone, Zayn zoomed in on Tom's entrance, watching it push and pull as his member drove in and out. He pulled back with his hips very slowly, watching as his cock reappeared, the very edge of his large head peeking at Tom's hole. The bulbed knob tugged at Tom's sphincter, which squeezed in eager need. Just as slowly, Zayn buried himself back inside, grinding his hips to drive the other man crazy. Tilting the phone, he zoomed in on Tom's dick, a stream of clear fluid leaking down towards his balls. On camera, a finger reached out to play with the cock nectar, smearing it around the head and then down the shaft. The view shifted up over Tom's chest, rising and falling as his body wound up with lust, capturing his moans which were muffled by John's slow face-fucking being delivered at the other end.

Pressing his thumb to the red button, Zayn ended the recording and tossed the phone gently onto Tom's stomach. Reaching down, not letting up his mouth's grip on John's cock, Tom unlocked the phone and fired off the video as a text message to Russell before tossing it back up towards the pillows. Both hands free, he reached back and took hold of John's ass, pulling the other man forward and holding him in place, cock fully buried down his throat, groaning in pleasure.

"Alright, enough playtime. Flip over." Zayn pulled out and pushed Tom's legs to the side, down towards the bed. Pulling off of John's cock, Tom quickly moved onto his hands and knees, grabbing John's member and inhaling it again. His moan sent vibrations down John's rod as Zayn rammed back into his ass. "Time to take the bitch for a ride." Gripping Tom's hips, he pulled back all the way before plunging back inside. John watched as Zayn began hammering Tom's rear with slow but forceful thrusts, the powerful entries causing the bubble butt to bounce every time his hips slapped against the round cheeks. Zayn looked up, catching John's eyes. "Face fuck the little twink. Feed him that fat cock." Seeing John's eyebrow rise questioningly, he grinned. "C'mon, you know he likes it."

Freeing John's manhood from his throat, Tom pulled himself up slowly, licking and sucking the muscles of John's torso as he climbed north. Reaching John's neck, he licked up its length and then nibbled on his ear. "Is that what you want?" John's words whispered against Tom's jaw as he kissed down the bone towards his mouth. Tom looked up, eyes wide and bright, his lust and need on full display in the brown orbs. "Use me." He bit John's chin, the beard tickling his nose. Zayn's banter had woken up his submissive side - all he wanted was to be filled by the two guys in the room. "Please." His tongue ran around John's lips before being replaced by his teeth, which tugged lightly at John's lower lip. A meaty paw gripped his hair, holding him in place as John's tongue dove forward, a deep and hungry kiss.

Tugging Tom's head back by the hair, John looked into his eyes once more. "As you wish." Winking as he made the joking reference, he used his hold on Tom's hair to push him back down on all fours. His other hand joined at the back of Tom's skull, holding him in place as John rammed his member back down Tom's throat. A long satisfied moan from below turned into a slight choking sound as his balls came to rest against Tom's chin. He held Tom's head in place, shifting his hips side to side. "That's what you want?" Tom's head nodded up and down as best it could, pinned in place by hands and cock, some muffled sound of affirmation coming out of his stretched and stuffed mouth.

Relaxing his grip, John kept his hands on Tom's head and held it as he began driving in and out. The room was filled with the sounds of Zayn's body smacking against Tom's, wet choking and slurping as Tom took in John's face-fucking, and the moans and signs from all three men. Between the tight confines of Tom's throat and watching the hot show of Zayn pounding that cute round butt, John soon felt his balls begin to boil. His pace slowed into long forceful strokes in and out of Tom's mouth as he began reaching the point of no return. Sensing the change, Tom raked one hand up and down his chest and abs, egging him on. Just before he went over the cliff, John pulled back, using one hand to stroke his cock while the other kept a firm grip in Tom's hair. A shot of white fluid splattered across Tom's cheek, followed by another on his chin. Lips closed around John's head and began sucking, hungrily swallowing the rest of the load that erupted out of his balls. Spent, John watched as Tom kept feeding, his cum-splattered face working to draw out every last drop. Stroking Tom's hair affectionately, John let him work his mouth until his dick became too sensitive to take any more. Ruffling the wavy brown locks, John withdrew, his softening meat falling from Tom's lips. "Damn, kid. You're good." Stepping back, he sat on the bench next to Emily's armchair, interested in watching the "Zayn and Tom Sex Show" unfold.

Zayn's hands slid up Tom's sides until they reached his ribs, wrapping around to get a grip and pull him upright. "Good? He's one of the best." If Tom's features weren't already flushed from sexual energy, they would have blushed - it was rare that Zayn actually gave a compliment. The dark pink tongue slid over Tom's shoulder, up his neck and along his jaw, tilting the head to lap over his chin. His light brown eyes on John, Zayn held the other man's gaze as he feasted on the juices he'd left splashed on Tom's cute features. His lips and tongue slowly cleaned the jizz from Tom's chin and cheek, hips thrusting to fill the hungry bottom's hole. Finished with clean-up, Zayn used his thumb at Tom's chin to open his mouth, planting his own there and shoving his tongue in, getting to taste more of John's seed. The entire time, he kept his eyes locked on John's, a dark hunger shining through.

Pulling away from Tom's mouth, he licked his lips as he dropped the other man back onto all fours. "Damn John, you taste pretty good."

"Thanks." John grinned, scratching at his chest as he continued watching the other pair. Zayn picked up the pace, hands gripping Tom's ass as he began a slow hard pounding. One hand would occasionally wander around, admiring the round globes or muscled lower back, stroking up and down the taut thighs before finding its way back to Tom's hip.

"It's a hot, interesting little mix there." Emily made the observation quietly, not wanting to disrupt the action on the bed.

"How so?" John matched her low tone, curious if her thoughts about the pairing in front of them matched his own.

"Tom - he's so 'cute innocent boy next door'..."

"But, with a wild side."

"Exactly. And his little puppy dog cuteness just makes it that much hotter."

"And Zayn?"

Emily let out a long heavy breath, her only indication of the crazy evening she and Kylie had spent with the sexy singer. "Well, if Tom is the boy next door, he's the bad boy stud down the street."

Her husband chuckled at the notion. "The tattoos?"

The head beside him nodded. "Those. The attitude. The...the way he works his hips while fucking. The roughness. But...". John looked over, curious. "...bad boy there has a sweet side. It's like he's the reverse of Holland. See, there?"

Zayn's hand caressed Tom's side once more, the power of his thrusts diminishing as his fingers wandered.

"Ah, see what you mean. I'm kinda curious about the whole thing between them - like, they know each other but there's some chemistry and hostility at the same time. And those parties that Zayn mentioned... Tom seemed to cut him off."

His wife grinned, full of knowing mischief. "Why - you want to go?"

"Maybe." John grinned, imagination running wild.

Back on the bed, Zayn used his knees to knock Tom's legs a few inches further apart, opening up his ass a little more. "Fuck, Holland. You're god-damned fucking tight." Zayn drilled in and out, loving the way that Tom occasionally squeezed his ass to grip the pole on its way back out. "No wonder Russell keeps this ass on a tight leash."

"Oh - yeah, we were curious about that." He looked up at Emily's question.

"Mmm...Tom here has a pretty good time at them, don't you buddy?" He patted Tom's rear as the other man moaned, focused on the cock instead of the conversation.

"And you?"

Zayn's lips curled up in a devilish smile. "Oh, I have a pretty good time too."

"And this, uh..." John nodded towards the bed. "...this is an idea of what happens at the parties?"

The smile broadened, Zayn's short beard stretching around his teeth, tongue licking his upper lip as fond memories flew through his mind. "Yeah. Something like this." He rammed into Tom's hole as if driving home a point. "Although Tom here usually looks a little different." He chuckled as two pairs of eyebrows rose up, curiosity piqued. "Tom, why don't you tell them what you wear to our little parties?"

Tom's cheeks somehow darkened as he blushed again. "I think...mmmm....I think they'd rather just see us fucking than talking, don't you think?"

The hips slammed against his ass just as fingers gripped his hair, tugging him up so that he was looking directly at John and Emily. The hand kept a tight grip as the cock rammed in with force once more. Emily's small gasp of surprise caught Zayn's attention. "Oh, don't worry." His eyebrows furrowed with determination, a glint of irritation crossing his features as his lip curled. "Tom-Tom likes it a little rough. John's seen that, haven't you?" A grinding of his hips brought out a moan from Tom, as John nodded in agreement. He used his grasp on Tom's hair to pull him upright again, bodies pressed together. "So, do you want to tell them what you wear to the parties?"

"A...". Tom cleared his throat, a little embarrassed. "...um, a harness." The couples' eyebrows both went up again, making a mental picture.

Zayn's hand patted approvingly against his chest. "Good boy. A cute little leather one." His fingers traced an outline of where the straps lay against Tom's torso. "And..."

The blush deepened further on Tom's cheeks. "Er..." The fingers in his hair tightened their grip. "...a, uh...collar." He felt a finger slide across his throat, right where the leather band usually hung.

"It's a charming little look. Especially on this adorable little stud." Zayn let go, his hand sliding down between Tom's shoulders and applying pressure to push him back down onto his hands and knees. "Well, charming...and rather hot." His hands slid up to Tom's shoulders, gripping them as he began drilling Tom's hole again, soft moans rolling out of Tom's mouth. Zayn's thrusts became harder and harder, sharp slapping sounds filling the room whenever his hips met Tom's rear.

He curled his body down, over Tom's back, his lips nestled near the other man's cheek. "Yeah, little pup." His breath hit Tom's ear, whispered growls that he could hear but in a hushed tone that the other two couldn't quite make out. "...your owner isn't here right now, is he?" Tom whimpered as Zayn swiveled his hips, the full seven inches buried inside, the knobbed head churning his guts. "Who owns this ass right now?"

Tom moaned, lost in lust as Zayn worked his insides. The cock twitched inside as the grip on his shoulders tightened. "I said, who owns...". Zayn's hips pulled up. "...this ass...". He slammed back down, nearly pushing Tom down to the mattress with the power of his thrust. "...right now?"

"Unghh.....oh fuck...". His ass spasmed in pleasure at the workout Zayn was giving it. "...fuck, you do. It's yours...right now...ohhh, fuck."

He felt Zayn move back upright, his hands staying on Tom's shoulders. "That's right. I do." His hands pressed down, pushing Tom's shoulders - his face was down against the mattress with his plump ass sticking up in the air. "Show them."

Tom began twisting his hips, grinding back against Zayn's waist. Bending his back, he pulled his body down, revealing Zayn's cock as it emerged from his hole. When he felt the big round head nearing the exit, he began pushing his hips back up, his ass swallowing Zayn's manhood. He repeated the motion, again and again, working his body to take Zayn's pipe. Zayn rolled his head back, eyes closed and moaning. Down below, the sound of Tom's hungry whimpers were music to his ears.

"And tell them how you want it."

Tom's words came hot and heavy, muffled with his face pressed into the bed. "Hard."

"Thaaaaat's the Holland I know." Zayn shoved his cock home, earning a squeal of pleasure. He pulled back and slammed in again, and again.


Zayn's smile grew wide as he rammed back in as hard as he could, rocking Tom's body and the bed. He continued pounding away at Tom's hole for all he was worth, sweat breaking out over his entire body. His head rolled back, throat working as the word "fuck" kept rolling out of it. Tom's body writhed in pleasure, fingers twisted in the sheets, moaning and whimpering as Zayn plowed his ass. The headboard continued smacking against the wall and a pillow slid off the side, hitting the floor.

"Daaaaamn." John dragged out the word, impressed.

"I would not have pegged our little Tom here as such a horn dog. Wow." Emily's mouth was slightly open, both impressed and a little turned on.

"He's our friendly neighborhood bottom. Isn't that right, Spidey-Tom?" Zayn grinned, chuckling at his own joke. Tom groaned both in pleasure at the cock in his ass and the pain of Zayn's pun.

He continued pummeling Tom's rear, enjoying its amazingly tight confines hugging his cock, and secretly admiring the slim muscles of Tom's back and the very round muscles of his rear. "Gods, I could spend all day munching away at that. Fuck you Russell, you lucky fucker." Both boys were drenched in sweat, hair matted to their scalps, the shine of perspiration showing off their bodies even better.

Zayn gasped as his orgasm hit, pulling out and coating Tom's hole with a shot of cum. He had a brief moment to admire the sight before he drove back into the hilt, unloading deep inside. Tom moaned and panted, feeling Zayn's juices coating his insides, the rod of hard flesh jerking deep in his ass with each shot. The muscles of Zayn's body stood out as his body went tense, head back and roaring as he continued releasing his nuts inside Tom at last. His hands gripped Tom's waist tightly as he held the firm ass in place, planting his seed. After what seemed like a blissful eternity, his body went limp. Slumping down over Tom's back, he nuzzled his cheek, the short whiskers of his dark brown beard tickling Tom's face.

His nose and mouth continued downward, over the neck and shoulders, an abrupt shift to gentleness after the rough ride he'd given Tom for the last half hour. Small kisses planted down Tom's back. Coming back to reality, Tom blinked and his body stiffened a little, aware of what was coming next, witnessing Zayn in action before. A couple of tender kisses landed against his left butt cheek, showing sweet affection. The lips of Zayn's mouth spread wider, his tongue lapping at the firm flesh...before baring his teeth and sinking them against Tom's rear. Tom grunted, pain mixed with pleasure as Zayn held on, his jaw working as it tightened before finally letting go, followed by another kiss right where he'd left his mark. Sitting upright, he stroked Tom's ass with his hand, admiring the two red lines standing out against Tom's pale rear.

Taking Tom by the waist, he gently rolled him over onto his back, licking his way up the thick thighs. Nuzzling Tom's balls, he looked up over the little muscled stud, catching John's eyes again and waved him over. The larger man settled onto the bed next to him, both laying down as they lapped their tongues around Tom's balls and up his shaft, their victim squirming in pleasure.

Sucking at Tom's cock, Zayn took John's hand and curled all the fingers down except two, guiding them between Tom's legs. Tom lifted his hips, anticipating the move, and sighed as John's thick digits slid inside. His hips worked up and down, riding John's hand and Zayn's mouth. Smiling around Tom's dick, Zayn's hand moved down and cupped John's, holding it in place with just his fingertips inside Tom's hole. His fingers slid down the length of John's own, pushing to join him inside Tom. Gripping John's hand, he pushed forward, their four fingers making a little hammer that entered Tom, stretching his entrance. The result was a deliciously long moan above their heads as their fingers worked together to tease Tom's ass.

Their mouths worked up his shaft, meeting at the head as they kissed around his knob. John planted his palm against the back of Zayn's head and pushed him down, making deep throat the seven quivering inches. Spreading Tom's legs further apart, John made enough room to be able to lick at the younger man's balls while Zayn continued working his pole.

Between all the sensations assaulting Tom's crotch, it wasn't long before John felt the nuts beneath his tongue begin to pull up. He sucked harder on them, feeling them flex in his mouth as Tom began shooting down Zayn's throat. Glancing up, he saw Zayn's adam's apple bobbing up and down as he swallowed Tom's load. Remembering how much the kid could shoot, John was impressed - when he felt Tom's body relax, he looked up to find that Zayn hadn't spilled a single drop.

"How's he taste?"

"Sweet." Zayn barely got the word out as his face dove down, meeting John's as their lips locked. Pressing his tongue forward, he delivered some of Tom's juices, which John eagerly swallowed. Their kiss continued as their bodies shifted up, finally coming even with Tom's mouth and joining into a three-way wrestling match of tongues and lips.

Breaking away first, Tom's head fell back against the bed. "Fuuuuuuck..."

"You'll have to wait a bit before the next round." John rolled his eyes but laughed at Zayn's humor. They both propped themselves up on their elbows on either side of Tom's body. Zayn tenderly trailed a finger up and down Tom's torso.

"So...Tom and I were talking about hanging out for the weekend. Do you want...". John's question was cut off as Tom's phone beeped and the other man bolted up into a sitting position, finding his phone and plopping back down onto his back. Tapping the screen, his lips slightly moving as he soundlessly read the text to himself.

Grinning, Tom tilted the phone down, peering over the top at the other two. "So..." he paused, his smile widening a bit. "...Russell texted." Zayn's thick eyebrows rose up in anticipation. "And he asked if you guys are interested in a private party for the weekend." He glanced at Zayn, mischief and humor glinting across his eyes at the reference to the events Zayn kept mentioning. "Just the four of us." He tilted his head back, acknowledging the other person in the room. "Sorry Emily - boys only." His lip shifted down into a slight frown, feeling a bit put off at the idea of excluding a friend.

"Don't be silly." Emily smiled, touched at Tom's concern. "Kylie's resting..." she glanced up at Zayn "...in an hour or two she'll be up for some more adventuring. We'll find something to keep up occupied, don't worry." She rose, patting Tom on the cheek. "I appreciate the thought though. You boys have fun." She leaned down, kissing Tom lightly on the forehead. Rising slightly, she brought her lips to Zayn's, her tongue sliding into his mouth, memories of the previous night filling both their minds. "Mmm...you're right. Sweet." Winking, she ruffled Zayn's mop of hair before turning to her husband and planting another kiss on his lips, her hand stroking his beard. "Have lots of fun. And fill me in later."

"Yes ma'am." The three men watched as she glided out of the room, the sounds of texting on her phone fading with distance and then the sound of the hotel room opening and closing.

John closed the distance to kiss Zayn once again - he felt Zayn's hand on his head, nudging down to return them to join with Tom. They shuffled around the bed, a constantly moving tumble of arms and legs. Finally breaking the kiss, Tom slid out from beneath the mess of limbs and headed for the bathroom. The sound of the shower running was followed by his voice calling from the other room. "C'mon guys, have to get clean if we're going to get dirty again." John and Zayn looked at one another, rolling their eyes but chuckling as they climbed off of the bed to join Tom in the shower.

The End...for now

Thanks for reading. If you enjoyed the story, have feedback, or want to share ideas, it would be great to hear from you. red.cheshire@yahoo.com Find me on Instagram @redcheshire

If you're interested in other stories I've written:

"Suckered by a Jonas Brother" (sexual adventures of Nick & Joe Jonas) https://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/celebrity/suckered-by-a-jonas-brother/

"More Than Once Upon A Time" series (series based on the "Once Upon A Time" television series) http://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/celebrity/more-than-once-upon-a-time/

"On The Set of Neighbors" (Zac Efron & Dave Franco have fun - based on the 2014 films "Neighbors" and "Neighbors 2") http://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/celebrity/on-the-set-of-neighbors

"Exploring Kirk's Frontiers" (based on the 2009 "Star Trek" universe) https://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/celebrity/exploring-kirks-frontiers

"The College Bet" http://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/college/the-college-bet

Next: Chapter 8

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